On Symmetric and Periodic Solutions of Parametric Weakly Nonlinear ODE With Time-Reversal Symmetries

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On symmetric and periodic solutions of

parametric weakly nonlinear ODE with

time-reversal symmetries

Nataliya Dilna∗ Michal Fečkan†


We show the existence of periodic and symmetric solutions of parametric

weakly nonlinear ODE possessing time-reversal symmetries. Local asymp-
totic behaviours of these solutions are established as well. Concrete examples
are presented to illustrate the general theory.

1 Introduction
We consider the systems of differential equations under symmetric assumptions.
More concretely, we consider a weakly nonlinear ordinary differential equation
of the form
ẋ = ε f ( x, µ, t), x ∈ R n , t ∈ R (1.1)
with parameters ε ∈ R, µ ∈ R k , where ε is small, and with a C∞ -smooth function
f : R n+k+1 → R n symmetric in x, i.e. it holds

A f ( x, µ, t) = − f ( Ax, µ, −t − τ ) , (1.2)
∗ Thefirst author was supported in part by the Fond of Štefan Schwarz and by the Grants
VEGA-SAV 2/0124/10 and APVV-0134-10.
† The second author was supported in part by the Grants VEGA-MS 1/0098/08, VEGA-SAV

2/0124/10 and APVV-0414-07.

Received by the editors February 2011.
Communicated by J. Mawhin.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification : 34C14, 34C15, 34D20.
Key words and phrases : Periodic solution, symmetric systems, stability of solution, parametric

Bull. Belg. Math. Soc. Simon Stevin 18 (2011), 896–923

Symmetric Solutions 897

where A : R n → R n is a regular linear map, τ ∈ R is fixed and, moreover,

function f is T-periodic on t, i.e. it holds
f ( x, µ, t) = f ( x, µ, t + T ). (1.3)
A survey of dynamical systems with time-reversal symmetries is given in [21].
Note condition (1.2) represents such a kind of symmetry for (1.1).
On the other hand, there are several papers [15, 16, 24, 30, 34, 35] studying
ODE with symmetries when (1.2) is replaced with the following assumption
A f ( Ax, µ, t) = − f ( x, µ, −t − τ ) . (1.4)
Moreover, most of these papers suppose additional condition A2 = I, and then
(1.4) is called as property E. Furthermore, clearly property E is our assumption
(1.2) with A2 = I. Consequently, our results are generalizations of some earlier
results for weakly nonlinear ordinary differential equations with property E.
g( x, µ, t) := f ( x, µ, t − τ/2)
satisfies (1.2) with τ = 0, so without loss of generality, we suppose
A f ( x, µ, t) = − f ( Ax, µ, −t) (1.5)
instead of (1.2). We introduce a vector space
n o
1 n +1
X := x ∈ C (R, R ) | x (t) = Ax (−t) ∀t ∈ R . (1.6)

Definition 1. By a symmetric solution x of equation (1.1) we mean x ∈ X satisfying

this equation.
The main goal of this paper is to find symmetric and periodic solutions (see
Section 4) for equation (1.1) and to study their asymptotic properties (see Sections
5 and 6). We also present examples to illustrate the theory in Section 8.
The results presented in this note are also generalizations of achievements for
anti-periodic problems with A = −I [1, 2], and continuations of [13]. Doubly
symmetric solutions of reversible systems are studied in [28]. Symmetric proper-
ties of periodic solutions of nonlinear nonautonomous ordinary differential equa-
tions are studied also in [9, 10, 11]. We can also apply numerical methods from
[31] for computation of symmetric solutions of (1.1). More results on periodic
solutions in dynamical systems and ordinary differential equations are presented
in [12, 23, 32].
Furthermore, when in addition, f is odd in x, i.e. it holds
f (− x, µ, t) = − f ( x, µ, t) , (1.7)
then we extend our result to the study of antisymmetric and periodic solutions of
(1.1), i.e. satisfying (cf Section 7)
− x (−t) = Ax (t) ∀t ∈ R (1.8)
instead of x ∈ X.
Finally, results of this paper are closely related to bifurcations of periodic so-
lutions presented in the books [7, 6, 14, 20, 36], but we remind that we also study
asymptotic properties of found periodic solutions of (1.1), not just their existence.
898 N. Dilna – M. Fečkan

2 Classical Results on Existence of Periodic Solutions

Before studying the existence of symmetric and periodic solutions of (1.1), we

recall the following classical results [27, 33].

Theorem 1. If there exist η̄0 ∈ R n and µ̄0 ∈ R k such that

f (η̄0 , µ̄0 , s) ds = 0 and Dη,µ f (η̄0 , µ̄0 , s) ds : R n+k → R n is onto . (2.1)
0 0

Then there are decompositions R k = X̄1 ⊕ X̄2 , R n = Ȳ1 ⊕ Ȳ2 with dim X̄1 + dim Ȳ1 =
n and constants ε̄ 0 > 0, δ̄10 > 0, δ̄20 > 0, δ̄30 > 0, δ̄40 > 0 along with unique C∞ -
smooth functions µ̄1 (η2 , µ2 , ε) ∈ X̄1 , η̄1 (η2 , µ2 , ε) ∈ Ȳ1 , ε ∈ (−ε̄ 0 , ε̄ 0 ), |µ2 − µ̄02 | <δ̄20 ,
|η2 − η̄20 | < δ̄40 such that 
µ̄1 (η̄20 , µ̄02 , 0) = µ̄01 , η̄1 (η̄20 , µ̄02 , 0) = η̄10 for µ̄0 = µ̄01 , µ̄02 ∈
X̄1 × X̄2 , η̄0 = η̄10 , η̄20 ∈ Ȳ1 × Ȳ2 with the following properties: For any |µ1 − µ̄01 | <
δ̄10 , |µ2 − µ̄02 | < δ̄20 , |η1 − η̄10 | < δ̄30 , |η2 − η̄20 | < δ̄40 and 0 < |ε| < ε̄ 0 , equation
(1.1) has a T-periodic solution with x (0) = (η1 , η2 ) if and only if µ1 = µ̄1 (η2 , µ2 , ε),
η1 = η̄1 (η2 , µ2 , ε), moreover this solution is unique and located near η̄0 .

Theorem 2. If there are compact subsets Ω ⊂ R n and Γ ⊂ R k such that

min f ( x, µ, s) ds > 0 ,
x ∈Ω,µ ∈Γ 0

then (1.1) has no T-periodic solutions in Ω for any ε 6= 0 small and µ ∈ Γ.

3 Existence of symmetric solutions

We suppose for simplicity that f is globally Lipschitz continuous in x. From the

Ax (t) = x (−t) (3.1)
we have that
Ax (0) = x (0). (3.2)

Lemma 1. A solution x of (1.1) is symmetric if and only if it satisfies (3.2).

Proof. Let us put

y(t) := A−1 x (−t).
Then, taking into account (1.5), we get

ẏ (t) = − A−1 ẋ (−t) = − A−1 ε f ( x (−t), µ, −t) = ε f ( A−1 x (−t), µ, t) = ε f (y(t), µ, t)

y (0 ) = A − 1 x (0 ) = x (0 ).
So x (t) = y(t). Consequently, (3.1) holds.
Symmetric Solutions 899

Remark 1. It follows from the above considerations that any symmetric and
T-periodic solution is not asymptotically stable, but it can be stable (cf Exam-
ple 2). Moreover, if a symmetric and T-periodic solution is hyperbolic then the
dimensions of its stable and unstable manifolds are equal and so n is even.
From (3.2) we have
x (0) ∈ ker(I − A).
Let us consider equation (1.1) with initial value condition
x (0) = η, η ∈ ker(I − A) (3.3)
and take its unique C∞ -smooth solution x (η, ε, µ, t), x : ker(I − A) × R × R k ×
R → R n . Summarizing we arrive at the following result.
Theorem 3. The Cauchy problem (1.1), (3.3) has a unique C∞ -smooth solution x (η, ε, µ, t)
which is also symmetric, and any symmetric solution x (t) of (1.1) satisfies (3.3).

4 Existence of symmetric and periodic solutions

If x (t) is T-periodic and satisfying (3.1) then we get
x (T/2) = x (− T/2) = Ax (T/2) ,
x (T/2) ∈ ker(I − A) . (4.1)
On the other hand, if x (η, ε, µ, T/2) ∈ ker(I − A) then
x (η, ε, µ, − T/2) = x (η, ε, µ, T/2) ,
so x (η, ε, µ, t) is T-periodic. Consequently, in order to find symmetric and peri-
odic solutions of (1.1), we have to study the following equation
F(η, µ, ε) := Sx (η, ε, µ, T/2) = 0 , (4.2)
where I − S : R n → ker(I − A) is a A-invariant projection, i.e. AS = SA. Let
V := ker(I − S) .
p := dim V = n − dim ker(I − A) .
F(η, µ, 0) = Sη = 0,
we solve equation
F(η, µ, ε) = 0, ε 6= 0. (4.3)
To state the next results we introduce the following function
H1 (η, µ) := Dε F(η, µ, 0).
Now we suppose that
m := dim ker(I − A) + k ≥ p. (4.4)
Then note H1 ∈ C∞ (R m , R p ).
900 N. Dilna – M. Fečkan

Remark 2. Let us consider decomposition

x (η, ε, µ, t) = η + εx1 (η, µ, t) + ε2 x2 (η, µ, t) + ε3 x3 (η, µ, t) + . . . (4.5)

for the Cauchy problem (1.1), (3.3). Then we get

ẋ1 (η, µ, t) + ε ẋ2 (η, µ, t) + ε2 ẋ3 (η, µ, t) + . . . 

= f η + εx1 (η, µ, t) + ε2 x2 (η, µ, t) + ε3 x3 (η, µ, t) + · · · , µ, t , (4.6)
x j (η, µ, 0) = 0 ∀ j ∈ N.

Putting ε = 0 in (4.6), we have

Z t
x1 (η, µ, t) = f (η, µ, s)ds . (4.7)

Similarly, differentiating (4.6) by ε once and twice at ε = 0, we derive

Z t Z s
x2 (η, µ, t) = Dx f (η, µ, s) f (η, µ, z)dzds , (4.8)
0 0

Z t Z s Z z
x3 (η, µ, t) = Dx f (η, µ, s) Dx f (η, µ, z) f (η, µ, u)dudzds
0 0 0
Z  Z s Z s  (4.9)
1 t
+ Dxx f (η, µ, s) f (η, µ, z)dz, f (η, µ, z)dz ds ,
2 0 0 0

Then, taking into account (4.7), we return to (4.2)
Z T/2
H1 (η, µ) = Dε F(η, µ, 0) = Sx1 (η, µ, T/2) = S f (η, µ, s)ds.

Next, (1.5) implies

Z T/2 Z T/2
AH1 (η, µ) = AS f (η, µ, s)ds = −S f ( Aη, µ, −s)ds
0 0
Z T/2 Z T
= −S f (η, µ, T − s)ds = −S f (η, µ, s)ds
0 T/2
= −S f (η, µ, s)ds + H1 (η, µ).

By using 1 ∈
/ σ( A/V ) and H1 (η, µ) ∈ V, we derive
H1 (η, µ) = (I − A) S f (η, µ, s)ds . (4.10)

We first study the nondegenerate case:

Symmetric Solutions 901

4.1 The case ker(I − A) = {0}

Then S = I and by (4.4), m = k ≥ p = n. Now we can prove the following result.

Theorem 4. If there exists µ0 ∈ R k such that
Z T/2 Z T/2
f (0, µ0 , s) ds = 0 and Dµ f (0, µ0 , s) ds : R k → R n is onto . (4.11)
0 0

Then there is a decomposition R k = X1 ⊕ X2 with dim X1 = n and constants ε 0 > 0,

δ10 > 0, δ20 > 0 along with a unique C∞ -smooth function µ1 (µ2 ,ε) ∈ X1 , ε ∈ (−ε 0 , ε 0 ),
|µ2 − µ02 | < δ20 such that µ1 (µ02 , 0) = µ01 for µ0 = µ01 , µ02 ∈ X1 × X2 with the
following properties: For any |µ1 − µ01 | < δ10 , |µ2 − µ02 | < δ20 and 0 < |ε| < ε 0 ,
equation (1.1) has a T-periodic and symmetric solution if and only if µ1 = µ1 (µ2 , ε),
moreover this solution is unique, so that it is given by x (0, ε, µ1 (µ2 , ε), µ2 , t) and thus it
is located near 0 in R n .
Proof. By (4.11) there is a decomposition R k = X1 ⊕ X2 with dim X1 = n such
that Z T/2 
0 0
det Dµ1 f (0, µ1 , µ2 , s) ds 6= 0 ,
where µ = (µ1 , µ2 ) ∈ X1 × X2 . We set a function
G ( µ1 , µ2 , ε ) = ε F (0, µ1 , µ2 , ε) for ε 6= 0,
H1 (0, µ1 , µ2 ) for ε = 0.
Clearly that G is C∞ -smooth. We solve
G (µ1 , µ2 , ε) = 0. (4.12)
From our assumptions we have
G (µ01 , µ02 , 0) = H1 (0, µ01 , µ02 ) = 0
det Dµ1 G (µ01 , µ02 , 0) = det Dµ1 H1 (0, µ01 , µ02 ) 6= 0.
Now applying Implicit Function Theorem on (4.12) the proof is finished.
Using topological degree methods from [25] we can get the next result.
Theorem 5. Assume a decomposition R k = X1 ⊕ X2 with dim X1 = n and the
existence of an open bounded subset Ω ⊂ X1 along with µ02 ∈ X2 such that 0 ∈ /
0 0
H1 (0, ∂Ω, µ2 ) and deg( H1 (0, ·, µ2 ), Ω, 0) 6= 0, then for any small ε 6= 0 and µ2 near
µ02 there exists µ1 (µ2 , ε) ∈ Ω such that (1.1) with µ1 = µ1 (µ2 , ε) has a T-periodic and
symmetric solution.
Next we have the following result.

Theorem 6. Assume ker (I − A) = ker I − A2 = {0}. Then x (t) = 0 is the only
symmetric solution of (1.1) for any ε 6= 0 small.

Proof. By (1.5) we obtain A2 f (0, µ, t) = f (0, µ, t) and so f (0, µ, t) ∈ ker I − A2 .
Hence f (0, µ, t) = 0 and the proof is finished.
902 N. Dilna – M. Fečkan

4.2 The case ker(I − A) 6= {0}

Then p = dim V < n. We recall (4.4). Now we are ready to prove the following
Theorem 7. If there exist η0 ∈ ker(I − A) and µ0 ∈ R k such that
Z T/2 Z T/2
S f (η0 , µ0 , s) ds = 0 and S Dµ f (η0 , µ0 , s) ds : R m → R p is onto .
0 0
Then there are decompositions Rk = X1 ⊕ X2 , ker(I − A) = Y1 ⊕ Y2 with dim X1 +
dim Y1 = n and constants ε 0 > 0, δ10 > 0, δ20 > 0, δ30 > 0, δ40 > 0 along with
unique C∞ -smooth functions µ1 (η2 , µ2 , ε) ∈ X1 , η1 (η2 , µ2 , ε) ∈ Y1 , ε ∈ (−ε 0 , ε 0 ),
|µ2 − µ02 | < δ20 , |η2 − η20 | < δ40 such that 0 0 0 0 0 0
 µ1 (η2 , µ2 , 0) = µ1 , η1 (η2 , µ2 , 0) = η1 for
0 0 0 0
µ0 = µ1 , µ2 ∈ X1 × X2 , η0 = η1 , η2 ∈ Y1 × Y2 with the following properties: For
any |µ1 − µ01 | < δ10 , |µ2 − µ02 | < δ20 , |η1 − η10 | < δ30 , |η2 − η20 | < δ40 and 0 < |ε| < ε 0 ,
equation (1.1) with (3.3) has a T-periodic and symmetric solution if and only if µ1 =
µ1 (η2 , µ2 , ε), η1 = η1 (η2 , µ2 , ε), moreover this solution is unique, so that it is given by
x (ε, η2 , µ2 , t) := x (η1 (η2 , µ2 , ε), η2 , ε, µ1 (η2 , µ2 , ε), µ2 , t).
Proof. The proof is very similar to the proof of Theorem 4, so we omit details (cf
[5, 7, 20]).
Similarly we can extend Theorem 5, but we leave this to the reader. Next,
R n = ker (I − A) ⊕ ker (I + A) ⊕ W (4.14)
with AW = W and ±1 ∈
/ σ( A0 ) for A0 := A/W. We note
A(η, y, z) = (η, −y, A0 z) (4.15)
for η ∈ ker(I − A), y ∈ ker(I + A) and z ∈ W. Then (1.5) implies
f 1 (η, y, z, µ, t) = − f 1 (η, −y, A0 z, µ, −t) ,
f 2 (η, y, z, µ, t) = f 2 (η, −y, A0 z, µ, −t) , (4.16)
A0 f 3 (η, y, z, µ, t) = − f 3 (η, −y, A0 z, µ, −t)
f (η, y, z, µ, t) = ( f 1 (η, y, z, µ, t), f 2 (η, y, z, µ, t), f 3 (η, y, z, µ, t))
∈ ker (I − A) × ker (I + A) × W .
Then S(η, y, z) = (0, y, z) and V = ker (I + A) ⊕ W. Moreover from
A20 f 3 (η, y, z, µ, t) = f 3 (η, y, A20 z, µ, t) ,
we have
A20 f 3 (η, y, 0, µ, t) = f 3 (η, y, 0, µ, t) .
So if ker(I − A20 ) = {0} then f 3 (η, y, 0, µ, t) = 0 and symmetric solutions lie in a
subspace ker (I − A) ⊕ ker (I + A). Hence a bifurcation function is reduced to
Z T/2 Z T
Ĥ1 (η, µ) := f 2 (η, 0, 0, µ, t)dt = f 2 (η, 0, 0, µ, t)dt (4.17)
0 2 0

instead of H1 (η, µ) (cf (4.10)).

Symmetric Solutions 903

5 Asymptotic properties of symmetric and periodic solutions:

The case A = −I
In order to investigate asymptotic properties of symmetric and periodic solutions
derived in Section 4, we first consider the case A = −I. Now S = I and (1.5) has
the form
− f ( x, µ, t) = − f (− x, µ, −t) ,
which gives
− Dx f ( x, µ, t) = Dx f (− x, µ, −t) . (5.1)
φ(ξ, µ, ε) := x (ξ, ε, µ, T ) .
Note by Theorem 4 that ξ = 0 is a fixed point of φ(·, µ, ε) if and only if µ =
µ(µ2 , ε) := (µ1 (µ2 , ε), µ2 ) and it corresponds to a unique symmetric and periodic
solution of (1.1) for ε 6= 0 small and µ2 near µ02 . So we set

ψ(ξ, µ2 , ε) := φ(ξ, µ(µ2 , ε), ε) ,

and a linear asymptotic property

 of ξ = 0 for ψ(·, µ2 , ε) is determined by the
spectrum σ Dξ ψ(0, µ2 , ε) of Dξ ψ(0, µ2 , ε). Since (5.1) implies
Dx f (0, µ, t) = 0 ,

the usual first order averaging methods cannot be applied (cf Theorem 13, [27]).
For this reason, from (1.1) we derive

ẋξ (0, ε, µ(µ2 , ε), t) = εAµ2 ,ε (t) xξ (0, ε, µ(µ2 , ε), t)

xξ (0, ε, µ(µ2 , ε), 0) = I ,

Aµ2 ,ε (t) := Dx f ( x (0, ε, µ(µ2 , ε), t), µ(µ2 , ε), t) .
Next it holds
− x (0, ε, µ(µ2 , ε), t) = x (0, ε, µ(µ2 , ε), −t),
x (0, ε, µ(µ2 , ε), t + T ) = x (0, ε, µ(µ2 , ε), t) .
Then (5.1) and (5.3) imply

− Aµ2 ,ε (t) = − Dx f ( x (0, ε, µ(µ2 , ε), t), µ(µ2 , ε), t)

= Dx f (− x (0, ε, µ(µ2 , ε), t), µ(µ2 , ε), −t) (5.4)
= Dx f ( x (0, ε, µ(µ2 , ε), −t), µ(µ2 , ε), −t) = Aµ2 ,ε (−t) .

Aµ2 ,ε (t + T ) = Aµ2 ,ε (t) ,
from the Floquet theory [19] we have

xξ (0, ε, µ(µ2 , ε), t + T ) = xξ (0, ε, µ(µ2 , ε), t) Bµ2 ,ε (5.5)

904 N. Dilna – M. Fečkan

for a regular matrix Bµ2,ε . Moreover, by (5.4), clearly xξ (0, µ(µ2 , ε), ε, −t) satisfies
(5.2), from the uniqueness of initial value problem, it follows

xξ (0, ε, µ(µ2 , ε), −t) = xξ (0, ε, µ(µ2 , ε), t) .

Then (5.5) gives

xξ (0, ε, µ(µ2 , ε), T/2) = xξ (0, ε, µ(µ2 , ε), − T/2) Bµ2 ,ε = xξ (0, ε, µ(µ2 , ε), T/2) Bµ2 ,ε

and so
Bµ2 ,ε = I .
Consequently, we arrive at

xξ (0, ε, µ(µ2 , ε), t + T ) = xξ (0, ε, µ(µ2 , ε), t) ,

that is
Dξ ψ(0, µ2 , ε) = xξ (0, ε, µ(µ2 , ε), T ) = I . (5.6)
Summarizing, we cannot apply the linear asymptotic theory in this case for sym-
metric and periodic solutions. Furthermore, (1.1) implies
Z T  
ψ(ξ, µ2 , ε) = ξ + ε f (ξ, µ0 , t) dt + O ε + |ε(µ2 − µ02 )| ,

which gives
Z T  
Dξξ ψ(0, µ2 , ε) = ε Dxx f (0, µ0 , t) dt + O ε2 + |ε(µ2 − µ02 )| . (5.7)

We immediately arrive at the following result [17, 19, 26].

Theorem 8. Suppose n = 1 in Theorem 4. If in addition

Dxx f (0, µ0 , t) dt 6= 0 ,

then the T-periodic and symmetric solution x (0, ε, µ1 (µ2 , ε), µ2 , t) is a saddle-node.

Proof. We have
Z T   
ξ2 2
ψ(ξ, µ2 , ε) = ξ + ε Dxx f (0, µ0 , t) dt + O ε + |ε(µ2 − µ02 )| 2
ξ + εξ 3
2 0

which immediately gives the proof.

The case n > 1 is more complicated. We intend to apply some results from
papers [3, 4]. First we recall for the reader convenience the following theorem of
Symmetric Solutions 905

Theorem 9. If a mapping F = F1 , F2 ∈ C∞ R × R n−1, R × R n−1 has a form
F1 ( x, y) = x + a0 x2 + x hb0 , yi + h A0 y, yi + O |z|3 ,
2 3
Fj ( x, y) = y + x hb j , yi + h A j y, yi + O |z| , j = 1, 2, · · · , n − 1 ,

where h·, ·i is the usual scalar product on R n−1, F2 = F12 , · · · , Fn2−1 , x ∈ R, y =

(y1 , · · · , yn−1 ) ∈ R n−1, z = ( x, y) ∈ R n , b0 , b j ∈ R n−1, A0 , A j ∈ L R n−1 are

symmetric matrices, a0 < 0 and ℜσ( B) > 0 for B := (b1 , · · · , bn−1 )∗ ∈ L R n−1 .
Then there is a t0 > 0 and a local curve K ∈ C1 ((−t0 , t0 ), R n ) ∩ C∞ ((−t0 , t0 ) \
{0}, R n ) passing through (0, 0) which is invariant for F and the dynamics of F restricted
on K is equivalent  to the local dynamics of a polynomial R : R → R with R(t) =
t + a0 t2 + O t3 . Moreover it holds K (t) = (t, 0) + O(t2 ).

The next theorem gives a condition on F to have the form of (5.8).

Theorem 10. If a mapping F ∈ C∞ (R n , R n ) has a form F(0) = 0, DF(0) = I,

1 2 n 2
2 D F (0) = B 6= 0 and there are λ0 ∈ R, x0 ∈ R , | x0 | = 1 such that B x0 = λ0 x0 .
Then F has a form of (5.8) near 0 for the orthogonal decomposition R n = [ x0 ] ⊕ [ x0 ]⊥ .

Proof. Let P : R n → [ x0 ] be the orthogonal projection. Then z = xx0 + y, x ∈ R,

y ∈ [ x0 ]⊥ , F1 = PF and F2 = QF for Q = I − P. We compute
F2 ( x, y) = QF( xx0 + y) = Q xx0 + y + B( xx0 + y)2 + O |z|3
= y + Q x2 B x02 + 2x B x0 y + B y2 + O |z|3 = y + Q x2 λ0 x0 + 2x B x0 y + B y2
3 2 3
+O |z| = y + 2xQB x0 y + QB y + O |z| ,

and similarly
F1 ( x, y) = PF( xx0 + y) = x + x2 λ0 x0 + 2xPB x0 y + PB y2 + O |z|3 .

We see that F has a form of (5.8) with a0 = λ0 and B = 2QB x0 · |[ x0 ]⊥ . The proof
is finished.

Now we show a perturbation stability condition for (5.8).

Theorem 11. Let a symmetric quadratic mapping B0 : R n → R n have a form 21 D2 F(0)

of (5.8) with a0 < 0 and ℜσ( B) > 0. If a symmetric quadratic mapping B1 : R n → R n
is sufficiently near to B0 then B1 has a form of (5.8) as well.

Proof. It is easy to verify that B0 satisfies assumptions of Theorem 10 for x0 =

(1, 0, · · · , 0) and λ0 = a0 . The vector space of all symmetric and quadratic map-
pings from R n to R n can be identified with R 
M for M := n(n + 1)/2. Then we

consider a mapping H ∈ C∞ R n+1+ M , R n+1 defined by

H(z, λ, B) := B z2 − λz, |z|2 − 1 .
906 N. Dilna – M. Fečkan

Clearly H( x0 , a0 , B0 ) = 0. Next we have

0 = D(z,λ) H( x0 , a0 , B0 )(u, θ ) = (2B0 x0 u − a0 u − θx0 , 2h x0 , ui)

= a0 v + hb0 , wi − θ, hb j , wi − a0 w j , 2v ,
u = (v, w) ∈ R × R n−1, j = 1, 2, · · · , n − 1 ,

when v = 0, Bw = a0 w and θ = hb0 , wi. Since ℜσ( B) > 0, we get w = 0 and then
θ = 0. Consequently, we can apply Implicit Function Theorem for equation

H(z, λ, B1 ) = 0

to obtain its local C∞ -solution z = z(B1 ) and λ = λ(B1 ) for any B1 near B0 .
Then a0 (B1 ) = λ(B1 ) and B(B1 ) = 2QB1 B1 z(B1 ) · |[z(B1 )]⊥ with the orthogonal
projection QB1 : R n → [z(B1 )]⊥ . Note a0 (B0 ) = a0 < 0 and B(B0 ) = B. Hence
ℜσ( B(B1 )) > 0. The proof of Theorem 11 is finished.
Now we can prove the following result.
Theorem 12. Suppose n > 1. Let the assumptions of Theorem 4 be satisfied. If in
addition Z
1 T
B := Dxx f (0, µ0 , t) dt
2 0
has a negative eigenvalue with eigenvector x0 such that ℜσ( B) > 0 for B := 2QB x0 ·
|[ x0 ]⊥ with the orthogonal projection Q : R n → [ x0 ]⊥ then the T-periodic and symmet-
ric solution x (0, ε, µ1 (µ2 , ε), µ2 , t) has a local saddle-node dynamics. Hence it is unstable.
Proof. The proof follows directly from (5.7) and Theorems 9, 10 and 11.
Concrete examples are presented in Section 8.1.

6 Asymptotic properties of symmetric and periodic solutions:

The case A 6= −I

6.1 Hyperbolicity of periodic solutions

To study stability of the T-periodic and symmetric solution of equation (1.1) we

recall the approach of [9, 10, 29]. For this aim we consider a C∞ -mapping

Φε,η2 ,µ2 (η ) := x (η, ε, µ1 (η2 , µ2 , ε), µ2 , T ) for η ∈ R n .

Note Φε,η2 ,µ2 (η (ε, η2 , µ2 )) = η (ε, η2 , µ2 ) for η (ε, η2 , µ2 ) := (η1 (η2 , µ2 , ε), η2 ). By
Remark 2, its linearization at η (ε, η2 , µ2 ) has the decomposition (cf (4.5) and (4.7))
DΦε,η2 ,µ2 (η (ε, η2 , µ2 )) = I + ε Dx f (η0 , µ0 , s)ds
+O ε2 + |ε(η2 − η20 )| + |ε(µ2 − µ02 )| .

By following [9, 27, 29] we obtain the following well-known result.

Symmetric Solutions 907

Theorem 13. For any ε > 0 sufficiently small, the symmetric and T-periodic solution
x (ε, η2 , µ2 , t) of (1.1) from Theorem 7 has the following asymptotic properties:
n R o
• If ℜ σ 0 Dx f (η0 , µ0 , s) ds ⊂ (−∞, 0) then x (ε, η2 , µ2 , t) is asymptoti-
R o
• If ℜ σ 0 Dx f (η0 , µ0 , s) ds ∩ (0, ∞) 6= ∅ then x (ε, η2 , µ2 , t) is unstable.
n R o
• If ℜ σ 0 Dx f (η0 , µ0 , s) ds ⊂ (0, ∞) then x (ε, η2 , µ2 , t) is a repeller.
n R o
• If ℜ σ 0 Dx f (η0 , µ0 , s) ds ∩ {0} = ∅ then x (ε, η2 , µ2 , t) is hyperbolic
with the same hyperbolicity type as 0 Dx f (η0 , µ0 , s) ds.
By (4.16) after some computations we derive
Dη f 1 (η, 0, 0, µ, t) = − Dη f 1 (η, 0, 0, µ, −t), Dy f 1 (η, 0, 0, µ, t) = Dy f 1 (η, 0, 0, µ, −t)
Dz f 1 (η, 0, 0, µ, t) = − Dz f 1 (η, 0, 0, µ, −t) A0 , Dη f 2 (η, 0, 0, µ, t) = Dη f 2 (η, 0, 0, µ, −t)
Dy f 2 (η, 0, 0, µ, t) = − Dy f 2 (η, 0, 0, µ, −t), Dz f 2 (η, 0, 0, µ, t) = Dz f 2 (η, 0, 0, µ, −t) A0
A0 Dη f 3 (η, 0, 0, µ, t) = − Dη f 3 (η, 0, 0, µ, −t)
A0 Dy f 3 (η, 0, 0, µ, t) = Dy f 3 (η, 0, 0, µ, −t)
A0 Dz f 3 (η, 0, 0, µ, t) = − Dz f 3 (η, 0, 0, µ, −t) A0 .
By (6.2) we derive
0 D η f 1 ( η, 0, 0, µ, t ) dt = 0, 0 D y f 1 ( η, 0, 0, µ, t ) dt = 2 0 Dy f 1 (η, 0, 0, µ, t)dt
RT 0 Dz f 1 (η, 0, 0, µ, t)Rdt ( I + A0 ) = 0
RT 0 Dη f 2 (η, 0, 0, µ, t)dt R = 2 0 Dη f 2 (η, 0, 0, µ, t)dt
0 DRy f 2 (η, 0, 0, µ, t)dt = 0, 0 Dz f 2 (η, 0, 0,RT
µ, t)dt (I − A0 ) = 0
(I + A0 ) 0 Dη f 3 (η, 0, 0, µ, t)dt = 0, (I − A0 ) 0 Dy f 3 (η, 0, 0, µ, t)dt = 0
A0 0 Dz f 3 (η, 0, 0, µ, t)dt = − 0 Dz f 3 (η, 0, 0, µ, t)dtA0 .
Then (6.3) and ±1 ∈ / σ( A0 ) imply
Dz f 1 (η, 0, 0, µ, t)dt = 0, Dz f 2 (η, 0, 0, µ, t)dt = 0 ,
0 0
Z T Z T (6.4)
Dη f 3 (η, 0, 0, µ, t)dt = 0, Dy f 3 (η, 0, 0, µ, t)dt = 0 .
0 0
Summarizing by (6.3) and (6.4) it holds
Dx f (η0 , µ0 , s) ds =
 RT 
0 0 Dy f 1 (η0 , µ0 , t)dt 0
 RT 
 0 Dη f 2 (η0 , µ0 , t)dt 0 0 
0 0 0 Dz f 3 (η0 , µ0 , t)dt
for matrices
D f (η , µ , t)dt : ker(I + A) → ker(I − A) ,
R0T y 1 0 0
D f (η , µ , t)dt : ker(I − A) → ker(I + A) ,
R0T η 2 0 0
0 Dz f 3 (η0 , µ0 , t)dt : W → W .
908 N. Dilna – M. Fečkan

Clearly, if 0Dx f (η0 , µ0 , s) ds is hyperbolic then dim ker(I + A) = dim ker(I −
A). On the other hand, if dim ker(I + A) = dim ker(I − A) 6= 0 then 0 Dx f (η0 , µ0 , s) ds
is hyperbolic if and only if
 Z T Z T 
ℜ λ∈C|λ ∈σ Dy f 1 (η0 , µ0 , t)dt Dη f 2 (η0 , µ0 , t)dt ∩ {0} = ∅ ,
0 0
 Z T 
ℜ σ Dz f 3 (η0 , µ0 , t)dt ∩ {0} = ∅ .

Of course when dim ker(I + A) = dim ker(I − A) = 0 then we suppose

 Z T 
ℜ σ Dz f 3 (0, µ0 , t)dt ∩ {0} = ∅ .

6.2 k-Hyperbolicity

To study more sophisticated hyperbolicity of periodic solutions of equation (1.1)

we need the following results from [9, 29].
Definition 2. A continuous matrix function Lε : R n → R n of ε ≥ 0 and such that
L0 = I, is k-hyperbolic if for every matrix function Nε defined for ε ≥ 0 satisfying
Nε = o(εk ), there exists an interval 0 < ε < ε 1 in which Lε + Nε is hyperbolic of
the same type (i.e., with the same number of eigenvalues on each side of the unit
Definition 3. A continuous matrix function Lε : R n → R n of ε ≥ 0 and such that
L0 = I, is strongly k-hyperbolic if there exists a continuous real matrix Cε defined
in an interval 0 ≤ ε < ε 0 such that Cε is regular (even for ε = 0) and such that
−1 Aε 0
C Lε Cε =
0 Bε

for 0 < ε < ε 0 , where Aε , Bε are r × r and s × s blocks, respectively, and k Aε k <
1 − cεk , k Bε−1 k < 1 − cεk , for some c > 0.
Theorem 14 ([29, Theorem 2.2]). If Lε = I + εL1 + · · · + εk Lk , if the eigenvalues
of L1 are distinct numbers on the unit circle, and if the eigenvalues λi (ε) of Lε suitably
numbered satisfy |λi (ε)| < 1 − cεk for i = 1, . . . r, |λi (ε)| > 1 + cεk for i = r + 1, . . . , n,
for some constant c > 0 and ε > 0 small, then Lε is strongly k-hyperbolic.
If m = n then Φε,η2 ,µ2 and η (ε, η2 , µ2 )) depend only on ε, so we have Φε and
η (ε). Now we can improve Theorem 13 as follows.
Theorem 15. Suppose m = n. Let DΦε (η (ε)) = I + εM k k
RT  1 + · · · + ε Mk + o(ε ). Sup-
pose that all eigenvalues of M1 = 0 Dx f (η0 , µ0 , s)ds are distinct complex numbers
on the unit circle. If the eigenvalues λi (ε) of I + εM1 + · · · + εk Mk suitably numbered
satisfy |λi (ε)| < 1 − cεk for i = 1, . . . r, |λi (ε)| > 1 + cεk for i = r + 1, . . . , n, for some
constant c > 0 and ε > 0 small. Then the symmetric and T-periodic solution xε (t) of
(1.1) from Theorem 7 is hyperbolic for any ε > 0 small.
Symmetric Solutions 909

6.3 A particular case

We consider the splitting (4.14) with

dim ker(I − A) = dim ker(I − A20 ) = 0 and dim ker(I + A) 6= 0 . (6.5)

So we do not have variable η in (4.15) and function f 1 in (4.16) as well. Moreover

we know that the only symmetric solution of (1.1) has the form

x (0, 0, ε, µ, t) = (y(0, 0, ε, µ, t), z(0, 0, ε, µ, t)) = (y(0, 0, ε, µ, t), 0) (6.6)

with y(0, ε, µ, −t) = −y(0, ε, µ, t). Next (4.16) implies

Dy f 2 (y, 0, µ, t) = − Dy f 2 (−y, 0, µ, −t)

Dz f 2 (y, 0, µ, t) = Dz f 2 (−y, 0, µ, −t) A0
A0 Dy f 3 (y, 0, µ, t) = Dy f 3 (−y, 0, µ, −t)
A0 Dz f 3 (y, 0, µ, t) = − Dz f 3 (−y, 0, µ, −t) A0 .

From (6.7), we derive

Dz f 2 (y, 0, µ, t) = Dz f 2 (−y, 0, µ, −t) A0 = Dz f 2 (y, 0, µ, t) A20

⇒ Dz f 2 (y, 0, µ, t) I − A20 = 0 ,
A20 Dy f 3 (y, 0, µ, t) = A0 Dy f 3 (−y, 0, µ, −t) = Dy f 3 (y, 0, µ, t)
⇒ I − A20 Dy f 3 (y, 0, µ, t) = 0 .

Since I − A20 : W → W is an isomorphism, (6.8) gives

Dz f 2 (y, 0, µ, t) = 0, Dy f 3 (y, 0, µ, t) = 0 .

Consequently, the variational equation of (1.1) along the symmetric solution (6.6)
has the form

Dy ẏ(0, 0, ε, µ, t) = εDy f 2 (y(0, 0, ε, µ, t), 0, µ, t) Dy y(0, 0, ε, µ, t)

Dy y(0, 0, ε, µ, 0) = I ,
Dz ẏ(0, 0, ε, µ, t) = εDy f 2 (y(0, 0, ε, µ, t), 0, µ, t) Dz y(0, 0, ε, µ, t)
Dz y(0, 0, ε, µ, 0) = 0 ,
Dy ż(0, 0, ε, µ, t) = εDz f 3 (y(0, 0, ε, µ, t), 0, µ(ε), t) Dy z(0, 0, ε, µ, t)
Dy z(0, 0, ε, µ, 0) = 0 ,
Dz ż(0, 0, ε, µ, t) = εDz f 3 (y(0, 0, ε, µ, t), 0, µ(ε), t) Dz z(0, 0, ε, µ, t)
Dz z(0, 0, ε, µ, 0) = I ,

which yields to Dz y(0, 0, ε, µ, t) = 0 and Dy z(0, 0, ε, µ, t) = 0 for any t ∈ R. More-

over, since by (6.7)

− Dy f 2 (y(0, 0, ε, µ, t), 0, µ, t) = Dy f 2 (y(0, 0, ε, µ, −t), 0, µ, −t)

910 N. Dilna – M. Fečkan

the first equation of (6.9) implies Dy y(0, 0, ε, µ, t) = Dy y(0, 0, ε, µ, −t) for any t ∈
R. By assuming a T-periodicity of y(0, 0, ε, µ, t) in t, then like in Section 5 we
arrive at Dy y(0, 0, ε, µ, T ) = I. Consequently, it holds
I 0
D(y,z) x (0, 0, ε, µ, T ) = .
0 Dz z(0, 0, ε, µ, T )
Hence we again cannot apply Theorem 13. On the other hand, we have
Z T  
0 0
D(y,z) f (0, 0, µ, t)dt = RT .
0 0 0 Dz f 3 (0, 0, µ, t)dt
Hence if Z T
f (0, 0, µ0 , t)dt = 0 for some µ0 ∈ R k
Z T  (6.10)
and ℜσ Dz f 3 (0, 0, µ0 , t)dt ∩ {0} = ∅ ,
then we can apply a local center manifold method to (1.1) near x ∼ 0 and µ ∼ µ0
to get the situation of Section 5. Note (4.16) gives
Z T Z T/2 Z T
f 2 (0, 0, µ, t)dt = 2 f 2 (0, 0, µ, t)dt, (I + A 0 ) f 3 (0, 0, µ, t)dt = 0 ,
0 0 0
which implies f 3 (0, 0, µ, t)dt = 0. Consequently the equation 0 f (0, 0, µ0 , t)dt =
R T/2
0 is equivalent to 0 f 2 (0, 0, µ0 , t)dt = 0 (cf (4.17)).
Next we assume that A is unitary, i.e. k Ak = 1. This holds among others
when A p = I for some p ∈ N by taking a new scalar product on R n given by [9]
( x1 , x2 ) : = ∑ h A j x1 , A j x2 i .
j =1

Let r ∈ N. Now we apply a local center manifold method to (1.1) near x ∼ 0

and µ ∼ µ0 to get a local Cr -mapping Φ(y, ε, µ, t) which is T-periodic in t, y ∼ 0,
ε ∼ 0, µ ∼ µ0 , Φ ∈ W and satisfying
A0 Φ(y, ε, µ, t) = Φ(−y, ε, µ, −t) (6.11)

along with

ε f 3 (y, Φ(y, ε, µ, t), µ, t) = εDy Φ(y, ε, µ, t) f 2 (y, Φ(y, ε, µ, t), µ, t) + Dt Φ(y, ε, µ, t) .

Φ(y, ε, µ, t) = Φ0 (y, µ) + O(ε) ,
and using (6.12) we derive

f¯3 (y, Φ0 (y, µ), µ) = Dy Φ0 (y, µ) f¯2 (y, Φ0 (y, µ), µ) , (6.13)
where f¯i := 0 f i (y, z, t)dt, i = 1, 2. Note
Φ0 (0, µ0 ) = 0 and Dy Φ0 (0, µ0 ) = 0 . (6.14)
Symmetric Solutions 911

Of course, (6.13) means that Φ0 (y, µ) is a graph of a local center manifold of the
averaged equation of (1.1) given by ẋ = ε f¯( x, µ) for x ∼ 0 and µ ∼ µ0 . The
reduced ODE on the local center manifold is given by

ẏ = εg(y, ε, µ, t) := ε f 2 (y, Φ(y, ε, µ, t), µ, t) . (6.15)

Note (4.16) and (6.11) imply

g(−y, ε, µ, −t) = f 2 (−y, Φ(−y, ε, µ, −t), µ, −t) = f 2 (−y, A0 Φ(y, ε, µ, t), µ, −t)
= f 2 (y, Φ(y, ε, µ, t), µ, t) = g(y, ε, µ, t) .
Next we compute

Dy ḡ(y, 0, µ) = Dy f¯2 (y, Φ0 (y, µ), µ) + Dz f¯2 (y, Φ0 (y, µ), µ) Dy Φ0 (y, µ)

Dyy ḡ(y, 0, µ) = Dyy f¯2 (y, Φ0 (y, µ), µ) + 2Dyz f¯2 (y, Φ0 (y, µ), µ) Dy Φ0 (y, µ)

+ Dzz f¯2 (y, Φ0 (y, µ), µ) Dy Φ0 (y, µ), Dy Φ0 (y, µ)
+ Dy f¯2 (y, Φ0 (y, µ), µ) Dyy Φ0 (y, µ) .
Using (6.3) and (6.14), we obtain

Dy ḡ (0, 0, µ0 ) = 0 and Dyy ḡ (0, 0, µ0 ) = Dyy f¯2 (0, 0, µ0 ) . (6.16)

Similarly we derive (cf (6.4))

Z T/2 Z T/2

g(0, 0, µ0 , t)dt = f 2 (0, Φ0 (0, µ0 ) , µ0 , t)dt = f (0, 0, µ0 ) = 0 ,
0 0 2
Z T/2 Z T/2
Dµ g(0, 0, µ0 , t)dt = Dz f 2 (0, Φ0 (0, µ0 ), µ0 , t) dtDµ Φ0 (0, µ0 ) (6.17)
0 0
Z T/2
+ Dµ f 2 (0, Φ0 (0, µ0 ) , µ0 , t)dt = Dµ f¯2 (0, 0, µ0 ) .
0 2
Consequently, if k ≥ dim ker(I + A) then we can apply results of Sections 4.1 and
5 to this particular case (6.15).
Next by Section 4.1, when dim ker(I − A20 ) = 0 then f 3 (y, 0, µ) = 0, so the
reduced equation is now
ẏ = ε f 2 (y, 0, µ, t) (6.18)
and symmetric solutions lie in ker(I + A). A 3-dimensional example is given in
Section 8.2.4.
Finally, when dim ker(I + A) = 1 then we can apply Theorems 4 and 8 to
show that for any ε 6= 0 small, there is a surface Sε of codimension 1 splitting R k
near µ0 in two parts P1,ε and P2,ε such that: if µ ∈ P1,ε then (1.1) has no small peri-
odic solutions, if µ ∈ Sε then (1.1) has a unique small periodic solution which is in
addition symmetric and unstable, and if µ ∈ P2,ε then (1.1) has exactly two small
periodic solutions x1,ε (t) and x2,ε (t), which are hyperbolic and nonsymmetric but
satisfying x1,ε (t) = Ax2,ε (−t) and x2,ε (t) = Ax1,ε (−t). So xi,ε (t) = A2 xi,ε (t),
i = 1, 2, i.e. xi,ε (t) ∈ ker(I − A2 ) for any t ∈ R. Note ker(I + A) ⊂ ker(I − A2 ).
This is a saddle-node bifurcation with symmetries.
912 N. Dilna – M. Fečkan

7 Antisymmetric and periodic solutions

Assuming in addition (1.7), we can directly extend the above results to antiperi-
odic solutions (cf (1.8)). So we only state some results without proofs.
Theorem 16. The Cauchy problem (1.1) with

x (0) = θ ∈ ker(I + A) (7.1)

has a unique C∞ -smooth solution x (θ, ε, µ, t) which is also antisymmetric, and any anti-
symmetric solution x (t) of (1.1) satisfies (7.1).
We see that in order to study antisymmetric solutions, it is enough to replace
ker(I − A) with ker(I + A) in the arguments dealing for the symmetric case, and
so the projection I − S is replaced with an A-invariant projection I − Se : R n →
ker(I + A) in the above sections.

8 Applications
In this section, we present concrete weakly nonlinear ODE to illustrate our theory.
We separately consider two cases when either A = −I or A 6= −I. We start with
the first one.

8.1 The case A = −I

8.1.1 Scalar equations

Let us consider scalar equation (1.1) with a form

ẋ = ε (cos x + µ(1 + sin t)) , τ = −π, Ax = − x. (8.1)

It is easy to see that condition (1.5) is satisfied. Really, we verify

A f ( x, µ, t) = −(cos x + µ(1 + sin t))

= −(cos(− x ) + µ(1 + sin(−t + π ))) = − f ( Ax, µ, −t − τ ).

We have that ker(I − A) = {0}, so now η0 = 0. Then

Z π
H1 (µ) = H1 (0, µ) = (cos 0 + µ(1 + sin(s + π/2)) ds = π (1 + µ).

Since H1 (µ0 ) = 0 if and only if µ0 = −1 and H1′ (−1) = π 6= 0, we can apply The-
orem 4 to get a unique symmetric and 2π-periodic solution xε (t) = x (0, µ(ε), ε, t)
of (8.1) (only for µ = µ(ε)) with µ(0) = −1. So it holds

− x (0, ε, µ(ε), t) = x (0, ε, µ(ε), −t + π ), x (0, ε, µ(ε), t + 2π ) = x (0, ε, µ(ε), t),

which imply

x (0, ε, µ(ε), 3π/2 + t) = − x (0, ε, µ(ε), 3π/2 − t). (8.2)

Symmetric Solutions 913

Next, since Z 2π
Dx f (0, −1, s)ds = 0,
we cannot apply the usual first order averaging methods for establishing asymp-
totic properties of xε (t). So we need to study in more details the mapping
(cf Section 5 and Theorem 8)
Φε (η ) = x (η, ε, µ(ε), 5π/2) for η ∈ R.
Note Φε (0) = 0 and x (t) = x (η, ε, µ(ε), t) is the solution of the Cauchy problem
ẋ = ε (cos x + µ(ε)(1 + sin t)) ,
x (π/2) = η.

Consequently, we have Φε (η + 2π ) = Φε (η ) + 2π, and so Φε : S1 → S1 for the

unit circle. Moreover, Φε (η ) has the only fixed point η0 = 0 in S1 . Now we
compute Φ′ε (0) = Dη x (0, ε, µ(ε), 5π/2). By using (8.3) we get

Ḋη x (0, ε, µ(ε), t) = −ε sin ( x (0, ε, µ(ε), t)) Dη x (0, ε, µ(ε), 5π/2),
Dη x (0, ε, µ(ε), π/2) = 1.
Then using (8.2), we obtain
R 5π/2
−ε sin( x (0,ε,µ (ε),s))ds
Φ′ε (0) = e π/2 = 1.
Next, (8.3) also implies
Φε (η ) = η + 2πε(cos η − 1) + O(ε2 ) ,
which gives
Φ′′ε (0) = −4πε + O(ε2 ) < 0
for ε > 0 small. Summarizing we see [17, 19, 26] that 0 is a global saddle-node
of Φε : S1 → S1 for any ε > 0 small: it is attracting from the right and repelling
from the left. The orientation of the dynamics of Φε : S1 → S1 is reverse for ε < 0

8.1.2 Planar equations

Example 1. First we consider the system

ẋ = ε (−( x + y + sin t) x + µ1 )
ẏ = ε (( x + y + sin t)y + µ2 )

with µ = (µ1 , µ2 ) ∈ R2 . Now k = n = 2, T = 2π and 0 f (0, µ, t) dt = πµ. So
assumptions of (4.11) are satisfied. On the other hand, (8.5) has a trivial symmet-
ric solution x = 0, y = 0 for any ε and µ = 0. The uniqueness of µ(ε) implies
µ(ε) = 0, and hence (8.5) has no symmetric and periodic solutions for any µ 6= 0
and ε 6= 0 small. Next, we get
B( x, y)2 = − x2 − xy, y2 + xy .
914 N. Dilna – M. Fečkan

Since now
x y + x2 y1 x y2 + x2 y1
B (( x1 , y1 ), ( x2 , y2 ) = − x1 x2 − 1 2 , y1 y2 + 1 ,
2 2
x0 = (1, 0), λ0 = −1, [ x0 ]⊥ = [(0, 1)], 2QB ((1, 0), (0, y)) = y .

Clearly Theorem 12 can be applied. So the symmetric and periodic solution

( x, y) = 0 of (8.5) with µ = 0 is unstable for any ε 6= 0 small. In order to find
general periodic solutions of (8.5), we apply Theorems 1 and 2. So we solve the
averaged equation
−( x + y) x + µ1 = 0
( x + y ) y + µ2 = 0
which implies ( x + y)2 = µ1 − µ2 . So we need µ1 ≥ µ2 . If µ1 = µ2 6= 0, then (8.6)
has no solution as well. If µ1 > µ2 , then we derive
µ1 µ2
x1 = √ , y1 = − √ ,
µ1 − µ2 µ1 − µ2
µ1 µ2 (8.7)
x2 = − √ , y2 = √ .
µ1 − µ2 µ1 − µ2

Next, the characteristic polynomial of the linearization of (8.6) is as follows

− 2 ( x + y )2 + ( x − y ) λ + λ2 .

Since ( x1 + y1 )2 = ( x2 + y2 )2 = µ1 − µ2 > 0, we see that for any µ1 > µ2 both

(8.7) give rise to hyperbolic/unstable 2π-periodic solutions z1 (t) and z2 (t) of (8.5)
for ε 6= 0 located near (8.7), respectively. Moreover z2 (−t) = −z1 (t). Here z =
( x, y) ∈ R2 . If µ1 ≤ µ2 and µ 6= 0 then (8.5) has no 2π-periodic solutions for ε 6= 0
in any bounded domains.
Example 2. Now we modify the system (8.5) as follows

ẋ = ε (−( x + y + sin t)y + µ1 )

ẏ = ε (( x + y + sin t) x + µ2 )

with µ = (µ1 , µ2 ) ∈ R2 . We again derive µ(ε) = 0 and (8.8) has a symmetric and
periodic solution only if µ = 0 and it is a zero one. So we study

ẋ = −ε ( x + y + sin t) y
ẏ = ε ( x + y + sin t) x .

Clearly any solution of (8.9) satisfies x2 (t) + y2 (t) = x2 (0) + y2 (0). So the sym-
metric and periodic solution ( x, y) = 0 of (8.9) is uniformly stable for any ε 6= 0
small, but not asymptotically (cf Remark 1). In order to find general periodic
solutions of (8.8), we apply Theorems 1 and 2. So we solve the averaged equation

−( x + y)y + µ1 = 0
( x + y ) x + µ2 = 0
Symmetric Solutions 915

which implies ( x + y)2 = µ1 − µ2 . So we need µ1 − µ2 > 0. If µ1 − µ2 ≤ 0 and

µ 6= 0, then (8.10) has no solution. If µ1 − µ2 > 0, then we derive
µ2 µ
x1 = − √ , y1 = √ 1 ,
µ1 − µ2 µ1 − µ2
µ2 µ (8.11)
x2 = √ , y2 = − √ 1 .
µ1 − µ2 µ1 − µ2

Next, the characteristic polynomial of the linearization of (8.10) is as follows

2 ( x + y )2 + ( y − x ) λ + λ2 .
µ +µ
Since ( x1 + y1 )2 = ( x2 + y2 )2 = µ1 − µ2 > 0 and y1 − x1 = −(y2 − x2 ) = √µ1 −µ2 ,
1 2
we see that for any µ1 − µ2 > 0 and µ1 + µ2 6= 0 both (8.11) give rise to hyperbolic
2π-periodic solutions z1 (t) and z2 (t) of (8.5) for ε 6= 0 located near (8.11), respec-
tively. Moreover z2 (−t) = −z1 (t), and z1 (t) is asymptotically stable (a repeller)
and z2 (t) is a repeller (asymptotically stable), when µ1 + µ2 > (<) 0, respectively,
and ε > 0 small; it is opposite for ε < 0. If µ1 − µ2 ≤ 0 and µ 6= 0 then (8.5) has
no 2π-periodic solutions for ε 6= 0 in any bounded domains.
Now we proceed with the second possibility.

8.2 The case A 6= −I

8.2.1 Planar equations with an involution symmetry

Let us consider a planar differential equation

ẋ1 = ε ( f 1 ( x1 , x2 ) + µh1 (t))

ẋ2 = ε ( f 2 ( x1 , x2 ) + µh2 (t))

with C∞ -smooth functions f 1,2 , h1,2 , dim µ = k = 1 and with

0 −1
A= .
−1 0

Note A2 = I, so A is an involution. Then symmetry condition (1.2) implies

f 1 ( x1 , x2 ) = f 2 (− x2 , − x1 ), f 2 ( x1 , x2 ) = f 1 (− x2 , − x1 ),
h1 (t) = h2 (−t − τ ), h2 (t) = h1 (−t − τ ) .

Symmetry conditions (8.13) are satisfied, for instance, to the following polynomi-
j p p j
f 1 ( x1 , x2 ) = a0 x1 + b0 x2 + ∑ a jp x1 x2 + b pj x1 x2 ,
j,p,j+ p>1
m   (8.14)
j p p j
f 2 ( x1 , x2 ) = −b0 x1 − a0 x2 + ∑ (−1) j+ p b pj x1 x2 + a jp x1 x2 ,
j,p,j+ p>1
h1 (t) = sin t, h2 (t) = − sin t ,
916 N. Dilna – M. Fečkan

and τ = 0. Since in general polynomials (8.14) are difficult to handle, we consider

the following particular case
2 2
ẋ1 = ε ax1 − x2 + x1 x2 − bx1 x2 + µ sin t ,
ẋ2 = ε x1 − ax2 + bx12 x2 − x1 x22 − µ sin t ,

where a, b ∈ R are parameters. Now

ker (I − A) = [(1, −1)], ker (I + A) = [(1, 1)]

and hence
x1 + x2 x1 − x2
S ( x1 , x2 ) = (1, 1), (I − S)( x1 , x2 ) = (1, −1) .
2 2
We derive  
H1 (η, µ) = πη a + 1 − (b + 1)η 2 (8.16)

identifying ker(I − A) = [(1, −1)] ∼ R. Applying Theorem 7 we obtain the

following result.

Theorem 17. If a 6= −1, then (8.15) has a unique symmetric and 2π-periodic solution
z1 (t) located near (0, 0) for any ε 6= 0 small and µ 6= 0 fixed. If (a + 1)(b + 1) > 0
q (8.15)q has unique
q qand 2π-periodic
 solutions z2 (t), z3 (t) located near
a+1 a+1 a+1 a+1
b +1 , − b +1 and − b +1 , b +1 , respectively. Here z = ( x1 , x2 ) ∈ R2 .

We intend to find more 2π-periodic solutions of (8.15). For this reason, we

solve by Theorem 1 the averaged equation of (8.15) over [0, 2π ] given by

ax1 − x2 + x12 x2 − bx1 x22 = 0 ,

x1 − ax2 + bx12 x2 − x1 x22 = 0 ,

which gives
( x1 − x2 )(1 + a + (1 + b) x1 x2 ) = 0 ,
( x1 + x2 )(1 − a + (b − 1) x1 x2 ) = 0 .
For x1 6= ± x2 from (8.18) we derive ab = 1. Hence we suppose ab 6= 1. Then:
Either x1 = − x2 and (8.17) implies
x1 a + 1 − (1 + b) x12 = 0 .

If a 6= −1 and (a + 1)(b + 1) > 0, we obtain the following 3 solutions

r r
a+1 a+1
x1,1 = x2,1 = 0 ; x1,2 = − x2,2 = − ; x1,3 = − x2,3 = , (8.19)
b+1 b+1

which give symmetric and periodic solutions z1 (t), z2 (t) and z3 (t) from Theorem
17, respectively.
Symmetric Solutions 917

Or x1 = x2 6= 0 and (8.17) implies

x1 a − 1 + (1 − b) x12 = 0 .

If a 6= 1 and (a − 1)(b − 1) > 0, we obtain the following 2 solutions

r r
a−1 a−1
x1,4 = x2,4 = − ; x1,5 = x2,5 = , (8.20)
b−1 b−1
which give another periodic solutions z4 (t) and z5 (t), respectively, which are not
symmetric. But since A is an involution, from the proof of Lemma 1, we see that
z5 (t) = Az4 (−t).
Now we study the hyperbolicity of these periodic solutions by applying The-
orem 13. So we find eigenvalues of the matrix
a + 2x1 x2 − bx22 x12 − 1 − 2bx1 x2
1 + 2bx1 x2 − x22 bx12 − a − 2x1 x2

in points (8.19) and (8.20), which are as follows:

s s
p ( 1 − ab )( a + 1 ) (a − 1)(1 − ab)
± a2 − 1, ±2 , ±2 .
b+1 b−1

Summarizing we obtain the following result.

Theorem 18. For any ε 6= 0 small and µ 6= 0 fixed, the following holds:
• z1 (t) is hyperbolic for | a| > 1.
• z2 (t) and z3 (t) are hyperbolic for 1 > ab and a > −1, b > −1.
• z4 (t) and z5 (t) are hyperbolic for 1 > a and 1 > b.
We note that all periodic solutions z1 (t), · · · , z5 (t) cannot be simultaneously

8.2.2 Odd and planar equations with an involution symmetry

Now we consider modified planar ODEs from Section 8.2.1 which is in addition
odd of the form
ẋ1 = ε ax1 − x2 + x12 x2 − bx1 x22 + µx1 sin t
2 2
ẋ2 = ε x1 − ax2 + bx1 x2 − x1 x2 + µx2 sin t .

So (8.21) satisfies (1.3) and (1.5) with A from Section 8.2.1 and T = 2π. First we
note that symmetric and periodic solutions are derived in the same way as above,
so we get these solutions e z1 ( t ), e
z2 (t) and e
z3 (t) located near (8.19), if a 6= −1 and
(a + 1)(b + 1) > 0. Note e z1 (t) = 0. Next to find antisymmetric and periodic
solutions, we take Se = I − S and we derive
He 1 (η, µ) = πη a − 1 − (b − 1)η 2
918 N. Dilna – M. Fečkan

identifying ker(I + A) = [(1, 1)] ∼ R. Simple roots of H e 1 (η, µ) are 0, ± a−1
b −1
provided (a − 1)(b − 1) > 0, which give antisymmetric and periodic solutions
z1 (t) = 0, e
e z4 (t) and e z5 (t) located near (8.20). Note Ae z4 ( t ) = − ez4 (−t) and
Aez4 ( t ) = e
z5 (−t), so e
z4 ( t ) = − e
z5 (t). To find the possible remaining periodic solu-
tions (non-symmetric and non-antisymmetric ones), we solve by Theorem 1 the
averaged equation of (8.21) over [0, 2π ] given by (8.17). But we know that there
are no more solutions of (8.17). Summarizing, we obtain the following result.

Theorem 19. If a 6= −1, then (8.21) has a unique symmetric and 2π-periodic solution
z1 (t) = 0 located near (0, 0) for any ε 6= 0 small. If (a + 1)(b + 1) >
e q0 then (8.21)
q has
a+1 a+1
unique symmetric and 2π-periodic solutions e z2 ( t ), e
z3 (t) located near b +1 , − b +1
 q q 
and − ba+ 1
+1 ,
b +1 , respectively. If ( a − 1)(b − 1) > 0 then (8.21) has unique an-
q q 
a−1 a−1
tisymmetric and 2π-periodic solutions e z4 ( t ), e
z5 (t) located near b −1 , b −1 and
 q q 
− ba− 1
−1 , −,
b −1 , respectively. There are no more 2π-periodic solutions. The state-
ment of Theorem 18 remains for this case.

8.2.3 Planar equations with a rotational symmetry

In this section, we consider planar ODEs of the form

ẋ1 = ε f 1 ( x1 , x2 , µ, t)
ẋ2 = ε f 2 ( x1 , x2 , µ, t) ,

where f 1 , f 2 are C∞ -smooth and periodic in T and µ ∈ R is a parameter. We

suppose that (8.22) is symmetric (cf. (1.5)) with respect to a rotation matrix
0 −1
A= .
1 0

Then it holds

f 1 ( x1 , x2 , µ, t) = − f 2 (− x2 , x1 , µ, −t), f 2 ( x1 , x2 , µ, t) = f 1 (− x2 , x1 , µ, −t) .
Then (8.23) gives

− f 1 ( x1 , x2 , µ, t) = f 1 (− x1 , − x2 , µ, t), − f 2 ( x1 , x2 , µ, t) = f 2 (− x1 , − x2 , µ, t) .

So (8.22) is also odd (cf (1.7)). Clearly ker(I − A2 ) = ker(I ± A) = {0}. So the
only symmetric and antisymmetric periodic solution of (8.22) is z1 (t) = 0 for
ε 6= 0 small (cf Theorem 6). To get more results, we pass to the following concrete
2 2
ẋ1 = ε x1 − x2 + x1 x2 − bx1 x2 + µx1 sin t
ẋ2 = ε − x1 − x2 + bx12 x2 + x1 x22 + µx2 sin t ,
Symmetric Solutions 919

where b, µ ∈ R are parameters. For finding further periodic solutions, we again

consider the averaged equation
x1 − x2 + x12 x2 − bx1 x22 = 0
− x1 − x2 + bx12 x2 + x1 x22 = 0 .
If x1 = 0 then x2 = 0, and x2 = 0 then x1 = 0. So we suppose x1 6= 0 and x2 6= 0.
Then we take x2 = ζ/x1 in (8.25) to derive
ζ (1 + ζ ) − (1 + bζ ) x22 = 0
ζ (bζ − 1) − (1 − ζ ) x22 = 0 ,
which implies either ζ + = b22+1 and then
r √ √ r √ √
2+2b2 + 2(b −1) b2 +1 2+2b2 − 2(b −1) b2 +1
x1+,+ = (1+ b )(1+ b2 )
, x2+,− = (1+ b )(1+ b2 )
r √ √ r √ √ (8.26)
2+2b2 + 2(b −1) b2 +1 2+2b2 − 2(b −1) b2 +1
x1−,+ = − (1+ b )(1+ b2 )
, x2−,− = − (1+ b )(1+ b2 )
or ζ − = − b2 +1
and then
r √ √ r √ √
2+2b2 − 2(b −1) b2 +1 2+2b2 + 2(b −1) b2 +1
x1+,− = (1+ b )(1+ b2 )
, x2−,+ =− (1+ b )(1+ b2 )
r √ √ r √ √ (8.27)
2 2 2+2b2 + 2(b −1) b2 +1
x1−,− = − 2+2b (−1+b2)((b1−+1b)2 ) b +1 , x2+,+ = (1+ b )(1+ b2 )
√ √ ±,±
Note 2 + 2b2 ± 2(b − 1) b2 + 1 > 0 for any b ∈ R \ {−1}, so x1,2 are defined
only for b > −1. Moreover, it holds and
±,− ±,+
x1,2 → ±∞, x1,2 →0
as b → −1+ . Now we study the hyperbolicity of these periodic solutions by
applying Theorem 13. So we find the characteristic polynomial of the matrix
1 + 2x1 x2 − bx22 x12 − 1 − 2bx1 x2
2bx1 x2 + x22 − 1 bx12 − 1 + 2x1 x2
at (8.26), which is √
2 2 2 (2 + b + b2 )
λ −λ √ +8,
(1 + b ) 1 + b2
and at (8.27), which is

2 2 2 (2 + b + b2 )
λ +λ √ +8,
(1 + b ) 1 + b2
Then the eigenvalues λ+ +
± of (8.28) at (8.26) satisfy ℜλ± > 0 and the eigenvalues
λ−± of (8.28) at (8.27) satisfy
√ ℜλ−± < 0 for any b > −1. Next, the eigenvalues of
0 0
(8.28) at x1 = x2 = 0 are ± 2.
Finally, we easily see that (8.25) has the only solution x1 = x2 = 0 for b = −1.
Summarizing, we arrive at the following result.
920 N. Dilna – M. Fečkan

Theorem 20. If b ≤ −1 then (8.24) has the only 2π-periodic solution z0 (t) = 0 for any
ε 6= 0 small which is hyperbolic. If b > −1 then (8.24) has in addition four 2π-periodic
solutions zi (t), i = 1, 2, 3, 4 for any ε 6= 0 small which are neither symmetric nor an-
tisymmetric. Moreover, z1 (t) and z2 (t) are asymptotically stable (repellers) while z3 (t)
and z4 (t) are repellers (asymptotically stable) for any small ε > 0 (ε < 0), respectively.
Note Az1 (t) = z4 (−t), Az2 (t) = z3 (−t), Az3 (t) = z1 (−t), Az4 (t) = z2 (−t),
and hence z2 (t) = −z1 (t), z4 (t) = −z3 (t). So the set of solutions {zi (t) | t ∈
R, i = 1, 2, 3, 4} is invariant by A.

8.2.4 3-dimensional systems

Now we present an example illustrating the case 6.3 given by the following 3-
dimensional ODE
2 2 2
ẏ = ε y + z1 + z2 cos t + µ (1 + cos t) ,
ż1 = ε z1 − z2 + z31 + z32 y2 + µz1 y sin t , (8.29)
ż2 = ε −z1 − z2 + z31 − z32 y2 − µz2 y sin t
 
−1 0 0  
  0 −1
with A = 0 0 −1 and A0 = . Then clearly (6.5) holds and
1 0
0 1 0
1 = k = dim ker(I + A). Next we derive f¯2 (0, 0, µ) = 2πµ andso we take µ0 =  0,
¯ ¯ ¯
since f 2 (0, 0, 0) = 0 and Dµ f 2 (0, 0, 0) = 2π 6= 0. Moreover σ D(y,z) f (0, 0, 0) =

{0, ±2 2π } (cf (6.10)) and dim ker(I − A20 ) = 0. Consequently, (6.18) has the
ẏ = ε y2 + µ (1 + cos t) , (8.30)
and there is a C∞ -function µ(ε) defined for ε small with µ(0) = 0 such that for
any ε 6= 0 small, (8.29) possesses a (unique) symmetric and 2π-periodic solution
xε,µ (t) only for µ = µ(ε) and x0,µ(0) (t) = 0. On the other hand, (8.29) has a
solution x (t) = 0 for µ = 0, so the uniqueness implies xε,µ(ε) (t) = x0 (t) = 0 and
µ(ε) = µ0 = 0 as well. To study other (nonsymmetric) 2π-periodic solutions of
(8.29), we solve the averaged equation

y2 + µ = 0 ,
z1 − z2 + z1 + z2 y 2 = 0 ,
3 3
−z1 − z2 + z31 − z32 y2 = 0 .

We see that there are no solutions for µ > 0, while the only zero one for µ = 0

and this corresponds to the trivial one x0 (t) = 0. For µ < 0 we get y± = ± −µ
3 3
z1 − z2 − z1 + z2 µ = 0 ,
−z1 − z2 − z31 − z32 µ = 0 ,
Symmetric Solutions 921

which implies z2 = −µz31 , and then z1 1 + µ4 z81 = 0, which implies z1 = z2 = 0.
µ √
Summarizing, for µ < 0, (8.31) has precisely two solutions x± = ±( −µ, 0, 0)
µ µ
which gives exactly two 2π-periodic solutions x± (t) = (y± (t), 0, 0) of (8.29) which
µ µ µ
are located near x± for ε 6= 0 small. Note x+ (t) = − x− (−t). So there are saddle-
node and symmetry breaking bifurcations of 2π-periodic√ solutions
√ of (8.29) as µ
¯ µ √
is crossing 0. Since σ( Dx f ( x± , µ)) = {±4π −µ, −2 2π, 2 2π }, periodic solu-
tions x± (t) are hyperbolic. These results corresponds with arguments at the end
of Section 6.3.
Acknowledgement. We thank for useful referee’s comments and suggestions.

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