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5/14/24, 4:27 PM Musculoskeletal Health Conditions Represent a Global Threat to Healthy Aging: A Report for the 2015 World

5 World Health Organiza…


Musculoskeletal Health Conditions

Represent a Global Threat to Healthy
Aging: A Report for the 2015 World
Health Organization World Report on
Ageing and Health 
, , , , , ,

The Gerontologist, Volume 56, Issue Suppl_2, April 2016, Pages S243–
Published: 18 March 2016 Article history 

Persistent pain, impaired mobility and function, and reduced
quality of life and mental well-being are the most common
experiences associated with musculoskeletal conditions, of
which there are more than 150 types. The prevalence and
impact of musculoskeletal conditions increase with aging. A
profound burden of musculoskeletal disease exists in Help
developed and developing nations. Notably, this burden far
exceeds service capacity. Population growth, aging, and
sedentary lifestyles, particularly in developing countries, will
create a crisis for population health that requires a
multisystem response with musculoskeletal health services
as a critical component. Globally, there is an emphasis on
maintaining an active lifestyle to reduce the impacts of
obesity, cardiovascular conditions, cancer, osteoporosis, and
diabetes in older people. Painful musculoskeletal conditions,
however, profoundly limit the ability of people to make these
lifestyle changes. A strong relationship exists between
painful musculoskeletal conditions and a reduced capacity to
engage in physical activity resulting in functional decline,
frailty, reduced well-being, and loss of independence.
Multilevel strategies and approaches to care that adopt a
whole person approach are needed to address the impact of
impaired musculoskeletal health and its sequelae. Effective
strategies are available to address the impact of
musculoskeletal conditions; some are of low cost (e.g.,
primary care-based interventions) but others are expensive 1/34
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and, as such, are usually only feasible for developed nations.

In developing nations, it is crucial that any reform or
development initiatives, including research, must adhere to
the principles of development effectiveness to avoid doing
harm to the health systems in these settings.

Keywords: Arthritis, Pain, Osteoporosis, Impact, Epidemiology,

Models of care, Burden of disease
Topic: aging, osteoporosis, arthritis, cost of illness, developed
countries, developing countries, musculoskeletal diseases,
pain, world health organization, chronic pain, older adult,
health care systems, healthy aging
Issue Section: Literature Reviews

Background and Context

Musculoskeletal health is critical for people’s mobility and

dexterity, their ability to work and actively participate in all
aspects of life, and to maintain economic, social, and functional
independence across their life course. Adequate musculoskeletal
health is essential to enable physical activity, an essential strategy
to reduce risk of other noncommunicable diseases (NCDs). The
profound impact of impaired musculoskeletal health,
characterized by morbidity and mortality, is now globally
recognized. The World Health Organization (WHO) commissioned
a report describing the impact of impaired musculoskeletal health
on healthy aging in order to inform the 2015 WHO World Report on
Ageing and Health (World Health Organization, 2015). This paper
summarizes the pertinent information contained in that
musculoskeletal-specific report. Although the focus of this report
is on older age, the impact of musculoskeletal health condition and
musculoskeletal-related pain in younger people is also profound
(King et al., 2011). 2/34
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The Impact of Impaired Musculoskeletal


Impaired musculoskeletal health can be the cause of acute and

chronic pain, burden in other health domains, physical limitation
that involves loss of participation and withdrawal from usual
social, community, and occupational activities, and decreased
quality of life and well-being, including mental well-being. Some
musculoskeletal conditions can be life-threatening and result in
death if left untreated. People living with rheumatoid arthritis
(RA), osteoarthritis (OA), and those who have sustained an
osteoporotic fracture have higher mortality rates than their age-
and gender-matched peers (Bliuc et al., 2009; Dadoun et al., 2013;
Nüesch et al., 2011; Widdifield et al., 2015). Impaired
musculoskeletal health has substantial personal, community, and
societal consequences, which increases substantially in older
people (Arthritis and Osteoporosis Victoria, 2013; Song, Chang, &
Dunlop, 2006). Epidemiologic studies confirm the strong
relationship between painful musculoskeletal conditions, lack of
physical activity and resulting functional decline, frailty, loss of
well-being and loss of independence, and depressive symptoms
(Bolen et al., 2008; 2009; Hootman, Murphy, Helmick, & Barbour,
2011; Klinedinst, Resnick, Yerges-Armstrong, & Dorsey, 2015;
Wilcox et al., 2006). Older people with arthritis and
musculoskeletal disorders are less active than their peers without
arthritis and this lack of regular physical activity is the most
prevalent risk factor associated with functional decline. Moreover,
impaired musculoskeletal health, reflected in reduced physical
capability (grip strength, walking speed, chair rising, and standing
balance times) has been repeatedly and consistently related to
increased mortality (Cooper et al., 2010). Musculoskeletal health
is, therefore, a key component of frailty.

Musculoskeletal health is particularly important for maintaining

an active, productive, and prolonged working life. As the global
retirement age extends, this issue will become increasingly
important for older workers. Many occupations and work-related
activities are associated with musculoskeletal disorders, with low
back pain (LBP) and shoulder disorders the most common and
most debilitating (Driscoll, 2011; Driscoll et al., 2014; Shanahan & 3/34
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Sladek, 2011). Identifying and implementing effective

interventions for people with musculoskeletal conditions to
remain productive at work is therefore important (Oakman,
Keegel, Kinsman, & Briggs, 2016). In high-income countries,
musculoskeletal conditions are one of the major causes of work
loss and early retirement, lost retirement wealth (Schofield et al.,
2012) and reduced national productivity (Schofield et al., 2015). In
subsistence communities in developing countries, musculoskeletal
conditions have been shown to have a major impact on livelihoods
(Hoy, Toole, D. Morgan, & C. Morgan, 2003). Further, the impact of
musculoskeletal conditions on indigenous communities,
historically perceived to be minimal, is now understood to be
equally profound across the lifespan (Eckhoff & Kvernmo, 2014;
Jimenez, Garroutte, Kundu, Morales, & Buchwald, 2011; Lin et al.,
2012; LoGiudice et al., 2012; Ng, Chatwood, & Young, 2010). Some
evidence suggests that disability and unhelpful beliefs about
musculoskeletal pain may in fact be iatrogenic in nature, possibly
due to exposure to Western health practices (Lin et al., 2013).
Reduced musculoskeletal health, therefore, results in reduced
productivity and economic loss to society at all levels. These
indirect costs far outweigh direct healthcare costs, by a factor of
about five (Arthritis and Osteoporosis Victoria, 2013).

Pain of musculoskeletal origin is the most common form of

chronic pain (Access Economics, 2007). Chronic musculoskeletal
pain is one of the most common reasons that people seek medical
help, is costly (Access Economics Pty Ltd., 2007; Arthritis and
Osteoporosis Victoria, 2013), yet is under-recognized and
undertreated. People living with chronic musculoskeletal pain
have a constant struggle to affirm their self, confront stigma,
reconstruct a sense of self through time, find an explanation,
navigate the healthcare system, and prove legitimacy (Speerin et
al., 2014; Toye et al., 2013). The impact of chronic pain is profound
across the lifespan and on a global scale (Australian and New
Zealand College of Anaesthetists, 2010; Breivik, Collett,
Ventafridda, Cohen, & Gallacher, 2006; Goldberg & McGee, 2011;
Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2011; Schopflocher, Taenzer, & Jovey,
2011). A recent Swedish population-based registry study examined
the impact of chronic pain in the elderly Swedish population. The
prevalence of moderate or severe chronic pain was 23.1% in those
aged 65 years and older, and there was a strong relationship 4/34
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between the severity of chronic pain and resource use and quality
of life (Bernfort, Gerdle, Rahmqvist, Husberg, & Levin, 2015).
While the prevalence of chronic widespread pain is less than non-
widespread chronic pain, it is still significant (up to 24% or 12%
when only studies with low risk of bias are considered in pooled
prevalence estimates), particularly in people aged older than 40
years (Mansfield, Sim, Jordan, & Jordan, 2015).

Musculoskeletal conditions, by virtue of their chronicity, pain and

associated disability, and social disengagement, are frequently
associated with mental health impairments such as depression
and anxiety as well as other comorbidities (Britt, Harrison, Miller,
& Knox, 2008; Dominick, Blyth, & Nicholas, 2012; Murphy, Bolen,
Helmick, & Brady, 2009). While it has been demonstrated that the
physical and mental aspects of quality of life related to health are
greatly impacted in persons with multimorbidity, this impact is
even greater when one of the conditions the person suffers is a
musculoskeletal condition (Loza, Jover, Rodriguez, Carmona, &
Group, 2009). Further, multimorbidity associated with arthritis
has significant financial implications for consumers (Schoenberg,
Kim, Edwards, & Fleming, 2007; Schofield et al., 2014).

The Burden of Disease Related to

Musculoskeletal Conditions

The increasing burden from NCDs now accounts for most of the
global burden of disease (Murray et al., 2013; Vos et al., 2013).
Musculoskeletal conditions are a leading contributor and account
for a much larger global burden than was previously realized
(Cross, Smith, Hoy, Carmona, et al., 2014; Cross, Smith, Hoy,
Nolte, et al., 2014; Hoy, March, Brooks, et al., 2014; Hoy, March,
Woolf, et al., 2014; Smith, Hoy, Cross, Merriman, et al., 2014;
Smith, Hoy, Cross, Vos, et al., 2014). This transition of burden to
long-term disabling conditions is well recognized in developed
countries. There is now additional increasing evidence
demonstrating the enormous future impact from musculoskeletal
conditions such as osteoporosis and LBP in low- and middle-
income countries, largely driven by population growth and aging.
Age is one of the most common risk factors for musculoskeletal
conditions (Hoy, Brooks, Blyth, & Buchbinder, 2010), and by 2050, 5/34
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it is predicted there will be five times as many people over 40 years

living in developing countries compared to wealthier countries
(The World Bank, 2011). Obesity, a risk factor for many
musculoskeletal conditions, is also expected to rise dramatically in
the developing world over the coming two decades (Kelly, Yang,
Chen, Reynolds, & He, 2008). Further to this, increased use of
motor vehicles is not only reducing physical activity but also
increasing the numbers of motor vehicle accidents and resulting
musculoskeletal trauma and disorders (Ngo et al., 2012).

Burden of Disease of Musculoskeletal


The Global Burden of Disease Study 2010 (GBD 2010) made

estimates for 291 conditions, including OA of the hip and knee, RA,
LBP, neck pain, and all other musculoskeletal disorders, captured
in a group titled “other musculoskeletal disorders.” Although data
from GBD 2010 relating to the burden of musculoskeletal
conditions has been published previously, highlighting the burden
specifically in older people has not been undertaken. Data from
GBD 2013 are now also available reflecting 301 diseases across 188
countries, although those data have not yet been disaggregated by
age and condition (Vos et al., 2015). Importantly, the findings from
GBD 2013 are very similar to GBD 2010, where the global morbidity
burden attributed to musculoskeletal conditions was again
enormous, further reinforcing the burden of musculoskeletal
conditions. This paper adds to the body of evidence from GBD 2010
by discussing the impact of musculoskeletal conditions on older
people. Although gout has been studied (Smith, Hoy, Cross,
Merriman, et al., 2014) it is not included in this paper. The burden
related to osteoporotic fractures was not included in the
“musculoskeletal” grouping in GBD 2010 but was represented in
the “injury” grouping. The results show that the prevalence and
burden from musculoskeletal conditions are exceptionally high
throughout the world.

Globally, the disability impact of musculoskeletal conditions is

high, causing 21.3% of the total years lived with disability (YLDs),
second only to mental and behavioral problems (Murray et al.,
2013; Vos et al., 2013). When death and disability are considered as 6/34
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a composite, musculoskeletal conditions rank fourth in global

burden, accounting for 6.7% of the total global disability-adjusted
life years (DALYs) (Murray et al., 2013; Vos et al., 2013). In GBD
2010, LBP ranked highest in terms of global disability, and sixth in
terms of overall burden. Neck pain, OA, RA, and gout were also
significant contributors to global disability burden (Murray et al.,
2013; Vos et al., 2013).

The burden in developing countries attributable to

musculoskeletal conditions increased 60% from 1990 to 2010. This
increase was relatively consistent across musculoskeletal
conditions and was due to population growth and aging and
potentially to improved surveillance capabilities. Disability from
musculoskeletal-derived YLDs made up 16.8% of all YLDs in
developing countries in 1990, and this increased to 19.2% in 2010
(Table 1). It is predicted that this burden from musculoskeletal
conditions will increase dramatically in developing countries in
coming decades, given the predicted population growth and aging
(Hoy, Geere, Davatchi, Meggitt, & Barrero, 2014). Musculoskeletal
conditions make up a higher proportion of the total YLDs in
developed countries and the rate of increase is slightly slower,
rising from 27.3% in 1990 to 28.1% in 2010.

Table 1. Proportion of YLDs With 95% UIs Attributable to Musculoskeletal

Conditions and Injuries, by Level of Development and Year, for All Ages, Men
and Women Combined

Musculoskeletal YLDs Injuries YLDs

% of Lower Upper % of Lower Upper



1990 16.8 13.6 20.1 5.3 6.6 4.0

2000 18.0 14.6 21.5 5.2 6.5 4.0

2010 19.2 15.9 22.6 5.4 7.1 4.0

Developed countries

1990 27.3 22.9 31.4 6.9 9.1 4.9 7/34
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2000 27.8 23.3 31.8 7.0 9.3 5.1

2010 28.1 23.5 32.0 7.4 9.8 5.4

Note: Source: GBD 2010. UI = uncertainty interval; YLDs = years lived with

The proportion of YLDs attributable to musculoskeletal conditions

is higher in older age groups (Figures 1 and 2). In 2010, globally,
musculoskeletal conditions accounted for 28.5% of YLDs for the
50–69 year age group and 23.4% in those aged 70 years and older.
In developed countries, musculoskeletal condition accounted for
33% of total YLDs (Figure 2 and Table 2). Notably, the
musculoskeletal conditions included in these figures exclude
osteoporotic fractures, which are likely to make up a significant
proportion of injury YLDs, particularly in those 70 years and older.
Overall, musculoskeletal conditions were the leading contributor
to YLDs in older people, well ahead of mental and behavioral
disorders (16.6%), which ranked second in the 50–69 year age
group, and neurological disorders (18.7%), which ranked second in
the 70 years and older age group. Women are more commonly
disabled by musculoskeletal conditions than men, accounting for a
greater proportion of total YLDs, although this gender differential
varies between the conditions. This is seen in both developed and
developing countries and the difference is seen in both the 50–69
year and 70+ age groups (Table 2). 8/34
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Figure 1.

Proportion of total global years lived with disability attributable to each major
set of health conditions in developing countries, 50–69 and 70+ age groups,
men and women combined, 1990 and 2010 from GBD 2010. Source: GBD 2010.

Figure 2.

Proportion of total global years lived with disability attributable to each major
set of health conditions in developed countries, 50–69 and 70+ age groups,
men and women combined, 1990 and 2010 from GBD 2010. Source: GBD 2010. 9/34
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Table 2. Proportion of Total YLDs of Leading Conditions, by Level of

Development and Ages

50–69 years

1990 2010

Total Males Females Total Males Females

(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)

Developed nations

Musculoskeletal 32.7 29.5 35.3 33.1 29.8 36.0


Mental and 17.2 16.0 18.1 17.9 16.5 19.2


Injuries 8.0 10.6 5.9 8.2 10.8 5.9

Cancer 1.6 1.7 1.5 1.8 1.9 1.7

Cardiovascular 5.4 6.1 4.9 5.6 6.3 5.0


Chronic 5.6 5.9 5.4 5.4 5.7 5.2


Neurological 4.8 3.9 5.5 4.9 4.0 5.7


Diabetes, 9.1 10.6 7.9 9.5 11.1 8.1

urogenital, blood

Other 11.9 12.0 11.9 10.1 10.3 10.0


Communicable 2.8 2.9 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.5


Developing nations

Musculoskeletal 24.8 22.7 26.9 26.6 24.4 28.8

disorders 10/34
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Mental and 15.0 13.7 16.3 16.1 14.8 17.3


Injuries 7.6 9.8 5.3 7.2 9.4 5.0

Cancer 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 0.7

Cardiovascular 3.8 4.0 3.6 4.1 4.4 3.8


Chronic 7.5 7.7 7.3 7.7 8.1 7.4


Neurological 3.8 3.1 4.4 4.2 3.5 4.9


Diabetes, 8.8 9.8 7.8 9.5 10.6 8.4

urogenital, blood

Other 15.8 15.8 15.8 14.4 14.4 14.4


Communicable 11.7 12.0 11.4 8.9 8.9 8.9


Notes: Source: GBD 2010. YLDs = years lived with disability.

Injuries: within this older age group, the majority of the burden is due to falls
(and not to road injuries, as it occurs in younger ages). Osteoporosis and low
bone mineral density were not taken into account in the burden of road
injuries, self-harm, etc. for the GBD 2010 study.

The following section summarizes the prevalence among older

people of some of the key specific musculoskeletal conditions that
were systematically reviewed for the GBD 2010 study. It is not a
comprehensive review of all musculoskeletal conditions that affect
the elderly.

Low Back and Neck Pain

GBD 2010 estimated the global age-standardized point prevalence
of “activity-limiting LBP that had lasted for at least 1 day” was 11/34
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9.4% (95% uncertainty interval [UI]: 9.0–9.8). The definition

included “activity-limiting” and “at least 1 day” to ensure only
disabling rather than “fleeting” pain was included. Prevalence in
age groups above 65 years was 20% or greater (Table 3). The global
age-standardized point prevalence of “activity-limiting neck pain
that had lasted for at least 1 day” was 4.9% (95% UI: 4.6 to 5.3)
(Hoy, March, Woolf, et al., 2014) and this increased to over 7% in
those age groups above 65 years (Table 3). The age and sex
distribution for LBP and neck pain across GBD regions was similar.
A recent study among a cohort of older persons also showed the
disabling back pain increases significantly across the older age
groups (Docking et al., 2011).

Table 3. Global Prevalence (%) (Lower, Upper 95% Uncertainty Intervals) of

Activity-Limiting Low Back Pain and Neck Pain That Had Lasted for At Least 1
Day, Knee Osteoarthritis, Hip Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Other
Musculoskeletal Conditions, by Age Group

Age Low Neck Knee Hip Rheumatoid

group back pain osteoarthritis osteoarthritis arthritis

All 9.4 4.9 3.7 (3.5, 4.0) 0.9 (0.7, 1.0) 0.24 (0.23,
ages (9.0, (4.6, 0.25)
9.8) 5.3)

55–64 16.9 8.2 13.1 (12.3, 2.8 (2.4, 3.3) 0.53 (0.51,
years (16.0, (7.6, 14.0) 0.55)
17.9) 8.8)

65–74 20.0 8.0 14.2 (13.4, 4.1 (3.6, 4.9) 0.78 (0.75,
years (19.0, (7.5, 15.2) 0.82)
21.1) 8.6)

75–84 22.9 7.8 14.9 (14.1, 5.8 (5.1, 6.9) 1.06 (1.01,
years (21.8, (7.2, 15.9) 1.11)
24.2) 8.4)

85+ 23.3 7.3 15.4 (14.5, 7.9 (6.9, 9.3) 1.35 (1.28,
years (22.3, (6.8, 16.4) 1.43)
24.6) 7.8)

Note: Source: GBD 2010. 12/34
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For OA, GBD 2010 estimates were limited to the hip and knee
joints. The case definition required symptoms and radiological
signs to be present. The global age-standardized point prevalence
of knee OA was found to be 3.7% of the population, translating to
approximately 268 million people (Cross, Smith, Hoy, Nolte, et al.,
2014). This increased in age groups above 65 years to over 14%.
Knee OA was more common in females (4.8%; 95% UI: 4.4%–
5.2%) than in males (2.8%; 95% UI: 2.6%–3.1%). Around 0.85% of
the population had hip OA, equivalent to 60 million people globally
(Cross, Smith, Hoy, Nolte, et al., 2014). Hip OA was also more
common in females (0.98%; 95% UI: 0.82%–1.29%) than in males
(0.70%; 95% UI: 0.58%–0.90%), and increased with age, reaching
almost 8% in those aged 85 years or older (Table 3). As OA can
affect many other joints, including the spine, hands and feet, the
GBD 2010 study underestimated the true burden of OA,
representing an important area for future research.

Rheumatoid Arthritis
GBD 2010 estimated that the global age-standardized point
prevalence of RA was 0.24% (95% UI: 0.23%–0.25%), equal to 17
million people globally. Prevalence was approximately two times
higher in females (0.35%; 95% UI: 0.34–0.37) than males (0.13%;
95% UI: 0.12–0.13). Prevalence was also found to increase with
age, reaching 1.0% in those aged 75 years and older (Table 3)
(Cross, Smith, Hoy, Carmona, et al., 2014).

Other Musculoskeletal Disorders

Other musculoskeletal conditions encompasses a wide range of
specific conditions including the autoimmune and other
inflammatory disorders such as systemic lupus erythematosus,
ankylosing spondylitis, and psoriatic arthritis, as well as a wide
range of joint, ligament, tendon, or muscle problems that cause
generalized or regional pain, such as shoulder pain. The age-
standardized point prevalence of other musculoskeletal conditions
in GBD 2010 was estimated to be 8.2% (95% UI: 8.0%–8.5%),
equivalent to almost 600 million people globally (Smith, Hoy,
Cross, Vos, et al., 2014). It was slightly higher in females (mean 13/34
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8.7%; 95% UI: 8.4%–9.1%) than in males (mean 8.0%; 95% UI:
7.7%–8.3%) and was considerably greater in older age groups,
with a prevalence of 16% at ages 55–64 years, increasing to 24.9%
at age 85 years and older (Table 3).

Osteoporosis, Fragility Fractures, and Falls

In 2000, there were an estimated 9.0 million osteoporotic
fractures globally, of which 1.6 million were at the hip (70%
women), 1.7 million were at the forearm (80% women), and 1.4
million were clinical vertebral fractures (58% women). Although
hip fractures only accounted for 18.2% of all fractures, they
represented 40% of all global health burden (DALYs) due to
fractures, reflecting the higher mortality and disability of hip
fractures compared to other sites (Johnell & Kanis, 2006). The
greatest number of fractures was in Europe, followed by the
Western Pacific region, Southeast Asia, and the Americas.
Collectively, these regions accounted for the 97% of the overall
numbers of fractures worldwide, highlighting the influence of the
aging populations. A recent systematic review on hip fracture
incidence (Oden, McCloskey, Johansson, & Kanis, 2013) estimated
that approximately 2.7 million hip fractures took place globally in
2010 in populations aged 50 years and older (83% of those
occurred in people aged 70 years and older), of which
approximately half were attributable to osteoporosis (264,000 for
men and 1.10 million for women), and therefore potentially
preventable with appropriate pharmacologic management and
falls prevention strategies including lifestyle modifications and
balance and strengthening exercise.

In GBD 2010, falls represented the leading injury type with the
major global health burden and deaths in population aged 70 years
and older (Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, 2015;
Murray et al., 2013; Vos et al., 2013). The major component of the
health burden due to falls is attributable to the consequences of
fractures from osteoporosis or osteopenia. Low bone mineral
density was responsible for one third of all DALYs and half of all
mortality, respectively, attributable to falls in population aged 70
years and older (Sànchez-Riera et al., 2014). 14/34
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Responding to the Burden of

Musculoskeletal Conditions in Older Adults

A Systems Approach
The magnitude of the disability burden associated with
musculoskeletal conditions, as outlined in Burden of Disease of
Musculoskeletal Conditions section, demands a whole-of-system,
multilevel response (Speerin et al., 2014) that considers a life
course approach to musculoskeletal health, inclusive of primary
prevention, detection, and early intervention, established
condition management. A multilevel approach can be considered
in the following way (refer to Supplementary Appendix 1 for
further detail):

Macro-level: The macro-level considers the functionality and

scope of health systems or organizations, health policy,
infrastructure and resource allocation, and socioeconomic
factors. Health systems/organizations and their governance
through health policy play a critical role in the planning and
delivery of musculoskeletal healthcare for older people.
Healthcare systems in developed nations are usually oriented
towards acute care services and respond to mortality risk rather
than long-term morbidity associated with musculoskeletal
conditions and their comorbidities, which stymies
opportunities for service development in ambulatory and
primary care—arguably, the settings where musculoskeletal
healthcare is most needed. Given that musculoskeletal
conditions are less frequently associated with mortality, health
systems and policy tend to be less responsive to these
conditions and place lower importance on the development of
policies and programs to address them. This contributes to a
general lack of population awareness concerning the burden an
impact associated with musculoskeletal conditions. Further,
access to musculoskeletal healthcare is variable according to
geography, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status, thus creating
care disparities (Al Maini et al., 2015; Anderson, Green, & Payne,
2009; Briggs, Slater, et al., 2012; Jacobi et al., 2003; Meghani et
al., 2012). 15/34
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Meso-level: The meso-level considers health services, the

clinical workforce volume and competencies, health
professional and student/trainee education, service delivery
systems, funding models, and clinical infrastructure. Despite
the identified burden of disease, the delivery of musculoskeletal
care from practitioners and health systems inadequately aligns
with best available evidence for what works (Duckett, Breadon,
& Romanes, 2015; Grol & Grimshaw, 2003; Runciman et al.,
2012). This may be attributed, in part, to deficiencies in
knowledge and skills of health professionals but is also largely
influenced by funding and service models that inadequately
support effective co-care. Access to, and delivery of, care is
further complicated by the chronicity of musculoskeletal
conditions and the high prevalence of comorbid conditions,
particularly mental health conditions, in older people.

Micro-level: The micro-level refers to the participation by the

person in their care. The extent to which older people
participate in their care is largely dependent on their health
literacy, as it relates navigating the health system and
musculoskeletal health. While all clinical guidelines
recommend self-management by consumers, implicit in this
expectation is that consumers have the knowledge and skills to
do so. In many cases, this may not be the case, particularly for
those people who live in socioeconomic disadvantage or in rural
and remote settings (Briggs et al., 2010; Briggs, Slater, et al.,
2012). It is critical, therefore, for meso- and macro-level
systems and services to build capacity in older people to
effectively participate in the management of their
musculoskeletal health condition.

Effectiveness in Musculoskeletal Healthcare

While there is good evidence for “what works” to improve
musculoskeletal health, chronic pain, and comorbid mental health
impairment in older age, the implementation of that knowledge
into health systems, clinical practice behaviors, and the lifestyles
of older people remains grossly inadequate in most countries. A
sizable proportion of musculoskeletal health conditions could be
prevented through primary prevention initiatives delivered at a
population level through public health initiatives. Mass media 16/34
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campaigns for improving population-level beliefs concerning back

pain is one example (Buchbinder & Jolley, 2005). Evidence-
practice and policy-practice gaps are further complicated by a
dearth of implementation research for musculoskeletal health in
particular (Bourne, Whittle, Richards, Maher, & Buchbinder,
2014), and a notable absence of musculoskeletal health issues in
NCD policies (Speerin et al., 2014). A key research priority,
therefore, is the development and evaluation of initiatives aimed
at implementing evidence into policy and practice, in developed
and developing nations, underpinned by appropriate behavior
change models (Michie, van Stralen, & West, 2011).

Currently, older people are not receiving effective and efficient

care and in some cases are receiving potentially harmful
interventions. For example, in Canada, while up to 80% of
consumers with chronic pain could feasibly receive effective care,
only 10% gain access to evidence-informed management (Henry,
2008). Further examples include the overuse of X-ray imaging for
back pain in older people (Pham, Landon, Reschovsky, Wu, &
Schrag, 2009); grossly inadequate treatment for osteoporosis,
despite eligibility subsidized therapies (Eisman, Clapham, &
Kehoe, 2004); and care for knee OA, osteoporotic fractures, and
chronic pain that is discordant with best-practice, person-
centered care (Brand et al., 2014; Duckett et al., 2015; Hunter, 2010;
Runciman et al., 2012; Tai-Seale, Bolin, Bao, & Street, 2011). In
low- and middle-income countries, there is a particular need for
research on effective and efficient approaches for the prevention,
management, and control of musculoskeletal conditions (Hoy,
Geere, et al., 2014) as many low- and middle-income countries
lack the financial and workforce resources and necessary
infrastructure to implement best-practice services that have been
developed for high-income nations. Research examining what and
how to implement musculoskeletal services for low- and middle-
income countries remains critically important.

In developing countries, for example, it is crucial that any

initiatives, including research, follow the principles of
development effectiveness to avoid harming local health systems
(Hoy, Geere, et al., 2014). These principles, based on lessons
learned from the global development community over decades, 17/34
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aim to improve the quality and effectiveness of development


Improving musculoskeletal health care in high-income nations

requires fundamental systemic and sector-wide changes in the
way musculoskeletal health services are delivered and funded, how
health professionals are trained and provide care, and
participation by older people in co-management of their
musculoskeletal conditions (Briggs, Towler, Speerin, & March,
2014). The majority of research available in this area is based on
implementation outcomes in high-income settings. Therefore,
while clinical best-practice may be similar between nations, the
manner in which services are implemented will necessarily vary
according to setting and socioeconomic status. Given the majority
of the evidence base in this area relates to the developed world, the
interventions outlined in the subsequent section are mostly
relevant to those nations.

Interventions for Musculoskeletal Conditions in

Developed Nations
The Cochrane Musculoskeletal
( and Back
( review groups provide an excellent
resource for the evidence base underlying a range of interventions
for musculoskeletal conditions. A substantial gap remains,
however, in translating this evidence base into policy and practice.
Increasingly, developed nations are designing and implementing
Models of Care to close these evidence-practice and evidence-
policy gaps (Briggs et al., 2014; Li et al., 2008; MacKay, Veinot, &
Badley, 2008; Speerin et al., 2014). Specifically, Models of Care
serve to close the “know” – “do” gap in service delivery. Models
of Care are evidence-informed policies or frameworks that outline
the optimal manner in which condition-specific care should be
made available and delivered to consumers while considering the
practicalities of the local environment. Models of Care for common
musculoskeletal disorders have been reviewed recently at an
international level (Speerin et al., 2014) and nationally (Briggs et
al., 2014; Li et al., 2008). Supplementary Appendix 2 identifies key
intervention strategies for people at risk of developing, or living
with, common musculoskeletal conditions based on a recent 18/34
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European Action Towards Better Musculoskeletal Health report

(The European Bone and Joint Health Strategies Project, 2004).
Importantly, while the principles of care relate to both high-
income and low- and middle-income nations, the implementation
strategies presented relate primarily to high-income nations.
While similar interventions may be indicated in low- and middle-
income nations, the manner in which they are implemented will
vary and should be aligned to the principles of development

The success and sustainability of Models of Care for

musculoskeletal health relies on their evidence-informed and
clinically feasible content, sector-wide engagement and support
and evaluation that is meaningful to end users (Briggs, Bragge,
Slater, Chan, & Towler, 2012; Briggs et al., 2015; Kadu & Stolee,
2015). Content must reflect a contemporary perspective of
musculoskeletal health and pain and support co-care, that is both
care delivery by health professionals and an active self-
management role by older people. Implicit in the delivery of
person-centered care is the adoption of a tailored, biopsychosocial
approach to care where the unique impairments profile of the
individual is considered in identifying the appropriate components
of care and their sequencing. This is particularly relevant in the
management of chronic pain conditions, where a large volume of
literature suggests that reliance on interventional procedures and
pharmacotherapies to address structure and biology are ineffective
as unimodal interventions (Loeser & Cahana, 2013; Roth, Geisser,
& Williams, 2012). Further, a problematic downside of such a
unimodal and reductionist approach is the inappropriate use of
imaging and therapies such as opioids, which can lead to
significant personal and societal problems (Manchikanti et al.,
2012; Vowles et al., 2015).

Sector-wide buy-in around Models of Care is critical. Emerging

evidence suggests that network-based models of engagement and
collaboration for clinicians, consumers, and other stakeholders
such as managers and policy makers are a key enabler to the
adoption and systematic implementation of Models of Care and
supporting a culture shift towards implementation of integrated
models of person-centered care (Briggs, Bragge, et al., 2012;
Briggs et al., 2014, 2015; Kadu & Stolee, 2015). 19/34
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Frameworks for implementation of Models of Care range from

Health Networks (Briggs, Bragge, et al., 2012; Cunningham et al.,
2011; Cunningham, Ranmuthugala, Westbrook, & Braithwaite,
2012; Ferlie, Fitzgerald, McGivern, Dopson, & Bennett, 2013) to
regionally coordinated hub and spoke models (e.g., British
Colombia Pain Initiative, Canada) and province-wide networks
(e.g., Nova Scotia Chronic Pain Collaborative Network;

Consistent features across these various Models of Care include

the importance of primary and secondary prevention, care
coordination, access to a multidisciplinary team to address the
biopsychosocial aspects of chronic musculoskeletal conditions and
injury and trauma sequelae, self-management support, and
tailored, person-centered care. A workforce of adequate volume
and competencies is critical for effective and sustainable
implementation of Models of Care. Musculoskeletal healthcare can
be delivered effectively and efficiently by various health
professionals, including some with extended scopes of practice,
particularly when the principles of chronic care are adopted,
inclusive of interdisciplinary team involvement. The use of digital
technologies to support healthcare delivery and self-management
is becoming increasingly accepted as an effective strategy to
overcome care disparities due to geography and support
consumers to become informed and active participants in their

Conclusions and Recommendations

The impact of impaired musculoskeletal health on individuals and

society at all levels and all places on the planet is profound, with
the magnitude of the burden of disease in terms of disability far
exceeding other NCDs. Moreover, this burden is predicted to rise
markedly in coming decades with further global transition in
burden of disease from communicable to NCDs, overwhelmingly
attributed to musculoskeletal conditions. Musculoskeletal health
is critical for people’s ability to work and be financially
independent into older age and this issue will become increasingly
relevant as retirement age extends. Responding to the increasing
burden of disease demands a multilevel, integrated response, 20/34
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inclusive of primary prevention, early identification and

intervention, and established disease management. Targeted
research in specific priority areas is also important
(Supplementary Appendix 3). Health systems in developed
countries are gradually responding to the rising burden and the
complex needs of people with musculoskeletal disorders through
recognition of musculoskeletal health within health policy,
funding, and service models and the implementation of
multidisciplinary, patient-centered Models of Care, ideally that
integrate with service models targeted towards other chronic
health conditions. Clinicians and service providers in
musculoskeletal healthcare have a wealth of knowledge and
experience in the development and implementation of integrated,
person-centered Models of Care (Briggs et al., 2015). However,
these models are far from universal in the developed world and are
almost nonexistent in developing countries, also emerging
initiatives are promising (Haldeman et al., 2015). There is
increasing global recognition of the multimorbidity of aging
populations, including the effects of musculoskeletal conditions. It
is well recognized that many opportunities exist to better
harmonize global health policy and programs to incorporate
musculoskeletal conditions in efforts to address the burden of
NCD. Collaboration between groups working on these diseases will
lead to more consistent public health messaging and more
efficient use of resources, particularly in developing nations.

Supplementary Material

Please visit the article online at to view supplementary


M. C. is partly funded by the Osteoarthritis Research Society

International (OARSI) and the Institute for Bone and Joint
Research (IBJR), University of Sydney. 21/34
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The following individuals are greatly acknowledged for their

helpful feedback on the full report submitted to the World Health
Organisation (WHO): Lydia Abosolo, Loreto Carmona, Cyrus
Cooper, Pierre Côté, Douglas Fester, Tiffany Gill, Juan Jover,
Deborah Kopansky-Giles, Zhanguo Li, Brenda Myers, Ormondi
Oyoo, Catherine Stokes, Emma Stokes, Ed Yelin. Several
international organisations have also publicly supported the full
report submitted to the WHO, including: European Society for
Clinical and Economic Aspects of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis
(ESCEO), Fragility Fracture Network of the Bone and Joint Decade,
Handicap International, International Cartilage Repair Society
(ICRS), International Federation of Psoriasis Associations,
International League of Associations for Rheumatology (ILAR),
International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF), Osteoarthritis
Research Society International (OARSI), Pan American League of
Associations for Rheumatology (PANLAR), World Federation of
Chiropractic, World Federation of Occupational Therapists.


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