A Framework For Implementation of Occupa
A Framework For Implementation of Occupa
A Framework For Implementation of Occupa
Samir R. Kale
B. Tree based techniques : These are classified It is a blend of Fault and Event tree features
into Fault tree analysis, event tree analysis, and also accounts for the delay factors to
cause consequence analysis, management evaluate the likely consequence due to
oversight risk tree and safety management failure cause in a system.
organization review technique. B.4 Management Oversight Risk Tree
C. Techniques for dynamic systems : These are (MORT) :
classified into GO method, and Diagraph/fault Safety MORT is a diagram which arranges
method safety program elements in an orderly and
A. Qualitative analysis is widely used in nuclear logical manner. Its analysis is carried out
plants and chemical processing industries, the by means of fault tree, where the top event
most documented Qualitative analysis method is "damage, destruction, other costs, lost
is the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis method production or reduced credibility of the
(FMEA). enterprise in the eyes of society". The tree
gives an overview of the causes of the top
A.1 FMEA : event from management oversights and
For identification of various failure modes omissions or from assumed risks or both.
that could occur during the plant operations
B.5 Safety Management Organization
and lead to undesired event (accidents or
Review Technique (Smort) :
injuries). Eliminating these failures is the
key to achieve safe operation . SMORT is a simplified modification of
2 Heater Bottom Rubber lining I.MSFE Stoppage i.High Temp. I. Temp. Pr.Operator C.E.
Dish End failure ii.Spin Bath ii.Improper rubber 6 7 4 168 Regulation
Leakage lining at junction ii. Better E & DD C.E.
rubber lining
3 Heater Shell Leakage Due I.MSFE Stoppage Due to acid leakage 5 7 4 140 Tubes & Rings Process C.E.
to Corrosion ii.Spin Bath from tubes and rings leakage to be Maint. C.E.
Leakage reduced
*C.E. =Convenient End