Transportation Engineering

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Transportation Engineering

Table of Content
1. National Transportation Networks And Intermodal Systems 6
1.1 Introduction 6
1.2 National Transportation Network Databases 6
1.2.1 The U.S. Transportation Network 6
1.2.2 Uses and Objectives of the National Transportation Network Model 7
1.2.3 Characteristics of Large-Scale Transportation Networks 8
1.2.4 Typical Network Data Elements 9
1.3 Examples Of National Modal Networks 10
1.3.1 Highway Networks 11
1.3.2 Rail Networks 12
1.3.3 Waterway Network 13
1.3.4 Pipeline Networks 14
1.4 Multimodal Networks And Intermodal Connectors 14
1.5 Network Model Applications 16

2. Transport Network Planning: Theoretical Notions 18

2.1 Introduction 18
2.2 A Functional Classification Of Transport Systems 19
2.3 Key Characteristics Of The Design Method 19
2.3.1 First Structure, then Elements 20
2.3.2 First the Higher Scale Level, then the Lower Scale Level 21
2.3.3 Individual networks come after collective networks. 21
2.3.4 First Ideal, then Existing 21
2.3.5 First Quality, then Capacity 21
2.3.6 First Access Points, then the Network 22
2.3.7 First Function, then Layout and Technique 22
2.4 Dilemmas Encountered In Designing A Transportation Network 22
2.4.1 Dilemma 1: The Number of Systems 22
2.4.2 Dilemma 2: Access Point Density 23
2.4.4 Dilemma 4: Network Density 24
2.5 Feasibility Of Design 24
2.6 The Design Process 24
2.6.1 Rules of Thumb 24
2.6.2 The Design Method Step by Step 25
2.7 Theoretical Background 29
2.7.1 Network Design Problem 29
2.7.2 Hierarchical Network Structures 30
2.7.3 Special Issues 34
2.8 Application Of The Design Method 35

2.8.1 Hungary: Design of the National Road Network 35
2.9 Evaluation Of The Network Design 38
2.9.1 Costs–Benefits 38
2.9.2 Process 41

3. Transportation Systems Modeling And Evaluation 43

3.1 Introduction 43
3.2 Types Of Transportation Models And Modeling Paradigms 44
3.2.1 Demand Models 44
3.2.2 Network Models 45
3.2.3 Traffic Models 46
3.2.4 Performance Models 46
3.2.5 Modeling Paradigms 46
3.3 Example Studies And Models 48
3.3.1 Maine Statewide Travel Demand Model 48
3.3.2 Sacramento Area Travel Demand Model 48
3.3.3 ITS Evaluation for the Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area 49
3.3.4 Highway Capacity Manual 50
3.3.5 Interactive Highway Safety Design Model 50
3.3.6 Microsimulation for Regional Planning—TRANSIMS 51
3.4 What Are The Uses Of Transportation Models? 51
3.4.1 Planning 52
3.4.2 Design 52
3.4.3 Operations 53
3.5 Selecting A Model 53
3.5.1 Output Scope and Format 54
3.5.2 Model Validity 54
3.5.3 Model Calibration 55
3.5.4 Scope of Input 56
3.5.5 Modeling Costs 56
3.5.6 Other Considerations 57
3.6 Transportation Systems Evaluation 57
3.6.1 Steps in Evaluation 57
3.6.2 Conditions of Truthful Evaluation 59
3.7 Closure 61

4. Software Systems And Simulation For Transportation Applications 62

4.1 Computation Versus Simulation 62
4.1.1 Important Areas and Tools Not Covered 63
4.2 Sensing Traffic By Virtual Detectors 63
4.3 Traffic Software Systems 64
4.4 Basics Of Simulation 65
4.4.1 Random Number Generation 66
4.4.2 Time-Based versus Event-Based Simulation 66
4.4.3 Modeling the Mechanisms 67

4.4.4 Calibrating the Mechanisms and/ or the Model 68
4.4.5 Validating the Mechanisms and/ or the Model 68
4.5 Issues In Traffic Simulation 69
4.5.1 Number of Replications 69
4.5.2 Length of Run 71
4.5.3 Detail of Specific Detailed Mechanisms 71
4.5.4 Avoiding Use of the Model beyond Its Limits 72
4.5.5 Selecting Performance Measures for the Model 72
4.5.6 User-Friendly Input and Output 72
4.6 Visualization 72
4.6.1 Network Displays 72
4.6.2 Visualization of Simulation Results 73
4.7 FHWA Next Generation Simulation (Ngsim) Program 75
4.8 Why Simulate? Advanced Traffic Control Systems, And Other 75
4.9 Traffic Simulators 77
4.10 Electronic Toll Collection And Smart Cards 79
4.11 Planning Tools 84

5. Applications Of Gis In Transportation 85

5.1 Introduction 85
5.1.1 Background 85
5.2 Basic Principles Of Gis-T 86
5.2.1 GIS-T Data 86
5.2.2 Spatial Modeling 99
5.3 Gis Applications In Transportation 102
5.3.1 Transportation Planning 103
5.3.2 Traffic Engineering 106
5.3.3 Infrastructure Management 107
5.3.4 Intelligent Transportation Systems 108
5.3.5 Emergency Response/ Logistics 108
5.4 Implementation Issues 109
5.4.1 Data 109
5.4.2 Technology 110
5.4.3 Organizations and People 110

6. Traffic Engineering Analysis 112

6.1 Traffic Engineering Primer 112
6.1.1 Traffic Engineering 112
6.1.2 Evolution of Current Transportation Systems and Problems 112
6.1.3 Transportation Systems: Mobility and Accessibility 113
6.1.4 Emerging Trends 113
6.2 Traffic Stream Parameters And Their Measurement 122
6.2.1 Characteristics of Traffic Flow 122
6.2.2 Traffic Stream Parameters 122
6.2.3 Other: Gap, Headway, and Occupancy 127

6.2.4 Loop Detector as Measuring Device 128
6.3 Traffic Flow Theory 129
6.3.1 Traffic Flow Models 130

7. Travel Demand Forecasting For Urban Transportation Planning 136

7.1 Introduction 136
7.1.1 The Need for Determining Travel Demand: Existing and Future 136
7.1.2 Scope of Analysis and Levels of Planning 136
7.2 Characteristics Of Travel 137
7.2.1 Spatial and Temporal Variations 137
7.2.2 Classification of Travel by Trip Purpose and Market Segments 138
7.3 Units For Measuring Travel Demand 140
7.4 Measuring Existing Travel 140
7.4.1 Time Frame for Travel Surveys 140
7.4.2 Origin-Destination Surveys 141
7.4.3 Traffic Volume and Passenger Counts 141
7.5 Forecasting Future Demand 142
7.5.1 Predicting Response to Service Changes Using Elasticity Coefficients 142
7.5.2 Stated Preference Surveys and Concept Tests for Forecasting 142
7.5.3 Forecasting Future Travel on Road Segments and/ or Transit Lines 143
7.6 Trip Generation 144
7.6.1 Models for Internal Passenger Trips: Aggregate and Disaggregate Models 145
7.6.2 Trip Generation by Households 145
7.6.3 Cross-Classification or Category Models for Household Trip Generation 145
7.6.4 Models for Trip Attractions 147
7.6.5 Balancing of Productions and Attractions 148
7.6.6 Commercial Vehicle Traffic in an Urban Area 148
7.6.7 Forecasting Variables Used in Trip Generation Models 149
7.7 Trip Distribution 149
7.7.1 Formulation of a Gravity Model 150
7.7.2 Application of Gravity Model Concept 150
7.7.3 Calibration of Gravity Model Parameters 152
7.8 Other Types Of Trip Distribution Models 153
7.9 Modal Split 153
7.9.1 Factors Affecting Mode Choice 154
7.9.2 Categories of Modal Split Models 154
7.9.3 Developing a Modal Split Model 155
7.10 Traffic Assignment 157
7.10.1 Inputs to Traffic Assignment Process 157
7.10.2 Highway Network Analysis 157
8. References 159

1. National Transportation Networks And
Intermodal Systems

1.1 Introduction
Networks of interconnected facilities and services make up regional and national
transportation systems. Due consideration must therefore be given to each transportation
project's location within a modal or intermodal network as well as to how it will affect
network performance. In other words, the network environment of a translation endeavour is
typically crucial. Thus, a chapter on national transportation networks makes sense to start a
volume on transportation engineering.

There are at least two ways to approach the topic of national transportation networks. One
method, which is used in the majority of basic transportation textbooks, describes the
physical components of the different transport modes and how they are divided into
functional subsystems. A second strategy focuses on the accessibility of databases for the
national transportation system and how to use them for engineering planning and operations
research. This chapter places a strong emphasis on the latter strategy in an effort to give the
reader some advice on how to find and utilise such networks. However, certain high-level
descriptions of the physical networks are also supplied in the description of these network

Highway, rail, river, pipeline, as well as their intermodal linkages, are the modal networks
taken into account. Airports and airline service networks are purposefully left out since air
travel differs significantly from other forms of surface transportation. The focus is on national
and state-level applications, so urban highway networks, bus, and rail public transit networks
are not included. Only American transportation networks are represented for the sake of
space and focus, but the underlying ideas are applicable to any national or local transportation

A basic discussion of the features and properties of national transportation networks and the
accompanying network databases opens the chapter. A section on multimodal networks and
intermodal connections follows the description of the modal networks. The final portion
covers local and national uses of network databases for useful planning research.

1.2 National Transportation Network Databases

1.2.1 The U.S. Transportation Network

The size of the U.S. surface transportation system is seen in Table 1.1. Nearly 4 million miles
of public roadways make up the national highway network (FHWA 2001), whereas the 8.2
million miles of total lane miles are more than double that amount. The majority of the total

highway mileage, or 77.6%, is owned and run by local government entities. States own
19.6%, whereas just 3% is owned by the federal government. Only 1.2 percent of all miles
are interstate highway miles, but they carry 24 percent of all vehicle miles travelled annually.
The interstate highway system has a total length of 46,677 miles. The National Highway
System (NHS), which was established by Congress and consists of interstate highways and an
additional 114,511 miles of arterial roads, is another significant subsystem. Despite carrying
more than 44% of all vehicle miles, the NHS only makes up 4% of roadway miles and 7% of
lane miles. In the United States, highways are by far the most popular form of transportation
for passengers, while trucks using the extensive highway network transport 29% of all
domestic freight ton-miles (BTS 2003).

The current length of the class I railroad network in the United States is 99,250 miles. Over
the past 40 years, this distance has been shrinking; in 1960, the class I railroads held 207,334
miles of track (BTS 2002). The drop is due to railroad mergers, the abandonment of rail lines,
and sales to short-line operators. Despite its short mileage, the rail system nonetheless offers
the U.S. economy essential transportation services. For instance, railroads transport more
domestic freight ton-miles than all trucks combined (38%), and Amtrak offers passenger
service on 23,000 miles of track (BTS 2002).

The other transportation options indicated in Table 1.1 are likely less well-known to the
general person. There are 26,000 miles of navigable waterways in the inland waterway
system. About 11,000 miles of these are commercially significant shallow-draft waterways
(BTS 2002), with the Mississippi River and its major tributaries making up the majority of
these (notably the Ohio River system and the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway). Thousands of
miles of coastal deep-draft shipping routes might be added to this, servicing domestic
intercoastal shipping (for example, routes like New York to Miami) and giving foreign
marine shipping access to U.S. harbours. The huge network of oil and gas pipes is almost
completely hidden from view. In reality, the length of gas pipelines, at 1.4 million miles, is
second only to that of the highway system. Each mode carries around 16 percent of domestic
freight ton-miles, including water and oil pipelines (BTS 2002).

1.2.2 Uses and Objectives of the National Transportation Network Model

The necessity to take into account broad national and regional policies, strategies, and
initiatives for addressing crucial needs for mobility and economic development has motivated
the development of national transportation network databases. When evaluating the
advantages of such projects, it is important to take into account how they fit into the overall
transportation system of the country. Take the newly constructed I-95 bridge over the
Potomac River near Washington, DC, as an illustration. The question of how much of the
traffic using the present bridge and other regional crossings was interstate truck traffic versus
local traffic surfaced as this project got closer to a crucial funding decision. Local modelling
based on previous truck counts was just unable to give the necessary data. Answering this

question (BTS 1998) required a regional or national network model of broad enough scope to
capture a diverse set of commercial truck trips (BTS 1997).

There are countless such instances of national network modelling. The early analysis of the
effects of railroad mergers used national rail networks. A waterway system network model
was used to examine the initial proposal to impose a diesel fuel tax on domestic inland
waterway transit (Bronzini, Hawn, and Sharp 1978). Following the mid-1970s energy crisis,
USDOT used the nation's pipeline, rail, and water networks to look into potential obstructions
in the flow of energy products (USDOT/USDOE 1980). Rail and roadway network models
have been used to predict the possible effects of spent fuel shipments from nuclear power
stations to the proposed waste dump in Nevada (Bronzini, Middendorf, and Stammer 1987).
The Freight Analysis Framework (FAF), a network-based tool for analysing freight flows on
the national transportation system, was recently created by the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA). You can learn more about the FAF at At the end of this chapter, examples of state and local
usage of network models are discussed.

These instances all share the fact that a group of geographically scattered travellers or
shippers creates the demand for using particular transportation system segments. The same
broad group of network users are affected by the effects of enhancing or not improving
crucial network components. Due to the dearth of network data, developing network models
for these applications used to be a daunting task. It will be clear in the future how much of
this obstacle has been removed.

1.2.3 Characteristics of Large-Scale Transportation Networks

Two fundamental analytical requirements must be met by a network model of the
transportation system: (1) it must be topologically accurate to the real network; and (2) it
must permit network flows over connected paths. Obviously, it would be very difficult to
manage a network model that contained every mile of every mode. It would take a long time

to build the initial database, and the quality of the data would probably suffer as a result.
Updating and maintaining the model would also be challenging. As a result, no such project
has been tried to date, at least not for a model that satisfies both analytic conditions. The
second criterion is not met by topographic datasets, which makes them ineffective for
computer-based traffic assessments.

Since the network model cannot directly reflect the complete system, some judgement must
be used to choose the amount of detail for the model. This is known as the model's
granularity, which is a relative feature. There is no established "granularity scale," hence a
network model may only be described as coarser or finer than another model of the same
network. Figure 1.1 shows two potential designs for a straightforward highway crossing. Four
links, one for each leg of the junction, meet at one node to form the intersection in panel (a).
Each journey through the intersection and each direction of travel is shown as a separate link
in panel (b). (In actuality, other variants of intricate intersecting network coding have been
put up.) Whether the results of the study are impacted by the specifics of the
within-intersection traffic flows will determine the level of granularity that is used, as well as
the capabilities of the analytical software that will be used in conjunction with the network

The granularity of the spatial units that house the socioeconomic activity that causes
transportation demand is related to network granularity. In order to analyse the flows between
the zones, it is common practise to divide the analysis area into zones or regions and connect
these regions with the transportation network model. For instance, counties and cities could
be the geographical units of a statewide model. Of course, the granularity of the zones and the
network must complement one another.

1.2.4 Typical Network Data Elements

Transportation networks naturally have a node and link structure, where the nodes represent
intersections and the links represent linear elements that allow for movement, such as roads

and rail lines. Therefore, a node's name, number, and location constitute its primary data
content. Typically, links have attributes like length, direction, the number of lanes of traffic,
and functional class. Also given is flow capacity or certain features that enable quick
assessment of the capacity. Of course, a certain mode will also be assigned to the entire
collection of nodes and links.

The choice of whether the network links will be straight lines or feature "shape points" that
indicate their actual geography is another representational choice. Stick networks, which are
topologically precise but deficient in topographic precision, were the name given to early
network models. For many types of analyses this is of no concern; a software system that
deals only with link-node incidences, paths, and network flows will yield the same answer
whether or not the links have accurate shapes. For producing recognizable network maps and
for certain types of proximity analysis, however, topographically accurate representations are
needed (see Figure 1.2). The majority of large-scale network models presently use shape
points as a result. This has a cost because it necessitates a lot more data storage and slows
down plots or screen representations. Thankfully, improvements in computing power and
geographic information systems (GIS) software have greatly reduced these difficulties.

Link capacity was brought up earlier. In some networks, this is specified explicitly for each
link in terms of things like tonnes per day or vehicles per hour. In others, an attribute table
with default capacity values is referenced by a link's functional class. The diameter of the
pipe, for instance, might be used to calculate the flow capacity for different fluid qualities in
the case of an oil pipeline. Although nodes are rarely depicted as being capacity-constrained,
they can (and have) generally been regarded the same as links.

1.3 Examples Of National Modal Networks

The National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD), created and disseminated by the
USDOT Bureau of Transportation Statistics, is the primary source of information about the
national transportation network that is available to the general public (BTS). You can learn
more about the NTAD by visiting "NTAD is a package of
transportation-related geospatial data for the United States," it says there. The information is
made up of transportation infrastructure, networks, and other spatial data utilised as a
geographic reference.

Plotted from the NTAD, Figure 1.3 shows a section of the US transportation network
(excluding pipelines) with Ohio as its focal point. The NTAD does not provide information
for the entire system, as can be seen by contrasting this graph with state-level highway and
rail maps. Particularly underrepresented are facilities that primarily cater to local traffic.
However, the networks have proven useful for performing national and regional planning
studies because the included facilities carry the vast majority of intercity traffic.

1.3.1 Highway Networks

The National Highway Planning Network (NHPN), which is a comprehensive network
database of the country's primary highway system, is included in the NTAD for the highway
mode. It is depicted in Figure 1.4. The Federal Highway Administration provides and
maintains the data for the NHPN (FHWA). The NHPN consists of more than 400,000 miles
of public highways across the country, including all NHS routes as well as those designated
as rural arterials and urban primary arterials. The functional classes below arterial differ from
state to state. The 48 contiguous states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico are all
included in the data collection. The data set has a nominal scale of 1:100,000 and a maximum
positional inaccuracy of 80 m. The NHPN is also used to keep a map-based record of the
NHS and the Strategic Highway Corridor Network (STRAHNET), which is a subnetwork
defined for military transportation purposes.

Geographic coordinates, the FIPS code, and other place identifiers are used to locate highway
nodes, which are also identified with identification numbers. A method used by all of the
databases covered in this section designates links by the nodes that are found at either end.
Links also feature identifiers such a link name or code, sign route, and street name. Other
connection characteristics include the link's length, allowed flow directions, functional class,
surface type, access control features, toll features, and any unique subnetworks (like the
NHS) to which it belongs. A shape point file can be found for every link.

The Oak Ridge National Highway Network (ORNHN), which has since further developed
and maintained its own version of a national highway network database, is where the NHPN
was first developed. The NHPN and this have a similar structure and content. Visit for further information. This database shares
the same public domain status as the NHPN.

1.3.2 Rail Networks

A database on the country's rail network has been created and is kept up to date by the
Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). The rail network data was compiled and processed
by the BTS for publication as part of NTAD 2002. A complete data set of the country's
railway system at a scale of 1:2,000,000 is the rail network (Figure 1.5). The 48 adjacent
states as well as the District of Columbia are included in the data collection. The normal
methods for identifying and locating nodes and linkages are used. The names of all the
owning railroads and all other railroads with trackage rights, the number of main tracks, the
track class, the type of signal system, the traffic density class for the most recent year of
recordkeeping, the kind of passenger rail operations (such as Amtrak), and the status of the
nation in terms of national defense are all link attributes.

The national train network database is likewise maintained and made available by ORNL,
just like it is for highways. The national rail network of the Federal Railroad Administration
is expanded by this network. The ORNL rail network contains details on the location and
ownership (including ancestry) of all operating train routes since 1993 in addition to the
network characteristics mentioned above, enabling the creation of routable networks for any
year since then. This network's geographic accuracy on active lines is typically 100 metres.

1.3.3 Waterway Network
The National Waterway Network is a thorough database of all navigable waterways in the
country. The data set includes links between domestic and international ocean routes and
inland harbours, as well as ocean routes for coastwise shipping, the District of Columbia,
Puerto Rico, and the 48 contiguous states. A scale of 1:100,000 was utilised for the majority
of the material, with higher scales being used in harbour, bay, and port areas and smaller
scales being used in open waters. Figure 1.3 displays sections of the Ohio region's National
Waterway Network database.

Links in a network of waterways represent actual shipping lanes or operate as illustrative

routes through open water if no clearly defined shipping lanes are available. Nodes can be
used for analytical purposes or to represent physical things like river confluences, ports and
infrastructure, and intermodal terminals. The node database contains geo-coded information
for about 224 ports that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has created and used.

1.3.4 Pipeline Networks
PennWell MAPSearch, a source of information for the oil, gas, electric, and associated
industries, offers pipeline network data. Information is licenced in either CAD or GIS
formats, or it is released as paper maps and CD-ROM products. The oil and gas database
offers logistical details about pipelines, such as their diameter, owner/operator, direction of
flow, storage terminals, gas processing facilities, refineries, truck loading/unloading,
compressor/pump stations, marketing hubs, and other facilities connected to crude oil,
LPG/NGL, natural gas, refined products, refined products, petrochemicals/olefins, and other
petroleum-related commodities transported by pipeline. You can get more information at

The National Pipeline Mapping System is a government-industry collaboration that is now

being carried out by the USDOT Office of Pipeline Safety (OPS). But for the time being, it
looks like the OPS project won't offer a public domain pipeline database, at least not soon.

1.4 Multimodal Networks And Intermodal Connectors

Numerous applications of national network models call for taking into account traffic that
travels between origin and destination areas using more than one mode of transportation. A
multimodal network model must be employed to estimate these outcomes because, in the

majority of situations, the precise paths and transfer sites of the individual movements are
unknown. The processing method utilised by the USDOT and the U.S. Census Bureau to
estimate traffic ton-miles by commodity and mode for the national commodity flow surveys
(CFS) is an excellent example. Bronzini et al. provide a description of the processes used
(1996). The CFS gathered data on individual intercity freight shipments from shippers,
including the commodity, origin, destination, cargo weight in tonnes, and the mode or modes
of transportation employed. Since shipment distance by mode was not recorded, routes
through the U.S. freight transportation network were determined using a multimodal network
model, which allowed for the calculation of mileage by mode for each shipment in the
survey. The various modal networks were connected at strategic spots utilising inter-modal
transfer links to enable multimodal routings.

It is not easy to establish analytically sound intermodal transfer links for a multimodal
network. To begin with, one might simply create mode-to-mode connectors at all such places
after using GIS software to discover nodes of various modes that are close enough to one
another. However, this tends to exaggerate the number of intermodal connectors since it
disregards the investment cost and particular purpose character of intermodal transfer

The NTAD contains a file called the Intermodal Terminal Facilities data set to help with these
kinds of applications. The intermodal terminal facility data used to create this database was
created by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The trailer-on-flatcar (TOFC) and
container-on-flatcar (COFC) highway-rail and rail-water transfer facilities in the United
States are represented by the geospatial information in this database. The intermodal
conditions at each facility are described by attribute data, including the modes used in the
intermodal transfer, the AAR re- porting marks of the railroad supplying the facility, the kind
of cargo, and the transfer direction. These final two characteristics are crucial. It does not
follow that all goods carried by the two modes can interchange at a site where there is an
intermodal connection between them. Each of these connectors typically only works with a
single commodity or commodity category. A coal terminal, for instance, often does not
handle grain or petroleum products. Furthermore, only one direction of flow may be served
by the transfer facility. For instance, a waterside coal transfer terminal might permit coal to
be dumped from rail cars onto barges but might not have the means to load coal from barges
into rail cars. These instances show why it is unlikely that a straightforward proximity
analysis technique will result in accurate identification of intermodal connector links.

We gathered attribute information for the Intermodal Terminus from the Intermodal
Association of North America (IANA) 1997 Rail Intermodal Terminal Directory, the Official
Railway Guide, the TTX Company Intermodal Directory, the Internet home pages of several
railroads, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Port Series Reports, the Containerization
International Yearbook, the 1996 Directory of the American Association of Port Authorities
(AAPA), and various transportation databases. The attribute data, which are regularly subject
to change, indicate the conditions at TOFC/COFC installations during 1995–1996. The
database does not contain information about the TOFC/COFC and maritime container

facilities that were purportedly shut down before or during 1996. However, it's possible that
some of the terminals listed in the frequent terminal turnover database for this kind of facility
are now inactive or permanently closed.

The locations of TOFC/COFC facilities were determined using available facility address
information and MapExpert, a commercial nationwide digital map database and software
package, and recording the longitude/latitude of the approximate center of the facility. Fa-
cility locations are not bound to any current or previous highway, railway, or waterway
network models. This is an advantage in that the facility locations in the database will be
unaffected by changes in the other networks. Figure 1.3 shows some of the intermodal
terminals that are included in the NTAD.

Further work for the CFS has validated the use of modal and multi-modal networks for
national and regional commodity flow studies. A recent paper by Qureshi, Hwang, and Chin
(2002) documents the advantages.

1.5 Network Model Applications

Use of transportation network models for national-level studies was briefly discussed in
Section 1.2.2. This is a field of study that has been going on for more than 20 years. But as
recent transportation studies by states and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs)
show, engineers and planners at those levels can now perform this kind of analytical work.

Network modelling is typically used for regional transportation planning at the state level.
The situation of the practise is well-resumed by Horowitz and Farmer (1999). Statewide
passenger travel models typically use aspects such separate trip production and distribution
models and traffic assignment to a statewide highway network, which are characteristics of
urban transportation planning paradigms. One of the best statewide passenger models is
found in Michigan (KJS Associates, Inc. 1996). This paradigm is frequently used in
state-wide freight models, which emphasise truck traffic on highways. Statewide freight
models have matured in Indiana (Black 1997), Wisconsin (Huang and Smith 1999; Sorratini
2000), and Massachusetts (Krishnan and Hancock 1998) has recently completed work in a
similar vein.

In Texas, a model of interregional commodities flows was created by Sivakumar and Bhat in
2002. The model calculates the portion of a commodity consumed in a location that comes
from each of the commodity's production zones. The TransCAD-compliant U.S. rail and
highway networks were used to calculate the origin-to-destination train and truck travel times
for the model.

The study done by List et al. (2002) to calculate truck journeys for the New York City area is
representative of the MPO level involvement in freight network analysis. Based on a

multiple-path traffic assignment to a regional highway network made up of 405 zones, 26,564
nodes, and 38,016 links, the model forecasts link utilisation by trucks. Between projected and
actual link truck volumes, the model exhibited high agreement (R2 > 95%).

Returning to the federal level, Hwang et al. (2001) created a risk analysis of transporting
specific kinds of hazardous chemicals by rail and truck. To establish transportation routes and
population densities along the routes for toxic-by-inhalation chemicals, liquid petroleum gas,
gasoline, and explosives, they employed national rail and highway network routing models.
Their work serves as a decent illustration of network-based risk assessment techniques.
Although the modelled routes might not exactly reflect actual routes, they adequately
represented the variations in accident probability, population density, and climate that
characterise the commodity flow corridors for each hazardous material of interest, according
to their assessment of the routing results. The majority of the findings from transportation
network analyses might be said to be similar.

2. Transport Network Planning: Theoretical Notions

2.1 Introduction
In terms of both volume and spatial patterns, mobility is constantly changing. This ongoing
process of change requires a response from the traffic infrastructure. Where bottlenecks
occur, improvements can be achieved using a wide range of strategies, from pricing and
traffic management to increasing capacity at intersections and road stretches.

For a while, this bottleneck-focused method has provided some consolation, but on occasion,
it becomes necessary to thoroughly analyse and redesign the network's entire structure: Does
the current structure adapt to the new mobility patterns? Is it required to make structural
changes, such as revising the classification of roads and the related road design, strengthening
the network, separating traffic flows, or altering the connective structure of metropolitan
areas? In other words, the network needs to be redesigned. The network design issue that
arises as a result is extremely complicated and necessitates taking into account the (vested)
interests of many stakeholders.

Since the structure of the network is not hidden by the current situation, which has evolved
historically and is therefore not necessarily ideal, a very clear understanding of the structure
of the network is obtained by building an ideal network separate from the network that is
present. Weaknesses in the framework will become apparent when this ideal state is
contrasted with the actual situation. The provision of a long-term horizon within which
short-term initiatives must fit is a second purpose of the ideal network.

This methodology offers insight and is useful in real-world settings by breaking down the
theoretically extremely complicated design challenge into a series of subsequent design
phases or decisions. The stakeholders' commitment to each step must be obtained before
moving on to the next is crucial in this regard. Therefore, the methodology works best when
it is applied in a workshop-style setting where these parties actively participate in the design

The methodology's end result is that stakeholders have a clearer understanding of the
important choices and decisions. The approach discourages considering potential final
solutions. Instead, the roles of the various network components can be examined in terms of
how well they perform the purposes for which they were originally intended or to which they
are currently assigned. Thus, the primary determining element for form and approach is the
purpose of a certain component of the network. Following analysis, a wide range of
recommendations may be made, from taking no action to traffic management, function
adjustment combined with road design modification, disentangling or enlarging existing
connections, to the construction of new junctions or connections. This can be implemented
gradually, for example, by implementing traffic management initially and then, over time,
constructing new intersections or links.

2.2 A Functional Classification Of Transport Systems
This chapter's methodology is based on a taxonomy of transportation systems (ECMT 1998).
This classification (see Table 2.1) is designed to stress that quality, not the modes and
technologies employed, is what matters. It identifies two different organisational types, five
levels of scale, and their trip length (individual or collective transport). In general, the terms
"individual systems" and "collective systems" relate to road networks and public
transportation networks, respectively.

The national (state) and regional levels (I-3 and I-2, and C-3 and C-2), albeit not exclusively,
are the emphasis of the design technique. The various subsystems are depicted in Figure 2.1,
along with the links (represented by the arrows in Figure 2.1) between various scale levels
and between the individual and collective systems. This chapter's main point is highlighted in

2.3 Key Characteristics Of The Design Method

Applying the functional classification alone is insufficient to create effective transportation
networks. A step-by-step design methodology was set up to help stakeholders during the
design phase. It is only a framework within which stakeholders can make decisions, rather
than a detailed plan that instructs them exactly what to do. The method, which specifies
which decisions must be made at what stage of the process, gives the design process structure

while allowing the stakeholders to create the designs. It is founded on a number of crucial
characteristics, which are given in Figure 2.2 in random order.

2.3.1 First Structure, then Elements

First, a perspective on the complete structure of the network must be developed, such as
which cities must be connected by the network, which scale levels are distinguished, etc.
Only then can a decision be made about the elements (road sections, junctions, and routes/
alignment). In practice, problems are usually solved at the element level: bottleneck by
bottleneck. This kind of bottleneck-oriented approach has offered some degree of solace for

some time, but occasionally the need arises to completely review and rethink the whole
structure of the network: Does the existing structure come to terms with changing mobility
patterns? Are structural modifications necessary, such as a reconsideration of the categorizing
of roads and the associated road design, expanding the robustness of the network, disentan-
gling traffic flows, or changing the connective structure of urban areas?

2.3.2 First the Higher Scale Level, then the Lower Scale Level
Every scale level's network is constructed separately, top-down (from the higher to the lower
scale level, with a bottom-up feedback loop). Each network is created to best satisfy its
functional requirements. Access points from higher scale levels are automatically included in
lower scale levels in order to achieve coherence between networks of various scale levels.

2.3.3 Individual networks come after collective networks.

The situation of the access points of the collective system (public transportation stops)
requires more careful consideration than the situation of the access points of the individual
networks because access to collective transport systems is significantly more difficult than
access to individual transport systems (e.g., highway and freeway entry points). This is due to
the fact that entrance and egress by lower-level transit in the case of collective transport, as
opposed to individual travel, either necessitate physical transfers from and to other modes of
transportation or take place on foot. Therefore, key public transportation hubs are ideally
located close to the primary origin and destination sites.

2.3.4 First Ideal, then Existing

Prior to designing the perfect network, the present network is disregarded. This ideal
structure then encounters the current circumstance. The steps that must be made to transform
the current circumstance into the ideal circumstance can then be prioritised. The ideal
structure serves as a long-term perspective, making enhancements to the current networks

2.3.5 First Quality, then Capacity

The desired level-of-service, or quality, of the connections in the network needs to be defined
clearly. Quality concerns characteristics such as speed, reliability, and comfort, but also
pricing policies and traffic management strategies that are applied to the network. An ac-
ceptable volume-capacity ratio (capacity) is a prerequisite, but capacity should be considered
separately from the desired quality. In practice, capacity is more often than not the primary
aspect, which means that quality aspects receive less attention.

2.3.6 First Access Points, then the Network
A transport network links access points together. So it makes sense to choose which access
points should be connected first, and then design the connections between them (the
network). In reality, it is frequently carried out in the reverse order. The debate over which
cities should receive high-speed train stations on the route from Amsterdam to Paris is a
well-known illustration throughout Europe. The choice of which route to take became a
deciding factor in whether or not the train would stop at The Hague, a decision that ought to
have been taken prior to selecting a route.

2.3.7 First Function, then Layout and Technique

The purpose of each component must be understood prior to defining the layout of the
various network components (access points, links, and junctions). It is more likely that this
road will be used in accordance with the goals established for it if the layout is tailored to the
functional requirements. As a result, changing a road's purpose (from national to regional, for
example) may result in a change in the road's layout (e.g., from highway to regional main
road). Collective networks follow the same rules. For instance, the choice between a bus and
a train should be based on the task at hand; in some instances, both methods can satisfy the

2.4 Dilemmas Encountered In Designing A Transportation

The components of a transportation system include linkages, nodes, and a variety of
additional design elements. Consequently, creating a transportation system involves giving
each variable a value. This may seem straightforward, but in reality there will always be
opposing factors due to the many aims specified (by transport authorities, service providers,
and users), leading to so-called design dilemmas. The design method distinguishes four major
design dilemmas:
1. The number of systems: differentiation versus cost reduction
2. Access point density: quality of a connection versus accessibility
3. Access structure: accessibility versus differentiation in use
4. Network density: quality of a connection versus cost reduction

These dilemmas are implicitly processed in the functional categorization used in transport

2.4.1 Dilemma 1: The Number of Systems

The overall transportation system is composed of several subsystems (see Table 2.1). The
various functions a system may have are easier to perform when there are several subsystems.

The more subsystems there are, the more effectively the functions may be tailored to the
requirements of the passenger. The user benefit is thereby increased by providing more
subsystems. On the other hand, fewer subsystems mean lower investor costs because the
available capacity may be utilised more effectively. A real-world illustration of this
conundrum is the debate over whether short- and long-distance travel should be combined on
one ring road. Doing so would result in a high-quality road for short-distance travel but
would disrupt the flow of long-distance traffic due to the close proximity of the access points.
Generally speaking, more developed locations with higher transportation demand might
supply more subsystems.

2.4.2 Dilemma 2: Access Point Density

For any given subsystem, there is the question whether there should be few or many access
points. The more access points, the better its accessibility. This means that a smaller part of
the trip needs to be made on the lower-scale-level (and therefore slower) networks. On the
other hand, the quality of connections (how fast, and how reliable from one access point to
another) provided by the subsystem is higher when there are few access points. This dilemma
plays a major role in the design of public transport networks, but it is also becoming more
and more important in road networks. In many countries, long-distance traffic often encoun-
ters congestion near urbanized areas caused by regional or even local traffic entering and
exiting the freeway and frequently causing disturbances in doing so. In general, higher-scale-
level networks have fewer access points—this has to do with the fact that access points are
usually found near cities, and fewer cities will be connected to the higher order networks.

2.4.3 Dilemma 3: Access Structure

Apart from defining the ideal structure of the connections between towns, there is the ques-
tion of where to situate the access points: one access point in the middle (as is usual for train
stations), or one or more at the edges of the built-up area (as is usual for through roads). The
first option maximizes the accessibility of the system, but this often leads to misuse of the
system by traffic that could use a lower-order network. It may affect livability in the area, and
it undermines the intended differentiation in systems. Although this dilemma plays a role in
individual as well as in collective systems, the outcome of the question is different for each
● In the collective systems, the access point is preferably situated in the center of the
urban area. This is because changing from one collective system to another always
involves a physical transfer (from one vehicle to the next). Transfers should be kept at
a minimum, which means that it is desirable to concentrate access points of all
collective subsystems in one location.
● In contrast, a transfer from one individual system to the next is almost seamless:
passengers do not change vehicles. With livability issues in mind, access points are
usually planned outside built-up areas. This also helps in fighting the undesired use of
through roads (and sometimes congestion) by short-distance traffic.

2.4.4 Dilemma 4: Network Density
Once it has been established which cities need to be connected, it still has to be decided
whether these cities should be connected by direct links or by way of another city. More links
means higher-quality connections because there are fewer detours. In public transport,
however, limiting the number of links makes higher frequencies possible. Obviously, more
links mean higher costs, not only in infrastructure investments but also in the effects on the

What network density will be acceptable depends chiefly on two factors:

● The amount of traffic: high volumes justify the need for extra infrastructure.
● The difference of quality between two subsystems: a greater difference (in design
speed) between scale levels means that a greater detour is acceptable when using the
higher-order system.

2.5 Feasibility Of Design

Between the ideal network design and the practical network design, there will be a trade-off
in practise. The resources that are available to build the new infrastructure are primarily
responsible for the disparity between the two networks. However, the phrase "feasibility of
design" must be understood in relation to the slow growth of a network and the desire to have
a long-term perspective. The various investment steps can be better supported and network
coherence can be better ensured based on such a vision of the ideal network topology. A
bottleneck strategy that is illogical and raises issues stems from the lack of a long-term
perspective. There is a significant possibility that various short-term utilisation strategies may
serve as the foundation for a long-term strategy.

2.6 The Design Process

2.6.1 Rules of Thumb

Designing means making certain choices with regard to each dilemma. To help the designer,
the design method includes a number of rules of thumb. Certain values to variables are
proposed (different for each scale level), and the designer is free to use or discard these
values. Per scale level we have defined what the optimal values are for:
● The number and size of the cities the network is meant to connect
● The expected travel distance over the network
● The desired distance between access points
● The desired distance between (center of) built-up area and access points
● The acceptable detour factor (the distance traveled over the network divided by the
distance as the crow flies)

What the design will look like is largely determined by these elements. Additionally, the
design meetings that have been held thus far have demonstrated how closely related these
factors are on a scale level. Inefficient networks are produced when these variables are
combined with inconsistent values. Local conditions affect the ideal values, which are
determined by the design speed at each scale level.

2.6.2 The Design Method Step by Step

Applying the design method results in designs for the collective and individual networks for
each scale level distinguished and the interchange points where the networks are connected.
Every network at every scale level is designed independently, thereby ensuring that each
network is optimally geared towards its function. Possibly, in a later stage of the design
process, some of the connections from different scale levels will be combined on one route,
or even on one road or railway line. In that case, however, it is a conscious choice, a trade-
off between the advantages and disadvantages of combining functions on that particular
connection. Because the situation of the access points for the collective systems is much more
important than for the individual systems, the collective network for a scale level is always
designed before the individual network.

Step 1: Distinguish Urbanization Levels (Urban / Rural ). The edges of urban areas
provide good locations for intermodal transfer points, so the border between urban and rural
area must be indicated on the map for later use.

Step 2: Define the Hierarchy of Cities and Towns. In this step, the rule of thumb for the
number and size of the nodes (cities and towns) (Figure 2.3) the network is meant to connect
is used to define which towns should be accessible via the network, and in what order of
importance. In doing so (for the scale level under consideration), first-, second-, and third-
level nodes are selected and indicated on the map. Large cities are split up into several
smaller units.

Step 3: Design Desired Connections. The desired connections (heart-to-heart) are drawn on
the map (Figure 2.4), according to the following rules:
● First connect first-level nodes.
● Add connections to second-level nodes.
● Include third-level nodes when they are close to an already included connection.
When adjusting a connection to include a third-level node, one should check that this
does not result in unacceptable detours in the network.

Step 4: Design the Ideal Network. This is the most difficult and intuitive stage in the design
method. The existing situation must be ignored. The desired connections must be translated
into an efficient network with the right density. The access points must be put in the right
place. Step by step this stage involves, for the individual network:

1. For the super-regional scale levels: drawing circles around first- and second-level con-
centrations to indicate the desired distance between built-up area and through roads
2. Identifying main flow directions past first-level concentrations (at which side of town
should the road pass)
3. Defining the optimal routes past concentrations (accessibility structures)

4. Connecting the selected concentrations

5. Checking to see whether the network density is right and detours in the network are
acceptable; if not, adding (or removing) connections

The result of sub-steps 1–3 is illustrated in Figure 2.5 (based on a design of an I3 or national
road network for a province in The Netherlands).

Sub-steps 4 and 5 result in an ideal I3 network as depicted in Figure 2.6. It must be noted that
many other designs are possible; the network in Figure 2.6, however, is the one that resulted
for this region. This I3 (national) network formed the basis for the regional network that was
subsequently designed.

The process is less complicated for the collective network because the stops should be as
close to the center of the built-up area as possible.

Step 5: Assess Current Network. The ideal network will differ from the existing network in
several aspects:
● The connections that have been included
● The major traffic flows (which have implications for the layout of the interchanges of

Step 5 has been included to assess how much of the existing network meets the require-
ments set by the method. This is done by looking at the existing connections that would most
likely serve as a connection in the ideal network. The information gathered here can be used
in a later stage, when it must be decided which part of the ideal network is given up in order
to create a feasible network or to establish which parts of the network should be adapted first.

Design requirements to look at include:
● The distance between access points (too small?)
● The design speeds (too high? too low?)
● Requirements with respect to a logical layout of the network (do the through lanes at
interchanges cater to the major flows?)

This step results in a map with connections on, over, or under the desired level of service and
illogical points in the network.

Step 6: Design Realistic Network. We now have an ideal network and an assessment of
where the existing network falls short of the ideal network. It must now be decided what is an
acceptable amount of new infrastructure. Also, the individual and collective networks must
be connected to each other. Likewise, the networks of the different scale levels must be
connected. This means:
● Selecting routes: following the ideal or existing network
● Choosing main flow directions (so illogical points will be avoided)
● Selecting access points for collective and individual networks of all scale levels and
for connecting collective and individual networks

Depending on the time horizon chosen, a realistic network can be selected that is closer to
either the existing or the ideal network. In our case two variants have been elaborated in this
manner. Policy-makers were quite pleased with the design that stayed closer to the ideal
network. It gave them many new ideas for their long-term plans. Interestingly, when the
effects of these two designs were evaluated, it was found (with the help of an integrated land
use and transport model) that the second design performed better in many respects (i.e., was
more sustainable).

2.7 Theoretical Background
This section discusses some theoretical issues related to the network design methodology,
including the network design problem, hierarchical network structures, and some special

2.7.1 Network Design Problem

A network consists of access nodes, nodes, and links connecting these nodes. In the case of
transit networks, lines are included as well. The network design problem in its simplest form
is to find a set of links that has an optimal performance given a specific objective. Basically,
there are two kinds of network design problems:
1. Designing a new network, for instance a new higher-level network or a transit
2. Improving an existing network, for instance increasing capacities or adding new roads

The network design problem is known to be a very complicated problem, for three reasons.
First of all, there is the combinatorial nature of the problem. Given a set of access nodes the
number of possible link networks connecting all access nodes increases more than
exponentially with the number of access nodes. Therefore, there are no efficient methods
available for solving large-scale network design problems.

Second, the perspective on the design objectives might be very different. The key conflict is
that between the network user, i.e., the traveler, and the investor or network builder. The
traveler prefers direct connections between all origins and destinations, while the investor
favors a minimal network in space (see Figure 2.7). There are three methods to reconcile
these opposing perspectives:
1. Formulating an objective that combines the interests of both parties involved. Typical
examples of such design objectives are maximizing social welfare and minimizing
total costs.
2. Focusing on the perspective of one of the parties, usually the traveler, while using the
second perspective as a constraint, e.g., minimizing travel time given a fixed budget.
3. Again choosing a specific objective, in this case usually the investor’s perspective, but
at the same time taking into account the behavior of the other party involved, i.e., the
traveler. An example of this approach is a transit operator maximizing profit while
con- sidering the fact that inadequate services will reduce patronage and thus

Third, there is a strong relationship between the demand for transport networks and transport
networks themselves. Changes in transport networks lead to changes in travel behavior, and
changes in travel behavior set requirements for the transport network. As such, the network
design problem can be seen as a Stackelberg game in which one decision-maker, i.e., the The

The network designer has full knowledge of the decisions of the second decision-maker, the
traveler, and uses this information to achieve his own objectives (see Figure 2.8).

These three complicating factors, combinatorial nature, conflicting perspectives, and re-
lationship between transport network and transport demand, explain the huge amount of
literature on transport network design. Most of the research deals with mathematical models
that can be used to solve the network design model. For transport planners, however, design
methodologies such as those presented in this chapter are more suitable.

2.7.2 Hierarchical Network Structures

Hierarchy as a Natural Phenomenon. It can easily be demonstrated that hierarchy is a
common phenomenon in transport networks. Let us assume a perfectly square grid network
where all origins and destinations are located at the crossings, all links being equal in length
and travel time. The demand pattern is uniformly distributed, that is, at every origin the same
number of trips start in all directions having the same trip length, leading to the same number
of arrivals at all destinations coming from all directions. Since it is a grid network, the
traveler may choose between a number of routes having the same length and travel time. In
this hypothetical situation no hierarchies in demand or supply are assumed and at first sight
no hierarchy in network usage results. However, if small deviations to these assumptions
occur, a process is started that leads at least to a hierarchical use of the network.

Examples of such small changes are:

● Travelers might prefer specific routes, even though all routes are equal in time and
length from an objective point of view. Such a preference might be due to habit, to the
traveler’s own perception of the routes or perception regarding the crossings, or to
information provided by other travelers.
● Link characteristics might differ slightly, leading to objective differences in route

● Travelers might prefer to travel together, bringing in the stochastic element of
travelers passing by and having an overlap with one of the possible routes.
● Some origins and destinations might be more attractive than others.

All of these deviations have the same effect regardless of the size of the change: namely,
some routes will become more attractive than others. This effect is mainly caused by the
demand side of the transport system. The higher usage of some routes, however, also influ-
ences the supply side of the transport system. In the long run the most intensively used routes
will receive better facilities and become more attractive, while the less used routes will be
neglected. The supply side of the transport system thus strengthens the hierarchy started by
the demand side. In fact, the process described here is an example from economics based on
increasing returns (see, e.g., Waldrop 1992; Arthur, Ermoliev, and Kaniovski 1987), which is
a fundamental characteristic in all kind of evolutionary processes, be they in eco- nomics or
in biology. The final result in this case is a hierarchical network structure con- sisting of two
link types; in other words, a higher-level network is superimposed on the original lower-level

Hierarchy in settlements stimulates hierarchical network structures. Furthermore, the in-

troduction of faster modes speeds up the processes leading to hierarchical networks. Simi-
larly, hierarchical transport networks lead to concentration of flows, and if these flows are
large enough they allow for more efficient transport, leading to lower travel costs per unit
traveled (economies of scale), and reduce negative impact on the environment, which also
stimulates the development of hierarchical network structures. Hierarchical networks are thus
a natural phenomenon resulting from the interaction between demand and supply that, due to
technological developments and modern decision processes focusing on environmental
impact, are becoming more common in transport networks (see Figure 2.9).

Development of Hierarchical Network Structures. The main process, that is, the interac-
tion between demand and supply, might have self-organizing characteristics. Many networks,
however, have been developed over a long period of time and are, therefore, influenced by
many factors. Hierarchy in spatial structure has always been such a factor. The importance of
technology has substantially increased in the last two centuries. Rail networks were de-
veloped early in the 19th century and were a true accelerator for hierarchical network de-
velopment in transport networks and spatial structures. The introduction of high-speed trains
today will have a similar effect. The introduction of the private car at the beginning of the

20th century led to more ambiguous developments. Private cars improved space accessibility
and thus had a reverse effect with respect to spatial structure. At the same time, however, the
private car allowed substantially higher speeds given the quality of the infrastructure, and can
thus be seen as an accelerator for hierarchical road network development. In the second half
of the 20th century a strong focus on planning processes, especially with regard to
environmental impact, and the concept of bundling of transport and thus of infrastructure
became dominant issues. Hierarchical networks can therefore be seen as a result of a con-
tinuous interaction process between demand and supply, which has a strong correlation with
spatial development and is influenced over time by other developments such as technological
advances and decision processes.

Hierarchical Network Levels. A hierarchical network structure is a multilevel network in

which the higher-level network is characterized by a coarse network, limited accessibility,
and high speeds, and is especially suited for long-distance trips. The lower-level networks are
intricate and have high accessibility and low speeds, making them suitable for short- distance
trips and for accessing higher-level networks. It can be shown that the hierarchy in transport
network levels is linked with the hierarchy in settlements (Van Nes 2002). Each network level
then offers connections between cities of a specific rank and offers access to cities and
networks of a higher rank. Figure 2.10 shows this concept as proposed for the German road
network guidelines (FGSV 1988). Table 2.2 presents a classification for road networks as
proposed by Van Nes (2002). Please note that presently no higher speeds are possible for the
two highest network levels. These network levels will therefore need more attention with
respect to directness and traffic quality, i.e., reliability. For transit networks, however,
high-speed trains really make it possible to provide higher network levels.

Plausibility Scale Factor 3. A logical criterion for a higher-level network is that the lower-
level network will not be considered as an alternative for a trip using the higher-level net-
work. Another way of formulating this criterion is the elimination of shortcuts, which is a
criterion that is primarily based on the traveler’s perspective. A possible approach in this case

is to look at the maximum detour for a shortcut in a single grid. This detour determines the
necessary difference in travel speed between the network levels. The most realistic scale
factor for road spacing can be found by calculating this travel speed ratio for a set of scale
factors and selecting the scale factor resulting in the lowest travel speed ratio. The choice for
the lowest value is based on the intuitive notion that the lower the travel speed ratio, the
easier it will be to develop a higher-level network.

In this approach, the only assumption that is necessary is that the trip length be equal to or
longer than the road spacing of the higher-level network. Within a grid network the trip
having the maximum detour using the higher-level network can be defined as the trip
between two nodes that are located at the middle of two opposing sides of the grid of the
higher- level network (see Figure 2.11a). In the case that the scale factor, sf, for road spacing
is uneven, this trip is located between two nodes as close to the middle as possible (Figure
2.11b). The trip distance using the lower-level network is always equal to the road spacing of
the higher-level network.

If the scale factor, sf, for the road spacing is even, the trip distance using the higher-level
network is twice as large, which implies that the travel speed for the higher-level network
should be at least twice as high in order to have a shorter travel time using the higher-level

network. This implies that in this case no choice for the most realistic scale factor can be
made. In case sf is uneven, the trip distance for the higher-level network becomes (2(sf 􏰄
1)/sf as large. In order to have a shorter travel time using the higher-level network, the travel
speed should increase accordingly. It can easily be shown that the smallest increase of travel
speed is found if the scale factor for road spacing sf equals 3: the speed of the higher level
network then is 1.67 times the speed of the lower level network. As sf increases the necessary
increase in travel speed converges to a factor 2. In both cases the maximum travel speed ratio
is 2. Apparently it is not necessary to have larger travel speed ratios to avoid short cuts.

This analysis clearly shows that the existence of a scale factor 3 for the road spacing of
hierarchical road networks can be explained using a simple and plausible mechanism based
only on network characteristics. The corresponding scale factor for network speed is 1.67 and
should not be larger than 2.

2.7.3 Special Issues

Steiner Nodes. When building a network, planners usually consider only the nodes that have
to be connected, i.e., cities or agglomerations. However, it might be an interesting option to
introduce extra nodes that make it possible to reduce network length and thus investment
costs. The impact of these so-called Steiner nodes is illustrated in Figure 2.12.

On the left-hand side we have four nodes that have to be connected. Using only these four
nodes a grid network might be a proper solution. Introducing an additional node in or near the
center, however, reduces the network length significantly (about minus 30 percent) while
travel times are reduced in some cases and increased in other. The net effect on investment
costs and travel times depend strongly on the demand pattern and the location of the
additional node. Finally, it is possible to introduce an additional node where a specific road
type ends, connected to the surrounding cities by links of lower-level networks.

Integrating Functions. The notion of hierarchical transport networks is primarily func- tional.
In urbanized areas, however, there is a strong tendency to integrate functionally dif- ferent
network levels within a single physical network. In urban areas the distance between access
nodes for freeways, i.e., on- and off-ramps, is clearly shorter than in more rural areas.
Integrating network levels might be attractive since they reduce the necessary investments.
There is, however, an important pitfall for the quality of the transport network on the long run
(Bovy 2001). Medium- and short-distance trips that theoretically would be served by
lower-level networks experience a higher quality due to the higher accessibility and higher
speed of the higher-level network. This higher quality influences all kinds of traveler choices,
such as location, destination, mode, and route. The net result will be a relatively large
increase of these medium- and short-distance trips using the freeway network, in quantity as
well as in trip length. The resulting congestion reduces the transport quality for the long-
distance trips for which the freeway network was originally designed. In some cases, the
impact on location choice of individuals and companies might even limit the possibilities to

increase the capacity in order to restore the required quality for long-distance trips. This
unwanted impact of integrating functions requires special attention when planning higher-
level networks in urbanized areas.

2.8 Application Of The Design Method

To illustrate the design method described, two concrete cases have been elaborated: design of
the national network of Hungary and the federal network of the state of Florida. The
following paragraphs present the results of the various design steps.

2.8.1 Hungary: Design of the National Road Network

See also Monigl (2002) and Buckwalter (2001).

Step 1: Hierarchy of Nodes. The first step in the design process is the decision of how many
(and which) nodes (cities) will have to be incorporated into the national network. Two ap-
proaches for this can be considered:
1. Based on distance classes (a quality approach)
2. Based on size of the various nodes (a user approach)

The national network is meant to be used for trips ranging from 50–300 km. Accommodating
these trips adequately requires an optimal network density, and access point density, and
these should match the density of nodes. Example: if we apply the same density of nodes as
used in The Netherlands, then we need to select approximately 40 nodes (30 in The
Netherlands, as the size of the country is smaller). The consequence of this assumption is that
we have to select nodes with a population of approximately 30,000.

In the second approach, we assume that the inclusion of a node in the national network is
determined by the number of inhabitants. The number should be higher than 50,000. For the
Hungarian situation, this would result in the inclusion of 21 nodes.

Of course, the situation in Hungary differs from the situation in The Netherlands, e.g.,
● The size of the country (area): greater than The Netherlands
● The population density: lower than in The Netherlands

● The distribution of the population; quite unbalanced in Hungary, as the largest node
(Bu- dapest) has 1.8 million inhabitants and the second-largest node (Debrecen) only

It was decided to make a network design starting with 24 nodes (see Figure 2.13): min- imum
number of inhabitants per node is 40,000. The adopted approach is more or less a
combination of the quality approach and the user approach. The consequence of this is that
the national network will not be used as intensively as in more densely populated countries
like the Netherlands.

Step 2: International Connections. These connections have to be dealt with before de- signing
the national network. Budapest is connected with the following large cities abroad (city and
● Bratislava—direction Czech Republic and Slovakia, Poland
● Vienna—direction Austria, Germany
● Maribor—direction Slovenia
● Zagreb—direction Croatia/Slovenia/Italy
● Subotica—direction Serbia
● Arad/Timisoara—direction Romania
● Oradea—direction Romania
● Mukaceve—direction Ukraine

Based on the criterion for accessibility, we also assume an international connection to the
center of Slovakia (direction Zvolen). The result of this step is shown in Figure 2.14.

Step 3: Design of the Ideal National Network. The main structure of the national network is
based on the international corridors and the 10 largest cities (central nodes) in Hungary
(minimum of 80,000 inhabitants):
1. Budapest
2. Debrecen
3. Miskolc
4. Szeged
5. Pe ́cs
6. Gyo ̈r
7. Ny ́ıregyha ́za
8. Kecskeme ́t
9. Sze ́kesfehe ́rva ́r
10. Szombathely

In addition to these nodes, Lake Balaton is also indicated as a rather important attraction node
(especially during summertime). We further assume that all national connections are situated
on national territory (no bypasses via neighboring countries).

Because of the dominant position of Budapest in the list of central nodes, the minimum
spanning tree (connecting all cities) has a radial structure starting in Budapest.
Some remarks:
● Connection with Pe ́cs: directly from Budapest (along river Danube via Szeksza ́rd) or
via Sze ́kesfehe ́rva ́r. Because Szeksza ́rd is a county capital, there is a strong
preference for the link along the Danube.

● Only between Budapest and Oradea does a shortcut seem obvious; for all other
connections the minimum spanning tree will do.

2.9 Evaluation Of The Network Design

Finally, this section provides additional information regarding the assessment of various
effects of a new network design as well as the complexity of the policy process we are
dealing with.

2.9.1 Costs–Benefits
In the design process the main emphasis lies on defining a network that connects and/ or links
up selected nodes (hierarchy) with a certain quality. It is self-evident that the accessi- bility of
these nodes is thereby guaranteed. Of equal importance is the quality of the designed network
as well as a verification of other sustainability criteria,* such as:
● Environment and livability
● Traffic safety
● Network accessibility
● Economy, accessibility
● Costs

In principle, such verification includes a cost–benefit ratio. Since the costs and benefits are
spread over a longer period of time, they will have to be reduced to a net cash value with due
regard to a discount rate and a time horizon. It is not intended to go into the technical details
here of a cost–benefit analysis, but we will describe in brief what effects will have to be taken
into account and how these effects can be calculated.

The cost–benefit analysis can be performed for a separate (newly designed) network, and it is
also possible to compare certain network variants with each other.

Load on the Network. To carry out a cost–benefit analysis one needs to know the load on the
links and intersections from which the network is built up. For this purpose an origin–
destination (O–D) matrix will have to be assigned to the network using a static or dynamic
equilibrium assignment. The dynamic model is preferred because use of this model allows the
congestion losses in the network to be more correctly calculated. And because the effects are
also calculated for a future situation, it is better in principle to use O–D matrices for the
longer term. If this approach becomes too complicated, an average growth percentage of the
load on the network links will suffice.

For a more extensive explanation of traffic assignment models and traffic congestion, refer to
chapters 7 and 12 of this Handbook.

Calculating Effects
Environment and Livability. Effects that come under this heading are:
● Emissions of harmful substances (harmful to man, fauna, and flora)
● Noise nuisance
● Fragmenting the landscape

Traffic emits a number of harmful substances, such as CO, CO2, CxHy, NOx, Pb, and
particulate matter. The size of these emissions depends on various factors, such as fuel usage,
type of fuel, speed, driving cycle, and gradient. If we want to take account of all of these
factors, this implies a highly complex method of calculation. This level of detail is undesir-
able at this stage in the design process and largely not feasible given the absence of required
data. A global approach consists of a calculation of the emissions based on the kilometers
covered per road type. The fuel (energy) consumption per km can be determined per road
type (see Smokers et al. 1997):

Freeway: 2.64 MJ / km
Highway: 2.29 MJ / km

Making certain assumptions concerning the composition of the vehicle fleet, the speed of
driving, and any acceleration and deceleration that may occur will allow these calculations to
be refined.

To quantify noise nuisance, one needs the following data:

● Load per stretch of road
● Composition of the traffic
● Speed of the traffic
● Distance of road axis from building facades
● Building density (number of premises/ residents along the side of the road)

These data help determine the equivalent noise level which can be compared with the norm
(e.g., 55 dB (A) threshold value). Subsequently the effect can be quantified by multiplying
transgression of the norm per affected person by the cost (e.g., $21 per dB (A)) (ECMT

If one does not have access to the building density data, one can also use the number of
vehicle kilometers (distinguishing between cars and trucks) or passengers and ton kilometers
(road and rail) as a starting point.

The laying of new roads or widening of existing roads can have a significant impact on the
landscape, such as:
● Slicing through the landscape, with the result that valuable landscapes and/ or
ecosystems are disturbed
● Dividing up areas such that they are subsequently too small to function as a habitat for
a species

● Creating a barrier that hinders crossing for both man and animals

This effect is difficult to quantify generically; each case will have to be examined largely on
its own merits. One way of calculating the effects is to determine which remediation
measures (investments) are desirable to retain the original situation.

Traffic Safety. The safety of a trip in a network depends on many factors. To ascertain the
effects of the proposed network structure on safety, the following procedure can be applied:

● The transfer kilometers* on the various types of road are multiplied by risk factors
that indicate the possibility of an accident with (fatal) injury as a function of the
distance covered. Per road type a distinction is made between the numbers of dead
and injured.
● Depending on the type of road, risk factors** are used:
Deaths per 109 km: freeway= 2.250
Deaths per 109 km: highway = 6.617 I
njured per 109 km: freeway = 12.631
Injured per 109 km: highway = 39.920

Accordingly, the costs of a fatal accident are estimated at $1.5 million, an accident with
serious injury at $0.2 million, and an accident with slight injury at $0.03 million (ECMT

Network Accessibility. Network accessibility is related to the distance or trip time be- tween
origin and destination and a point of access in the network (system). A possible requirement
for network accessibility could be that a certain percentage of the population lives within a
radius of 10 km or a journey time of 15 minutes from an access point to the freeway network.
Using a network accessibility requirement may result in additional access points having to be
incorporated into a network.

Accessibility. In calculating the effects in respect of accessibility, a distinction can be made

in terms of the components trip time, robustness, and average journey speed.
The trip times are calculated preferably on the basis of the resistance of the loaded road
network, so it is necessary to assign an origin-destination matrix to the network. Use of a
dynamic assignment model enables realistic trip times to be calculated.

The laying of new roads will tend to have a positive effect on the total trip time. The net cash
value of the gain in trip time can be determined by the gain in hours (calculated on an annual
basis) multiplied by the valuation of one hour’s trip time.

The valuation of trip time differs per country (region), and it is essential to make a distinction
in the valuation between the trip time losses that have an impact on normal congestion (peak
traffic) and trip time losses that have an impact on incidental congestion (e.g., incidents). In
this latter case the trip time valuation will be higher.

To determine the robustness of the network, various possibilities are open, such as:

● Calculating the effects of fluctuations in demand and/ or supply (e.g., as a result of the
occurrence of an incident). Temporarily restricting the capacity of one or more links
in a network allows the effects of this on the quality of the traffic flow to be
● A second factor that has a considerable influence on the robustness of a network
concerns the traffic load of the arms of the intersections in the network. Especially the
higher-order intersections can have a significant influence on the quality of the traffic
flow in large parts of the network, even if the capacity of only one of the arms falls
short. As a result of the ‘‘blocking-back’’ effect, the tail of a traffic jam can disturb the
traffic flow in other parts of the network.

The robustness of a network can be investigated by varying both demand and supply. The
network’s capacity to accommodate varying load patterns can be determined on the basis of
journey times (total and relative) and intersection loads (load on various parts such as slip
roads, acceleration lanes, etc.).

The average trip speed indicates the average speed of transfers on the various networks and
can also be determined relatively (in km/ hr), thus showing the average speed between origin
and destination. This last measurement is used mainly in comparing transfers across various

2.9.2 Process
Proposals to modify the network are often sensitive issues given the numerous effects that
would occur. We are increasingly being confronted by a situation that can be characterized as
a complex policy problem, in which two dimensions exist:

● A knowledge-intrinsic complexity derived from the relationship between the various

intrin- sic themes—traffic and transport, spatial planning, economic development,
environment, nature and landscape—that are interwoven. Any intervention in one
theme has conse- quences for another. But all too often a swings-and-roundabouts
mechanism occurs; as a solution is found for one theme, this causes a problem for
● A process-related complexity that is expressed in the involvement of many public and
private actors at various levels of government and / or scales, who all want to see their
vested interests covered in the problem definitions and solutions. The actors are very
interdependent in the problem-solving and so form changing coalitions to this end.

In the design process, account will have to be taken of this complexity. This implies

● All stakeholders are invited to participate in the design process. This means having to
invite other parties like environmental agencies, chambers of commerce, etc. in
addition to the existing road authorities.
● The effects of the proposed measures (network variants) are fed back to the
stakeholders. Ensuring that the feedback of effects is fast and clear to everyone
stimulates the participants to enter into a structured discussion on potential solutions.

3. Transportation Systems Modeling And Evaluation

3.1 Introduction
Transportation includes infrastructure, administration, vehicles, and users and can be viewed
from various aspects, including engineering, economics, and societal issues. A transportation
system can be defined narrowly as a single driver/ vehicle with its second-by-second inter-
actions with the road and other vehicles. The system can also be defined broadly as a regional
transportation infrastructure with its year-by-year interactions with the regional economy, the
community of transportation users and owners, and its control components such as trans-
portation administration and legislature. These two extremes exemplify the range of trans-
portation systems, with various intermediate scenarios possible.

Transportation models are a formal description of the relationships between transportation

system components and their operations. Knowledge of these relationships allows for esti-
mating or predicting unknown quantities (outputs), from quantities that are known (inputs).
Because our knowledge of the transportation relationships is limited, transportation models
are subsequently imperfect and selective. Awareness of the models’ limitations facilitates
using the models according to need, required accuracy, and budget.

Evaluation has two distinct meanings: ‘‘calculate approximately’’ and ‘‘form an opinion
about.’’ Both meanings are reflected in the two basic steps of transportation systems evalu-
● Quantify by applying a model
● Qualify by applying evaluation criteria

The first step requires a valid model, while the second step uses preferences of decision-
makers and transportation users. Modeling, in most cases, is a required part of transportation
systems evaluation.

A transportation model is a simplification of transportation reality. It focuses only on what is

essential at the level of detail appropriate for its application. If one wants to improve traffic at
a specific location by redesigning signals, then optimal signal settings are the solution, which
has a negligible economic effect on the regional economy and this variable therefore should
not be considered in the model. The situation changes if one wants to program transportation
improvements in the region that must compete with large-scale highway projects for funding.
Then the economic impact of the decision is important and detail signal settings are not
considered; instead, the overall effect of the typical control is repre- sented in the analysis.
These two cases require two distinct models that differ in scope and detail. A specific job
requires a specific model. Understanding the basics of modeling in transportation engineering
is helpful in selecting an adequate model, using it properly, and interpreting the results

This chapter aims to help decide whether a model is needed, select an adequate model, and
use it effectively. The reader will find neither endorsements nor a complete overview of the
existing modeling software packages, and specific references are mentioned for illustra- tion
of the points raised in the presentation without any intention either to compliment or criticize.
Although this chapter has been written with all the areas of transportation engineering in
mind, examples are taken from surface transportation, which is the author’s area of expertise.
The author believes that this focus does not constrain the generality of the chapter.

3.2 Types Of Transportation Models And Modeling Paradigms

Classification of transportation models is challenging because there are a wide variety of
transportation models and a considerable number of ways the models can be categorized. We
will try to classify the models in a way that helps transportation engineers select models
adequate to the job.

Transportation models are applied to individual highway facilities, groups of facilities, and
entire transportation systems at the city, state, and national levels. Transportation models are
also applied to time horizons, ranging from the present up to 20 and more years ahead.
Depending on the use and scope, transportation models can focus on long-term prediction of
demand for various transportation modes with adequately incorporated economic impacts;
focus on routing and scheduling using choice models with properly represented connectivity
between various network components; or focus on a faithful representation of traffic flows at
various transportation facilities. From this perspective, transportation models can be di- vided
into the following categories:
1. Demand models (econometric models, short-term traffic prediction, traffic generation,
2. Network models (modal split, traffic assignment, scheduling)
3. Traffic models (advanced traffic and control representation, interaction between
4. Performance models (traffic quality perception, safety performance models, fuel con-
sumption, air-pollution generation, noise generation, signal optimization, etc.)

3.2.1 Demand Models

Because the majority of trips are work or business-related, transportation demand depends
strongly on the regional economy. On the other hand, economic growth in the area can be
stimulated by the business-generating ability of transportation infrastructure or hindered by
excessive transportation costs. Econometric models attempt to grasp these complex impacts
through simultaneous statistical equations that represent the relationships among transpor-
tation, regional economy, land use, regional policies (laws, zoning, pricing, subsidies, etc.),
and people travel preferences (example can be found in Johnson et al. 2001). These
relationships are developed from the historical data for the region and then applied to predict

future transportation demands. These models are typically highly aggregated and give total
annual or daily numbers of trips between zones by various transportation modes. Although
commercial packages provide a necessary modeling suite, models are developed to reflect
properly local conditions, the objective of the analysis, and available data. The set of equa-
tions is developed on a case-by-case basis.

Econometric models are the high end of demand modeling; extrapolation methods in- cluding
trends of growth rate method are the low end. According to the growth rate method, future
volumes are predicted by multiplying current volumes with growth factors (growth method
for highways is mentioned in Robertson 2000). Separate growth factors are devel- oped for
different regions, transportation modes, and types of transportation facilities (road category,
airport category, etc.). This method is not able to reflect unusual changes either in the
economy or in the land use.

The third category of demand models is traffic generation models (for example, in Meyer and
Miller 1984). These models require future land use and household characteristics to be known
because they link the number of trip ends in a traffic zone with particular zonal
characteristics, such as the number of workplaces and the number of households. These
models include the land use and the economic impact through zonal characteristics required
as an input.

3.2.2 Network Models

Econometric models can and should consider all major transportation modes (air, rail, high-
way, pipes, and water). On the other hand, the network models have typically been developed
to deal with certain transportation modes. The interactions between the transportation modes
are presently attracting the interest of researchers who are trying to incorporate transportation
intermodalism into regional planning. The primary focus of highway network modeling is on
the connectivity of the transportation infrastructure and on the travelers’ path choices across
the network and of transportation modes (for example, highways with public transit routes).
Modeling frameworks for travel choices include deterministic user equilibrium, sto- chastic
user equilibrium, system optimum performance, and mixed flows (Sheffi 1985). Some models
consider static equilibrium applied to hourly or daily network operations, while other models
assign travelers to paths dynamically in short intervals (Peeta and Ziliaskopoulos 2001).
Network models require travel demand to be known as a table of one-way flows between all
possible pairs of network nodes or traffic zones.

Another large class of network models is logistic models that optimize transportation of
commodities. These models are focused on routing commodities across a multimodal trans-
portation network to minimize transportation costs and meet time constraints. Logistic mod-
els are of particular interest to private transportation companies and to large manufacturers
that use supply-chain analysis to reduce transportation and storage costs. A good introduction
to the logistics modeling and practice can be found in Fredendall, Hill, and Hill (2000).

3.2.3 Traffic Models
With a few exceptions, network models represent transportation facilities in a quite simplified
manner through the analytical relationships between traffic demand and travel cost compo-
nents; for example, the traditional BPR function (Bureau of Public Roads 1964). These
simplifications do not allow for designing facilities and may raise concerns about the accu-
racy of the simplified demand-cost relationships. To allow design applications through detail
analyses of traffic operations at these facilities, a group of models is available, here called
traffic models. They incorporate the impact of facility geometric characteristics and traffic
control on speed, delay, travel time, queue, etc. One of the best known depositories of traffic
models for design and traffic analysis is the Highway Capacity Manual (Transportation Re-
search Board 2000). These models are transportation facility-specific and require traffic de-
mand, geometry, and control characteristics of the facility to be known.

3.2.4 Performance Models

Performance models quantify traffic characteristics (volume, speed, traffic density, travel
time, delay, etc.) that are directly used to evaluate transportation systems and their compo-
nents. Such quantities include costs, noise, air pollution, and users’ perceptions of conditions.
Widely known models include a model of vehicle emission MOBILE (Jack Faucett Asso-
ciates 1994) and a model of aircraft noise generation and propagation INM (Volpe Center
2002). These and other performance models can accompany all the three transportation
models already introduced, depending on the type of transportation analysis: planning, de-
sign, operations.

3.2.5 Modeling Paradigms

Figure 3.1 depicts the traditional modeling paradigm used in transportation engineering.
Modeling is carried out in three separate modeling phases: demand modeling, network mod-
eling, and traffic flow modeling. Each of the modeling phases provides input to performance
models. The outcome of the demand modeling phase is used to model traffic assignment in
the transportation networks, while the outcome of the network modeling provides necessary
input to the traffic flow facility modeling at transportation facilities. Each phase can be
performed by a different transportation engineering unit and the results transferred from one
unit to another.

The traditional modeling paradigm was proven to provide a manageable modeling frame-
work using data that are available and providing computational demands that are reasonable.
This was accomplished in each phase through adequately defining and representing the trans-
portation systems. Demand models represent the transportation and economy of the studied
region with synthetic characteristics of sub-regions. Network models must be more detailed

and present all important components of the transportation infrastructure. However, they
represent only part of the region transportation infrastructure. Although they require more
data, the task is distributed among multiple planning organizations. The geometric design and
operational analysis of a transportation facility requires the most detailed information, but
such an analysis is performed only for selected facilities. In the traditional modeling
paradigm, the outputs from higher models are input to lower models and there is no two- way

Traditional transportation modeling has three phases, with a gradually growing level of detail
and a narrowing geographical scope. The phases are executed sequentially and the outcome
from the previous phase feeds the next phase. This modeling approach cannot properly treat
many intelligent transportation systems (ITS) where traffic operations are im- portant

component of the ITS representation, while many strategic decisions about the system are
made at the system level in real time. These decisions may even influence demand for
traveling. A need for modeling such systems requires a new modeling paradigm where
demand, network, and traffic are modeled simultaneously and dynamically in an integrated
single phase. This paradigm is presented in Figure 3.2. The full interaction between different
levels is obtained by adding feedback between the layers or developing models that truly
integrate all the components into one model. It should be noted that the type of interaction
between the demand and network layers in traditional transportation management is different
than in the ITS-based dynamic management. In the traditional framework, the demand layer
is used to predict aggregate average demand based on high-level policy and planning deci-
sions. In the ITS-based management the changes in disaggregate demand are short-term and
are caused by ITS operations.

3.3 Example Studies And Models

The number of available models and their computer versions is impressive. Most of the
existing computer software for transportation modeling and evaluation includes multiple
model types integrated in packages. Almost all such packages include performance models to
produce results useful for evaluation and decision-making. Some of these packages inte-
grate models and various levels of detail within the new modeling paradigm. This section
presents selected models and studies to illustrate the model types and their applications.

3.3.1 Maine Statewide Travel Demand Model

The Maine DOT funded development of a modeling procedure to predict future travel de-
mand in Maine (U.S. Department of Transportation 1998), based on future population and
other socioeconomic data for traffic zones of the region. A gravity model was used to split the
trip ends in a zone among all the zones. The traffic zones were defined inside and outside the
study area to enable modeling internal trips with both ends inside the study area and external
trips with one or both ends outside the study area. The model used current and assumed
future characteristics of the transportation infrastructure. The model was calibrated for
current data and demand predicted by changing the model inputs that represented the future.
This model is an example of a traditional approach to long-term modeling of trans- portation
demand where the future land use must be known. The Maine study is a good example of the
use of GIS technologies to code data and visualize results.

3.3.2 Sacramento Area Travel Demand Model

The Sacramento area was modeled with econometric equations in the MEPLAN modeling
framework (Johnston et al. 2001). The model includes the interaction between two parallel
markets, the land market and the transportation market, as illustrated in Figure 3.3. In the
land markets, price and cost affect decisions about the location of various activities. In the

transportation markets, the costs of travel affect both mode and route selection. The inter-
action between the two markets was accomplished by including transportation costs in the
attractiveness of zones for producing activities and including the producing activities in
traffic demand factors. The generated trips were split by mode choice and assigned to routes
based on stochastic user equilibrium with capacity restraint. The quasidynamic modeling was
ex- ecuted in time steps with time lag in the interaction between the two markets. This
approach is an example of an advanced modeling of the two-way impact between land use
and trans- portation where both the land use and the transportation demand are predicted.

3.3.3 ITS Evaluation for the Washington, DC, Metropolitan Area

In this study, the traffic flows for current and future years without ITS were predicted with
traditional four-step demand and network modeling (Schintler and Farooque 2001). The four-
step model is presented elsewhere in this Handbook. Several combinations of two sets of
scenarios were examined for a selected portion of the arterial network in Washington, DC:

1. Present traffic and future traffic

2. Presence and absence of the SmarTraveler system

The traffic was simulated using a mesoscopic simulation package INTEGRATION for
integrated arterials and freeways (Van Aerde et al. 1995). INTEGRATION models represent
individual vehicles on freeways and on urban streets with traffic signals and ITS, while
preserving the macroscopic properties of traffic flows. The program uses dynamic queuing
based traffic assignment, driver diversion, and rerouting during congested conditions.

Travelers may behave according to their current experience or in response to information
received via the Internet, from variable message signs, or from highway advisory radio.
INTEGRATION models use advanced transportation management systems with real-time
surveillance devices and adaptive traffic signal systems.

This study is a good example of integrating the traditional planning modeling with com- puter
simulation where the three model types were integrated in a dynamic fashion to allow
short-term demand adjustments to traffic conditions, network modeling, and rather sophis-
ticated traffic modeling at the facility level.

3.3.4 Highway Capacity Manual

The Highway Capacity Manual is a leading reference for practicing highway transportation
engineers who seek guidance in capacity and traffic quality modeling and evaluation for
planning, design, and traffic operations applications (Transportation Research Board 2000).
The Highway Capacity Manual focuses on traffic operations at various facilities, including
freeway segments and ramp intersections, multilane and two-lane rural roads, urban streets,
signalized and unsignalized intersections, pedestrian, bike, and public transit facilities. The
Highway Capacity Manual includes performance models that convert traffic measures of
effectiveness into levels of service that have become the standard procedure to qualify traffic
performance and are an example of traffic models combined with performance models. The
models are analytical and are implemented faithfully on a computer (McTrans 2002). The
models predict neither traffic demand nor traffic diversion between routes. Traffic volume is
among the required inputs and must be predicted with demand and network models.

3.3.5 Interactive Highway Safety Design Model

The Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM) is road safety evaluation soft- ware
being developed for highway planners and designers (visit http: / / gov /
ihsdm / ). It already includes two-lane rural highways and is ultimately intended to include
multilane rural highways. IHSDM will consist of several components, including crash pre-
diction and traffic analysis modules.

The crash prediction module will predict the expected number of crashes along the road
segment given the basic geometric characteristics of the segment and traffic intensity (Har-
wood et al. 2000). The crash prediction models take the form of equations and are sometimes
called safety performance functions.

The objective of the traffic analysis module is to provide practitioners with a tool to
investigate the operational effects of alternative road designs, marking schemes, traffic con-
trols, and vehicle size and performance characteristics for current and projected future traffic
flow (Wade et al. 2000). TWOPAS, a traffic simulation model for two-lane rural highways,
will form the basis for this module. The TWOPAS model simulates traffic operations on

two-lane rural highways by reviewing the location, speed, and acceleration of each individual
vehicle on the simulated road every second and advancing those vehicles along the road in a
realistic manner. The model takes into account the effects of road geometry, driver char-
acteristics and preferences, vehicle size and performance characteristics, and the presence of
oncoming and same-direction vehicles that are in sight at any given time.

3.3.6 Microsimulation for Regional Planning—TRANSIMS

The Los Alamos National Laboratory is the leader in the development of a model called the
Transportation Analysis and Simulation System (TRANSIMS) (Los Alamos National Lab-
oratory 2002). TRANSIMS is an integrated microsimulation forecasting model designed to
give transportation planners information on traffic impacts, congestion, and pollution in a
metropolitan region. TRANSIMS models travelers’ activities and the trips they take to carry
out their activities and then builds a model of household and activity demand. Trips are
planned to satisfy the individual’s activity patterns. TRANSIMS simulates the movement of
individuals across the transportation network, including their use of vehicles such as cars or
buses, on a second-by-second basis. The model tries to forecast how changes in
transportation policy or infrastructure might affect those activities and trips. The interactions
of individual vehicles produce traffic dynamics from which the overall performance measures
are esti- mated.

TRANSIMS is a courageous attempt to introduce detail-level modeling to regional planning.

It is a departure from the widely accepted modeling framework presented in Figures 3.1 and
3.2 in that it represents traffic in the entire region at the level of individual travelers. To cope
with the huge amount of data and computational demand, vehicles move in a simplified
manner by jumping between road ‘‘cells.’’ This modeling attempt may answer the question of
whether data aggregation and representation simplicity in planning can be re- placed with
detail models that are traditionally applied to study traffic operations.

3.4 What Are The Uses Of Transportation Models?

Modeling is a necessary component of transportation engineering if future traffic conditions
are being analyzed or existing conditions are too expensive to observe. These circumstances
are present in a majority of transportation studies. A practical approach to transportation
studies is to solve transportation problems by first solving their models and then imple-
menting the solutions to the real world. Modeling is applied in all the areas of transportation
engineering: planning, design, and operations. Although planning is traditionally the most
model-demanding, intelligent technologies and techniques applied to transportation have in-
creased the demand for modeling in design and traffic operations areas.

3.4.1 Planning
Modeling for planning includes predicting future travel demands, identifying potential per-
formance problems under the future travel demands, and proposing general solutions of the
anticipated transportation problems. Modeling packages for long-range planning may include
all the types of models presented and discussed previously: demand prediction, network
modeling, traffic flows, and performance modeling (although traffic flows are modeled with
much more simplification). From this perspective, long-range planning requires the most
comprehensive modeling. Questions frequently addressed with modeling for planning appli-
cations include:
1. Future travel demands. Travel demand is typically defined as the volume of
travelers willing to travel between two locations. A quadratic matrix of one-way
traffic flows represents travel demand between multiple locations. Demand for travel
strongly depends on land use and on economic conditions.
2. Impact of regulations and policies on future travel demands. Knowledge of this
relation- ship is particularly useful if proper regulatory and economic measures are
sought to keep travel demand at the desired level. The desired level of demand is
determined by con- gestion management or environmental concerns.
3. Identification of components of the existing infrastructure that will need
improvements. Performance of an existing system under future demands is
frequently studied to identify the system bottlenecks—in other words, the
infrastructure components that will cause excessive hazard, congestion, or
environmental concerns. This analysis leads to the next one, whereby engineering
solutions of the anticipated transportation-related problems are sought.
4. Identification of projects needed to maintain acceptable performance of the
system. Once future transportation issues and weak components of the infrastructure
are identified, adequate alternative solutions can be proposed and evaluated.
Transportation models are run for various scenarios that represent various solutions,
and consecutive evaluation of the scenarios is carried out to select the best one.
5. Identification of improvements is needed to make the existing infrastructure
more resilient to damage and more efficient in emergency situations. Modeling of
emergency conditions that follow natural or human-inflicted disasters (earthquake,
hurricane, nuclear blast, biological/ chemical attack) help identify critical components
of a transportation system. A component of transportation infrastructure is critical if
its failure brings severe deteri- oration of the system performance. Such components,
once identified, can be structurally strengthened, better protected through enhanced
security means, or supplemented with backup facilities. Scenarios of operations
management can be prepared if a critical com- ponent is damaged.

3.4.2 Design
A well-designed transportation facility is economical in construction and maintenance,
accommodates traffic demand during its lifetime, and does not expose its users to excessive
danger. To meet these design criteria, a designer must be able to link design decisions about

facility geometry and traffic control with facility performance (delays, speeds, safety, and
costs). Although many design decisions related to safety and aesthetics are governed by
design policies and guidelines, decisions that determine capacity (for example, the number of
lanes on a freeway) require traffic modeling. Among many models used in design, two design
tools have already been mentioned: the Highway Capacity Manual and the Interactive
Highway Safety Design Model.

Evaluation of alternatives is a common approach to geometric design. More complex systems

such as arterial streets or networks with coordinated signals may require quite ad- vanced
optimization tools for proper setting of signal parameters. Traffic volumes are as- sumed to be
insensitive to design decisions and are provided by planning models.

3.4.3 Operations
Studies of existing systems may include direct observations of their performance. Although
this is the most desirable method of evaluating existing systems, costs and measurement
difficulties often make modeling desirable. Transportation analysts try to replicate the
existing system through its model, and outcome from the model is used to evaluate the
system’s performance, detect operational problems, and evaluate possible solutions. Although
this approach brings to mind planning studies, there is a considerable difference—not future
but present traffic conditions are evaluated. Such studies are particularly justified if the
consid- ered improvements are low-cost and are implemented quickly. Signal retiming and
reorgan- izing traffic circulation in the area are examples of such improvements.

Intelligent transportation systems require a new class of model applications. Advanced travel
information systems and advanced traffic management systems use fast models run in real
time to support real-time decisions about changes in schedules, signal retiming, and traveler
rerouting in response to planned events and unplanned incidents. Real systems are simulated
with a short time lag using real data. Short-term traffic prediction is desired to foresee the
near future. Only then can optimal traffic control and management strategies be applied in a
timely manner.

3.5 Selecting A Model

Most of the available modeling tools are packages of models described in section 3.2. In this
section, the term model stands for a model package. The variety of transportation studies and
multiplicity of models make selection of a model difficult, and this section therefore is
written with inexperienced transportation analysts in mind who seek general guidance for
selecting a proper model.

A model is appropriate if it can do the job. Transportation analysts tend to seek a universal
model that can do most of the jobs, but it is doubtful that such a model exists. A model is a

simplification of reality and is developed as a result of a preassumed class of applications that
determine which simplifications are acceptable and which are not. If the model is used for an
application outside of the assumed class, then seemingly reasonable results may be in fact
inaccurate or even useless. Selection of a model therefore must consider the job and, more
precisely, the model’s applicability for the job. For example, traditional long-term planning
models estimate the travel times along links between nodes using the simplified BPR
function. These travel time estimates are sufficient to model network flows but are useless if
one wants to analyze, for instance, the performance of urban arterial streets during special
A modeling job is specified sufficiently for model selection if the following is known:
1. Studied transportation system
2. Purpose of the modeling
3. Required output scope and format
4. Required accuracy of results (model validation and calibration)
5. Resources available for the modeling

3.5.1 Output Scope and Format

Transportation models are used to produce specific results. If a model does not produce what
is needed or the results are insufficient to calculate the needed outcome, then such a model
cannot be used.

3.5.2 Model Validity

Another criterion that is often overlooked and is closely related to the validity of the model is
the accuracy of the results, which is tested by inspecting the model error. The model is run a
sufficient number of times using input collected in the field, and the obtained results are then
compared with the measured values. The model is valid if the discrepancies between the
calculated and observed results are acceptable. The validity of many available models is not
sufficiently documented, part of which can be explained by the fact that validation of
transportation models is not easy. Validation requires field-collected inputs and field-collected
values corresponding to the model outputs. Not only are the high costs of data collection a
problem, but sometimes so is the measurability of quantities used in the validated model. For
example, a considerable number of microsimulation models require the percentages of drivers
of certain personality types (aggressive, regular, or passive), intervehicle time gaps that
drivers use when crossing a road, or desired speeds. Models that use a large number of input
variables are difficult to validate because validation requires collection of all these variables
simultaneously, which is often practically impossible.

Prediction models present a new category of validation issues. The only possible vali- dation
method is retrospection, where past observations are predicted using older observa- tions. The
weakness of this approach is that even good replication of the past data does not rule out
failure in predicting the future.

Another way of evaluating model validity is to analyze the model’s fundamentals and
structure. Sufficient description of the model and explanation of its theoretical basis increase
confidence in the model’s validity, particularly for computer simulation if the component
models are well documented in the literature and set together in a plausible manner.
Proprietary computer codes unavailable to transportation analysts make indirect evaluation of
these models difficult if not impossible. Preferable models are those well documented by
developers and validated independently by research units.

3.5.3 Model Calibration

Even a valid model requires calibration if the local conditions differ from the ones for which
the model was developed and validated. Frequently, a simulation model is developed from
component models and the default values of model parameters are assumed using common
sense or published research. Then the model is offered to clients with a presumption that
users are responsible for model calibration to local conditions. For clarification, a parameter
is an input whose value typically remains unchanged from one simulation to another.

There are two ways of setting model parameters. If a parameter has a meaning and can be
measured in the field, then a measured value should replace the default one. If a parameter is
not observable because it has no meaning or is difficult to measure, then it may serve as a
‘‘tuning knob.’’ A calibration exercise is often understood as applying measured parameter
values and changing the remaining parameters until the model returns results of satisfactory
accuracy. Although the recipe seems simple, its application is not. The calibration difficulty
caused by the large amount of data required was explained above in section 3.5.2.

The need for calibration of simulation models has been investigated at the University of
Hawaii (Wang and Prevedouros 1998). Three microsimulation models, INTETRATION,
CORSIM, and WATSim, were applied to a small congested network of two highway inter-
sections and several segments. The simulated volumes and speeds were compared to the
measured values, and the authors concluded that the results were reasonable after a large
number of parameters were modified to replicate the real traffic conditions. In no case did the
default parameters offer satisfactory results. Further, the authors concluded that the parameter
calibration could be tedious and time-consuming and the effort for calibration multiplies with
the size of the size of the transportation system and the number of model parameters.

Models, particularly microsimulation, may have a large number of parameters. Replicating

real values in a small number of cases is always possible if the number of tuning knobs is
sufficient. The problem is that a model calibrated for a small number of data sets may not
perform well for new cases. This issue is similar to a regression model calibrated for a small
amount of point data but with a large number of parameters. If the number of data points
equals the number of parameters, it is always possible to find parameter values that allow a
model to replicate the data exactly. Unfortunately, the predictive ability of the model is

Model validation and calibration require special attention, particularly when the models are
complex. Given the difficulties with validation and calibration of complex models men-
tioned above, simple models sufficiently validated and with a limited number of parameters
should be favored. Specific methods of planning models validation and calibration can be
found in Barton-Aschman Associates and Cambridge Systematics (1997).

Numerous transportation models have been developed for particular analysis. For example,
researchers from the University of Texas in Austin proposed a simulation model developed to
evaluate the effect of introducing new large aircraft in 2006 (Chiu and Walton 2002). The
method simulates the operating characteristics of a new large aircraft and its market share for
various scenarios to address prediction uncertainty. The arrival passenger flows are modeled
as a queuing network system composed of a series of passenger processing facilities. The
model has been validated with survey data and statistics for international airports.

3.5.4 Scope of Input

A model is practical if it requires input that is feasible to obtain. Again, this condition should
be considered in connection with a specific job for which a model is needed. In the planning
phase, only major transportation characteristics are known or considered, and it is unusual, if
not impossible, to consider the details of intersection geometry or the detail settings of a
signal controller 20 years in advance. Not only the information is uncertain but also planners
are not interested in such detail decisions. Models that require unavailable input lead to use of
default values, and when default values may be used is in itself an important issue. The
answer depends on the variability of the input and on the model sensitivity. If the input varies
significantly from one case to another and the results are strongly dependant on the input,
then use of a default value is questionable. A model that requires such an unknown input
should not be used.

An excessively detailed model may impose difficulties of using default inputs, but an overly
simplified model may defeat the purpose. For example, if a model is used to evaluate the
introduction of a median on an arterial street, the model must incorporate the effect of the
median on the capacity of the crossing and turning streams.

3.5.5 Modeling Costs

The costs of transportation analysis include gathering and formatting data, running a model,
and documenting and reporting results. Data collection and formatting are frequently the
primary component of the total costs, particularly when the model is complex and requires
calibration. The costs can be significantly reduced if the data required by the model are
routinely collected by a transportation agency and stored in well-maintained databases.
The costs can be further reduced if the amount of data required by the model is limited. The
input required by models varies dramatically and depends on the level of modeling detail.
Microsimulation requires the largest amount of data compared to other types of mod- els. For

example, the TRANSIMS microsimulation modeling tool was applied to the Portland area
(Los Alamos National Laboratory 2002). Highway network representation included 100,000
nodes, 125,000 links, and 250,000 activity locations. In the introduction to the report
presenting intermediate results after nearly two years of effort, the authors characterized
collating the existing data (no special data were collected for this project) as a tremendous
chore and a daunting task. The report makes the disclaimer that the purpose of the Portland
study was to calibrate the model with the Portland historical data and that the stated objective
was to allow the developers of the model to understand transportation planning methods and
the model components. The Portland lesson indicates that the hurdle of using microsimula-
tion for planning is the large effort required for data preparation and model calibration.
Another issue that must be resolved is the massive computations needed. TRANSIMS was
proposed for the modeling of the Switzerland transportation system, and in the interim report
researchers mentioned the large computational load that required clusters of PCs and Internet
connection (Raney et al. 2002).

3.5.6 Other Considerations

Client preferences must be considered when selecting a model and a modeling approach. For
example, transportation administration may have its own standard models. For years, the
Highway Capacity Manual was preferred by most state and local highway agencies. Simu-
lation models were then approved by several states to be used concurrently or instead. In the
private sector, modeling practice is more diversified and depends on the preferences of
individual clients.

Modeling tools with a good visual presentation of the results, including microsimulation, are
attractive because they facilitate communication between transportation analysts, deci-
sion-makers, and the public. The danger is that realistically displayed vehicles moving in a
pseudorealistic transportation system, although not guaranteeing realistic results, may be
convincing evidence of model validity to the layperson. Another dangerous myth is that the
more detailed the representation of a transportation system is, the more accurate the results
are. These two myths have continued to proliferate since microsimulation was introduced and
modeling became an industry. Quality control, typically expensive and difficult in trans-
portation modeling, may easily be lost in these transactions. The burden of quality assurance
in modeling usually lies with clients that are public agencies.

3.6 Transportation Systems Evaluation

3.6.1 Steps in Evaluation

Transportation projects affect communities and are usually funded by public agencies.
Evaluation of large projects that considerably impact whole communities requires public
involvement. This specific requirement of transportation projects determines the method of

their evaluation as the benefits and costs are estimated from the societal point of view. The
primary objective of the evaluation effort is to select the best alternative solution, and
typically no-build is one of the alternatives. Inclusion of the no-build scenario allows
feasibility checking by comparing proposed solutions with the no-build scenario. The best
alternative is selected from feasible solutions.

The first step of any evaluation is developing project alternatives. There are no specific
guidelines on what and how alternatives should be developed. This part depends strongly on
the transportation problem, existing infrastructure, and public and decision-makers’
preferences. For example, the Central Area Loop study finished in 2001 (Driehaus 2001;
Central Area Loop Study 2002) considered four alternatives for the Cincinnati area:
● No-build
● Enhanced shuttle bus service—increasing frequency and coverage, adding exclusive
bus lanes and bus priority at traffic signals
● Streetcar
● Personal rapid transit, a novel automated transit system based on small cars

The second step is to select evaluation criteria. These criteria should be adequate to the
evaluated alternatives and of course should include all aspects important to the decision-
making body as well as to the community (travelers, business owners, and residents). In the
Cincinnati case, 59 criteria were formulated shown in Table 3.1.
The third step is to evaluate alternatives using the developed criteria. This is the stage where
demand and traffic flows are predicted and travel quality estimated. In addition, ec- onomic
and environmental impacts are quantified. Transportation modeling is extensively used in this
phase, and the outcome includes tables summarizing fulfillment of the criteria by the
alternatives. Table 3.2 shows example results for the four alternatives for Cincinnati as
published by the Sky Loop Committee (at
According to the revised values, personal rapid transit has the largest ridership and the lowest
cost per passenger.

The fourth step is to select the best alternative. Although an evaluation analysis helps in
making a selection, the final selection belongs to a decision-maker. In the Cincinnati case, the
Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments selected the improved bus service.
The personal rapid transit alternative was rejected as not proven technologically (Driehaus
2001; Central Area Loop Study 2002). Other concerns included too-high capital costs,
removing commuters from businesses at the street level, and poor aesthetics.

3.6.2 Conditions of Truthful Evaluation
The Central Area Loop Study for Cincinnati involved controversies around the modeling
particulars. The draft final report prepared by a hired consultant was rebuked by one of the
participating parties (Sky Loop Committee and Taxi 2000 Corporation 2001) as biased
against one of the studied alternatives. This is not an unusual situation; parties involved in the
evaluation process have their own preferences, opinions, and agenda. Therefore, it is
important that the evaluation results be defendable. Several unquestioned technical conditions
of truthful evaluation can be pointed out.

1. Properly identified transportation problem. Incorrectly identified transportation

prob- lems immediately defeat the purpose of the evaluation study. Current
transportation problems are typically obvious and are identified through data routinely
collected and analyzed by transportation agencies or through special studies triggered
by travelers’ complaints. Identi- fication of future transportation problems requires
modeling, is more challenging, and in- cludes predicting future conditions for the
no-build scenario. A transportation analyst must decide where prediction of future

demand is needed with all or some of the constraints removed (for example, road
capacity). Conditions 3–7 discussed below apply also here.

2. Adequately and exhaustively developed alternatives. Alternative projects are

developed to solve the identified transportation problem. The proposed alternatives
must cover a broad spectrum of possibilities.
3. Input data of the best quality achievable. The amount of data can be large, and its
collection may be costly. It is difficult to explain why existing needed data are not
used if they are available. Collection of new data depends on the budget and time
4. Honest assumptions where data are lacking. It is not possible to have all required
data available. In such cases assumption may be the only way, but these assumptions
must be justified with analogous cases, with common knowledge, or at least with a
consensus of the participating parties. The last option seems to be most difficult.
5. Adequate model calibrated for local conditions. Model selection and calibration
issues are discussed above. It is obvious that an inadequate or inadequately calibrated
model may generate inaccurate and even useless results. Model selection should
consider resources re- quired for model calibration to avoid a situation where no time
or no funds are available to calibrate the selected model.
6. Adequate and exhaustive evaluation criteria. Evaluation criteria must reflect the
pref- erences of the stakeholders and should consider all foreseeable benefits and
losses caused by the alternatives. Therefore, input from the public is often sought if
the subject transpor- tation system is public or considerably influences the community.
7. Proper documentation of the evaluation process and presentation of the results.
The final report must clearly state all the data sources, the assumptions made, and the
tools used including the procedure for reaching the conclusions. The results should be

presented in a friendly way to help laypersons understand the results, conclusions, and
justification of the conclusions. All the critical results must be included. Modern
presentation techniques allow for attractive layouts.

3.7 Closure
The high costs of transportation investments require sound decisions. Evaluation of
transportation systems is needed and required before a decision can be made, and this
evaluation can be complex if its subject is complex. Modeling makes the evaluation task
manageable. Good modeling of transportation systems is resource-demanding. The costs can
be re- duced by using an adequate modeling tool that does not require redundant data and
extensive calibration. Planning models and microsimulation are typically data-demanding.
Combining these two creates large computational and input requirements. It should be kept in
mind that an inappropriate model or one having incorrect calibration may produce inaccurate
results. Ethical issues are frequently present in transportation modeling and evaluation. The
high costs of good modeling, the shortage of time and data, and the quality-control difficulties
create conditions where the best modeling and evaluation practice may be replaced by a
substitute process where the tools and outcomes are accepted because the results are timely
available and seemingly usable.

This chapter discussed, in general terms, conditions of technically sound modeling and
evaluation of transportation systems. More detailed presentation of various modeling and
evaluation tools can be found in other chapters of this Handbook. The reader may visit the
Online TDM Encyclopedia, created and maintained by the Victoria Transport Policy Institute,
at This site offers a practical compendium of transportation de-
mand management methods and issues. The United States Department of Transportation
sponsors a clearinghouse for information on travel demand forecasting at http://tmip. clearinghouse/. This site contains over 100 documents well organized and classi-
fied. Readers who would like to learn more about existing microsimulation models should
visit, which lists 32 existing mi-
crosimulation models and discusses various aspects of microsimulation.

4. Software Systems And Simulation For
Transportation Applications

Senior members of the profession speak of a time when signal optimization was done by
physical time-space boards on which the intersection signal timing patterns were slid relative
to each other (with an overlay of cords sloped for lead vehicle trajectories), and of a time
when traffic assignment models were executed overnight on a mainframe computer, in a
batch mode. Most data collection was by manual counts and classifications, or by roadside
mechanical counters that contained paper rolls on which counts were printed.

Thanks to massive advances in computing and communications technology, we now live in

an era in which much data can be downloaded electronically, transmitted wirelessly, input
into spreadsheet programs, and presented in summary reports and visuals by automated
processes. In traffic control, data availability in real time is a reality. Sophisticated computer
programs aid computation, signal optimization, and network assignments. This includes dy-
namic traffic assignments, responsive to incidents and events. Networks are modeled and
simulated to the microscopic level. The emphasis on intelligent transportation systems (ITS)
has raised the level of both technological capability and public expectation. Global position-
ing systems (GPS), geographic information systems (GIS), pervasive cellular telephones, and
electronic toll-collection systems have been added to the repertoire.

At the same time, much of the sensing is still done by road tubes, albeit linked to so-
phisticated devices. Integration of these varied technological capabilities into a seamless
system of information is still a challenge. The very power and sophistication of some com-
putational tools has led to a new generation of planning-level estimators, consistent with the
newer operational tools.

The purpose of this chapter is to provide some information on the span of software systems
and simulation tools available to practicing engineers and planners. Much of the emphasis is
on traffic tools, but there seems to be a convergence of traffic and transportation tools—and
thought—as the field develops.

4.1 Computation Versus Simulation

Some use the words ‘‘simulation’’ and ‘‘computation’’ rather interchangeably. It is better to
make the clear distinction that if an equation or algorithm is well defined but being executed
by computer for speed or efficiency, it is a computational tool; if subsystems are modeled,
randomness introduced, and the subsystems linked, then it is generally a simulation tool.

In this spirit, the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM ) (TRB 2000) is a collection of
computational procedures that are being realized in a set of computational tools, such as HCS

and HCM/ Cinema. A number of signal-optimization programs, including TRANSYT and
PASSER, are also computational tools. Some tools that combine capacity and signal
optimization, such as SIGNAL2000, SIG/ Cinema, and SYNCHRO, also fit within this

One of the earliest simulation tools was the UTCS-1 (FHWA 1974; see also Lieberman,
Worrall, and Bruggeman 1972), prepared for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
as part of the Urban Traffic Control System testbed in Washington, DC, dating to the late
1960s. This was a true simulation, in that such subsystems as turning, speed selection and
car-following, and lane selection were modeled stochastically, calibrated individually, and
then incorporated into a system that simulated traffic movements on arterials and in networks
at a microscopic (i.e., individual vehicle) level.

This tool later evolved into NETSIM (Andrews 1989) and was validated over the years at the
macro level of overall network flows, speeds, and delay. An analogous tool was developed
for traffic on freeways and aptly named FRESIM (FHWA 1994). These were integrated under
the direction of FHWA into a corridor tool, CORSIM (Kaman Sciences Corporation 1996).
Other corridor tools, such as WATSIM, have been produced as competing products, as have
such traffic simulators as VISSIM and PARAMICS.**

The newer generations of transportation assignment tools are linked to such computational
tools and/ or to assignment models. Examples include EMME, AIMSUN, and TRANPLAN.†
One system for organizing the links between various computational and simulation models
is TEAPAC2000.‡

4.1.1 Important Areas and Tools Not Covered

This chapter does not address a host of transportation computational tools available in the
profession: transit scheduling and routing algorithms; commercial vehicle route selection or
dynamic routing; emerging multimodal tools for corridor assessment; and several other areas.
The selection for this chapter represents a judgment call on the set of tools and principles of
interest to many practicing engineers and planners in their common practice and needs.

4.2 Sensing Traffic By Virtual Detectors

The mainstay of traffic detection for decades has been magnetic sensing of vehicles by a loop
installed into the road surface. While relatively reliable, complete intersection coverage is
expensive, and the desired detail (vehicle classification, extent of queue, speed estimation) is

To a large extent, the newest tool is a standard or infrared video camera covering an area such
as an intersection approach, coupled with software that creates ‘‘virtual detectors’’ that are

defined and located by the user, to observe counts at points, occupancy at points or areas
(including queue extent), and speeds. Some capability to classify vehicles may also be in-

Using such a tool, the transportation professional can ‘‘locate’’ numerous ‘‘detectors’’
essentially by drawing them on top of the intersection image, and depending upon the soft-
ware to process the data. Refer to Figure 4.1 for an illustration of virtual detector placement.
AutoScope is one of the pioneering video imaging systems; there are now a number of such
products in the international ITS community.

The use of infrared imaging allows vehicles to be detected in a variety of weather con-
ditions. The use of sophisticated algorithms based upon coverage of the underlying pavement
image allows data to be collected from stationary traffic as well as moving traffic. The
literature now shows variants of these concepts, including laser systems for traffic detection,
as well as a new generation of radar detectors.

4.3 Traffic Software Systems

There are national FHWA-designated software distribution centers, notably McTrans at the
University of Florida ( and PC-TRANS at Kansas University
( pctrans). Originally funded by FHWA during their startup phase, they
now exist based upon software sales and related services.

To appreciate the range of software products available to the user community, note the
categories listed on those two websites:
● Capacity analysis
● Construction management
● Demand modeling
● Environmental engineering
● General traffic
● Highway design
● Highway hydraulics
● Highway surveying
● Mapping and GIS
● Network assignment
● Paratransit operation
● Pavements/ maintenance
● Planning data
● Project management
● Safety and accidents
● Signal timing / signal warrants
● Site analysis
● Structural engineering
● Traffic data
● Traffic maintenance
● Traffic simulation
● Transit operations
● Transit planning

plus categories named ‘‘Utilities (Computer)’’ at one site and ‘‘General Interest’’ and
‘‘McTrans Training’’ at the other.
From this list, the present chapter limits its attention primarily to a few categories: traffic
simulation and, to some extent, signal timing and capacity analysis.

4.4 Basics Of Simulation

Simulation is used extensively in manufacturing, traffic engineering, and other areas. The
simulation models themselves can be classified into generic tools and application-specific
models. Modern manufacturing simulations allow the user to define a production line or
process by dragging icons of process steps into a logical order in a Windows environment,
and to define the characteristics of each process step as well as the workload (demand)
characteristics. Likewise, the report statistics may be defined by the user. The actual
mechanisms of the simulation are rather invisible to the user.

Traffic-simulation models tend to be more application-specific; thus, NETSIM was tailored to

only vehicular traffic on surface street networks. The network definition has become more

user-friendly over the years, but is not yet the drag-and-click approach in generic
manufacturing models. CORSIM—which includes both NETSIM and FRESIM—was in-
tended to be more user-friendly. Several other packages (TEAPAC, AIMSUN) are designed
to emphasize user-friendly links between models and / or easy network building.

4.4.1 Random Number Generation

The most basic feature of simulation is randomness, and yet digital computers are determin-
istic by their very nature. How then does one generate random numbers on a computer?

The answer is that one creates a computer code that generates a sequence of numbers that
appear to be random. In fact, there is a pattern, but it repeats only after millions of numbers.
Sequential numbers in the chain do not appear to be correlated to each other even with rather
sophisticated statistical techniques. These ‘‘pseudo-random’’ number generators are now used
extensively and are rather sophisticated in masking the underlying relation. Indeed, they are
so routine that spreadsheets now incorporate random-number-generating capabilities.

In many applications, the user can specify a starting or ‘‘seed’’ number for the chain. By
specifying a different number, the user picks up the chain in a different place for each choice.
The user can also specify the same number and be assured that exactly the same numbers are
generated in exactly the same pattern. This is extremely useful when one wishes to see how
two different control policies affect exactly the same traffic, something that is impossible in
the real world.

From a statistical point of view, it also allows paired t-tests to be run on the performance data
from a set of N replications under two different control policies, if the same set of N different
seed numbers is used in the N runs for each policy.

4.4.2 Time-Based versus Event-Based Simulation

It is rather natural to think of moving ahead in discrete steps of time, say one second into the
future. With knowledge of vehicle speeds and positions, a car-following relation, a lane-
changing rule, and certain other rules, we can then simulate the next positions (and speeds) of
individual vehicles. We can also estimate whether a new vehicle entered the system in each
entry lane on each link. Further, we can gather information needed for the performance
indices and vehicle trajectories. This approach is discrete time-based simulation.

Another approach is event-based simulation. Consider a single waiting line on which there
are two important events: a customer service is completed, or a new customer arrives. Rather
than estimating the probability of each event in the next second, we can generate the time t1
to the next completion-of-service and the time t2 to the next arrival, each generated from an
appropriate distribution. We can then jump ahead by whichever is the smaller of t1 and t2
seconds and continue to jump ahead from one event to another.

Event-based simulation of neatly contained systems (such as the above-cited bank teller)
generally involves fewer steps over the simulation period than a time-based simulation of the
same process, and can therefore be much faster running and even require less computer
memory. However, the events must be very well defined, and the actual simulation code tends
to be built around the events. If the process mechanisms are redefined—one customer line,
multiple servers or various types of customers and toll types—the number and definition of
events can change, complicating the modeling, shortening the time between events, driving
up the computation time and complexity. Nominal advantages over a time-based approach
can thereby erode.

From the way many of us are educated, we find orderly discrete steps to be more natural in
our thinking and planning. In addition, it is easier to think of a modular approach—the rules
for car-following and for lane-changing are separable, even if they interact; desired free-flow
speeds can be tagged to vehicles more easily; vehicles can be followed through the system.

The modular construct (that is, the construction by modules) is important, for we have
certainly learned that traffic simulation models evolve as experience is gained and new needs
are defined. Also, the power of modern desktop and notebook computers makes the older
concerns for computational burden and memory efficiency less important than they once

4.4.3 Modeling the Mechanisms

The first issue is actually enumerating the mechanisms of the proposed simulation model and
defining their interactions. This done, it is then necessary to model the individual mech-
anisms, link them, use them, and refine them in some iterative process that introduces reality.
Consider the simple case of traffic traveling on an arterial. The primary mechanisms might
● Vehicle arrives.
● Vehicle travels in lane at desired speed.
● Vehicle interacts with others (car-following).
● Vehicle changes lane, or not (Overtaking? Turning? When? Why?).
● Signal indication influences vehicle.
● Vehicle decelerates.
● Vehicle accelerates.

This simplified list does not include the ways in which the vehicle may interact with pedes-
trians, geometrics (grade of road, for instance), weather, or sun glare. Nor does the list
include the ways in which cross-traffic is considered, or many other factors.

Nonetheless, having defined these basic mechanisms, the immediate challenge is then to
establish the details of the mechanisms, the links to other mechanisms (because they are
generally interdependent), and the calibration/ validation data needs.

Moreover, there must be a guiding principle that anticipates the uses to which the model will
be put. This is often elusive, because users find new applications and because the state of the
art changes. Nonetheless, the need exists.

Consider the simple decision to affix an identifying tag to each vehicle as it enters the
network, which it retains as it moves through the network. This allows: (1) future applications
to assign a route to that particular vehicle, and to update that route periodically; (2) desired
speed and accel / decel patterns to be linked to that vehicle; (3) location data to be stored at
each increment of time, allowing trajectories to be reconstructed. Without such an identity
tag, the same vehicle might bounce through the network by Brownian motion, subject to a
series of random turn decisions (with the turn percentage being a characteristic of the inter-
section), with no meaningful path information recoverable.

4.4.4 Calibrating the Mechanisms and/ or the Model

If the mechanisms are constructed as linked modular entities, it should be possible to
calibrate each mechanism individually.

Consider the left-turn mechanism under permissive signalization, which is basically a

gap-acceptance rule that considers the size of the available gap, the speed of the approaching
vehicle, and perhaps the type of opposing vehicle. It might also consider the type of left-
turning vehicle, the ‘‘pressure’’ from queued vehicles behind the turner, the number of lanes
to be crossed, and other factors.

The challenge is to define the mechanism in a way that is both realistic and capable of
calibration with an affordable amount of data. The starting point is often the traffic theory
literature. Once the data plan is constructed, it must be executed at sufficient sites to assure

At this level of detail, it may be that the model as an entity is not calibrated as such, but that it
is run for reality checks on whether the overall performance is credible.

4.4.5 Validating the Mechanisms and/ or the Model

Validation is a distinct operation from calibration and requires data reserved or collected for
the purpose. Calibration data cannot be used to validate a model, simply because it is then a
self-fulfilling prophecy.

Validation can be done on two levels, the microscopic checking of individual mechanisms
and the macroscopic checking of aggregate performance measures. The latter category may
verify that arterial travel times, average speeds, and delay conform to real-world observations
when observed traffic data (volumes, composition, etc.) are fed into the model. Because this

is a statistical test, usually operating with a null hypothesis that the model and real world
results are the same, a validation may require a significant amount of data.

Microscopic validation of individual mechanisms is done less frequently, simply because of

the data needs. However, it is logical that it be part of every research project in which
particular mechanism(s) are pivotal in determining the aggregate results, or the specific per-
formance is being investigated as part of the research.

A close look at the details of the simulation model may reveal items in which a new and
detailed mechanism calibration is needed before the anticipated research investigation can be
done. For instance, CORSIM has a mechanism by which vehicles can turn into or out of
driveways. However, this mechanism does not include any details on the geometries of the
driveways, and therefore CORSIM (as an example) could not be used to investigate such

4.5 Issues In Traffic Simulation

A number of issues in planning a traffic simulation deserve special attention.

4.5.1 Number of Replications

Assuming that the traffic simulation model is as random as the real world, at least in its
internal mechanisms, the resulting performance measures will be samples or observations
from a set of possible outcomes. That is, each performance measure is a random variable,
with a mean and variance (among other properties).

Because of this, several runs (or ‘‘replications’’) of the situations are needed, each with its
own set of seed random numbers. If one desires a certain confidence bound, a considerable
number of replications might be required. If one can only afford a limited number of rep-
lications, then the resultant confidence bound might be disappointing.

Some practitioners cite a rule of thumb that three replications are the minimum. Many have
translated that to mean that three replications will suffice. This is without foundation, and
confidence bounds must be considered in each case.

Consider the following nine replications in which the average speed is read from simu- lation

From these results, one can estimate a mean of 47.8 mph and a standard deviation of 3.6 mph.
Further, the 95 percent confidence bounds on the mean are •2.4 mph. If •1.0 mph were
desired, then 51 replications would have been required, rather than 9. If one could only afford
9 replications (or had time for only 9), then the 95 percent confidence bound on the mean
would be unavoidably •2.4 mph.

Some situations are not as bleak as this particular example. There is also some advantage
to be gained when two control policies are to be compared in terms of their effect on a
performance measure (in this case, the mean speed). Consider the case in which nine
replications are done with each of two control policies, using the same nine sets of seed
numbers for each policy (that is, the identical traffic, so to speak). This ‘‘pairs’’ specific sets
of runs and allows us to construct the following:

If a test were done on this data without pairing, under the hypothesis of ‘‘the two means are
the same,’’ the variability in the data would lead us to not reject the hypothesis of equal
means. Even if such a difference existed, it could not be detected.

However, by pairing the runs according to the seed numbers (i.e., the exact traffic pat- terns),
the differences in each pair can be computed, as shown in the last column above.

In this particular case (which we arranged to be so dramatic), all of the differences are
positive, with a mean of 2.3 mph and a standard deviation of 0.9 mph. Indeed, the 95 percent
confidence bounds on the mean are •0.6 mph, and a hypothesis of ‘‘zero difference’’ is easily
rejected. While not all cases are so dramatic, the reader must understand the advan- tages of a
well-planned set of runs.

4.5.2 Length of Run

Early on in the practice of simulation, another rule of thumb emerged: runs should be (at
least) 15 minutes long. Again, many users interpreted this to be that they can all be 15
minutes long.

Rather than follow such a rule of thumb, the user must focus on the defining events,
determine how often they occur, and select the run duration so that a reasonable number of
these cases occur during the observation period.

Consider the case in which the productivity of an approach is being considered and there are
two defining events—the vehicle at the head of the queue is a left turner who traps everyone
else, or it isn’t. If the first situation occurs only 10 percent of the time, and by definition can
occur only once every cycle length, then a 15-minute period with a 90-second cycle length
will have no such blockages 35 percent of the runs and only one such blockage another 39
percent of the runs. Lengthening the run duration will dramatically lower these probabilities,
if that is desired.

It is good practice to use runs of 1–2 hours of simulated time when a number of such ‘‘rare’’
events should be included in the typical period. Another situation that may lead to longer runs
is taking the effect of buses into account, because the interarrival times on even a very busy
route is often at most 3–5 minutes.

4.5.3 Detail of Specific Detailed Mechanisms

It was already noted that driveway geometrics were not included in the surface street part of
CORSIM, limiting the analysis that can be done on the effect of driveway location / number/
design on access management measures.

Consider another case, that of bus traffic in an urban area. If the simulation model specifies a
dwell time distribution but does not link it to the interarrival time between buses, an
important mechanism contributing to platooning of buses can be overlooked. This is because
the delayed buses in the model do not have more people waiting for them, and early-arriving
buses do not have fewer. If a user is looking at overall performance, this may not be a

problem. But if the user is trying to study bus platooning specifically, this can be a major
problem and the mechanism might have to be created and the model revised.

4.5.4 Avoiding Use of the Model beyond Its Limits

This is simply another aspect of the point just made, but it is a particular challenge when a
user is trying a new application. A working knowledge of the model is needed, on a level that
only the developers and a few others might have.

4.5.5 Selecting Performance Measures for the Model

The traffic engineering profession has a number of well-established measures (volume, flow
rate, speed, delay) and a number of evolving ones, particularly as relate to multimodal
considerations. Even so, the measures defined in some simulation models may not conform to
the standard definitions and usage. For instance, there are many forms of ‘‘speed’’ used in
both practice and in traffic models.

4.5.6 User-Friendly Input and Output

Whereas the preceding items focus on some of the important issues in applying models, the
most important user issues tend to be in how user-friendly the input/ output is and how
efficiently it can link to existing databases, if at all. For instance, TEAPAC, AIMSUN, HCM/
Cinema, and to some extent CORSIM make major points on how clear the input process is
and/ or how much they link to other models.

4.6 Visualization
Two aspects of visualization deserve our attention: (1) the displays that tell system managers
and the public the condition of the network, and (2) graphic representations of simulator
outputs that provide powerful visual images of the situation.

4.6.1 Network Displays

Other sections of this Handbook and such references as Roess, Prassas, and McShane (2003)
address the subjects of traffic signal optimization on surface streets and of freeway
surveillance and control. These subjects are central themes in ITS applications, with greater
emphasis placed on communication with the drivers and on the autonomous decisions then
made by those drivers.

There has also been a growing emphasis on color-coded maps of the freeway system,
available from traffic control centers and used by local TV stations. These graphically depict
the trouble spots in the network at any given time.

Some TV and radio stations also depend heavily on a network of ‘‘web-cams’’ to observe
conditions in the network and inform the public. Webcams were once the domain of the
agencies operating the facilities and employing video cameras, but it is now relatively com-
mon for TV and radio to depend both on these and on privately sponsored web-cams. Some
agencies feature such displays on their website or are used by TV and radio on their web

Given the information flowing to drivers through such systems, through in-vehicle routing
systems, and through traffic advisory services (often based upon cell phones), an interesting
challenge emerges for the transportation professional: how are the drivers going to reroute
themselves, and how does this affect the network loading and hence travel times?

This challenge can be stated as trying to estimate the actions of drivers based upon their
current location, the origin-destination that underlies their initial route selection, and their
(generally unknown) personal decision rules.

Therefore, the technical problems of (a) dynamic traffic reassignment and (b) estimation of
O/ D patterns from observed data take on greater importance, and in fact blend into the traffic
optimization problem.

A related issue is the type of data available from which to estimate the underlying O/ D
pattern. Some work has assumed that only traffic count observations are available, with turn
information. Other work has focused on ‘‘probe vehicles’’ that transmit information from
which their exact routing is known. And, of course, with the rather pervasive use of cell
phones—and subject to privacy issues related to accessing the data—the route information on
many vehicles could be obtained from cell phone locations over time.

4.6.2 Visualization of Simulation Results

More and more, computer models are measured by their ability to effectively communicate
the results, in two-dimensional or, preferably, three-dimensional representations.

Figure 4.2 shows the output of the VISSIM model in which the two-dimensional simu- lation
output is shown in the context of aerial photographs of the area; this is a standard feature
available in VISSIM. Figure 4.3 shows another VISSIM output, with a three- dimensional
perspective. The PARAMICS model also has three-dimensional displays.

Other models provide three-dimensional animations as part of the standard output, or as

specialty displays for specific needs. Figure 4.4 shows an AIMSUN output, and Figure 4.5
shows a WATSIM output tailored to an acute operational problem in a very constrained urban

4.7 FHWA Next Generation Simulation (Ngsim) Program
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) of the USDOT has been the pioneering force
and sponsor behind the early development of traffic-simulation models, and to this date
continues to maintain and support the CORSIM program, as part of its overall TSIS-5 system.
Having been the leader in establishing a viable market for traffic simulation tools, and several
commercial products having emerged, FHWA has reviewed its role and redefined its role as a
market facilitator. In this role, it will conduct and sponsor research on the building blocks for
models (lane change logic, gap acceptance logic, and other fundamental behavioral models)
and will ensure that the resultant core algorithms, validation data sets, and docu- mentation
are widely and openly available. FHWA will also facilitate the deployment and use of
existing tools, by a combination of outreach, training, guidance, and technical support
within its Traffic Analysis Tools Program.

In its work leading to this new role, FHWA conducted various polls of constituencies, one of
which being a survey in which 40 state and local agencies responded to the question, ‘‘What
are the major barriers to your use of traffic analysis tools?’’ FHWA reports the following top
● Lack of trained staff
● Lack of time
● Intensive data-gathering requirements
● Cost of software
● Lack of confidence in the results

To the question ‘‘What are the major enablers to your use of traffic analysis tools?’’ the top
answers were reported as:
● Integrated training curriculum
● Short course on specific models
● Access to comprehensive technical assistance
● Face-to-face technical information exchange
● Overview course that introduces models

4.8 Why Simulate? Advanced Traffic Control Systems, And Other

The above user perceptions are interesting and represent significant barriers to general use
and acceptance of simulation as a powerful and routine tool. At the same time, better support
and information is identified as the solution path.

The most basic reasons for using simulation extensively are straightforward:

1. One can experiment with various control policies without disrupting real traffic and
mak- ing that traffic part of an experiment.
2. The same can be said of alternative designs for remedies to existing or future
conditions, such as lane additions, rerouting of traffic, changes in direction of links,
and so forth.
3. Above all, these alternative control implementations and designs can be considered
rap- idly, without major capital investment.
4. Whenever desired, various alternatives can be considered with exactly the same traffic
load and conditions, something that is simply not feasible in the real world.

Refer to Figure 4.6 for an illustration of a setting in which design and control changes may be
useful in seeking a remedy.

The potential place of traffic simulators in real-time control is another important reason.
Historically, simulators and signal optimization programs dependent upon simulators could
really only be used off-line. Figure 4.7 shows that if one aspires to truly real-time control, the
time period available for the computations is rather short. Therefore, the speed of the
available computers and/ or the simulator or computational tool is of critical importance.

Historically, the computer speed and computational burden has limited the options avail- able
for control. Table 4.1 shows the three planned generations of the FHWA Urban Traffic
Control System (UTCS); these have to be viewed in the context of computing power
available at the time.

Figure 4.8 shows the typical control loop, with emphasis on the logical place (and time) in
which the computations and simulation has to be done. If it is not feasible to do so, the
control interval has to be made longer (as in the early UTCS generations) or the aspiration
deferred for faster models and / or faster computers.

4.9 Traffic Simulators

At the beginning of this chapter, a number of simulators and computational tools that embed
or use simulations were enumerated. At the risk of overlooking a key model, it will simply be
noted that the available and widely used tools (nationally and internationally) include
tools that incorporate some simulation, such as HCM/ Cinema (for intersection animation),

Figure 4.9 shows a short section of an arterial that is a representative small problem for a
simulator. Figure 4.10 shows the corresponding link-node representation used in such tools as
CORSIM and WATSIM. Some models, including VISSIM, emphasize a link-connector basis
rather than a link-node structure; the advantage cited is flexibility in constructing com- plex
intersections or lane alignments.

Table 4.2 shows a representative tabular output corresponding to the network just cited. The
metrics by link include vehicle miles and trips, delay, time in queue, stopped time, and speed.
Figure 4.11 shows a diagram of the TEAPAC2000 system and the relation to other tools.
Figure 4.12 shows an illustrative input screen for HCM/ Cinema, which embeds a simu-
lator to generate animations and certain statistics.

Because there are a number of models in the commercial market, each with its own satisfied
user base, this chapter will not attempt to rank or rate the alternative models. Indeed, the
literature contains little information on extensive comparative testing of various models
relative to each other or to base cases with real field data.

Several of the models emphasize their suitability for ITS applications. One of the more
interesting applications is the modeling of toll plazas with a mix of exact change, cash, and
electronic toll collection (ETC). Because such systems are one of the most visible imple-
mentations of seamless regional transportation technology, and because ETC and ‘‘smart
cards’’ can contribute important data, the next section addresses these topics.

As the use of these technologies spread even more widely, the potential for a new range—
and quality—of network data becomes available. This shapes what simulators can do, and
how they must be designed, to address problems that heretofore were deemed infeasible.

4.10 Electronic Toll Collection And Smart Cards

At the time of this writing, it is still appropriate to treat electronic toll collection (ETC) and
the smart card as distinct topics, but the distinction is blurring as the field advances. The
concept of one debit card to be used seamlessly on different transit services and also on toll
roads is exceptionally attractive to the public and is evolving rapidly in the United States and

One of the highly visible systems in the United States is the E-Z Pass system used in a
number of jurisdictions in New York, New Jersey, and more recently Delaware. The great
appeal is that one in-vehicle device can be used on many different facilities, with the driver
not concerned with which agency operates what facility. Underlying the tag’s popularity is of
course special toll lanes that accept only the E-Z Pass and have much smaller queues (if any);
refer to Figure 4.13. Another major feature is discounts for tag users, compared to tolls paid
at the standard lanes.

At the time E-Z Pass was introduced, a great concern was whether the public would accept
and use the system. In 2001, there were some 2 million E-Z Pass tags in use, and— in order
to encourage reasonable speeds through the toll booths—the penalty that was pre- sented for
violations was suspension of the right to use E-Z Pass.

When the E-Z Pass system was introduced on the New Jersey Turnpike in 2000, the
immediate effect was a 40 percent usage of the special lanes, thanks in good part to the
extensive number of users in the region.

In Florida, a tag system known as E-Pass is in use. As of this writing, an extensive

operational test of a public-private effort named the ‘‘Orlando Regional Alliance for Next
Generation Electronic payment Systems’’ (ORANGES). This system is to create a seamless,
multimodal electronic payment system that includes toll roads, bus transit riders, and parking

There are in fact a variety of ETC systems in use or planning throughout the world, including
projects in Europe, Brazil, Canada, Australia, China, Malaysia, and Thailand.

Three issues/ trends have been emerging since the initiation of the ETC systems:
1. Data can be collected from the tags to estimate travel times on sections of road and
between toll stations. The same data can be used for noting routing patterns. At the
present time, one of the uses of travel time data is providing the public with estimates
of the condition of the system, a benign application. But the potential for using the
same tags for speed enforcement exists, although it currently would be viewed as
counterproductive in encouraging card use. The ability to establish routings and to
know starting times, down to a personal level, also raises questions of privacy, an
issue that is a companion to such an information-rich environment.
2. A new generation is emerging of toll stations that do not have (or need) the physical
infrastructure of existing toll plazas, and can sense vehicles at prevailing speeds.
3. The pervasiveness of the tags enables congestion pricing to be considered as
technically feasible. Indeed, various discounting options already in effect can lay the
groundwork for public acceptance—and perhaps enthusiasm—for such systems.

Systems using smart cards have generally been of the variety of seamless travel using a
common card on public transportation, thus making the trips easier. In New York City, the
MetroCard (perhaps not fully enabled yet as a smart card) allows users free transfers between
bus and subway if the transfer is made within a certain time. Other systems use variable
pricing with distance and time of day.

As already cited, the ORANGES project is extending the use of smart cards from public
transportation to parking and to toll roads.
One should look forward and consider at least four enticing issues with future generations of
smart cards:

1. The opportunity to encourage seamless and efficient use of all transportation modes
2. The ability to introduce variable cost with time of day and with distance, thus moving
to a wider use of the congestion pricing or road user cost concepts

3. The extensive database that is being created, and the potential to use that data to
obtain both traffic statistics (volume, speeds, travel times) and O/ D estimates for use
○ Building historical patterns, by season, weather, and other factors
○ Observing trends and changes in the historical patterns
○ Use in planning, in scheduling, and even in revising transit routes
○ Real-time use of the data in traffic advisories and control, as well as response
to inci- dents

4.11 Planning Tools

This chapter has focused on computational models and simulation models that are becoming
more powerful over time and more capable of addressing sophisticated problems. This is
proper, logical, and accurate. The profession is to some extent moving to a set of tools that
simply cannot be executed by hand. For a document such as the Highway Capacity Manual to
recognize and accept this principle for operational analyses is truly ground-breaking.

At the same time, there is a growing demand for planning techniques that are fast, simple,
and easy to use and communicate. It is generally acknowledged that these must be consistent
with operational techniques, but capable of giving preliminary guidance on the capability of
facilities in terms of AADT and quality of flow. The Florida DOT (2002) has been a pioneer
in this development of modern simplified tools to handle both the early stages of planning
and some aggregate assessment of operational impacts.

This is given special note because these models contribute to the development of a spec- trum
of tools available to the professional, suited to the precision and data availability needed at
different stages; in this continuum, it is the simulation models that often represent the most
sophisticated of the approaches. And it is somewhat fascinating that the barriers and needs
identified by FHWA for simulation tools (cited in this chapter) apply equally well to the
planning tools of FDOT—training and technical support, in several forms.

5. Applications Of Gis In Transportation

5.1 Introduction
The application of geographic information systems in the transportation industry (GIS-T) has
become widespread in the past decade or so.* Indeed, as Miller and Shaw (2001) put it,
GIS-T has arrived and is one of the most important applications of GIS.

In the United States, several key pieces of federal legislation passed in the 1990s— including
the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991, the Transportation Equity Act
for the 21st Century of 1998 (Meyer 1999), the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990
(CAAA), and legislation by states that mandate the development of transportation programs
to reduce traffic impacts—contain explicit requirements for local and state gov- ernments to
consider transportation systems through their interdependence with other natural, social, and
economic systems. There exists a need, therefore, for enhanced approaches to store,
manipulate, and analyze data spanning multiple themes—for example, highway infra-
structure, traffic flow, transit characteristics, demographics, and air quality. Later in this
chapter, several applications from each of these areas, and others, are described.

GIS offers a data management and modeling platform capable of integrating a vast array of
data from various sources, captured at different resolutions, and on seemingly unrelated
themes. The objectives of this monograph are to define and describe GIS-T, provide a review
of GIS-T application areas, and present issues involved in implementing these systems. The
discussion begins with some background to GIS and GIS-T, providing definitions and some
discussion regarding the ‘‘why’’ of using them.

5.1.1 Background
The GIS is a computerized database management system that provides graphic access (cap-
ture, storage retrieval, analysis, and display) to spatial data. The most visually distinctive
feature of GIS software is a map display that allows thematic mapping and graphic output
overlain onto a map image. The key element that distinguishes GIS from other data systems
is the manner in which geographic data are stored and accessed. The types of GIS packages
used for transportation applications store geographic data using topological data structures
(objects’ locations relative to other objects are explicitly stored and therefore are accessible)
that allow analyses to be performed that are impossible using traditional data structures. The
addition of this spatial dimension to the database system is, of course, the source of power of
GIS. Without this dimension, the GIS is merely a database management engine. Linked with
the spatial dimension, its database management features enable GIS to capture spatial and
topological relationships among geo-referenced entities even when these relationships are not
predefined. Standard GIS functions include thematic mapping, statistics, charting, matrix
manipulation, decision support systems, modeling algorithms, and simultaneous ac- cess to
several databases.

In contrast to other GIS applications, GIS-T has as its central focus a transportation network
that has an intrinsic complexity due to its varying legal jurisdictions and multimodal nature.
The digital representation of such a network is nontrivial and will be discussed in the
following section.

5.2 Basic Principles Of Gis-T

5.2.1 GIS-T Data

Data and the modeling of those data are crucial elements of a successful system. The GIS
derives information from raw data—one of its primary strengths. Although data and infor-
mation are often used interchangeably, they can be quite different. Data consist of facts or
numbers representing facts, whereas information derives from data and gives meaning to
those facts. This section describes the nature, types, and sources of data and the modeling
techniques and data models that are used to convert the raw data to information.

The Nature of Data. There are two types of data in general: spatial data and attribute data.
Spatial data describe the physical geography represented in a database, whereas attribute data,
linked to the spatial data, describe the attributes of the spatial objects. For example, a point
could represent a tree location and its attributes might be species, diameter, or height. If a line
feature represents a road segment, attributes might include pavement type, number of lanes,
or speed limit. Area attributes might include soil type, vegetation cover, or land use. An
attribute is the generic descriptor for a feature, while each feature has a specific value. In the
point example above, likely values for the species attribute would be ‘‘pine,’’ ‘‘fir,’’ and
‘‘aspen.’’ Attributes may be described as the questions that would be asked and values as the
answers. Attributes to be collected would be determined in the software plan- ning process,
while specific values would be entered in the field.

The two most common ways of representing spatial data are the vector and raster formats. A
familiar analogy for these formats is bit-mapped photos (such as jpeg) corresponding to the
raster format and vector-based ones (such as tiff ) representing the vector format. Each of
these approaches has advantages and disadvantages and the choice between them lies in the
nature of the application for which the data are to be used. Data structure, that is, choice
between raster and vector, is generally one of the first major decisions to be made in estab-
lishing a GIS. With regard to GIS-T, this decision is fairly straightforward, however. Trans-
portation applications typically are concerned, as was pointed out earlier, with networks,
political boundaries, and so on. These are all well-defined line systems and thus lend them-
selves better to the vector data structure. This notwithstanding, there are situations in which
the raster format is used for transportation applications, and so the next few paragraphs
provide a description of both structures, including some discussion of their relative advan-
tages and disadvantages.

The Raster Data Structure. Raster data consist of rows of uniform cells coded according to
data values. For example, a landscape scene would be gridded and each cell in the grid would
be given a single landscape identity, usually a code number that refers to a specific attribute
measure (e.g., a particular land use or type of land cover). The number might also be an
actual measurement value, such as an amount of rainfall. These cells are akin to pixels on a
computer monitor. Indeed, carrying the analogy further, pixels have values associated with
them as well—color, hue, and shades of grey—and the degree of resolution provided relates
to the size of the pixel. Similarly, the degree of approximation in a landscape relates to the
size of the raster cell. A grid composed of small cells will follow the true location of a
boundary line more closely, for example. However, as with photo resolution, there is an
overhead cost, namely the size of the raster file containing the data will increase as cell size
decreases. In general, raster provides a simple data model and fast processing speed at the
expense of the excellent precision provided by the vector model with its higher data needs.
The nature of raster data lends itself to natural resources applications whose data elements
tend to be continuous in nature—such as soil type.

The Vector Data Structure. Vector data consist of points, lines, and closed polygons or areas,
much the same as the drawing elements in computer-aided drafting (CAD) programs. The
lines are continuous and are not broken into a grid structure. In the vector model, information
about points, lines, and polygons is encoded and stored as a collection of x–y coordinates.
The location of a point feature, such as a manhole, is described by a single x– y coordinate.
Linear features, such as roads, are stored as a string of point coordinates. Area features, such
as census tracts or traffic analysis zones, are stored as a closed-loop set of coordinates. The
vector model represents discrete features like buildings better than contin- uous features like
soil type. The vector format, in general, provides a more precise description of the location of
map features, eliminates the redundancy afforded by the raster model and therefore reduces
mass storage needs, and allows for network-based models. Vector models are, however, often
computationally intensive—much more so than their raster counterparts. Vector models are
most often used for man-made infrastructure applications, such as transportation. Indeed, for
transportation applications, vector-based GIS is by far the most commonly used data
structure. GIS-T, in representing guideways (or roadways), uses a co- ordinate system to store
and display primitive feature elements of points, lines, and areas.

The roadway is represented as a line feature.

A combined collection of graphical links form a roadway network, but this representation
alone is considered as having no intelligence—that is, connectivity (also known as topology)
does not exist. Unlike purely graphical software applications, however, GIS can build and
manage topology. A road network consists of a series of roadway line features that have the
same defined attributes—for example, road name. This connectivity of line features is critical
for use in routing and network data modeling. With respect to the latter, GIS network al-
gorithms may be used to determine optimal travel routes, which roadway or other facility is
closest, or what is near a particular site. Appropriate topology may be used most effectively if
built into the GIS data.

Topology describes how graphical objects connect to one another by defining relative
positions of points, lines and areas. For example, topology allows queries about which street
lines are adjacent to a census tract area, or what intersection node points form the end points
of a street segment (link). The latter information is essential for routing applications. Only
vector-based data include topological information, which is in part why these data may have
higher costs associated with them—the presence of topology implies the maintenance of
additional databases whose purpose is to store information on the connectedness of points,
lines, and areas in the database.

Scale and Accuracy. Modeling the road network as a spatial or graphical layer in GIS must
reflect the needs and requirements of an agency. Scale and accuracy are important data
considerations, especially when using more than one data source, which is often the case in
transportation applications. Generally, the source material and the standards of data devel-
opment determine both the scale and precision of spatial datasets.

Simply defined, scale is the relationship between distance on the map and distance on the
ground. A map scale usually is given as a fraction or a ratio—1 / 10,000 or 1:10,000. These
‘‘representative fraction’’ scales mean that 1 unit of measurement on the map—1 in. or 1
cm—represents 10,000 of the same units on the ground. Small-scale maps have smaller
representative fractions than large-scale maps—for example, 1 in 500,000 versus 1 in 24,000,
respectively. That is, large is small. As scale size increases, the ability to depict detail also
increases. For example, a map with scale 1 in 500,000 would necessarily represent only main
roads and only by centerline, whereas with a scale of 1 in 20,000, details such as ramps,
collectors and direction of travel could be shown as well. See Figure 5.1 for examples. On
much larger scales, such as 1 in 600 (1 in. = 50 ft), features such as pavement markings,
actual lane designations, and specific design elements can be depicted. The latter scale is the
level of resolution often used in roadway design work.

GIS employs a wide range of data sources reflecting the varied goals of the systems
themselves. Since GIS-T may involve applications as varied as archeological analysis, mar-
keting research, and urban planning, the source materials can be difficult to inventory and
classify comprehensively. The fact that many different scales may be encountered adds to the
complexity of the problem. Even within a single GIS project, the range of materials employed
can be daunting. If multiple data sets are contemplated, and they do not have common scales,
the process of conflation (the fusion or marrying together of data) may be used in some cases
to spatially integrate the data sets to create a new master coverage with the best spatial and
attribute qualities. In situations such as this, the analyst should use extreme care in the use of
these conflated data.

Geocoding. The linkage between attribute data and spatial data, as stated previously, is the
key advantage of using GIS. The process by which this is accomplished is called geocoding.
A great many tools exist to accomplish this process. Some involve matching a non-map-
based database, such as a list of names and addresses, with a map-based database, such as one
containing zip code centroids. Using a common field, and the relational model (described in
the next section), coordinate information is attached to the name and address. Other common
geocoding tools involve the use of distances along reference lines and offsets from these lines
to place objects on a map, thus requiring some sort of linear referencing system (LRS), which
will also be described in a later section. For example, going back to the non- map-based
names and addresses database, one could use a street centerline file that includes address
ranges on its links to geocode addresses by estimating the address locations based on the
length of the segment and the address range assigned to the segment. For example, an address
of 41 Elm Street would plot as shown in Figure 5.2.

Data Processing. For the processing and management of data the two paradigms most
commonly used are the relational and object-oriented models. It should be noted that the
database is the operation center of the GIS where much of the primary work is done.
Graphics may or not be necessary for an application, but, almost without exception, the
database is a key part of any analysis.

Relational database management systems (RDBMS) are well suited for ad hoc user que- ries,
an important aspect of GIS analysis. The relational model uses tables of data arranged as
columns (categories of data) and rows (each observation entry). Columns are called fields,
and rows are called records, as shown in Figure 5.3. Consider, for example, the table of
courses shown in Figure 5.4. Note that each course’s attributes are read across, on a row.
Queries may be made from these tables by specifying the table name, the fields of interest
and conditions (for example, course credit hours greater than 3). The rows that meet those
conditions are returned for display and analysis. The power of RDBMS lies in its ability to
link tables together via a unique identifier, which is simply a field common to both tables and
whose values appear only once. Thus, using the current example, one could, in addition to
querying about courses from Figure 5.4, query about which students take courses from which
professor, number of students in each class who hail from Missouri, geographic dis- tribution
of students, and so on. This is done via the common field, student ID, which links the two
data tables, as shown in Figure 5.5. Within GIS, this capability to link tables is used to link
spatial objects with tables containing information relating to those objects, as shown in Figure

Object-oriented database management systems (ODBMS) offer the ability to integrate the
GIS database with object-oriented programming languages such as Java and C++. Martin and

Odell (1992) state that the object-oriented approach ‘‘models the world in terms of objects
that have properties and behaviors, and events that trigger the operations that change the state
of the objects. Objects interact formally with other objects.’’ In short, the database has a set
of objects with attached attributes. At this simplest level, ODBMS is analogous to the
RDBMS model in that its objects represent the latter’s ‘‘rows’’ in tables, and its attributes the
RDBMS fields. The ODBMS model is much more powerful than this simple definition
implies, however. Three concepts are crucial to understanding the ODBMS: abstraction,
encapsulation, and inheritance.

Data abstraction is the process of distilling data down to its essentials. The level of
abstraction indicates what level of detail is needed to accomplish a purpose. For example, on
a small scale a road network may be presented as a series of line segments, but on a large
scale the road network could include medians, edges of roadways, and roadway fixtures
(Rumbaugh et al. 1991). Encapsulation includes procedures with the object data. In other
words, code and data are packaged together. The code performs some behavior that an object
can exhibit—example, calculating the present serviceability index of a section of road. Thus,
encapsulation allows the representation of an object to be changed without affecting the
applications that use it. Modern software programming provides a familiar example of this
concept. The application Excel may be called as an object in a Visual Basic routine.

The routine would then have access to the application’s full functionality through its
attributes (built-in functions).

Finally, inheritance provides a means to define one class of object in terms of another. An
object class represents a group of objects with common operations, attributes, and rela-
tionships (Fletcher, Henderson, and Espinoza 1995). An object is a specific instance of a
class. Each object can have attributes and operations (or code, as explained above). For
example, a conifer is a type of tree. There are certain characteristics that are true for all trees,
yet there are specific characteristics for conifers. An attribute is a data value held by objects
in a class (Rumbaugh et al. 1991)—for example, for the attribute ‘‘tree color’’ the value
might be ‘‘green.’’ An operation is a function that may be applied to or by objects in a class.
Objects and classes of objects may be connected to other objects. That is, they may have a
structural relationship called an association with these other objects. The primary purpose for
inheritance is software reuse and consistency (Lewis and Loftus 1998).

Although RDBMS continues to be the most commonly used database model for GIS
applications, the power of ODBMS models with respect to their ability to interface with
object-oriented programming languages, their ability to provide ‘‘smart’’ data, and their
utility when applied to extremely complex databases all support their eventual preeminence
in the GIS industry. Indeed, most GIS vendors are moving in this direction (Sutton 1996).

Linear Referencing Systems. In attempting to maintain information on transportation in-

frastructure, many transportation agencies and planning organizations (e.g., U.S. DOT, state
DOTs and MPOs) have developed linear referencing systems (LRS) for their transportation
facilities. These are similar to the address range example mentioned previously but use
transportation network-related measures, such as mile post, to locate objects. Baker and
Blessing (1974) define LRS as ‘‘a set of office and field procedures that include a highway
location reference method.’’ Linear referencing is a means of identifying a location on a
linear feature, such as a road or railroad. LRS support the storage and maintenance of
information on events that occur within a transportation network, such as pavement quality,
crashes, traffic flow, and appurtenances (traffic signs and signals for example). They provide
the mechanism by which these data elements can be located in a spatial database. LRS has
traditionally been accomplished using either references to the roadway or references to mon-
uments along the roadway. This method is known as linear referencing. There exist several
variations of linear location referencing systems, the most common of which fall into the five
categories listed and described below (Adams, Koncz, and Vonderohe 2000).

● Route-milepost (RMP)
● Route-reference post (RRP)
● Link-node (LN)
● Route-street reference (RSR)
● Geographic coordinates

The Route-milepost system is perhaps the most common linear referencing method used,
particularly at the state DOT level. It uses measured distance from a known point, such as a
route’s beginning or where it crosses a state or county line, to a referenced location. The
distance is usually specified to the nearest hundredth of a mile, although in some cases other
less precise measures may be used. The point of interest (such as the location of a crash) is
always offset in a positive direction from the zero mile point and is not referenced to other
intermediate points along the route. An advantage of this system is that reference posts or
signs need not be maintained in the field. However, it requires that field personnel know
where the route begins and the primary direction of the referencing system. It also means that
with each realignment along the route, the referenced distances change.

The route-reference post (RRP) method uses signs posted in the field to indicate known
locations. These signs, known as reference posts, may or may not reflect mileposts. All road
feature data collected in the field are referenced to these markers in terms of distance and
direction. The features can later be converted to corresponding mileposts using cross-
referencing tables and maps. The advantage of this system over RMP is that the problems
associated with changes in route length due to realignment are eliminated. This method
overcomes the disadvantages of the mile point method but adds the burden of maintaining
signage in the field.

In a link-node (LN) system, specific physical features, such as intersections, are identified as
nodes. Each node is considered unique and is assigned some sort of unique identifier such as
a node number. Links are the logical connection between nodes and may vary in length.
Links also have unique identifiers that are often derived from the associated pair of node
numbers. All features are measured as an offset distance from the nearest or lowest node
number along a link.

The route-street reference (RSR) system is more commonly used in municipalities and relies
on a local system of streets to locate physical features. In this system, an event is typically
recorded as occurring on one street at a specified distance and direction from a reference
street. A variation of this system is the use of two reference streets and no distance
measurement. For example, a crash may be coded as occurring on street A between streets 22
and 23. This option results in a loss of detail with regard to precise location, but it still
provides enough information for some uses, such as identifying road sections that have a high
crash frequency.

The use of coordinates as a reference system is becoming more common with the advent of
technologies such as global positioning systems (GPS). Cartesian coordinates use an x–y
coordinate plane to represent location. Geographic coordinates use latitude and longitude that
are measured in degrees along the axes of the sphere of the Earth. Transportation au- thorities
at the state and local levels generally use the former system, in the form of state plane
coordinates, to measure (in meters or feet) the distance east and west or north and south along
a state origin or datum.

The need to manage, analyze, and understand transportation information in a linear con- text
will persist because transportation systems are essentially linear phenomena. The current
trend is to collect data using two- or three-dimensional devices, such as GPS, which allows
for new economies in the field and the continued use of existing legacy while supporting
network models, applications, and displays (Fletcher, Henderson, and Espinoza 1995). Ad-
vances in the use of GPS and their inexpensive data collection and navigation tools may
someday replace the LRS (AASHTO 2002).

Data Sources. Digital transportation data may be obtained in a variety of ways and from a
large number of sources, all of which fall into one of the following four categories:
● Digitizing source materials
● Remote sensing
● GPS for road centerline data
● Existing digital sources

Digitizing Source Materials. Digitizing source materials involves digitizing data ele- ments
from aerial photographs (considered to be primary source material) or from hardcopy maps
(considered to be secondary source material). The process involves collecting the x–y
coordinate values of the line features by tracing over each one using a digitizing tablet with a
cursor or puck as the input device to locate and input map features into the computer from a
paper map. This may also be done using a mouse with a digital raster image map. This latter
approach is called ‘‘heads up’’ digitizing. This type of manual production requires planning,
source material preparation, and production setup, in addition to postprocessing of data
(Davis 1996). The costs for this type of data acquisition often represent the majority of
system startup costs. Semiautomated methods using map scanning and line tracing technol-
ogies are sometimes used to lower the cost and improve the accuracy of the digitizing

Remote Sensing. Remote sensing is the science (and to some extent, art) of acquiring
information about the Earth’s surface without actually being in contact with it. This is done
by sensing and recording reflected or emitted energy and processing, analyzing, and applying
that information. Remote sensing provides a convenient and efficient means of identifying
and presenting planimetric data. Imagery is available in varying scales to meet the
requirements of many different users. In general, there are two sources for remotely sensed
data: photogrammetry, which uses cameras on board airplanes, and satellite imagery. The
former produces photographs that may either be in paper form, in which case they must be
digitized, as was described in the previous section, or in digital form, which may then be used
directly as raster images. Cameras and their use for aerial photography are the simplest and
oldest of sensors used for remote sensing of the Earth’s surface. Cameras are framing systems
that acquire a near-instantaneous snapshot of an area of the surface. Camera systems are
passive optical sensors that use a lens (or system of lenses, collectively referred to as the
optics) to form an image at the focal plane, the plane at which an image is sharply defined.
Aerial photographs are most useful when fine spatial detail is more critical than spectral
information, as their spectral resolution is generally coarse when compared to data captured

with electronic sensing devices. The geometry of vertical photographs is well understood and
it is possible to make very accurate measurements from them, for a variety of different
applica- tions (geology, forestry, mapping, etc.). The use of satellites involves an interaction
between incident radiation and the targets of interest. Note, however that remote sensing also
involves the sensing of emitted energy and the use of nonimaging sensors.

Global Positioning Systems. Using GPS for collecting spatial data, specifically road cen-
terline data, is gaining popularity with DOTs, but has limitations in technology and an overall
high cost for statewide coverage (Spear 1998). The current trend is to collect data using two-
or three-dimensional devices, such as GPS, and transform the coordinates into path-oriented
or linear locations. These measurements are referenced to a standard ellipsoid model instead
of base maps or linear field monuments. This allows for new economies in the field and the
continued use of existing legacy, and it supports path and network models, applications, and

Existing Digital Data from Other Sources. A cost-effective alternative to digitizing is to

acquire digital data from a third-party source, such as those described below.

In the recent past, most GIS projects have had to rely almost exclusively upon data available
only in printed or ‘‘paper’’ form. Much of these data are now available in digital form while
continuing to be published on paper. The ever-increasing pace of this transfor- mation from
paper to digital sources has many repercussions for GIS. Inexpensive, and in many cases free,
access to high-quality data will enhance the use of GIS in the coming years. The Internet and
the World Wide Web are being used more and more to distribute data and information, thus
requiring users to know where to look and how to search networks.

All data sources have strengths and limitations. Digital sources are no different. It is
important to understand their characteristics, costs, and benefits before using them. Learning
a little about commonly employed digital formats will save much work in the long run.
Although the types of materials will vary greatly from project to project, GIS practitioners
know something of the characteristics and limitations of the most commonly available data
sources. These are materials collected and published by a variety of government agencies and
commercial interests and are used quite widely.

Local, state, and federal government agencies are major suppliers of digital data. Finding the
data appropriate for a given system may often require significant on-line research. This is
perhaps less the case at the federal level mainly because certain key agencies such as the
Bureau of the Census, United State Geological Survey, Soil Conservation Service, National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and Federal Emergency Management
Agency, provide standard sorts of information for the entire nation.

Key federal data sources and helpful indexes to those sources include the following.

The Bureau of Transportation Statistics provides links to state GIS resources, national
transportation atlas data files, which consist of transportation facilities, networks, and services
of national significance throughout the United States. The files are in shapefile format, which
is the proprietary format for ESRI data. There are also links to DynaMap/ 1000 files that
contain centerline data and features for nearly every street in the nation as well as to the
National Highway Planning Network, which is a comprehensive network database of the
nation’s major highway system. It consists of over 400,000 miles of the nation’s highways,
composed of rural arterials, urban principal arterials, and all National Highway System
routes. The data set covers the 48 contiguous States plus the District of Columbia, Alaska,
Hawaii, and Puerto Rico. The nominal scale of the data set is 1:100,000 with a maximal
positional error of •80 m. The network was developed for national level planning and analysis
of the U.S. highway network. It is now used to keep a map-based record of the National
Highway System and the Strategic Highway Corridor Network.

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) produces topographic maps for the nation, as
well as land use and land cover maps, which include information about ownership and
political boundaries, transportation, and hydrography. For access to these data as well as an
extensive index of other federal on-line data sources, see the USGS publications website. The
index includes links to the Global Land Information System and tends to concentrate on data
created through the USGS.

The Bureau of the Census provides socioeconomic and demographic data, census tract
boundary files and street centerline networks (TIGER files) for the entire nation. TIGER
(Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing) was developed by the U.S.
Census Bureau to support its mapping needs for the Decennial Census and other Bureau
programs. The topological structure of the TIGER database defines the location and rela-
tionship of streets, rivers, railroads, and other features to each other and to the numerous
geographic entities for which the Census Bureau tabulates data from its censuses and sample
surveys. It has a scale of approximately 1 in = 100 ft and is designed to ensure no duplication
of these features or areas.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration provides remotely sensed data from all
over the world. These data are typically in raster format and are 30-m resolution.

The National Technical Information Service (NTIS) established FedWorld, a clearing- house
for digital data, which is an excellent resource for on-line federal information of any kind.

Many states also provide extensive data on-line (for example, Missouri and New York).
However, finding the data desired may be problematic since state and local government
agencies organize themselves—and their data—in very different ways from place to place.
Thus, discovering which department within an agency holds the desired information may
require significant effort. In some cases, states and cities are required to collect certain types
of information to comply with federal and state regulations—but again, the agencies that
actually compile this information may vary from place to place. This means that finding

information at the local and state levels can be time-consuming and may involve making
phone calls, writing letters, asking questions, and visiting the agencies in person. Data may
not be available in standard formats, may or may not come with adequate documentation and
data quality reports, and may need to be checked as to origin and quality. Furthermore, the
spatial data holdings themselves have limitations. As mentioned earlier, different data sources
may have different scales associated with them and require conflation to integrate them.
Conflation, however, may not yield the information required. For example, the most widely
held data, the USGS 7.5-minute quadrangle data (1:24,000 scale), are increasingly becoming
unsuitable for the uses of a transportation agency. For example, when collecting driveway
data with a GPS unit at 1-m accuracy, centerlines based on 40-ft accuracy do not work well.
Updating base maps with greater accuracy has the potential to be an expensive issue.

A primary advantage offered by government data sets is that most are in the public record and
can be used for free or for a small processing fee. Some of the agencies that do not provide
their data free of charge have found that this practice seriously impedes data sharing. Many
private sources of information also exist. Commercial mapmaking firms are among the
largest providers, but other firms have for years supplied detailed demographic and economic
information, such as data on retail trade and marketing trends. Some of this in- formation can
be quite expensive to purchase. Also, it is important to check on restrictions that might apply
to the use of commercially provided data.

Many software vendors repackage and sell data in proprietary formats as well. These data are
usually checked and corrected during the repackaging process. The use of these converted
data sets can save time. Some firms will also build data sets to a user’s specifications. Often
termed ‘‘conversion’’ firms, these are usually contracted to build special-purpose data sets for
utility companies and some government agencies. These data sets are often of such special
purpose that they cannot be assembled from existing publicly available sources, say when an
electric utility wishes to digitize its maps of its service area.

Data Quality. It has been said that an undocumented data set is a worthless data set. If a data
set’s pedigree and quality are unknown, for example, the user must spend time and resources
checking the data. Vendors should provide a data dictionary that provides a de- scription of
exactly what is in the file (data types and formats), how the information was compiled (and
from what sources), and how the data were checked. The documentation for some products is
quite extensive and much of the detailed information may be published separately, as it is for
USGS digital products.

Some characteristics to consider when evaluating data sets are:

● Age
● Origin
● Areal coverage
● Map scale to which the data were digitized
● Projection, coordinate system, and datum used
● Accuracy of positional and attribute information

● Logic and consistency
● Format
● Reliability of the provider

In summary, sometimes the costs of using and converting publicly and commercially
available digital files outweigh their value. No matter how much data becomes available
publicly, there is no guarantee that exactly the sorts of information necessary for specific
projects will be included.

Data Standards. For a variety of reasons, GIS users often want to share or exchange data,
usually having to do with overlapping geographic interests. For example, a municipality may
want to share data with local utility companies and vice versa. GIS software developed by
commercial companies store spatial data in a proprietary format protected by copyright laws.
Although vendors often attempt to provide converters, in general, one company’s product
may not read the data stored in another’s format. Applications of digital geospatial data vary
greatly, but generally users have a recurring need for a few common themes of data. These
themes include transportation, hydrography (rivers and lakes), geodetic control, digital im-
agery, government boundaries, elevation and bathymetry, and land ownership (or cadastral)
information. A lack of investment, common standards, and coordination has created many
situations in which these needs are not being met. As a result in some cases, important
information may not be available; in others, data sets may be duplicated. A means to maintain
and manage the common information being collected by the public and private sector does
not exist. This results in increased costs and reduced efficiency for all involved.

Data standardization is therefore a fundamental consideration in developing GIS for in-

tegration with existing databases. All users of GIS data depend upon the establishment of
standards that should address simple integration and processing of data within the GIS.
Standards should include spatial data modeling and scale, accuracy, resolution, and gener-
alization, and datum and projection mapping. As illustrated by the Internet and its interop-
erability, hardware platforms, operating systems, network environments, database systems,
and applications software are generally not an issue. The standards for data definitions are
much more important than these latter items for providing reliable and portable systems and
applications. The GIS software standards, however, can add to the complexity of sharing data
sets, since not all GIS share a common route system that is easily transferred from one
vendor-specific application to another.

During the 1980s the USGS worked with academic, industrial, and federal, state, and local
government users of computer mapping and GIS to develop a standard for transfer and
exchange of spatial data. In 1992, after 12 years of developing, reviewing, revising, and
testing, the resulting standard, SDTS, was approved as Federal Information Processing Stan-
dard (FIPS) Publication 173-1 (NIST 1994). The SDTS requires a two-step process for
transferring data from one platform to another. The source data are exported by the first GIS
to the SDTS format, then the second GIS imports the transfer file, creating a target data set in
its own file format. This approach, while extremely useful in enabling data sharing, is

cumbersome at best. Recognizing the criticality of data sharing, The National Spatial Data
Infrastructure (NSDI) was established by President Clinton’s Executive Order 12906 on April
11, 1994, to implement the recommendations of the National Performance Review published
by his administration in the Fall of 1993 (superseded in 1998 by ANSI NCITS 320-1998
(ANSI 1998)).

The concept of this infrastructure was developed by representatives of county, regional, state,
federal, and other organizations under the auspices of the Federal Geographic Data Com-
mittee (FGDC). It will provide a base upon which to collect, register, or integrate information

The private sector is also actively engaged in building the National Spatial Data Infra-
structure to meet marketplace needs defined as business opportunities. The Open GIS Con-
sortium of over 200 private-sector, public-sector, and not-for-profit organizations as well as
universities representing technology users and providers is addressing the issue of easy access
to spatial information in mainstream computing. OGC is working to develop open software
approaches that facilitate the development and use of location-dependent software applica-
tions using spatial data to increase farm productivity, identify disease and health threats,
assist police and law enforcement in identifying crime patterns, and many more. In other
words, GIS users will be able to access one another’s spatial data across a network even if
they are using different GIS software programs.

5.2.2 Spatial Modeling

The benefits of GIS-T are well established. It provides:
● The capability of storing and maintaining large data sets of spatial and tabular
● Display and analytical capabilities that model the physical proximity of spatial
● Flexibility in modeling spatial objects to suit the particular needs of the user or
● Database integration
● Image overlay capabilities
● Network analyses (e.g., shortest-path routing)

These capabilities have developed as the technology has matured. Over the past 10 years,
GIS-T has adapted to accommodate linear referenced data. Crash and roadway inventory data
are examples of this type of linear data and can now be brought into GIS for display and
analysis. This feature makes it easier to understand the spatial relationships within data that
are not found in other information systems. In addition, GIS-T provides a programming
environment that allows users to develop specific analysis programs or customize existing
programs. All functions for display and analysis can be employed in a single-system design
using common programming languages, such as Visual Basic, C++, and Java (Smith, Harkey,

and Harris 2001). With the advent of object-oriented programming, GIS-T can be in- tegrated
into more mainstream enterprise applications, as well as Web-based client applications.

GIS-T provides abilities broader than simply mapping data and includes several types of
analytical capabilities, which can be broadly categorized into five groups:
1. Display/ query analysis
2. Spatial analysis
3. Network analysis
4. Cell-based modeling
5. Dynamic segmentation

Display/ Query Analysis. The primary appeal of GIS to many is its graphical capabilities; a
picture is indeed worth a thousand words. Maps are the pictures GIS uses to communicate
complex spatial relationships that the human eye and mind are capable of understanding. The
computer makes this possible, but it is still the GIS user who determines what data and spatial
relationships will be analyzed and portrayed or how the data will be thematically presented to
the intended audience. In short, the GIS allows analyses at a higher level of abstraction than
do standard database tools. Using the database capabilities of GIS, the analyst can query the
database and have the results displayed graphically. This query analysis, when spoken in
everyday conversation, takes on the form of a ‘‘show me’’ question, such as ‘‘Can you show
me sections of road that are in poor condition?’’ However, query analysis in GIS can also be
used for other purposes, such as database automation, which might be used for error checking
and quality control of coded data. As an example, the GIS roadway database could be queried
automatically during the crash data entry process to verify the accuracy of speed limit and
other crash report variables coded by an officer.

Spatial Analysis. Several analytical techniques, grouped under the general heading ‘‘over-
lay analysis,’’ are available in GIS for spatial analysis and data integration. GIS provides
tools to combine data, identify overlaps across data, and join the attributes of data sets using
feature location and extent as the selection criteria. For example, the number of acres of
wetlands impacted by a proposed highway corridor could be obtained by this overlay process.
Overlay techniques may also be used in combining data features by adding (or by applying
some other function) one data set to another, or by updating or replacing portions of one data
set with another, thus creating a new spatial data set. For example, the analyst could use these
techniques to combine number of households and the average number of school- age children
with pedestrian-related crashes in order to derive risk factors for the total number of
pedestrian-related crashes relative to the total number of school-age children per road
segment, for pedestrian-to-school safety analysis. Proximity analysis represents the
fundamental difference of GIS from all other informa- tion systems. Buffering is a means of
performing this practical spatial query to determine the proximity of neighboring features. It
is used to locate all features within a prescribed distance from a point, line, or area, such as
determining the number of road crashes occurring within one half mile from an intersection,
or the number of households that fall within 100 feet of a highway’s layout line.

Network Analysis. Unlike proximity analysis, which searches in all directions from a point,
line, or area, network analysis is restricted to searching along a line, such as a route, or
throughout a network of linear features, such as the road network. Network analysis can be
used to define or identify route corridors and determine travel paths, travel distances, and
response times. For example, network analysis may be used to assess the traffic volume
impact of a road closure on adjacent roadways. GIS networking capabilities can also be used
for the selection of optimal paths or routes—for example, finding shortest paths between
zonal centroids. The network may include turning points, avoid improper turns onto one- way
streets, represent posted traffic control restrictions, and include impedance factors to travel
(such as mean travel speeds, number of travel lanes, and traffic volumes) to enhance the
network analysis. It is this capability that one sees in the on-board navigation tools currently
available in some models of automobile.

Cell-Based Modeling. Cell-based modeling, also referred to as grid-based analysis, uses a

grid or cells to aggregate spatial data for discrete distribution. Although similar to raster-
based systems, these are vector-based. In cell-based modeling, the spatial data are developed
as tiles of a given dimension, or points of a uniform distribution, as defined by the user, for
display and analysis. Cell-based modeling is effective in displaying patterns over larger areas,
such as representing the sum total of crashes that are located within a cell. This capability
provides a quick means to view spatial clustering of crash data. Another example of this
modeling approach is the representation of groundwater contamination levels using statistical
models as the mathematical base. Since cell-based modeling aggregates data at a specified
grid resolution, it would not be appropriate for site-specific spatial analysis. In cell-based
modeling, special tools are available to merge grid data for overlay analysis. Cell-based
overlay analysis is similar to the GIS overlay analysis previously discussed; however, the
techniques and functions available in cell-based modeling are somewhat different. When the
cells of different data sets have been developed using the same spatial dimensions, they can
be merged on a cell-by-cell basis to produce a resulting data set. The functions and processes
used in cell-based modeling to merge grid data are referred to as map algebra because the
grid data sets in cell-based modeling are merged using arithmetic and Boolean operators
called spatial operators.

Dynamic Segmentation. Dynamic segmentation is a process that allows the association of

multiple sets of attributes to a portion of a linear feature without having to modify feature
geometry or topology. Although implementation of dynamic segmentation varies by GIS
vendor, GIS uses dynamic segmentation to locate and display linear features along a route
and/ or to segment the route itself. The process consists of interpolating the distance along the
measured line of the GIS route from the beginning measure to the ending measure of the line
using attributes as the interpolation criteria. Consider, for example, a vector in a database
representing a segment of road. As explained earlier, this line object is actively linked to a
row in a table of attribute data, say road condition. The issue addressed by dynamic
segmentation is the inability of the GIS to represent features that do not all begin at the
beginning of the line and end at its end. Figure 5.7 depicts a situation where pavement
condition and traffic volume levels are shown along the line segment and demonstrates the

difficulty in determining various combinations of pavement condition and traffic volume
using fixed segmentation. As the figure shows, dynamic segmentation allows representation
of these nonuniform attributes without requiring the physical segmentation of the link—that
is, no modification of geometry is necessary.

This robust method to represent model links allows the dynamic management of many-
to-one relationships between GIS segments attribute features. The method offers several
advantages over fixed segmentation. First, the editing of the routes is preferable to editing the
underlying base map. Second, the routes may be stored in simple correspondence tables that
can be easily read by planning models, for example. Third, depicting the transportation
network as linear features (or ‘‘linear events’’) in the GIS means that route tables and as-
sociated transit line tables can be managed automatically through dynamic segmentation.
Dueker and Vrana (1992) describe dynamic segmentation in great detail.

5.3 Gis Applications In Transportation

Nearly all state departments of transportation (DOT) have now initiated some GIS activity.
Budgets for GIS activities continue to grow, with nearly half of DOTs reporting annual GIS
budgets in excess of one half million dollars. GIS use throughout the DOTs continues to grow
rapidly, with the average number of end users tripling since the year 2000. There has been a
significant increase in recent years in the number of state DOTs developing more accurate
road base maps using digital imagery and kinematic GPS. There has also been significant

growth in Web-based GIS applications and the use of GIS for managing road feature
inventories (AASHTO 2002).

Certainly the legislation described at the beginning of this chapter has played a major role in
the increasing use of GIS-T. But perhaps the more compelling reasons contributing to the
advent of this technology are the technical ones, such as the increased ability to integrate
diverse databases, better integration with modeling tools, and linkage with global positioning
systems. As indicated earlier, transportation agencies across the nation have in- vested
significant resources in developing GIS data sets and transportation models. Often, due to
technological and other organizational constraints, these two activities have progressed in
parallel, resulting in multiple transportation network files and databases. A variety of
modeling techniques from different agencies or different sections within agencies are typi-
cally used for applications such as the modeling of traffic impacts, vehicle emissions, and
transit planning. Data are commonly displayed on different map bases, different graphics
programs being used to represent them. The fact that federal and state program requirements
encourage modelers and planners to use more consistent methods of data integration and
display has led to a growing interest in GIS-T (Sutton 1996).

The issue of data integration is a difficult one. Different database formats supporting diverse
applications lead to inconsistencies, inaccuracies and duplication in updating. Dueker and
Butler (2000) addressed this issue and proposed a framework for sharing transportation data
that attempts to clarify roles among participants, data producers, data integrators, and data
users. In a follow-up study, Dueker et al. (2001) proposed a clearinghouse approach to
collecting and disseminating GIS-T data. The approach allows users to control the selection
and segmentation of transportation features in updating existing GIS-T databases that meet
the needs of various private and public applications.

While many GIS functions are also shared (database integration, data query, data man-
agement, use of buffers and overlays), certain of these activities are more specifically of
concern to transportation. For example, network analysis is of key interest to transportation-
related agencies. Its development within GIS is relatively new compared to the development
of other forms of spatial analysis within GIS, but recently it has gained much more attention.
Although GIS continues to be used principally for visualization and presentation, there do
exist applications involving complex spatial or network analyses. This section describes cur-
rent GIS-T applications to common transportation problems and provides examples in trans-
portation planning and logistics, traffic engineering, management of infrastructure, ITS, and
environmental assessment.

5.3.1 Transportation Planning

Decision support is the primary goal of transportation planning and consequently of GIS-T
applied to transportation planning. Several models and data sets are available to planners for
modeling trip generation for impact studies, land use projection, population and employment

projection, four-step traffic projection for network traffic assignment and corridor studies,
air-quality assessments of mobile sources of pollution, alternatives analyses, noise analysis,
and energy studies.

Urban planning models have long been available to assist planners in recommending
decisions regarding transportation investment. Today, many planning agencies also use GIS
for inventory and data presentation, but few take full advantage of the GIS-T’s modeling
capabilities. Although many studies have suggested the utility of GIS in the context of
transportation forecasting and scenario analysis, most agencies are not receiving the full
benefits of integrating these two commonly used computer packages.

There exist a few commercially available transportation modeling programs that incor- porate
both modeling and GIS capabilities. For example, TransCAD (Caliper Corporation, and UFOSNET (RST International Inc., http:// www.ufosnet. com/)
are GIS-based systems that include transportation forecasting procedures. In addition, the
developers of TRANPLAN and QRSII are currently either beta testing or releasing GIS
capable interfaces. However, while the commercial trend seems to be toward integration,
many agencies continue to use standalone modeling packages or both GIS and modeling
packages independently. Chief reasons are cost and prior investment in training and tech-
nology. In a 1996 Federal Highway Administration study, Anderson and Soulyrette
developed a set of Windows-based programs that integrated urban planning models with
desktop GIS packages. They demonstrated and evaluated the integration of Tranplan, a travel
forecasting tool, and four common GIS tools and found that the main obstacle that may be
faced by planning agencies wanting to implement GIS tools is the unwillingness of users to
make the change.

Transportation planning applications involve network and non-network-based analyses.

Applied to the latter, GIS-T serves primarily as a presentation tool. For example, GIS is well
suited to store the data required by a typical site impact analysis. The analyst can perform
innovative studies that more fully consider the relation between land use and transportation.
Examples have included traffic impact studies at airports and analyses of hotel-casino trip
generation that consider proximity of synergistic pedestrian facilities and land use (Souley-
rette, Sathisan, and Parentela 1992). Additionally, Collins and Hartgen (1998) developed a
GIS-T-based site impact analysis program, the objective of which was to develop a more
efficient, yet understandable, means by which the traffic impacts of a new or expanded
development can be identified and measured. The resulting tool was applied to proposed
developments in Rock Hill, South Carolina. Traffic impact studies require knowledge of a
proposed development’s trip-generating characteristics, along with spatial information on
surrounding streets and land use. Site impact analysis includes assessment of trip-generation
characteristics, which depend on current and projected land use. It also includes the identi-
fication of trip-distribution splits, which in turn depend on intervening opportunities and
existing travel patterns.

Applied to the former, namely network analysis, GIS can take several forms. Shortest path
analysis can be used to find the minimum cost (travel time or distance, etc.) route between
two points on a network defined to comply with certain criteria, such as lane width or the
absence of highway rail at-grade crossings. This basic form of network analysis capability
can be used in several ways, such as to support permit routing for oversize / overweight
vehicles or to assist emergency vehicle response. As an example, Hu (2002) implemented a
GIS-T framework for the dispatch and assignment of medical vehicles for emergency
services via wireless communication. The framework combines distributed object computing
GIS-T and a transportation logistics model in a single system.

GIS has not generally been used for full-scale network analysis in the form of urban
transportation models. Several software packages, such as Tranplan and QRS II, are available
for that specific purpose. The integration of these packages with GIS-T can occur through the
exchange of network data and the calling of analytical routing across software packages.
GIS-Trans (1996) proposed an approach to integrating various transportation databases that
included planning, land use and engineering databases, and various transportation and GIS
models as well, such as travel forecasting, dynamic segmentation, conflation, and others.

Network analysis may be extended, in shortest delivery route analysis, to incorporate several
intermediate stops—a logistics application. These stops can be visited in a specific order and
with specific delivery times. This functionality can be used by local transportation firms to
plan delivery schedules and by transit agencies to develop bus routes or demand responsive
paratransit routes and services. In the area of public transit, Saka (1998) used GIS to evaluate
the viability of Baltimore’s public transit system in providing employment transportation to
the inner city low-income residents—this is also known as the ‘‘welfare- to-work’’ problem.
He used demographic, socioeconomic, and employment data to map the inner city
low-income residential areas, the location of new jobs, employment maps, and the public
transit network. Using buffer analysis, a fundamental GIS-T application, the study found that
the public transit system in Baltimore would not sustain the reverse commuting needs of the
inner city’s low-income residents.

Network analysis can also be used to find the nearest facility for a given purpose and the best
route to follow. This technique can be used, for instance, to allocate students to the nearest
elementary school or highway crash victims to the nearest hospital. Conversely, travel time or
catchment areas around a facility can be used to find, for example, all areas within 10 minutes
of a fire station, airport, or school. The analysis of catchment areas, and the characteristics of
the populations within these areas, is very useful in assessing service regions and potential
capacity problems. The surrounding population can be allocated to the most appropriate
facility, subject to travel time and capacity constraints. One recent study (Da Silva et al.
2000) developed a tool, based on a traditional accessibility index, that will estimate the
effects of proposed development on accessibility patterns in urban areas. The authors
demonstrated how the tool could be used for selecting the best site for a new de- velopment
among many alternatives.

Network analysis requires high-quality data and significant preparation before analysis can be
conducted. Extensive and accurate information is needed on the connectivity of the network,
turning options at intersections, network capacities, and demands on the system. The
implications of poor-quality data, such as missing or incorrect line segments, incomplete
node information, and inaccurate capacity and demand data, are perhaps more serious in
transportation network analysis than in any other types of GIS activities.

5.3.2 Traffic Engineering

Application of GIS to traffic engineering is a fairly recent trend. GIS-T is especially well
suited to maintaining, analyzing, and presenting city-wide spatial data useful in traffic
engineering programs. The ability of GIS to integrate advanced technologies such as GPS,
surveillance cameras, and vehicle location devices is now being applied to address traffic
systems issues in large, congested urbanized areas (Easa and Chan 2000).

Safety management systems lend themselves extremely well to analysis using GIS tools.
There have been a host of efforts to apply GIS to safety needs ranging from integrating GIS
with existing safety analysis tools to the integration of computational intelligence tools with
GIS. Vonderohe et al. (1993) documented the development of a conceptual structure,
implementation plan, and management guidelines for a GIS-T capable of supplying the
highway safety information requirements for most transportation agencies. Indeed, several
agencies have begun to implement GIS-T within their safety management systems. Many
have used global positioning systems in concert with GIS to develop point topology (Miller
and Shaw 2001). Crash data, once geocoded, may be integrated with road attributes, sign, and
signal inventories to enhance safety analyses using routing, dynamic segmentation, and
buffering, all of which are built-in GIS functions. Much of the effort in such systems, though,
has been focused on the very difficult problem of getting the data into the database, relying
on built- in GIS functions for applications. In 1999, responding to the need for specialized
tools specifically designed for GIS applications, FHWA released its GIS Safety Analysis
Tools CD, which expands the analytical features of the Highway Safety Information System
(HSIS) by integrating them with GIS functions. The tools provide practitioners with
programs to perform spot/ intersection analysis, cluster analysis, strip analysis, sliding-scale
evaluations, and corridor analysis. The 2001 update includes additional pedestrian and
bicycle safety tools to select safe routes to schools, assess the bicycle compatibility of
roadways, and define high pedestrian crash zones (Smith, Harkey, and Harris 2001).

Given the ability to program within many GIS packages, researchers have attempted to
expand GIS functionality by integrating advanced technologies. Spring (2002) developed a
prototype knowledge-based GIS for the identification and analysis of hazardous highway
locations. The system examined the use of these tools to address the problems of ‘‘false
positives’’ intrinsic to most existing methods for identifying hazardous locations, and
examined how knowledge-based systems could best interface with GIS to analyze these so-
called black spots. An earlier study by Carreker and Bachman (2000) used GIS to address

problems with crash data quality by providing better access to and improving multiple public
and private road databases. Panchanathan and Faghri (1995) developed knowledge-based GIS
for managing and analyzing safety-related information for rail-highway grade crossings.
They developed an integrated system for the management of safety information. The system
in- tegrated rail-highway grade crossing safety data from the Federal Rail Administration and
Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT), and an accident-prediction model devel-
oped by USDOT.

The GIS environment makes it possible to develop interrelated maps, databases, and
traffic-management applications. Several studies have examined the use of GIS for incident
management in particular. Siegfried and Vaidya (1993) developed a GIS-based automated
incident-management plan for the Houston area. The study evaluates the use of GIS to relate
incident locations with the transportation network and to make decisions and calculations for
incident management. Their prototype system does alternate routing, incident response, and
resource management, and it allows for network and incident information queries. Ozbay and
Mukherjee (2000) implemented a Web-based real-time decision support system for wide-
area incident management that can be used by all the involved agencies. The system is based
upon an earlier effort described by Kachroo, Ozbay, and Zhang (1997) that developed an
integrated expert system/ GIS for this purpose. Ozbay implemented the system on the World
Wide Web using a collection of Java-based tools and described implementation and
development issues that they faced, such as communication speed, security issues,
technological obsolescence, and use of heuristics to estimate key parameters (e.g., incident

5.3.3 Infrastructure Management

The management of existing facilities rather than the construction of new ones has become
the focus of most transportation agencies in the post-ISTEA era. Given the several million
dollars worth of signs, signals, and markings maintained by the typical urban area, the
hundreds of thousands of miles of paved roads under the care of most states as just two
examples, this is not a trivial task. Many agencies have opted to use a GIS-based approach to
collect, inventory, and maintain and manage their inventories. Spring (1992) developed a
GIS-based sign inventory system for the city of Greensboro, North Carolina, in which he
characterized the city’s inventory activities and developed an interface that could be used in
the field by city personnel to enter sign data. Functions included work plan development,
ownership, performance reports, and maintaining sign histories and attributes. All are rela-
tively straightforward database queries requiring no complex spatial queries such as buffering
or polygon overlays. Zhang, Smith, and Hudson (2001) developed an implementation plan
for using GIS to enhance pavement management practice in Texas. They proposed a three-
stage implementation concept to assess the current practice, define the visionary system, and
identify the intermediate solutions. Chen et al. (2000) successfully developed a GIS-based
method for integrating decision support tools commonly used for the management of railway
infrastructure. Harter (1998), once again in response to the ISTEA legislation, described a

system that integrates GIS-T with existing transportation planning and analysis software used
by the Florida Department of Transportation. The system manages, calculates, and stores
roadway characteristics to estimate immediate and long-term infrastructure needs. It also
calculates roadway level of service, identifies deficiencies, recommends improvements to
meet operating standards, and, finally, calculates costs of the proposed improvement. Defi-
cient segments, as well as road improvements and costs, are displayed thematically on GIS-
generated maps.

5.3.4 Intelligent Transportation Systems

The integration of intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and GIS promises major economic
and social benefits, including more efficient use of existing transportation infrastructure,
increased highway safety, and better reliability, coverage, and resolution of real-time navi-
gation systems for autos, buses, and trucks. Indeed, the relationship between ITS and GIS is
increasingly being recognized for its importance. The National ITS Program Plan identifies
29 user services bundled into the primary ITS application areas (Roess, McShane, and Pras-
sas 1998). Many transportation entities, such as highway agencies, railroad agencies, and
emergency service agencies, are managed and operated as separate entities. To improve
future ITS user service, it is important to integrate the transportation of people, movement of
goods, and information services within the municipality. Chang, Ho, and Fei (1996)
developed a system interface and information infrastructure design, within a GIS
environment, that will integrate transportation-related information services, better satisfy
transportation management functions, and support real-time community travel information
service requirements.

5.3.5 Emergency Response/ Logistics

Most urban areas have high-quality base maps with comprehensive, unique address ranges
and street names. GIS is used for routing vehicles, allocating facilities, and placing vehicles
in the most appropriate locations in anticipation of events (from the book). With respect to
the last, Church and Cova (2000) report on the development of a GIS-based model that
estimates evacuation risk during some extreme event, such as a wildfire or hazardous material
spill. The model identifies network and demographic characteristics on transportation net-
works that may lead to significant problems in evacuation, such as neighborhoods with high
ratios of population to exit capacity. Spring (1998) developed a prototype knowledge-based
GIS for to serve as a decision aid in the scheduling and dispatching process for paratransit.
The prototype makes insertions to paratransit skeleton schedules considering special cus-
tomer needs, bus capacities, and slack time requirements and was used to minimize overall
travel time.

5.4 Implementation Issues
Implementing GIS-T is not as simple as merely installing a new piece of software into an
existing system (such as a pavement management system) and then operating it. In addition
to the information technologies intrinsic to GIS-T, successful GIS implementation involves
elements, such as personnel and their GIS skills, the organizational structure within which
they work, and the institutional relationships that govern the management of information

GIS is an enabling technology and serves as a platform for integrating various types of data,
systems, and technologies. It may be applied to a host of different applications, as
demonstrated by the preceding limited review of current applications. Among these are sys-
tems that allow for near real-time assessment of conditions, simultaneous sharing of large
databases and integration, and enhancement of existing transportation models—all complex
and challenging applications. The fact that the adoption rate of GIS technologies has grown
exponentially makes successful implementation of these technologies even more challenging.
Key areas that must be addressed when implementing GIS include data, people and orga-
nizations, and technology.

5.4.1 Data
The collection, maintenance, and use of data are challenging issues that must be addressed
early in the implementation process. Who will collect and maintain data, who ‘‘owns’’ the
data, and who will serve as the data’s custodian are all questions that must be answered.

The main reason that these questions are important is that they are key in determining if one
can take advantage of GIS’s main strength, its ability to share data. That is, as stated above,
GIS serves as a logical and consistent platform in a common location reference system and
allows diverse databases to be integrated and shared among different divisions of a
department, for example. Integration standards should therefore be established to integrate
different databases, some spatial, some not. Answers to the questions also address barriers,
such as institutional and organizational arrangements, to the implementation process.

Technical questions, such as what is the nature of the data, how is it to be spatially
referenced, and what is its accuracy, also must be considered. To understand the various data
elements in a complex system, metadata (information about data, such as when collected, by
whom, scale) should be part of a system. Additionally, spatial data require establishment of
some sort of linear referencing system, as described above.

All GIS data, spatial data, and associated attribute data suffer from inaccuracy, impreci- sion,
and error to some extent. Data quality assurance and quality control rules ensure the delivery
of high-quality data. Use of a data steward to collect, maintain, and disseminate GIS data
would facilitate this.

5.4.2 Technology
While GIS applications no longer bear the stigma of new technology and have been accepted
into the mainstream of professional practice, technological issues nevertheless exist that must
be addressed when implementing them. Among these are identifying critical technologies to
be used and keeping abreast of technological innovations. These include technologies that
support interoperability (sharing of data and processes across application/ system
boundaries), Web-based GIS (given its significant growth in the past few years), and a rapidly
expanding range of GIS applications. Of course, chosen technologies must match the
architecture environment as well. The fact that industry standards are in their infancy
exacerbates the problem of choosing the appropriate technologies for a given system. It is
crucial to identify limiting technologies, statements by software vendors notwithstanding.

In making this decision, one should look to the future, but not too far into the future. One
should also keep in mind that increasing pressure exists to make geo-referenced trans-
portation data more accessible (and understandable) to the general public.

The introduction of new information technologies is necessarily accompanied by a change in

organizational structures and institutional arrangements.

5.4.3 Organizations and People

Organizational and people issues are perhaps the most difficult to address. They continue to
be more critical and more difficult to solve than technological issues. Personnel at both
management and technical levels must be involved in implementing the system. Yet this has
been identified consistently as a problem area—especially maintaining support of upper
management. Convincing decision-makers to accept the idea of GIS is key to a system’s
success. A top-down, rather than bottom-up, GIS management strategy should be adopted for
GIS planning and implementation.

Of primary interest to decision-makers are two questions: who pays (for the hardware,
software, and personnel required) and from where will the resources be drawn? As with any
investment decision, GIS must have economic justification. Hall, Kim, and Darter (2000)
conducted a cost-benefit analysis of GIS implementation for the state of Illinois. They cal-
culated a ratio of slightly less than 1, but also identified several intangible benefits for GIS
project (shown in Figure 5.8) that indicate that GIS benefits outweigh implementation costs.
Champions (at both the management and grass-roots levels) are critical to a system’s success
as well. They can facilitate a positive decision to purchase and enhance the chances for
system success.

With regard to the latter, qualified GIS personnel must be available. What training and
education are necessary for minimum acceptable qualifications are based upon the level of

GIS knowledge needed. There are likely to be three levels of GIS staff and users: local GIS
users, local GIS specialists, and a GIS application / data steward. Training for the GIS
support personnel is extremely important to the success of GIS.

Early implementation of GIS is often more dependent on vendor-supplied training. How-

ever, in the long term the GIS support group should develop specifications for in-house
training. Several GIS entities (Zhang, Smith, and Hudson 2001) have proposed that a certi-
fication for GIS professionals be established to address this important issue. Getting and
retaining adequately trained GIS staff continue to be problems. Indeed, there will be in-
creased reliance on outside experts (consultants) for more complex GIS analyses, due to
difficulty in finding and keeping expert staff on internal payroll.

Additional problems of which to be aware relate to the nature of GIS data, namely, that to be
successful it must be shared. This leads to turf battles and questions about who should have
access, and how much, to the GIS.

1. Integration of information for better decisions

2. Decreased risk of poor decisions due to incomplete data
3. Access to more accurate data
4. Reduction of duplicate data
5. Ability to visualize interrelationships of various data and projects quickly
6. Ability to develop public information maps
7. Assist with revenue initiatives
8. Quick response to internal and external queries
9. Easy access to information and maps
10. Significant time savings for information access
11. Unprecedented analysis of information
12. Identification of trends
13. Assist in public relations
14. Better cooperation with regulatory agencies
15. Increased safety for personnel
16. Ability to monitor department commitments

6. Traffic Engineering Analysis

6.1 Traffic Engineering Primer

6.1.1 Traffic Engineering

Traffic engineering, or, in more modern terms, traffic control and management, concerns
itself with the provision of efficient mobility of people and goods while preserving safety and
minimizing all harmful impacts on the environment. A broader look at traffic engineering
might include a variety of engineering skills, including design, construction, operations,
maintenance, and optimization of transportation systems. Practically speaking, however, traf-
fic engineering focuses more on systems operations than on construction and maintenance

6.1.2 Evolution of Current Transportation Systems and Problems

Automobile ownership and hence dependence and truck usage have been on the rise since the
Second World War. In the United States, the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1956 authorized the
National System of Interstate and Defense Highways. For a couple of decades thereafter, the
prime focus was on the creation of this immense mesh of freeways, considered to be the
largest public works project in the history of the planet. Very quickly, transportation profes-
sionals realized that the growth in automobile use and dependence is outpacing the growth in
capacity building, not to mention other problems, such as lack of funds to maintain the giant
infrastructure. Ever-rising congestion levels testify to this, and hence the sustainability of
continued capacity creation came under the limelight, with fierce criticism by planners, and
environmentalists alike. Recognition quickly crystallized that we need to move ‘‘smarter’’
and make intelligent use of existing capacity before any attempt to add more. The Inter-
modal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA, pronounced ‘‘ice tea’’) of 1991, placed
on the use of technology to utilize existing capacity efficiently instead of continued new
construction, in addition to emphasizing intermodalism and modernization of public transport
to curb automobile dependence. ISTEA dedicated $659 million dollars to research and
development and experimental projects geared towards the intelligent use of the national
transportation infrastructure. In 1998, the U.S. Congress passed the Transportation Equity Act
for the 21st Century (TEA-21), which earmarked $1.2 billion dollars for mainstreaming ITS
with emphasis on deployment. For the most part, similar initiatives took place all over the
modern world, including Canada, Europe, Australia, and Japan. Hence, the modern trans-
portation engineering field focused on, in addition to the basics, a number of key directions,
such as intermodalism, using technology to improve transportation provisions under ITS,
managing ever-rising congestion through supply control and demand management, and pro-
tecting the environment.

6.1.3 Transportation Systems: Mobility and Accessibility
Land transportation systems include all roadway and parking facilities dedicated to moving
and storing private, public, and commercial vehicles. Those facilities serve two principal but
contradicting functions: mobility and accessibility. Mobility is the common-sense objective
of transportation, aiming at the fastest but safe movement of people or goods. Access to
terminal points (homes, businesses) is also essential at trip ends. Mobility requires least
friction with terminal points, while accessibility requires slow speeds and hence contradicts
mobility. Fortunately, roads systems evolved in a hierarchical manner to serve both without
conflict. For urban areas, for instance, the American Association for State Highway and
Transportation Officials (AASHTO) defines the hierarchy of roads as follows:
1. Urban principal arterial system, including interstate highways, freeways, and other
urban arterials, all have some level of access control to promote mobility; typified by
high volumes and speeds.
2. Urban minor arterial street system, which augments the freeway system, emphasizes
rel- atively high mobility while connecting freeways to collectors.
3. Urban collector street system, collecting traffic from local streets and streaming it
onto arterials, with somewhat balanced emphasis on both mobility and accessibility.
4. Urban local street system, primarily provides access to terminal points, and hence
delib- erately discourages high mobility and emphasizes low volumes and speeds.

AASHTO has a somewhat similar classification for rural roads, defining the level of
mobility versus accessibility provided by each class.

With the above hierarchical classification in mind, traffic control and management strat- egies
must recognize and preserve the functional classification of the road at hand. For instance,
improper provision of mobility on freeways and arterials might result in neighbor- hood
infiltration by traffic, an undesirable and spreading phenomenon in today’s congested urban

6.1.4 Emerging Trends

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Intelligent transportation systems, an emerging
global phenomenon, are a broad range of diverse technologies applied to transportation in an
attempt to save lives, money and time. The range of technologies involved includes
microelectronics, communications, and computer informatics, and cuts across disciplines
such as transportation engineering, telecommunications, computer science, financing, elec-
tronics, commerce, and automobile manufacturing. ITS and the underlying technologies will
soon put a computer (which has the potential to eliminate human error) in each car to guide
us to our destinations, away from congestion, interact with the road, and even drive itself.
Although ITS sounds futuristic, it is becoming reality at a very fast pace. Already, real
systems, products, and services are at work all the over the world. Alot remains to be done,
but the future of ITS is promising. Many aspects of our lives have been more pleasant and
productive through the use of advanced technologies, and it is time for the transportation

industry to catch up and benefit from technology. ITS can go beyond a transportation system
whose primary controlling technology is the four-way traffic signal.

Some scattered computer-based solutions to transportation problems date back to the late
1950s and early 1960s. The first large-scale application of a computerized signal control
system in the world took place in Metropolitan Toronto, Canada, during the early 1960s.
However, the ITS field as we know it today started to mature only in the early 1990s, when it
was known as intelligent vehicle and highway systems (IVHS). The name change to
intelligent transportation systems reflects broadening to include all aspects of transportation.
Several forces have driven the ITS field. As mentioned earlier, transportation practitioners
and researchers alike realized that road building can never keep pace with the increasing
demand for travel. Some countries, like the United States, invested billions of dollars in
building road networks and infrastructure and are now faced with the challenge of
revitalizing this huge network and making the best use of its already existing capacity before
expanding further. Another set of driving forces is environment-related. Damage to the
environment from traffic emissions rose to unprecedented alarming levels. In Canada for
instance, trans- portation represents the single largest source of greenhouse gas emissions,
accounting for 27 percent of the total emissions, which is estimated to increase to 42 percent
by the year 2020. The problem is even greater in more car-dependent societies like the United
States. Road safety, or the lack of, and escalating death tolls and injuries in traffic accidents
each year are yet a third set of forces. For all these reasons, more road building is not always
viable or desirable. High-tech computer, electronic, and communication technologies offer
one at- tractive and promising approach, and hence the current appeal of ITS. A healthy ITS
industry would also have other non-traffic-related societal benefits, including stimulation of
new in- formation technology-based industries and creation of new markets and jobs.
Therefore, ITS is more than just intelligent solutions on the road. It is a new strategic
direction for national and international economies. The market share of ITS is projected to
expand over the next decade from an annual world market of $25 billion in 2001 to $90
billion in 2011. A projected $209 billion will be invested in ITS between now and 2011
(ITS-America). Access to this sizable market is vital to the transportation and related
technology sectors.

One important attribute of this emerging new face of the transportation industry—shaped by
ITS—is that it is no longer restricted to civil engineers or to a single department or agency.
Given the broad range of technologies involved, the ITS field is multidepartmental,
multiagency, and multijurisdictional, cutting across the public, private, and academic sectors.
This broadness will certainly enhance potential, widen scope, and revolutionize the way we
handle our transportation systems, but it will also pose institutional challenges that we must
be aware of and prepared for.

ITS Subsystems. Collectively, ITS aims to enhance the utilization of existing roadway
capacity, as well as increase capacity itself. Enhancing the use of existing capacity is
achievable through improved distribution of traffic, dynamically sending traffic away from
congested hotspots to underutilized segments of the network, and the elimination of

bottleneck- causing controls such as conventional toll plazas. Increasing the physical capacity
itself is possible through automation of driving and elimination of the human behavior
element altogether. This is the promise of automated highway systems that could potentially
double or triple the number of vehicles a single lane can handle. From this perspective, ITS
can be divided into two main categories of systems:
1. Advanced traffic management and traveler information systems (ATMS and ATIS, or
combined as ATMIS)
2. Advanced vehicle control and automated highway systems (AVCS and AHS)

ATMIS provide extensive traffic surveillance, assessment of recurring congestion due to

repetitive high demands, and detection of nonrecurring congestion due to incidents, traffic
information and route guidance dissemination to drivers, and adaptive optimization of control
systems such as traffic signals and ramp meters. Current and near-future trends in ATMIS
tend to rely on centralized management in traffic management centers (TMCs). TMCs gauge
traffic conditions by receiving information from vehicle detectors throughout the network as
well as the vehicles themselves, as probes formulate control measures in the center and
disseminate control to field devices as well as information and guidance to drivers. Newer
trends of distributed control are emerging but have not crystallized yet. The main distin-
guishing characteristics of ATMIS are real-time operation and network-wide multijurisdic-
tional implementation.

AVCS provides better control of the vehicle itself, either by assisting the driver or by
automating the driving process in an auto-pilot-like fashion in order to increase capacity and
enhance safety. Full automation (AHS) can result in higher speeds at lesser headways, and
hence higher lane capacity. Automation can be applied to individual vehicles as free agents in
a nonautomated mix of traffic or as fully automated lanes carrying platoons of electron- ically
linked vehicles. Although AHS is technically promising, an array of unsettled issues remains,
including legal liabilities in the event of incident due to any potential automatic controller
failure, technical reliability issues, and social issues. Therefore, AHS is still ‘‘fu- turistic’’ at
the current stage of ITS. The feasible alternative, however, is to use the technology to assist
the driver, who remains in control of the vehicle—that is, to make the vehicle smarter. Such
intelligent vehicles will detect obstacles on the road and in the blind spots and warn the driver
accordingly, maintain constant distance from the vehicle ahead, and alert a sleepy driver who
is going off the road. As technology improves further, the role of the intelligent vehicle can
move from a simple warning to full intervention and accident pre- vention by applying the
brakes or overriding faulty steering decisions.

The prime distinction between ATMIS and AVCS is that ATMIS focus on smoothing out
traffic flow in the network by helping the driver make best route-choice decisions and op-
timizing the control systems in the network, while AVCS focus on the driver, the operation of
the vehicle, and traffic maneuvers in the immediate vehicle vicinity. AVCS focus on
enhancing the driver’s awareness and perception, aiding decision-making by providing early
warning and potentially initiating action, and eventually using sensory inputs and computer
control in place of human sensory reactions and control.

ITS User Services. Another way to look at the constituents of ITS is from the end-user
perspective. In the United States, for instance, a collection of interrelated user services is
defined and grouped into user-service bundles. As reported by the Intelligent Transportation
Society of America (ITS-America), 29 user services have been defined to date as summarized
in Table 6.1. These services and their definitions/descriptions are expected to evolve and
undergo further refinements in time. User services are composed of multiple technological
elements or functions, which may be in common with other services. For example, a single
user service will usually require several technologies, such as advanced communications,
mapping, and surveillance, which may be shared with other user services. This commonality
of technological functions is one basis for the suggested bundling of services. In some other
cases, the institutional perspectives of organizations that will deploy the services provided the
rationale for the formation of a specific bundle. The users of this service or the ITS
stakeholders include travelers using all modes of transportation, transportation management
center operators, transit operators, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), commercial
vehicle owners and operators, state and local governments, and many others who will benefit
from deployment of ITS.

ITS Architecture. We deal with and benefit from systems architectures almost every day,
although we might not know what an architecture is or what it is for. For instance, one day
you purchase a television set, and later you purchase a videocassette recorder from a different
retailer and by a different manufacturer, but you never worry about whether they will work
together. Similarly, you might buy a low-end radio receiver and a high-end compact disk
player and again assume they will work together just fine. You travel with your FM radio
receiver and it works everywhere. This seamless operation of different systems or
components of a system has not come about by chance, thanks to a mature industry and
widely adopted architectures and related standards that ensure such interoperability. The ITS
industry, however, is still in its infancy. It is rapidly evolving in different places all over the
world, and different groups are pursuing its development. Users are at risk of investing or
adopting certain ITS equipment that works only locally. Similarly, if left without adequate
guidance, stakeholders could easily develop systems solutions to their needs, which might be
incompatible with those of regional neighbors. For instance, an in-vehicle navigation system
pur chased in California might not work in Nevada, or a system purchased in Ontario might
not work once the user crosses the border to New York. Therefore, to ensure seamless ITS
operation, some sort of global or at least national system architecture and related standards
are needed. To maximize fully the potential of ITS technologies, system design solutions
must be compatible at the system interface level in order to share data, provide coordinated,
area-wide integrated operations, and support interoperable equipment and services where
appropriate. An ITS architecture provides this overall guidance to ensure system, product,
and service compatibility/interoperability without limiting the design options of the stake-
holder. In this chapter we use the U.S. ITS National System architecture only as an example.
We are confident that similar efforts are underway in almost every ITS-active country,
producing architectures that are more or less similar to the American architecture.

In the United States, Congress directed the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) to
promote nationwide compatibility of ITS. Spearheaded by the U.S. DOT and the Intelligent
Transportation Society of America (ITS-America), four major teams were formed in 1993.
The four teams proposed four different architectures. The two most promising architectures
were selected, integrated, and refined in the form of the final architecture. A rich set of
documents describing every detail of the final architecture can be found on the ITS-America
website (, which we summarize in the following section.

It is important to understand that the architecture is neither a system design nor a design
concept. It is a framework around which multiple design approaches can be developed to
meet the individual needs of the user while maintaining the benefits of a common architecture
noted above. The architecture defines the functions (e.g., gather traffic information or request
a route) that must be performed to implement a given user service; the physical subsystems
where these functions reside (e.g., the roadside or the vehicle); the interfaces/information
flows between the physical subsystems; and the communication requirements for the
information flows (e.g., wireline or wireless). In addition, it identifies and specifies the
require- ments for the standards needed to support national and regional interoperability, as
well as product standards needed to support economy of scale considerations in deployment.

The function view of ITS is referred to as the logical architecture as shown in Figure 6.1.
Func- tions such as ‘‘manage traffic,’’ for instance, can be further divided into finer processes
such as ‘‘detect pollution levels’’ and ‘‘process pollution data.’’ The systems view is referred
to as the physical architecture as shown in Figure 6.1. Figure 6.1 also shows communications
requirements and information flows. The physical architecture partitions the functions
defined by the logical architecture into systems and, at a lower level, subsystems, based on
the functional similarity of the process specifications and the location where the functions are
being performed. The physical architecture defines four systems, traveler, center, roadside,
and vehicle, and nineteen subsystems. Subsystems are composed of equipment packages with
specific functional attributes. Equipment packages are defined to support analyses and
deployment. They represent the smallest units within a subsystem that might be purchased. In
deployments, the character of a subsystem deployment is determined by the specific
equipment packages chosen. For example, one municipal deployment of a traffic
management subsystem may select collect traffic surveillance and basic signal control
equipment pack- ages, while a state traffic management center may select collect traffic
surveillance and freeway control packages. In addition, subsystems may be deployed
individually or in ag- gregations or combinations that will vary by geography and time based
on local deployment choices. A traffic management center may include a traffic management
subsystem, infor- mation provider subsystem, and emergency management subsystem, all
within one building, while another traffic management center may concentrate only on the
management of traffic with the traffic management subsystem.

The architecture has identified four communication media types to support the
communication requirements between the nineteen subsystems: They are wireline
(fixed-to-fixed), wide area wireless (fixed-to-mobile), dedicated short range communications
(fixed-to-mobile), and vehicle-to-vehicle (mobile-to-mobile). Wireline technology, such as
leased or owned twisted wire pairs, coaxial cable, or fiber optics, can be used by a traffic
management center to gather information and monitor and control roadway subsystem
equipment packages (e.g., traffic surveillance sensors, traffic signals, changeable message
signs). Although wire- less communications technologies can also be used in this case, they
are used to provide fixed-to-fixed communications and consequently the architecture
recognizes them as wireline communications media. One-or two-way wide area wireless
(fixed-to-mobile) communica- tions are suited for services and applications where
information is disseminated to users who are not located near the source of transmission and
who require seamless coverage, such as is the case for traveler information and route
guidance dissemination. Short-range wireless is concerned with information transfer of
localized interest. Two types of short-range wireless communication are identified by the
architecture: vehicle-to-vehicle communication, which supports automated highway systems
(AHS), and dedicated short-range communications (DSRC), used in applications such as
automated toll collection.

In conclusion, the basic benefit of the architecture is to provide a structure that supports the
development of open standards. This results in numerous benefits: the architecture makes
integration of complex systems easier, ensures compatibility, and supports multiple ranges of
functionality and designs.

ITS and Potential Economic Stimulation. As mentioned above, ITS is more than just
solutions to traffic problems. Investments in the ITS industry are actually large scale
infrastructure investments that feature wide-spread application of high technology. The
arguable question is whether ITS would promote national level economic growth.
Information technology-related industries are increasingly becoming the heart of the
economy of many industrialized nations worldwide. Directing information technology
investments towards large-scale infrastructure developments has the potential to promote new
industries that would have an impact on long-term economic growth. This might take place
for several reasons (Transportation Infastructures 1995). First, such investments would create
large economies of scale for new computing and communications products even before they
could attain such scale economies in the marketplace. This would offer more rapid returns on
investment to supporters of such industries. Second, as a consequence of such success, capital
markets, which are usually risk-averse, might be more inclined to support such industries and
make larger funds available for their expansion. Third, this would speed the adoption of new
generations of communications and computing technology.

Governments can play critical roles in accelerating the growth of the ITS industry. Public
investments could shape the setting of system architectures and standards and influence the
development of applications that would encourage private sector investments by lowering the
risk perceived by private investors. A national ITS mandate would likely reduce some of the

risks and result in private companies taking a longer-range view of returns to their capital
spending. The role of governmental leadership in the ITS industry can be easily appreciated if
one contrasts the rapid growth of the ITS industry in a country like the United States with that
in its neighbor Canada, for example. In the United States, ISTEA promoted and accelerated
ITS research and development using federal funds, and resulted in large- scale involvement
from the private sector. In Canada, on the other hand, the absence of a similar federal ITS
mandate is severely crippling the growth of the ITS industry and the related job market,
forcing Canadian talents and entrepreneurs in the ITS field to be export- oriented, shifting
focus and effort toward the American market and the international market in general.

Sustainability. A 1987 United Nations-sponsored report entitled Our Common Future

defined sustainable development as ‘‘development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.’’ Thus, any
economic or social development should improve rather than harm the environment.
Sustainability has only recently begun to be applied to cities. With increasing environmental
awareness, urban transportation planning process becomes more concerned with the air, land,
and water and the likely ecological impact of transportation facilities.

Thus, sustainable transportation planning states that cities can become more livable, more
humane, more healthy places, but they must learn how to achieve this by using fewer natural
resources, creating less waste, and decreasing the impact on the environment.

Cities are increasingly involved in pursuing this sustainability agenda. For this purpose,
specific indicators are defined to guide cities to move towards more livable communities
while reducing their impact on the earth and the ecosystem. Examples of such indicators are
taken from Newman and Kenworthy (1998):
● Energy and air quality (e.g., the reduction of energy use per capita, air pollutants,
green- house gases)
● Water, materials, and waste (e.g., the reduction of total water user per capita, solid
waste, consumption of building materials per capita)
● Land, green spaces, and biodiversity (e.g., preserve agricultural land and natural
landscape and green space; increase proportion of urban redevelopment to new
developments, in- crease density of population and employment in transit-oriented
● Transportation (e.g., reduce auto use per capita; increase transit, walk, bike, and
carpool; decrease parking spaces)
● Livability: human amenities and health (e.g., decrease infant mortality, increase
educational attainment, decrease transport fatalities, increase proportion of cities
allowing mixed-use and higher-density urban villages).

The above indicators are a scaled-down version of the original 150 indicators suggested by
the World Bank and the UN Center for Human Settlements. They serve as evidence of how
cities are contributing to global problems, namely greenhouse gases and oil depletion. Every

particular city has to define the indicators that are applicable to its conditions, and conse-
quently manage both local and global issues.

In order to meet the sustainability indicators, cities have to develop sustainability plans,
known also as Local Agenda 21 plans, as stated in Agenda 21:

Each Local authority should enter into a dialogue with its citizens, local organizations and
private enterprises and adopt a ‘‘local’’ Agenda 21. Local authorities should learn from
citizens and local, civic, community, business, and industrial organizations the information
needed for formulating the best strategies. This process will also increase household
awareness of sustainable development issues (Sitarz 1994, 177)

Sustainability plans require two central approaches, namely integrated planning as well as
community participation. The integrated planning deals with the fusion of cities’ physical and
environmental planning with economic planning. On the other hand, community participation
calls for public participation in planning. In other words, urban plans should be designed with
local citizens to meet their local needs.

Auto-dependency is recognized as a great threat to sustainability. In fact, one of the central

arguments for sustainable development is concerned with the critical impact of an automobile
based transportation system on a society. Thus, changes in travel behavior must occur in
order to minimize transportation’s impact on the environment (Newman and Kenworthy
1998). Three general approaches are to be implemented simultaneously to limit
autodependency and consequently change cities over time to become more sustainable:
● Automobile technological improvements: the development of less-polluting cars to
reduce air pollutants and emissions.
● Economic instruments: setting the right road user charges to meet the real cost of auto
usage, such as pollution costs, health costs, road and parking costs, etc.
● Planning mechanisms: the need of a non-automobile-dependent planning. The New
Ur- banism trend encourages environment-friendly commuting modes, such as transit,
cycling, and walking. This can be achieved by changing the urban fabric to become
denser and mixed land use.

In addition, in order to reduce auto-dependency in cities, five policies should be followed.

These policies bring together the processes of traffic calming, state-of-the-art transit, bicycle
planning, and transit-oriented development, the neo-traditional urban design of streets for
pedestrians, in particular the design of urban villages, growth management, as well as eco-
nomic penalties for private transportation.

6.2 Traffic Stream Parameters And Their Measurement

6.2.1 Characteristics of Traffic Flow

Traffic flow can be divided into two primary types: interrupted flow and uninterrupted flow.
Uninterrupted flow occurs when vehicles traversing a length of roadway are not required to
stop by any cause external to the traffic stream, such as traffic control devices. Uninterrupted
flow is regulated by vehicle-vehicle interactions on one side and by the interactions between
vehicles and the roadway environment and geometry on the other side. An instance of
uninterrupted flow includes vehicles traveling on an interstate highway or on other limited
access facilities where there are no traffic signals or signs to interrupt the traffic.
Uninterrupted flow can also occur on long sections of rural surface highway between
signalized intersections. Even when such facilities are experiencing congestion, breakdowns
in the traf- fic stream are the results of internal rather than external interactions in the traffic

Interrupted flow occurs when flow is periodically interrupted by external means, primarily
traffic control devices such as stop and yield signs and traffic signals. Under interrupted flow
conditions, traffic control devices play a primary role in defining the traffic flow, while
vehicle-vehicle interactions and vehicle-roadway interactions play only a secondary role. For
instance, traffic signals allow designated movements to occur only part of the time. In
addition, because of the repeated stopping and restarting of traffic stream on such facilities,
flow occurs in platoons.

6.2.2 Traffic Stream Parameters

Traffic stream parameters represent the engineer’s quantitative measure for understanding
and describing traffic flow. Traffic stream parameters fall into two broad categories: macro-
scopic parameters, which characterize the traffic stream as a whole, and microscopic para-
meters, which characterize the behavior of individual vehicles in the traffic stream with
respect to each other.

The three macroscopic parameters that describe traffic stream are volume or rate of flow,
speed, and density.

Volume and Flow. Volume is simply the number of vehicles that pass a given point on the
roadway or a given lane or direction of a highway in a specified period of time. The unit of
volume is simply vehicles, although it is often expressed as annual, daily, hourly peak and
off-peak. The subsequent sections explain the range of commonly used daily volumes, hourly
volumes, and subhourly volumes.

Daily Volumes. Daily volumes are frequently used as the basis for highway planning, for
general trend observations, as well as for traffic volume projections. Four daily volume

parameters are widely used: average annual daily traffic (AADT), average annual weekday
traffic (AAWT), average daily traffic (ADT), and average weekday traffic (AWT).
● AADT is the average 24-hour traffic volume at a given location over a full year, that
is, the total number of vehicles passing the site in a year divided by 365. AADT is
normally obtained from permanent counting stations, typically bidirectional flow data
rather than lane-specific flow data.
● AAWT is the average 24-hour traffic volume occurring on weekdays over a full year.
AAWT is normally obtained by dividing the total weekday traffic for the year by the
annual weekdays (usually 260 days). This volume is of particular importance since
weekend traffic is usually low; thus, the average higher weekday volume over 365
days would hide the impact of the weekday traffic.
● ADT is the average 24-hour traffic volume at a given location for a period of time less
than a year (e.g., summer, six months, a season, a month, a week). ADT is valid only
for the period of time over which it was measured.
● AWT is the average 24-hour traffic volume occurring on weekdays at a given location
for a period of time less than a year, such as a month or a season.

The unit describing all these volumes is vehicles per day (veh/day). Daily volumes are often
not differentiated per lane or direction but rather are given as totals for an entire facility at a
particular location.

Hourly Volumes. As mentioned previously, daily volumes are used mainly for planning
applications. They cannot be used alone for design and operational analysis. Hourly volumes
are designed to reflect the variation of traffic over the different time period of a day. They are
also used to identify single hour or period of highest volume in a day occurring during the
morning and evening commute, that is, rush hours. The single hour of the day corre-
sponding to the highest hourly volume is referred to as peak hour. The peak hour traffic
volume is a critical input in the design and operational analysis of transportation facilities.
The peak hour volume is usually a directional traffic, that is, the direction of flows is
separated. Highway design as well as other operations analysis, such as signal design, must
adequately serve the peak-hour flow corresponding to the peak direction.

Peak hour volumes can sometimes be estimated from AADT, as follows:


DDHV = directional design hourly volume (veh/hr)
AADT = average annual daily traffic (24 hours) (veh/day)
K = factor for proportion of daily traffic occurring at peak hour
D = factor for proportion of traffic in peak direction

K and D values vary depending on the regional characteristics of the design facilities, namely,
rural versus urban versus suburban. K often represents the AADT proportions occurring

during the thirtieth or fiftieth highest peak hour of the year. K factor is inversely proportional
to the density of development surrounding the highway. In design and analysis of rural areas,
the thirtieth highest peak-hour volume is used, while in urbanized areas the fiftieth highest is
used. The D factor depends on both the concentration of developments and the specific
relationship between the design facility and the major traffic generators in the area. The
Highway Capacity Manual 2000 provides ranges for K and D factors depending on the
facility types and the corresponding regional characteristics of the area.

Subhourly Volumes. Subhourly volumes represent traffic variation within the peak hour, i.e.,
short-term fluctuations in traffic demand. In fact, a facility design may be adequate for design
hour, but breakdown may occur due to short-term fluctuations. Typical designs and
operational analyses are based on 15-minute peak traffic within the peak hour (e.g., level of
service analysis using Highway Capacity Manual).

The peak-hour factor (PHF) is calculated to relate the peak flow rate to hourly volumes. This
relationship is estimated as follows:

PHF = peak hour factor
V = peak hour volume (veh/hr)
V15 = volume for peak 15-min period (veh)

The PHF describes trip-generation characteristics. When PHF is known, it can be used to
convert a peak-hour volume to an estimated peak rate of flow within an hour:

v = peak rate of flow within hour (veh/hr)
V = peak hourly volume (veh/hr)
PHF = peak hour factor

Speed. The speed of a vehicle is defined as the distance it travels per unit of time. It is the
inverse of the time taken by a vehicle to traverse a given distance. Most of the time, each
vehicle on the roadway will have a speed that is somewhat different from the speed of the
vehicles around it. In quantifying the traffic stream, the average speed of the traffic is the
significant variable. The average speed, called the space mean speed, can be found by
averaging the individual speeds of all of the vehicles in the study area.

Space Mean versus Time Mean Speed. Two different ways of calculating the average speed
of a set of vehicles are reported, namely the space mean speed and the time mean speed. This

difference in computing the average speed leads to two different values with different
physical significance. While the time mean speed (TMS) is defined as the average speed of
all vehicles passing a point on a highway over a specified time period, the space mean speed
(SMS) is defined as the average speed of all vehicles occupying a given section of a highway
over a specified time period. TMS is a point measure and SMS is a measure relating to a
length of highway or lane. TMS and SMS may be computed from a series of measured travel
times over a measured distance. TMS takes the arithmetic mean of the observation. It is
computed as:

SMS could be calculated by taking the harmonic mean of speeds measured at a point over
time. It is computed by dividing the distance by an average travel time, as shown below:

TMS = time mean speed (fps or mph)
SMS = space mean speed (fps or mph)
d = distance traversed (ft or mi)
n = number of travel times observed
ti = travel time for the ith vehicles (sec or hr)

Density. Density is the number of vehicles present on a given length of roadway or lane.
Normally, density is reported in terms of vehicles per mile or per kilometer. High densities
indicate that individual vehicles are very close to each other, while low densities imply
greater distances between vehicles. Density is a difficult parameter to measure directly in the
field. Direct measurements of density can be obtained through aerial photography, which is
an expensive method, or it can be estimated from the density, flow, and speed relationship as
explained in the paragraphs below.

Flow, Speed, Density Relationship. Speed, flow, and density are all related to each other and
are fundamental for measuring the operating performance and level of service of trans-
portation facilities, such as freeway sections. Under uninterrupted flow conditions, speed,
density, and flow are all related by the following equation:

Flow = Density X Speed: v = S X D

v = flow (veh/hr)
S = space mean (average running) speed (mph, km/hr)

D = density (veh/mile, veh/hr)

The general form of relationships between speed, density, and flow is illustrated in Figure
6.2, also known as the fundamental diagrams of traffic flow. The relationship between speed
and density is consistently decreasing. As density increases, speed decreases. This diagram as
well as the above formula show that flow is zero under two different conditions:
● When density is zero: thus, there is no vehicle on the road
● When speed is zero: vehicles are at complete stop because of traffic congestion.

In the first case, the speed corresponds to the theoretical maximum value: the free flow speed
v0, while in the second the density assumes the theoretical maximum value: the jam density,
Kjam. The peak of the density flow curve (and speed-flow curve) occurs at the theoretical
maximum flow (i.e., capacity) of the facility. The corresponding speed vc and density kc are
referred to as the critical speed and the critical density at which maximum capacity occurs.

Density is the most important of the three traffic-stream parameters, since it is the measure
most directly related to traffic demand and congestion levels. In fact, traffic is generated from
various land uses, bringing trips on a highway segment. Generated trips produce traffic
density, which in turn produces flow rate and speeds. Density also gives an indication of the
quality of flow on the facilities. It is the measure of proximity of vehicles and is also the basis
for LOS on uninterrupted facilities. In addition, density readings, in contrast to flow
measurements, clearly distinguish between congested or uncongested conditions.

6.2.3 Other: Gap, Headway, and Occupancy
Flow, speed, and density are macroscopic parameters characterizing the traffic stream as a
whole. Headway, gap, and occupancy are microscopic measures for describing the space
between individual vehicles. These parameters are discussed in the paragraphs below.

Headway. Headway is a measure of the temporal space between two vehicles, or, more
specifically, the time that elapses between the arrival of the leading vehicle and the following
vehicle at the designated test point along the lane. Headway between two vehicles is mea-
sured by starting a chronograph when the front bumper of the first vehicle crosses the
selected point and subsequently recording the time that the second vehicle’s front bumper
crosses over the designated point. Headway is usually reported in units of seconds.

Average value of headway is related to macroscopic parameters as follows:

Average headway = 1/flow or v = 3600 / ha

v = rate of flow
ha = average headway

Gap. Gap is very similar to headway, except that it is a measure of the time that elapses
between the departure of the first vehicle and the arrival of the second at the designated test
point. Gap is a measure of the time between the rear bumper of the first vehicle and the front
bumper of the second vehicle, where headway focuses on front-to-front times. Gap is also
reported in units of seconds. Figure 6.3 illustrates the difference between gap and headway.

Occupancy. Occupancy denotes the proportion or percentage of time a point on the road is
occupied by vehicles. It is measured, using loop detectors, as the fraction of time that vehicles
are on the detector. Therefore, for a specific time interval T, occupancy is the sum of the time
that vehicles cover the detector, divided by T. For each individual vehicle, the time spent on
the detector is determined as function of the vehicle’s speed, its headway, its length L, plus
the length of the detector itself C. That is, the detector is affected by the vehicle from the time
the front bumper crosses the start of the detection zone until the time the rear bumper clears
the end of the detection zone. Occupancy is computed as follows:

LO = lane occupancy, i.e., percentage of time a lane is occupied with vehicles divided by
total study time
K = density of flow
L = average vehicle length
C = length of detector

Therefore, if occupancy is measured as above, density can be estimated as:
k=LO /(L+C)

6.2.4 Loop Detector as Measuring Device

The inductive loop detector is by far the most common form of detector used for both traffic
counting and traffic management purposes. It is used to measure traffic volume, flow rate,
vehicle speed, and occupancy. Inductance loops are widely used detector systems and are
known for their reliability in data measurement, flexibility in design, and relatively low cost.

The loop detectors’ principal components (see Figure 6.4) include:

● One or more turns of insulated wire buried in a narrow, shallow saw-cut in the

● Lead-in cable that connects the loop to the detector via a roadside pull-out box
● Detector unit (or amplifier) that interprets changes in the electrical properties of the
loop when a vehicle passes over it

Data that can be determined from inductive loop detectors include lane occupancy, traffic
densities, traffic composition, average and instantaneous vehicle velocities, presence of con-
gestion, and length and duration of traffic jams. Depending on the technology used, these
data can be directly or indirectly determined by the inductive loop detectors. Additional data
include historical data, weather condition measurements, time of day (rush hour or other-
wise), and type of day (weekday, weekend, public holiday).

Loop detectors are also necessary to measure the data that will be used to construct a traffic
model and calibrate this model, as we will see in the next section (i.e., checking whether the
behavior predicted by the model corresponds accurately enough to the real behavior of the

6.3 Traffic Flow Theory

Knowledge of fundamental traffic flow characteristics (speed, volume, and density) and the
related analytical techniques are essential requirements in planning, design, and operation of
transportation systems. Fundamental traffic flow characteristics have been studied at the mi-
croscopic, mesoscopic, and macroscopic, levels. Existing traffic flow models are based on
time headway, flow, time-space trajectory, speed, distance headway, and density. These mod-
els lead to the development of a range of analytical techniques, such as demand-supply
analysis, capacity and level of service analysis, traffic stream modeling, shock wave analysis,
queuing analysis, and simulation modeling (May 1990).

Traffic simulation models are also classified as microscopic, macroscopic, and mesoscopic
models. Microscopic simulation models are based on car-following principles and are typi-
cally computationally intensive but accurate in representing traffic evolution. Macroscopic
models are based on the movement of traffic as a whole by employing flow rate variables and
other general descriptors representing flow at a high level of aggregation without distin-
guishing its parts. This aggregation improves computational performance but reduces the
detail of representation. Mesoscopic models lie between the other two approaches and bal-
ance accuracy of representation and computational performance. They represent average
movement of a group of vehicles (packets) on a link. Microscopic analysis may be selected
for moderate-size systems where there is a need to study the behavior of individual units in
the system. Macroscopic analysis may be selected for higher-density, large-scale systems in
which a study of behavior of groups of units is adequate. Knowledge of traffic situations and
the ability to select the more appropriate modeling technique is required for the specific
problem. In addition, simulation models differ in the effort needed for the calibration process.
Microscopic models are the most difficult to calibrate, followed by mesoscopic models.
Macroscopic models are easily calibrated.

6.3.1 Traffic Flow Models
Microscopic traffic flow modeling is concerned with individual time and space headway
between vehicles, while macroscopic modeling is concerned with macroscopic flow char-
acteristics. The latter are expressed as flow rates with attention given to temporal, spatial, and
modal flows (May 1990). This section describes the best-known macroscopic, mesosopic,
and microscopic traffic flow models.

Macro Models. In a macroscopic approach, the variables to be determined are:

● The flow q(x,t) (or volume) corresponding to the number of vehicles passing a
specific location x in a time unit and at time period t
● The space mean speed v(x,t) corresponding to the instantaneous average speed of
vehicles in a length increment
● The traffic density k(x,t) corresponding to the number of vehicles per length unit.

These macroscopic variables are defined by the well-known equation:

q(x,t) = k(x,t) X v(x,t)

The static characteristics of the flow are completely defined by a fundamental diagram (as
shown in Figure 6.5). The macroscopic approach considers traffic stream parameters and
develops algorithms that relate flow to density and space mean speed. Various speed-density
models have been developed and are shown also to fit experimental data. These models are
explained below.

Greenshields Model. The first steady-state speed-density model was introduced by

Greenshields, who proposed a linear relationship between speed and density as follows:

u = velocity at any time
uƒ = free-flow speed
k = density at that instant
kj = maximum density

As mentioned above, in these equations, as the flow increases, density increases and the
speed decreases. At optimum density, flow becomes maximum (q m) at u=uƒ/2 and k=kj /2.

Greenberg Model. A second early model was suggested by Greenberg (1959), showing a
logarithmic relationship as follows:
u = c ln (k/kj)
u = velocity at any time
c = a constant (optimum speed)
k = density at that instant
kj = maximum density

Three-Dimensional Models. The idea of considering all three fundamental variables (q, k, v)
simultaneously first appeared in TRB SR-165. The notion of a three-dimensional model
appeared in the form of Figure 6.5, where v = q/k represents the surface of admissible traffic
stream models. The surface shown in Figure 6.5 is a continuous one; thus, by accepting that
the u = q/k relationship holds the entire range of traffic operations, one can reasonably
conclude that it suffices to study traffic modeling as a two-dimensional problem (Hall 1998).

Lighthill and Whitham (LW) Model. The continuous-flow approach, proposed by Ligh- thill
and Whitham (LW) (1955), represents the aggregate behavior of a large number of vehicles.
This model is applicable to the distribution of traffic flow on long and crowded roads. The
LW model reproduces qualitatively a remarkable amount of real traffic phenomena, such as
the decreasing speeds with increasing densities and shock wave formation.

The LW model is derived from the physical law of incompressible fluid and is based on the
following three fundamental principles (Cohen 1991):
1. Continuous representation of variables: It considers that at a given location x and time
t, the traffic mean speed u(x,t), the flow q(x,t) and traffic density values k(x,t) are
contin- uous variables and satisfy the relation u(x,t) = q(x,t)/k(x,t).

2. The law of conservation of mass: This is a basic speculation of the simple continuum
model, which states that vehicles are not created or lost along the road. The law of the
conservation of the number of vehicles leads to the continuity equation for the density

3. The statement of fundamental diagrams: The fundamental hypothesis of the theory is

that at any point on the road, the speed u is a function of the density. In addition,
speed is a decreasing function of concentration: u = u(k).

Therefore, the law of traffic at a given section of the road during a given time period can be
expressed in terms of an equation relating two out of the three variables flow, concentra- tion,
and speed (Cohen 1991).

For the macroscopic description of the theory the flow q(veh/hr), the density k (veh/km), and
the mean speed u (km/hr) are considered as differentiable functions of time t and space x
(Papageorgiou 1998).

From the continuity equation with the flow-density relation (q = q(k)) and the basic relation
between traffic variables (q = u.k), a differential equation of the density (k) is derived as

The kinematic waves theory attempts to solve this partial differential equation to predict the
concentration of flow at any point on the road at any time.

Figure 6.6 shows how the propagation speed of the shock wave corresponds to the slope of
the tangent on the fundamental diagram. This hypothesis implies that slight changes in traffic
flow are propagated through the stream of vehicles along kinematic waves. Waves are
propagated either:

● Forward, when density k is less than the critical density kc, which corresponds to the
uncongested region of the flow-density diagram, or
● Backward, when k is greater than critical density kc, which corresponds to the
congested region of the flow-density diagram.

This property leads to a distinction between two types of flow, namely uncongested flow (for
k < kc) and congested flow (k > kc). In practice, once congestion occurs, disturbance
propagates backward from downstream.

Under several assumptions and simplifications, the LW model is consistent with a class of
car-following models. With regard to urban traffic flow in signalized networks, the LW model
is more than sufficient because traffic flow dynamics are dominated by external events (red
traffic lights) rather than by the inherent traffic flow dynamics (Papageorgiou 1998). For
freeway traffic flow, the LW model achieves a certain degree of qualitative accuracy and is
certainly an improvement over purely static approaches. However, the LW model includes a
number of simplifications and fails to reproduce some real dynamic phenomena observed on

Shock Waves. Flow-speed-density states changes over space and time (May 1990). With the
prompt occurrence of such change, a boundary is established that marks a discontinuity of
flow and density from one side of the boundary in respect to the other. This discrepancy is
explained by the generation of shock waves. Basically, a shock wave exists whenever the
traffic conditions change abruptly. As such, shock waves can be generated by collisions,
sudden increases in speed caused by entering free-flow conditions, or a number of other
means. A shock, then represents a mathematical discontinuity (abrupt change) in k, q, or u.

Figure 6.7, from May (1990), shows two different densities, flows and speed of vehicles
moving along a highway. The line separating these two flows represents the shock wave and
is moving at a speed wAB.

The propagation velocity of shock waves is

wAB = (qB - qA)/(kB - kA)

wAB = propagation velocity of shock wave (mph or km/hr)
qB = flow prior to change in conditions (veh/hr)
qA = flow after change in conditions (veh/hr)
kB = traffic density prior to change in conditions (veh/mile or veh/km)
kA = traffic density after change in conditions (veh/mile or veh/km)

Thus, the shock wave separating the two flows travels at an intermediate speed. Since the
shock wave in Figure 6.7 is moving with the direction of the traffic, it is a positive forward-
moving shock wave. On the other hand, a backward-moving shock wave or negative shock
wave travels upstream or against the traffic stream.

Figure 6.8, from Cohen (1991), demonstrates the use of traffic waves in identifying the
occurrence of a shock wave and following its trajectory. The figure on the left represents a
flow-concentration curve. The figure on the right represents the occurrence of a shock wave
and following its trajectory. On the q–k curve, point A represents a situation where traffic
travels at near capacity, implying that speed is well below the free-flow speed. Point B
represents an uncongested condition where traffic travels at a higher speed because of the
lower density. Tangents at points A and B represent the wave velocities of these two situa-
tions. The line connecting the two points on the q–k curve represents the velocity of the
shock wave. In the space-time diagram the intersection of these two sets of waves has a slope
equal to the slope of the line connecting the two points A and B on the q–k curve. This
intersection represents the velocity of the shock wave.

Second-Order Model: Payne Model. Payne (1971) proposed a method for relating mac-
roscopic variables and car-following theories. Payne developed an extended continuum
model that takes into consideration drivers reaction time and uses a dynamic speed equation
as shown below:

ipation term allows the drivers to adjust their speeds in advance to changes in density lying

The 2nd-order model provides the possibility of a more realistic description of traffic flow
(Kim 2002). The shock wave problem is alleviated through the application of the diffusion
terms. Moreover, unstable congested states are derived by the interplay between anticipation
and relaxation effects in the model. The 2nd-order model has a critical density, above which

uniform flow conditions are unstable and the wave is oscillating with ever-increasing am-
plitude. In addition, the presence of oscillating waves, explains stop-and-go traffic conditions.
Microscopic Models. Much research has been devoted to the concept that traffic stream
behavior can be analyzed at the microscopic level. At this level the behavior of individual
drivers must be examined and modeled. Microscopic models use car following laws to de-
scribe the behavior of each driver-vehicle system in the traffic stream as well as their inter-
action. Examples of microscopic models include car-following models, General Motors mod-
els, and cell transmission and cellular automata models.

Car-Following. These models are based on supposed mechanisms describing the process of
one vehicle following another, called follow-the-leader models (Lieberman and Rathi 1998).
From the overall driving task, the subtask that is most relevant to traffic flow is the task of
one vehicle following another on a single lane of roadway (car following). This particular
driving subtask is relatively simple to describe by mathematical models as com- pared to
other driving tasks. Car-following models describe the process of car-following in such a way
as to approximate the macroscopic behavior of a single lane of traffic. Hence, car-following
models form a bridge between individual car-following behavior and the mac- roscopic world
of a line of vehicles and their corresponding flow and stability properties.

Pipes and Forbes Car-Following Models. Car-following theories were developed in the 1950s
and 1960s. Early models employed simple rules for determining the distance gap between
vehicles. For example, Pipes (1953) argued that the rule that drivers actually follow is the
following, as suggested by the California Motor Vehicle Code: ‘‘The gap that a driver should
maintain should be at least one car length for every 10 mph of speed at which he is

Using the notation shown in Figure 6.9 for the gap and the vehicle speed, the resulting
distance headway d can be written as:

According to Pipes’ car-following theory, the minimum safe distance headways increase
linearly with distance.

7. Travel Demand Forecasting For Urban
Transportation Planning

7.1 Introduction

7.1.1 The Need for Determining Travel Demand: Existing and Future
The basic purpose of transportation planning and management is to match transportation
supply with travel demand, which represents the need for transportation infrastructure. A
thorough understanding of existing travel pattern is necessary for identifying and analyzing
existing traffic-related problems. Detailed data on current travel pattern and traffic volumes
are also needed for developing travel forecasting/ prediction models. The prediction of future
travel demand is an essential task of the long-range transportation planning process for
determining strategies for accommodating future needs. These strategies may include land
use policies, pricing programs, and expansion of transportation supply—highways and transit

7.1.2 Scope of Analysis and Levels of Planning

There are different levels of planning, directed to different types of problems. The termi-
nology for these levels of planning and analysis varies according to the context. For example,
the expressions ‘‘micro,’’ ‘‘meso,’’ and ‘‘macro’’ are sometimes used to describe the level of
detail or the size of an area used for an analysis. Similarly, the expressions ‘‘site-specific,’’
‘‘corridor,’’ and ‘‘area-wide’’ or ‘‘metropolitan’’ are used to describe variations in the scope
of a problem. The approach and techniques for analyzing and forecasting travel would vary
according to the level of analysis. Even for a particular level of analysis, the techniques may
have to be adjusted to match the constraints of available data and human resources.

An example of a micro-level or site-specific analysis is the case of a congested road

intersection. In this case traffic engineers would be interested in detailed traffic flow
characteristics, including turning movements of vehicles along each approach and
pedestrian volumes across each approach. Management strategies in this case would involve
traffic operation and roadway design-oriented techniques. A corridor-level analysis, on the
other hand, would cover a larger area, say 10 miles long and 2 miles wide. A major highway
with severe congestion problem may require a corridor analysis. The origin and destination of
trips and modal choice of travelers would be of interest in this case. Station-to-station
movements of passengers may have to be estimated in the case of a rapid transit service along
the corridor. At the macro level the concern may be total energy consumption by the
transportation sector or the total emission of an air pollutant; for these cases, information on
total vehicle-miles traveled (VMT) on each functional class of roads will be needed.

It is important to recognize that the nature of problems to be examined dictates the level of
planning to be used as well as the technique for travel demand analysis. The discussion of
this chapter will be oriented mostly to meso scale or area-wide travel demand analysis that is
commonly performed in urban transportation planning studies. Even for this type of analysis
for an urban area at the meso scale, the approach and details of techniques and models to be
used would depend on the size of the area as well as the resources available for carrying out
the work. For example, a small urban area may not have the manpower or funding needed for
carrying out large-scale surveys and developing advanced mathematical models. The need for
customizing the planning and modeling approaches based on specific situations was
discussed in detail by Grecco et al. (1976).

7.2 Characteristics Of Travel

Certain special characteristics of travel demand require recognition for planning and design
purposes. These are discussed below.

7.2.1 Spatial and Temporal Variations

The total magnitude of travel demand alone is not sufficient for detailed planning and man-
agement purposes. The spatial and temporal distributions of travel are also important items of
information to be considered in determining supply strategies. The peaking of travel at certain
time periods requires a level of transportation supply that is not needed at other times.
However, due to the nature of supply, which cannot be adjusted easily, large investments have
to be made to provide roadway or transit service capacities to accommodate peak period
travel, and this capacity is not utilized efficiently at other times. An imbalance in the direc-
tional distribution of travel also creates similar inefficiencies.

The spatial orientation of trips has important influence on supply requirements and costs.
A few typical spatial distribution patterns of trips in urban areas are listed below:

● Travel along dense corridors, which are usually radial connecting suburbs to central
busi- ness district (CBD)
● Diffused travel pattern caused by urban sprawl
● Suburb to suburb or circumferential travel
● Travel within large activity centers in CBD and suburbs

Different modes of transportation may be needed to serve these different travel patterns. For
example, fixed-route public transit service usually is efficient for concentrated travel along a
dense corridor, but it is not ideally suited to serve a diffused travel pattern in a cost- effective

Choice of domicile and workplace, lifestyles and different travel needs of individuals and
families make the comprehension of trip-making characteristics of a large metro area very
complex. These complexities may be illustrated through trips made by a typical suburban
U.S. household on a given weekday (Figure 7.1). Assume that this household has four
members, including two children who go to grade school, and two cars. It can be seen that
there are at least 11 trips made by this household at different times of day. Most of the trips
are auto trips, and two trips are taken in the walk mode. Travel demand modeling attempts to
capture such spatial and temporal variations in travel at an aggregate level, such as a zone, in
which a number of households, businesses, and offices exist.

7.2.2 Classification of Travel by Trip Purpose and Market Segments

In addition to the spatial and temporal characteristics of travel demand, several other aspects
of travel demand must be recognized. Trip purposes such as work, shopping, and social-
recreation, and trip-maker’s characteristics such as income and car ownership, are important
factors influencing the elasticity of demand, reflecting its sensitivity with respect to travel
time and cost. For example, work trips may be more likely to use public transit for a given
level of service than trips of other trip purposes.

For a metropolitan study, it is useful to classify travel according to spatial orientation and trip
purpose as shown in Figure 7.2. The concept of market segmentation is applicable to the
classification of travel based on trip purpose, trip-makers’ characteristics, and spatial-

temporal concentration. This concept is used in the field of marketing for developing different
types of consumer products targeted to match different tastes and preferences of potential
users / buyers of these products. The concept of market segmentation is applicable to public
transportation planning. A single type of transit service is not suitable for all transit market
segments. For example, express buses may be needed for a commuter market segment.
Taxicabs serve a different market segment. Woodruff et al. (1981) examined this subject in

7.3 Units For Measuring Travel Demand
Travel demand is measured and expressed in different ways for different types of analysis.
Examples of different units of measurement are:
1. Trip (between two areas)
2. Trip end (in a given area)
3. Traffic volume (on a road segment)
4. Person trip and vehicle trip
5. Passenger vehicle and freight vehicle
6. Person-miles traveled and vehicle-miles traveled

The definition of each of these units should be understood clearly and an appropriate unit of
measurement should be used to match the case being analyzed. For example, for a parking
study, trip end is the appropriate unit for expressing parking demand. For estimating the
number of lanes to be provided in a road segment, the demand should be expressed in terms
of traffic volume. As pointed out earlier, the appropriate unit of travel for estimating fuel
consumption and/ or air pollution attributable to transportation is vehicle-miles traveled

7.4 Measuring Existing Travel

Detailed information on existing travel is needed for two purposes: analyzing existing prob-
lems and developing mathematical models for forecasting travel. A variety of surveys can be
performed for gathering information related to existing travel demand. However, travel
surveys are expensive, and therefore care must be taken to identify the types of information
that really would be useful for specific purposes, and then the most suitable procedures
should be selected for gathering the information. Sampling techniques are useful, and ade-
quate time and care must be devoted to developing sampling procedures. There are several
different types of survey techniques, some of which are suitable for automobile travel, some
for transit travel, and some for general passenger movement. Survey procedures for freight
vehicles and commodity movements may be very different in certain respects from those of
passenger travel. Good references for travel demand-related survey techniques are Dresser
and Pearson (1994), Stopher and Metcalf (1996), and Travel Survey Manual (Cambridge
Systematics, Inc. and Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 1996).

7.4.1 Time Frame for Travel Surveys

Since travel demand varies during a given year according to the season (or month of year)
and day of week, a decision must be made carefully to select a specific time frame or
reference for surveys. For urban transportation studies it is a common practice to develop
travel demand information for an average weekday in the fall. However, the time can be
different based on the nature of the problem to be analyzed. For example, in the case of a
tourist-oriented urban area the major concern may be traffic problems during weekend days

or holidays, and surveys may be done to capture information for one of those days. A few
major types of surveys are discussed in the following sections.

7.4.2 Origin-Destination Surveys

The classification of trips into the three classes of internal, external-internal (and vice versa),
and through trips is useful for meso-scale and metropolitan-level as well as small-area stud-
ies. This classification scheme is useful for developing forecasting procedures/ models as
well as policies and strategies for accommodating travel because strategies for each of these
classes of travel would be different. For example, through trips may require a bypass facility.
External-internal trips may have to be intercepted before they reach a heavily congested area
such as the central business district (CBD).

The origins and destinations (O-D) of trips along with some other characteristics such as trip
purpose and mode of travel can be determined in different ways:

1. Home interviews (for internal travel)

2. Roadside interviews at cordon stations (for external-internal and through trips)
3. On-board survey on transit vehicles

All three of these techniques involve sampling and require careful planning before their
execution. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA 1975b) and Urban Transportation
Systems Associates (1972) developed detailed guidelines for O-D survey procedures. The
reliability of the results of an O-D survey depends on its sampling scheme and sample size,
and this issue was examined by Makowski, Chatterjee, and Sinha (1974).

Full-scale origin-destination surveys were widely used during the 1960s and 1970s to develop
a variety of information, including ‘‘desire lines’’ of travel. Their use has decreased because
of the cost and also due to the use of synthetic or borrowed disaggregate travel models, which
require less survey data.

7.4.3 Traffic Volume and Passenger Counts

For determining the use of various roadway facilities and assessing their level of service,
vehicle counts are taken at selected locations along roadways. Short-count techniques are
useful provided appropriate expansion factors are developed based on previous or ongoing
research on fluctuations of traffic by hour, weekday, and month. All state Departments of
Transportation (DOTs) have extensive programs for gathering traffic volume data on an
annual basis. These vehicle counts usually are taken with machines.

For urban transportation studies screen lines and cut-lines are established in the study area to
select traffic count locations and take counts in an organized manner so that the major travel
movements can be measured and analyzed. These counts are also used for checking the

results of travel forecasting models. Similarly, traffic counts are taken at special traffic
generators such as airports and large colleges and universities to capture their unique
travel-generating characteristics.

For analyzing the use of a transit service, passenger counts are taken on-board transit vehicles
and / or at selected stops or stations. These passenger counts usually are taken by observers
who are assigned to specific transit vehicles and/ or transit stops/ stations according to a
survey plan.

7.5 Forecasting Future Demand

The need for travel demand forecasts arises in various contexts of planning, short-range as
well as long-range. Travel forecasting is one of the most important and difficult tasks of
transportation planning. There are different types of travel prediction techniques, and the one
to be used in a particular case must be compatible with the nature of the problem and scope of
planning. Constraints of available time and resource also influence the selection of a

7.5.1 Predicting Response to Service Changes Using Elasticity Coefficients

For short-range planning or a transportation systems management (TSM) study, it is often
necessary to predict the effect of a proposed change in transportation service that can be
implemented in the near future. For example, a planner may be asked to evaluate the impact
on transit ridership of improving transit service in a travel corridor by providing increased
frequency and / or limited stop service. The impact of changing the fare structure on transit
ridership may also be of interest. In these cases demand elasticity coefficients, if available
from past studies, would be useful. Typically an elasticity coefficient is developed with
respect to a specific factor such as travel time or fare based on actual observation. The
coefficient should exclude the effect of other factors that also may be influencing demand at
the same time. Mayworm, Lago, and McEnroe (1980) give information on demand elas-
ticity models. More information on the elasticity of transit use with respect fare may be found
in Parody and Brand (1979) and Hamberger and Chatterjee (1987).

7.5.2 Stated Preference Surveys and Concept Tests for Forecasting

For transit planning it is sometimes necessary to ask people about their preferences and their
likes and dislikes for various service characteristics. These surveys are used for determining
how to improve an existing service and/ or designing a new service, and also for forecasting
ridership on a new service. These attitudinal and stated-preference surveys need sound sta-
tistical design for selecting the sample and analyzing the results. A discussion on stated
preference survey may be found in the Travel Survey Manual. In the field of marketing,
concept tests are performed for estimating the potential demand for a new consumer product,

and this approach can be extended to ridership forecasts for new/ innovative transit services.
Hartgen and Keck (1976) describe a survey-based method of forecasting ridership on a new
dial-a-bus service. The interpretation of results of opinion-based surveys must be done
carefully in order to account for any bias reflected in apparent results. Chatterjee, McAdams,
and Wegmann (1983) present a case study involving noncommitment bias in public opinion
on the anticipated usage of a new transit service.

7.5.3 Forecasting Future Travel on Road Segments and/ or Transit Lines

A variety of forecasting procedures are available, ranging from the extrapolation of past
trends to complex mathematical models involving several steps. A transportation planner
must recognize the advantages and disadvantages of each procedure. Two procedures are
examined for illustration.

Direct Estimation of Traffic Volume by Trend Analysis. If traffic volume data are available
for a road segment or a transit line of interest for several years in the past, the historical trend
can be identified and extrapolated to estimate future volumes. This approach, of course, is
appropriate if the trend is expected to continue, which commonly is true for short-range
forecasts. Trend-based forecasts are appropriate also for aggregate values such as total VMT
or transit rides in an urban area. However, major changes in the land development pattern and
/ or transportation network can cause substantial changes in the travel pattern, and if such
changes are likely then trend extrapolation will not be appropriate. Therefore, for long-range
forecasts of traffic volumes on individual segments of a road network or the number of
passenger trips on individual transit routes, trend analysis is not used.

Stepwise/ Sequential Procedure. A widely used travel estimation procedure for long-range
forecasts of traffic volumes on a highway network uses several steps in a sequence, as shown
in the flowchart of Figure 7.3. Each step requires a particular type of model or procedure, and
there are different choices of models at each step. One of the major advantages of this
procedure is its ability to reflect several types of changes that may occur in the future:
1. Changes in trip-making rates
2. Changes in development pattern, resulting in altered travel pattern
3. Changes in transportation mode usage
4. Changes in transportation network

Another advantage of the stepwise, or sequential, procedure is that it generates several types
of useful information at the end of various steps. The disadvantage of the procedure is that it
needs a large amount of data for model development. It also requires a sound knowledge of
one of the available computer software models that is specially designed for developing and
applying these models. A great deal of research has been performed and is still being
continued to improve this stepwise modeling procedure. It should be acknowledged that the
staff of the former Bureau of Public Works and later the staff of the Federal Highway

Administration and Urban Mass Transportation Administration made tremendous contribu-
tions to the development of various procedures and computer software. An historical over-
view of the development of planning and modeling procedures in the United States is pre-
sented by Weiner (1992).

The stepwise procedure is popularly known as the four-step modeling process because it
includes four major steps: trip generation, trip distribution, mode choice, and traffic assign-
ment. Additionally, network analysis must be done to develop a few types of information that
are needed for the other steps. These steps and procedures involved with each are discussed
in detail in the following sections.

7.6 Trip Generation

Trip generation is a very important step because it sets up not only the framework for the
following tasks but also some of the controlling values, such as the total number of trips
generated in the study area by location and trip purpose. The commonly used units for trip
generation analysis usually include a household, a dwelling unit (DU), and a business es-
tablishment. However, the results of a trip generation analysis for a study area are aggregated
based on larger areas known as traffic zones.

A typical classification scheme of trips used for trip generation analysis is presented in Figure
7.2. A detailed discussion of this classification scheme is presented by Chatterjee, Martinson,
and Sinha (1977). A thorough analysis of all these types of trips shown in the figure requires
a large amount of data. These data are collected by using origin-destination (O-D) surveys,
discussed briefly in an earlier section. This section will focus primarily on trip generation
models for internal passenger trips made by households.

7.6.1 Models for Internal Passenger Trips: Aggregate and Disaggregate
The goal of trip generation models for internal passenger trips is to estimate the total number
of trip ends for each purpose generated in each traffic zone based on socioeconomic and/ or
land use data for the respective zones. This task can be accomplished with either aggregate or
disaggregate models. For aggregate models the total number of trips (trip ends) generated in a
zone is used as the dependent variable, whereas for disaggregate models trips made by a
household (or a business establishment) are used as the dependent variable. When disag-
gregate models are used, the trip ends generated by households and/ or any other trip gen-
erating units such as business establishments in a zone are combined to produce the zonal
(total) value. Both disaggregate and aggregate trip generation models are used in planning

7.6.2 Trip Generation by Households

Household-generated trips comprise more than 80 percent of all trips in an urban area. Trips
by nonresidents and a variety of other vehicles, including commercial vehicles such as taxis
and trucks, and public utility and public service vehicles comprise the remaining portion of
total travel. For the purpose of modeling, the trips generated by households are classified as
home-based and non-home-based. Home-based trips have one end, either origin or destina-
tion, located at the home zone of the trip maker. If both ends of a trip are located in zones
where the trip maker does not live, it is considered a non-home-based trip.

Definitions of Productions and Attractions and Trip Purpose. Because of the predomi- nance
of home-based trips in an urban area, the model development is simplified if it is assumed
that the home end of a trip is a production (P) in the zone of the trip maker’s residence
irrespective of whether it represents the origin or destination of the trip. According to this
approach, the non-home end of a home-based trip is considered to be attraction (A). For a
non-home-based trip, which has neither its origin nor its destination at the trip maker’s
residence, production and attraction are synonymous with origin and destination,
respectively. This definition of productions (P’s) and attractions (A’s) is depicted in Figure
7.4. It should be noted that for home-based trips the activity at the non-home end determines
the trip purpose, and that non-home-based trips usually are not further stratified by purpose.

7.6.3 Cross-Classification or Category Models for Household Trip

Household trip rates have been found to vary significantly according to certain socioeco-
nomic characteristics and the size of a household. Household characteristics that have been

found to be significant for trip generation and are commonly used in trip generation models
1. Household size
2. Auto ownership
3. Income

A hypothetical example of a trip generation model for households is presented in Table 7.1,
which includes trip production rates for different types or categories of households defined in
terms of different combinations of household size and auto ownership. This type of model is

referred to as a cross-classification or category models, and such models are used widely for
estimating trip production by households.

Alternative techniques for a statistical analysis of these models are discussed by Chatterjee
and Khasnabis (1973). When the households in a traffic zone are cross-classified by size and
auto ownership, total trips made by households in a zone for a specific purpose ( P) =
Summation of (No. of households of a category) × (Trip rate for households of that category
and for that specific purpose). In mathematical notation this relationship is shown below:

HH = households
TR = trip rates
kl = a particular combination of household size k and auto ownership l
n = the number of combinations or categories

The choice of household characteristics to be used for developing the various categories for
trip production rates may vary from one study to another. One advantage of disaggregate
models is that for developing these models a full-scale O-D survey is not needed. A carefully
selected small sample of households may be used for developing trip production rates as long
as the number of cases for each category, or cell of the matrix, is statistically adequate.

7.6.4 Models for Trip Attractions

It is a common practice to use aggregate models in the form of regression equations for trip
attractions. The dependent variable for these aggregate models is the total number of trip
attractions for a specific trip purpose in a traffic zone. The independent variables usually are
employment-related, and they represent zonal total values. Hypothetical examples of trip-
attraction (A) models are presented below:

(HBW A)j = 1.5 (Total employment)j

(HBNW A)j = 8.5 (Retail employment)j + 1.0 (Non-retail emp1oyment)j + 0.9 (Dwelling units)j
(NHB A)j = 3.0 (Retail employment)j + 2.0 (Non-retail employment)j + 0.8 (Dwelling units)j

(HBW A)j = Home-based work attractions in zone j
(HBNW A)j = Home-based non-work attractions in zone j
(NHB A)j = Non-home-based attractions in zone j

The development of aggregate models usually requires a full-scale O-D survey. The co-
efficients of the regression equations will vary from area to area. The choice of independent
variables and trip-purpose categories also may vary from one study to another.

7.6.5 Balancing of Productions and Attractions
Due to the definition of productions and attractions, home-based productions in a zone may
not be equal to the corresponding attractions in the same zone. Non-home-based productions
in a zone should be equal to corresponding attractions in the same zone. However, area-wide
(total) productions (P’s) of any trip purpose—home-based or non-home-based—should be
equal to the corresponding area-wide (total) attractions. Thus,

When synthetic or borrowed models are used, the estimated area-wide (total) productions
would not be equal to the estimated area-wide (total) attractions. Therefore, to achieve a
balance, zonal attractions are adjusted proportionately such that the adjusted area-wide at-
tractions equal area-wide productions. Adjustment or scaling factors for attractions are cal-
culated as follows:

7.6.6 Commercial Vehicle Traffic in an Urban Area

It should be pointed out that although internal trips made by residents in passenger vehicles
account for a large proportion of total trips in an urban area, the other categories of trips must
not be overlooked. The classification scheme presented in Figure 7.2 shows the other
categories. The proportion of each category of trips varies according to the size and other
characteristics of an urban area. For example, the proportion of through trips is usually larger
in smaller size areas. In some cases, trips of one or more of these other categories may be the
cause of major problems and thus will require special attention. For example, through traffic
may be the major issue in the case of a small or medium-sized urban area, and the planners
may have to analyze these trips thoroughly. Similarly, the movement of large trucks may be
of major interest in some urban areas. A comprehensive study should pay attention to travel
demand of all categories, although the level of detail may vary.
The analysis of commercial vehicle travel has been neglected in most urban transportation
studies. These vehicles are garaged in nonresidential locations and include trucks of all sizes,
taxicabs, rental cars, service vehicles of plumbers and electricians, etc. There are a few useful
references on how to estimate truck traffic in urban areas, including an article by Chatterjee et
al. (1979), Ogden (1992), and Fischer (2001).

7.6.7 Forecasting Variables Used in Trip Generation Models
In developing trip generation models the availability of data for the independent variables of
the models is an important issue that can influence the selection of a variable. Usually the
availability of data for the base year is less problematic than that for future years. Of course,
if data for an independent variable are not available for the base year, they cannot be used in
model development. However, what the model developer must recognize before building and
adopting a model is whether the independent variables used in the model can be forecast by
the responsible planning agency, and if such forecasts would be very difficult then it may be
desirable to avoid using those variables in the model. Sometimes transpor- tation planners
have to develop a procedure or model to be used for making such forecasts. Usually
aggregate values of socioeconomic parameters used in trip generation models are not very
difficult to forecast with the existing state of the art. The difficulty usually involves the task
of disaggregating socioeconomic data at the zonal level. For example, it may not be very
difficult to predict the total number of households in each zone along with their average size
and auto ownership. However, it would be difficult to cross-classify the predicted number of
households in a zone according to specific categories based on household size and auto
ownership. Similarly, predicting the average income of households in individual traffic zones
may not be very difficult, but developing a breakdown of the households in every zone by
income groups would be difficult. The disaggregate trip generation models thus present a
challenge to planners for making detailed forecasts of socioeconomic char- acteristics for
future years. In order to provide assistance for making forecasts in a disag- gregate form, a
few procedures have been developed, and examples of such household strat- ification models
can be found in Chatterjee, Khasnabis, and Slade (1977) and FHWA (1975a).

7.7 Trip Distribution

The purpose of the trip distribution step of the stepwise travel-modeling procedure is to
estimate zone-to-zone movements, i.e., trip interchanges. This step usually follows trip gen-
eration analysis. In some cases, but not commonly, trip distribution may come after trip
generation and modal split analysis. The inputs to a trip distribution model are the zonal
productions (Pi) and attractions (Aj). The model strives to link the productions and attractions
based on certain hypotheses/ concepts.

When the trip distribution phase precedes modal split analysis, productions and attractions
include trips by all modes and the distribution model should be multimodal in nature. In
actual practice, however, multimodal trip distribution models are uncommon, and in most
cases highway-oriented models have been used to distribute trips of all modes. It should be
noted that in the rare case where the trip distribution phase follows modal split analysis,
mode-specific distribution models are needed. It is generally believed that ideally trip

distribution should be combined with modal split analysis because decisions related to
destination and travel mode are usually made simultaneously.

In this section a widely used trip distribution technique, the gravity model, will be dis- cussed
in detail, followed by a brief overview of other types of models. A good review of commonly
used trip distribution models can be found in Easa (1993).

7.7.1 Formulation of a Gravity Model

The basic hypothesis underlying a gravity model is that the probability that a trip of a
particular purpose k produced at zone i will be attracted to zone j is proportional to the
attractiveness or pull of zone j, which depends on two factors: the magnitude of activities
related to the trip purpose k in zone j, and the spatial separation of the zones i and j. The
magnitude of activities related to trip purpose k in a zone j can be expressed by the number of
zonal trip attractions of the same purpose, and the effect of spatial separation between zones i
and j can be expressed by a friction factor, Fk , which is inversely proportional to an
appropriate measure of impedance, usually travel time. The attractiveness or pull of zone j
with respect to zone i is proportional to AkFk . The magnitude of trips of purpose k produced
in zone i and attracted to zone j, Tk, of course, also depends on the number of trips being
produced at zone i, Pk. This can be expressed mathematically as follows:

The above formulation is not sufficient for estimating the Tk values because it yet does not
reflect any considerations for other zones that are competing as alternative destinations for
the trips Pk. Actually, the effective attractiveness of a zone is relative to others, and it can be
expressed as the ratio of its own attractiveness with respect to the total. Thus the relative
attractiveness of a zone for trips of purpose k being produced in zone i is expressed by the
ratio Ak Fk /\n Ak Fk. Dropping the subscript k, the trip distribution model can be written
as follows:

7.7.2 Application of Gravity Model Concept

The application of the gravity model concept for the trip distribution step of the stepwise
travel forecasting procedure was introduced by Voorhees (1955). The classic example of an
application of a gravity model as presented by Voorhees is shown in Figure 7.5. This ap-
plication is based on the assumption that the effect of spatial separation with respect to trip
making is proportional to the inverse of the square of travel time between the respective pairs
of zones. The calculations presented below shows how the accessibility and attractive- ness
of zone 4 changed due to a new expressway resulting in an increased number of trip

attractions. The number of shopping trips attracted to zone 4 from zone 1 was 28 without an
expressway and increased to 80 as a result of a new expressway. The increase in trips
attracted to zone 4 resulted in a decrease of trips attracted to the other zones.

Situation without Expressway

Situation with Expressway

7.7.3 Calibration of Gravity Model Parameters
The three basic parameters of a gravity model are zonal trip productions and attractions, Pi’s
and Aj’s, and friction factors Fij’s. Whereas the Pi’s and Aj’s are estimated by trip generation
models, friction factors must be derived as a part of the trip distribution phase. The basic
concept of the gravity model implies the following form for friction factors:

In the early application of the gravity concept, the exponent of the travel time was assumed to
be a constant. However, further empirical analysis suggested that the exponent varies over the
range of values for travel time. The actual values of friction factors are derived by a
trial-and-error procedure and vary according to trip purpose.

For each trip purpose an arbitrary set of friction factors for a range of travel time values at an
increment of 1 minute is assumed at the beginning of the calibration process, and the results
of this initial application of the model are evaluated with respect to the actual trip distribution
obtained from an O-D survey. The evaluation is made by comparing the trip- length
frequencies generated by the model with those derived from the O-D survey, and if the results
are not similar the friction factors are adjusted and the gravity model is applied again with the
new factors. This trial-and-error procedure is continued until the trip-length frequencies of a
model appear similar to those of the O-D survey. It may be noted that the absolute values of
these factors have no special implications and that it is the relative weight with respect to
each other that is important. The respective set of these frictions factors can be scaled up or
down by a constant factor.

Balancing a Gravity Model. It must be pointed out that due to the basic nature of the gravity
model formulation, the zonal productions obtained from the model application must equal the
values of Pi’s originally used as inputs to the model. However, the same is not true for the
zonal attractions, and the model results must be compared with the original Aj’s. In the cases

when model-generated Aj’s do not match closely with original Aj’s, a balancing procedure is
used by adjusting the input values of Aj’s until the model results are satisfactory.

7.8 Other Types Of Trip Distribution Models

The gravity model is by far the most widely used trip distribution technique, but there are
also other techniques used in urban transportation planning. One technique utilizes growth
factors for each traffic zone and uses an iterative balancing procedure to project a base year
trip matrix to the future year. The most popular of the growth factor techniques is that
introduced by Fratar (1954) and known as the Fratar technique. The limitation of a growth
factor procedure is that they are basically extrapolation techniques and cannot be used to
synthesize movements between zone pairs if the base year trips are zero. However, the Fratar
technique is utilized regularly for projecting through trips in an urban area and sometimes
even for external-internal trips.

A somewhat complex trip distribution technique that was used by the Chicago Area
Transportation Study, the transportation planning agency for Chicago, is the intervening
opportunities model. The trip distribution theory underlying this model states that the prob-
ability that a trip originating in a zone i will find a destination in another zone j is propor-
tional to possible destinations in zone j and also the possible destinations in zones closer to
the origin of the trip. This model is rarely used by any agency today.

7.9 Modal Split

One widely researched step/ phase of the sequential travel-modeling procedure for urban
transportation planning is the modal split analysis, which involves the allocation of total
person trips (by all modes) to the respective modes of travel, primarily automobile and public
transit. It should be noted, however, that many studies for small and medium-sized urban
areas omit this step by developing and using models for automobile trips only. This omission
is justified in areas where transit trips constitute a very small fraction of total trips and are
made primarily by captive riders.

Modal split models basically relate the probability of transit usage to explanatory variables or
factors in a mathematical form. The empirical data necessary to develop these models usually
are obtained from comprehensive O-D surveys in specific urban areas. In applying these
models to predict the future transit usage, one must make the implicit assumption that the
variables which explain the present level of transit usage will do so in much the same manner
in the future.

7.9.1 Factors Affecting Mode Choice
Factors that may explain a trip maker’s choosing a specific mode of transportation for a trip
are commonly grouped as follows:

Trip Maker Characteristics

Car ownership
Car availability

Trip Characteristics
Trip purpose—work, shop, recreation, etc.
Destination orientation—CBD versus non-CBD
Trip length

Transportation Systems Characteristics

Waiting time
Comfort and convenience
Access to terminal or transfer location

7.9.2 Categories of Modal Split Models

The possible sequence of different types of modal split models with respect to the other steps
of travel-modeling procedure is shown in Figure 7.3.

Predistribution (or Trip End ) Models. This type of modal split model is used to separate
the trip productions in each zone into the different modes to be distributed by mode-specific
trip distribution models. The primary disadvantage of these models is that they cannot include
variables related to transportation system characteristics. Predistribution models are not com-
monly used.

Postdistribution (or Trip Interchange) Models. This type of modal split model is very
popular because it can include variables of all types. However, conceptually it requires the
use of a multimodal trip distribution model and currently such distribution models are not
used commonly. Figure 7.6 illustrates the sequence of application of a postdistribution model.

Simultaneous Trip Distribution and Modal Split Models. This type of model strives to
estimate the number of trips between two zones by specific modes in one step directly
following the trip generation phase. Conceptually and theoretically this type of a model has a
sound basis, but it is not commonly used at this time.

7.9.3 Developing a Modal Split Model
Modal split models are developed from observed data on trip making available from home-
interview surveys. The analysis involves the processing of a variety of data for both demand
and supply.

Aggregate Model. Modal split models of the 1960s and early 1970s in most cases were
based on an aggregate approach, which examined the mode choice of trip makers and their
trips in groups based on similar socioeconomic and/ or trip characteristics. These mode
choice models usually involved two modes only: auto and transit. A detailed stratification
scheme was used, and the share of each mode was determined for each stratified group of
trips, which was then correlated with selected independent variables. The dependent variable
was percent transit applicable to a group of trips of similar characteristics made by similar
trip makers. Commonly used independent variables included the ratio of travel time by transit
to that by automobile; the ratio of travel cost by transit to that by automobile; and the ratio of
accessibility by transit to that by automobile. The relationship of the dependent variable,
percent transit, with the independent variable, say ratio of travel times, commonly was ex-
pressed by a set of curves. These curves sometimes were referred to as modal diversion

The development of aggregate modal split models requires a large amount of data. Dis-
cussion of procedures used for developing different types of aggregate modal split models
along with examples of these models can be found in Weiner (1969) and Chatterjee and Sinha

Disaggregate Behavioral Logit Models. In late 1970s a new approach known as disaggre-
gate behavioral method was developed and refined by a number of researchers. This approach
recognized each individual’s choice of mode for each trip instead of combining the trips in
homogeneous groups. The underlying premise of this modeling approach is that an individual
trip maker’s choice of a mode of travel is based on a principle called utility maximization.
Another premise is that the utility of using one mode of travel for a trip can be estimated
using a mathematical function referred to as the utility function, which generates a numerical
utility value/ score based on several attributes of the mode (for the trip) as well as the
characteristics of the trip maker. Examples of a mode’s attributes for a trip include travel time
and costs. The utilities of alternative modes can also be calculated in a similar manner. A trip
maker chooses the mode from all alternatives that has the highest utility value for him or her.

A mathematical function that was used to represent the correlation of the probability of a trip
maker’s choosing a specific mode for a specific trip with a set of utility values is known as
the logit function, and thus these models are also referred to as logit models. Binomial logit
models deal with two modes, whereas multinomial logit models can deal with more than two
modes. An example of the mathematical formulation of a multinomial logit model is given

p(k) = probability of using mode k
Uk = utility of using mode k
Ux = utility of using any particular mode x
n = number of modes to choose from

A special statistical procedure known as the maximum likelihood technique is used to derive
an equation that combines different variable / factors in a meaningful way to calculate a
utility (or disutility) value. The coefficients of each variable included in the utility (or
disutility) function reflect certain behavioral aspects of a trip maker. Usually transportation-
related variables used for a utility function include such items as access (or egress) time to (or
from) transit stops / stations, wait time, line-haul time, and out-of pocket costs, and the
coefficients of these variables are negative. Thus, the combined utility value comes out to be
negative, which indicates disutility of using a mode. A trip maker’s characteristics such as
income are also built into the utility function.

One of the advantages of disaggregate mode choice models is that they do not need a
full-scale O-D survey with household samples from every traffic zone. A carefully selected
sample of 1,500 to 2,000 households would be adequate for developing these models. The
mathematical theory related to multinomial logit models for mode choice analysis is fairly
complex and beyond the scope of this chapter. Numerous articles and reports have been
published on the subject of behavioral logit models, including Reichman and Stopher (1971)
and McFadden (1978). Horowitz, Koppelman, and Lerman (1986) also have detailed infor-
mation about disaggregate mode choice modeling.

7.10 Traffic Assignment

The task of the traffic assignment process is to develop the loadings, or user volumes, on each
segment of a transportation network as well as the turning movements at intersections of the
network. The user volumes may be the number of vehicles, the number of total persons, the
number of transit riders, or any other units of travel demand that can be described by an
origin and destination. For highway networks, user volumes are in terms of the number of
vehicles, whereas for transit assignment the numbers of riders/ passengers represent vol-
umes. The relationship of the traffic assignment phase with respect to the other phases of the
sequential travel simulation procedure is shown in Figure 7.3.

7.10.1 Inputs to Traffic Assignment Process

The two basic inputs to the assignment process are the transportation network and the zone-
to-zone trip interchanges. The transportation network of automobiles, trucks, and taxis are
analyzed separately from that of public transit systems, and usually traffic assignments are
made separately for highway and transit systems. The typical inputs of a highway traffic
assignment are shown in Figure 7.7. Transit network assignments are limited to internal
person trips only.

7.10.2 Highway Network Analysis

For the purpose of computer analysis a highway network is represented by links and nodes
and the traffic zones are represented by centroids, which are connected to the network. The
characteristics of each link, such as the distance, speed, capacity, turn prohibitions, and
functional classification, are coded. One of the primary tasks of network analysis is to de-
termine the minimum time routes between each pair of centroids, and this task is performed
utilizing Moore’s algorithm. This algorithm does not require all possible routes between an
origin and destination to be individually investigated to find the shortest route. Rather, a
minimum tree is developed by fanning out from the origin to all other accessible nodes in
increasing order of their impedance summation from the origin.

A tree is defined as the set of shortest routes from an origin to all other points in a network.
An example of a path tree is shown in Figure 7.8. The travel time between a pair of zones is
obtained by adding up the times on the individual links comprising the minimum time route,
and this is repeated for every pair of zones. A skim tree usually refers to the interzonal travel
time matrix.

It should be pointed out that the coding of a network for analysis with a computer-based
algorithm requires a great deal of care and experience. There are many detailed issues and
questions that come up with reference to such items as centroid connectors, representation of
interchange ramps, whether to include certain roads or not, etc. Coding errors also can cause
problems, and there are certain checks that can be done to minimize errors. Easa (1991) and
Ismart (1990) discuss some of these issues and techniques for coding a network.

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