Dessler - HRM16e - PPT - 04 Personal Planning and Recruiting
Dessler - HRM16e - PPT - 04 Personal Planning and Recruiting
Dessler - HRM16e - PPT - 04 Personal Planning and Recruiting
Chapter 4
Personnel Planning
and Recruiting
Forecasting Tools
• Ratio analysis provides forecasts based on the historical ratio between (1)
some causal factor (like sales volume) and (2) the number of employees
required (such as number of salespeople).
• A scatter plot shows graphically how two variables—such as sales and your
firm’s staffing levels—are related. If they are, and then if you can forecast the
business activity (like sales), you should also be able to estimate your
personnel needs.
200 240
300 260
400 470
500 500
600 620
700 660
800 820
900 860
• Legal Considerations
➢ The Federal Privacy Act of 1974
• Sources of Information
➢ Periodic forecasts in business publications
➢ Online economic projections
❖ U.S. Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
❖ U.S. Department of Labor’s O*NET™
❖ Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
❖ Other federal agencies and private sources
Recruiting Challenges
Evaluating Recruiting
What to How to
measure measure
50% ● ●
67% ● ● ●
75% ● ● ● ●
16% ● ● ● ● ● ●
Hiring-from-Within Tasks
On Demand Recruiting
2 Advertising 7
Services (ODRS)
5 Offshoring/Outsourcing
Types of Employment
• Costs of Temps
➢ Increased labor costs due to fees paid to temp agencies
➢ Temp employees’ lack of commitment to the firm
Do Not:
1. Train your contingent workers. Ask their staffing agency to handle training.
2. Negotiate the pay rate of your contingent workers. The agency should set pay.
3. Coach or counsel a contingent worker on his/her job performance. Instead, call
the person’s agency and request that it do so.
4. Negotiate a contingent worker’s vacations or personal time off. Direct the worker
to his or her agency.
5. Routinely include contingent workers in your company’s employee functions.
6. Allow contingent workers to utilize facilities intended for employees.
7. Let managers issue company business cards, nameplates, or employee badges
to contingent workers without HR and legal approval.
8. Let managers discuss harassment or discrimination issues with contingent
9. Discuss job opportunities and the contingent worker’s suitability for them
directly. Instead, refer the worker to publicly available job postings.
10. Terminate a contingent worker directly. Contact the agency to do so.
Resentment and
anxiety of U.S.
Customers’ securing
Costs of foreign Issues and privacy
Foreign contracts,
Special training of
liability, and legal
foreign employees
• Internships
Employee Military
Walk-ins Telecommuters
referrals personnel
• Walk-ins
➢ Seek employment through a personal direct approach to the
➢ Courteous treatment of any applicant is a good business
Elements of an HRIS
Recruiting Screening Hiring
solution services management
Single parents
Minorities and
Housing Arrest
arrangements record
Areas of
Marital Information Notification in case
status of emergency
Physical Membership in
handicaps organizations
1. Do you have any responsibilities that conflict with the job vacancy?
2. How long have you lived at your present address?
3. Do you have any relatives working for this company?
4. Do you have any physical defects that would prevent you from
performing certain jobs where, to your knowledge, vacancies exist?
5. Do you have adequate means of transportation to get to work?
6. Have you had any major illness (treated or untreated) in the past 10
7. Have you ever been convicted of a felony or do you have a history of
being a violent person? (This is a very important question to avoid a
negligent hiring or retention charge.)
8. What is your educational background? (The information required here
would depend on the job-related requirements of the position.)