Digital SAT Foundation Reading Practice Test 3
Digital SAT Foundation Reading Practice Test 3
Digital SAT Foundation Reading Practice Test 3
Practice Test 3
1 1
Another man might have thrown up his 1
hands—but not Nawabdin. His twelve Which choice completes the text with the
daughters acted as a spur to his genius, and he most logical and precise word or phrase?
Line looked with satisfaction in the mirror each
5 morning at the face of a warrior going out to A) thrills
do battle. Nawab of course knew that he must B) complaints
proliferate his sources of revenue—the salary
C) jolts
he received from K. K. Harouni for tending
the tube wells would not even begin to suffice. D) interests
10 He set up a little one-room flour mill, run off a
condemned electric motor—condemned by
him. He tried his hand at fish-farming in a
little pond at the edge of his masters fields. He
bought broken radios, fixed them, and resold
15 them. He did not demur even when asked to
fix watches, though that enterprise did
spectacularly badly, and in fact earned him
more ______ than kudos, for no watch he
took apart ever kept time again.
suppress the immune system —and found that Which choice completes the text with the
it bolstered the powers of an influenza vaccine. most logical and precise word or phrase?
Line Led by immunologist Maureen McGargill of
5 St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in A) struggles
Memphis, Tennessee, the team gave B) varieties
rapamycin, which helps prevent immunologic
C) tunes
rejection in kidney transplant patients, to mice
before immunizing them. The result: The mice D) injuries
10 produced a broader array of antibodies,
defeating ______ of the influenza virus that
differed dramatically from the one used in the
vaccine. The finding suggests a novel path to a
longsought “universal” flu immunization that
15 can protect against many variants. It may also
offer a way to elicit more effective antibody
responses against myriad other diseases.
that chimpanzees, our closest relatives, are Which choice completes the text with the
capable of all sorts of human-like behaviors most logical and precise word or phrase?
Line that go far beyond tool use. Now, new
5 research indicates that chimps’ vocalized A) type
communications are a bit closer in ______ to B) behavior
our own spoken languages as well. A new
C) wilderness
study published in PLOS ONE shows that,
when chimps warn each other about D) environment
10 impending danger, the noises they make are
much more than the instinctive expression of
fear—they’re intentionally produced,
exclusively in the presence of other chimps,
and cease when these other chimps are safe
15 from danger.
generations, inequality was its very basis; Which choice completes the text with the
association grounded on equal rights scarcely most logical and precise word or phrase?
Line existed; to be equals was to be enemies; two
5 persons could hardly cooperate in anything, or A) omnipotence
meet in any amicable relation, without the B) supremacy
law’s appointing that one of them should be
C) ownership
the superior of the other. Mankind have
outgrown this state, and all things now tend to D) territory
10 substitute, as the general principle of human
relations, a just equality, instead of the ______
of the strongest. But of all relations, that
between men and women, being the nearest
and most intimate, and connected with the
15 greatest number of strong emotions, was sure
to be the last to throw off the old rule, and
receive the new; for, in proportion to the
strength of a feeling is the tenacity with which
it clings to the forms and circumstances with
20 which it has even accidentally become
America has flourished under her former Which choice completes the text with the
connection with Great Britain, the same most logical and precise word or phrase?
Line ______ is necessary toward her future
5 happiness and will always have the same effect. A) physical link
Nothing can be more fallacious than this kind B) means of communication
of argument. We may as well assert that,
C) recognized relationship
because a child has thrived upon milk, that it is
never to have meat, or that the first twenty D) influential person
10 years of our lives is to become a precedent for
the next twenty. But even this is admitting
more than is true; for I answer roundly that
America would have flourished as much, and
probably much more, had no European power
15 taken any notice of her.
morality—that it never ______ any moral Which choice completes the text with the
right, but considers merely what is expedient? most logical and precise word or phrase?
Line chooses the available candidate—who is
5 invariably the Devil— and what right have his A) confines
constituents to be surprised, because the Devil B) guarantees
does not behave like an angel of light? What is
C) adjusts
wanted is men, not of policy, but of probity—
ho recognize a higher law than the D) fastens
10 Constitution, or the decision of the majority.
The fate of the country does not depend on
how you vote at the polls—the worst man is as
strong as the best at that game; it does not
depend on what kind of paper you drop into
15 the ballot-box once a year, but on what kind of
man you drop from your chamber into the
street every morning.
life. Without it, we couldn’t walk, tires Which choice completes the text with the
wouldn’t roll, and ballpoint pens would fail to most logical and precise word or phrase?
Line write. But what is friction, and how does it act?
5 The basic properties are simple to grasp. To A) affiliated with
move a solid object from rest on top of a solid B) proportional to
surface, a minimum force has to be applied to
C) caused by
overcome the force of friction. This force is
proportional to the compressive force pushing D) unrelated to
10 the two surfaces together, in this case the
weight of the object. Intriguingly, this
minimum force is ______ the area of contact
between the body and the surface. So the
friction force on a rectangular solid resting on
15 a table is the same whichever face is in contact
with the surface.
animal behavior, let’s examine how individuals Which choice completes the text with the
in social groups respond to strangers. For most logical and precise word or phrase?
Line animals that live in stable groups, strangers—
5 known individuals from outside one’s group A) identify
______ a significant danger. Such individuals B) portray
may compete for scarce resources, disrupt
C) personify
group dynamics that have long been in place,
and so on. As such, ethologists are interested in D) constitute
10 whether animals from group-living species
display a fear of strangers, a phenomenon
technically known as xenophobia. In particular,
ethologists hypothesize that xenophobia may
be especially strong when resources are scarce,
15 since competition for such resources will be
intense under such a scenario, and keeping
strangers away may have a strong impact on
the lifetime reproductive success of group
one of the middle states, a man whom we shall Which choice completes the text with the
call Fauntleroy; a man of wealth, and most logical and precise word or phrase?
Line magnificent tastes, and prodigal expenditure.
5 His home might almost be ______ a palace; his A) designed
habits, in the ordinary sense, princely. His B) called
whole being seemed to have crystallized itself
C) fashioned
into an external splendor, wherewith he
glittered in the eyes of the world, and had no D) resembled
10 other life than upon this gaudy surface. He had
married a lovely woman, whose nature was
deeper than his own. But his affection for her,
though it showed largely, was superficial, like
all his other manifestations and developments;
15 he did not so truly keep this noble creature in
his heart, as wear her beauty for the most
brilliant ornament of his outward state.
strongest influences on our thinking is woven Which choice completes the text with the
into the verbiage all of us use in discussions most logical and precise word or phrase?
Line big and small: metaphors. Let’s say that we are
5 comparing cities we have visited or would like A) charges
to visit, and I mention one that I have not yet B) summons
been to but you have. You say, “It’s a massive,
C) enchants
stinking cesspool filled with garbage and
crawling with every form of filth imaginable.” D) practices
10 Immediately my mind ______ an image of a
filthy retention pond covered with scum,
loaded with trash, and lousy with rats and
roaches. How close the metaphor you have
chosen is to actually describing the city is
15 debatable, but in the few minutes we are
speaking, this doesn’t really matter. What
matters is that you have provided the
metaphorical rudiments for me to construct an
image that is now schematically associated
20 with the city in my mind.
migrating birds fly in a V formation. There are Which choice best describes the function of
two reasons: It may make flight easier, or the underlined portion in the text as a whole?
Line they’re simply following the leader. Squadrons
5 of planes can save fuel by flying in a V A) It explains that the current created by a
formation, and many scientists suspect that bird differs from that of an airplane.
migrating birds do the same. Models that B) It stresses the amount of control exerted
treated flapping birds like fixed-wing airplanes by birds flying in a V formation.
estimate that they save energy by drafting off C) It indicates that wind movement is
10 each other, but currents created by airplanes are continuously changing.
far more stable than the oscillating eddies
D) It emphasizes that the flapping of a bird’s
coming off of a bird. “Air gets pretty
wings is powerful.
unpredictable behind a flapping wing,” says
James Usherwood, a locomotor biomechanist at
15 the Royal Veterinary College at the University
of London in Hatfield, where the research took
Strange rumblings and confused noises still Which choice best describes the function of
precede these earthquakes and hurricanes of the the underlined portion in the text as a whole?
Line moral world. The process of revolution in France
5 has been dreadful, and should incite us to A) It suggests that there are always signs that a
examine with an anxious eye the motives and revolution will occur.
manners of those, whose conduct and opinions B) It emphasizes the chaos that typically
seem calculated to forward a similar event in accompanies revolution.
England, our own country. The oppositionists to C) It explains the unusual features of the
10 “things as they are,” are divided into many and French Revolution.
different classes. To delineate them with an
unflattering accuracy may be a delicate, but it is a D) It underscores the fear of many people
necessary, task, in order that we may enlighten, or about the possibility of revolution.
at least be aware of, the misguided men who have
15 enlisted under the banners of liberty, from no
principles or with bad ones.
on that melancholy afternoon of early spring Which choice best describes the function of
which I have just mentioned. At this time she the underlined portion in the text as a whole?
Line might have had the whole house to choose from,
5 and the room she had selected was the most A) They reinforce a bleak tone that contrasts
joyless chamber it contained. She had never with conventional expectations regarding
opened the bolted door nor removed the green spring.
paper (renewed by other hands) from its side- B) They create an ominous tone that
lights; she had never assured herself that the emphasizes a pervasive sense of danger.
10 vulgar street lay beyond it. A crude, cold rain was C) They establish a somber tone that
falling heavily; the springtime presented itself as a contrasts with Isabel’s high spirits.
questionable improvement. Isabel, however, gave
as little attention as possible to the incongruities D) They suggest a gloomy tone that
of the season; she kept her eyes on her book and foreshadows Isabel’s eventual misfortune.
15 tried to fix `her mind. Suddenly she became
aware of a step very different from her own
intellectual pace; she listened a little, and
perceived that some one was walking about the
library, which communicated with the office. It
20 struck her first as the step of a person from whom
she had reason to expect a visit; then almost
immediately announced itself as the tread of a
woman and a stranger—her possible visitor being
Wegner’s recent research proves that websites Which choice best describes the function of
and the Internet are changing the way our the underlined portion in the text as a whole?
Line memories function. Wegner’s latest study,
5 “Google Effects on Memory: Cognitive A) To show that people who are closely
Consequences of Having Information at Our related tend to have shared memories.
Fingertips,” shows that when people have B) To demonstrate how people initially
access to search engines, they remember fewer developed external sources of memory.
facts and less information because they know C) To emphasize the effectiveness and
10 they can rely on “search” as a readily available accuracy of transactive memory sources
shortcut. Wegner believes the new findings D) To illustrate the concept of a transactive
show that the Internet has become part of a memory source using a familiar situation.
transactive memory source, a method by which
our brains compartmentalize information. First
15 hypothesized by Wegner in 1985, transactive
memory exists in many forms, as when a
husband relies on his wife to remember a
relative’s birthday. “[It is] this whole network of
memory where you don’t have to remember
20 everything in the world yourself,” he says. “You
just have to remember who knows it.”
years in the minds of American women. It was Which choice best describes the function of
a strange stirring, a sense of dissatisfaction, a the underlined portion in the text as a whole?
Line yearning that women suffered in the middle of
5 the twentieth century in the United States. Each A) It draws attention to a subtle historical
suburban wife struggled with it alone. As she change.
made the beds, shopped for groceries, matched B) It acknowledges a feeling of repressed
slipcover material, ate peanut butter discontent.
sandwiches with her children, chauffeured Cub C) It reveals a dilemma’s underlying cause.
10 Scouts and Brownies, lay beside her husband at D) It expresses contempt for a series of
night—she was afraid to ask even of herself the activities.
silent question—“Is this all?” For over fifteen
years there was no word of this yearning in the
millions of words written about women, for
15 women, in all the columns, books and articles
by experts telling women their role was to seek
fulfillment as wives and mothers. Over and over
women heard in voices of tradition and of
Freudian sophistication that they could desire
20 no greater destiny than to glory in their own
performance of one of her works in London, Which choice best states the main purpose of
Rhian Samuel was asked about her well-known the text?
Line reluctance to be considered a Welsh composer.
5 Her reply —“I’m not so happy to be called only A) To discuss a composer's musical training.
a Welsh composer because I haven't lived in B) To clarify a musician’s self-perception.
Wales all my life and have other influences as
C) To reveal the preferences of a particular
well. On the other hand, I have been a woman
all my life!”—brought both laughter and
10 applause from the expectant crowd of concert D) To reconcile two antithetical views of a
goers. In short, Samuel is proud to be performance.
considered first a woman composer, one whose
connection to the Welsh language and people
resurfaces at interludes throughout her musical
15 life.
complex aged through the 1980s, developing Which choice best states the main purpose of
the outward ambience of a quiet, rural college the text?
Line campus, where the outrageous swamp climate
5 and the surreal routines of human space flight A) To downplay the risks involved in
were gentled with a landscaping of duck ponds modern space travel.
and shade trees. Out along the approach road B) To point out the unexpected beauty of the
reclined the symbol of NASA’s faded glory: a Houston space complex.
giant Saturn moon rocket dismantled into
C) To reflect on the ingenuity of a former
10 pieces for tourists to inspect, like lengths of
generation of space scientists at the
fossilized bone from a mythic biotech dragon.
Houston space complex.
Rimming the campus were strip malls and tidy
residential neighborhoods. A nearby D) To show how the space program’s decline
hamburger stand sported a supersized, is reflected in the setting of the Houston
15 fiberglass astronaut thirteen feet tall, whose space complex.
outstretched left arm beckoned with an order
of fries.
increasing body of evidence suggests that when Which choice best states the main purpose of
people are contemplating whether they should the text?
Line rely on the kindness of strangers, they suspect
5 those strangers will prove more selfish than A) To describe a method the authors used to
actually is the case. We have previously shown assess people’s cynicism in experimental
this cynicism most clearly in experiments contexts.
using the economic paradigm known as the B) To draw a distinction between cynicism
“trust” or “investment” game. In the game, the displayed in experimental settings and
10 truster is given money that can be kept or cynicism displayed in everyday life.
handed to a completely random and
C) To suggest that the cynicism that subjects
anonymous stranger, the trustee. If the truster
show in trust games varies with the
hands his or her money over, the amount of
amount of money at stake.
money is quadrupled (e.g., $5 becomes $20),
15 and trustees have two options: They can either D) To present data showing that people
split the money evenly between themselves and typically behave cynically in trust games.
the truster (e.g., give $10 back and keep $10 for
themselves), or they can keep all the money for
a herd; we fear losses more than we hope for What is the main idea of the text?
gains; rarely can our brains process all the
Line relevant facts. These human quirks mean we A) Human quirks make it difficult to predict
5 can never make purely “rational” decisions. A people’s ethical decisions accurately.
new wave of behavioral economists, aided by B) People universally react with disgust
neuroscientists, is trying to understand our when faced with economic injustice.
psychology, both alone and in groups, so they
C) Understanding human psychology may
can anticipate our decisions in the marketplace
help to define ethics in economics.
10 more accurately. But psychology can also help
us understand why we react in disgust at D) Economists themselves will be
economic injustice, or accept a moral law as responsible for reforming the free market.
universal. Which means that the relatively new
science of human behavior might also define
15 ethics for us. Ethical economics would then
emerge from one of the least likely places:
economists themselves.
hands—but not Nawabdin. His twelve Which choice best states the main purpose of
daughters acted as a spur to his genius, and he the text?
Line looked with satisfaction in the mirror each
5 morning at the face of a warrior going out to A) To characterize Nawab as a loving father.
do battle. Nawab of course knew that he must B) To outline the schedule of a typical day in
proliferate his sources of revenue—the salary Nawab’s life.
he received from K. K. Harouni for tending
C) To describe Nawab’s various
the tube wells would not even begin to suffice.
moneymaking ventures.
10 He set up a little one-room flour mill, run off a
condemned electric motor—condemned by D) To contrast Nawab’s and Harouni’s
him. He tried his hand at fish-farming in a lifestyles.
little pond at the edge of his masters fields. He
bought broken radios, fixed them, and resold
15 them. He did not demur even when asked to
fix watches, though that enterprise did
spectacularly badly, and in fact earned him
more kicks than kudos, for no watch he took
apart ever kept time again.
of thousands, each star in a group forming Which of the following, if true, would most
from the same parent cloud of gas. Each cloud support the astronomer's argument?
Line has a unique homogeneous chemical
5 composition. Therefore whenever two stars A) In some groups of stars, not every star
have the same chemical composition as each originated from the same parent cloud of
other, they must have originated from the gas.
same cloud of gas.
B) Clouds of gas of similar or identical
chemical composition may be remote
from each other.
C) Whenever a star forms, it inherits the
chemical composition of its parent cloud
of gas.
D) Many stars in vastly different parts of the
universe are quite similar in their
chemical compositions.
garlic fields situated in a region with a large Which of the following, if true, most supports
mosquito population. Since mosquitoes lay the argument?
Line their eggs in standing water, flooded fields
5 would normally attract mosquitoes, yet no A) Diallyl sulfide is also found in onions but
mosquitoes were found in the fields. Diallyl at concentrations lower than in garlic.
sulfide, a major component of garlic, is known
B) The mosquito population of the region as
to repel several species of insects, including
a whole was significantly smaller during
mosquitoes, so it is likely that diallyl sulfide
10 from the garlic repelled the mosquitoes. the year in which the flooding took place
than it had been in previous years.
C) By the end of the summer, most of the
garlic plants in the flooded fields had been
killed by waterborne fungi.
D) Many insect species not repelled by diallyl
sulfide were found in the flooded garlic
fields throughout the summer.
species, any individuals that managed to slow Which of the following, if true, most supports
down the aging process would leave more
the researchers' reaction?
Line offspring. Natural selection should therefore
5 favor extreme longevity— but this does not A) Some organisms are capable of living
seem to be the case. A possible explanation is much longer than other organisms.
that aging is a product of the inevitable wear
B) Some organisms reproduce very quickly
and tear of living, similar to how household
despite having short lifespans.
appliances generally accumulate faults that
10 lead to their eventual demise. However, most C) There are several ways of defining
researchers do not find this analogy “extreme longevity,” and according to
satisfactory as an explanation. some definitions it occurs frequently.
D) Organisms are capable of maintenance
and selfrepair and can remedy much of
the damage that they accumulate.
transfusion, blood from a relative is more likely Which one of the following, if true, most
to be infected with hepatitis than is blood from seriously weakens the argument?
Line a blood bank. Therefore, the risk of contracting
5 hepatitis from a transfusion is higher for people A) Blood transfusions only rarely result in the
receiving blood from relatives than for people recipient being infected with hepatitis.
receiving blood from blood banks.
B) Blood taken from a relative is highly likely
to match a transfusion recipient’s blood
C) Donors to blood banks are always asked
whether they have ever been infected with
D) Blood that is to be used in a transfusion is
always screened for hepatitis.
first reached the Americas less than 20,000 Which of the following, if it were discovered,
years ago by crossing a land bridge into North would weaken the speculation above?
Line America. But recent discoveries of human
5 shelters in South America dating from 32,000 A) A rock shelter near Pittsburgh,
years ago have led researchers to speculate that Pennsylvania, contains evidence of use by
people arrived in South America first, after human beings 19,000 years ago.
voyaging across the Pacific, and then spread B) Some North American sites of human
northward. habitation predate any sites found in
South America.
C) The climate is warmer at the 32,000-year-
old South American site than at the oldest
known North American site.
D) The site in South America that was
occupied 32,000 years ago was
continuously occupied until 6,000 years
protects them from infection by routinely killing
Which of the following, if it were obtained as an
harmful bacteria on airway surfaces. People with
experimental result, would most decisively
Line cystic fibroses, however, are unable to fight off such
weaken the scientists’ hypothesis?
5 bacteria, even though their lungs produce normal
amounts of the antibiotic. Since the fluid on airway A) Healthy lungs in which the salt concentration
surfaces in the lungs of people with cystic fibrosis of the airway-surface fluid has been
bas an abnormally high salt concentration, substantially increased are able to reestablish
scientists hypothesize that in high salt their normal salt concentration within a
10 environments the antibiotic becomes ineffective at relatively short period of time.
killing harmful bacteria. B) The antibiotic produced by the lungs is
effective at killing harmful bacteria even when
salt concentrations are below levels typical of
healthy lungs.
C) The salt concentration of the airway-surface
fluid in the lungs of people who suffer from
cystic fibrosis tends to return to its former
high levels after having been reduced to levels
typical of healthy lungs.
D) The lungs of people who suffer from cystic
fibrosis are unable to fight off harmful
bacteria even when the salt concentration is
reduced to levels typical of healthy lungs.
Alzheimer’s disease—a disease that is most Which choice most logically completes the text?
commonly contracted by elderly persons. This
Line discrepancy has often been attributed to A) a decrease in estrogen, rather than longer
5 women’s longer life span, but this theory may life span, may explain the higher
be wrong. A recent study has shown that occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease in
prescribing estrogen to women after women relative to men.
menopause, when estrogen production in the
B) as one gets older, one’s chances of
body decreases, may prevent them from
10 developing the disease. Men’s supply of developing Alzhimer’s disease increase.
testosterone may help safeguard them against C) women who go through menopause
Alzheimer’s disease because much of it is earlier in life than do most other women
converted by the body to estrogen, and have an increased risk of contracting
testosterone levels stay relatively stable into old Alzheimer’s disease.
15 age. The main conclusion of the argument is D) the conversion of testosterone into
that ______ estrogen may help safeguard men from
Alzheimer’s disease.
ambiguous, gesture and tone of voice are used Which choice most logically completes the text?
to indicate the intended meaning. Writers, of
Line course, cannot use gesture or tone of voice and A) the primary function of style in writing is
5 must rely instead on style; the reader detects to augment the literal meanings of the
the writer’s intention from the arrangement of words and sentences used.
words and sentences. Therefore, ______ B) the intended meaning of a piece of
writing is indicated in part by the writer’s
arrangement of words and sentences.
C) it is easier for a listener to detect the tone
of a speaker than for a reader to detect the
style of the writer.
D) a writer’s intention will always be
interpreted differently by different
irregularity in the orbit of the planet Neptune Which choice most logically completes the text?
was adequately explained by the gravitational
Line pull exerted on Neptune by the planet Pluto. A) Neptune is somewhat larger than
5 The most recent observations of Pluto, scientists once believed it to be.
however, indicate that this planet is much too B) the orbit on Neptune is considerably more
small to exert the amount of gravitational pull irregular than scientists once thought it
on Neptune that astronomers once thought it
did. If these statements are true, it can be
10 concluded that ______ C) there exists another, as yet undiscovered
planet with an orbit beyond that of Pluto.
D) the gravitational pull of Pluto is not the
sole cause of Neptune’s irregular orbit.
overwhelmingly chose Adler over Which choice most logically completes the text?
Burke.Voters knew that Burke offered more
Line effective strategies for dealing with most of the A) throughout their respective political
5 country’s problems. Moreover, Burke has a careers, Adler has been more committed
long public record of successful government to taking measures to protect the country’s
service that testifies to competence and environment than Burke has been.
commitment. It was well known, however, that B) voters realized that their country’s natural
Burke’s environmental policy coincided with resources are rapidly being depleted.
10 the interests of the country’s most dangerous
C) the concern of the country’s voters for the
polluter, whereas Adler proposed a policy of
environment played an important role in
strict environmental regulation. Therefore,
Adler’s election.
D) offering effective strategies for dealing
with a country’s problems is more
important in winning an election than
having a long record of successful
government service.