Single Phase Transformer
Single Phase Transformer
Single Phase Transformer
o Definition: The transformer is a static device which is used to transfer
electrical energy from one ac circuit to another ac circuit with increase or
decrease in voltage/ current but without any change in frequency.
o Primary as well as secondary has ac quantities.
o The electrical energy is generated & transmitted at an extremely high voltage
depending on load by using step down & step up transformer.
•Principle of Operation-:
o Thus due to primary current there is an induced voltage in the secondary due
to MUTUAL INDUCTION. Hence the e.m.f. induced in the secondary is called as
the mutually induced e.m.f.
o Primary is connected to single phase supply. An AC current starts flowing
through it.
o AC primary current produces an alternating flux in the core
o Changing flux gets linked with the secondary winding though the core
o Varying flux will induce voltage in to the secondary winding according to
Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction
• Can the transformer operate on DC ?
o Because of constant magnitude
o Because with a Dc primary current, the flux produced in the core is not
alternating but it is of constant value
o As there is no change in the flux linkage with the secondary winding , the
induced e.m.f in the secondary winding is zero
o If DC applied to the primary then there is a possibility of transformer core
o If core saturate , the primary will draw excessively large current.
•Construction of a Transformer-:
o The vital parts are Core & Windings
o For large rating of transformer such as breather, conservator tank,
explosion vent, bushings, Buchholz relay, cooling tubes etc.
•Transformer Tank-:
o The whole assembly of transformer placed in a
sheet metal tank
o Transformer is immersed in oil acts as insulator
as well as coolant
o The oil heated due to heat produced by winding
& core of transformer
o To increase the cooling rate tubes or fins are
provided at out side of tank
•Conservator Tank-:
o Some empty space is always provided for oil
expand or contracts
o This process is called as the breathing of the
o Taking air in & out when oil volume change
w.r.t. temperature
o Its cylindrical shaped air tight metal drum
placed on transformer tank
•Breather -:
o The breathing of transformer takes place is called as
o The air goes in & out through a breather
o To reduce moisture as well as dust particle from air
some drying agent such as silica gel or calcium
chloride is used in the breather
•Buccholz Relay-:
o A pipe connecting to the tank conservator
& on this a protective device called
Buccholz relay is mounted
o When transformer is about to faulty &
draws large currents, the oil becomes hot &
becomes decomposes
o Relay operated by gas pressure & gives
alarm to the operator & then relay will
operate CB for protection
•Explosion Vent-:
• Cooling Tubes-:
•Laminated Steel Core-:
o The material used for the construction of the transformer core is silicon steel
o It is used for its high permeability & low magnetic reluctance. Due to this the
magnetic field produced in the core is very strong
o The core is in form of stacks of laminated thin sheets which are electrically
isolated from each other & has typically 0.35 to 0.5mm thick
o The core is laminated in such way that the assembly provides a continuous
path for the magnetic flux with a minimum air gap
•Different cross section for transformer limbs-: With increases in the
nos. of steps the cross section of the winding will be more & more close to
circular cross section & less copper is required to wind these coils
Winding of the Transformer:
There are two types of windings; 1) Concentric cylindrical 2) Sandwiched
1)Concentric Cylindrical -:
o The low and high voltage windings wound an alternatively manner to make
cylindrical shape around vertical limbs
o It is very easy to insulate a low voltage winding from the core rather than
insulating the high voltage winding from the core
o Both winding are insulated from the core as well
o Low voltage winding kept first i.e. near to limb for avoiding leakage flux and
then high voltage winding
2)Sandwiched Type Winding-:
oHere the high voltage & low voltage winding are divided into a number of
small coils & then these small windings are interleaved
oThe low voltage windings kept near horizontal limbs and i.e. the top & bottom
windings are low voltage coils because they are close to core
oHigh voltage windings kept inside t because it has high voltage
oWindings kept and alternatively manner to look like sandwich
• Transformer Types-:
Core Type Transformer-:
•Berry Type Transformer-:
oIt has a distributed magnetic circuit
oLow voltage winding placed inside &
high voltage winding placed outside
• Rating of Transformer -:
o In case of transformer, the output power is not constant
o It keeps changing with the load.
o The output power factor is also a function of load
o Hence transformer rating is product of voltage & current
o Rating of Transformer = Primary voltage(V1) X Primary current (I1)
or = Secondary voltage (V2) X Secondary current (I2)
EMF Equation of a Transformer-:
According to the faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction, the induced
e.m.f. due to varying flux is given by,
Substitute, ɸ= ɸm Sin ωt
The maximum value of induced voltage per turn is given by substituting;Cos ωt= + 1
From equation 1
Losses in a Transformer-:
Transformer is a static device. An ideal transformer is loss free. But, practically
transformer there are following losses taking place
Copper Loss(Pcu):
The total power loss taking place in the winding resistance of a transformer is
known as copper loss
Copper Loss= Primary copper loss + Secondary copper loss
Pcu= I21R1+I22R2
Where, I21R1= Primary copper loss and I22R2= Secondary copper loss
To reduce the copper loss, the values of R1 & R2 should be less as possible as
This loss is also called variable loss as they are depend on square of load current
Copper loss at full load & half load is as follow-:
Pcu (HL) = (1/2)2 * Pcu (FL)
P cu (HL)= ¼ * Pcu (FL)
Where, Pcu (FL) = Copper loss at full load
Pcu (HL) = Copper loss at half load
Iron Loss(Pi)-:
This loss taken place in iron core of transformer
Pi= Hysteresis Loss + Eddy Current Loss
Hysteresis Loss (Ph)-:
Hysteresis loss taking place in magnetic material
The area enclosed by hysteresis loop of a material represent the hysteresis loss
Hence the special magnetic material should be used for reduces hysteresis loss
The hysteresis loss depend on frequency
PH=KH Bm1-67 f V
(KH =Constant, V= Volume of core)
Eddy Current Losses(PE)-:
Due to time varying flux, there is some induced e.m.f in the transformer core
This induced e.m.f. causes some current to flow through the core body known as
eddy currents
This will flow from core & produce heat due to resistance of core
Eddy current loss= (Eddy current)2 X r
= I2r
Where , r= Resistance of core
An Ideal transformer-:
The losses are zero
The primary & secondary windings resistances are zero
The leakage flux is zero. Therefore all flux produced by the primary winding
is coupled to secondary
A small current required to develop flux inside the core. This happens
because the permeability of the core is very large
No voltage drop across primary
E1= V1 & also E2=V2
•Transformer Testing:
The test are:1) Direct Loading test 2) Open circuit & Short Circuit test
The direct loading test is used to find the efficiency & regulation of transformer.
Find Regulation & Efficiency using Direct Loading Method-:
Procedure -:
1. A Variac is connected across the single phase ac supply in order to keep the
primary voltage constant to its rated value
2. Ammeters A1 & A2 are used to measure the primary & secondary currents
3. Wattmeter W1 & W2 used to measure the primary & secondary power
4. V1 & V2 measures voltage at primary & secondary
5. Connect load across secondary side.
Where, W1= V1I1 cosΦ1 & W2= V2I2 cosΦ2
Regulation Measurement-:
Do not connect any load. This is the no load condition I2=0 & V2=E2
Switch on the Ac power supply & adjust the variac to obtain the rated primary
voltage V1. Measure V2.
This voltage is called as the no load voltage.V2=E2 under no load condition
Switch off the ac supply & connect the desired load
Turn on the power supply again & measure V2
This voltage is the full load secondary voltage
Sr. V1 I1 W1 V2 I2 W2
Voltage Regulation:
o As the transformer is loaded , it draws more current
o Thus there is increases in its primary as well as secondary loss due to
o There is voltage drop taking place across the winding resistances & leakage
o As the current increases the voltage drops across the winding parameters also
o Because of the voltage drop across the primary & secondary impedances ,it is
observed that the secondary terminals voltage drops from its no load to full
load value
o Definition- The change in the secondary terminals voltage from no load to full
load when primary voltage and temp. remains constant
Let V2(NL) = Secondary terminals voltage on no load
V2(FL) = Secondary terminals voltage on given load
Autotransformer As Step Down Transformer :
The two fixed terminals A & B are connected to the single phase Ac supply V1. Thus
winding AB acts as the primary winding
A part of the complete winding i.e. CB acts the secondary winding across which the load
is connected
The operating principle of an autotransformer is same as that of normal transformer
Advantages :
Due one winding copper required very less
Less copper loss
Less size & cheap
High efficiency
Less resistance so better voltage regulation
Disadvantages :
No electrical isolation between the primary & secondary windings, This can be
dangerous for high voltage application
If the common part of winding breaks then the transformer action is lost & full
primary voltage appears across the secondary
It possesses a low impendence hence if the secondary circuit is short circuited then a
large current will flow on the secondary side.
As variac
To start ac machines
For varying voltage of furnace
As a dimmerstat
Dimmerstat -:
o When an autotransformer is used for the application of light dimming in the cinema
halls or on the stage of play called dimmerstat
o By varying position of the variable contact we can adjust the ac voltage applied to the
o With change in position of the variable contact, the value of N2 changes. This will
changes the value of V2 & hence the intensity of lamps which are acting as load
•To find the maximum efficiency if kVA, Iron & copper loss at full load is give:
A step up transformer has 220V primary supply with 50Hz
frequency for 45cm2 area of cross section.
Find, 1) maximum flux 2) maximum flux density 3) secondary
voltage if primary and secondary turns are 480 and 240
Ans. given data: f = 50Hz, E1 = 220V, a = 45cm2 = 45 ×
10−4m2 , N1 = 480, N2 = 240,
Φm =? , Bm =? , E2 =?
1) Find maximum flux (Φm ):
E1 = 4.44 × Φm × f × N1 ∴ 220 = 4.44 × Φm × 50 × 480
Φm = 2.06 mWb
2) Find maximum flux density (Bm ):
E1 = 4.44 × Bm × a × f × N1 ∴ 220
= 4.44 × Bm × 45 × 10 −4 × 50 × 480
Bm = 0.45 Tesla
3) Find secondary voltage (E2):
E2 = 4.44 × Φm × f × N2
E2 = 4.44 × 2.06 × 10−3 × 50 × 240
∴ E2 = 109.75V