Se - Ii
Se - Ii
Se - Ii
This course is recommended for undergraduate students of Civil engineering program who are
interestedinlearningthedesignofsteelstructures.Theobjectivesofthisareto learnthebehavior and
design of structural steel. The course is structured to introduce inelastic analysis of steel
structures,issues of strength and stability and its application to design for case of extreme
loading, and related code provisions. The objective of the course is to make the student
conversant with the design principles of steel structural elements as per IS Codal provisions
Level Credits Periods Prerequisite
At the end of this course, a student will be able to:
COURSE Description Blooms PROGRAM
Levels & PROGRAM
Analyze the tension members, PO1,PO2,PO3,
C01 compression members. Understand PSO 1
Design the tension members, PO1,PO2,PO3,
compression members and column PO5, PSO 1
C02 bases and joints and Understand
efficiency of joint– prying action - Welded connections – Types of welded joints – Design
requirements - Design of Beam-column connections - Eccentric connections - Type I and Type II
connection – Framed connection– stiffened / seated connection.
Design of tension Members – Design strength – Design procedure splice – lug angle.Design of
splice- column base- slabbase.
Plastic Analysis;Plastic moment – Plastic section modulus - Plastic analysis of continuous beams
Design of Flexural Members – Laterally supported and unsupported Beams – Design of laterally
supported beams - Bending and shear strength/buckling – Built-up sections - Beamsplice
Plastic Analysis;Plastic moment – Plastic section modulus - Plastic analysis of continuous beams
Design of Flexural Members – Laterally supported and unsupported Beams – Design of laterally
supported beams - Bending and shear strength/buckling – Built-up sections - Beamsplice
Design of welded plate girders – elements – economical depth – design of main section –
connections between web and flange – design of stiffeners - bearing stiffener– intermediate
stiffeners – Design of web splice and flange splice.
Design of Industrial Structures; Types of roof trusses - loads on trusses – wind loads - Purlin
design – truss design – Design of welded Gantry girder
1. Steel Structures by Subramanyam.N, Oxford Higher Education, NewDelhi.
2. Limit State Design of steel structures by S.K. Duggal, Tata McGraw-Hill, NewDelhi.
1. Design of steel structures by k.s.Sai ram ,person education
2. Design of Steel Structures by Edwin Gaylord,Charles Gaylord,James Stallmeyer, Tata
Mc.Graw-Hill, NewDelhi.
3. Design of steel structures vol.1&2-ram Chandra,standard publications
4. Design of steel structure,structures,.s.s bhavikatti,ik int publications house,newdelhi,2010
Working stress and Limit state design concepts; Design of tension and compression members,
beams and beam- columns, column bases; Connections - simple and eccentric, beam-column
connections, plate girders and trusses; Plastic analysis of beams and frames.
Principles of Working Stress methods, Design of tension and compression members, Design of
beams and beam column
connections, built-up sections, Girders, Industrial roofs, Principles of Ultimate load design.
https://drive.go https://drive.g Digital
folders/1LftKp e/folders/1Nzq
58 dFwm4beJczg5 mY4Xg27qFNX
NIPiFshGkVsv pw_KAZLDZD4 To learn: Design pad
Design of Flange splice b4X HrI_MeH of Flange splice
https://drive.go https://drive.g Digital
UNIT-VDESIGN folders/1LftKp e/folders/1n4f To understand:
59 dFwm4beJczg5 9E2qsraGG2EG
NIPiFshGkVsv H8dcC77G82O pad
Types of roof trusses b4X wpgkEs
https://drive.go https://drive.g Digital
folders/1LftKp e/folders/1n4f To understand:
60 dFwm4beJczg5 9E2qsraGG2EG
Wind loads
NIPiFshGkVsv H8dcC77G82O pad
loads on trusses, wind loads b4X wpgkEs
https://drive.go https://drive.g Digital
folders/1LftKp e/folders/1n4f
61 To learn: Analysis writing
dFwm4beJczg5 9E2qsraGG2EG
NIPiFshGkVsv H8dcC77G82O of trusses, design pad
Design of purlin b4X wpgkEs of members,
https://drive.go https://drive.g Digital
folders/1LftKp e/folders/1n4f
62 To learn: Analysis writing
dFwm4beJczg5 9E2qsraGG2EG
NIPiFshGkVsv H8dcC77G82O of trusses, design pad
Design of purlin b4X wpgkEs of members,
https://drive.go https://drive.g
5 Digital
folders/1LftKp e/folders/1n4f
63 To learn: Analysis writing
dFwm4beJczg5 9E2qsraGG2EG
NIPiFshGkVsv H8dcC77G82O of trusses, design pad
Design of purlin b4X wpgkEs of members,
https://drive.go https://drive.g Digital
folders/1LftKp e/folders/1n4f
64 dFwm4beJczg5 9E2qsraGG2EG
To learn: Analysis writing
NIPiFshGkVsv H8dcC77G82O of trusses, design pad
Design of purlin b4X wpgkEs of members,
https://drive.go https://drive.g Digital
folders/1LftKp e/folders/1n4f
65 To learn: Analysis writing
dFwm4beJczg5 9E2qsraGG2EG
NIPiFshGkVsv H8dcC77G82O of trusses, design pad
Design of purlin b4X wpgkEs of members,
https://drive.go https://drive.g Digital
66 folders/1LftKp e/folders/1n4f To design: Truss writing
dFwm4beJczg5 9E2qsraGG2EG pad
Truss design NIPiFshGkVsv H8dcC77G82O
b4X wpgkEs
https://drive.go https://drive.g Digital
folders/1LftKp e/folders/1n4f
67 dFwm4beJczg5 9E2qsraGG2EG To design: Truss writing
NIPiFshGkVsv H8dcC77G82O pad
Truss design b4X wpgkEs
https://drive.go https://drive.g Digital
folders/1LftKp e/folders/1n4f
68 dFwm4beJczg5 9E2qsraGG2EG To design: Truss writing
NIPiFshGkVsv H8dcC77G82O pad
Truss design b4X wpgkEs
https://drive.go https://drive.g Digital
folders/1LftKp e/folders/1n4f
69 dFwm4beJczg5 9E2qsraGG2EG
NIPiFshGkVsv H8dcC77G82O To design: welded pad
Design of welded Gantry girder b4X wpgkEs gantry girder
https://drive.go https://drive.g Digital
folders/1LftKp e/folders/1n4f
70 dFwm4beJczg5 9E2qsraGG2EG
NIPiFshGkVsv H8dcC77G82O To design: welded pad
Design of welded Gantry girder b4X wpgkEs gantry girder
https://drive.go https://drive.g Digital
folders/1LftKp e/folders/1n4f
71 dFwm4beJczg5 9E2qsraGG2EG
NIPiFshGkVsv H8dcC77G82O To design: welded pad
Design of welded Gantry girder b4X wpgkEs gantry girder
https://drive.go https://drive.g Digital
folders/1LftKp e/folders/1n4f
72 dFwm4beJczg5 9E2qsraGG2EG
NIPiFshGkVsv H8dcC77G82O To design: welded pad
Design of welded Gantry girder b4X wpgkEs gantry girder
I 2 3 - - - - - - - - - 3 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
III - 3 - -- 3 - - - - - - - 3 - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
V - - 2 3- - - - - - - - -
average 0.4 1.2 0.4 - 1.2 - - - - - - - 1.2 - -
S.NO Question Blooms Progra
Taxonomy mme
Level Out
What are the advantages and disadvantages of steel as
1. Understand 1
a structural material?
State the physical and mechanical properties of
2. Remember 1
steel as a structural material.
How the standards and specifications are
3. Understand 1
different from codes?
Why is it necessary to follow codes of practice
4. Understand 1
for designing structures?
Find the shape factors for a Square of side ‘a’ with
5. Understand 1
its diagonal parallel to the zz- axis.
Sketch the typical stress-strain curve of steel,
6. Remember 2
indicating the important regions.
What is meant by ductility? Why and where is it
7. Understand 2
8. How the toughness of steel is measured? Remember 2
How are residual stress induced in steel sections?
Sketch the typical residual stress
9. Understand 2
distribution in a rolled I beam and a welded I beam.
How do residual stresses affect design of
10. Understand 2
intermediate columns and beams?
9. Understand 3
10. Understand 3
S.N Question Blooms Taxonomy Progra
Level mme
1. What is buckling? Remember 4
Two steel columns P (length L and yield strength
fy=250 MPa) and Q (length 2L and yield strength
2. fy=500 MPa) have the same cross-sectionsand Understand 4
end-conditions. Find the ratio of buckling load of
column P to thatof column Q.
3. What is radius of gyration? Remember 4
What is slenderness ratio? State the relation between Remember 4
elastic critical stress and slenderness ratio.
Compression members are more critical than tension
5. Understand 4
members. Comment!
Why are plastic or compact sections preferred for
6. Understand 4
compression members?
What is the difference in behaviour of long and
7. Understand 4
intermediate columns?
Which of the two, buckling or stiffness of
8. Remember 4
compression members is more critical?
Why are four different buckling curves prescribed
9. Understand 4
to Understand column strength?
How does strain hardening affect the strength of short
10. Understand 4
S.N Question Blooms Programm
o Taxonomy Level e Out come
Why a separate provision (formula) for the design of a
1. single angle strut has been proposed by IS: 800 code? Understand 5
Blooms Programme
S.No Question
Taxonomy Out come
1. What is the meaning of eccentricity in loading Remember 5
What is the meant by Eccentric connection in
2. Understand 5
steel structures.
How are the building connections classified based
3. Remember 5
on their moment-rotation characteristics?
4. What is stiffened seat connection? Remember 5
5. When the seated beam connections are preferred Remember 5
and name the types?
6. Mention some of the requirements of good Remember 5
connections (joints).
What are the possible ways to impose eccentric
7. Understand 5
loading on a welded joint.
The base of a pillar crane is fastened to the
foundation by n bolts equally placed on a boltcircle
of diameter d. The diameter of the pillar is
D. Determine the maximum load carried by any bolt
when the crane carries a load W at a distance L from
the center of the base. Observe the figure below to
8. Understand 5
9. Understand 5
5. Understand 5
8. Understand 5
10. Understand 5
S.No Question Blooms Programm
Taxonomy e Out come
Give the expression for the optimum depth of plate Remember
1. 5
2. Differentiate between a beam and a plate girder. Remember 5
3. Where are the plate girders used? Remember 5
4. What are the main characteristics of a plate girder? Remember 5
State some advantages and disadvantages of plate Remember
5. 5
girders over trusses.
6. List the different elements of a welded plate girder Understand 5
7. What are the various types of stiffners? Remember 5
State the minimum web thickness provisions of a IS Understand
8. 5
What is the range of the minimum thickness of Understand
9. 5
the web that is usually adopted in practice?
10. Why / where are bearing stiffeners provided? Understand 5
S.No Question Blooms Programm
Taxonomy e Out come
In what sense the design of plate girders by elastic
1. Understan 5
method and limit state method is different?
2. What is tension field action in plate girders? Understan 5
How does a plate girder derive post- buckling
3. Understan 5
Briefly explain the steps involved in the design of
4. Understan 5
plate girders. d
Why have bolted and riveted plate girders become
5. Understan 5
Design a welded plate girder 24 m in span and
laterally restrained throughout. It has to support a
uniform load of 100 kN/m throughout the span
6. Understan 5
exclusive of self-weight. Design the girder without
intermediate transverse stiffners. The steel for the
flange and web plates is of grade Fe
410. Yield stress of steel may be assumed to be 250
MPa irrespective of the thickness of plates used.
7. Understan 5
Design the cross section, the end load bearing d
stiffner and connections.
Design a welded plate girder 24 m in effective span
and simply supported at ends. It carries an uniformly
8. Understan 5
distributed load of 100 kN/m. draw section at support
and front elevation of plate girder.
What are stiffeners and why are they used? How
many types of stiffeners are being used in the design
9. Understan 5
of plate girder? Give the conditions (as per IS 800)
when stiffeners are required.
A plate girder is subjected to a maximum factored
10. moment of 4000 kN-m and factored shear force of Understan 5
600 kN. Design girder without any stiffeners. d
1. The Indian codes which deals with the steel structureis
(a)IS: 800 (b) IS: 875 (c) IS: 475 (d) IS:400
2. The main advantage of steel structuresis
(a) Itshighstrength (b) its long servicelife
(c) its gas &water tightness (d) All theabove
3. With a percentage increase in carbon in steel, itdecreases
(a) Ductility (b) strength (c) hardness (d) brittleness
4.Poisson’s ratio for steel within the elastic limit variesfrom
(a) 0.15 to 0.20 (b) 0.25 to 0.24 (c) 0.25 to 0.33 (d) 0.33 to 0.35
5. The tensile strength of mild steel for bolts & nuts should not be lessthan
(a) 32 kg/mm2 (b) 36 kg/mm2 (c) 40 kg/mm2 (d) 44 kg/mm2
6. The heaviest I-section for same depthis
b) Bending compressive and tensile stresses respectively are calculated basedon net area andgross area
b) gross area and netarea
c) net area inbothcases d) gross area in bothcases
7. If the thickness of thinnest outside plate is 10 mm, then the maximum pitch of rivetsin
tension will be takenas
a)120mm b) 160 mm c) 200mm d) 300mm
8. In a gusseted base, when the end of the column is machined for complete bearing on thebase
plate, then the axial load is assumed to be transferred to baseplate
a) fully by directbearing
b) fully throughfastenings
c) 50% by direct bearing and 50% throughfastenings
d) 75% by direct bearing and 25% throughfastenings
9. When the axis of load lies in the plane of rivet group, then the rivets are subjectedto
a) onlyshearstresses b) only tensilestresses
c) both (a)and (b) d) none of theabove
1. The ratio of unsupported length to least radius of gyration is knownas
(a) Gyration ratio (b)Slendernessratio (c) Both a and b (d) none ofabove
2. The effective length of a compression member of length L held in position and restrained in
direction at one end and effectively restrained in direction but not held in position at the other
end, is
(a)L (b) 0.67L (c)0.85L (d) 2L
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
5. The distance between e.g. of compression and e.g. of tension flanges of a plate girder,is
a. Over all depth b.Cleardepth c.Effectivedepth d.None ofthese
6. If the depth of two column sections are equal, then the column splice isprovided
a. with filler plates b.with bearing plates c.with filler and hearing plates d.none of these
7. Web crippling generally occurs at the point where
a. bending moment is maximum b.shearing force is minimum
c. concentrated loads act d.deflection is maximum
1. Lug angleis
a) used with singleangle member b)not used with double anglemember
c)used withchannel member d)used with channel member
2. Bulb angles are usedin
a) column building b)bridge building c)ship building d)water tankbuilding
3. Rolled steel angle sections are classifiedas
a) equal angles b)unequal angles c)bulb angle d)all theabove
4. The stiff portion of a bearing stiffeners is taken equalto
a) Depth of the beam b)3/4 th depth of the beam c)depth of the beam d)2/3 depth ofbeam
5. According to IS:800 lacing bars resist transverse shear equalto
a) 1.0% of theaxial load b)2.0% of the axial load
c)2.5% of theaxialload d)3.0% of the axialload
6. The overlap of batten plates with the main members in welded connections should bemore
than a)3t b) 4t c) 6t d) 8t where t = thickness of the battenplate
7. The slenderness ratio of lacing bars should not exceed
a) 100 b) 120 c) 145 d)180
1. Two steel columns P (length L and yield strength fy = 250MPa) and Q (length 2L and yield
Strength fy=500MPa) have the same cross-sections and end-conditions. The ratio of buckling
load of column P to that of column Qis:
a)0.5 9 b)1.0 c)2.0 d) 4.0
2. AsymmetricI-section(withwidthofeachflange=50mm,thicknessofeachflange=10mm, depth of
web = 100 mm, and thickness of web =10mm) of steel subjected to a
shear force of 100 mm. Find the magnitude of the shear in N/mm2) in the web at its junction
with the topflange.
3. In a steel plate with bolted connections, the rupture of the net section is a mode of failure
(A) Tension (B) compression (C) flexure (D)shear
4. Theratioofthetheoreticalcriticalbucklingloadforacolumnwithfixedendstothatofanother column
with the same dimensions and material, but with pinned ends, is equalto
(A) 0.5 (B) 1.0 (C) 2.0 (D) 4.0
5. A 12 mm thick plate is connected to two 8 rnm thick plates, on either side through a 16 rnm
diameter power driven field rivet as shown in the figure below. Assuming permissible shear
stress as 90 MPa and permissible bearing stress as 270 MPa in the rivet, the rivet value of the
joint is
8. Abracketconnectionismadewithfourboltsof10mmdiameterandsupportsaloadof10kN at an
eccentricity of 100 mm. The maximum force to be resisted by any bolt willbe
1. Two angles of ISA 100 x 100 x 6 have been used as a tie member. The angles are weldedon
either side of a gusset and tag welded over its length. The maximum length of the member is:
(For ISA 100x100x6, Area = 2334 mm2 and YXX = 30mm)
(a)5.4 m (b) 6.0 m (c) 12.0 m (d) 24.0 m
2. Gantry girders are designed toresist:
1)Lateral loads 2)Longitudinal load 3)Vertical loads
(a)1 and 2 only (b) 1 and 3 only (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
3. The effective width of outstand in compound steel columns for design purposes is equalto
(a) half the flange width (b) distance of the free edge from the rivet line
(c) distance of the free edge from thestiffeners
(d) distance of the free edge to the nearest row ofrivets
4. For a steel built up column subjected to an axial force of 1200 kN, the lacing system is tobe
designed for resisting transverse shearof
(a)15kN (b)20 kN (c)25kN (d) 30Kn
5. At certain location of a plate girder of web size 1000x10, a pair of bearing stiffeners 100 mmx
5 mm is welded. The effective area of bearing stiffenersis
(a)1000mm2 (b)2000 mm2 (c)3000mm2 (d) 5000 mm2
6. ISMB 250 (Ze = 410x103) mm3 has been chosen as a beam cross-section to resist a
bending moment. Two plates 100 mm x 10 mm are welded to each flange to enhance the
moment capacity. The enhanced moment capacityis
(a)71.5kNm (b) 79.5kNm (c) 99.0kNm (d) 148.0kNm
7. Bearing stiffeners in plate girders are providedto
(a) decrease the effective depth ofweb
(b) transfer the load from the top flange to the bottomflange
(c) prevent buckling of web (d) increase the bearing capacity of the flange
8.Which of the following statements is/arecorrect?
1) A steel structure designer can guarantee the safety of thestructure.
2)Working stress method of design of steel structures offers a safer and economical structure.
3)Strength and serviceability of a structure cannot be predicted on account of
severalunforeseen factors.
(a)1, 2and 3 (b)3only (c)2only (d) 1only
9.When the effect of wind or earthquake load is taken into account in the design of a riveted
connection, the permissible stresses in rivets may be exceeded by
(a) 16.66% (b)33.33% (c) 25% (d)50%
10.A mild steel flat subjected to a tensile force of 840 kN is connectedtoa gusset plate using
rivets. If the permissible forces required per pitch length (i) to shear a single rivert, (ii) to crush
the rivet and (iii) to tear the plate are 50 kN, 80 kN and 60 kN respectively, then the number of
rivets requiredis
(a)12 (b) 14 (c) 16 (d)17
11. The effective throat thickness of a fillet weld dependsupon
(a) angle betweenfusionfaces (b) length ofweld
(c) permissibleshearstress (d) type ofweld
12. When the load line coincides with the centroid of the rivet group, the rivets are subjected to
(a)shearonly (b)tension only (c) bendingonly (d) shear as well astension
13. An ISMB 500 is used as a beam in a multistory construction. From the viewpoint ofstructural
design, it can be considered to be ‘laterally restrained’when
(a) the tension flange is laterallyrestrained
(b) the compression flange is laterallyrestrained
(c) the web is adequatelystiffened
(d) the conditions in both (a) and (c) are met.
14.A steel column pinned at both ends has a buckling load of 200kN, If the column is
restrained against lateral movement at its mid-height, its buckling load will be
(a)200kN (b)283kN (c) 400kN (d) 800 kN
15. Consider the following provisions to possibly improve the shear capacity of a steel
girder: 1.Horizontal stiffeners 2.Verticalstiffeners 3.Columnsplice 4.Bearingstiffeners
Which of these arecorrect?
(a) 1,2,3 and 4 (b) 3 and4 only (c) 1 and 2 only (d) 2 and 3only
16. In a steel plate girder, the web plate is connected to the flange plates by fillet welding.The
size of fillet welds is designed to safelyresist.
(a) the bending stresses in the flanges (b) the vertical shear force at thesection
(c) the horizontal shear forces between the flanges and the webplate
(d) the forces causing buckling in theweb
17. In laced columns, end tie-plates are providedto
(a) check the buckling of column
(b) keep the column components inposition
(c) check the distortion of column sections at ends because of unbalanced
18.Which of the following elements of a pitched roof industrial steel building primarily resists lateral
load parallel to the ridge?
(a)Bracing (b) Purlin (c) Truss (d)Column
1. Vinayak Eswaran, Professor & Head of the Department, IITHyderabad
2. Dr.Raja Banerjee, Associate Professor, IITHyderabad
3. Dr.YVD Rao. Faculty In charge, Engineering Services Division, BITS Pilani, Hyderabad
4. Dr. Jeevan Jaidi, Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, BITS-Pilani,
5. Dr P. Laxminarayana, Head, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Osmania University College
of Engineering,Hyderabad
6. Dr. T.I. Eldho. Department of Civil Engineering, IITBombay