One Point Lesson (Ie Basic)
One Point Lesson (Ie Basic)
One Point Lesson (Ie Basic)
CYCLE TIME: The total time from the beginning to the end of 1 unit of process.
SMV: Is a Standard Minute value that it takes to complete an operation including allowances using scientific techniques (PMTS)
to establish that standard time at normal pace based designed work method.
[ 1 cycle ]
1. Pick up = 3”
5. Trimming = 3”
6. Check = 4”
7. Folding = 3”
2. Target
[(Working hour x manpower)/ SMV] X Line efficiency
Example) Working hour : 8 hours/ Manpower : 50 operators/ SMV: 1,500 sec/ Line efficiency 80%
[((8 x 60 x 60) x 50)/ 1,500] X 80 % = 768 pcs
- Another way
Example) 1,500/ 36 = 41.7
Per Process
Example) process#5 takes 60 sec 65/36 = 1.8
Loading time Planned stop Planed stop Company policy, Event, Training, Stop line on purpose
(Available loss)
Operating time
2. Change over loss (Setup and adjustments) Change new style, Setting machine
There is a difference in speed between actual operating speed and the equipment’s designed
4. Reduced Speed loss
speed, when machines require cleaning , repair, or replacement
5. Production rejects loss It is a time loss to make a good product by correcting the quantity loss due to defect
(Quality loss)
Value operation
Fault loss
time 6. Startup reject Operating after long time stop, after holiday or repair machine
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