Knowing Our Numbers

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Comparing Numbers

I. Put >, < or = In the . •

' I

(u) 8900465 '> 568956 (b) 782100 ] : 781002

(t') 523656 -- 523656 (d) 111111 (· 1111112
( l') 3600258 C 3650008 (f) 79999990 ) 79990990
(g) 819000319
7 819000193 (h) 100000000 ( 100000001
(I) 786331862) Seventy-eight crore sixty-three Jakh thirty-one thousand
six hundred eighty-nine

(j) 89738670
- Eighty-nine million seven hundred thirty-eight thousand
six hundred seventy

2. Find the greatest nnd the smallest numbers.

s ~
382, 4972, l 8, 59785, 750
~ s
(u) (b) 1473, 89423, l 00, 5000, 310
c,... c; c,-, s
(c) 1834, 7~84, }_I l, 2333, 450 (d) 2853, 769~ 9999, 12002 124 1

(c) 4536, 4892, 4370, 4452 S (f) 1~623, 15073, 15189, 1sk"Bo 1

(g) 25Tu6, 25245, 25270, 25210 (h) 6g95, 23787, 24569, 24~9
3. Identify the greatest and tbe smallest numbers.
Numbers __ j Greatest I SmaJlest
(u) ~~~~~~~~~-~254,-79 34871, 45236 - _ -· ----!-~L'-J-2i~ 4~ 21c--
(b) _?932 l 6_~_7931261, 7936! 122, 79365218, 7946231 ~--D _q_:I. C-li(Z" 1_,_y_ J(l-l!_
(c) 22~~-~022,_2~?22002, ~~~2~22, 22222~0~~~200222 L22J2~-l_~t;_Z2C!fl;)._
(d) 10000011, 101000100. 1101to11, 11001101,.u-11Qpoo- I le rocr1'00 llO(JOQJ/
4. ~ran'- e the ~llo\\;ing numbers in asccndingf°rdcr. j
847, 9754, 8320, 571 @ 9801, 25751, 36501, 388li2

5. ,tfange tbe ff llowing numllcrs iu de~cending order. I

t•> sobo. 1s80, 85400, 1?o1 @) 1<rl1, 4si.!1. sins, 92547
6. Arrange the numbers in the gh1cn order.\
Ascending: 2254~661, 2857~612, 215897421, 28~47823
® I '1'>

Descending: 8756924, 875243, 5875987, 870258

)__ ll \

.. nd make t he
Get it Right! ....
t. Use the oiven digits ,vitho ut rcpctation ° , .J
I Do not beglrl tt.
rurber ~ 0.
~ n-.. ,
greatest and the small~t fdigit n~mbcr:,.. Gt 2, / "
t,1 =-1S2o c) 2 J, 9, 6 : ;;:1":," :a~ 20 r
&,: q;lf I
4, 7 , ~~ 22 0, 7 c0, i'i1
j,. Z, 9 !..~ --~~ ~-~ ~-~ S7~i
4 0, 8 3 (c) 6, 5~ 8 ({J)_ of CU 2 . .......,_,
~ ~ Lt\6 c,, "'=[ ~) .C::.: 'Z tr(. ~b rs by using any ~e7dJgit , ·"•ce.

~ " "~ l1 the greatest 9 ·- ~~ , sn1a1Jcst 4..digit 011111 c , , ... , 7

en• ~ ,ia d 4,
Z. l\1ak
C" ~ ~q 1 \
~;•7:, 0
(~ 0, 9, 3 .. ~C1-/ ·g
(n) 2, l, 9 ~ 6, 5, 0 s· .. ·300'1be~ rs usin" any four d""" iuerent
,. ~:. \\let r \' ~rc-J; ,, t:,
- , 4 digit oun1
3. Make the greatest and the smalleS -
digits ,vith conditions as given. ~e&l! _ (ii) smallest ..._._
(i) greatest
(a) Digit 7 is always at the ones place
(I{~ ~) _ (ii) smallest f "'
greate st
(b) Digit 4 is always at t~e tens place
(i) ___::..L --r--

t ~ 6 (ii) smallest ,r,1'. •

(i) grea1es
(c) Digit 9 is always at the hundr
d 1
e s P ace t °', __ . (ii) sma est IIll '9•~
l II
lace (0 greateS ~
d • ..
(d) Digit 1 is always at the tho~san s P
. .' 2 d 3 Make 4-digit numbers using both the d1g1ts
4. Take two digits, say an •
-~-1 22
an equal numbfr of times.
(a) Which is the greatest number?
2 Z J) --
(bl Which is the smallest number?
j -
(c) How many different numbers can you make in all?

S. Answer these questions.

(a) Which is the greatest 6-digit number that can be
with the digits 7, 8, 9, 5 and 0 by repeating any one digit?
(b) Which is the smallest 5-digit number fonned wi~ only one digit? I

I 0)1~~
(c) Which is the smallest 6-digit number having different digits?
different digits?
er~ \-,~nc,
(d) Which is the greatest 8-digit number with four u---·
Which is the greatest 7-digit number fonned by using
three different digits and 5 in the hundreds place?
the digit 7 ~t
6. For~ the greatest 6-digit numbc~ by using diffcrent digits ,vith
the given place. (' ,

(a) Thousands place I

(b) Hundreds place
(c) Tens place (d) Ones place

I I ·u·

Lar,e Numbers

(11) 8 >< 10000 + 4 x I 000 + 5 x J00 + 7 x 1o + 3 x I ~6 ~ 313

(b) 3 x I00000 + 7 x l 0000 -t- 6 x 1000 + 4 x 100 + 5 x 1o + 3 x I
(C) 3 X }OQOQQ() + 2 X )00000 + 5 X }0000 + 4 X }00Q + 7 X }{)()'
~76(1 :3
+ 9 X 10 + 5 ~)
)/~Irr ()
Cd> 1 x 10000000 + 1 x ioooooo + 1 x 100000 + x

1 10000
+ 1 x I000 + I x 100 + 1 x JO + t x t l \lltl\/
3. Answer these <1ucstions.
(n) What is IO - 1? .q
(b) What is I00 - I? qq
(c) What is I0,000 - I? qqoq
(d) What is 1,00,000 - 1? gc,o qor
(c) What is l ,00,00,000 - 1?
4. Starting from the greatest 6-digit nun1ber, write the pre,·ious five
nun1bers in descending order. ril r, q
q~Cf{~ qq~n~ '1err1Cf 1 j C{ q9 qb/qmn 17qr, 1 s~
5. Startirtg fronf the smallest 8-digit number, write the next five nun1bers
in ascending order and read them. ,-,r",,.
\oO(nx)CI looca-OI; (ovco:JO).; tovvvvO03I 00 .
c,:tXJ ij lo OOO{J(J)
6. Answer these questions as per the Indian system of nunteration.
(a) How many thousands make a lakh? lcO ~Ard .,.........
(b) Which digit in 87435219 has the same lA .
•• C·l!fflld)--~-,\
place value as in 6489931? _~_'-- ~ The place value of Ois ~
~\ always 0.
(c) What is the place value of O in 7084369? G
,___ .,______ ,. _______________ .•


Introducing 10,000; Revisiting Place Volue; Introducing 1,00,000; Larger Numbers

. ....
An Aid in ReadintJ and Writin L /
Numbers: Use of Comm!s a,,
I. Write the numbers In figures Us
. . ' • c commas to mark periods.
(u) Fifteen erore mne lakh eighty-seven· thouSand th· .
(b) Seventy-seven lakh thirty-two thousand nineteen
(c) Eighteen crore seven lakh two hundred seventy-five
(d) Eighty-four million seven hundred sixty-five th d
. ousan seventy-t\vo
(e) ~urty-~o million eight hundred twelve thousand four hundred
)".. ~ l
2. Read these numbers w ·t h .
• ri e t em using placement boxes and then writ
- - ~

expanded forms. e thtir

(a) 475320 (b) • 9847215 (c) 97645310 (dJ 30458094
(i) Which is the smallest number?=. ¼l S32O
(ii) Which is the greatest numb~r? ~ . C/ U(; f ~ 1 lJ ? •
(iii) Arrange these numbers in ascending and descending orders. •
3. Use placement boxes to write these numbers iri' the Indian system of nurnera.
. Put commas for easy reading. •• '
J\1r ·, ,
(a) (b) 843260 (c) 17945204 (d) 30021451
# 2$ ~ J') ()J,,f ).12 GO f,7r'f {{\,2. () lf 1 f. 0 (- I ~II:
@ u,e the Indian system 'of numeration to rewrite the numbers ,vitb commas. •
,. Also write the nun1bcr names.
@ 9~16p1 (bl 10p2?89 @)65f11soo {d> Jq5)A006
@) Use placement"boxes to write these numbers in the International system or

e ~
nunicration. Put commas for easy reading.
32J05 l
1 J,\ U,) ,
(b) 905123
f1G ~ )(7
8r. ?r/.) ~ 56
I?~- / J·r;
' '
(d) 19,542136
1 ~, 1

@ Use the International system of numeration 1to rewrite the nun1bers ,rith coUUUQI
Also ,vrite the number names.
(b) 83p00~20 ~75f92} 12 (d) 96i396fl79
7. Put >, < or = in the , • I

(a) 5,412,742
> 54, 12,740

(b) 20,132,600 <. 2,15,97,25}

(c) 14,206,708 =: 1,42,06,708 (d) 8,759,231 .( 87,95,230

J-{ l ;✓-'
Lar9e Numbers In Pra,tlce

I. FIii In thr blnnl,s.

• (•) l knl = l C) n6oC. 1: Clll tb a l kg = \ 0 OOf('0 mg
) (cl 3 1n 40 en, = '\ t\ t) D cm ( d) 13 kg = \ •~ r> ~ ' () { J rHi mg
(<') 14 kl== J~ I [ll){J {) L l f) 6J 21 m = l'3? l 6 0 mm
1. .-\ bus slnrll'<l it~ jouru~y nntl rcut'h~ll dUTercnt \ll.accs "lth 11 ~pc<-() of
60 krn/h. 11,~ journr)' Is shown ln lhc l!h en fi~un~~
(11) Find the totn\ dislancc covereJ by the
~\~S fron, A lo D. ( ~Ji_
lb) f1~u48,~~ku distance covered by lhc Lo--c,11 1 A 4170 lm
bu.~c[rom D tr G.
\.) .)JC)~,~
Find the tota distance covered by the
bus }~ starts fr.001 A nnd returns to A.
(dl c~Y~u Cni\{fdifference of distances
frQ~l} f fir;, ~nd D to E? 8140 km

(e) F~d ~~t

tJ1~~1e taken by the bus
to reach
(i) A to B.:.l9~1Cfl\ lii) C to D~~h (lii) E to a::23/2t ; (h) Tota\ journey_ tttf lh-~
3. Ans" er these questions.
(a)N~'b°ta ne covers 850 km in 1 hour. How much distance will it cover in !3 hours'?
§ J~n had ~5,48,625. He gave U,36,444 to his wife," 1,89,222 to his daughter and
th~ ~ef t~{is son. How much money did the son get?
(c) ~ati m~luplied 2458 by 67 instead of multiplying by 76. By bow much was her
ans,ver less than the correct one?
(~~t: r_9,u don't need to do.both the n1ultiplications.)
@)Thef u ~98,800 books in a library. How many shelves are there in the library if
~ f ~ e kept on 4 shelves? _ _
(e) A container has 3 L 500 mL of lemonade: ln how many glasses, each of \ 25 n\L

e c~gci~ an it be filled? •
T~uich a ~form skirt. 2 Ill. 70 cm cloth is needed. Out of 46 m 90 cm, how man~
slc\'i ~lsti~ched and how much cloth will remain?

~ e mass 0Jla'c1'n der filled with
~ ;ylinder 14 kg 985 g. What is
'ffi~ \oo~
I and the mass of the empty
1n 10 such c:y\Ulders'?

I. Round off to the ncarcsl tens.

(a) 47 ~o (b) 61
. ) (c) 84 -JJJ_
0( 0 l( ()
(d) 92 (e) 89 (0 58

(g) 22 7(1 (h) 99 /(,( ] (I) 45

i ( l
... ,
525 ~Jr1 (k) 2167 lrL 0Q (J) 5936 .., ,, .lrJ
(j) "~ ... ~

~ Round off lo the nearest hundreds.


95556 ff,; Ou) 17431 /)~J

(a) 78 (b) 261 / / er/. , (r)
~(/'\.'' I 1 u'ro
58749kJn (" O'
rJr--'1 16594 mL (h)
(e) 852963 ~,'- ;6Co(f) 651829 i,/O06 (g)
f •
3. Round off to the nearest thousands.
IO\Jb() 2359 1(Y}O (d) 94994 1. ""'"'
(a) 857 ((}CO {b) 6548 (c)
)occo (bl 10214 CO t~
(e) 58476s .,f5o ~~ (I) 4212322 f{;(tri'.JIJ (g) 32148 mg
(9 Round off the giYen nun1bers to the nearest tens, hundreds and thousan :
Rounded form
Gh·en number (~- Approximate to the nearest ·-- -- r1 )
-75847 f Tens-·- j~-- Cgoo
..-. .... -

15841 _.J Hundreds I -76 {JJ (j -
-- ·
(c) 75.847 _j Thousands
- l_!l.J:> (J}<Z_
(d) 75847 / Te~ thousands • 1 r oow,) '
a cl05a
5. Give a rough estimate (by roundi
ng off to the nearest hundreds) and also
estimate (by rounding off to the nearest
~oo~SCiJO (c) 765 - 10 s~ \ Uj (~O
(a) 478 + 116 8 =h o 1/i I~ O 849 + 4 §
I 58c
ll') J~ 21382 + 26402 ~ ~lt(P
e, 456 - 257 ':.. 2r:J°;]O O<•J 342 5+ 786
6'- 11
0 ~171 Q
(g) 4589 - 1258 ·-=-- ~ ~ 677 7 - 644 4 .::. ¼0~ (i) 12351 - 9375 ~ ~~co}l

/i;J 16894 + 8365 + 14535 (k) 23198 + 4~315 + 126D(j93

OJ / 1r ro ~ ¼oo
0~ ( ¥,
ng produc
ts. 10 1
{\ 0 V lllO
J oJ
6. Estin1atc the
0 :- It 6o Jc) 667 x 198,(i'foco (d) 968
x 479: 11: '
(o) 67 x 212 ° 1~ •~ (h) 14 x 857
1bcr to its greatest pl~cc.
7. Estimate by rou_nding off each nun
(c) 7x 2J. :'2 oo (d) 392 x12 s:V
(a) 189 +39 -:2 ([Q (b) 767 -98
::lD O


.....j ~- ~- -- -- --
/-f, II(
Using Brackets: Expanding Brackets:
Roman Numerals

t. \Vritc the expressions for ench of the follo,, Ing using brackets.
:i (11)
Four multiplied by the su1n of nine and two YX l 1+1')
:: (h) Divide the difference of eighteen and six by four.

(IZ-6) .:.rI
(c) Forty-five divided by three times the sum of three and two

2. Evnluatc.
<11> (34 + 26) + 6 :\o (b) 8 x (5 l + 49):. C/:od ,0169 + (74 - 61) =. l'J
3. Solve these sums using brackets .
(a) Find the product of nine and the difference of eight and five.:,i_-,
(b) Divide the sum of eighty-eight and twelve by hundred.::\
(c) Multiply the sum of forty-two and three by five. =1.
(d) Divide 266 by twice the difference of nineteen and twelve.~ \ '\

4. Expand the numbers and find the product using brackets . r-,

(a) 1 8 X 6 - " ' \ \ \ '
(b) 1 0 1 X 1 0 5 - : . \(J ~{)~ (c) X

102 x 104 ~
1 8 1 0 3 ' :

b~ . (e)
11 x 13 ~:= \ tf3 (f) 15 x 107: l (t,S
5. \Vrite effh as a Roman nun1eral.
<•> 12 I f': 18 x_ yf €) fl (c) ~xr v
@ 50 L <•> 61 _l1_1__ @3s ~(f/ 11/J
(g) 25 XY.. lt § 98 X( Vllj 56
(i) .,c;;;;;W~.---~'--
~ 86 • i-xxx Vl (k) 44 l'LI I/ @19 lXY iX
6. Write each as a Hindu-A rabic numeral .
®XXlX _2.._cf_ (c) Lil
~:v (e) XLIII 6
__ @LXXVII l '
(g) XIV . lL( 6 XCIIl r,J (i) LXXXIV ~
®LXVIn {k) XXXI _')_f_ 0 XLVI ---:J.b--
7. Put >, < or = in the

<•> XLIX .,, , 47 , (b) 79 ( LXXXIX (t) XCIX ( C

(d) 75 S:- LXXV (e) LXXXI \. XCI ((). 18 / XVI



__.d a
i ~~ -~ --- ~- -~ --- -~ ---
fI ~, If/

Revision Worksheet

I. Select the corner option.

\a) \\1li~h of th·,,~ h
s unJn.'\J n1illion?
\:~c equa1

\i) ~ Ol~kh :iv£

I cn1re tili) IO crore . . (h; 100 CJorc
th ~, -I Llnd n
(lll \\luch ls the sn1allest 5-digit nun1b~r f0m1t:-d by using c J,g,ts

(Hil ..J5577 \_ti<l +l-aS7

\i) 54477 til) -'5557

\t) \\llst is lhe place v3lue of 8 in lhe 2,68,3

~80 000 0 (HO 80000 (h) S~
ti) 8
10 lbc nc!ll'CSl lbo ~?
(d) \Vhat is the cstin1ated diffl'Itnce of Si0.:?9 ond .. 83S5
40000 (ii) 39000 (iii) 49o0O {I\) I¢4
. ti)
I L'\%XfX?
, ••.
(e) \~1 s the Hindu-Arabic numeral for ihe Roman numcm 69
...) 79 (h)
\ ) 89 (ii) 84 (Ill

, Put >, < or = in the

-· ~

91715 { 101715
(a) 4321 7 -1231

(d) J,42,51" 178

( 34,5:? 1~178
(c) I,~.3,76-f :_ _ I23,764

J. Place commas correctly and "rife the nunirrals. ,

(s) Thirty-eight Jakh nro thousand five

tb) Eight crore ninety-nine Iakh n,·enty-one

thousand forty
(r) Sixty-three million three hundred seventy-five thousand four
hundred fifteen
(d) T,\·o million one hundred thousand nventy-five
4. \\"rite in the expanded form.
(1) 58,63,279 ::.jta,ool(J~1{b) 1,40,55,683
~ .1.s· (r) 38~-11100,032
~+1o-t1 \ l ouo.; ,~i (l °':170 ooi-.., 0,t'.Jr tt1tif:c·\:~.., JVO 1:-!_~ ~~
5. Soh·e. • uo~ JC Ji ~~11:t·........--
(a) What is the difference behveen the great
est 6-digit number and the smallest S-digit
n:fqber with different digits?
(ii) ib~l~1\r
25 flats is , IO, 11,30,000. What is the cost of each llat?
(c) ,di~~1~ cups of 25 mL each can be filled from a jug containing 2 L 500 ml ofj •
(d) G~~ had a 20 m long rope. She cut off a length of 2 mis 40 cm from it Then she
the length of each part?
dixided the remaining length into 16 equal --- What
lr1l\ IOl.Afl
(r) ,i~l ~y 108 x 12 by expandina

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