61" x 61"
Skill Level: Intermediate Finished Quilt Size: 61" x 61"
2 Kaleidoscope panels
Use the 11"-square template to cut A, B and C panels.
• Fussy-cut (3) 11" square A designs, matching the
marked centerlines to the top, bottom and side
red points of each design. Cut in quarters to make
(12) 5 1/2" A squares.
• Fussy-cut (4) 11" square B designs, matching the
marked centerlines to the top, bottom and side
gold diamonds of each design.
• Fussy-cut (1) 11" square C design, matching the
marked centerlines to the top, bottom and side
gold shields of each design. Cut in quarters to
make (4) 5 1/2" C squares.
1 1/4 yards black solid 2 yards blue/pink stripe
• 1 strip 8 1/4" x WOF; cut into (1) 8 1/4" square Apply a heavy coat of spray starch to the fabric and
and (2) 8" squares. Cut the 8 1/4" square twice press dry before cutting.
diagonally to make 4 side triangles. Cut the 8" • Cut (4) identical 9 1/2" x 15 1/2" rectangles using
squares in half diagonally to make 4 corner the prepared template and referring to the
triangles. diagram. Match the diagonal lines on
• 8 strips 1 1/4" x WOF; trim to 30 1/2" lengths. the template to the black stripes between the blue
• 7 strips 2 1/4" x WOF for binding. and pink stripes.
• Turn the template wrong side up and cut 4 reverse
2 3/4 yards orange/green stripe identical rectangles (R) referring to the diagram.
Apply a heavy coat of spray starch to the fabric and
press dry before cutting.
• Cut (4) identical 5 1/2" x 26" rectangles using the
prepared template and referring to the diagram.
Match the diagonal lines on the template to the
black stripe between the orange and green
• Turn the template wrong side up and cut 4 reverse
identical rectangles (R) referring to the diagram.
• Cut (4) 15 7/8" triangles using the prepared
template. Match the line on the template to the
black stripe between the orange and green
• 1 piece 77" x 77"
Completing the Quilt Center
Use a 1/4" seam allowance for all stitching. Press seams as directed.
1. Sew 2 A squares together on the black edges to make a 5 1/2" x 10 1/2" strip. Press seam to 1 side. Repeat to
make a second strip. Join the strips to complete the 10 1/2" x 10 1/2" center unit. Press seam to 1 side.
Center Unit
2. Stitch 2 A squares together on the print edges to make a 5 1/2" x 10 1/2" side strip. Press seam to 1 side.
Repeat to make 4 side strips.
3. Sew a side strip to opposite sides of the center unit to complete the 10 1/2" x 20 1/2" diagonal center row.
Press seams toward the center unit.
4. Stitch a black side triangle to the ends of the 2 remaining side strips. Press seams toward the triangles. Sew
the pieced strips to the long sides of the center row. Press seams toward the pieced strips.
5. Center and sew a black corner triangle to each angled edge of the pieced unit to complete the 21 3/4" x
21 3/4" Medallion block. Press seams toward the triangles.
Medallion Block
6. Referring to the exploded quilt diagram, center and stitch a 15 7/8" orange/green stripe triangle to opposite
sides of the Medallion block. Press seams toward the triangles. Repeat on the remaining sides of the block to
complete the 30 1/2" x 30 1/2" quilt center. Press seams toward the triangles.
Completing the Quilt
Refer to the exploded quilt diagram throughout the following steps.
1. Sew a blue/pink
stripe rectangle to a
reverse (R) blue/pink
stripe rectangle to make
a 9 1/2" x 30 1/2" strip,
matching the stripe at the
seam. Press seam to one
side. Repeat to make 4
strips. Stitch a 1 1/4" x
30 1/2" black strip to
opposite long sides of
each pieced strip to
complete (4) 11" x
30 1/2" border strips.
Press seams toward the
black strips.
2. Stitch a border
strip to the left and right
sides of the quilt center.
Press seams toward the
strips. Sew an 11" B
square to each end of the
remaining border strips.
Press seams toward the
border strips. Stitch the
strips to the top and
bottom of the quilt
center. Press seams
toward the strips.
3. Sew an orange/green stripe rectangle to a reverse (R) orange/green stripe rectangle to make a 5 1/2" x 51 1/2"
border strip, matching the stripe at the seam. Press seam to one side. Repeat to make 4 border strips.
4. Stitch a border strip to the right and left sides of the quilt center. Press seams toward the strips. Sew a 5 1/2"
C square to each end of the remaining border strips. Press seams toward the border strips. Stitch the strips to the top
and bottom to complete the quilt top. Press seams toward the strips.
5. If using 42" backing fabric, remove the selvage edges from the backing pieces. Join the pieces on the long
edges with a 1/2" seam allowance. Press seam open. Trim to make a 77" x 77" backing piece.
6. Layer the top with the backing and batting pieces. Quilt as desired. Trim batting and backing even with the
7. Join the black solid binding strips on the short ends with diagonal seams to make a long strip. Press seams in
one direction. Press the strip in half along the length with wrong sides together.
8. Bind the quilt edges using your favorite method to complete the quilt.