FS 2 Learning Episode 1 19
FS 2 Learning Episode 1 19
FS 2 Learning Episode 1 19
1. From the PPSTs, the Southeast Asia Teachers Competency Standards and the TEDx
videos that you viewed, what competencies does a great teacher possess?
To be a great teacher you must have the four essential competencies: (1) knowing
and understanding what to teach, (2) helping students learn, (3) engaging the community,
and (4) becoming a better teacher every day.
2. Are these competencies limited only to professional competencies?
No, teachers go out their borders for them to understand what students are going
through day by day they know their professions but they as a teacher know how to
implement it as well asgiving their students the best care and knowledge to execute every
detail of what theirstudent’s needs
3. For a teacher to be great, it is enough to possess the professional competencies to plan a
lesson, execute a lesson plan, manage a class, assess learning, compute and report
grades? Explain your answer.
The greatness of a teacher is not measured by how well he/she is able to plan a
lesson plan and execute it, manage a class, assess learning, or compute and report grades.
These are actually just manifestations that a teacher is doing his/her job based on his/her
job description.
The greatness of a teacher is measured by his/her outputs--the students.
If the students are gaining significant learnings from their teacher, we can say that a
teacher is great.
If the students are applying their learnings in real-life situations, they've got a great
If students are influenced by the teacher to pursue their dreams and aim higher, their
teacher is a great one.
If a teacher is able to touch the lives of his/her students, he/she is a great one.
In assisting my resource teacher, I observed that personal traits such as bright personality
comes excitement and originalitv. hoth of which are essential for capturing the attention
and respect of students and professional competencies like establishing high but
achievable expectations encauraging a love for learning listening to others. being flexible
and capable of adiusting to novel situations and many more were least not displayed and
as a result, students were class was class not active and can destroy education.of every
student and it is said that educating themind without educating the heart isno education at
The lack of these personal traits and professional competencies (mentioned in #1) may be
caused by lack of students interest in teaching or the teacher is not a teacher at all he/she
don't do his ohligation as a teacher to provide the needs of the students or is not in the
classroom to guide his/her students. We all know that the esence of heing a teacher is to
teach because that is his/her professor.
I would like to address this problem (mentioned in #2) by conducting an action research
on different sides of teaching lacking of personal traits can create a sold atmosphere in
the classroom they may think that vou are not a great teacher because voL can'L relate to
what students are stmggling with or needs of them Lacked of professional competency in
teaching may lead to a lot of dis alignment in teaching and teacher's behavior and cannot
manage the classroom well.
4. ACT
a. The main objective of my action research is to learn more ahout what is going on in a
particular district. school or classroom and to figure out how to increase student
learning in that environment.
Work on my Artifacts
- .The level of development of countries is closely linked with the quality of education,which is
closely linked with the quality of teachers. A common characteristic of
theeducation systems of countries which are at the forefront in international examinations
andevaluations is competent teachers. A competent teacher is one of the most
substantialelements of a quality education system. Academic competence of teachers, their work
intheir profession, and their professional seniority are vital factors that affect their
students'learning achievements. Improving the quality of the education system in a country
requiresa teaching profession with sufficient power and high qualifications, including the
specialknowledge, skills and competences that teachers should have for their roles in a school
andin the education system. A teacher also should possess positive attitudes, as this has animpact
on the quality of education. Developing positive attitudes and professional self-efficacy
are important components in teachers' development through attaining professional qualifications.
Questions My Answer
1. What have you noticed about the action 1. Identified problem to be solved in title
research titles? Do the action research no. 1
(AR) titles imply problems to be Answer:
solved? Yes __✓__ No ____ "Low reading level of the students"
3. Write the Title and your interpretation From the title, I think, the study
of the study from the title. Answer:
Title: Reading level though oplan sony
My Answer
Key Questions Choose from the options given. You may check
more than one answer.
1. From what source do you think did the Choices:
authors identify the problems of their _____ copied from research books?
action research? ___✓__ from daily observation of their
___✓__ from difficulties they observed of
_____ from their own personal experience.
1. What significant ideas or concepts have you learned about action research?
I learned that action research provides qualitative data we can use to adjust our
curriculum content, delivery, and instructional practices to improve student learning.
Action research helps us implement informed change! Action research also helps us
to take charge of our personal professional development.
Action research is basically a cycle of action and research to improve performance. It
helps build a bridge between theory and practice. It is a systematic method through
which a practitioner conducts a study to evaluate a specific problem or to solve a
For example a teacher learns about a problem in the classroom and tries to solve it,
taking actions for improvement. While taking these actions, he or she undertakes a
study to analyze the effectiveness of these actions and to make improvements based
on the findings.
So action research is a cyclical process of taking several actions to improve
something, studying the results of these actions, and taking further actions based on
the findings of the study.
2. Have you realized that there is a need to be an action researcher as a future teacher?
Yes __✓__ No ___. If yes, complete the sentence below.
I realized that Action research helps the teacher to turn from the traditional
methods of teaching to those methods that are modern and effective hence ensuring the
satisfaction of the needs of the students. It is therefore very important in ensuring
professional development for the teachers.
Write Action Research Prompts
From what teaching principles of theories can this problem be anchored?
I have observed and noticed that Action Research begins with a problem or a
problematic situation.
Write an example of a problematic situation that you have observed and noticed.
Lowering other students' and instructor’s motivation in or out of class.
Work on My Artifatcs
The action research aims to enhance the performance of Grade VI-C Pupils in Mathematics in
Buyagan Elementary School through the use of Arts In Math (AIM). Specifically, the action
research sought to: 1) use Arts in Math (AIM) to enhance the mastery level of Grade VI-C in
Mathematics, 2) improve comprehension skills of Grade 6 on Mathematics concepts through the
use of "Arts in Math (AIM)", 3) use "Arts In Math (AIM)" to stimulate, motivate and sustain
pupils' interest in Mathematics and 4) improve the teaching strategy in Mathematics through
AIM. The study was conducted for two quarters from June-October 2015 (1st and 2nd Grading)
with 46 pupils as the target subjects. The study made use of the one-shot experimental design to
look into the effectiveness of "Arts In Math (AIM)" in improving pupils' performance in
Mathematics. The findings showed that the use of Arts In Math (AIM) enhanced the performance
of Grade VI-C Pupils in Mathematics. For the first quarter, there was an increase of 34.13 in the
MPS and 29.79 for the second quarter. Using the t-test of the difference between means of
correlated data, the t- test computed value of 23.71 for the first quarter and 32.37 for the second
quarter is more than the critical value of 1.676 at 0.05 level of significance with 45 degrees of
freedom. In conclusion, Arts In Math (AIM) enhanced mastery learning and comprehension of
Grade 6-C pupils based from the pretest and posttest. There was a significant difference between
the means of pretest and posttest using t-test as the statistical treatment. In addition, Arts in Math
(AIM) stimulated, motivated and sustained pupils' interest. Furthermore, Arts In Math (AIM)
improved the teaching strategy in Mathematics. As to the recommendations, teachers should be
encouraged and motivated to use Arts In Math so as to enhance pupils' performance in Math.
Moreover, integration of arts should not only be used in teaching Mathematics but also with
other subjects. The school head should encourage and support the generation and use of the Arts
In Math (AIM)
Since the 3 models are all for action research, what are the common elements of the three?
All of them have the same 1 flow direction and the other common thing to them is, it
always move and end to a new direction.
Choose the AR sample Abstract that you submitted in Episode 2.
Analyse the components vi-a-vis only one model out of the 3 presented
If you choose to compare with Model A-McNiff & Whitehead, here are the
Title and Author of the Action Researcher: Improvement of reading comprehension of
grade ll pupil's through reading program, Fe K. Zuniga and Gemma S. Barrantea
REFLECT Reflection
1. I hope that we can work it out especially the problem of grade II
pupil's and I intend to change their learning strategies and undestandings
so that they can learn much faster and easier.
2. Doing some action research is important because we can gain
experiences and ideas on how to do it right as a future teacher we also
need it
3. For me doing an action research are much better if i collaborate
because we can think much broad topic to be discuss and to solve. doing
with a team is much easier that doing it alone in my own opinion.
ACT Implementation
1. I will prepare the necessary things like budget, laptops, printer, and
other materials that is needed to able to do and I think i will do this
Action research for 3-4 months I think is the maximum timeframe.
2. I will gather data by suvey questionaire or inteview a few as long they
are willing.
3. I can get some feedback with is i can be my basis if my Action
research is effective or other suggetion that we can get from survey
1. The result of this Action research should be applied to the classroom
teaching strategy so that we can help the other teacher that have the
same diffuculties like ours.
2. My finding can help you if you have the same difficulties as mine. So
it is worth sharing to end a problematic situation so that we can solve it
with this kind of strategy.
MODIFY Recommendation
1. If there's a new problematic situation it can.
2.should i move to another cycle of action research?
If you choose to compare with Model B-Nelson, O. 2014, here are the components.
Title and Author of the action Research: Improvement of reading comprehension of grade
ll pupil's through reading program, Fe K. Zuniga and Gemma S. Barrantea
ACT Implementation
1. How can I make it in action? How long it will take?
2. How can I gather the data need for my action research?
Or if you choose the DepEd Model, 2017, here are the components.
VII. Plan for Dissemination and Utilization Describe how the results will be shared.
As a future teacher, is conducting an action Research worth doing?
Why? because Action research gives you the benefits of research in the classroom
without these obstacles. Action research provides qualitative data you can use to adjust your
curriculum content, delivery, and instructional practices to improve student learning. Action
research helps you implement informed change!. So for short action research can enhance the
awareness of a student teacher as a future teacher to become capable in doing solutions for
classroom problems.
Thinking deeply about those problems, perhaps something must have been done to solve the
problem or answer the questions, like:
a. To handle our students we must do the following:
Keep rules simple and easy to follow. Choose no more than five or six of the most
important rules. If students have too many rules, they will not remember any of them
—and will not follow any of them!
Create effective consequences. Make it a process. Start out with something that
doesn’t affect them too much and make each consequence that follows a bit more
severe. Remember that developing some way of keeping up with behavior and being
consistent is a must.
b. To handle a problematic situation we should do the following:
Hear what the student is saying.
Empathize with student's situation.
Assess what the student's needs are.
Refer to campus resources.
Tell the appropriate campus official or department.
c. As a teacher we should have this qualities to become an effective teacher the following
Keep your students engaged with a positive attitude. Teaching is most effective when
students are motivated by the desire to learn, rather than by grades or degree
You should know the course material. If students are required to attend lectures and read
assignments, then it seems reasonable that you would do the same.
Have a plan for what you want to teach. Your job is to illustrate key points and essential
context, to help students integrate all of their work (reading, labs, exams, papers, lectures,
etc.) for the course.
Effective teachers can explain complex ideas in simple ways. As you develop expertise in
an academic field, it is easy to forget that students may have no prior knowledge of
fundamental concepts that you take for granted.
Keep your students thinking. Unless they are actively using the concepts you are
teaching, most students will remember only a small fraction of what you teach.
Remember what it is like to learn something for the first time. Give students time to
process information and answer questions. Know that it is fine for students to make
mistakes if they can learn from them.
Consider what it would be like to be one of your students. Chances are you would want
an instructor who set clear expectations, applied them consistently and could admit when
they were wrong.
Now, that I am in FS 2, I plan to make a plan for my solution to problem (choose from a, b, c)
I choose letter A because it s doable in a same timeframe and it will not take a very long
months I think and I choose this because s a teacher sooner or later we will face the same
problem whether as student teacher or a true teacher with degree we will face the same problem.
So I think it is good to take it as my topic.
My action will come later, given enough time in FS 2 or during my teaching Internship.
What have you noticed of the problem identified above? Can there be more than one solution
to the problem? ____yes_____ Explain
It is because not all of the problem can solve by just 1 solution, first of all I agree that the
problem above as more than one solution for us to be able to solve the problem because every
problem has it own need. therefore not all of the problem are connected thatbcan be solve by one
solution. We can solve this problem by creating a solution one by one.
A creative and innovative teacher can find one or more than one solution or answer to the
same problem. Each solution matches with the problem. The more solutions identified to choose
from, the better for an action researcher.
Scenario A: Miss Fely is a grade four teacher in a typical elementary school. She has forty
learners in her class. One half of them cannot classify animals into vertebrates and invertebrates.
She has been repeating the same science lesson for two weeks, yet no progress was observed.
This situation has been bothering Miss Fely.
Can you identify, Miss Fely’s problem? One half of her students cannot classify animals
to vertebrates and invertebrates even though she has been re-teaching the same lesson for
2 weeks.
Can you find a solution to solve her problem? Yes Give your two suggestions.
a. Rephase the word that have been used to the lesson to an easier one.
b. Use another teaching tecniques that is applicable for the students.
What solution can solve Miss Fely’s problem? I think Miss Fely's need to use another
appoach or techniques that suite for ther students.
How? For me by using another teaching approach or teaching technique miss fely's
problem will be solve because it can teach the student much more effective if the
technique picked is match for her students needs.
Scenario B: Sir Ryan teaches in a disadvantaged urban community. Most of his learners come
from families that are disrupted, either with single parents or with their guardians who stand only
as parents. They are deprived of the necessary food, clothing and shelter.
Can you identify the most probable teaching-learning problem/s in the class of Sir Ryan?
a. The lack of appropriate clothing for school.
b. The lack of school supplies of the students.
Can you propose a solution to solve one of the problems that you have identified?
I think the best solution to do is to raise a fund or donation for the students. The school
were the student is enroll they are the one must act as the head of this fund
racing/donation activity for their students because this will help their student needs for
their education and personal nesesities too.
After reading the two scenarios given above, how would you identifying problematic
situations and finding solutions to these problems help you to become a better teacher? Explain.
First of all to became a good teacher you must know or be aware to your student feeling
and necessities as a teacher it is good to raise our awareness to became a dependable teacher by
doing so, We can identify school/personal problem of a student by learning the problem of your
student as a teacher we can come up or find a solutions for our student's problem. So I believe by
being aware, dependable and a good teacher it can help us as a teacher to became better not just
for our self but for our students too.
What changes do you want to achieve?
I want to do the following for them to became a good student and to change their bad attitude to
a good attitude.
Encourage a Classroom Code of Conduct
Every classroom should have standards and expectations that govern classroom behavior. Instead
of presenting students with a list of rules on the first day of class, consider involving your
students in the process of establishing the classroom code of conduct.
Be a Role Model
To a significant degree, building a positive classroom starts with you. Students can be
impressionable, and the old adage “do as I say, not as I do” isn’t enough to convince youth to
behave a certain way when you and other adults behave differently.
Reinforce and Reward Positive Behaviors
Parents and teachers know that it is much easier to focus on bad behaviors than the good ones,
but it’s important to reinforce positive behaviors when we see them happening. Praising positive
behaviors in the classroom is a simple, yet powerful, way to motivate students to be on their best
Practice Mindfulness
One of the most important strategies for creating positive change in the classroom is also often
the most difficult to carry out. A positive attitude will set the appropriate tone with your students
and demonstrate how you expect them to treat each other and themselves.
What strategies will you use to improve the situation?
Understand your students. Get to know each student as an individual.
Practice patience with Rational Detachment.
Set effective limits.
Keep to the schedule you set.
Be aware of the causes of behavior.
Engage with students.
What would be the title of your action Research should you conduct the study?
The Effect of Classroom Behaviors and students Attentions on Written Expressions
Add: Solutions/Actions
The goal of this study was to build on previous research by not only looking at academic
behaviors in additions to attention, but also identifying gender differences in the relationship
between behaviour and writing performance in the context of a tier 1 performance feedback
intervention. Academic behaviors and attention were found to be major predictators of writing
fluency in female students, however neither behavioural measures were found to be important
predictors of writing productivity in female students, according to the study’s goals. Neither of
the behavioural measures were found to be significant predictors of male writings fluency or
productivity in male students. academic habits and attentions, on the other hand, were found to
be strong predictors of writing fluency for all children.
2. Small Group Discussion Create a classroom that encourages interaction Teachers can
come out with thought-provoking topics that require the students to think and share their
opinions with no prejudice. Having discussions and even debates promotes creativity and
critical thinking, which are important life skills that students should inculcate while they
are still in school. Planned interaction also gives quieter students the opportunity to
express themselves where they would normally not speak up.
Learning Environment 1:
What have you noticed of the display in the class bulletin board? What message or theme
does it convey?
Their Bulletin board convey the students to be aware of their activities and
for the teacher it is a reminder tool for them to remember ex: meetings, activities,
holidays and etc.
Learning Environment 2:
If the teacher is using a distance delivery of learning through the modules, where is most
likely the learning space of the students?
Most likely their learning space is at their home because it is the most
comfortable learning space that they can have other than the school while doing
their online classes.
How can you as a teacher help to make such environment conducive for learning?
As a teacher, in which of the two situations would you prefer to manage for learning?
Choose between learning environment 1 or learning environment 2. Explain your choice: why?
As a teacher I prefer the learning environment 1 because on this particular scenario we
can easily access and interact with our students and we can also see their needs right away in
much fastest way. And we can also observe them more entertain of their question much longer
and make things clarify.
Based on my noticing and analysis, I realized that
a. There are lot of ways that we can do for the students to learn more effective.
b. I realized that we can open a new possibility teaching style by doing an action research.
c. We can solve a problem because by doing action research we can discover a new
strategies or approach to be used in a specific problematic situation in classroom.
I think that the issue is how confident the teacher is that his or herstudents will learn using these
two learning environments.
Always keep an eye on each student's problems and growth. Ensure that the students pass the
exercise every quarter todemonstrate that they completed the work. To do so, you mustinform
students that they must also reflect on how well they aredoing and their plans for a nice and
healthy environment.
The first thing you should do is prepare a pre-test and post-test tomeasure the students'
knowledge before and after the school yearor semester. Always keep track of their activities and
present themwith options for what they want to learn. Always think about andrespect their
Work on My Artifacts
In not less than 300 words, write an essay on the topic “My Conducive Learning
“My Conducive Learning Environment”
By: Winnie Mae A. Castro
So a conducive environment is defined as favorable surroundings or conditions. One
would make the environment conducive to learning starting within. We students should be and
are motivated internally as well as externally. Built in instructions, found within our genetics
drive the behavior of us. Meaning the student should have an excellent base to build their
education on. We student, especially an online learner, must learn to control the environment
which they have chosen to complete class work, homework and study/reading time. The student
must also develop the ability to absorb or ignore the surroundings available to him/her. In my
case I have a well maintained room, natural lighting is best, and ventilated area that is ventilated
of air and it can also be a heated maintaining a certain temperature for comfort. For me as a
student will I need the typical supplies to complete the required coursework. These supplies
and/or tools will come in handy but the area or environment one is utilizing to study, complete
class work and homework is just as vital. So as a students we all have numerous necessities on a
personal and student level. The environment a student decides to use for his/her educational
purposes vary from one person to the next. Every student has a special area that is conducive to
the person's education. The student should have a means of self control. And as a student we
must have initiative to do things in a cheaper way that right for our budget and I really like to do
things ex: projects, activities and etc. why? because by doing this habbit over and over again I
gain some ideas that I can used for future purposes on how to do things in a cheaper way but at
the same time well created. So we can learn much effective if our surrondings is a healthy
environment for education.
Learning Episode 6: Enhancing a Face -to-Face
Learning Environment
Given the concepts and the infographic, how can you participate and assist in a face-to-
face learning environment?
By giving the Golden Rules for Engaging Students in Learning Activities . Make it
meaningful, In aiming for full engagement, it is essential that students perceive activities
as being meaningful. To ensure that activities are personally meaningful, we can, for
example, connect them with students' previous knowledge and experiences, highlighting
the value of an assigned activity in personally relevant ways. Also, adult or expert
modelling can help to demonstrate why an individual activity is worth pursuing, and
when and how it is used in real life.
Disruptive behaviour from one students can Disruptive behaviour from one student not affect
affect the whole class. the whole class.
Struggling learners may be overlooked when Students are more likely to be able to advance at
the majority is ready to move on. their own pace
Has interaction from both students and the No interaction between the students and the
Teacher. teacher
What do you think brought the changes in the face-to face learning environment now?
There is a lot of changes especially in the way of studying, most of the student are needed
to follow every health protocols to ensure their safety specially we are facing the amidst
of pandemic. The widespread use of modern technologies such as hardware resources
(computers, laptops, mobile phones and others), and software resources (learning
management system, software applications, social media sites and others).
From the changes that you identified, choose one that you can do. How will you do it?
The widespread use of modern technology, students have freedom to access course
information/content anytime and anywhere, irrespective of challenges such as the
pandemic outbreak—provided they have access to hardware and software resources.
Do you think making the learning environment conducive for a face-to-face classroom
will enable the learners to achieve better learning outcome? _____ explain your answer.
Absolutely. Before learning to take place, the human brain needs to know that it is safe
and that it is connected. Face-to-face interaction, as well as the development of loving
and trusting relationships, is always more successful for learning in an atmosphere that
fits those demands.
Use digital resources well: Schools can use digital resources in a variety of ways to
support teaching and learning. Electronic grade books, digital portfolios, learning games,
and real-time feedback on teacher and student performance, are a few ways that
technology can be utilized to power learning.
Used to support both teaching and learning, technology infuses classrooms with digital
learning tools, such as computers and hand held devices; expands course offerings,
experiences, and learning materials; supports learning 24 hours a day, 7 days a week;
builds 21st century skills; increases student engagement and motivation; and accelerates
What will I do to solve the problem? Describe briefly how you will do it.
Schools should also explore new technologies while exercising appropriate caution.
Before purchasing new software, request a trial period or demo. Also, explore how the
technology will add value to a remote and regular classroom.
Insights to Behavior is one such technological resource. Insights to Behavior can help
teachers manage regular and virtual classroom issues. If you’re a director of special
education, schedule an online personal demo to find out more.
Work on My Artifacts
Visit a school, where the learning environment is face-to-face. Prepare a detailed report
describing the face-to-face learning environment in terms of the three components:
Physical Environment
• Is the space inside the room more than enough for learners to move about?
• Does the room arrangement match with teaching-learning principles? Are there several
room arrangements in the school?
• Are the school premises safe and is the classroom space free from hazards?
Psychological Environment
• Are these sets of rules and procedures followed? What are these?
• Are there sets of expectations that can motivate the learners to learn?
- Opportunities for learners to share their experiences and learning with each other
Social Environment
• Are there outdoor activities that foster friendship, camaraderie, and cooperation?
Individuals live, work, learn, and play in their physical environment. People engage with
their physical environment in a variety of ways, including the air they breathe, the water
they drink, the homes they live in, and the transportation they use to get to work and
Describe the psychological environment:
Psychosocial environment is the interaction of the various sources of stress in our lives
and how we respond to them, both individually and as communities. ... Our
"environment" includes both social determinants of health and physical environmental
determinants of health.
Psychosocial environment includes our responses to stressors in our lives, from
temporary ones such as a traffic jam to major stressors such as war, homelessness or
major disease. Our relationships with family members, friends, colleagues and other
individuals and groups with whom we interact in our communities are an important part
of this environment.
A person's social environment is their society and all surroundings influenced in some
way by humans. It includes all relationships, institutions, culture, and physical structures.
Learning Episode 7: Making On-Line or Virtual Learning
Environment Safe and conducive
As a teacher, what have you discovered to be easy to implement in your virtual class?
It's a good idea for teachers to test any devices or platforms they'll be using with video
and audio. Before live streaming or filming their lessons, they should think about doing a
run-through. These actions can help employees feel more prepared and prepared
throughout the day by reducing the amount of troubleshooting they have to undertake.
How did the students show their active participation in the lesson?
There are students who always raise their hand to participate and those who are cautious
to do so in every classroom. It can be difficult to engage kids into talks who are reluctant
to lend their voices, whether they are introverted, consider for a long time before
contributing, or are simply having a terrible day.
As a future teacher I feel that the on-line learning environment can be safe if
Technical Issues. Many students are not provided with the high bandwidth or the strong
internet connection that online courses require, and thus fail to catch up with their virtual
classmates: Their weak monitors make it hard to follow the Course Management System
and their learning experience becomes problematic. Moreover, most of them live off
campus and find it difficult to keep in tune with the technical requirements of the chosen
course. Some of them don’t even own computers and seek help in Learning Resource
Centers for technical assistance.
The only solution to this problem is knowing exactly what kind of technological
support they will need for a certain course before enrolling in it, as well as
properly equipping themselves for the course’s successful completion.
Capture: Collect all the information about the problem when you become aware of it.
Document that information in writing, voice-recordings, or other record-keeping systems.
Work on My Artifacts
Make a list of 10 websites you can source references and instructional materials for this
episode. Place the list in the matrix like the one below. Share this with your mentor.
Having these guided questions in mind, consult your Resource Teacher on the possible assistance
or participation that you can to do help her/him in doing the classroom routines. Complete the
matrix for the routines that you can employ before, during and after classes in the
classroom/remote learning to ensure order and discipline in your classes. List down the problems
which you have encountered while implementing these routines.
- The problem I had been encountered while implementing these routines are:
Being Inconsitent, Waiting too long to intervene and Not communicating Expectations Clearly.
After doing your classroom routines and formulating your procedure, state what you noticed by
answering the following questions:
How did you feel after employing your classroom routines and establishing your
procedure in the classroom/ remote learning?
- Students can play an active role in setting class procedures, which makes me feel good
and satisfied. Use an early class to come up with new ideas. It allows for smoother class
operation and less distractions for both synchronous and asynchronous participation.
How did your students respond to your classroom routines and procedures?
.- They respond to routines and procedures in my classroom through action, which they
then apply to themselves. In addition, the class operates more smoothly, with fewer behavioral
Was there a change in the classroom environment/ teaching-learning process after you have
implemented your classroom routines and procedures?
1. What factors/ conditions prompted you establish those classroom routines and procedures?
- The factors/ conditions to establish classroom routines and procedure are to minimize the
behavior of the students, to ensures to manage time effectively and helps to maintain order in the
2. Was there a marked improvement in classroom management after employing your classroom
- YES.
- Yes, because the teacher is an effective teacher who knows how to deal with her pupils in a
distance learning environment, and the students were actively engaged in the discussion and
What insights have you gained while doing this learning episode?
- I learned more about classroom practices and procedures by participating in this learning
experience. It provides me a head start on how to develop classroom routines and procedures that
I can adopt or use in my own classroom in the future. This classroom routines and procedures
assist me in properly managing my time, maintaining order in the classroom, and minimizing
student misbehaving. Finally, it will aid in the seamless and joyful operation of my class.
Be guided with the guide questions for each of the elements. Follow these reminders in
writing your plan:
Philosophical Statement
1. Raise your hand if you want to speak- To avoid noise and interrupt the class
2. Respect your teacher and classmates- It helps promote positive culture inside the
3. Keep our classroom clean- To minimize the distractions that can take the mind of
students away from learning.
4. Maintain your work ethic and always try your best- To make a positive impact.
Teacher-Student Relationships
In building rationship with my students, I consider the following:
Respect- Everything start with respect so, respect involves treating students politely.
Respect their culture, experience, skills, knowlegde, interest, strength and
I will use behavioral chart as a strategy for rewards and consequences because this
behavioral chart can often used to help students maintain focus and control their
behavior. Also in utilizing behavioral chart it includes feedback, clear expectations,
increased motivation and focusing on the positive.
After reading and reviewing the classroom/remote learning management plan from
different sources and creating your own plan, answer the following questions.
1. What salient components have you noted?
2. Why is there a need to utilize the information to create your classroom management
Organizing information for a classroom means you want your students to be able to
understand the concepts in the simplest way.
3. What were the significant things that you noticed when you were implementing your
In implementing the plan it gives you better clarity of thoughts and improves your
own understanding. And In implementing your plan as a teacher you must have your own
unique style of management to meet the needs of the class..
4. Were there items in your classroom/remote learning management plan which were not
tailored to the needs of your students? How will you improve on these?
1. What elements in your classroom/remote learning management plan were mostly
followed/ complied with?
The elements in my classroom/remote learning management plan were mostly
followed/complied with are the Classroom design, Rules, Discipline, Scheduling,
organization, and communication.
2. What elements in your plan were the most difficult to implement? Why?
What were your realizations after creating and implementing your classroom/remote
learning management plan?
1. The problems/ challenges I encountered in writing my classroom Management Plan
2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by
3. Some strategies/solutions/means that I can employ to improve these situation/problems
4. Based on my answers in nos. 1-3, the possible title of my action research on this
episode is to further enrich my knowledge on designing my classroom/ remote
management plan, whether in the classroom or in remote learning, these are some of the
online resources which will help me in these activities. (Include books, websites, you
tube videos and the like and share these to your peers.)
Assessment and Assess performance I provided written PPT and visual aids
Transfer exams and questions in
essay format. I also
used diagnostic
How did the students react to the activities / various elements to arouse their interest?
They actively participate to the activities to arouse their interest.
Were the students focused when you were stating the learning objectives at the beginning
of the lesson?
Yes they are focused.
How did the new learning’s relate with what they really know?
The more we understand about what students already think, and the more we help
them engage their prior understandings, the more likely they are to learn well –
and the less likely they are to misinterpret the material in our courses.
Did you notice some students who needed assistance? What did you do?
Yes there are some students who need assistance and as a teacher i helped them in
their needs.
Did the students find difficulty in applying the theories / concepts learned to real life?
No, the students can apply theory learned to real life.
What pieces of evidence can prove that the students had retention of learning?
The students answer all the questions regarding to the lessons I asked.
Attach pieces of evidence of your delivery of (lesson plans, pictures, screen shots and the like)
3. What were your feelings and thoughts while you were assisting with the use of the
I feel confident and happy because I got my student's attention, all my students actively
participated during the discussion because they enjoy and understand the video I
Using the instructional materials the class interaction inside the classroom worked very
well, they share their different ideas about the topic.
What would you have done differently? What woul I change? What will nake it better next
To make my teaching better next time i need to include more ICT tools in my lessons to
make it more relevant and fun for the students and it helps them achieve better learning
How does this connect with what you know about selecting and using instructional
This connects with what I already know about selecting and using instructional materials
by using different ICT tools it can help me provide a range of activities that will
challenge my learners.
What do I still need to learn to select and develop resources/ instructional materials
in teaching effectively?
I still need to learn about accuracy and visual appeal, alignment to standards and depth of
knowledge, ease of use and support, and engagement and ability to meet student needs
Learning Episode 13: Utilizing application (Apps) for Teaching and
Apps that I already know/have recently explore How can I utilize this in teaching-learning?
Long answer
Multiple choice
Drop-down menu
… and more
Google meet
Include up to 100 participants and see a tiled
view of up to 49 participants
Apps you plan to utilize in the What is the use or purpose of Explain why you selected the
lesson. using the app. Describe how app, based on the five criteria
you or the teacher will use of developmental
each. appropriateness, motivation,
instructional design,
engagement and accessibility.
The primary purpose of Google This application provides a
Classroom is to streamline the central location to
process of sharing files between communicate with students,
teachers and students. ask questions, and make
Google classroom
Google form
How does this connect with what you know about selecting and using apps?
Apps helps students to analyze what they have been taught and what is the source of it which makes
them curious to know more but in a systematic way where they know how, when and what to explore.
Describe how you or the teacher utilized the apps. Narrate your experience as you
participated and assisted.
From helping with communication among teachers and students (as well as peer-to-peer), to
organizing curriculum calendars, to enhancing presentations and lessons with media and visuals,
there is no limit to the ways to use technology in the classroom to create an enriched learning
What worked well during the activity using the apps?
As technology has become mainstream it has been assimilated into the learning
environment. Many schools use computers and tablets in the classroom and give homework that
requires the use of education apps. They will need to perform everyday tasks and certain job
What part can be improved?
You should start implementing best practices for your mobile application. You must think of user
goals while designing the mobile app.
What would you have done differently? What would I change? What will make it better
next time?
I need to improve more the technology that I use in teaching because I still don’t
know better. To make it better next time am gonna study more of it.
How does this connect with what you know about selecting and using apps?
This was connected in teaching my future students someday. This overall process helps the
students to learn practically and not theoretically.
How ready am I in organizing and using apps in the teaching-learning process?
Not quite ready but first Set guidelines and expectations for how students should use and
interact with. It’s important, too, that students understand the connection to the broader
lesson and application of the learning experience.
As a teacher there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution, so here is a range of effective teaching
strategies you can use to inspire your classroom practice. Incorporating technology into your
teaching is a great way to actively engage your students, especially as digital media surrounds
young people in the 21st century.
What can I do to learn more about and practice the use of educational apps?
Access to any information from anywhere at any time makes the learning process convenient
and easy.
What problematic situation/challenges/area of improvement prevailed in using apps?
Beside developing a successful app and providing superior customer experience, most app
developers face a common challenge for ensuring a world class app performance. The challenge
includes a running application without crashes or bugs and at the same time consumes as little
space in the device without affecting battery life. During the initial stage of the app development,
you need to focus on ensuring that design performs well on all the available mobile devices.
A good performing app can provide a good number of audience. Once you have crossed the
hurdle of testing, you can have an opportunity to create an excellent mobile app.
List at least three sources that you have read about this problem/challenge/area of improvement.
Resource or reference about the Topic Key points/findings in what I need
Elaboration theory, instructional design theory that emphasize the creation of learning sequence
form simple to more complex context in order to create deeper understanding.
What do I hope to achieve to address the problem? (what change do you want to
You’ll need to do some brainstorming to identify the main steps and tasks you need to accomplish along
the way. An action plan is the road map you can follow that will get you to your goal. This will help
ensure you don’t miss any important steps.
What strategies/solutions/means can you employ to improve the situation/solve the
Create a system for getting where you want to be.
If you will conduct action research, what will be the title (Base this on your answers in
nos. 1-3):
2. Teacher Ruth is excited to try this preschool math app with her kindergarten students. She is
happy because it has a feature where she can review how each child performed and give her
information about which skills she needs to reinforce more and which skills the children have
already mastered. Teacher Ruth has considered which criteria for selecting apps?
A. Accessibility
B. Motivation
C. Instructional design
D. Developmental appropriateness
3. Ms. Peralta found two apps that were both appropriate for high school students taking physics.
They both have assessment and feedback and were quite enjoyable to play. She can use both on a
free but limited arrangement but need to choose one that the school will purchase for premium
use. She eventually selected the one that linked physics with everyday life like Physics and the
internet or physics inn amusement park rides. She based her decision on which criteria for
selecting apps?
A. Engagement
B. Accessibility
C. Developmental appropriateness
D. Motivation
4. From among several apps that focused on grammar, Ms. Tayag chose the one which helped
learners gain mastery through games where players earn tokens when they succeed. Which
criteria did Ms. Tayag consider?
A. Accessibility
B. Motivation
C. Instructional Design
D. Development Appropriateness
5. The Padagogy wheel van help teachers choose apps by all, EXCEPT.
A. It helps teachers identify apps for different grade level of the learners.
B. It helps teachers identify apps according to the levels of Bloom’s taxonomy
C. It helps teachers see the type f technology integration in the SAMR model
D. It helps teachers explore apps useful for both apple and android users
Which LMS did the teacher use: check one or more that were used.
______ Moodle
___/___ Schoology
______ Google Classroom
______ Edmodo
______ Genyo
______ See saw
______ Others ____________________________________________________
What tasks did you participate or assist in? Fill out the table below.
What components or parts were present in the Under this LMS components or parts, what
LMS used by the teacher? tasks did you participate/assist in?
Describe the structure of the LMS utilized by the teacher. How was it organized? What
main components did you find?
It is used for eLearning practices and, in its most common form, consists of two elements: a
server that performs the base functionality and a user interface that is operated by instructors,
students and administrators.
How was the content taught or delivered? How were the learning activities arranged?
What strategies did the teacher or you use to help students attain the
Encouraging students to ask questions and investigate their own ideas helps improve their
problem-solving skills as well as gain a deeper understanding of academic concepts. Both of
which are important life skills.
What do you think are the best features of the LMS that the teacher used? How did these
features help the students learn the content?
Another benefit that ties into the purpose of an LMS is that learning professionals can use
specific data elements to ensure individual learners are meeting the desired learning objectives.
How did the teacher/or you use the LMS to implement the strategies/activities planned?
LMS make it possible for educators to consolidate these resources for students, alleviating the
need to juggle multiple logins. The systems also serve as a portal through which students are able
to easily see assignments and grades, which can help them better manage their own learning.
How did this connect with what you know about LMS and TPACK?
LMS involve online learning while TPACK is a technology integration framework that identifies
three types of knowledge instructors need to combine for successful edtech integration—
technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (a.k.a. TPACK). otherwise known as TPACK,
represents a full understanding of how to teach with technology. Keep in mind that this is not the
same as having knowledge of each of the three primary concepts individually. Instead, the point
of TPACK is to understand how to use technology to teach concepts in a way that enhances
student learning experiences. They both helps teaching learning classes.
What problem or challenges did the teacher/you or the students encounter in working
with the LMS? How did it/they affect the teachers/learners? What part/s of the LMS do
you think can still be improved? How can this/these be improved?
one of the oft-mentioned challenges in using LMS functionalities to increase efficiency is lack of
integration and inflexible reporting capabilities. A learner does not have to be physically
present in the class to go through the course- all they have to do is switch on their device and
Enumerate the knowledge, skills and attitudes you already have to organize your virtual
learning environment and use an LMS:
I do hope that the student’s skills and attitude will be good and Give the
misbehaving student a chance to respond positively by explaining not only what he or she is
doing wrong, but also what he or she can do to correct it.
Effective administration
Better learning engagement
Technological innovation
What do you still need to learn in order to use the LMS effectively?
The tools that LMS provide because without it you’ll never be able to create an organized
learning program.
What problematic situation/challenges/area of improvement did you see while you
participated and assisted using an LMS?
lack of integration and inflexible reporting capabilities.
List at least three sources that you have read about this problem/challenge.
Resource or Reference about the topic Key points/findings in what I read
The ultimate benefit of learning learning Are quite wide and can contain everything
management system- Gyrus from basic to functionality to cool recently
implemented features
What do I hope to achieve to address the problem? (what change do you want to
By focusing on possible skills you can develop, I am ready for a chance to prove what I
can do on my own.
What strategies/solutions/means can you employ to improve the situation/solve the
Focus on what you can do, instead of the things that are out of control, and fell satisfied that
you’ve done the best you can.
If you will conduct action research, what will be the title (Base this on your answers in
nos. 1-3):
Students technological problem encountered
1. Mr. Mahusay is ensuring using the polling of the LMS as a strategy to increase participation of
his students in their lesson on qualities of national leaders. He is utilizing his____.
A. Technological Content Knowledge (TCK)
B. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)
C. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK)
D. Content Technology Knowledge (CTK)
2. Ms. Del Rosarion is careful to match the learning outcomes with the content and activities she
is going to do. She also sees to it that the assessment measures the attainment of the learning
outcomes. She is using her_____.
A. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)
B. Pedagogy Technological Knowledge
C. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK)
D. Technological Content Knowledge (TCK)
3. Ms. Juan is utilizing the feature of the LMS to provide regular information updates on the
topic she and her students are exploring. She is using______.
A. Technological Content Knowledge (TCK)
B. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)
C. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK)
D. Content Technology Knowledge (CTK)
5. Through the LMS, the teacher can do the following tasks, EXCEPT.
A. Post assignment and projects
B. Set up discussion boards
C. Make students collaborate
D. Meet students face to face
Which web-conferencing app did the teacher use for synchronous classes? Describe its
features and how you or the teacher used these features.
Web-conferencing app feature Was it utilized? If yes, describe how it was utilized in class.
Virtual background The main purpose of a Virtual Background is to limit visual distractions in
a user’s video and to provide privacy. But this feature can also be used for
active learning.
Microphone icon on/off Using a classroom microphone is a great way to increase student
engagement, build student confidence, enhance student presentation
skills. It is a great classroom management tool that definitely helps
increase student engagement. Not only will your students increase
engagement in the lesson or activity, their individual confidence will
begin to increase as well.
Camera icon on/off Students, too, benefit from being able to see each other onscreen. In the
study, a majority indicated that “using videoconferencing helped build
trust and rapport with other students and helped them to develop a sense
of identification with others in their group.
Screen share Screen sharing can be used as a visual aid during live presentations by
allowing viewers to follow along in real time from their own devices.
Reaction buttons Have your students leave reactions without interrupting a lesson. Give
your students a chance to visually show how they are understanding the
content or how they are feeling.
Spotlight The spotlight teacher’s preferences for clip selection were taken into
consideration—the spotlight teacher always maintained veto power—and
they were provided with a copy of the clip prior to the video club meeting.
View (using different views) You must have an active internet connection to sign in. If you already
know how to sign in to Classroom, go to classroom.google.com. Or,
follow the detailed steps below.
Polling Instructors can use polls for many different pedagogical reasons such as to
ask students about their background knowledge, personal opinions or
experiences; to predict the outcome of an experimental demonstration, or
to test their understanding of course material.
Recording There you'll see the option to “Record video.” The video you make will
still be stored in Google Drive, since that's where content on Classroom is
kept, but it will insert the video directly into your assignment for you
How was the content taught or delivered? How were the learning activities facilitated?
What strategies did the teacher or you used to keep the students engaged? How did the
students respond to the teacher? To the activities?
When students are engaged in learning, there is movement and laughter and sometimes lots
of noise. They are up and out of their seats involved in activities that promote thought, creativity, and
discovery. Students are busy, self-disciplined, and best of all, willing to take responsibility for their own
learning because they understand that what they are doing is important.
What was your experience in participating and assisting in synchronous classes? What
were your thoughts and feelings while you participated and assisted?
Put simply, this is a model where the people teaching and the people learning have some form of live
interaction, meaning they engage in education-related activities at the exact same time, despite being
physically separated. However, this approach has both advantages and disadvantages, which both need to
be explored and understood.
What do you think are the best features of a web-conferencing app that you or the teacher
used? How did these features help the teachers and the students?
Web conferencing can be used to support interactive learning or student-centered teaching and learning in
a team-oriented, virtual environment. Group projects may include case studies and role plays, or process-
oriented, guided inquiry strategies.
Referring to the community of inquiry infographic, how well did the teacher/or you use
the web-conferencing app to establish: (describe in detail)
Teaching Presence?
The concept of presence in online teaching builds on the body of work on teaching and learning
Social Presence?
Social presence in online learning stimulates the whole eLearning experience, enhances learners-
instructors interactions, and improves learners to learners activities as well.
Cognitive Presence?
Cognitive presence is the academic content and engaging of the mind in the online environment.
What problem or challenges did the teacher/you or the students encounter during the
synchronous classes? How did it affect the teacher/learners? What part/s of synchronous
classes do you think can still be improved? How can this/these be improved?
As a real-time learning method, synchronous learning gives eLearning professionals the opportunity to
offer their audience a unique online training experience.
Not quite ready but I need to do it for the students, the importance of building connections with
students, strengthening support systems and assessing learners with a multitude of options in your
synchronous online course
Teaching Presence?
he teacher is literally in the room with the students, interacting with them as a whole class, in small
groups, or individually. Students can get their teacher’s attention by simply raising their hand or asking
for help. Even during a synchronous remote learning event, the teacher will be visible on the screen, and
students may ask questions or raise their virtual hand like they would in a face-to-face classroom.
Social Presence?
The use of Web videoconferencing, whereby learners in an online classroom can simultaneously
collaborate using audiovisual communication tools, increases the learner's ability in social and emotional
expression, thus improving communication which may enhance learning satisfaction.
Cognitive Presence
Cognitive presence is the academic content and engaging of the mind in the online environment .
What do you still need to learn in order to conduct an online synchronous class using a
web-conferencing app effectively?
Highlighting the importance of building connections with students, strengthening support systems and
assessing learners with a multitude of options in your synchronous online course
What problematic situation/challenges/area of improvement did you see while you
participated and assisted using a web-conferencing app for synchronous learning?
Although online learning may be the best option we have for now, still you can’t help but wonder how
everyone is adjusting and coping with the problems that arise while attending online classes, especially
during synchronous classes.
List at least three sources that you have read about this problem/challenge.
Resource or Reference about the topic Key points/findings in what I read
A problem that had caused delays implementing
remote learning in general. Although internet plans
exist; they are not, however, created equal. Hence,
in online classes, there was never a day when a
Internet Connection- Mikaela G.Amadora
student hasn’t voiced out complaints.
behaviorism, cognitivism, and social constructivism—will be highlighted to form the foundation for
further discussion. ... Theory is defined as a set of statements, principles, or ideas that relate to a particular
What do I hope to achieve to address the problem/challenge/area of improvement in
web-conferencing app use? What change do you want to achieve?
Virtual meetings were previously unheard of. Now, they are one of the most popular ways for office
workers to communicate with one another. While this leap in technology has helped many individuals,
these online meetings do not come without their own challenges.
If you will conduct action research, what will be the title (Base this on your answers in
nos. 1-3):
Benefits on learning online class and the advantage and dis advantages
What strategies/solution/means can you employ to improve the situation/solve the
They are also opportunities to learn more about ourselves, step outside our comfort zone, and acquire new
skills that can help us achieve our goals. After solving each problem or challenge, corporate learners
should get the chance to review and reflect upon their behaviors and choices.
2. During a two-hour online synchronous class, the Science teacher taught about centripetal and
centrifugal forces. She did not introduce the learning goals for the session. She shared on screen
the first powerful she found on the internet and lectured about the topic to students without
engaging them to participate. They were passive the whole time. Some students turned off their
cameras. She ended the class with a quiz on the topic. The teacher did NOT effectively
demonstrate which essential element?
A. Community presence
B. Teaching presence
C. Cognitive presence
D. Social presence
3. The topic of the online synchronous session for the day was how the Philippines will attain
herd immunity from Covid 19 the fastest way. After introducing the topic, the teacher explained
to the students one learning outcome which for them to analyze the current situational factors
that may impede and hasten the Philippines goal of attaining herd immunity. Another learning
outcome was ffor students to articulate suggestions on how the Philippines will succeed on the
chatbox. She allotted time for the students to go to the small group meeting rooms she arranged
on the web conferencing app for discussion. Later, students went back to the big group, and
student actively shared their outputs. The teacher fostered which essentials elements?
A. teaching presence
B. Social presence
C. Community presence
D. Cognitive presence
Did the formative assessment tasks help students master what they were expected to
Yes, through formative assessment students were aware what learning they are
expected to learn. It allows them to evaluate their own learning.
Did the conduct of formative assessment and self assessment affect students’
attainment of learning outcomes? How?
Yes, it affects students’ attainment by means of letting them evaluate their selves,
identify their strength and weaknesses, and motivate them to continue improve
What was the effect of students assessing their own progress on their motivation to
It allows them to know their weaknesses and strengths which can motivate them
to improve their performance and motivate to learn.
There will be possibilities that learning outcomes will be least attain if there were
no formative assessment or self-assessment. Teachers cannot measure the
progress of learning of their students and their gaps. Student also may not be
aware on where they lack and in what part they need to improve. They will not
know if they achieve the learning outcomes.
The formative assessment activities went well because it gives positive results that
students were learning and improving.
The formative assessment activities process did not go well because sometimes it
needs a lot of work, and barriers occur during the process.
For students, self-assessment worked because they were able to reflect on their own
assessment results.
For the students, self-assessment did not work because sometimes they find difficult
on rating themselves and it would make them think that it would be bias.
2. Did teacher make use of both traditional and authentic assessment tasks?
Yes, the teacher makes use of both traditional and authentic assessment for more
results, and for better evaluation.
6. Which assessment activity/activities did the students like more? Like least? Why?
In general observation, student’s most likely active on demonstration, role plays,
and experiments because they enjoy on the process of the activities, and also they
like it because of the challenges they experience. The least they like is making
projects some of them exert least efforts on making it, may be because coming up
a project is expensive to them, and needs a lot of time, and work.
How can I make the assessment process more meaningful to and more acceptable to
2. One thing/some things is/are that did not go very well in the
development/use/administration of assessment are time, and testing the reliability of
the assessment.
This part of the assessment process went well because student successfully
engaged on the assessment tasks.
This part of the assessment process did not go well because it takes a lot of time
to work on, and a lot of work to ensure if it is meaningful and acceptable.
To ensure that the assessment process serves its purpose, to help students learn, I will
read researches/videos on unique assessment tasks, proper tasks construction, and how to limit
the time of making tasks and testing it reliability.
To help improve assessment practice, I would like to conduct an action research on the
barriers of the assessment process.
1. What are the teaching implications of the students’ test scores and grades?
It implicates that the objectives of every subject were achieved. That the students
learned and it also implicates students’ level of mastery.
What personal message do I get from these students’ scores, grades, and
parents/guardians’ PTC attendance and comments?
High scores and grade is possible for students to obtain but did not really learn
that much. It really does need to know the level of mastery of the students. Also
observing their behaviors on the class also important so that during PTC they can
talk about it or raise the concerns to the parents. The attendance of the parents and
guardians is really important in PTC so that everyone can hear the concerns and
announcements. The parents/guardians comments indicate how
responsible/concerned they are on their children’s progress.
To ensure that the scoring, grading and the conduct of PTC serve their purpose,
i.e. to ensure that students learn, I will read researches/videos on proper
evaluation of scores, and proper presentation of student’s progress and concerns
that will avoid confusions and arguments.
To help improve scoring, grading practices and the conduct of PTC, I would like
to conduct an action research on reference assessments.
We said at the beginning that all teachers could make an Action Research. It is easy to do
it. Let’s try doing it. Today, you shall develop a Plan for our Action Research by following the
simple cycle. You will share your output with your mentor for an opportunity to work together.
Topic you choose: (from the past episode) Creating my classroom / remote learning management
Episode number and Title: Learning Episode 9 Creating my Classroom / remote learning
management plan
Writing Action Research Prompt page: 5
Model A:
A. Observe/Notice
Think deeply of the problem and your observation. Why is this happening? Can the slow
learners be helped? How will it be done?
Example response: I think most of the activities are very competitive. There are always
winners and losers. The smart students overrule the poor students thus often they
continue to be losers. With this situation, I belive that I should modify my classroom
Write your own plan of action Research based on the key questions. You give more
D. References
Include at least 3 reading materials about the intervention that will be used.
Enter your own reading list
Tran, T.T.T., Moni, K., Baldauf, R.B. (2012). Foreign Language Anxiety and its Effect on
student’s determination on study English: To abandon or not to abandon. TESOL in Context (5).
pp. 1-14.
Note: the implementation of the Plan will follow when time allows. A more detailed
Research Action Plan will be required. The McNiff and Whitehead (2014) of DepEd
(2016) models may be used depending on the advice of your mentor.
Action Research Proposal
At the start, the extent of the student’s learning in the academic institution may be
determined by the teaching strategy of the teacher for a particular period when school
It must be pointed out that the teacher’s learning style in teaching can be a factor
in the learning process. If a learner obtains high grades, it can be inferred that he may
also have learned a lot while low grades indicate low performance that leads to
different factors.
Although education is not the only road to success in the working world (Scheirgh
2003), much effort is made to identify, evaluate, monitor, track and encourage the
progress of students in schools (Larry – Harrison 2002). Parents’ care about their
child’s academic performance is vitally important because they believe that good
academic results or grades will provide more career choices and job security. Schools,
though invested in fostering good academic study habits for the same reason, are also
often influenced by concerns about the school’s reputation and the possibility of
monetary aid from government financial institutions (Emmons 2003), which can
children’s everyday lives and needs, the interaction between child and school will
become a more active and enriching experience, rather than a passive, tiring, or
alienating experience for the child (Taylor & Mulhall, 1995; 2).
Enhancing the quality of educational delivery is the ultimate goal and rationale
content; the diversity of local (sub national), cultural, and socio-economic realities”.
Individual schools have limited resources. Individual teachers may have limited
considerable value. Such lists can bedrawn up by individuals, but, even more
profitably, by groups of teachers sharing their knowledge. Both the lists themselves
and the process of making them would help to increase teachers' awareness of how
1. What is the common efficacy of using localized materials in language teaching among
grade 9 students?
2. What is the significant difference of using localized materials in language teaching when
A. gender
It is therefore the researchers’ expectation that upon completion of this study, the
findings of the study will be beneficial to the language teachers, students, government
First, this study will assist the Technology Livelihood Education teachers in
secondary school in (school) to adopt the consistent use of localized materials in the
Grade 9 classes to make learning interesting and enhance better understanding by the
Since the use of localized materials in teaching in a formal or informal situation has
positive results in the sense that it enhances effective understanding in the learners, it
will therefore enable government to produce more instructional materials to all the
help in creating comprehension in the mind of those that are slow to learn in the
school learners.
For proper discussion and understanding of abstract concepts and themes, materials
This research will also serve as a point of inquiry and reference for both learners and
members of the public who want to know or carryout related study on this area.
The study findings will enable the stakeholders to realize the importance of localized
materials in teaching.
The TLE teachers who are teaching in Grade 9 classes will be guided by the study
findings to choose the most efficient localized materials for classroom activities.
The findings of the study will also form a basis for further research on the role played
by localized materials in teaching TLE.
1. Administrators
They can develop comprehensive program as well as learning materials in teaching TLE;
and this will focus mainly on the development of the Grade 9 students. In this way, school
administrators will be great a help to all the students of Ayala National High School,
Zamboanga City.
2. Teachers
This study will serve as one of the bases for determining the students’ learning performances
using the localized materials in TLE, which certainly a basis for teachers to come up with
appropriate instructional materials and improve their teaching methodology to cope with the
3. Students
The findings of this study will enable students to develop awareness regarding their
learning and performance level, and will consequently let them formulate means to
4. Future Researches
The outcome of this study also may be an augmentation to the pool of knowledge and
School, Zamboanga City who were enrolled in the school year 2017-2018. There
are two intact classes for Grade 9 pupils that will represent the experimental
group and the control group. The experimental group will use localized materials
in teaching language while the control group will utilizethe traditional method of
given to pupils in the pretest and posttest. The lessons that will be used in the
experimental and control group are identical and parallel but they vary on the
materials used in teaching the subject matter. The lesson plan will be adopted
from the Department of Education Teachers Guide. The experimental group used
localized materials in teaching TLE while the control group used traditional
made by the Master Teacher and Department Head TLE in Ayala National High
School. The same test will be used during the pretest and posttest. The coverage
of the test will be based on the topics of the lesson plan. The students‘
achievement in the experimental and control group of their pretest and posttest
adopted on their Report Card. The achievement test will be validated by the Grade
9 students of Ayala National High School who had already done with the lessons
Descriptive statistics will be used to describe the profile of the grade nine students
posttest for the significance of their difference using the pretest as the covariate
and will be used to determine the significant difference between the mean scores
of learners’ achievement in TLE teaching using localized materials and the chalk-
talk method when they are group according to the profile of the variable: gender.
What knowledge, attitude and skills did you have that helped you accomplish it?
Encouragement to do the plan, patience for possible interventions and solution for
the problem.
What do you still need to learn and develop in yourself to be a skilled teacher-researcher?
I need to study and read a lot about research to be a skilled teacher-researcher.
Work on My Artifacts
I. My identified problem:
The lack of localized materials in the public schools.
Tran, T.T.T., Moni, K., Baldauf, R.B. (2012). Foreign Language Anxiety and its Effect on
student’s determination on study English: To abandon or not to abandon. TESOL in Context (5).
pp. 1-14.
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