Citizen Charter January 2022

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In the parliamentary form of Government, the day-to-day working of the parliamentary

system makes large claims on the time and resources of various Ministries/Departments. The
parliamentary business covers numerous intricate matters - financial, legislative and non-
legislative. The Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs provides the critical interface between the
Government and the Parliament. The Ministry, though small in size, handles a large gamut of
activities ranging from managing Legislative business, Parliamentary assurances, and Consultative
Committees to welfare of Members of Parliament and organizing Youth Parliament Programmes.

The Ministry was created in 1949 as a Department.


The Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs strives to provide comprehensive and quality services
to a Body of Citizens comprising, the Parliament and its Members as well as
Ministries/Departments and other Organizations of Government of India and State Governments.


To act as an efficient facilitator to constantly improve Government's interaction with

Parliament by:
 Planning, coordinating and monitoring Government's business in Parliament.

 Helping Ministries/Departments to effectively carry out their Parliamentary work.

 Responding actively and effectively on behalf of the Government in respect of directions,

resolutions etc. of a general nature made to the Government by the Houses of Parliament.

 Constituting and arranging meetings of Consultative Committees of Members of Parliament

for Ministries.

 Taking initiatives through organizing of conferences, youth parliament etc. for increasing
awareness about the Parliamentary system with a view to strengthening the roots of

 Administering policies relating to Salaries, facilities and welfare related matters of

Members of Parliament.

 Coordinating Ministries/Departments for implementation of assurances given by Ministers

in both the Houses of Parliament-culling out of assurances from the debates; monitoring the
state of fulfilment thereof and laying of Implementation reports before the Houses.
 Assigning with the task of digitalizing all the 37 Legislative Houses of the country & two
Houses of Parliament under Government of India’s two Mission Mode Projects namely ‘e-
Sansad’&‘e-Vidhan’ through its platform of National E-Vidhan Application (NeVA).


The Body of Citizens we serve:

 The two Houses of Parliament and their Secretariats

 Members of Parliament

 Central Government Ministries/Departments and Organizations

 State Governments/UT Administrations

 Educational institutions


1. To Central Government Ministries/Departments and Organizations

Functional support to the Ministries/Departments and other Government Organizations and,

wherever necessary, to State Governments/UT Administrations such as:

 Secretarial assistance to the Cabinet Committee on Parliamentary Affairs on summoning

and prorogation of the Houses of Parliament and Government 's stand on Private Member's
Bills and Resolutions.

 Planning, mapping and monitoring of legislative business of the Ministries/Departments.

 Coordination of work in association with Ministries/Departments relating to fulfilment of

Parliamentary assurances including laying of implementation reports on fulfilled assurances
on the Table of the respective House of Parliament.

 Arranging meetings on behalf of the Ministries/Departments on various matters of

importance with leaders of political parties/groups in Parliament.

 Providing advice to Ministries/Departments on parliamentary practices and procedures in

keeping with the changing milieu and conventions and for training their officers handling
parliamentary work.

 Forwarding the list of matters of urgent public importance raised under Rule 377 in Lok
Sabha and Special Mentions in Rajya Sabha, weekly, and follow up action regarding
expeditious replies to the pending matters.

 Forwarding the extracts of Zero-Hour matters for appropriate action.

 Updating of Manual of Parliamentary Procedures in the Government of India and queries
relating thereto.

 Conducting Orientation Courses in Parliamentary Practices and Procedures for the Officers
of (i) Central government ministries/departments; and (ii) State governments/Union

 Providing universal access to legislative related business of all the Ministries and
Departments once National E-Vidhan Application (NeVA) is implemented in two houses of

2. To the Houses of Parliament and their Secretariats

By performing the work of a coordinating agency on behalf of the Government for


 Intimation of decision of the Government on the summoning and prorogation of the Houses
of Parliament.

 Provision of essential inputs in respect of Government Business for meetings of Business

Advisory Committees of the Houses of Parliament.

 Provision of day-do-day list of Government business to be taken up by the Houses of


 Following of proper procedures by the Ministries/Departments in respect of their

Parliamentary work such as legislative proposals, laying of papers, reports etc.

 Prompt action on behalf of the Government as a whole and of its constituent

Ministries/Departments in particular on directions, both of a specific or a general nature,
given from time to time by the Presiding Officers of the Houses of Parliament.

 Representation, wherever necessary, on behalf of the Government as a whole, at meetings of

the Committees of the Houses of Parliament and for coordinating action especially in respect
of those directions or recommendations of a general nature given by the Committees.

 Any other liaison work, as may be required from time to time between the Houses or their
Secretariats, with the Government.

 Role based NeVA Platform proposed for end to end integration with provision of publishing
all Government & House businesses at NeVA platform electronically.

3. To Members of Parliament

By taking necessary action for:

 Framing and amending, as may be required from time to time, legislation in respect of
salaries, allowances and amenities of Members of Parliament, the leaders of opposition and
leaders and whips of various parties/groups in Parliament
 Intimating them on the fulfilment of assurances made by Ministers in the House during
matters raised by the Members either through Questions or during the course of debates in
the House.

 Rendering assistance to individual Members of Parliament on matters relating to their

welfare, including such matters as nomination on Commissions, Committees, Boards etc. set
up by the Government, monitoring progress of treatment during hospitalisation, and
assistance to the family in the unfortunate eventuality of death of the Member.

 Sponsoring Government delegations of Members of Parliament to other countries to help

them to utilise their expertise and services for shaping foreign policy and maintaining
friendly relations with other countries.

 Rendering assistance to Members of Parliament and Members of Legislatures in adopting

the National E-Vidhan Application for their day to day house business viz. question
processing, bill introduction, consideration & passing, attendance and their constituencies as

4. To State Governments/UT Administrations

To render any assistance that may be required by them for:

 Advice on parliamentary procedures/practices.

 Providing training to their officers on parliamentary procedures and practices.

 Organizing Youth Parliament Competitions on Parliamentary systems and procedures.

 Providing training to the legislature secretariat personnel in requisition of adopting the

National E- Vidhan Application.

 Financial assistance to the states and UTs for NeVA implementation.

 End to end paperless interaction between Legislative Houses & Government.

5. To Educational Institutions

'Youth Parliament Schemes' are being organized by the Ministry for the Organizations such
as the Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, Universities/colleges and
States/UTs for organizing 'Youth Parliament Competitions' in their schools by:

 Organizing All India Level National Competitions.

 Conducting Orientation Courses for providing information and material to teachers and
other resource person/coordinators on conduct of the Competitions in their educational

 Providing financial assistance to certain organization for the conduct of the Competitions.
 Maintaining the web-portal of National Youth Parliament Scheme (NYPS) through which
all recognized educational institutions of the country can participate.


The work in the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs is organized in the following divisions:

 Legislative

 Youth Parliament

 Administration

 Research

The allocation of works amongst these Divisions is provided in Annex.

The Ministry has also set up a Grievances Redressal Cell to look into the grievances of the
Body of Citizens we serve relating to the functioning of the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs.
Additional Secretary in the Ministry, whose particulars are given below, has been designated as
Director of the Grievance Redressal Cell:-

Additional Secretary & Director,

Grievances Redressal Cell,
Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs,
Tele. No. 23034734, 20317893
Fax No. 011-23792067
Website: E-mail:

We request the Body of Citizens we serve:-

Contact our Divisional Heads, as per details given below, to obtain the services listed in
the Annex.

Adhere to the prescribed procedures and time schedules before forwarding their proposals.
Visit our website ( for further details.

S. No. Divisions Head

Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs,
Legislative-I Section 86-B, Parliament House,
1. Legislative-II Section New Delhi-110001
Hindi Section Tel :23034844
Fax :23017557
Deputy Secretary,
Youth Parliament Section Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs,
Members’ Emoluments Section 94, Parliament House,
Protocol & Welfare Section with New Delhi-110001
RTI and Public Grievances Tel :23034732
Deputy Secretary,
Assurance (LS) Section Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs,
Assurance (RS) Section 92 Parliament House,
Committee Section New Delhi-110001
Research Cell Tel : 23034761,
Deputy Secretary,
Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs,
Administration Section
92, Parliament House,
Accounts and Purchase Section
4. New Delhi-110001
General Section
Tel: 23034746
NeVA Cell

Additional Secretary,
Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs,
87, Parliament House,
Nodal Officer for Citizen’s Charter New Delhi-110001
Tel : 23017893, 23034734,
Fax :23792067
Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs,
40, Parliament House,
Head of the Ministry New Delhi-110001
Tel : 23017663, 23034644,
Fax :23017726


It is our endeavour to provide timely and proper service in respect of the activities
undertaken by us. In respect of various activities, the commitments from our side and our
expectations from the Body of Citizens are as under:


CITIZENS (2) (3)
Central 1. Summoning and
Government prorogation of the Houses
Ministries/Depart- of Parliament.
ments and 2. Planning, mapping and
organizations monitoring of Legislative
Legislative proposals will be
prioritized and listed as per
requirements of importance,
urgency and expediency
indicated by the
3. Arranging and providing help
in respect of Consultative
Committees meetings
4. Coordination of works The Ministries/Departments are
relating to parliamentary expected to initiate action to
fulfill the assurances once these
(a) Assurances will be extracted assurances are uploaded on
and uploaded on the OAMS portal.
OAMS (Online Assurances
Monitoring System) Portal
( within 10
working days from the date on
which the assurance was
(b) Implementation Reports All procedural requirements
received not later than ten may be met before reports are
days prior to the proposed uploaded on OAMS portal. In
date of laying will be laid on case it is proposed to lay a part
the Table of the House. fulfillment report the same
may be indicated clearly.
(c) All Communications relating The entire process beginning
to assurances are to be done from culling out of assurances
through OAMS. from the proceedings of the
House to the laying of
Implementation Reports have
been automated through
OAMS Portal. Requests for
extension of time for
fulfillment of assurances,
dropping/deletion of
assurances have also been
automated through OAMS.
5(a) Meetings of Ministers are
arranged with Leaders of
Parties/groups in
Parliament to discuss
issues of important policy
or other such matters.
(b) Work relating to sending
Government sponsored
delegations of MPs abroad
and also receiving similar
Foreign delegations in
6 (a) Administration and
interpretation of the
Salary, Allowances and
Pension of Members of
Parliament Act, 1954 and
the rules made thereunder.
(b) Administration and
interpretation of the
Salary and Allowances of
Leaders of Opposition in
Parliament Act, 1977 and
Rules made thereunder.
(c) Administration and
interpretation of the
Salaries and Allowances
of Officers of Parliament
Act, 1953 and Rules
made thereunder.
(d) Administration and
interpretation of the
Leaders and Chief Whips
of recognized Parties and
Groups in Parliament
(Facilities) Act, 1998
7. Orientation Courses for Directorate of Education,
Youth Parliament Govt. of NCT of Delhi and
Competition Department of Education,
NDMC are required to furnish
(a) For Principals and teachers the names of Principals and
in- charge of the teachers in-charge of the
participating schools of selected schools for the
Directorate of Education, Orientation Course well in
Govt. of NCT of Delhi and advance of the scheduled date
Department of Education, every year.
(b) For Principals and teachers Intimation regarding
in-charge of the nominated Principals and
participating Kendriya teachers-in-charge of the
Vidyalayas and Assistant participating schools for
Commissioners of the Orientation Course should be
respective regions. sent by Kendriya Vidyalaya
Sangathan (Headquarters) to
the Ministry well in advance
of the scheduled date every
(c) For Principals and teachers Intimation regarding
in-charge of the nominated Principals and
participating Jawahar teachers-in-charge of the
Navodaya Vidyalayas and participating schools for
Assistant commissioners of Orientation Course should
the respective regions. be sent by Navodaya
Vidyalaya Samiti
(Headquarters) to the Ministry
well in advance of the
scheduled date in every year.
(d) For Lecturers / Deans Intimation regarding
(coordinators) etc. of the nominated Lecturers/Deans
Universities/colleges. (Coordinators) of the
participating Universities /
colleges for Orientation
Course should be sent to the
Ministry well in advance of
the scheduled date in every
8. All India Whip's States/UTs are required to
Conference send the status of
implementation report in
respect of recommendation of
All India Whip's Conference.
9. Forwarding the list of matters Copies of extracts sent by the
of urgent public importance Secretariats of Parliament to
raised by way of Special the Ministries/Departments on
Mentions in Rajya Sabha the next day, to be received
and under Rule 377 by this Ministry on the next
in Lok Sabha within two Monday. The ministries
days on weekly receipt of the should send the replies to the
extracts from Rajya/Lok Hon'ble Members on the
Sabha Secretariats and matters raised within one
follow up action month from the date of raising
regarding pending matters. the matter and endorse a copy
of the reply to the Ministry of
Parliamentary Affairs &
Rajya/Lok Sabha Secretariats,
as the case may be.
(a). Transfer of matters Ministries, who receive the
extracts in the first instance,
should settle the matters
regarding transfer of these
matters, wherever, necessary,
expeditiously and intimate the
Ministry of Parliamentary
Affairs and the Rajya/Lok
Sabha Secretariats.
10. Forwarding the extracts of A copy of the reply, if any,
matters raised during Zero- send to the Members, may be
Hour in Rajya/Lok Sabha for endorsed to this Ministry.
such action as deemed
necessary. Extracts of matters
on which there is assurance
by a Minister/direction by the
Chair are forwarded to the
concerned Minister by
Minister of Parliamentary
Affairs on the same day while
matters on which there is no
assurance/direction are
forwarded the next day.
(Constraints- Availability of
extracts from Rajya/Lok Sabha
Secretariat on the same day
/supply of debate next day).
11. Updating of Manual of Officers of Ministries/
Parliamentary Departments familiarize
Procedures in the themselves with the
provisions of the Manual for
Government of India and
reference/use wherever
queries relating thereto. necessary.
12. Conducting Orientation Ministries / Departments
courses in: /States/UTs are expected to
send their nominations for the
Orientation Courses in time.
(i) Parliamentary Practices
and Procedures for officers
of various Central Govt.
Ministries/ Departments;
(ii) Functioning of Ministry
of Parliamentary Affairs
and Parliamentary
Practices and Procedures
for Officers of State/UTs


1. Dates of summoning and prorogation of the two Houses of Parliament and dissolution of the
Lok Sabha
2. Planning and co- ordination of legislative and other official business for both the Houses.
3. List of Government Business for both the Houses
4. Statement on Government Business by Ministers of Parliamentary Affairs in the Lok Sabha and
the Rajya Sabha.
5. Seeking time allocation from BACs to the Government Business in two Houses and allocation
of Government time in Parliament for discussion of Motions given notice of by Members.
6. Nomination of Members for Select and Joint Committees on Bills.
7. Government’s stand on Private Members’ Bills and Resolutions.
8. Secretarial assistance to the Cabinet Committee on Parliamentary Affairs.
9. Co-ordination regarding the material of this Ministry for inclusion in the President’s Address
10. Ordinances - their laying and other related correspondence
11. Simultaneous laying of papers and documents in both Houses of Parliament.
12. General directions for the guidance of Ministries in the preparation of their Annual Reports
13. Preparation of a Directory showing telephone numbers and addresses of Officers dealing with
Parliamentary work in various Ministries/Departments
14. Maintenance of statistics relating to Parliament Questions addressed to the Ministry
15. Recommendations of a general nature of the Committees on Papers Laid on the table of the Lok
Sabha and the Rajya Sabha.
16. Calling Attention Notices- forwarding notices to the Ministries/Departments in respect of the
Rajya Sabha only
17. Allotment of rooms to Ministers in Parliament House
18. Keeping a watch on the day-to-day progress of business transacted by the two Houses of
Parliament by deputing Parliament Assistants in Official Galleries of the Houses.
19. Recommendations of the Rules Committee of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha.
20. Maintenance of a complete and up-to-date statistical record about the discussion and debates on
legislative, financial and other miscellaneous matters in each session of both the Houses of
Parliament to be utilized at the time of the preparation of the Annual Report of the Ministry
21. Coordination of work relating to States under President’s Rule.
22. Preparation of roster for attendance of Ministers in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
23. Vote of Confidence in the Council of Ministers
24. The Government of India (Allocation of Business) Rules, 1961
25. Appointment of Speaker pro tem and other persons before whom Members can subscribe oath
or affirmation.
26. Appointment of the Leaders of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
27. Receipts received under RTI Act, 2005

1. Determination of Policy and follow-up action in regard to matters raised under Rule 377 in Lok
Sabha and by way of Special Mentions in Rajya Sabha.

2. Organising of Orientation Courses in Parliamentary Practices and Procedures for Officers of

various Ministries/Departments.

3. Organising of Orientation Courses in Parliamentary Procedures and Practices for Officers of

State Governments.

4. Advance study of the likely emerging trends in the Parliament.

5. Action on the recommendations of general nature in Reports of Committees on Petitions of Lok

Sabha/Rajya Sabha.

6. Sending extracts to Ministries/Departments concerned in regard to matters raised during Zero

Hour in Lok Sabha/ Rajya Sabha.

7. Cutting out of Press Clippings on important topics from the daily News-papers.

8. Regular examination of the grievance columns of daily newspapers for their redressal by this
1. Appointment of Members of Parliament on Committees and bodies set up by Government.

2. Functioning of Consultative Committees of Members of Parliament for various Ministries.

3. Constitution and functioning of Informal Consultative Committees for various Railway Zones.

4. Payment of TA/DA to Members of Parliament in connection with the meetings of Consultative


5. Organizing meetings of Consultative Committees and Zonal Railway Informal Consultative

Committees. Each Consultative Committee is required to hold 6 meetings in year. Informal
Consultative Committees meet once in a year.

6. Booking of suitable Committee Room in Parliament House/Parliament House Annexe for

arranging the meetings of the above Committees.

7. Issuing of agenda notes in English and Hindi, minutes of the meetings, action taken reports on
the minutes and notices regarding meetings to the Members.

8. Arranging for various facilities in the Committees Rooms such as Chairs, Air-conditioning,
Sound System etc.

9. Maintenance of various registers regarding nominations of Members of Parliament on various

Government Bodies/Committees etc. set up by the Government of India, Meetings of the
Consultative Committee for various Ministries, Attendance of Members of Parliament.

10. Maintenance of name plates of Members which are placed in front of Members during the
Committee meetings.

1. To render assistance to ailing Members of Parliament and their families whenever

required. Inform the Members of the family of ailing Members if they are not in Delhi.

2. To keep the Minister/Ministers of State/Deputy Minister/Secretary and other concerned officers

including Party Offices in Parliament House informed about the ailing Members of Parliament
admitted in various hospitals in Delhi. The bilingual information of ailing Members of
Parliament admitted in various Hospitals in Delhi is uploaded on the website of this Ministry
i.e. on daily basis. Officers of the Ministry visit to ailing MPs admitted
in Delhi Hospitals and the report of such visit is submitted to Hon'ble Minister of Parliamentary
Affairs for his information.

3. In the unfortunate event of passing away of the Member to take up the work of transporting the
dead body according to the wishes of the family of the deceased and to render all assistance
that may be required by them. Embalming of body, arrangement of coffin, arranging of death
certificate and police clearance. Arrangement of wreath for paying homage to the deceased
Member and transportation of body to Airport/Railway Station for onward journey to the place
of late rites.

4. Officially sponsored visit of Members of Parliament to Places of Interest.

5. To assist the nodal Ministries for receiving the MPs on important national occasions like
Investiture ceremonies, oath-taking ceremonies of high dignitaries including President-elect
and co-ordination for issuance of passes to MPs. Ushering in duties during various national
occasions like Independence day, Republic Day, and Beating Retreat ceremony etc.

6. Film shows and other entertainment programmes for Members of Parliament.

7. Extending usual courtesies/protocol services to foreign parliamentary delegations calling on

Minister/MoSs of Parliamentary Affairs.

8. Liaison with leaders of various Parties/Groups represented in Parliament.

9. Arrangement of dinner/refreshment to the Members of Parliament during late sittings of

Parliament and on other occasions.

10. Work relating to sending government sponsored delegation of Members of Parliament abroad
and also receiving similar foreign delegation in India under exchange programme.

11. Transport arrangements (DTC services) for MPs in case of late sittings of Parliament beyond
10.00 p.m.

12. Nomination of Members of Parliament on various Government Sponsored Delegations to be

sent abroad.

13. Clearance of visits of State Government Sponsored Foreign Delegations.


1. Maintenance of staff cars and three wheeler scooters.

2. Hiring of transport arrangement for official purpose.
3. Use and maintenance of postal services by way of Franking Machine.
4. Receipt and dispatch work of the Ministry.
5. Issue of Passes/Identity Cards/Validation Slips and Parking labels for staff cars.
6. Printing work.

1. Establishment matters viz. recruitment, promotion, appointments, etc.

2. Recruitment Rules: framing and amendments.
3. Creation/continuation and conversion of posts, confirmation and quasi permanent, seniority list.
4. All matters connected with the allocation of work amongst the Ministers and appointment etc.
of the personal staff of Ministers including rules and instructions on the subject.
5. Implementation of orders regarding reservation for Scheduled Castes/Tribes, Ex- servicemen,
released Emergency Commissioned Officers, Physically Handicapped Persons, OBCs, etc.
6. Character Verification, Medical Examination etc.
7. Punctuality and vigilance cases.
8. Matters connected with Office Council.
9. Conduct, Classification, Control and Appeal Rules.
10. Various types of returns on different subjects like Matters of Importance, Cabinet Returns etc.
11. Postings/transfer of staff.
12. Retirement.
13. Review of cases of officers/staff who have attained the age of 50/55 years and have completed
30 years of service.
14. Vigilance cases and matters connected with Conduct Rules.
15. Deputation to ex-cadre posts.
16. Annual Confidential Reports.
17. Co-ordination of matters regarding new initiatives undertaken by the Ministry.
18. Parliament Questions regarding the subjects allotted to the section.
19. Maintenance of Service books and Personal Files, Grant of Leave, Increments, Pay Fixation,
20. Assured Career Progression Scheme.
21. Training of staff except Hindi training.
22. Implementation of the recommendations of Pay Commission.
23. Nomination for Family Pension, DCRG, GPF, CGEIS, etc.
24. Calling and processing of property returns.
25. Grant of special rewards, increments, personal pay, honorariums, etc.
26. Posting of staff for roster duty.
27. Compilation of Annual Report of the Ministry.
28. Matters/returns relating to RTI Act.
29. Work related to CGHS facility,
30. Hiring and maintenance of air-conditioners,
31. Hiring of manpower like MTS, drivers, etc. on contract basis.
32. Air-conditioning of rooms allotted to the secretary.
33. Cleanliness, caretaking jobs.
34. Modernization of office—providing partitions, cupboards, etc.
35. Allotment of Government accommodation.
36. Nominations of officers for various trainings/workshops.
37. Celebration of various days like Constitution Day, Anti-Terrorism Day etc
38. Supply of digital signature certificates
39. Any other items of work assigned

1. All Budget matters, control over expenditure, Reconciliation of Accounts.

2. Attending to Audit Parties, settlement of audit objections.
3. Pay bills.
4. Processing and preparation of TA bills, LTC bills, OTA bills, Children Education Allowance
scheme bills, Medical reimbursement bills, Hospitality and Entertainment bills, Advances
bills, Conveyance Charges bills etc.
5. GPF – allotment of GPF account numbers, sanction of advances, maintenance of accounts and
other related matters.
6. NPS-Issuance of PRAN.
7. Financial matters, economy instructions, watch and review the progress of expenditure against
sanctioned grants.
8. Screen the proposals for Supplementary Demands for Grant.
9. Advise the Ministry on all financial matters.
10. To identity, in particular, specific savings in case for creation of posts and to maintain a register
for this purpose.
11. To keep closely associated with the formulation of important expenditure proposals from their
initial stages.
12. To screen all expenditure proposals requiring to be referred to Finance Ministry for
concurrence or comments.
13. Submission of expenditure returns and other returns on related subjects.
14. Installation of telephones and settlement of telephone bills, providing mobile telephones and
settlement of bills.
15. Salary, TA bills of Ministers/Members of Parliament/Non-official members etc.
16. Income Tax calculation and deduction.
17. Sanction of advances of TA/LTC/House Building/Car & Computers etc.
18. All type of purchases including computers, fax machines, photocopying machine, staff cars,
scooters, room-coolers, air-conditioners.
19. Maintenance/AMC of all equipment except vehicles.
20. Settlement of air-passage bills.
21. Assisting officers in connection with annual income tax returns.
22. Last Pay Certificate.
23. Calculation and deduction of interest on advances.
24. Preparation of pension papers.
25. Screening Committee proposals regarding delegations/Foreign tours undertaken.
26. Parliament Questions regarding tours, expenditure etc.
27. Periodical returns
28. RTI
29. Purchase of stationery and other items.
30. Disposal of unserviceable stores by auction.
31. Purchase of books, periodicals etc.
32. Obtaining forms, engagement diaries, calendars, photographs of leaders etc. from Government
agencies and local purchase of such items.
33. Preparation of rubber stamps, name plates etc.
34. Screening the proposals of Exchange of Goodwill delegations from the financial angle.
35. Making provision for filling the equivalent value of stamp in the franking machine.
36. Any other items of work assigned.

1. Reading of proceedings of the House and culling out of assurances/undertakings/promises

given by the Ministers on the floor of the House.

2. Uploading relevant extracts of the assurance on the OAMS (Online Assurances Monitoring
System) portal ( for implementation by Ministries/Departments within the
presented time-limit of three months. Two Secretariats of Parliament also utilize the OAMS
portal for their information/record.

3. Processing the Implementation Reports received from the Ministries/Departments in fulfilment

of assurances and making necessary arrangement for laying of sets of Implementation Reports
on the Table of the House.

4. Intimating fulfilment of assurances to the Members of Parliament concerned.

5. Intimation of laying assurances to Ministries/Departments concerned.

6. Advising Ministries/Departments on various procedural matters connected with implementation

of assurances.

7. Maintenance of copies of sets of Implementation Reports laid on the Table of the House.

8. Processing the Reports of the Committee on Government Assurances and communicating the
decisions/observations of the Committee to Ministries/Departments for compliance.

1. Conducting Youth Parliament Competitions in Schools under the Govt. of NCT of Delhi and

2. Conducting National Youth Parliament Competitions in Kendriya Vidyalayas.

3. Conducting National Youth Parliament Competitions in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas.

4. Conducting National Youth Parliament Competitions in Universities / Colleges.

5. Imparting training to Participants of Youth Parliament Competitions.

6. Providing financial assistance to States / UTs for organizing Youth Parliament Competitions.

7. Maintaining the web-portal of National Youth Parliament Scheme through which all
recognized educational institutions of the country can participate.

1. Functions relating to administration of the Salary, Allowances and Pension of Members of

Parliament Act, 1954 and Rules made thereunder:-

(a) Administration and interpretation of the Salary, Allowances and Pension of

Members of Parliament Act, 1954 and the rules made thereunder.

(b) To examine cases of facilities/amenities to MPs in connection with the above and to
seek Law Ministry’s advice etc. from time to time.

(c) Preparation of note in regard to Government’s stand on the Agenda of the meeting of
the Joint Committee on Salary and Allowances of Members of Parliament.

(d) To examine and process the recommendations of the Joint Committee.

(e) Advice to Ministries/State Govts. regarding TA/DA entitlement of MPs for attending
meetings of Govt. Committee.

2. Administration of the Salary and Allowances of Leaders of Opposition in Parliament Act,

1977 and the rules made thereunder.

3. Administration of the Salaries and Allowances of Officers of Parliament Act, 1953 and the
rules framed thereunder.

4. The Leaders and Chief Whip of Recognised Parties and Groups in Parliament (Facilities)
Act, 1998 and rules made thereunder.

5. Meeting of the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs with Chief Whips of various political
parties in Parliament.

6. Committee on Subordinate Legislation, Rajya Sabha and Committee on Subordinate

Legislation, Lok Sabha -processing of recommendations of general nature made by these

7. Holding of All India Whips’ Conference and to ensure the implementation of

recommendation of the Conference by the State Govts. and various agencies.

8. Dealing with the Court cases in which Secretary, Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs is made

9. Miscellaneous correspondence.

1. Translation of official correspondence from English to Hindi and vice-versa.

2. Translation of Report/Brochures brought out by the Ministry from time to time.

3. Implementation of Official Language Policy of the Govt. of India.

4. Follow-up action on the instructions issued by Deptt. of Official Language (M/o Home Affairs)
from time to time.

5. Implementation of decisions taken by the Central Hindi Committee.

6. Implementation of decisions taken by the Central Official Language Implementation


7. Official Language Implementation Committee of the Ministry - arrangement for holding

quarterly meetings, preparation of minutes and to take follow-up action on the decisions taken
in its meeting.

8. Progressive use of Hindi - Compilation of quarterly Report received from all the Sections and
forward this report to the Department of Official Language.

9. Prepare Annual Programme for use of Hindi on the basis of programme issued by the
Department of Official Language and following up its implementation in the Ministry.

10. Hindi Salahkar Samiti of the Ministry - Constitution, arrangement for half yearly meetings,
preparation of minutes and to take follow-up action on the decisions taken in its meetings.

11. Hindi Workshop - arrangement of two workshops in a year.

12. Parliament Questions regarding progressive use of Hindi in the Ministry.

13. Correspondence with MPs regarding progressive use of Hindi in the Ministry.

14. Organizing Hindi Fortnight/Hindi Week/day in the Ministry.

15. Compilation and providing data regarding progressive use of Hindi in the Ministry to-
(a) Parliamentary Committee on Official Language.
(b) Department of Official Language.

16. Implementation of various incentive schemes for progressive use of Hindi i.e. cash prize for
original Noting-Drafting in Hindi etc.

17. Nominating employees of the Ministry on various Hindi trainings organized by Department of
Official Language.

18. Maintaining Library of Hindi books.


1. Review/revision/updating of the Manual of Parliamentary Procedures in the Government of

India and advice/correspondence relating to the manual and instruction therein etc.

2. Work relating to functions of Parliamentary Secretaries.

3. Study and preparation of Brochures on various Parliamentary matters which have historical or
reference value;

4. Advice to Ministries/State Government on constitutional matters and matters relating to

Rules/Conventions of Parliament;

5. Preparing notes and references material on various Parliamentary issues and constitutional
matters (excluding court cases);

6. Drafting speeches and talking material for Ministers for use at various Parliamentary forums;

7. Selection of Reference Books, Manual, Brochures and maintenance of the in-house Library;

8. Matters relating to Office of Profit and Powers, Privileges and Immunities of Members of

9. Reports of the Administrative Reforms Commission;

10. Coordinating the review/revision/updating of;

a. Hand Book on the working of the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs.

b. Statistical Hand Book.

11. Ensuring in coordination with the concerned Section that the contents provided on the website
of the Ministry are up-to-date;

12. Any other Research Work allotted by the Additional Secretary/Secretary/Ministers;

13. Revision work of Citizens’ Charter of this Ministry.


1. Rolling out of National e-Vidhan Application (NeVA) at 37 Houses across country to make
their functioning paperless.
2. Coordination with technical team of NeVA & NIC for design & development of Software.
3. Conducting Orientation Courses for State Legislatures, NIC officials & State Government
Department Officials for adoption of NeVA.
4. Coordination with Two Houses of Parliament for adoption of NeVA.
5. Running of Central Project Monitoring Unit (CPMU).
6. Organization of regular Training Courses for State Legislatures at CPMU as part of Capacity
Building for adoption of NeVA.
7. Facilitation of Members of Legislature in adopting NeVA for their day to day house businesses.
8. Training to the legislature secretariat to make them handy of NeVA platform.
9. Correspondence with the state for NeVA implementation.
10. Providing Financial Assistance to the NeVA implementing States/UTs.
11. Maintenance of NeVA Website home page, Mobile Application & MyNeVA portal.
12. Preparation of Training Module for use of State Legislatures.
13. Documentation of Project Modules of NeVA
14. Consultation with State Legislatures & Parliament of India for further development of National
e-Vidhan Application (NeVA).
15. Web and Mobile help line for providing support to Legislatures.
16. Resolution of issues arising while working on NeVA platform.
17. Coordination with NICSI regarding hiring of manpower & procurement of Services.
18. Coordination with Maintenance team of Data Servers deployed at Shastri Park, New Delhi.
19. Certification and Security audits of NeVA public website and Secure Portal.
20. Coordination with NIC for organization of Video Conferencing Trainings.
21. Study of existing IT systems across legislatures for design and development of NeVA Modules
for full utilization of the capabilities available.
22. Preparation of Detailed Project Reports, Guidelines, MoUs, Gap Analysis reports.
23. Review of technical and financial progress of Project at Centre and State level.
24. Guidance to State Legislatures regarding Business Process Amendments required in Acts,
Rules & Regulation for implementation of NeVA.
25. Planning for electronic, print media, Audio & Video for wider publicity of NeVA.
26. Approval of DPR of State Legislatures at Central Level.
27. Examination of specific request from State Legislature regarding changes in sanctions and to
make recommendations thereon for consideration by the Empowered Committee.
28. Advance action regarding completion of the project, establishment of facilities, its utilization
and transfer of know how etc. for successful replication.
29. Review the deliverables of the agencies involved and amends the deliverables of required
keeping in view the project objective.
30. Coordination in setting up of NeVA Kendra (e-Learning/Facilitation Centre) in each state
Legislature for regular training programme on various modules of NeVA.
31. Any other work assigned by competent authority.


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