Notice Rhqladakh 23052022

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File No.

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Staff Selection Commission

ADVERTISEMENT No. Selection Posts/Ladakh/2022

Dates for submission of online applications 23-05-2022 to 13-06-2022

Last date and time for receipt of online applications 13-06-2022 (upto23.00PM)
Last date and time for making online fee payment 15-06-2022 (23.00PM)
Last date and time for generation of offline Challan 16-06-2022 (23.00PM)
Last date for payment through Challan (during working 18-06-2022
hours of Bank)
Dates of ‘Window for Application Form Correction’ 27.06.2022 till 29.06.2022
including online payment. (23:00 PM)
Dates of Computer Based Examination August 2022 (tentatively)



1. Online Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the Selection Posts indicated in
Annexure-III of this Notice. Only those Applications which are successfully filled through
the Website of the Commission and found in order shall be accepted. Candidates should go
through the Recruitment Notice carefully before applying for the post and ensure that they
fulfill all the eligibility conditions like Resident Criteria/Age-Limit/ Essential Qualifications
(EQs)/ Experience/ Category, etc. as indicated in this Notice. Candidature of candidates not
meeting the eligibility conditions will be cancelled at any stage of the recruitment process
without any notice. Candidature of Applicants shall be purely PROVISIONAL at all
stages of the recruitment process.
1.1. All information relating to this recruitment right from the status of application upto the
nomination of the selected candidates to the User Department including call letters for the
Computer Based Examination to the provisionally eligible candidates will be available on
the website of Staff Selection Commission i.e. and the websites of the
Regional Office- North Western Region (NWR) Chandigarh i.e.
1.2. Candidates are advised to visit the website of the Regional Office, North
West Region, Chandigarh for the latest information in respect of various
categories of posts and the various stages of recruitment process.
NOTE: Computer Based Examination as Notified in this Notice will be conducted
along with the Phase X/2022/Selection Posts Examination in August 2022

2. Details/ Description of posts are given at Annexure-III of the Notice of

Examination. Direct Link for Post-details is available at Candidate Portal
which can be seen by login intoCandidates
DashboardLatest Notification Selection Posts/Ladakh/2022/Post
Details Link.
2.1. The vacancies have been advertised by the Staff Selection Commission
as per the Indents submitted by the various departments of
Administration of Union territory of Ladakh. The Commission will
not be responsible for withdrawal/alteration of the vacancies by the
Indenting Departments/Offices.
2.2. Candidates who wish to apply for more than one category of post should
apply separately for each category of post. For e.g. if a candidate wish to
apply for Junior Assistant and Junior Statistical Assistant, he/she has to
apply separately for these categories of posts.
3. Conditions on seeking fee concession, age-relaxation, reservation, etc:
3.1 For SC/ST applicants: SC/ST applicants seeking fee concession, age-
relaxation, reservation, etc. shall invariably submit the requisite Certificate as
per format (Annexure-VI) and Annexure-VI (A) from competent authority
(Appendix-I of this Notice) certifying that their Caste/ Sub-
Castes/Communities are approved by the Government of India under SC/ST
Category, as and when called for by the Commission, after conduct of the
Computer Based Examination or at any stage thereafter, otherwise their claims
for fee concession, age-relaxation, reservation etc. shall not be considered.
The crucial date for submitting the SC/ST certificate by the candidate may be
treated as the closing date for receipt of online application (i.e.13-06-2022).

3.2 For Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) Applicants:-

EWS applicants seeking Age relaxation, reservation etc shall invariably
submit the requisite Certificate as per Format Annexure-XI from Competent
Authority (Appendix-I of this Notice), as and when called for by the
Commission otherwise their claims for reservation etc. shall not be
considered. The crucial date for submitting the income and asset certificate by
the candidate may be treated as the closing date for receipt of online
application (i.e.13-06-2022). Candidates may also note in respect of the above
that, their candidature will remain provisional till the veracity of the concerned
document is verified by the Appointing Authority.

3.3 Crucial date for claim of SC/ST/EWS/PwD/ESM status, fee concession

and reservation, will be the closing date for receipt of online applications

3.4 Instruction for Government Employees (GE) Applicants

For claiming the benefit of age relaxation, they shall invariably submit, the
requisite Certificate as per Format at Annexure-X from the Competent
Authority (Appendix-I of this Notice) and also submit a Declaration as per
Annexure-X(A) as and when called for by the Commission, otherwise their
claims for age-relaxation shall not be considered.

NOTE:-Candidates should note that in case a communication is received

from their employer by the Commission withholding permission to the
candidates applying for appearing in the examination, their applications
shall be rejected and candidature shall be cancelled.

4. For Persons with Disabilities (PwD)[OH/HH/VH/Others] Applicants:

4.1. Suitability of the posts for the Persons with Disability (PwD) and the
nature of disabilities admissible are indicated against each category of post
in Annexure-III.
NOTE: The contents mentioned in the Notification No. 38-16/2020-
DDIII dated 04.01.2021 issued by Department of Empowerment of
Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan), M/o Social Justice and Empowerment
regarding “...Posts Identified suitable for Persons with Benchmark
Disabilities notified on 04.01.2021” will apply to the posts given in
Annexure III, wherever applicable. Therefore, the candidates with such
disabilities may also apply giving detail of their disabilities in the online
Application Form. However, their selection will be subject to identification of
posts suitable for these categories as well as reporting of vacancies by the
Indenting Departments. Further, candidates are hereby advised to
check their eligibility as per the details of Posts mentioned in the
Notification No. 38-16/2020-DDIII dated 04.01.2021 before
applying for any post.

Link for Notification No. 38-16/2020-DDIII dated 04.01.2021

4.2. Only those Persons with Disabilities (PwD) who are having benchmark
disabilities are eligible for fee concession, age-relaxation and for reservation,
wherever applicable.

4.3. They shall invariably submit the requisite Certificate as per Format
[Annexure-VIII (Form-VI)/ (Form XIII-A)/ (Form XIII-B), (Form XIII-
C)] as and when called for by the Commission, otherwise, their claim for
PwD status will not be entertained. The certificate of disability issued
under the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of
Rights and Full Participation) Act,1995 (1 of 1996) and J&K Reservation
Rules 2005 will also be valid. The crucial date for submitting the
certificate by the candidate may be treated as the closing date for receipt of
online application (i.e.13-06-2022).

4.4. Special Instructions for PwD Candidates:

As the “Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016” has come into
force with effect from 19.04.2017, and beside OH, HH and VH
categories, new categories of disabilities such as Autism, Dwarfism, Acid
Attack victims, Muscular Dystrophy, Intellectual Disability, Specific
Learning Disability, Mental Illness and Multiple Disabilities, etc. have
been included. Therefore, the candidates with such disabilities may also
apply giving detail of their disabilities in the online Application Form.
However, their selection will be subject to identification of posts suitable
for these categories as well as reporting of vacancies by the Indenting
Departments. Candidates suffering from various disabilities as identified
vide DoP&T OM No: 36035/02/2017- Estt (Res) dated 15.01.2018 (para-
2.2) may select following PwD categories in the online
Registration/Application Form:

SNo Type of Disability Category of disability to

be selected in
Registration /
Application Form

(a) Blindness and low vision VH
(b) Deaf and hard of hearing HH
(c) Locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, OH
leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims
and muscular dystrophy
(d) Autism, intellectual disability, specific Others
Learning disability and mental illness.
(e) Multiple disabilities from amongst persons
under clauses (a)to(d) including deaf-

5. Nationality and Resident Criteria:

a) A candidate must be a Citizen of India, and;
b) The candidate/ applicant must be a Resident of Ladakh and must possess a
Resident Certificate as per format at Annexure-VII issued by a Competent
Authority in accordance with the Union territory of Ladakh Grant of Resident
Certificate (Procedure) Order, 2021.

6. Age-Limit (As on 01-01-2022):

6.1. Age limit for a particular category of post(s) is mentioned in Post-details in

Annexure-III against each category of post.

6.2. Proof for Date of Birth: The Date of Birth as recorded in the
Matriculation/ Secondary Examination Certificate or an equivalent
certificate only will be accepted by the Commission for determining
the age eligibility and no subsequent request for its change will be
considered or granted.
6.3. Relaxation in Upper age-limit: Relaxation in upper Age-limit
admissible to eligible categories of applicants is as given below:

Category Category Permissible Age including

relaxation beyond upper age
01 SC/ ST Up to 45 years
02 EWS Up to 45 years
03 PWD Up to 44 years
04 Ex-Servicemen (ESM) 3 years after deduction of the actual
military service rendered from the
actual age as on the closing date for
receipt of application from the
Note: Relaxation of additional (02)
two years beyond the prescribed
upper age limit as provided above
will be admissible for a period of

(02) two years w.e.f. 13.09.2021.
05 Person already in government service Up to 42 years
(in case not covered under other categories
e.g. SC/ST PWD etc)

Note-1: The age relaxation for reserved category applicants is admissible only in the
case of vacancies being reserved for such categories. The reserved category applicants,
who apply against unreserved vacancies, will get age relaxation to the extent it is
available to UR category candidates.

Note-2: Applicants may check their eligibility for seeking relaxation in Upper Age Limit
carefully. If eligible, they are required to fill appropriate Age Relaxation Code
as applicable to them.

7. Special Instructions for Ex-Servicemen (ESM) Applicants:

7.1. ESM applicants seeking fee concession, age-relaxation and reservation,

etc. shall invariably submit, the requisite Certificate as per Format at
Annexure-IX, from Competent Authority (Appendix-I of this Notice) as
and when called for by the Commission or at the time of Document
Verification, otherwise their claims for age-relaxation, reservation etc.
shall not be considered.

7.2. The Horizontal Reservation to the extent of 6% of the available vacancies

shall be provided to the Ex-Servicemen for the direct Recruitment post
borne on the subordinate service under the Administration of Union
territory of Ladakh, which carry the pay of and up to the Pay Level-6E

7.3. Age-relaxation, fee concession, and reservation is not admissible to sons,

daughters and dependents of Ex-Servicemen. Therefore, such candidates
should not indicate their category as ex-servicemen.

7.4 Ex-Servicemen: An “ex-serviceman” means a person who has served in Army,

Navy or Air Force and has been honorably discharged and has not come to notice for
any criminal or anti-national activity

8. Provision of Compensatory Time and assistance of scribe:

8.1. In case of persons with benchmark disabilities in the category of blindness,

locomotor disability (both arm affected-BA) and cerebral palsy, the facility
of scribe will be provided, subject to such requests being made to the
Commission while filling up the online application form. Since some
categories of posts are not identified suitable for the persons with both arms
affected (BA) disability, therefore facility of scribes will not be admissible
to such candidates.

8.2. In case of remaining categories of persons with benchmark disabilities, the

provision of scribe will be provided on production of a certificate to the
effect that the person concerned has physical limitation to write, and scribe
is essential to write examination on his/ her behalf, from the Chief Medical
Officer/ Civil Surgeon/ Medical Superintendent of a Government health
care institution as per proforma at Annexure-I.

8.3. The candidates will have the discretion of opting for his/ her own scribe or
the facility of scribe provided by the Commission. Appropriate choice in
this regard will have to be given by the candidate in the online application

8.4. In case a candidate opts for his/ her own scribe, the qualification of the
scribe should be one step below the qualification of the candidate taking the
examination. The candidates with benchmark disabilities opting for own
scribe shall be required to submit details of the own scribe as per proforma
at Annexure-II. In addition, the scribe has to produce a valid ID proof (as
per list given at para-14.8.) in original at the time of examination. A
photocopy of the ID proof of the scribe signed by the candidate as well as
the scribe will be submitted along with proforma at Annexure-II. In case,
subsequently it is found that the qualification of the scribe is not as declared
by the candidate, then the candidate shall forfeit his/ her right to the post
and claims relating thereto.

8.5. Own scribe should not be a candidate of this examination. If a candidate is

detected as assisting another PwD candidate as scribe in this examination
then the candidatures of both the candidates will be cancelled.

8.6. A compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour of examination will be

provided to the persons who are allowed use of scribe as per paras 8.1 and
8.2 above.

8.7. The candidates referred at paras 8.1and 8.2 above, who are allowed use of
scribe but do not avail the facility of scribes will also be given
compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour of examination.

8.8. The PwD candidates who have availed the facility of Scribes/Passage
Reader and/or compensatory time must produce relevant documents for the

eligibility of scribe/compensatory time, during the conduct of computer
based examination, and/or as and when called for by the Commission and
also at the time of Document Verification. Failure to produce such
supporting documents will lead to cancellation of their candidature for the

8.9. No attendant other than the scribe for eligible candidates will be allowed
inside the examination hall.

8.10. One eyed candidates and partially blind candidates who are able to read the
normal Question Paper set with or without magnifying glass and who wish
to write/ indicate the answer with the help of Magnifying Glass will be
allowed to use the same in the Examination Hall and will not be entitled to a
Scribe. Such candidates will have to bring their own Magnifying Glass to
the Examination Hall.
9. Crucial date for Essential Qualification (EQ) and Age Limit:

9.1. Essential Qualifications (EQs) & Age Limit for each Post as per the
requirement of the concerned User Departments, are mentioned in the
details/description of Post(s)as given in the Annexure-III of this

9.2. The Crucial date for determining of age-limit and possession of Essential
Qualifications (EQs)/Experience will be 01-01-2022 and 13.06.2022

9.3. Before applying for the post, the candidates must ensure that they possess
the Essential Qualifications including Experience wherever it is
prescribed as Essential Qualification and also meet the age-limit as on
the crucial date mentioned in Para 9.2 above.

9.4. The posts where experience is required, such experience must be acquired
by the candidates after completing educational qualification as specified for
the concerned post. Further, internship, training, research experience, etc
gained in the course of acquiring an educational qualification will not be
counted as experience even after the same has been acquired after the
completion of his/her educational qualification.

9.5. For posts where experience in a particular field/ discipline for a specified
period has been indicated as an Essential Qualification, the applicants
must fill the relevant column of the online Application Form and also shall
submit self-attested copy of relevant certificates in support of their claim
of possession of Experience in that field/discipline from the Competent
Authority along with the print out of the online Application Form, as
and when called for by the Commission after the conduct of Computer
Based Examination failing which their candidature shall be rejected.

9.6. Selection will be strictly as per Recruitment Rules of the post. It may be
noted by the candidates that Equivalency will not be allowed in case it
is not mentioned in the prescribed EQ for any category of post in the
Notice. In case Equivalency is allowed in the Recruitment Rules, it is the
responsibility of the candidates to submit the necessary Documents/
Certificates (Order/ Letter with Number & Date) in support of equivalence,
issued by the Government of India/ State Government or by the Competent
Authority, as mentioned in the post details against the particular
category(ies) of post(s) in the notice, from which he/she obtained the
Educational Qualification, failing which his/her application shall be

9.7. In respect of Post(s) requiring proficiency in the relevant language as an

essential qualification, the applicant must have studied that language up to
Matriculation level and in case the relevant language is not taught as a
subject in Matriculation, the said language must be then other-tongue of the

9.8. As per Ministry of Human Resource Development Notification dated 10-

06-2015 published in Gazette of India all the degrees/diplomas/certificates
awarded through Open and Distance Learning mode of education by the
Universities established by an Act of Parliament or State Legislature,
Institutions Deemed to be Universities under Section 3 of the University
Grant Commission Act 1956 and Institutions of National Importance
declared under an Act of Parliament stand automatically recognized for the
purpose of employment to posts and services under the Central Government
provided they have been approved by the University Grants Commission.
Accordingly, unless such Degrees are recognized for the relevant
period when the candidates acquired the qualification, they will not be
accepted for the purpose of Educational Qualification.

9.9. As per UGC (Open and Distance Learning) Regulations, 2017 published in
official Gazette on 23-06-2017, under Part-III(8)(v), the programmes in
engineering, medicine, dental, nursing, pharmacy, architecture and
physiotherapy etc are not permitted to be offered under Open and Distance
Learning mode.

9.10. However, B.Tech. degree/diploma in Engineering awarded by IGNOU to

the students who were enrolled up to academic year 2009-10 shall be
treated as valid, wherever applicable.

10. How to apply:

10.1 Candidates will have to apply for each category of post separately and
also pay fee for each category of post. e.g. if a candidate wish to apply
for Junior Assistant and Junior Statistical Assistant both, he/she has to
pay fee for each category of post.
10.2 Candidates should apply only once for one category of post.

10.2. Applications must be submitted in online mode only at the official

website of SSC Headquarters i.e. For detailed
instructions, please refer to Annexure-IV and Annexure-V of this

10.3. Last date for submission of online applications is 13-06-2022(23.00PM).

10.4. Candidates are advised in their own interest to submit online
applications much before the closing date and not to wait till the last
date to avoid the possibility of disconnection/ inability or failure to
login to the SSC website on account of heavy load on the website
during the closing days.

10.5. The Commission does not accept any responsibility for the candidates
not being able to submit their applications within the last date on
account of the aforesaid reasons or for any other reason beyond the
control of the Commission.

10.6. After successful submission of online application, candidates must

take a printout of the application form for submitting the same
along with the requisite documents, duly self-attested, as and when
called for by the Commission after the conduct of Computer Based

10.7. The information furnished by the candidates in their applications will be

verified by the Commission with reference to the original documents

during the Document Verification. During verification of documents, if
it is found that any information furnished by the candidate in the
application is wrong, his/ her candidature will be rejected forthwith. The
candidates should ensure that they have furnished correct information in
the application form. (Kindly see the specimen of Registration &
Application form at ANNEXURE-XIV and ANNEXURE-XV
11. Application Fee:
11.1. Fee payable: Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred only).

11.2. Fee can be paid online through BHIM UPI, Net Banking, by using Visa,
Mastercard, Maestro, RuPay Credit or Debit cards or in SBI Branches by
generating SBI Challan.

11.3. Women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC),

Scheduled Tribes (ST), Persons with Disabilities (PwD) and Ex-
servicemen (ESM) eligible for reservation are exempted from payment
of fee.

11.4. Online fee can be paid by the candidates up to 15-06-2022 (23.00PM).

However, candidates who wish to make the cash payment through
challan of SBI, may make the payment in cash at the Branches of SBI
within the working hours of bank up to 18-06-2022 provided the challan
has been generated by them before 16-06-2022 (upto 23.00PM).

11.5. Applications received without the prescribed fee shall not be considered
and summarily rejected. No representation against such rejection will be
entertained. Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any
circumstances nor will it be adjusted against any other examination or

11.6. Candidates who are not exempted from fee payment must ensure that
their fee has been deposited with SSC. If the fee is not received by SSC,
status of Application Form is shown as “Incomplete” and this
information is printed on the top of the Application Form printout.
Further, status of fee payment can be verified at the “Payment Status”
link provided in the candidate’s login screen. Such applications which
remain incomplete due to non-receipt of fee will be SUMMARILY
REJECTED and no request for consideration of such applications and

fee payment after the period specified in the Notice of Examination shall
be entertained.
11.7. Fee once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances nor will it
be adjusted against any other examination or selection. Fee should be
paid separately for each category of post applied.

12. Window for Application Form Correction [27.06.2022 till 29.06.2022 (23:00 PM)]

12.1. After the closing date for receipt of online applications, the Commission will
provide a period of 5 days to enable candidates to correct/ modify online
application parameters, wherein candidates will be allowed to re-submit
applications after making requisite corrections/ changes in the one-time
registration/ online application data as per their requirement.

12.2. A candidate will be allowed to correct and re-submit his modified/ corrected
application two times during the ‘Window for Application Form Correction’ i.e. if
he/she has made mistake in his updated application also, he/she will be allowed to
resubmit one more modified/ corrected application after making requisite
corrections/ modifications. No more corrections in the application form will be
allowed under any circumstances.

12.3. Only those candidates will be allowed to make corrections in the application
form, whose completed online applications along-with payment of requisite fee,
have been received by the Commission within the specified period.

12.4. Latest modified application will be treated as the valid one and the
previous application(s) submitted by such candidates will be ignored.

12.5. The Commission will levy a uniform correction charges of ₹ 200/- for making
correction and re-submitting modified/ corrected application for the first time and
₹ 500/- for making correction and re-submitting modified/ corrected application
for the second time. The correction charges will be applicable to all candidates
irrespective of their gender/ categories.

12.6. The correction charges can be paid only by online mode through BHIM UPI,
Net Banking or by using Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, RuPay Credit or Debit cards.

12.7. The correction charges once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances

nor will it be adjusted against any other examination or selection.

12.8. Before submission of the corrected application, candidates must check that they
have filled correct details in each field of the form. After expiry of ‘Window for
Application Form Correction’, no change/ correction/ modification will be
allowed under any circumstances. Requests received in this regard in any form
like Post, Fax, Email, by hand, etc. shall not be entertained by the Commission
and will be summarily rejected.

13. Centers of Examination

13.1. The details of the examination centres are as follows:

S. No Examination Centres Centre Code

1 Chandigarh/Mohali 1601
2 Jammu 1004
3 Srinagar 1007
4 Leh 1005
5 Kargil 1008
6 Delhi 2201

13.2. A candidate has to give option for three centres, in the order of priority, No
request for change of Centre will be considered later, under any circumstances.
Hence, the candidates should select the centers, carefully and indicate the
same correctly in their online application.

13.3. The Commission reserves the right to cancel any Centre and ask the
candidates of that centre to appear from another centre. Commission also
reserves the right to divert candidates of any centre to some other Centre to
take the examination.

14.1. There will be three separate Computer Based Examinations consisting of

Objective Type Multiple Choice questions, for the posts with minimum
Educational Qualification (EQs) of i) Matriculation level, ii) Higher
Secondary, and iii) Graduation & above levels. The details of subjects,
marks and number of questions subject-wise will be as given below:-

Part Subject No. of Maximum Total Duration
A General Intelligence 25 50 60 Minutes (80 minutes for

B General Awareness 25 50 candidates eligible for scribes

as per Para 8.1 and 8.2.
C Quantitative Aptitude 25 50
(Basic Arithmetic Skill)
D English Language 25 50
(Basic Knowledge)
14.2. There will be negative marking of 0.50 marks (out of maximum 2 marks per
question) for each wrong answer.

14.3. Marks scored by candidates in Computer Based Examination will be

normalized by using the formula published by the Commission through
Notice No: 1-1/2018-P&P-I dated 07-02-2019 and such normalized scores
will be used to determine final merit and cut-off marks.

14.4. Skill Tests like Typing/ Data Entry/ Computer Proficiency Test, etc., where
prescribed in the Essential Qualification, will be conducted, which will be of
a qualifying nature.

14.5. The Commission shall have the discretion to fix different minimum
qualifying standards in each component of the Examination taking into
consideration among others, category-wise vacancies and category-wise
number of candidates.

14.6. Tentative Answer Keys will be placed on the Commission’s website after the
Examination. Candidates may go through the Answer Keys and submit
representations, if any, within the time limit given by the Commission through
on- line modality only, on payment of Rs. 100/-per question. Any representation
regarding Answer Keys received within the time limit fixed by the Commission
at the time of uploading of the Answer Keys will be scrutinized before finalizing
the Answer Keys and the decision of the Commission in this regard will be final.
No representation regarding Answer Keys shall be entertained later.

14.7. Indicative Syllabus for Computer Based Examination:

14.7.1. Matriculation level

General Intelligence: It would include questions of non-verbal type.

The test will include questions on similarities and differences, space
visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making,
visual memory, discriminating observation, relationship concepts, figure
classification, arithmetical number series, non-verbal series etc. The test
will also include questions designed to test the candidate’s abilities to
deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationship, arithmetical
computation and other analytical functions.

General Awareness: Questions are designed to test the general

awareness of the environment and its application to the society.
Questions will also be designed to test knowledge of current events and
of such matters of everyday observation and experience in their
scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated person. The test
will also include questions relating to India and its neighbouring
countries especially pertaining to Sports, History, Culture, Geography,
Economic scene, General Polity including Indian Constitution, and
Scientific Research etc. These questions will be such that they do not
require a special study of any discipline.

Quantitative Aptitude: This paper will include questions on problems

relating to Number Systems, Computation of Whole Numbers,
Decimals and Fractions and relationship between Numbers,
Fundamental arithmetical operations, Percentages, Ratio and
Proportion, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, use of Tables
and Graphs, Mensuration, Time and Distance, Ratio and Time, Time
and Work, etc.

English Language: Candidates understanding of the Basics of English

Language, its vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonyms,
antonyms and its correct usage, etc. his/her writing ability would be

14.7.2. 10+2 (Higher Secondary) level

General Intelligence: It would include questions of both verbal and

non-verbal type. The test will include questions on Semantic Analogy,
Symbolic operations, Symbolic/Number Analogy, Trends, Figural
Analogy, Space Orientation ,Semantic Classification, Venn Diagrams,

Symbolic/Number Classification, Drawing inferences, Figural
Classification, Punched hole/pattern-folding & unfolding, Semantic
Series, Figural Pattern – folding and completion, Number Series,
Embedded figures, Figural Series, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving,
Emotional Intelligence, Word Building, Social Intelligence, Coding and
de-coding, Other sub-topics, if any Numerical operations.

General Awareness: Questions are designed to test the candidate’s

general awareness of the environment and its application to the society.
Questions are also designed to test knowledge of current events and of
such matters of everyday observation and experience in their scientific
aspect as may be expected of an educated person. The test will also
include questions relating to India and its neighbouring countries
especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography, Economic Scene,
General polity and scientific research.

Quantitative Aptitude: Arithmetic, Number Systems, Computation of

Whole Number, Decimal and Fractions, Relationship between numbers
Fundamental arithmetical operations: Percentages, Ratio and
Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest (Simple and Compound),
Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and
Allegation, Time and distance, Time and work. Algebra: Basic algebraic
identities of School Algebra and Elementary surds (simple problems)
and Graphs of Linear Equations. Geometry: Familiarity with elementary
geometric figures and facts: Triangle and its various kinds of centres,
Congruence and similarity of triangles, Circle and its chords, tangents,
angles subtended by chords of a circle, common tangents to two or more
circles. Mensuration: Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons,
Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right Circular Cylinder,
Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Regular Right
Pyramid with triangular or square, Base Trigonometry: Trigonometry,
Trigonometric ratios, Complementary angles, Height and distances
(simple problems only) Standard Identities etc., Statistical Charts: Use
of Tables and Graphs, Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar-diagram,

English Language: Spot the Error, Fill in the Blanks, Synonyms/

Homonyms, Antonyms, Spellings/ Detecting Mis-spelt words, Idioms &
Phrases, One word substitution, Improvement of Sentences, Active/
Passive Voice of Verbs, Conversion into Direct/ Indirect narration,
Shuffling of Sentence parts, Shuffling of Sentences in a passage, Cloze
Passage, Comprehension Passage.

14.7.3. Graduation & above level:

General Intelligence: It would include questions of both verbal and

non-verbal type. This component may include questions on analogies,
similarities and differences, space visualization, spatial orientation,
problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory,
discrimination, observation, relationship concepts, arithmetical
reasoning and figural classification, arithmetic number series, non-
verbal series, coding and decoding, statement conclusion, syllogistic
reasoning etc. The topics are, Semantic Analogy, Symbolic/Number
Analogy, Figural Analogy, Semantic Classification, Symbolic/ Number
Classification, Figural Classification, Semantic Series, Number Series,
Figural Series, Problem Solving, Word Building, Coding & de-coding,
Numerical Operations, symbolic Operations, Trends, Space Orientation,
Space Visualization, Venn Diagrams, Drawing inferences, Punched
hole/ pattern –folding & un-folding, Figural Pattern – folding and
completion, Indexing, Address matching, Date & city matching,
Classification of centre codes/ roll numbers, Small & Capital letters/
numbers coding, decoding and classification, Embedded Figures,
Critical thinking, Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence, Other sub-
topics, if any.

General Awareness: Questions will be designed to test the general

awareness of the environment and its application to the society.
Questions will also be designed to test knowledge of current events and
of such matters of every day observations and experience in their
scientific aspect as may be expected of any educated person. The test
will also include questions relating to India and its neighbouring
countries especially pertaining History, Culture, Geography, Economic
Scene, General Polity& Scientific Research.

Quantitative Aptitude: The questions will be designed to test the

ability of appropriate use of numbers and number sense of the
candidate. The scope of the test will be computation of whole numbers,
decimals, fractions and relationships between numbers, Percentage,
Ratio & Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest, Profit and Loss,
Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture and Allegation, Time and
distance, Time & Work, Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra &
Elementary surds, Graphs of Linear Equations, Triangle and its various
kinds of centres, Congruence and similarity of triangles, Circle and its
chords, tangents, angles subtended by chords of a circle, common
tangents to two or more circles, Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular
Polygons, Circle, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right Circular
Cylinder, Sphere, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepiped, Regular
Right Pyramid with triangular or square base, Trigonometric ratio,
Degree and Radian Measures, Standard Identities, Complementary
angles, Heights and Distances, Histogram, Frequency polygon, Bar
diagram & Pie chart.

English Language: Candidates’ ability to understand correct English,

his basic comprehension and writing ability, etc. would be tested.

The questions in Parts A, B, & D will be of a level commensurate with

the essential qualification viz. Graduation and questions in Part C will
be of 10th standard level.

15. Admission to the Examination:

15.1. All candidates who register themselves in response to this advertisement by the
closing date and time and whose applications are found to be in order and are
provisionally accepted by the Commission as per the terms and conditions of
this Notice of Examination will be assigned Roll numbers and issued
Admission Certificate (AC) for appearing in the Computer Based Examination.
Subsequently, qualified candidates will be issued Admission Certificates/
Instructions, for the next stages of the Examinations.

15.2. The Commission will not undertake detailed scrutiny of applications for
the eligibility and other aspects at the time of Computer Based
Examination and, therefore, candidature will be accepted only
provisionally. The candidates are advised to go through the requirements
of educational qualification, experience, age, physical and medical
standards etc. as per the requirements of the Post-category they wish to
apply for and satisfy themselves that they are eligible for the post(s).
Copies of self-attested supporting documents along-with printout of the
online application form will be sought at the time of Scrutiny Stage from
the shortlisted candidates for the said stage of scrutiny as per Selection
Procedure mentioned in Para 18 and at the time of Document Verification.
When scrutiny of documents is undertaken at any stage of the recruitment
process, if any claim made in the application is not found substantiated,
the candidature will be cancelled and the Commission’s decision shall be
15.3 Admission Certificates for the Examination will be uploaded on the website of the
concerned Regional Office (NWR) Chandigarh of the Commission. Admission
Certificate will not be issued by post for any stage of examination. Therefore
candidates are advised to visit the website of Regional Office (NWR) Chandigarh and SSC HQ regularly for updates and
information about the examination.

15.4 For the Computer Based Examination, Admission Certificate will be

issued by the Regional Office, in whose jurisdiction opted Examination
Centre of the candidates falls, irrespective of the post category to which
the post belongs. For Document Verification, Admission Certificate will be
issued by the Regional Office (NWR) Chandigarh. Therefore, candidates
are advised to check the website of the Regional Office (NWR)
Chandigarh regularly for latest updates.

15.5 Information about the Examination indicating the time table and City/ Centre
of examination for the candidates will be uploaded on the websites of the
Regional Office (NWR) Chandigarh of the Commission about two weeks before
the date of examination. If any candidate does not find his/her detail on the
website of the Commission, one week before the date of examination, he/ she
must immediately contact the Regional Office (NWR) Chandigarh of the
Commission with proof of having submitted his/ her application. Failure to do
so will deprive him/ her of any claim for consideration.

15.6 Candidate must write his/ her Registration-ID, Roll Number, registered Email-ID
and Mobile Number along with his/ her name, date of birth and name of the
examination, while addressing any communication to the Commission.
Communication from the candidate not furnishing these particulars shall not be


15.7 Facility for download of Admit Cards will be available about one week before
the conduct of Computer Based Examination on the website of Regional Office
(NWR) Chandigarh. Candidate must bring print out of the Admission
Certificate to the Examination Hall.

15.8 In addition to the Admission Certificate, it is mandatory to carry at least two

passport size recent colour photographs, Original valid Photo-ID proof having
the Date of Birth as printed on the Admission Certificate failing which they will
not be allowed entry, such as:
15.8.1 Aadhaar Card/Printout of E-Aadhaar,

15.8.2 Voters ID Card,

15.8.3 Driving License,

15.8.4 PAN Card,

15.8.5 Passport,

15.8.6 ID Card issued by School/College.

15.8.7 Employer ID Card.

15.8.8 Ex-Serviceman Discharge Book issued by Ministry of Defence.

15.8.9 Another photo bearing valid ID card issued by the Central/State


15.9 If Photo Identity Card does not have the Date of Birth then the candidate
must carry an additional original certificate in proof of their Date of
Birth. In case of mismatch in the Date of Birth mentioned in the
Admission Certificate and photo ID/ Certificate brought in support of
Date of Birth, the candidate will not be allowed to appear in the

15.10 PwD candidates using the facility of scribes as per Para 8.1 and 8.2 shall also
be required to carry required Medical Certificate/ Undertaking/ Photocopy of
the Scribe’s Photo ID Proof, as specified therein. Candidates without above
noted documents will not be allowed to appear in the examination.

15.11 Any other document mentioned in the Admission Certificate may also be
carried by the candidates while appearing in the Examination.

15.12 Applications with blurred photograph and/ or signature will be rejected. Also,

Photographs with cap, spectacles, googles, poor quality, miniature, side facing will be


16.1 All the candidates qualified for Document Verification are required to
appear for Document Verification in the Regional Office (NWR)
Chandigarh, along with the photocopies and original documents as mentioned
at Para no: 15.8.

16.2. Admission Certificate for DV will be issued by the Regional Office (NWR)
Chandigarh. Therefore, candidates are advised to check the website(s) of the
Regional Office (NWR) Chandigarh regularly.

16.3. Candidates have to bring two passport size recent colour photographs and one
original Photo ID Proof as listed at Para 15.8 above while appearing for the
Document Verification.

16.4. At the time of Document Verification, candidates will have to produce original
documents like:

16.4.1. Matriculation/Secondary Certificate.

16.4.2. Educational Qualification Certificate, as per the requirement of the Post-

category applied for.

16.4.3. Order/ letter in respect of equivalent Educational Qualifications

claimed, indicating the Authority (with number and date) under
which it has been so treated, in respect of equivalent clause in
Essential Qualifications, if a candidate is claiming a particular
qualification as equivalent.

16.4.4. Experience Certificate, if required for the post.

16.4.5. Caste/Category Certificate, if belongs to reserved categories.

16.4.6. Persons with Disabilities Certificate in the required format, if applicable.

16.4.7. Requisite Certificate for Ex-Servicemen (ESM): Serving Defence Personnel Certificate as per Annexure-IX,

if applicable. Discharge Certificate, if discharged from the Armed Forces,

16.4.8. Relevant Certificate if seeking any age relaxation.

16.4.9. No Objection Certificate, in case already employed in Government.

16.4.10. A candidate who claims change in name after matriculation on
marriage or remarriage or divorce, etc. the following documents
shall be submitted: In case of marriage of women: Photocopy of Husband’s

passport showing names of spouses or an attested copy
of marriage certificate issued by the Registrar of
Marriage or an Affidavit from husband and wife along
with a joint photograph duly sworn before the Oath
Commissioner; In case of re-marriage of women: Divorce Deed/ Death

Certificate as the case may be in respect of first spouse;
and photocopy of present husband “passport showing
names of spouse or an attested copy of marriage
certificate issued by the Registrar of Marriage or an
Affidavit from the husband and wife along with joint
photograph duly sworn before the Oath Commissioner. In case of divorce of women: Certified copy of Divorce

Decree and Deed Poll/Affidavit duly sworn before the
Oath Commissioner. In other circumstances for change of name for both male and
Deed Poll/ Affidavit duly sworn before the Oath
Commissioner and papercutting’s of two leading daily
newspaper in original (One daily newspaper should be of the
area of applicant’s permanent and present address or nearby
area) and Gazette Notification.
16.4.11. Any other document specified in the Admission Certificate for
Document Verification.

17 Abbreviations Used: As per Annexure-XIII

18 Selection Procedure:

18.1 Recruitment to Selection Posts will be made through Computer Based

Mode consisting of Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions.

18.2 All candidates who register themselves in response to this

advertisement by the closing date and time and whose applications are
found to be in order and are provisionally accepted by the Commission
as per the terms and conditions of this Notice of Examination, will be
assigned Roll numbers and issued Admission Certificate (AC) for
appearing in the Computer Based Examination by the Regional Office,
SSC (NWR), Chandigarh.

18.3 Applications which have blurred photograph/miniature

photograph/side facing photograph/photograph with goggles/
photograph with spectacles/ photograph with caps/no photographs,
blurred/ no signature /miniature fee not received/ incomplete
application/ etc. will be rejected. Specimen of Photographs acceptable
/non-acceptable are given at Annexure XII. Kindly see.

18.4 Candidates who apply for more than one post of different levels
(Matriculation, Higher Secondary (10+2) and Graduation & above) are
called “Common candidates”.

18.5 Such “Common candidates” will be issued only one Admission

Certificate for one level of EQ. For example, a candidate who has
applied for three or more categories of posts of three EQ levels
(Matriculation, Higher Secondary and Graduation & above),
he/she shall be issued only three Admission Certificates i.e. one for
each level of EQ.

18.6. Common candidates must appear only once in the examination for
one level of post, otherwise, their candidature shall be cancelled. If
a candidate has applied for two levels of posts e.g. for Matriculation
and for Higher Secondary (10+2), he/ she will have to appear once for
each level of examination (i.e. once for Matriculation level Post-
categories and once for Higher Secondary level Post-categories).

18.7. Candidates scoring less than cut-off marks as given below will not be
considered for the next stage of recruitment:
UR : 35%
EWS : 30%
Other categories : 25%

18.8. Depending on the number of vacancies of a particular category of post,

candidates will be shortlisted for the next stage of scrutiny based on
the score and merit of candidates in the Computer Based Examination
in the following ratio:

• In the ratio of 1:20, for upto 5 vacancies for any category of posts.

• In the ratio of 1:10, for more than 5 vacancies for any category of
posts, subject to minimum100.

18.9. The candidates who are shortlisted for the next stage of scrutiny
will be required to submit self attested copies of all the supporting
documents in respect of Educational Qualification (EQ),
Experience, Category, Age, Age-relaxation, etc. (as applicable) in
hard copy along with the print out of their online application form
in the Regional Office (NWR) Chandigarh.

18.10. Scrutiny of Documents will be carried out by the Regional Offices

(NWR) Chandigarh in consultation with concerned User

Note: Scrutiny of Documents is done in line with the provisions/details

mentioned in the Recruitment Rules (RRs) for a particular category of
Post as furnished by the concerned User Department. However, if at
any stage the Commission observes requirement of clarification to be
sought with respect to RRs, the same would be obtained from the
concerned User Department.

18.11. Skill Test, wherever prescribed for any category of post will be
conducted from amongst the candidates whose hard copies of
documents are received and found in order at Scrutiny stage, by the
Regional Offices (NWR) Chandigarh. Physical Endurance Test
(PET)/Physical Measurement Test (PMT) of the qualified candidates,
wherever applicable, will be conducted by the Administration of UT of

18.12. All qualified candidates found clear at the Scrutiny Stage for a
particular category of post, will be called for Document Verification
(DV) by the Regional Office (NWR) Chandigarh. Admission
Certificate for DV will be issued by the Regional Office (NWR)
Chandigarh. Therefore, candidates are advised to check the website
of the Regional Office (NWR) Chandigarh regularly.

18.13. The information furnished by the candidates in their applications will

be verified by the Commission with their original documents after the
Computer Based Examination. During verification of documents, if it
is found that any information furnished by the candidate in the
application form is wrong, his/her candidature will be rejected
forthwith. No appeal or representation against such rejection of
candidature will be entertained. The candidates should ensure that they
have furnished correct information in the application form.

18.14. Scores/ Marks of the selected candidates will only be disclosed/ made
available on the website of the Regional Offices (NWR) Chandigarh
at the time of declaration of Final Result for the particular Category
of post. Marks of all other candidates who appeared in the Computer
Based Examination for any category of post shall only be made
available on the website of the Commission after declaration of entire
results of all categories of posts advertised under this notice of
Selection Posts/Ladakh/2022.

18.15. SC, ST, EWS, ESM and PwD candidates, who are selected on their
own merit without relaxed standards, will not be adjusted against the
reserved share of vacancies. Such candidates will be accommodated
against the general/ unreserved vacancies in the post as per their
position in the overall merit or vacancies earmarked for their category,
whichever is advantageous to them. The reserved vacancies will be
filled up separately from amongst the eligible SC, ST, EWS, ESM, and
PwD candidates.

18.16. SC, ST, EWS, ESM, and PwD candidates who qualify on the basis of
relaxed standards viz. age limit, experience or qualifications, permitted
number of chances, extended zone of consideration, etc., irrespective
of his/ her merit position, is to be counted against reserved vacancies
and not against un-reserved vacancies. Such candidates may also be
recommended at the relaxed standards to the extent of number of
vacancies reserved for them, to make up for the deficiency in the
reserved quota, irrespective of their rank in the order of merit. In so far
as cases of ex-serviceman are concerned, deduction of the military
service rendered from the age of ex-servicemen is permissible against
the reserved or unreserved posts and such exemption will not be
termed as relaxed standards in regard to age. Similarly for PwD
candidates, relaxation in upper age limit will not be termed as relaxed


18.17. A person with disability (PwD) who is selected on his/ her own merit
can be appointed against an unreserved vacancy provided the post is
identified suitable for Persons with Disability of relevant category.

18.18. Success in the examination confers no right of appointment unless

Administration of UT of Ladakh is satisfied after such enquiry as may
be considered necessary that the candidate is suitable in all respects for
appointment to the service/post.

18.19. The candidates applying for the examination should ensure that they
fulfill all the eligibility conditions for admission to the examination.
Their admission at all stages of the examination will be purely
provisional, subject to their satisfying the prescribed eligibility
conditions. If, on verification, at any time before or after the written
examination, it is found that they do not fulfill any of the eligibility
conditions, their candidature for the examination will be cancelled.

18.20. Candidates selected for appointment are liable to serve anywhere in


18.21. In case, during the stage of Scrutiny of documents/ Document

Verification, the Commission observes that the vacancy(ies) for a
particular category of Post(s) is/are not getting filled up completely, an
additional number of candidates who have qualified in the Computer
Based Examination, in the order of merit, shall be called only for one
more time, at the discretion of the Commission for filling up the
number of vacancies not getting filled up, in the ratio of 1:20 for
vacancies upto 5 and 1:10 for vacancies more than 5.

18.22. The allocation of Departments in respect of posts common to various

Departments such as Junior Assistants, Jr Stenographer, Driver Grade-
II, Orderly and Safaiwala shall be made by the Administration of
Union territory of Ladakh on the basis of the merit cum preference of
the selected candidates. The order of preference of Departments from
the selected candidates shall be sought by General Administration
Department of Union territory of Ladakh after notification of the
selection list by SSC.
19. Resolution of Tie-Cases:
In the event of tie in the normalized scores of candidates in the Computer
Based Examination, such cases will be resolved by applying following
criteria, one after another, till the tie is resolved:

i. Total marks in Computer Based Examination.

ii. Marks in Part-A of Computer Based Examination.
iii. Marks in Part-B of Computer Based Examination.
iv. Date of Birth, with older candidates placed higher.
v. Alphabetical order of names.

20 Reasons for Rejection/Cancellation of Application / Candidature:-



20.1.1 Applications being incomplete.

20.1.2 Any variation in the Signatures (signatures done on the Print out of the
Application Form and also on other Documents must be the same).

20.1.3 Application without clear photograph (miniature photograph/side

facing photograph/ photographs with goggles /photographs with
spectacles/ photographs with caps /no photographs/blurred
photographs etc.) and legible signature.
20.1.4 Non-payment of Examination Fees by the fee non-exempted candidates.

20.1.5 Fee not paid as per instructions.

20.1.6 Under-aged/overaged candidates.

20.1.7 Non-forwarding of self attested legible copies of all the relevant

certificates/ documents issued by the competent authority, along with the
printout of the online Application Forms, in support of the information
given in their online Application Forms about their educational
qualifications, experiences, percentage of marks obtained, proof of age,
proof of category [SC/ ST/ EWS/ PwD/ ESM/, etc], as and when called
for by the Commission after conduct of Computer Based Examination(s).

20.1.8 Not having the requisite Educational Qualification, Experience as on

13.06.2022 (Closing date) and Age as on 01-01-2022.

20.1.9 Incorrect information or misrepresentation or suppression of material facts.

20.1.10 Non-receipt/ late receipt of the print out of the online Application Form

along with self-attested copies of the relevant documents at the scrutiny

20.1.11 For carrying prohibitive items to the Examination premises/Hall.

20.1.12 Non-production of original certificates at the time of Document Verification.

20.1.13 Indulging in any of the malpractices listed at Para-21 of the Notice of the

20.1.14 Candidates appearing twice in the Computer Based Examination for the
same level of EQ (i.e. Matriculation, Higher Secondary and Graduation &
above levels).

20.1.15 Candidates who are found in an inebriated condition in the Examination Hall.

20.1.16 Any other irregularity.

21 Penalty/ Debarment of candidates for Malpractices:-

If candidates are found to indulge at any stage in any of the malpractices listed
below during the conduct of examination, their candidature for this examination
will be cancelled and they will be debarred from the examinations of the
Commission for the period mentioned below:

S. No Type of Malpractice Debarment

1 Taking away any examination related material such as OMR sheets, 2Years
Rough Sheets, Commission Copy of Admission Certificate, Answer
Sheet etc. from the examination hall or passing it onto unauthorized
persons during the conduct of examination.
2 Leaving the Examination Venue uninformed during the Examination 2Years
3 Misbehaving, intimidating or threatening in any manner with the 3Years
Examination functionaries’ i.e. Supervisor, Invigilator, Security
Guard or Commission’s representatives etc.
4 Obstruct the conduct of examination/ instigate other candidates not to 3Years
take the examination.
5 Making statements which are incorrect or false, suppressing material 3Years
information, submitting fabricated documents, etc.
6 Obtaining support/ influence for his/ her candidature by any irregular 3Years
Or improper means in connection with his/ her candidature.

7 Possession of Mobile Phone in “switched on” or “switched off” 3Years
8 Appearing in the same examination more than once in contravention 3Years
Of the rules.
9 A candidate who is also working on examination related matters in 3Years
The same examination.
10 Damaging examination related infrastructure/ equipments. 5Years
11 Appearing in the examination with forged Admit Card, identity 5Years
proof, etc.
12 Possession of firearms/weapons during the examination. 5Years
13 Assault, use of force, causing bodily harm in any manner to the 7Years
Examination functionaries’ i.e. Supervisor, Invigilator, Security
Guard or Commission’s representatives etc.
14 Threatening/ intimidating examination functionaries with weapons/ 7Years
Fire arms.
15 Using unfair means in the examination hall like copying from 7Years
unauthorized sources such as written material on any paper or body
parts, etc.
16 Possession of Bluetooth Devices, spy cameras, and any other 7Years
Electronic gadgets in the examination hall.
17 Impersonate/Procuring impersonation by any person. 7Years
18 Taking snapshots, making videos of question papers or examination 7Years
Material, labs, etc.
19 Sharing examination terminal through remote desktop softwares/ 7Years
Apps/ LAN/ VAN, etc.
20 Attempt to hack or manipulate examination servers, data and 8Years
examination systems at any point before, during or after the

22 Commission’s Decision Final:

The decision of the Commission in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance

or rejection of the applications, penalty for false information, mode of selection,
conduct of examination(s), allotment of examination centres and preparation of
merit list & force allocation, debarment for indulging in malpractices will be
final and binding on the candidates and no enquiry/ Correspondence will be
entertained in this regard.
23 Jurisdiction of Courts/ Tribunals:

Any dispute in regard to this recruitment will be subject to Courts/ Tribunals

having jurisdiction over Chandigarh where SSC(NWR) is located.

24 Important Instructions to Candidates:


(d) The Commission will not undertake detailed scrutiny of applications for the eligibility
and other aspects at the time of Computer Based examination and, therefore,
candidature will be accepted only provisionally. The candidates are advised to go
through the requirements of educational qualification, age, physical and medical
standards etc. and satisfy themselves that they are eligible for the post(s). Copies of
self-attested supporting documents alongwith print out of the online application form
will be sought at the time of Scrutiny Stage from the shortlisted candidates for the
said stage of scrutiny as per Selection Procedure mentioned in Para 18 and at the time
of Document Verification. When scrutiny of documents is undertaken at any stage of
the recruitment process, if any claim made in the application is not found
substantiated, the candidature will be cancelled and the Commission’s decision shall
be final.

(e) Candidates seeking reservation benefits available for SC/ ST/ OBC/ PwD/ EWS/
ESM must ensure that they are entitled to such reservation as per eligibility prescribed
in the Notice. They should also be in possession of the certificates in the prescribed
format in support of their claim.
(f) Candidates with benchmark physical disability only would be considered as
Persons with Disabilities (PwD) and entitled to reservation for Persons with
(g) When application is successfully submitted, it will be accepted ‘Provisionally’.
Candidates should take printout of the application form for submission at the
scrutiny stage as and when called for by the Commission after conduct of the
Computer Based Examination as well as for their own records.
(h) Only one online application is allowed to be submitted by a candidate for one
category of post. Therefore, the candidates are advised to exercise due diligence at the
time of filling their online Application Forms. In case, more than one applications of a
candidate are detected for one category of post, all applications will be rejected by the
Commission and his/her candidature for the examination will be cancelled for that
post. If a candidate submits multiple applications for one category of post and
appears in the examination (at any stage) more than once, his/ her candidature will be
cancelled and he/ she will be debarred from the examinations of the Commission as
per rules.
(i) The candidates must write their father’s name and mother’s name strictly as given in
the Matriculation/ Secondary Certificates otherwise their candidature may be
cancelled at the time of Document Verification or as and when it comes into the
notice of the Commission.
(j) In the online Application Form, candidates are required to upload the scanned colour
passport size photograph in JPEG format (20 KB to 50 KB). The photograph should
not be more than three months old from the date of publication of the Notice of
Examination. Image dimension of the photograph should be about 3.5 cm (width) x
4.5 cm (height) and the face should occupy about 40% of the area of the photograph
with a full face view. The photograph should be without cap, without spectacles.
Applications with poor quality, miniature and blurred photographs/side facing
photographs will be rejected.
Candidates are required to upload the scanned signature in JPEG format (10 to 20
KB). Image dimension of the signature should be about 4.0 cm (width) x 2.0 cm
(height). Applications with blurred/ illegible Photograph/ Signature will be rejected

(k) Request for change/ correction in any particulars in the Application Form, (after
exercising opportunity under correction window as provided by the Commission)
once submitted, will not be entertained under any circumstances.
(l) After the closing date for receipt of online applications, the Commission will provide
a period of 5 days to enable candidates to correct/ modify online application
parameters, wherein candidates will be allowed to re-submit applications after making
requisite corrections/ changes in the onetime registration/ online application data as
per their requirement. This facility can be availed by online payment of stipulated
correction charges as per details given at Para-12 of the Notice of Examination. Latest
modified application will be treated as the valid one and the previous application(s)
submitted by such candidates for the examination will be ignored.
(m) Before submission of the corrected/ final online application as the case may be,
candidates must check that they have filled correct details in each field of the form.
After submission of the corrected/ final online application form OR expiry of the
period of ‘Window for Application Form Correction’, no change/ correction/
modification will be allowed under any circumstances. Requests received in this
regard in any form like Post, Fax, Email, by hand, etc. shall not be entertained by the
Commission and will be summarily rejected.
(n) Candidates are advised to fill their correct and active e-mail addresses and mobile
number in the online application as correspondence may be made by the Commission
through e- mail/ SMS.
(o) The candidates must carry two passport size recent colour photographs and a latest
photo bearing identification proof such as Aadhaar Card/ printout of E-Aadhaar,
Driving License, Voter Card, PAN Card, Identity Card issued by University/ College/
Government, Employer ID Card or any photo bearing ID card issued by Central/State
Government to the Examination Venue, failing which they will not be allowed to
appear for the same. If Photo Identity Card does not have the Date of Birth
printed in it, then the candidate must carry an additional original certificate in
proof of their Date of Birth. In case of mismatch in the date of birth mentioned in
the Admission Certificate and Photo ID/ Certificate brought in support of date of
birth, the candidate will not be allowed to appear in the examination. PwD
candidates using the facility of scribes as per Para 8.1 and 8.2 shall also be required to
carry required Medical Certificate/ Undertaking/ Photocopy of the Scribe’s Photo ID
Proof, as specified therein.

(p) In case of fake/ fabricated application/ registration by misusing any dignitaries name/
photo, such candidate/ cyber cafe will be held responsible for the same and liable for
suitable legal action under cyber/ IT act.
(q) All the posts carry All India Service Liability (AISL) i.e. the candidate, on selection,
may be asked to serve anywhere in the country.
(r) No admission certificates for aforesaid examination will be issued by post. Candidates
are required to download admission certificate for the examination from the website
of concerned Regional Offices.
(s) After successful submission of online Application Form, candidates must take a
print out of the online Application Form for submitting the same along with
requisite documents, duly self-attested, as and when called for by the
Commission after the conduct of Computer Based Examination.
(t) If a candidate is finally selected and does not receive any correspondence from the
concerned User Department within a period of 3 months after declaration of result,
he/ she must communicate immediately with the concerned User Department.
(u) Fee payable: Rs 100/- (Rs. one hundred only). Women candidates and candidates
belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Persons with disability
(PwD) and Ex-servicemen (ESM) eligible for reservation are exempted from payment
of fee.
(v) All the candidates qualified for Document Verification will be required to appear
for Document Verification in the Regional Office i.e. SSC(NWR)
(w) Special attention is invited to the declaration at the end of the Application Form.
Before agreeing to /signing the declaration, the candidates must go through the
Application details filled in and the contents of the declaration itself and agree to/sign
it only after satisfying themselves that the information furnished is correct. Any
concealment/misrepresentation/misdeclaration shall lead to cancellation of

25 Canvassing:
Canvassing in any form will disqualify the applicant.

26 Good Mental and Bodily Health of the Candidate:

A candidate must be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical
defect likely to interfere with the efficient discharge of his/ her duties as an
Officer of the service. A candidate who, after such medical examination as may

be prescribed by the competent authority, is found not to satisfy these
requirements, will not be appointed. Only such candidates as are likely to be
considered for appointment will be medically examined.

SNo Appendix Nos. Caste/Community/ Competent Authority
1 Annexure-I PwD (Regarding limitation Chief Medical Officer/Civil Surgeon/
in an examinee to write) Medical Superintendent of a
Government health care institution.

2 Annexure-II PwD (Letter of Applicants themselves

Undertaking for Using
Own Scribe)
3 Annexure-III Details of categories of Posts
4 Annexure-IV&V Instruction for One-time Registration and Filling up of online
Application Form.
5 Annexure-VI SC Tehsildar

6 Annexure -VI (A) ST Tehsildar

7 Annexure-VII Resident Tehsildar
8 Annexur Form-VI PwD Members/Chairperson of Medical Board &
e- VIII Form- Countersigned by the Medical
Superintendent/CMO/Head of Hospital.

9 Annexure – IX Zila Sanik Welfare Officer /Commanding Officer

10 Annexure-X GE Head of the Department

Annexure -X (A) Applicant themselves

11 Annexure-XI EWS District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/
Sub-Divisional Magistrate/Tehsildar

Revenue Officers not below the rank of Tehsildar.

12 Annexure-XII Photographs Specimen Acceptable/Not Acceptable in Application

13 Annexure-XIII Abbreviations used.
14 Annexure-XIV Registration-Specimen
15 Annexure-XV Application Format-Specimen

Note: The crucial date for submitting the relevant category certificates may be treated as the
closing date for receipt of online application i.e. 13.06.2022.


Certificate regarding physical limitation in an examinee to write

This is to certify that, I have examined Mr/Ms/Mrs

__________________________________(name of the candidate with disability), a

person with ____ ___ _______ ____ ___ __(nature and percentage of
disability as mentioned in the certificate of disability), S/o / D/o
_____________________ a resident of _____ ______ ____ Village/District/State)

and to state that he/ she has physical limitation which hampers his/ her writing
capabilities owning to his/ her disability.
Chief Medical Officer/Civil Surgeon/Medical Superintendent
of a Government health care institution

Name & Designation

Name of Government Hospital/Health Care Centre with Seal


Certificate should be given by a specialist of the relevant stream/ disability (e.g.
Visual impairment-Ophthalmologist, Locomotor disability-Orthopaedic
specialist/ PMR).

Letter of Undertaking for Using Own Scribe

I_____________, a candidate with___________________(name of

the disability) appearing for the ________________________ (name of the
examination) bearing Roll No._______________at______________________
(name of the centre) in the District ____ ____ ______ ,
___________________(name of the State/ UT). My qualification is

I do hereby state that____________(name of the scribe) will provide the service of scribe/
reader/ lab assistant for the undersigned for taking the aforesaid examination.

I do hereby undertake that his/ her qualification is ______________. In case, subsequently it

is found that his/ her qualification is not as declared by the undersigned and is beyond my
qualification, I shall forfeit my right to the post and claims relating thereto.

(Signature of the candidate with Disability)





(Procedure for filling online Application)

The process of filling online application for the examination consists of two parts:

I. One-time Registration.
II. Filling online Application for the Examination.
Part-I (One-Time Registration):

1. Please read the instructions given in the Notice of Examination carefully

before filling up the online 'One-time Registration Form' and “Application
2. Before proceeding with One-time Registration, keep the following
information/ documents ready:
a. Mobile Number (to be verified through OTP).
b. Email ID (to be verified through OTP).
c. Aadhaar Number. If Aadhaar Number is not available, please give
one of the following ID Numbers. (You will be required to show the
original document at a later stage):
i. Voter ID Card
ii. PAN
iii. Passport
iv. Driving License
v. School/ College ID
vi. Employer ID (Govt./ PSU/ Private)
d. Information about the Board, Roll Number and Year of Passing the

Matriculation (10th) Examination.

e. Disability Certificate Number, if you are a person with benchmark
3. For One-time Registration, click on “Register Now” link provided in “Login”
Section on

4. One-time Registration process requires filling up of following information:
a. Basic Details
b. Additional Details and Contact Details
c. Uploading of the scanned images of passport size photograph and
5. For filling up the ‘One-time Registration Form’, please follow the
following steps:
a. Few critical details (e.g. Aadhaar Number, name, father’s name,
mother’s name, date of birth, etc) are required to be entered twice, in
the relevant columns of the Registration Form, for verification
purpose and to avoid any mistakes. If there is mismatch between
original and verify data columns, indication will be given in red text.

b. S No-1, provide information about Aadhaar Number / Identity Card

and its Number. Any one of these Numbers is required to be given.

c. S No-2: Fill your name exactly as given in Matriculation (10th

Class) Certificate. In case, you have made any changes in your
name after matriculation, indicate the same at S No-2c and 2d.
d. S No-3: Fill your father’s name exactly as given in Matriculation

(10th Class) Certificate.

e. S No-4: Fill your mother’s name exactly as given in Matriculation

(10th Class) Certificate.

f. S No-5: Fill your date of birth exactly as given in Matriculation

(10th Class) Certificate.

g. S No-6: Matriculation (10th Class) Examination Details which include:

i. Name of Education Board
ii. Roll Number
iii. Year of passing
h. S No-7: Gender (Male/Female/Transgender)
i. S No-8: Level of Educational Qualification (Highest).
j. S No-9: Your Mobile Number. This must be a working mobile
number as it will be verified through “One Time Password” (OTP). It
may be noted that any information which the Commission may like
to communicate with you, will be sent on this mobile number only.
Your mobile number will also be used for retrieval of password/
Registration Number, if required.
k. S No-10: Your Email ID. This must be a working Email ID as it will
be verified through OTP. It may also be noted that any information
which the Commission may like to communicate with you, will be
sent on this Email ID only. Your Email ID will also be used for
retrieval of password/ Registration Number, if required.
l. Provide detail of State/ UT of your Permanent Address.
m. When the Basic Details provided at S No-1 to 10 are saved, you will
be required to confirm your mobile number and email ID. On
confirmation, your data will be saved and your Registration Number
will be displayed on the screen. Your Registration Number and
Password will be provided to you on your mobile number and Email
n. You have to complete the Registration Process within 14 days failing
which your Registration Details saved so far will be deleted.
o. Login using your Registration Number as username and auto
generated password provided to you on your mobile and email.
Change your password, when prompted on first login.
p. After successful password change, you need to login again using
your Registration Number and changed password.
q. On successful login, information about the “Basic Details” so far filled
by you will be displayed. You may edit it, if required or proceed
further by clicking on “Next” button at the bottom to complete your
One-time Registration.
r. S No-11: Provide information about your Category.
s. S No-12: Provide information about your Nationality
t. S No-13: Provide information about visible Identification Mark. You
may be required to show the above Identification Mark at various
stages of examination.

u. S No-14: Provide information about benchmark disabilities, if

any. If you are suffering from any specific benchmark disability identified
suitable for government jobs, then provide Disability Certification Number.
v. S No: 15 to 18: Provide information about your Permanent and
Present Address. Save the data and proceed further to last Part of
the Registration Process.
w. Save the information provided. Take draft printout and review the
information provided thoroughly, before “Final Submit”.
x. Upon clicking “Final Submit” different OTPs will be sent on your
mobile number and Email ID. You need to enter one of the two OTPs
at designated field to complete the Registration Process.
y. Read the “Declaration” carefully and if you agree with the
declaration, click “I Agree”.
z. After submission of Basic Information, if the registration process is
not completed within 14 days, your data will be deleted from the

6. Though you can edit/ modify your One-time Registration data, you
must be very cautious while filling up details in the One-time
Registration. Wrong/incorrect information may lead to cancellation of
our candidature.



Part-II (Online Application Form)

1. Before proceeding with filing of online Application, keep the following data ready:

a. In the online Application Form, candidates are required to upload the scanned colour
passport size photograph in JPEG format (20 KB to 50 KB). The photograph should not be

more than three months old from the date of publication of the Notice of Examination. An
undertaking will be given by the candidates in this regard. Image dimension of the
photograph should be about 3.5 cm (width) x 4.5 cm (height) and the face should occupy

about 40% of the area of the photograph with a full face view. The photograph should be

without cap, without spectacles. Applications with poor quality, miniature and blurred
photographs/ side facing photographs will be rejected. Specimen of Photographs not
acceptable are given at Annexure-XII. Kindly see.

b. Scanned signature in JPEG format (10 to 20 KB). Image dimension of the signature

should be about 4.0 cm (width) x 2.0 cm (height). Applications with blurred signature will

be rejected. For VH candidate, thumb impression is also allowed.

2. Login to online system through your ‘Registration Number’ and password.

3. Click “ Apply” link in “Selection Posts/Ladakh/2022 ” Section under “Latest Notifications”
4. Information in columns at S No-1 to 14, 27 & 29 will be automatically filled from your One-
time Registration Data which is non-editable. If you want to make correction in any of this
data, click on “Modify Registration” and suitably edit your One-time Registration data.
5. S No-15: Select the Region name to which the post you are applying belongs to.
6. S No-16: Select the Post Code to which you are applying for, also confirming (below S. No.
18) (  Tick the check box to move further) whether Essential Qualification/Experience
etc. related to the post has been read by you.
7. S No-17 & 18: Post Name and Level of Post is automatically displayed based on the Post
Code selected by you.
8. S No-19: Give your preference for Examination Centers. Choice for all the three Centers
must be given in the order of preference.
9. S No-20: If you are serving in Armed Forces or are an ex-serviceman, fill up the required
information. Wards of servicemen/ ex-servicemen are not treated as ex-servicemen.
10. S No-21.1.: Provide information on whether you are suffering from Cerebral Palsy or not.
11. S No-21.2: Indicate if you have physical limitation to write and Scribe is required on your
behalf. Please go through Para-8.2 of the Notice of Examination for more information.
12. 21.3 to 21.5: If you are eligible for availing the facility of scribe as per Para-8.1 and 8.2 of
the Notice of examination, provide information about the requirement of scribe.
13. S No-22: This information will be automatically populated from the post details
14. S No-23: If the value in SNo-22 is yes then Skill Test Medium needs to be selected.
15. S No-24: If you are seeking age relaxation, select appropriate age-relaxation category.
16. S No-25 & 25(A): EQ for the post and Indicate your highest educational qualification (if
acquired any relevant to the post).
17. S No-26: Indicate your Details of Work Experience.
18. Upload your recent Photograph (not more than three months old from the date of publication
of the Notice of the Examination) as specified at Sr. No. 1a above.
19. Upload your signature as specified at Sr.No-1b above. Applications with blurred signature
will be rejected.
20. Complete your declaration by clicking on “I agree” check box and fill up captcha code.
21. While seeing Preview, you may kindly check all the details entered are correct and
instruction regarding photograph/signature as mentioned above at various places in the
Notice are duly followed and verify information provided by you and “ Submit” the
22. Proceed to make fee payment if you are not exempted from payment of fee.
23. Fee can be paid online through BHIM UPI, Net Banking, by using Visa, Mastercard,
Maestro, RuPay Credit or Debit cards or in cash at the SBI Branches by generating SBI
24. Refer Para-11 of the Notice of Examination for further information on the payment of fee.
25. When application is successfully submitted, it will be accepted 'Provisionally'.
Candidate must take printout of the application form for submission to the Commission
after the conduct of Computer Based Examination as and when called for as well as for
their own records.


Form ‘VIII’

Form of Caste Certificate

This is to certify that Mr./Miss/Mrs.____________________

Son/daughter of__________________________________ of
District/Division______________ of State _________________
belongs to the_________________ Caste which is recognised as a
Scheduled Caste under the Constitution (Jammu and Kashmir)
Scheduled Caste Order, 1956.

(With seal of the Competent Authority)


Annexure-VI (A)


Form of Tribe Certificate

This is to certify that……………………………. Son/daughter

of………………………of Village/Town………………………………
District/Division………………………………………………….of the
State…………………….belongs to the…………………….. Tribe which
is specified as a Scheduled Tribe under the Constitution (Jammu and
Kashmir) Scheduled Tribes Order, 1989, as amended from time to

Signature: ___________________
(with seal of the Competent Authority).


Annexure -VII

Format for Resident Certificate

(See paragraph 6)
Administration of Union Territory of Ladakh
(Office of the Tehsildar/Competent Authority...................)

Certificate No.__________________

This is to certify that Shri/Smt/Kumari ____________________son/daughter/wife_________ resident of

________________ Village/Street___________________ Post Office _________ District___________ of UT of Ladakh,
Pin Code___________ Aadhar No._________ ___________________ whose photograph is attested below is a resident of
Union territory of Ladakh.
2. That the applicant is eligible in terms of the para 5 of the Grant of Resident Certificate (Procedure) Order, 2021.

Signature with seal of Tehsildar/Competent

Designation _________________________
Recent passport Size
photograph of the
applicant with stamp
and seal of


Application for Obtaining Certificate of Disability by Persons with

(1) Name : _ _
(Surname) (First Name) (Middle Name)
(2) Father's Name: Mother's Name:_
(3) Date of Birth :_ _/ /_
(Date) (Month) (Year)
(4) Age at the time of application : years
(5) Sex: Male/Female/Transgender: _
(6) Address:
(a) Permanent address (b) Current Address (i.e.for communication)

(c) Period since when residing at current address: _

(7) Educational Status (please tick as applicable)
(i) Post Graduate
(ii) Graduate
(iii) Diploma
(iv) Higher Secondary
(v) High School
(vi) Middle
(vii) Primary
(viii) Non-literate
(8) Occupation: _
(9) Identification marks: (i) (ii)
(10) Nature of disability:
(11) Period since when disabled: From Birth/since year

(12) (i) Did you ever apply for issue of a certificate of disability in past (Yes/No)
(ii) If yes,details:
(a) Authority to whom and district in which applied:
(b) Result of application:_ _
(13) Have you ever been issued a certificate of disability in the past? If yes, please enclose a true
Declaration: I hereby declare that all particulars stated above are true to the best of my
knowledge and belief, and no material information has been concealed or misstated. I further
state that if any in-accuracy is detected in the application, I shall be liable to for feiture of any
benefits derived and other action as per law.

(signature or left thumb impression of

person with disability, or of his/her legal
in case of persons with intellectual
Date: disability, autism, cerebral palsy and multiple
Place: disabilities, etc)

1. Proof of residence (Please tick anyone, as applicable).
(a) Ration card,
(b) Voter identity card,
(c) Driving license,
(d) Bank pass book,
(e) PAN card,
(f) Passport,
(g) Telephone, electricity, water and any other utility billindicating the address of the applicant,
(h) A certificate of residence issued by a Panchayat ,municipality, cantonment board, any
gazetted officer, or the concerned Patwari or Head Master of a Government school,
(i) In case of an inmate of a residential institution for persons with disabilities, destitute,
mentally ill, and other disability, a certificate of residence from head of such institution.
(j) Aadhaar number or Aadhaar enrollment number,if any.

2. Two recent passport size photographs

(For office use only)



Signature of issuing authority


Certificate of Disability
(In cases of amputation or complete permanent paralysis of limbs or dwarfism and in case
of blindness)

(Name and Address of the Medical Authority issuing the Certificate)

Recent passport
size attested
(Showing face
only) of the person
with disability

Certificate No. Date:

This is to certify that I have carefully examined Shri/Smt./Kum. _son/wife/daughter of

Shri _ Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY) Age _ years, male/female _
registration No. permanent resident of House No._ _
Ward/Village/Street_ Post Office _District State
, whose photograph is affixed above,and amsatisfied

(A) he/she is a case of:

◻ locomotor disability
◻ dwarfism
◻ blindness
(Please tick as applicable)

(B) the diagnosis in his/her case is:

He/she has % (in figure) _percent (in words) permanent locomotor

disability/ dwarfism/ blindness in relation to his/her_ _ (part of body) as per
guidelines ( number and date of issue of the guidelines to be specified).

2. The applicant has submitted the following document as proof of residence:-

Nature of Document Date of Issue Details of authority issuing


(Signature and Seal of Authorised Signatory of

Notified Medical Authority)

impression of the
person in whose
favour certificate
of disability is

Certificate of Disability
(In cases of multiple disabilities)
(Name and Address of the Medical Authority issuing the Certificate)
Certificate No. Date:
Recent passport
size attested
photograph (Showing
face only)of the
person with

This is to certify that we have carefully examined Shri/Smt./Kum................................................

son/wife/daughter of Shri......................................... Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY)...../...../ .. Age
.......... years, male/female, Registration No ........... permanent resident of House
No.................... Ward/Village/Street.............. Post Office............District.................
State.................., whose photograph is affixed above, and satisfied that:
(A) he/she is a case of Multiple Disability. His/her extent of permanent physical
impairment/disability has been evaluated as per guidelines (................. number and date of issue
of the guidelines to be specified) for the disabilities ticked below, and is shown against
the relevant disability in the table below:
S.No. Disability Affected part Diagnosis Permanent physical
of body impairment/mental disability
1. Locomotor disability @
2. Muscular Dystrophy
3. Leprosycured
4. Dwarfism
5. Cerebral Palsy
6. Acid attack Victim
7. Low vision #
8. Blindness #
9. Deaf £
10. Hard of Hearing £
11. Speech and Language disability

12. Intellectual Disability

13. Specific Learning Disability
14. Autism Spectrum Disorder
15. Mental illness
16. Chronic Neurological
17. Multiple sclerosis
18. Parkinson’s disease
19. Hemophilia
20. Thalassemia
21. Sickle Cell disease
@ e.g.Left/right/botharms/legs # e.g. Single eye £ e.g.Left/Right/both ears

(B) In the light of the above, his/her overall permanent physical impairment as per guidelines (
number and date of issue of the guidelines to be specified), is as follows: - In figures
..............percent, In words .................... percent.

2. This condition is progressive/non-progressive/ likely to improve/not likely to improve.

3. Reassessment of disability is:
(i) Not necessary, or
(ii) Is recommended/after............... years................months, and therefore this
certificate shall be valid till........../........./.......... (DD)/ (MM)/ (YY)
4. The applicant has submitted the following document as proof of residence:-
Nature of document Date of issue Details of authority issuing

5. Signature and seal of the Medical Authority.

Name and Seal of Member Name and Seal of Member Name and Seal of the

impression of the
person in whose favour
certificate of
disability is issued.

Certificate of Disability
(In cases other than those mentioned in Form XIII A and Form XIII B)
(Name and Address of the Medical Authority issuing the Certificate)

Recent passport
size attested
(Showing face
only)of the person
with disability.
Certificate No. Date:

This is to certify that I have carefully examined Shri/Smt/Kum..........................................................

son/wife/daughter of Shri................. Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY).............Age ........ years,
male/female ...........RegistrationNo.................permanent resident of House No...........
Ward/Village/Street................... Post Office.................... District................. State ...... , whose
photograph is affixed above, and am satisfied that he/she is a case of .......... disability.
His/her extent of percent age physical impairment/disability has been evaluated as per guidelines (
.............................number and date of issue of the guidelines to be specified) and is shown
against the relevant disability in the table below:-
S.No. Disability Affected Diagnosis Permanent physical
part of body impairment/mental
1. Locomotor disability @
2. Muscular Dystrophy
3. Leprosy cured
4. Cerebral Palsy
5. Acid attack Victim
6. Low vision #
7. Deaf €
8. Hard of Hearing €
9. Speech and Language
10. Intellectual Disability
11. Specific Learning
12. Autism Spectrum Disorder
13. Mental illness
14. Chronic Neurological
15. Multiple sclerosis
16. Parkinson’s disease
17. Hemophilia
18. Thalassemia
19. Sickle Cell disease
(Please strike out the disabilities which are not applicable)
@-eg.Left/Right/botharms/legs #-eg.Single eye/both eyes €-eg.Left/Right/both ears

2. The above condition is progressive/non-progressive/ likely to improve/not likely to improve.

3. Reassessment of disability is:
(i) Not necessary, or
(ii) Is recommended/after………..years............. months, and therefore this certificate shall be
valid till (DD/MM/YY) …………./……./……….
4. The applicant has submitted the following document as proof of residence:-
Nature of document Date of issue Details of authority issuing

(Authorised Signatory of notified Medical Authority)

(Name and Seal)

Counter signed
{Counter signature and seal of the Chief Medical Officer/Medical Superintendent/Head of Government Hospital, in case
the Certificate is issued by a medical authority who is not a Government servant (with seal)}
Signature/thumb impression of
the person in whose favour
certificate of disability is issued

Note.-In case this certificate is issued by a medical authority who is not a Government servant, it shall be valid only if
counter signed by the Chief Medical Officer of the District.”



This is to certify that Mr./Miss/Mrs____________________________________

S/O, D/O of __________________________________________
R/o Village/Mohalla_____________________________________
Tehsil_________________District________________________serviceman of the
____________________Force and discharged from the service of said force or is an ex-
serviceman of the ________________________Force and has been honourably discharged
from the service of said force on______________.

Signature of the Competent






(To be filled by the Head of the Department in which the candidate is working).
(Please see Para 3.4of the Notice)

It is certified that*Shri/Smt./Km. is a
Government employee holding the post of in the pay
Level………… on closing date.

This office has no objection for his/ her appearing in the

Selection Posts/Ladakh/2022.



Office Seal



(*Please delete the words which are not applicable.)



[Please see Para-3.4 of the Notice]

I declare that I have already informed my Head of Department in writing that I have applied
for Selection Posts/Ladakh/2022 and no vigilance is either pending or contemplated against
me as on the date of submission of application.

I further submit the following information:

Date of Appointment:………………………………………
Holding present Post & Pay Level: …………………………

Name & Address of Employer with Tel. No./FAX/E-mail:

Full Signature of the Applicant

The Administration of Union Territory of Ladakh


Certificate No. Date


This is to certify that Shri/Smt./Kumari son/daughter/wife of

Permanent resident of ,Village/Street Post
Office District in the Union Territory of Ladakh, Pin Code
Whose photograph is attested below belongs to Economically Weaker
Sections, since the gross annual income*of his/her ‘family’**is below Rs.8Lakh (Rupees
Eight Lakh only) for the financial year His/ her family does not
own or possess any of the following assets***:

I. 5 acres of agricultural land and above;

II. Residential flat of 1000sq. ft. and above;
III Residential plot of 100 sq. yards and above in notified municipalities;
IV Residential plot of 200 sq. yards and above in areas other than the notified
2. It is to certified that Shri/Smt./Kumari does not belongs to any of the
categories defined in the clause (m), (n) and (o) of the section 2 of the Jammu and Kashmir
Reservation Act, 2004 (XIV of 2004)
Signature with seal of Office


Recent Passport Size
attested photograph of the

*Note1:Income covered all sources i.e. salary, agriculture, business, profession etc.

** Note 2: The term ‘Family’ for this purpose include the person, who seeks benefit of
reservation, his/ her parents and siblings below the age of 18 years as also
his/her spouse and children below the age of 18 years.
***Note 3: The property held by a “Family” in different locations or different places/cities
have been clubbed while applying the land or property holding test to
determine EWS status.

Sample of Photographs Allowed and which are marked are Not allowed

OK Allowed Too much Extra Color Too Close

Blur Photographs
Inverse Photo Too Dark With Googles

Facing Sideways Too Small with Spectacles

With Cap

Abbreviations Used:

AISL: All India Service Liability

BL: Both Legs Affected
CGCE: Central Government Civilian Employee
D/o: Department of
DQ: Desirable Qualification
EQ: Essential Qualification
ESM: Ex-Serviceman
EWS: Economically Weaker Section
GEN: General
HH: Hearing Handicapped
IP: Initial Posting
JR: Job Requirements
LV: Low Vision
M/o: Ministry of
NA: Not Applicable
O/o: Office of
OA: One Arm Affected
OBC: Other Backward Classes
OEA: Other Employed Applicant
OH: Orthopedically Handicapped
OL: One Leg Affected
PD: Partially Deaf
PwD: Persons with Disabilities
SC: Scheduled Castes
SSC: Staff Selection Commission
ST: Scheduled Tribes
UR: Unreserved
VH: Visually Handicapped.

REGISTRATION SPECIMEN – Selection Posts/Ladakh/2022


APPLICATION FORMAT SPECIMEN- Selection Posts/Ladakh/2022

Continued on Next Page…….
Annexure III
For detailed information on categories of Posts, please click here:
Regio Post Level/Str EQ
S.No n Code. Post Name Department Age ucture Level Vacancies
er Tot
Junior Level-4 Graduati
1 NW NW22922 Assistant/Electio
(25500- on & 47 40 3 2 90
n Assistant 81100) Above
of UT of
Ladakh 18-42
Level-6B Graduati
Junior of
2 NW NW22822
Stenographer Administration
(35600- on & 12 8 1 21
112800) Above
of UT of
Ladakh 18-42
of Matricul
3 NW NW20722 Driver Grade-II
18 10 28
of UT of
Ladakh 18-42
of Matricul
4 NW NW20822 Orderly
37 29 1 67
of UT of
Ladakh 18-42
of Matricul
5 NW NW20922 Safaiwalla
2 1 3
of UT of
Ladakh 18-42

Level-6B Graduati
Statistical Development
6 NW NW23022
Assistant & Monitoring
(35600- on & 27 31 1 6 1 1 65
112800) Above
Level-5 Graduati
Junior Statistical Development
7 NW NW23322
Assistant & Monitoring
(29200- on & 11 13 2 1 26
92300) Above

Data Entry Level-4 Graduati
8 NW NW23122 Operator/Key
& Monitoring
(25500- on & 2 2 4
Punch Operator 81100) Above
Level-5 Graduati
Accounts Finance
9 NW NW23222
Assistant Department
(29200- on & 68 76 2 17 10 2 2 2 1 163
18-42 92300) Above
Public Works Secondr
10 NW NW22722 Junior Engineer
60 67 2 15 9 2 2 1 1 144
18-42 (10+2)
Level-6E Graduati
11 NW NW25422 Legal Assistant
(35900- on & 15 17 3 1 1 35
18-42 113500) Above
Level-6B Graduati
Junior Legal Law
12 NW NW25522
Assistant Department
(35600- on & 1 1 2
18-42 112800) Above
Department Level-6E Graduati
13 NW NW23622
(35900- on & 3 3 6
113500) Above
Computer Home Secondr
14 NW NW22622
Assistant Department
1 1
18-42 (10+2)
Level-6E Graduati
15 NW NW23422 Naib Tehsildar
(35900- on & 2 2 4
18-42 113500) Above
Level 6D
Motor Vehicle Motor Vehicle Secondr
16 NW NW22422
Inspector Department
2 1 3
18-42 (10+2)

Industrial Industries and Level-6F Graduati

17 NW NW23522 Promotion Officer Commerce (40800- on & 1 1 2
IPO Department 129200) Above
Industries and Level 6D Graduati
18 NW NW23722
Investigator (BI)
Commerce (35800- on & 3 3 6
Department 113200) Above

Assistant Industries and Level-6 Graduati

19 NW NW23822 Extension Officer Commerce (35400- on & 2 1 3
(AEO) Department 112400) Above
Career Level-6 Graduati
20 NW NW24122 Counselling
(35400- on & 1 1
Officer 18-42 112400) Above
Level-6 Graduati
Employment Employment
21 NW NW24422
Officer Department
(35400- on & 1 1
18-42 112400) Above
Level-6E Graduati
22 NW NW24322 Labour Officer
(35900- on & 1 1
18-42 113500) Above

Arts & Culture Level-4 Graduati

23 NW NW24222 Junior Librarian Department (25500- on & 3 3 6
(Library) 81100) Above
Level-6E Graduati
Assistant Tourist Tourism
24 NW NW24522
Officer Department
(35900- on & 1 1
18-42 113500) Above
Tourism Secondr
25 NW NW22222 Receptionist
2 1 3
18-42 (10+2)
Tourism Matricul
26 NW NW21022 Bearer
1 1 2
18-42 47100)
Level-6E Graduati
Junior Agriculture Agriculture
27 NW NW23922
Extension Officer Department
(35900- on & 5 5 1 11
18-42 113500) Above
Agriculture Level-6 Graduati
28 NW NW24022 Extension
(35400- on & 1 1
Assistant 18-42 112400) Above
Level-4 Graduati
29 NW NW24622 Field Assistant-II
(25500- on & 3 3 6
81100) Above
Department 18-42
Horticulture Horticulture Secondr
30 NW NW22122 (19900-
Technician Department y
Grade III 18-42 (10+2) 2 1 3
Sheep Level-4
31 NW NW22522 Stock Assistant Husbandry (25500-
2 1 3
Department 81100)
18-42 (10+2)
Level-4 Graduati
Supervisor/ Cooperative
32 NW NW24722
Auditor Department
(25500- on & 1 1
18-42 81100) Above

Social and Level-6 Graduati

Social Worker
33 NW NW25022
Tribal Welfare (35400- on & 3 3 6
Department 112400) Above
Assistant Level-6E Graduati
34 NW NW24822 Information
(35900- on & 3 2 5
Officer 18-42 113500) Above
Level-6 Graduati
Information Information
35 NW NW24922
Assistant Department
(35400- on & 1 1 2
18-42 112400) Above

Level-6 Graduati
36 NW NW25622 Inspector
(Excise and
(35400- on & 1 1
112400) Above
State Taxes )

Level-4 Graduati
37 NW NW25722 Sub Inspector
(Excise and
(25500- on & 3 2 5
81100) Above
State Taxes )

Guard/Excise Department Matricul
38 NW NW21222
Guard (Excise and
6 5 1 12
State Taxes )
Level-7 Graduati
39 NW NW25222 Chief Amchi
(44900- on & 1 1
18-42 142400) Above
Level-7 Graduati
40 NW NW25122 Warden
(44900- on & 1 1
18-42 142400) Above
Junior Health Secondr
41 NW NW22322
Physiotherapist Department
3 3 6
18-42 (10+2)
Extension Level-6
Health Secondr
42 NW NW21922 Educator/Health
4 4 1 9
Educator 112400)
18-42 (10+2)
Dy. Mass Higher
Education Health Secondr
43 NW NW22022
Information Department
2 1 3
Officer 18-42 (10+2)
Sister Level-6 Graduati
44 NW NW25322 Tutor/Public
(35400- on & 8 7 15
Health Nurse 18-42 112400) Above

Demonstrator Education & Level-6D
45 NW NW21822 (Civil Skill (35800-
1 1
Engineering) Development 113200)

Education & Level-6
Workshop Matricul
46 NW NW20122
Skill (35400-
1 1 2
Development 112400)

Education & Level-4
Instrument Matricul
47 NW NW20222
Skill (25500-
1 1
Development 81100)

Education & Level-SL1
48 NW NW20322 Lab-Bearer Skill (14800-
1 1
Development 47100)

Education & Level-SL1
49 NW NW20622 Chowkidar Skill (14800-
1 1
Development 47100)
Education & Level-4
Instructor Matricul
50 NW NW21122
Mechanic Motor
Skill (25500-
1 1 2
Development 81100)

Vocational Education & Level-4
51 NW NW21322 Instructor Skill (25500-
1 1 2
Electrician Development 81100)

Instructor Technical
Information & Education & Level-4
52 NW NW21422 Communication Skill (25500-
1 1
Technology Development 81100)
System Department


Vocational Education & Level-4
53 NW NW21522 Instructor Skill (25500-
1 1
Carpentry Development 81100)

Education & Level-4
Computer Matricul
54 NW NW21622
Operator And
Skill (25500-
1 1 2
Development 81100)

Education & Level-4
Instructor Matricul
55 NW NW21722
Skill (25500-
1 1 2
Development 81100)
Workshop Education & Level-SL2
56 NW NW20422 Attendant Skill (15900- 1 1
(Electrician trade) Development 50400)

Workshop Education & Level-SL2
57 NW NW20522 Attendant Skill (15900-
1 1
(Plumber trade) Development 50400)
385 355 5 52 21 7 6 3 2 797

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