Strategy Orientation External MEWA RDI Shareable
Strategy Orientation External MEWA RDI Shareable
Strategy Orientation External MEWA RDI Shareable
Corporate Strategy
Stakeholder Engagement
• SALIC Overview
• SALIC Strategy
Agenda • Socio-economic impact
• Agricultural Technologies Strategy
SALIC Overview
SALIC, through its int’l footprint and recent consolidations, is serving its
purpose through its modus operandi
Overview Investment Portfolio
SALIC Establishment Investment Ownership Country Commodities Investment Strategy Commodities
SALIC Purpose G3 Global 75%
Holding Rice
SALIC invests inside and outside KSA in Olam Agri ~35%
agricultural and livestock activities to support Holdings 2 Fodder
national food security aspirations by securing
strategic food products and stabilizing their prices
LT Foods ~9.2% Milk Powder
Minerva Foods 35% 8 Countries 14 Investments Edible Oil
SALIC Modus Operandi
~34% Agri-food Value Chain Portfolio Coverage Sugar
Minerva Foods
Red Meat
Establish subsidiary companies by Inputs Farm . Sourc. Proc. Trad. Stor. Distr. Retail
1 BRF S.A ~10.7%
investing in agri-food business Poultry
National Grain
Establish strategic partnerships ~50%
and/or non-equity alliances
Com pany Fish
Almarai ~16%
portfolio companies
Nadec ~38% Products
Establish commercial capabilities Fruits
(e.g., trading, storage) Alasmak ~40%
Naqua ~42%
Table Eggs
Note: BRF acquisition is pending finalization and legal review
SALIC Journey
United Farmers Holding Minerva Foods Brazil Continental Farmers Dawaat Foods Minerva Foods Transfer of PIF Assets ALC (2022) BRF (2023)
Company (2013) (2016) Group (2019) (2020) Australia (2021) (2021) Received PIF’s Announced the Announced the intention
was established as a Acquired ~19.5% of Acquired 100% of Acquired ~30% of Established a JV with shares in Almarai completion of ALC to acquire up to ~10.7%
cooperation among Minerva Foods Brazil, Continental Farmers Dawaat Foods, a leading Minerva Foods Brazil, (~16%), NADEC (~20% acquisition, one of the of BRF Brazil, one of the
SALIC, Almarai, Saudi one of the largest meat Group, a company that Indian producer of with a ~35% share, to 2020 & increased share biggest meat producers biggest poultry
Grain and Feed Holding production companies in specializes in grain basmati rice for take control of two to 38.65% 2023), and Al in Australia. The producers in Brazil. The
Co., and (UFHC) has S. America and the production with ~200K domestic and export factories that skin and Asmak (~40%) acquisition is through company is present 117
acquired an agriculture second largest exporter Ha of land in West markets process red meat in MFA, which is SALIC’s JV countries and exports to
Company in Ukraine. of meat in Brazil Ukraine Australia with Minerva Foods in over 150 countries
G3 Global Holding National Grain Company Olam Agri Holdings LT Foods NAQUA (2023)
SALIC Establishment (2015) Merredin Farms Hummingbird (2020) (2022) (2022) Announced the
(2009) Established a JV with Australia (2019) Established a JV with Announced agreement to Announced acquisition of completion of
Established as a subsidiary Bunge Ltd in Canada, (2019) Acquired ~14% of Bahri that aims to acquire ~35% of Olam Agri 9.2% of LT Foods, one of acquisition of 42.4% of
of PIF, with a core with a 75% share, to Acquired 100% of Hummingbird, a UK based establish a terminal for Holdings, one of the India’s leading rice NAQUA one of the
mandate to invest in take control of a Merredin Farms, western Agtech startup that uses handling grains at Yanbu world’s leading processing companies largest vertically
agricultural and livestock national grain handling Australia’s largest grain drone and artificial Commercial Port commodity trading & (Parent Company of integrated aquaculture
businesses to support and trading company farmer, with ~200K Ha of intelligence to provide processing companies Dawaat Foods) producers in the world
national food security land covering grain and advanced crop analytics to located in Al-Lith, Saudi
livestock production farmers Arabia
KSA’s food security performance lags major international and regional economies and is
coupled with a significant agri-food trade balance deficit
1 2 3 5 Rank Change
-3 since 2020
9 15 5.54
24 30 40 41 1.75
0.95 0.43
81.3 81.0
80.4 79.1 77.4 73.6 72.2 70.0 68.1
-0.24 -0.24
-1.12 -1.13
Ireland Austria United Switzer- United Singapore Qatar Kuwait Oman KSA
Kingdom land States Brazil Australia Canada Turkey USA Russia Germany UK Japan KSA
Countries strategic 3 Build and grow expertise in certain sectors and acquire or create IP Saudi Global
4 Enterprises
4 Generate job opportunities for Saudis, both domestically and abroad Global Champion
5 Enhance KSA’s perception and brand worldwide
Government Recommendation
SALIC plays two significant roles in Kingdom Food Security Program
“Investment-focused” “Trading-focused”
Supply chain Trading Logistics
Bringing the strategic Build operations along Setup trading desks in Form strategic
commodities to KSA the entire supply markets with significant partnerships / acquire
investments to mitigate leading logistics players
on a regular basis to chain, establishing a exposure and
fulfill the minimum vertically integrated to ensure efficient
availability risk in case distribution network
contribution agri-food value chain of crisis
SALIC Strategy
SALIC’s organizational remit significantly expanded Post 2020 to include
three mandates
Define SALIC role in improving Saudi agri-
food trade deficit
International Focus
+ +
Agriculture Food
Security Food Security Leader Food Security Leader
Building of portfolio Foundation Covid-19 Strategy PIF transfer of Global Champion Strategy Alignment with NAS/Trade SALIC Consolidated
(G3, CFG, MDF) Strategy Project Refresh 1.0 Asset Mandate Refresh 2.0 Balance study Strategy
SALIC’s organizational remit encompasses three mandates, namely,
Food Security (FS), Global Champion, Local Agri-food Sector Enabler (LASE)
CORE MANDATE Food Security Leader (FS)
Become a sustainable and fully integrated food security leader, supporting
national food security aspirations
12 Commodities Covered
Animal Diversified
6 Proteins 3 Products 3
Enable local production of key agri-food Develop a leading global presence in the
commodities to reduce import reliance agri-food sector through international
and expand exports investments & partnerships
1. National Agriculture Strategy; 2. Includes fruits, vegetables, dairy byproducts, and table eggs X Number of Commodities
SALIC has developed 5 strategic pillars to ensure fulfillment of its 3
mandates and achievement of targets
Local Agri-food Sector Enabler (LASE) Food Security Leader (FS) Global Champion
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
Strategic Global Food Security and Agri- Productivity and Innovation
Pillars Leading Grain and DP Cham pion Agri-food Players Activator Supply Chain Enabler
food Investor Catalyst
Key Goal Securing Origins Securing Trading Capabilities Securing Local Production Securing Supply Chain Securing Ag-tech
FS: 0 Trading Desk/office LASE: <1Mn tons Logistics and Storage Ag-tech Investment:
Baseline FS: ~10 Mn tons
GC: ~18 Mn Tons LASE: 700Mn SAR Investment: 0.02 Bn SAR 5 Mn SAR
1. Impact on GDP is derived by adding estimated direct (total output excluding intermediaries) and indirect GDP contribution (using industry multipliers) resulting from the trade balance improvement across the seven prioritized commodities
SALIC Triple mandates
Enable local production of key agri-food Develop a leading global presence in the
commodities to reduce import reliance agri-food sector through international
and expand exports investments & partnerships
1. National Agriculture Strategy; 2. Includes fruits, vegetables, dairy byproducts, and table eggs X Number of Commodities 13
As part of its food security mandate, SALIC will mainly focus on achieving
Volumes targets across 12 strategic commodities
Food Security Leader Mandate
Volume Formula
Red Meat (Beef & Sheep) Poultry Meat Fish Meat
30% 100 KT 30 KT
Wheat Barley Corn Soybean Fodder Beef Goat/ Sheep Poultry Sugar Oils P. Milk Rice
America ⬥ ⬥ ⬥
Sea ⬥
America ⬥ ⬥ ⬥ ⬥ ⬥
Oceania ⬥ ⬥
Horn of Africa ⬥
& Central Euro ⬥ ⬥ ⬥ ⬥ ⬥ ⬥
Asia ⬥
Current SALIC Presence Prioritized Focus Investment ⬥ Potential Future Investment
SALIC Triple mandates
CORE MANDATE Food Security Leader (FS)
Become a sustainable and fully integrated food security leader, supporting
national food security aspirations
12 Commodities Covered
Animal Diversified
6 Proteins 3 Products 3
Enable local production of key agri-food Develop a leading global presence in the
commodities to reduce import reliance agri-food sector through international
and expand exports investments & partnerships
SALIC will contribute to three trade balance improvement measures
identified by MEWA’s Trade Balance Study
Trade Balance Study Improvement Measures Responsible Stakeholder Other Relevant Stakeholders
1.1 Reduce consumption
Product Value
Chain Plays
Farming/ Production
Trade balance improvement relevant PIF moderate PIF major SALIC3 existing SALIC3 planned SALIC3 existing SALIC3 planned
product value chain plays investment investment local investments local investments international investments international investments
1. Includes preserved vegetables and fruits products; 2. Derived by accounting for the TB improvement of each product relative to the TB improvement of28 products with a positive TB contribution by 2030 (i.e., 231 Bn SAR); 3. Refers to SALIC and its portfolio companies;
Assessment across five criteria, alongside steering committee directions, resulted in a
shortlist of seven focus products under SALIC’s new mandate
Local Agri-food Sector Enabler (LASE) Mandate
Short List of Product Value Chain Plays
Longlist of Product Value Chains Plays1 Shortlisting Criteria2 (for SALIC’s new mandate as a Local Agri-food Sector Enabler)
Red Inputs Production Processing Distribution
Grains/Grasses Fruits Meat
Poultry Inputs Production Processing Distribution
Red Meat Vegetables
Prioritized Products
3 Fish Inputs Production Processing Distribution
Dairy Inputs Production Processing Distribution
Byproducts 4
Sugar Baby Food Fit with SALIC and Its
Alignment with Food Table
Portfolio Companies’ 7 Inputs Production Processing Distribution
Security Leader Focus Areas e Eggs
Deprioritized Products
Edible Oils Dates 8 Sugar
Fit with MEWA’s Aspirations Contribution to Agri-food
(Enablement of NAS 2030) Trade Balance Improvement 9
Grasses Products deprioritized given
Powdered Milk Coffee private sector does not
Edible require immediate support,
Synergies with PIF Oils but may necessitate SALIC’s
Ongoing Investments contribution in the future
Honey 11
Baby based on market dynamics
SALIC should aim to contribute 30% (~35 Bn SAR) of the trade balance improvement
Other LASE Focus Areas investment required for the shortlisted products
SALIC Triple Mandates
Enable local production of key agri-food Develop a leading global presence in the
commodities to reduce import reliance agri-food sector through international
and expand exports investments & partnerships
1. National Agriculture Strategy; 2. Includes fruits, vegetables, dairy byproducts, and table eggs X Number of Commodities
Once SALIC reaches its food security mandate targets, it will seek to position itself
amongst the top ten agri-food players by volume handled
Global Champion Mandate Global Champion Mandate Target and Commodities
Top Grain Agri-food Players by Volume (2020 & 2030F; Mn
Global Champion Target Tons)
100 - 150 120 - 180
4 50 - 100 60 - 120
~50 Mn Corn
5 50 - 100 60 - 120
Tons Soybeans
of Grains and Diversified Products Attrib uted 6 50 - 100 60 - 120
to SALIC Through Production/Sourcing and
Trading to Rank Among Top 10 Comparable
4 40 - 75 50 - 90
Agri-food Players 7
1. The LASE ma ndate does not contribute to the Global Champion target; 23
SALIC global prescence will leverage its international trading desk, its international investments
and local portfolio
Value Chain Origination International Trading Distribution / Processing
Origination Trading International Trading Destination Trading
Value Chain EXW / CPT FOB CIF FOT End
Farmer Consumer
America FOB
MENA Regional Hub
10 Mn
Tons ~20 Mn ~50 Mn
Tons Tons
<1 Mn ~2.6
1. Volume of strategic commodities attributed to SALIC, through international production/sourcing and trading; 2. Volume of LASE specific commodities attributed to SALIC, through local production/sourcing, to support the realization of national agri-food trade balance; 3. Volume of grains and
diversified products attributed to SALIC through international production/sourcing and trading
Source: Team analysis
SALIC will aim to meet its commodity volume targets through core activities in
production/sourcing and trading, and proactive investments in the value chain
Mechanisms to Meet Commodity
Volume Targets *Non-exhaustive
Production/Sourcing Inputs
Fertilizers/Seeds Alternative Feed Parent Farms
1. National Grains Company; 2 : Excludes other alternative proteins (e.g., plant-based proteins, insect-based proteins) as PIF is planning to lead investments in these areas
Source: Team analysis
Socio-economic Impact
By 2030, SALIC will make significant contributions to GDP, the agricultural trade deficit,
and job creation through its diversified investments
Impact on National GDP Impact on Trade Deficit Impact on Local Job Creation
(Bn SAR) (Bn SAR) (‘000 Jobs)
Key Assumptions
▪ Impact on GDP is derived by adding estimated direct (total output excluding intermediaries) and indirect GDP contribution (us ing industry multipliers) resulting from
the trade balance improvement across the seven prioritized commodities
▪ Impact on trade deficit is based on SALIC’s target TB contribution assumption of 30% (after accounting for private sector and PIF contribution)
▪ Impact on job creation calculation assumes an annual workforce productivity improvement of ~1% and an annual inflation rate of 3%
• 1. Based on (i) the Agri-food TB study forecast of national agriculture direct GDP reaching ~180 Bn SAR in 2030 and (ii) SALIC direct GDP contributions amounting to approximately 24 Bn SAR in 2030; 2. Based on prioritized commodities self-sufficiency reaching 117%
in 2030 (compared to 68% in 2020);
To execute its mandates, SALIC will balance multiple
roles and responsibilities
Financial “Food security driven with financial
1 Strategic objectives FS GC LASE
sustainability sustainability in mind”
Agricultural Technologies Strategy
Key parameters considered for framing the SALIC AgTech strategy
Employing water-efficient Optimizing land use Implementing precise and Upholding high standards Leveraging automation
practices to support through strategic crop sustainable input of animal welfare through and smart farming
agricultural production in selection and innovative management to reduce ethical practices and solutions to optimize
KSA farming practices that environmental impact policies that prioritize the operations with reduced
maximize yield per unit of while ensuring crop health well-being of livestock and reliance on expensive
land and productivity minimize GHG emissions human resource
Elements of
sustainable food
production in KSA
Seek globally and build value locally
SALIC's AgTech investment strategy would aim to "Seek innovations globally" and
“Build value locally" to fulfill its KSA tech centricity and food security objectives
Guiding principles to structure SALIC’s AgTech investment strategy1
The Technologies were further mapped across commodity value chains to overcome
production bottlenecks
NON-EXHAUSTIVE x% Self sufficiency (local production 2020 vs NAS target 2030E)
Overview of commodity-level NAS targets, value chain bottlenecks, and drivers behind bottlenecks
Self-sufficiency in 2030E < 20%
Self-sufficiency in 2030E > 20% Water challenge Land challenge Operational challenge Energy challenge
NAS 2030
Commodity target, kt Value chain bottlenecks and self-sufficiency (2030E) gaps Examples of bottleneck drivers Illustrative AgTech solutions
Feed sourcing Feed mills Vaccines & health GP genetics GP production Broiler prod. Processing
KSA ha s insufficient water and arable Al ternative feed, va ccination, GP
Broiler meat 2,793 l a nd to produce feed locally genetics/breeding, alternative proteins
Feed sourcing Feed mills Vaccines & health Parents prod. Layer prod. Egg
prod./proc. KSA rel i es on i mports for feed a nd Al ternative feed, Vaccination, aanimal
Table eggs 620
pa rents sourcing genetics/breeding, Alt fermentation
Feed sourcing Feed mills Vaccines & health Genetics Harvesting/farming/primary proc.
KSA i mports all a quafeed and processing Al ternative feed, va ccination,
Seafood 614 i nfrastructure genetics/breeding, feeding tech, RAS
Feed sourcing Feed mills Vaccines & health Breeding/fattening/trading Processing
KSA ha s high dependence on i mports for Al ternative feed, va ccination, GP
Red meat 506 feed & l ivestock genetics/breeding, alternative proteins
Feed sourcing Feed mills Vaccines & health Milk production Milk processing
KSA i s dependent on i mports for poultry Al ternative fermentation/cultured tech.
Dairy byproducts 941
feeds, dairy yeasts and ferments
Seeds Nursery/ farming/trading/primary processing
KSA ha s insufficient water, land, and high Crop/s eed genetics, greenhouse, verti cal
Fruits & vegetables 10,056
production cost fa rms , microbial solns, food preservation
Milk Fats Other (ARA, DHA, thickeners) Drying/mixing/canning
KSA i s unable to utilize i ts existing full Al ternative fermentation/cultured tech.
Baby formula 19
processing capacity of 20kt (2020)
Sugar cane Melting and filtration
4,628 KSA ha s harsh climate for s ugar ca ne Crop genetics/genomics, precision
production with i t being water i ntensive fermentation, enzymatic process
Farm/trade Clarification/refining
Edible oil 930 KSA ha s high dependence on s eed/crop Crop/s eed genetics, smart management
i mports required for edible oils (AI, bi g data), i ncl. traceability s ensors
Fertilizers & crop protection Seeds Wheat bran Barley grain Corn grain
KSA ha s limited access to tailored seeds Crop/s eed genetics, microbial/pest
Grains and grasses 793 a nd K fertilizers for the l ocal arid-climate di s ease, micro/drip i rrigation
Source: SALIC commodity bluebook 35
Based on KSA-specific challenges, we then developed a detailed evaluation
methodology to prioritize AgTech investment opportunities within each commodity
Local Agri-food Sector Enabler (LASE) Mandate
Overview of evaluation criteria X Step number Mature: High SFS, High TM Disruptive: High SFS, Low TM
1 3A Animal Crop
Resource effic.2 Land
Yes Higher than 3
Food Security Processing effic.3 Water 1 4
impact No
Pain point sol. Energy
Excluded Cost
3 or lower
Execution time
Tech maturity
1. We assigned water greater importance when evaluating based on food security impact criteria
2. Aggregated metric for water, land, and energy use efficiency
3. Processing efficiency was included as a metric given the greater processing needs of animal products compared to crops
4. We assigned yield greater importance when evaluating for animal AgTech
Priorities investments amongst the identified AgTech solutions
…...and key focus areas were identified for investments until 2030E
3 Alternative Farming
3 Alternative protein
4 Robotics
4 Alternative feed
Strategic High Food Security investments in Strategic High Food Security investments in mature
disruptive innovations innovations
Very early-stage deals to be avoided •
model Provi de a ccess to open innovation • Meet SALIC’s Sustainable Food Security objectives
• Investment through SALIC AgTech Fund • Hi ghly disruptive, s calable and mature i nnovations
• Meet SALIC’s l ong term Food Security objectives • Commerci alized technologies
• Ta ngible commitment by the Company on Saudization plan/roadmap
lifecycle Startup Technology validation Growth/Commercial Stage Commercialized and
Transformative for KSA
Stages Seed stage VC Early Stage VC Late-stage VC Scale Up and Commercialization