Product Specification EAGLE Raman S
Product Specification EAGLE Raman S
Product Specification EAGLE Raman S
The EAGLE Raman-S is a robust, athermal, industrial grade camera-based spectrometer especially well-suited
for Raman spectroscopy. With a designed numerical aperture of up to 0.3 (f-number 1.6), high diffraction
efficiency transmission grating and deeply cooled Andor’s iVac 316 camera, the Eagle Raman-S is an ideal solution
for demanding Raman spectroscopy applications requiring the highest levels of resolution and sensitivity.
• Wavelength range: 800-1100 nm enabling both 785 The spectrometer is by default equipped with the
and 830 nm laser wavelengths vacuum-sealed Andor iVac 316 camera that allows for
• Configurable input options cooling down to -60 C at normal ambient conditions.
(Free space, SMA or Custom fiber ferrule) The camera sensor is a back-illuminated Low Dark
• High resolution of 0.4 nm (6 cm-1 @ 830 nm) Current Deep-Depletion (LCD-DD) CCD, which
• Designed with NA up to 0.3 (f-number 1.6) provides dark current levels as low as 0.033 e-/pixel/
• Highly efficient transmission grating design sec, while having a Quantum Efficiency of up to 95
(Peak DE up to 95%) percent. The electronic read noise is likewise low with
• High detector QE (Peak QE up to 95%) levels down to 6.0 e-.
• Error free imaging of tall slit in image plane
The detector array consists of 2000x256 (15x15µm)
The information provided in this document may change without prior notice. May 2024 Edition.
Layout and Design pixels and can be operated in either full 1D binning
mode, 2D read-out mode, superpixels, or cropped
The EAGLE Raman-S spectrometer is based on Ibsen mode.
Photonics’ LGL platform utilizing a collimating lens
system, a transmission grating, and a focusing lens Data is read over a standard USB 2.0 connection in a
system. The nature of the athermal design enables a 16-bit format.
very low temperature-induced wavelength shift
of <0.01 nm/K.
Slit width:
The information provided in this document may change without prior notice. May 2024 Edition.
30 x 3.84 mm area
Vacuum sealed deeply cooled to -60 °C.
Absolute Diffraction Efficiency [%]
800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100
Wavelength [nm]
Transmission Gratings
The EAGLE Raman-S spectrometer utilizes the Ibsen Photonics Raman transmission grating. The grating The design also provides very low polarization dependence as an added benefit.
provides a high even diffraction efficiency, as shown by the absolute diffraction efficiency graph displayed
above. Every grating used in the EAGLE Raman-S spectrometer platform is a master grating fabricated at Ibsen
Photonics’ clean-room facility in Denmark.
Additionally, the transmission grating ensures excellent wavelength stability due to the inherent
self-corrective nature of transmission gratings, compensating for misalignment, shock, or vibrations that
the spectrometer may experience.
Mechanical Drawings
1 2 3 4 5
VIEW2 Wire threaded insert M6-6 (x4)
VIEW1 Maximum screw insertion depth 8 mm
The information provided in this document may change without prior notice. May 2024 Edition.
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About Ibsen Photonics Working with Ibsen Photonics
Ibsen was founded in 1991 by Per Ibsen under the name of Ibsen Micro Structures A/S. Today 88% of The core expertise of Ibsen Photonics lies in the opto-mechanical design, grating technology and metrology.
Ibsen Photonics’ share is majority owned by Foss A/S, a world leader in analytical solutions for the Food We master the cycle from optics, grating simulation and design, through optical and semiconductor production
and Agricultural industries. Ibsen management and employees hold the remaining 12 % of the shares. technologies, to high volume assembly, packaging and testing. Over the years we have developed many new
designs, technologies and processes - many patented.
The Ibsen spirit combines the dynamic, entrepreneurial culture of a medium size company with a
Our customers are large to medium-sized manufacturers of advanced optical devices and instruments, into
disciplined, operational mentality of a large corporation. With an average employee tenure of more than which our products are integrated. With a highly organized production process, we are able to help customers
10 years, Ibsen makes for a very effective organization that builds on more than 30 years of experience as obtain smooth instrument production, low unit-to-unit variation, high level of right first time, no field returns,
a company. and a low level of rework.
Ibsen employs more than 90 people at our R&D and manufacturing facility in Denmark and has achieved a Our grating production facilities are world-class, including class 10 cleanroom facilities that we designed and built
turnover of more than 180 MDKK in 2022. in 2000/2001, in which all environmental parameters are under continuous surveillance.
Our spectrometers are produced under strict quality control in our assembly facility in Denmark. We have been
granted ISO 9001, ISO 13485, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001. This confirms Ibsen’s’ consistent capability to produce high
quality products that meet market standards and all regulatory requirements.