Retraction Retracted: Improved Artificial Neural Network With State Order Dataset Estimation For Brain Cancer Cell Diagnosis
Retraction Retracted: Improved Artificial Neural Network With State Order Dataset Estimation For Brain Cancer Cell Diagnosis
Retraction Retracted: Improved Artificial Neural Network With State Order Dataset Estimation For Brain Cancer Cell Diagnosis
Retracted: Improved Artificial Neural Network with State Order
Dataset Estimation for Brain Cancer Cell Diagnosis
Copyright © 2023 BioMed Research International. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work
is properly cited.
[1] D. N. V. S. L. S. Indira, R. K. Ganiya, P. A. Babu et al.,
“Improved Artificial Neural Network with State Order Dataset
Estimation for Brain Cancer Cell Diagnosis,” BioMed Research
International, vol. 2022, Article ID 7799812, 10 pages, 2022.
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BioMed Research International
Volume 2022, Article ID 7799812, 10 pages
Research Article
Improved Artificial Neural Network with State Order Dataset
Estimation for Brain Cancer Cell Diagnosis
D. N. V. S. L. S. Indira,1 Rajendra Kumar Ganiya,2 P. Ashok Babu,3 A. Jasmine Xavier,4
L. Kavisankar,5 S. Hemalatha,6 V. Senthilkumar,7 T. Kavitha,8 A. Rajaram ,9
Karthik Annam,3 and Alazar Yeshitla 10
Department of Information Technology, Seshadri Rao Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru, Andra Pradesh, India
Department of Information Technology, Vignan’s Institute of Information Technology, Visakhapatnam, Andra Pradesh, India
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Dundigal, Hydrabad, India
St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous), Palayamkottai, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Panimalar Institute of Technology, Chennai, India
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Megha Institute of Engineering & Technology, India
Department of Computer, Applications, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, India
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, EGS Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam 611002, India
Department of Biotechnology, College of Biological and Chemical Engineering,
Addis Ababa Science and Technology University, Ethiopia
Received 29 December 2021; Revised 5 February 2022; Accepted 10 February 2022; Published 16 April 2022
Copyright © 2022 D. N. V. S. L. S. Indira et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Brain cancer is one of the cell synthesis diseases. Brain cancer cells are analyzed for patient diagnosis. Due to this composite cell, the
conceptual classifications differ from each and every brain cancer investigation. In the gene test, patient prognosis is identified based
on individual biocell appearance. Classification of advanced artificial neural network subtypes attains improved performance
compared to previous enhanced artificial neural network (EANN) biocell subtype investigation. In this research, the proposed
features are selected based on improved gene expression programming (IGEP) with modified brute force algorithm. Then, the
maximum and minimum term survivals are classified by using PCA with enhanced artificial neural network (EANN). In this,
the improved gene expression programming (IGEP) effectual features are selected by using remainder performance to improve
the prognosis efficiency. This system is estimated by using the Cancer Genome Atlas (CGA) dataset. Simulation outputs present
improved gene expression programming (IGEP) with modified brute force algorithm which achieves accurate efficiency of
96.37%, specificity of 96.37%, sensitivity of 98.37%, precision of 78.78%, F-measure of 80.22%, and recall of 64.29% when
compared to generalized regression neural network (GRNN), improved extreme learning machine (IELM) with minimum
redundancy maximum relevance (MRMR) method, and support vector machine (SVM).
balancing, cooperation, stamina, and reactions, ANN. It provides computational achievements with connec-
among many other things. Difficulties in one or more tion updates of around three hundred billion per second and
regions could indicate which section of the brain is it shows a faster achievement rate; i.e., it is 193 times faster
being damaged by something like a brain tumour than the software-enabled solution from the all-purpose
processors. Also, this architecture showed a four times faster
(ii) Radiology tests are performed. Head cancers are fre-
process than the previous performances.
quently diagnosed with magnetic resonance imaging
Cortes et al. [1] have proposed a unique technique for
(MRI). Throughout your MRI study, a dye may be
adaptively learning artificial neural networks. It is the theo-
put into a vein in your arm
retical analysis with the generalization of data dependency
The presented research work is focused on the research with the proof of efficiency and discussion on the future
restricted factor of the glia blastemal multiform (GBM) works which were dealt. End up of industrial observation
datasets from the TCGA. A blend of numerous data types with one of the techniques with different duo grade works
is huge and redundant, which will root a computational cri- is extracted from the CIFAR-10 dataset. End up explains
sis. Choosing an appropriate classifier is also a harsh mission that the technique can automatically study the network
for the removal of not number terms. Research paper structures, with each aggressive work accuracy relating to
explains about the benefits of both feature reduction tech- the accomplished classic way findings for the neural
nique and classification technique. Initially, feature reduc- networks.
tion technique is used to improve gene expression Song et al. [7] have proposed CBTM (continuous body
programming. Next, brute force algorithm which has algo- temperature measurement) which is the greatest implication
rithm level concept, and then enhanced artificial neural net- for observing the health of human beings. The noninvasive
work (EANN), is used for classification process [2, 3]. The wearable thermometers involved in the CBTM circumvent
EANN (enhanced artificial neural network) is popularly the interference with the regular routine activities of the
used in the diagnosis of cancers. It includes treating various users. Therefore, the wearable and noninvasive thermome-
types of cancers like glia blastemal multiform cancer, lung ters operate with the steady-state models and end up of this
cancer, colorectal cancer, and prostate cancer. Also, by using experiment takes huge time and is physically disturbed by
the cell shape data, it performs differentiating the extremely the user’s movements. Yet, there is no way to solve the
aggressive cancer cell lines from the normally invasive can- problems that occurred. In this model, wearable and the
cer cell lines [4]. The EANN is also been used for the accel- nonwearable temperature difference is calculated. Next, the
eration of the analysis of dependability for the organizations link between the temperatures, the skin, and the human
subjecting to expected disasters and to forecast the ground- body is analyzed using ANNs. Finally, this novel explains
work expenditures [5]. In this research work, a brief study the multiple artificial neural networks based on the CBTM
on the improvement of the accuracy levels is projected and technique. This proposed model exhibited that the reaction
compared with the previous works. The success of radiomics time is one to ten compared to the other common CBTM
relies upon the essential factors like accuracy, greater reli- approaches which is wearable noninvasive exhibiting high
ability, and high efficiency of the prognostic and the predic- accuracy and high stability.
tive flow. Consequently, the radiomics-centered medical Zhao et al. [8] have presented an artificial network-
biomarkers fundamentally require the comparison of vari- assisted IA approach with the feature of WPT (wireless
ous supervised learning approaches. The proposed research power transfer). Here, the artificial network was created by
work is an improved supervised learning method for both data streams of each of the transmitters that provide
improved gene expression programming and enhanced arti- interference-free rattle of the snooping process. This work
ficial neural network classification method. A unique way also touches on the fact that the efficacy of energy harvesting
used for brain cancer diagnosis prediction replica is to and security is not a determining factor of the transmitter
enhance the medical therapy instructions and to find the power in artificial networks. The total transmitted power of
affected area where the disease affected the person’s life [6]. the artificial network is increased in order to function the
In recent survey, cancer cell prognosis has various tech- antisnooping. It is achieved by involving the optimization
niques to predict the disease-affected region. of the power transmitted and the power split coefficient with
This proposed work is summarized as follows: Section 2 the need of SINR (signal interference noise ratio) and
is the literature survey related to this proposed method. satisfies the power collection. The derivative analysis of the
Section 3 describes the proposed methodology and various closed solutions resolves these issues with minimum compu-
algorithms are given. Section 4 is the performance evalua- tational difficulties. End up has explained the effectiveness of
tion analysis. Section 5 is the result and discussion. Section the improved technique.
6 concludes the overall methodology used. Elkatatny et al. [3] have exhibited that the methodical
machine learning of the wave function would reduce the
2. Literature Survey intricacy of the manageable simulational model, rarely for
physical notice. This work explains the representation varia-
Kim [2] has presented the pipeline-channeled quickening tion of the quantum state development based on the ANNs
architecture for allay maximum computing order of an with a varying amount of invisible neurons. It discusses the
ANN (artificial neural network). It is specifically an RBM- complications of the quantum systems by applying the cor-
based ANN. RBM is the restricted Boltzmann machine roboration learning method, whereas, ground state finding
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BioMed Research International 3
capacity or unitary time progresses. Thus, relatively higher Khan et al. [11] have investigated predicting the impend-
accuracy of the dynamical and the equilibrium dimension ing performance of the present network that is modeled. The
and properties of the prototype interaction spin model inverse effects were resolved by genetic software design. Sim-
serves as an effective tool for resolving the quantum multi- ilarly, gene expression software design contributes to discov-
body problems. ering real differential system model. The inverse effect issues
Sharma et al. [5] have proposed the many bandwidth- of the ordinary differential equation are resolved by this
constrained objective SBMAP (segmented brute force novel approach. This model may control the diversity and
mapping approach) algorithms to serve optimum energy speed up the technique. This model has improved the
efficiency and less complex computations for the patterned techniques to work on time efficiency and better precision
NoC. This algorithm provides embedded system mapping prediction than the existing traditional approaches.
onto the NoC system processing elements effectively and Milukow et al. [12] have introduced an algorithm of GEP
distributes the application to several segments. These prop- (gene expression programming) for measuring the TBM
erties are used for the modern methodical search protocols with respect to the penetration rate. The GEP model data-
that exhibit advanced simulation time and enhanced perfor- base consists of about seven model inputs regarding the
mance. The state-of-the-art techniques like the near-optimal characteristic properties of the machine and output as the
mapping, the branch and bound mapping, and the random penetration rate. The multiple regression method under-
mapping approaches were compared with the SBMAP algo- stands the overall capability of the algorithm. A series of
rithm that maps the workload of the real-time applications. work ratios were analyzed to opt for the best possible GEP
The result of the proposed system is more effective than and MR equations. The system results of the gene expression
the existing algorithm. programming equation established on the R2 (coefficient of
Carleo and Troyer [9] have proposed the RSA crypto- determination) were estimated to be 0.855 on training and
system for security which equals the modulus size, n, 0.829 on testing datasets, wherein the proposed MR equa-
where n is the multiple of any two largest prime numbers, tion showed 0.795 and 0.789, respectively. This work
denoting it as the variables p and q. The variable n is a suggested that the gene expression programming equation
public cryptanalyst which is used in the factorization is more effective and this generates the new equation for
approaches such as Pollard’s technique and Euler’s method prediction work in TBM.
for calculating the private keys p and q. The functions of Armaghani et al. [13] proposed a novel technique in the
this brute force technique include the generation, evalua- direction of predicting mechanical properties of the RAC
tion of possible solutions, and verification of such candi- (recycled aggregate concrete) by using the GEP method.
date solutions which one by one agreed to discover the An enormous predictable test database consists of the
finest solution. The random search technique is the end up around 650 compressive strength, the elastic mod-
numerical optimization method, which initializes the ulus of around 421, the splitting tensile strength of 346,
search process with one candidate solution generation and the flexural strength of 152; the tests of nonpozzolanic
aimlessly to find the best effective solution. This works commixture RACs were analyzed through the review sur-
explains the pros of the brute force algorithm and random vey. The selected statistical indicators explain the end up
search technique to enable effective factoring of RSA mod- appraisal, and the database provides the traditional RAC
ulus via Python language and test on optimality using Fer- model’s mechanical properties. With this database, new
mat algorithm. expressions were framed to predict a 28-day splitting ten-
Verma et al. [10] have designed a wearable AAC device sile strength, the elastic modulus, the strength, and the
(augmentative and alternative communication). It supports flexural weightage of RACs. Results and analysis sections
the communication of the paralysis sufferers, by converting stated that the calculated end up showed better prediction
the distinct breathing patterns into the predefined words. capability with the test end up. And this design also
They found these recordings of the breath signal into the showed enhanced mechanical property measurement than
strong and the soft blows to produce discontinuous all other existing methods.
breathing patterns. This study works on the paralysis suf- Sabar et al. [14] have proposed a novel advanced strategy
ferer of a certain age bar with active emotional functional- for the enhanced hyperheuristic framework. This work uti-
ities. This work has no threshold limit to set a stable lizes dynamic multiple-armed bandit extremities for select-
condition to organize the breathing signal into the soft ing the suitable heuristic model realistic for every
blow and the strong blow. Each person has a different implementation. Additionally, they also proposed the GEP
amplitude of the soft blow and the strong blow; it is based framework, which executes the approval benchmark of indi-
on the statistical exam that generates greater deviance and vidual issue automatically in detail, rather than using
overlapping signals without any threshold limits. Thus, an human-designed criteria. The generalization of the proposed
algorithm is proposed using the concept of the brute force work is explained by the combinational optimization issues:
algorithm. This new algorithm requests the user to set the one static and one dynamic. Upon comparing the results of
threshold limits during initialization, wherein the limits of the popular acceptance benchmark, bespoke methods, and
the input were given as the soft breath and the hard blow. the other hyperheuristic models, the projected end up stated
Thus, the device’s accuracy is derived with the values of that the proposed work establishes both the domains. Fur-
the standard error of the mean, and value score was ther comparison was made with the hyperheuristic competi-
15:45 ± 0:1141 out of 16. tion (CHeSC) test suite for performance analysis.
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4 BioMed Research International
Nag et al. [15] have proposed a unified algorithm for feature classification. The specific features of the selection
simulating the FS (feature selection) and the structure of and classification were analyzed in this proposed work.
the diversity that classifies the utilization of a steady-state The predictive model for the clinical results is accounted
multiple-objective GP (genetic programming) that reduces for both the conditions within and in between the platform
the occurrence of the FN (false negative), the FP (false interactions of the IGEP (improved gene expression pro-
positive), and the number of leafy nodes on the tree. This gramming). The proposed approach tested with the simu-
proposed work splits the c class issue into the c binary taxon- lated datasets. The results indicated that it estimates the
omy issues. The c sets of genetic programs were expanded to feature sets efficiently. Concurrent measurements of genetic
create the c band. In the alteration process, the fitness and and epigenetic characteristics illustrated the functions of
the unfitness of features were achieved, which modifies their complex relationships played in the disease progression
dynamically with reproduction to highly related features and outcomes. The projected algorithm processes are pro-
with less repetition. The proposed work is compared with vided in Figure 1.
the biobjective GP model which does not utilize any of the
rule size decrease and the FS strategy. They also illustrated 3.1. Dataset Configuration. This dataset collection is selected
the performance of the FS model and the rule size reducing from previous research work. The dataset is given in Table 2.
model. Datasets consist miRNA expression, gene copy num-
Lv et al. [16] have proposed a probabilistic assess- ber, gene methylation, gene expression, and disease-
ment method. In this, the brake pressure is created for affected human age at estimation that were repossessed from
the EV vehicles centered with the multilayer ANN (arti- original data for further technique. In our model, age is a
ficial neural network) that uses the training technique stable measurement of a critical factor in brain cancer cell
LMBP (Levenberg-Marquardt backpropagation) training prognosis. Classification of our listed dataset is presented
technique. Initially, the advanced architecture of this pro- in Table 2.
posed multiple-layered ANN applied for the brake pressure Static properties of dataset concepts are presented in
evaluation was discussed. Then, the standard BP (backpropa- Table 3. Based on these datasets, the proposed method is
gation) technique trains the FFNN (feedforward neural net- modeled.
work). An effective training technique of the LMBP process
was developed based on the BP concept. Secondly, the frame 3.2. Improved Gene Expression Programming (IGEP). The
dynamometer under the standard driving cycles carried the best recognized supervised method is improved gene expres-
testing process of the real vehicle. The resultant data of the sion programming (IGEP), which aspects for protrusion
power train and the vehicle systems were collected and directions on which the ratio of the between-class covariance
analyzed, and the featured trajectories for the FFNN train to within-class covariance is exploited. Based on the predic-
collections were predicted. Finally, measured vehicle data- tion techniques, there arise three critical problems.
enabled training produced multiple-layered ANN and calcu-
lates the work of the brake pressure appraisal and related it (i) Problems involving numeric (continuous) predictions
with other existing learning approaches. End up showcased
excellent feasibility and the rate of accuracy in the projected (ii) Problems involving categorical or nominal predic-
ANN-based technique pressure braking evaluation on the tions, both binomial and multinomial
original delay mechanism. (iii) Problems involving binary or Boolean predictions
Yousefzadeh et al. [17] have been concerned about the
recent advancements of event-based vision sensors. The The first type of the problem goes by the regression
name and then the organization through logistic deteriora-
creative technologies are used by new researchers and high-
light such advanced sensors and their potential to exhibit a tion as a superior situation. Also, the crispy organizations
very low-latency sensing rate rapidly. The power efficiency, “Yes” and “No” likelihood committed with the individual
dynamic range, data compression, and temporal resolution results and then associated with the Boolean algebra and
of these sensors exceed the frame-based vision sensors. Yet, fusion logics. The confusion matrix parameters are given
the ANN and the SNN (surpass spiking neural networks) in Figure 2.
showed high accuracy rate acceptance. The exploitation of
the event-based and frame-based processing techniques 3.3. Brute Force Algorithm. The brute force algorithm is con-
was achieved via this work. They utilized FPGA and MNIST sidered as the checking protocol at all the positions on the
datasets for designing the network. They also provided the text between the zero and n-m positions; the initialization
HDL codes. of the occurrence of the pattern is monitored. The pattern
Table 1 shows the comparison of pros and cons for dif- is shifted to one next position to the right by the BF after
ferent algorithms. both attempts. This algorithm does not require continual
space along with the text and the pattern, and also, no
3. Proposed Methodology preprocessing stage is required. This is one of the main fea-
tures of the brute force algorithm. The comparison of the
The recognized dominant features of the proposed model character text can be done in random order in the searching
produced higher arrangement accuracy and minimize the period. The predictable count of text character evaluations
missed detection and the false alarm rate than the existing equals 2n.
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Good performance for small-scale datasets and Assumptions about the data are required and provide
Logistic regression
outputs produces for the interpreted probability the linear solutions
KNN Intuitive methods No. of neighbors are user-defined-based
SVMs Provides the solutions for the nonlinear applications Requires the knowledge using the kernel employment
Able to handle the categorical features and tune for
Decision tree the few parameters and performs well for huge Ensemble of interpretability is questioned
number of features
Predicted class
Input dataset
Yes No
Actual classs
Feature extraction No FP TN
Figure 2: Confusion matrix for artificial binomial terms.
Feature reduction
Improved gene expression programming void bf (char ∗ a, int c, char ∗ b, int d)
int m, n;
/ ∗ Searching ∗ /
Brute-force algorithm for (n=0; n<=d-c;++n)
for (m=0;m<c&& a[i] ==b[m+n]; ++m)
if (m>=c)
Enhanced artificial neural network output (n);
Algorithm 1.
Overall performance comparison for brain
cancer cell disease prediction
3.4. Enhanced Artificial Neural Network (EANN). The pro-
Table 2: Dataset. posed EANN (enhanced artificial neural network) involves
the short-term behavior models of each neuron, the model
Total population of primary N = 276
predicting the rise of the changing aspects of the neural
Valid population N = 211 circuitry from the communications among neurons, and at
Gender Males 164, females 112 last, how the model behaviors arose from the intellectual
Long-time term survivors 171 neural modules which signify the completion of the subsys-
Short-time term survivors 40
tem. The models of the durable and interim plasticity of the
neural networks and links to learn and the memory after
Median age at diagnosis 59
each neuron to the system are included. In the static regres-
Median KPS 80 sion, it follows the static approach to model the association
Median survival 386 days among the scalar response, i.e., the dependent variables,
and one or more explanatory variables, i.e., the independent
variables. The simple static regression exhibits one explana-
tory variable. The multiple static regressions exhibit more
Table 3: Statistical dataset properties.
than one explanatory variable. The static predictor functions
Data category Number Feature number are used to model the static regression relationships, whose
Gene methylation 12440 53
unidentified model parameters are projected from the data.
The dataset is presented in order offbi, ai1,⋯, aip gi=1 n ,
Gene expression 17931 75
where n is the static units, p is the vector of repressors, and
Copy number 16133 7
x is static. Unobserved random numerical order that includes
miRNA expression 534 5
“noise” to the static relationship between the dependent
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6 BioMed Research International
numerical patterns takes the term from bi : The output function is simply the identity function.
where T is considered as the transpose; therefore, ai T α is the The original data is the input to the first block, and other
inner product between vectors xi and α. N equations are blocks’ downstream adds the input and the output of the pre-
stacked together and written in matrix documentation as ceding blocks. Knowing the weight of the upper matrix layer
follows: U assumed the extra masses of the systems; it is expressed as
curved optimization issue and shows the closed form solu-
b = aα + ∈, ð2Þ tion given in Equation (10). The softmax activation function
is calculated as follows:
ex i
y1 yi = : ð11Þ
b= , ð3Þ ∑cj=1 exi
y2 ::yn
! The enhanced ANN is shown in Figure 3. The sparse
aT aT ⋯ 1a11 ⋯ a1p 1a21 ⋯ a2p representation fundamentally used to diminish the time
a = 1 2T = , ð4Þ
an ::1an1 ⋯ anp complexity. In this exertion, enhanced artificial neural net-
work result analysis has been expected to start with; at that
! point to surmised noisy features, a standard is set up, and
α0 ∈ ∈:
α= ,∈= 1 2 , ð5Þ finally, another enhanced artificial neural network with
α1 α2 ⋯ αp ::∈n sparse representation classification method is anticipated.
In enhanced artificial neural network, modified artificial
where a is the independent variable and b is the dependent neural network output analysis, a standard to assess the noisy
variable. This consists a = x and b = y, where the sample features, is exhibited, which results in m classification for
means of X, Y are the variables x, y and the modified example effective output
standard deviations of X and Y are sx and sy, respectively. The proposed enhanced artificial neural network can be
characterized in the following consequent processes:
∑ni=1 xi − x‘ yi − y‘ ∑ni=1 xi − x‘ yi − y‘
r xy = = qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi :
(i) The realistic features are trained and forwarded by
ðn − 1 ÞS x S y ∑ni=1 ðxi − x‘Þ2 ∑ni=1 ðyi − y‘Þ2 the learning stage of enhanced artificial neural net-
work, and then, the trained enhanced artificial neu-
ral network was constant with all the factors
Equivalent expression r is calculated as follows: (ii) By training the enhanced artificial neural network,
acquire the testing feature yields
∑xi yi − nxy n∑xi yi −∑xi ∑yi (iii) Assess the yield by methods of the variations among
r xy = = qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi :
nsx′ s′y n∑x2i − ð∑xi Þ2 n∑y2i − ð∑yi Þ2 the first and second biggest entries and then with
the standards to compute noisy features
(iv) By recognizable proof of enhanced artificial neural
system, distinguish the effective features and sup-
The results of the measurements that contain measure-
port sparse representation classifier to differentiate
ment errors are x and y, and the realistic limits on the coeffi-
the noisy features. From this exertion, the predic-
cient correlation are of a smaller range but not −1 to +1. The
tion precision has been improved. The expected
coefficient of determination was found to be r square which is
enhanced algorithm is indicated
Pearson’s product-moment coefficient, for a linear model
with an independent variable. An activation function “f ”
computes fresh activation at the given time t + 1 from a j ðtÞ,
4. Performance Evaluation
θ j and the net input p j ðtÞ giving rise to the relation. In the entire model, TP demonstrates the true positive rate,
FP demonstrates the false positive rate, TN represents the
true negative rate, and FN represents the false negative rate.
a j ð t + 1 Þ = f a j ð t Þ, p j ð t Þ, θ j , ð8Þ
These measures are evaluated separately for each feature and
on average for all the test features.
where f out is considered as the output function.
À Á True Positive
Recall = , ð12Þ
o j ðt Þ = f out a j ðt Þ : ð9Þ True Positive + False Negative
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BioMed Research International 7
0 5.5 2.4
1000 4.3 2
2000 4.4 1.8
3000 4.5 1.8
4000 5 1.8
5 0 3 2 1 0.4
0.2 3.5 2.5 2 1
4 0.4 4.5 3 2.5 1.5
0.6 5.5 3.5 2.9 1.9
0.8 7 4 3 2.2
Table 6: Accuracy comparison among all feature selection and
classification schemes.
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 % IGEP+EANN FO+GRNN LDA+IELM MRMR+SVM
20 91 89 85 81
Long time survivors
Short time survivors 40 92 90 87 82
60 93 91 89 83
Figure 4: Long- and short-time survivors class prediction by using
80 94 92 90 84
the Kaplan-Meier curve of brain cancer prognosis prediction.
100 95 93 91 85
8 120 96.37 94.36 92.35 88.22
5 95
1 80
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
FO+GRNN MRMR+SVM 20 40 60 80 100 120
Figure 5: Area under the curve performance.
120 100
100 80
80 60
60 40
40 20
20 0
20 40 60 80 100 120
20 40 60 80 100 120
FO+GRNN MRMR+SVM Figure 9: Precision performance comparison.
Figure 7: Sensitivity performance comparison. Table 9: Precision comparison among all feature selection and
classification schemes.
Table 7: Sensitivity comparison among all feature selection and
classification schemes. % IGEP+EANN FO+GRNN LDE+IELM MRMR+SVM
20 73 69 30 20
40 72 70 40 35
20 65 70 86 91
60 74 72 50 45
40 70 75 89 94
80 75 74 60 55
60 79 85 90 95
100 77 75 74 72
80 81 88 92 96
120 78.78 77.78 76.77 70.85
100 85 90 95 97
120 98.37 96.36 93.35 96.23
100 50
40 10
20 20 40 60 80 100 120
20 40 60 80 100 120 FO+GRNN MRMR+SVM
Table 8: Specificity comparison among all feature selection and Table 10: Recall comparison among all feature selection and
classification schemes. classification schemes.
20 91.2 82 75 60 20 59 50 40 20
40 92.5 85 79 65 40 60 53 43 30
60 93.2 88 80 75 60 61 55 53 45
80 94.3 90 85 80 80 62 59 55 50
100 95.41 92 90 85 100 63.3 60 59 55
120 96.37 94.36 92.35 89.95 120 64.29 62.27 60.25 56.89
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Table 11: Mathematical evaluation of overall performance for each DA detection schemes.
Accuracy 96.37 94.36 92.35 88.22
Sensitivity 98.37 96.36 93.35 96.23
Specificity 96.37 94.36 92.35 89.95
Precision 78.78 77.78 76.77 70.85
Recall 64.29 62.27 60.25 56.89
F-measure 80.22 72.27 69.25 65.35
The below phase evaluated the performance of projected
improved gene expression program (IGEP) with enhanced
artificial neural network (EANN) process of feature selec-
tion, and the results are compared with existing algorithms
like machine learning (IELM+LDA) and MRMR with
support vector machine (MRMR+SVM). To estimate the
survivor’s time of our method, the Kaplan-Meier curve per-
formance measure has been used. It can be measured by 60
using the given formula.
À Á À Á ci
̂ ̂Sðt Þ = ̂Sðt Þ 2 〠
N : ð18Þ 40
i:t ≤t i i − ci Þ
n ð n
survivors and short-time survivors, due to effectual optimi-
zation. Figure 4 represents the long- and short-time survi-
vors by class prediction using the Kaplan-Meier curve of
brain cancer prognosis prediction and its comparison table
in Table 3.
Figure 5 shows the ROC curve graphical representation
of all methods like the proposed IGEP+EANN and existing IGEP+EANN LDA+IELM
It illustrates the AUC of our proposed scheme that attained
better value compared than other methods. These values are Figure 11: Overall performance prediction.
aligned in Table 4.
In Table 5, comparison of TP rate is mentioned and it is From Figure 8 and Table 8, the specificity rate of IGEP
better than the existing scheme. +EANN is 1.87% and 2.4%, which is increased better than
The accuracy level of proposed scheme is illustrated in FO+GRNN, LDA+IELM, and MRMR+SVM. The effectual
Table 6. feature reduction with effectual sparse representation and
From Figure 6, the accuracy rate of IGEP+EANN is classification has reduced the error rate and increased the
increased better than FO+GRNN, LDA+IELM, and MRMR true positive rate, so the presented IGEP+EANN attained
+SVM. Due to the effectual feature selection and retrieval, better specificity result.
useful information by using sparse representation the TP From Figure 9 and Table 9, the precision rate of IGEP
rate has been increased, so the presented FO+GRNN +EANN is increased better than FO+GRNN, LDA+IELM,
attained better accuracy result. It is arranged in Tables 5 and MRMR+SVM. Due to the specificity of high true posi-
and 6. When the number of features is increased, accuracy tive rate, the presented LDA+IELM attained higher preci-
of every scheme has been increased, due to the reduction sion result compared than other algorithms. Less training
of noisy features. time of IELM has increased the prediction accuracy through
From Figure 7 and Table 7, the sensitivity rate of IGEP classifying more number of features with less error rate.
+EANN is decreased better than FO+GRNN, LDA+IELM, From Figure 10 and Table 10, the recall rate of IGEP
and MRMR+SVM. Due to the less error rate and true nega- +EANN is increased better than FO+GRNN, LDA+IELM,
tive rate, the presented IGEP+EANN attained a better sensi- and MRMR+SVM. Due to high precision, specificity, and
tivity result. The increase in the feature number increases the the recall rate of the proposed scheme is more efficient
sensitivity, due to the high false positive rate. Compared to than existing algorithms. The proposed IGEP+EANN
all algorithms, the SVM attained high sensitivity, due to scheme’s six volume metric results are evaluated for the
the high error rate. TCGA dataset, and their mathematical evaluation is defined
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