Kidney Functions
Kidney Functions
Kidney Functions
3) Water homeostasis:
70% of H2O of tubular fluid is
reabsorbed in PCT
5% in loop of Henle
10% in DCT
Remainder in the collecting
Kidney Function Testing
4) Acid-Base homeostasis: Kidney normally works to retain bicarbonate and loose H through:
Phosphate buffer (monohydrogen dihydrogen)
Loss of undissociated acid
- +
Na Na Na2 HPO4
NH4 NH3 + - HA
H A - Na-H exchange is energy
Glutamate dependent process
NH4 A + +
NH4 NH3 - K competes H in Na-H exchange
α ketoglutarate in case of high intracellular K
Plasma & Glomerular Filtrate
Tubular Cell
interstitial Fluid
5) Endocrine function:
1ry production of erythropoietin, renin and prostaglandin
2ry activation of vit D by 1, 25 dihydroxycholecalciferol
Kidney Function Testing
Renal Monitoring
1) Clearance of various compounds: to estimate GFR and ERPF
2) Assessment of glomerular permeability: by determining the type of protein in urine.
3) Measurement of non-protein nitrogenous compounds.
4) Measurement of the concentrating ability of tubules.
5) Testing for acid-base disorders.
6) Other tests of renal significance.
1) Renal clearance:
Definition: Clearance of a substance is the theoretical amount of blood that is cleared from this
substance by the kidney.
- Specification: completely filtered by glomeruli, not reabsorbed or excreted by tubules.
- Reference substance is inulin
- Radioisotopic measurement: using Tc DTTA (Diethylene triamine penta-acetic acid). Value in
split renal function test.
- Effective renal plasma flow (ERPF): is a measurement of tubular secretory function combined
with GFR estimated by 131I-labeled hippuran.
- Non-radio labeled measurement:
GFR → by creatinine clearance
ERPF → by para amino hippuric acid.
???? use of urea, β2 microglobulin, RBP, α1 microglobulin in???
Creatinine Clearance:
- Hydrate the patient at least 600ml H 2O
- Withhold tea, coffee, drugs on the day of the test.
- Proper collection, ensure urine flow rate 1-2 ml/min: Begin with empty bladder at
specific hour and collect bladder urine at that hour next day.
- In lab, measure the precise volume, time
- Calculation UxV 1.73
Sources of error:
- Error in recording the time, loos of portion of urine e.g. urine retention.
- Vigorous exercise.
- Low hydration.
Reference interval:
♀ 88-128 mL/min
♂ 97-137 mL/min
Estimation of creatinine clearance from plasma creatinine level:
- Applying Siersbæk – Nielsen nomogram: Interplotation between s. creatinine, age and
weight and then extrapolate to get the clearance.
Potential obesity error
Random error in plasma creatinine measurement.
- Applying Cockcroft and Gault algorithms: للحفظ
140- age (yrs.) X 2.12 X weight (kg) X K(0.85)
s. creatinine X BSA (m2)
- Recently, cystatin C proved to be a better estimate of GFR.
Kidney Function Testing
NB: To calculate the reference interval of creatinine clearance for every individual depend on
weight (Kg), urinary and plasma creatinine.
Urine creat. (mg/Kg/day) X wt. (Kg) X 100
s. creat. (mg/dL) X 1440
2) Glomerular permeability:
Glomerular membrane is designated to restrict passage of protein molecules over 15000 D
Normal protein excretion in urine is less than 150mg/d.
Source of protein in urine:
- Tam Horsfall protein from epithelial cells of DT.
- Urokinase from tubular cells.
- Secretory protein A from epithelial cells of T cell basemen membrane protein.
Types of proteinuria:
I. Intermittent proteinuria:
- Benign transient: in young children → disappears.
- Functional: excess proteinuria without renal disease e.g. febrile illness, exercise, …
- Postural or orthostatic: glomerular in origin.
II. Persistent proteinuria:
Pre-renal (overload) e.g. hemoglobinuria, light chain proteinuria.
Glomerular →
Tubular →
Post renal: caused by inflammatory or degenerative lesions of renal pelvis, ureter, bladder, …
Glomerular proteinuria:
Measurement of total protein in urine
Urine protein electrophoresis
Measure of selectivity:
IgG clearance
(N: <0.16)
Albumin clearance
IgG clearance
(N: <0.2)
Transferrin clearance
Urinary albumin
(N: <0.01) (In random sample)
U. creatinine
Albumin Clearance
Permeability index = (N: <0.001)(0.005 in nephrotic)
Creatinine Clearance
Definition: Albumin concentration above normal but still below the detection of
conventional dipstick test when albumin excretion rate between 20-200 μg/min (30-
300mg/24h urine).
Nil Microalbuminuria Macroalbuminuria
30 mg/day 300 mg/day
Kidney Function Testing
Kidney Function Testing
Sources of urinary enzymes:
Synthesis by the tubules.
Altered membrane permeability
Exfoliation of tubular cells.
Impaired tubular reabsorption.
- Important enzymes in urine:
Lysozomal NAG β glucoronidase galactosidase
Brush border ALP GTT ALT
Cytosolic ALT LDH
Mitochondrial AST
- Expression:
Enz. Activity IU/L
Random sample
u. creat mg/L
Kidney Function Testing
↓ ratio
With ↓ BUN With ↑ creat
- ↓ protein intake - Acute tubular necrosis
- Severe liver disease - Chronic interstitial nephritis
- Starvation - Dialysis (urea is more diffusible
than creat and thus corrected by
dialysis faster)
Uric acid
- Major product of purine nucleosides catabolism.
- Renal handling:
glomerular filtration
reabsorption in PCT 98-100%
secretion into distal portion of PCT
Note: Uric acid, creatinine or urea usually come in written exams
Kidney Function Testing
Kidney Function Testing
Kidney Function Testing
DI Neph. DI Hysterical
Plasma osmolal. >290 mosm/Kg >290 <275
Urine osmolal. <600 mosm/Kg <600 <600
Sp.G <1018 <1018 <1018
H2O deprivation leads to:
- Urine osmolal. <200 mosm/Kg <200 >800
- Sp. G. Low fixed 1010 1010 >1020
- Urine output Persistence of polyuria Polyuria Oliguria
Vasopressin test leads to:
- Urine osmolal. ↑ No effect ↑
- Sp. G. ↑ No effect ↑
- Urine output Oliguria No effect Oliguria
- Thirst Stopped No effect Continues
Kidney Function Testing
Kidney Function Testing
Definition: A technique used to remove toxic substances in the blood when the kidneys can’t
satisfactorily remove from the circulation.
Types: Either hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis
- Cardiovascular disease
- Hypertension
- β2 microglobulin amyloidosis
- malnutrition
- underdialysis
- dialysis encephalopathy and dialysis dementia
- renal osteodystrophy and hyperparathyroidism.
Assessment of adequacy of renal dialysis:
UKM (= Urea kinetic modeling)
Urea is uniformly distributed in total body water
Continually added to the pool of protein metabo??
Removed continuously by residual renal function intermittently by dialysis following a
first order ???
Predialysis urea - Postdialysis urea
Urea reduction ratio (URR) = X100
Predialysis urea
Kidney Function Testing
Kidney Function Testing
Glomerular diseases
Acute Nephritis:
c.c.c. rapid onset of hematuria, proteinuria < 3 g/d, Na & H 2O retention →
hypertension and oedema.
Hematuria and red cells casts.
s.creatinine, urea, K
Na - ASO - antihyalorunidase
C3 (consumptive)→ membranoproliferative GN, SLE
Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN)
c.c.c. by fulminant clinical course → renal failure in weeks to ???
Type I with Ab against glomerular basement membrane
Type II with immune complex and complement deposition
Type III with (80%) anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA)
2ry to strept. Infection, endocarditis, SLE, vascular ???
Chronic glomerulonephritis:
c.c.c. by prolonged downhill course → end in ESRD.
Nephrotic syndrome:
c.c.c. by heavy proteinuria > 3.5 g/d
hypoalbuminemia <3g/dL
generalized oedema and hyperlipidemia
s: triglycerides, cholesterol, α2 globulin
↓ IgG
U: Oval fat bodies & lipid casts
↓C3 if underlying GN
Tubular diseases:
Acute tubular necrosis
Renal tubular acidosis
Tubulointerstitial nephritis
c.c.c. by acute stage → leukocytic infiltration of interstitium and tubules with various
mixtures of lymphocytes. Interstitial oedema and scattered foci of tubular necrosis.
Chronic stage → mononuclear cell infiltration with tubular atrophy
Caused by Bacterial or viral infections
Hypersensitivity to drugs e.g. methicillin, ana???
Diagnosed by ↓ GFR, tubular dysfunction with ↓ conc. ability and metabolic acidosis.
APN & CPN (acute & chronic pyelonephritis)
APN c.c.c. bacteriuria, pyuria, leucocyte casts
+ve urine nitrate - need C & sensitivity test
Blood: Leucocytosis
CPN c.c.c. radiological findings → cortical scarring, retracted p???
Urinary tract obstruction
Sequels: predispose to urinary tract infection
Raise tubular pressure → destroy nephrons → CRF
Diagnosis: Radiological
Kidney Function Testing