Chaufferur Grade 2
Chaufferur Grade 2
Chaufferur Grade 2
Note:- Ranked Lists will be prepared for each recruitment number in pursuance of
this notification. The ranked lists so prepared for NCA vacancy (Rec No.
12/2022), shall remain in force until candidates are advised and appointed
against the vacancies earmarked for the respective community. The ranked list
prepared pursuant to Recruitment No.13/2022 shall remain in force for a
minimum period of one year from the date on which it is brought into force and
shall continue to remain in force until the publication of a fresh list or till the
expiry of two years, whichever is earlier.
Sl. No. Image File size (should be the exact size)
Height Width
1 Photograph 20 KB to 40 KB 200 pixels 150 pixels
h) For further details the candidates are advised to visit the link "Guidelines for
Photograph & Signature" available on the main page. Candidates should take
care to upload good quality photograph. Otherwise it would be difficult to
identify the candidate from the photograph on the Admission Ticket. If the
candidate cannot be identified from the photograph printed on the Admission
Ticket, he/she will not be allowed to write the examination.
i) The candidate should also keep the particulars of educational qualifications and
other personal details ready before applying as these details are required to be
entered in the online Application Form. The detailed requirements are given in the
link “Sample Application Form” available in the main page.
j) To start the application process, the candidates should click the link 'Step-I/ New
Applicant’ in the web page or the 'Apply online' button available against the
notification link. This will take the candidate to the next page where the options of
'POSTS' are displayed. The candidates can access the ‘RECRUITMENT OF
CHAUFFEUR GRADE II’ main page (hereafter called the main page) by
clicking the option ‘CHAUFFEUR GRADE II’ available there. Before
proceeding further, the candidate should read the detailed notification in the home
page and How to Apply, Guidelines for Photograph & Signature, FAQ and Sample
Application Form provided in the main page.
k) In Step-I (Registration for New Applicants), the candidate has to fill in basic
information about him/her. The information provided during Step-I process cannot
be modified after submission with key number.
16. Admission Tickets/Call Letters for Written Test/ Practical Test/ Interview:
(i) The candidates should download the Admission Tickets/Call Letters from the
link “STEP-II” from the recruitment portal
(ii) The Admission Tickets for written test will be ready for download three weeks
prior to the date of the written test and Call Letters for Practical Test/
Interview will be ready for download two weeks prior to the date of the
Practical Test/ Interview and the candidate will be intimated through SMS/e-
(iii) If a candidate is unable to download his/her Admission Ticket/Call Letter,
he/she should contact the High Court at 0484-2562235. In case no
communication is received in the office of the High Court from the candidate
regarding non-receipt of his/her Admission Ticket/Call Letter at least one
week before the Written Test/Practical Test/ Interview, as the case may be,
he/she himself/herself will be solely responsible for non-receipt of his/her
Admission Ticket/Call Letter. The candidates are also advised to visit the
recruitment portal of the High Court ( at least
once in a week to know about the schedule of the written test/ Practical Test/
(iv) The candidates should note that their admission to the written test/ Practical
Test/ Interview will be purely provisional based on the information given by
them in the Online Application Form. This will be subject to verification of all
the eligibility conditions by the High Court.
(v) The mere fact that Admission Ticket/Call Letter has been issued to a candidate
does not imply that his/her candidature has been finally cleared by the High
Court or that entries made by the candidate in his/her application for the post
of Chauffeur Grade II have been accepted by the High Court as true and
correct. The High Court takes up the verification of eligibility conditions of a
candidate, with reference to original documents, at the time of certificate