Seeing Through The Brain: Image Reconstruction of Visual Perception From Human Brain Signals

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Seeing through the Brain: Image Reconstruction of Visual Perception

from Human Brain Signals

Yu-Ting Lan1 * , Kan Ren2 , Yansen Wang2 , Wei-Long Zheng1 ,
Dongsheng Li2 , Bao-Liang Lu1 , Lili Qiu2
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2 Microsoft Research
{kanren, yansenwang},
arXiv:2308.02510v2 [eess.IV] 16 Aug 2023

Abstract stimuli experiments, via computational approaches such as

deep neural networks. These works are mainly based on
Seeing is believing, however, the underlying mechanism of fMRI data (Allen et al. 2022), while collecting these imaging
how human visual perceptions are intertwined with our cog-
data requires expensive devices and lacks of convenience for
nitions is still a mystery. Thanks to the recent advances
in both neuroscience and artificial intelligence, we have practical usage. In contrast, EEG has provided a more expe-
been able to record the visually evoked brain activities and dient solution to record and analyze brain signals, yet few
mimic the visual perception ability through computational works are learning visual perception upon these brain signal
approaches. In this paper, we pay attention to visual stimuli data. EEG data are commonly time-series electrophysiolog-
reconstruction by reconstructing the observed images based ical signals recorded via electrodes placed upon the human
on portably accessible brain signals, i.e., electroencephalog- scalp, while the subjects are watching some stimuli contents
raphy (EEG) data. Since EEG signals are dynamic in the such as images which have also been temporally aligned to
time-series format and are notorious to be noisy, processing the recorded signals in the data.
and extracting useful information requires more dedicated ef-
forts; In this paper, we propose a comprehensive pipeline, Though more convenient, reconstruction of visual stim-
named N EURO I MAGEN, for reconstructing visual stimuli im- uli from EEG signals are more challenging than that from
ages from EEG signals. Specifically, we incorporate a novel fMRI data. First, EEG signals are in time-series data for-
multi-level perceptual information decoding to draw multi- mat, which is temporal sequence and quite different to the
grained outputs from the given EEG data. A latent diffu- static 2D/3D images, leading to the challenge of the match-
sion model will then leverage the extracted information to ing stimuli to the corresponding brain signal pieces. Second,
reconstruct the high-resolution visual stimuli images. The ex- the effects of electrode misplacement or body motion result
perimental results have illustrated the effectiveness of image in severe artifacts in the data with quite low signal-to-noise
reconstruction and superior quantitative performance of our ratio (SNR), which have largely influenced the modeling and
proposed method.
understanding of the brain activities. Simply mapping the
EEG input to the pixel domain to recover the visual stim-
Introduction uli is of low quality. The existing works tackling image re-
construction from EEG either traditional generative models
Understanding cortical responses to human visual percep- from scratch (Kavasidis et al. 2017) and fine-tuning large
tion has emerged a research hotspot, which can significantly generative models (Bai et al. 2023), which are less efficient;
motivate the development of computational cognitive sys- or just retrieving similar images from the data pool (Ye et al.
tem with the knowledge of neuroscience (Palazzo et al. 2022). They fail to capture semantic information or recon-
2020). Along with the rapid development of physiological struct high-resolution outputs.
techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging
(fMRI) or electroencephalograph (EEG), it becomes possi- In this work, we propose a comprehensive pipeline for
ble to record the visually-evoked human brain activities for Neural Image generation, namely N EURO I MAGEN, from
further analysis. Thus, the research community put the atten- human brain signals. To tackle with aforementioned chal-
tion onto these complicated brain signal data and try to re- lenges in this task, we incorporate a multi-level seman-
construct the stimuli contents used for evoking human sub- tics extraction module which decodes different semantic in-
jects in the experiments, for understanding and simulating formation from the input signal with various granularity.
the human visual perception. Specifically, the extracted information contains sample-level
One of the mainstream attempts to study the human vi- semantics which is easy to decode, and pixel-level seman-
sual perception is to reconstruct the seen contents such as tics such as the saliency map of silhouette information that
images (Takagi and Nishimoto 2023) or videos (Chen, Qing, tends to more decoding difficulties. The multi-level outputs
and Zhou 2023) used to evoke the human subjective in the are further fed into the pretrained diffusion models with the
control of the generation semantics. Through this way, our
* Work done during Yuting’s intern at Microsoft Research Asia, method can flexibly handle the semantic information extrac-
correspondence to Kan Ren, Yansen Wang and Weilong Zheng. tion and decoding problem at different granularity and diffi-
culties, which can subsequently facilitate the generation via large-scale pretrained models to generate diverse and high-
effectively controlling the fixed downstream diffusion model resolution images. Takagi and Nishimoto map the brain ac-
at different levels. tivities to latent space and convert them to natural images
We evaluate our methods with the traditional image re- using LDM. MinD-Vis (Chen et al. 2023) integrates mask
construction solutions on EEG data. The results demon- brain modelings and LDM to generate more plausible im-
strate the superiority of our N EURO I MAGEN over the com- ages with preserved semantic information. Zeng et al. inte-
pared methods in both quantitative and qualitative results on grate silhouette information from brain signals with a con-
the EEG-image dataset. The proposed multi-level semantics trollable diffusion model to reconstruct high-quality images
extraction at different granularity can largely increase the consistent with original visual stimuli. These methods gen-
structure similarity and semantic accuracy of reconstructed erate more plausible and semantically meaningful images.
images with the observed visual stimuli.
Image Decoding from EEG Signals
Related Work EEG is more portable but has relatively lower spatial res-
Diffusion Models olution and suffers from larger noise, compared to fMRI,
Recently, diffusion models have emerged as state-of-the- which makes decoding visual experience from brain sig-
art approaches in the field of generative models for sev- nals a challenging problem. Brain2Image (Kavasidis et al.
eral tasks, including image synthesis, video generation, and 2017) implements long short-term memory (LSTM) stacked
molecule design (Yang et al. 2022; Song, Meng, and Ermon with GAN and VAE techniques to generate seen images of
2020; Dhariwal and Nichol 2021). A denoising diffusion ImageNet (Krizhevsky, Sutskever, and Hinton 2012) from
probabilistic model (DDPM) (Ho, Jain, and Abbeel 2020; EEG signals (Kavasidis et al. 2017). Neurovison (Khare
Sohl-Dickstein et al. 2015) is a parameterized bi-directional et al. 2022) proposes conditional progressive growing of
Markov chain using variational inference to produce sample GAN (CProGAN) to develop perceived images and showed
matching after a finite time. The forward diffusion process a higher inception score. Ye et al. focuses on cross-modal
is typically designed with the goal to transform any data dis- alignment and retrieves images at the instance level, ensur-
tribution into a simple prior distribution (e.g., an isotropic ing distinguishable model output for EEG signals. We also
Gaussian), and the reverse denoising diffusion process re- note that there is a parallel work DreamDiffusion (Bai et al.
verses the former by learning transition kernels parameter- 2023) to ours, which finetunes the diffusion model with an
ized by deep neural networks, such as U-Net (Ronneberger, auxiliary task for aligning the EEG data and Image CLIP
Fischer, and Brox 2015). However, DDPM operates and un- embeddings. However, the end-to-end training framework of
dergoes evaluation and optimization in pixel space, leading DreamDiffusion struggles to effectively decode and utilize
to slower inference speeds and higher training costs. To ad- multi-level semantic information from EEG signals, which
dress these limitations, Rombach et al.(2022) introduced the limits its ability to handle inherent noise characteristics. In
concept of latent diffusion models (LDMs). In LDMs, diffu- addition, DreamDiffusion requires fine-tuning the diffusion
sion models are applied within the latent space of the pow- models, which poses practical challenges and limitations in
erful pretrained autoencoders. This approach proves to be terms of scalability and efficiency.
an effective generative model, accompanied by a separate
compression stage that selectively eliminates imperceptible Methodology
details. By operating in the latent space, LDMs overcome In this section, we design our method, N EURO I MAGEN, to
the drawbacks of pixel space evaluation, enabling faster in- extract multi-level semantics from EEG signals and subse-
ference and reducing training costs. quently integrate them into a pretrained diffusion model to
reconstruct the observed visual stimuli from EEG signals.
Image Decoding from fMRI We briefly introduce the intuition of multi-level seman-
The most recent works reconstructing the stimuli contents tics extraction in our N EURO I MAGEN. EEG signals are non-
from the brain activities are mainly focused on fMRI data. stationary time-series signals and are easy to disturb by arti-
fMRI, as the measurement of the brain’s blood-oxygen- facts like body motion, resulting in the low SNR of the sig-
level-dependent (BOLD) signals, has seen substantial ad- nals. To tackle this challenge, we decode different semantic
vancements in brain signal decoding. The conventional vi- information with various granularity. Specifically, the pixel-
sual decoding methods in fMRI usually rely on training level semantics such as the saliency map of silhouette in-
deep generative neural networks, such as generative adver- formation preserve fine-grained color, position, and shape
sarial networks (GAN) and variational autoencoders (VAE) details of the observed stimuli. The sample-level semantics
with paired brain-image data (Shen et al. 2019; Beliy et al. provides a coarse-grained description of the visual stimuli,
2019). However, the decoding performance of these conven- such the concept or category of the visual content. These
tional methods is usually limited, and they struggle to pro- designs exhibit the capacity to effectively manage the chal-
duce visual contents with high resolution, because training lenges posed by noisy time-series EEG data, consequently
a deep generative model from scratch is in general challeng- facilitating the reconstruction of high-quality visual stimuli.
ing and the dataset of brain signals is relatively small and In the following, we first formulate the problem and
noisy. Thus, recent research attempts to directly map brain give an overview of N EURO I MAGEN. Then, we describe
signals into carefully pretrained latent spaces and finetune the multi-level semantics extractions of the N EURO I MA -
Multi-level Information

Fine-grained Control
Latent Diffusion Model
Pixel Level
t=0 Diffusion Process Tp
EEG Signals Mp Reconstructed Image

Visual Stimuli

Denoising Process
Caption Sample Level
CLIP Embedding
Decoding From
EEG Signals Coarse-grained Control
“An image of airliner”
CLIP CLIP Embedding

Figure 1: Overview of our N EURO I MAGEN. All the modules with dotted lines, i.e. pixel-level supervision and sample-level
supervision, are only used during the training phase. and would be removed during the inference phase.

GEN , including pixel-level semantics and sample-level se- is defined as the saliency map of silhouette information
mantics with the corresponding training details of the decod- Mp (x) ∈ RHp ×Wp ×3 . This step enables us to analyze the
ing procedure. Finally, we detail the image reconstruction EEG signals in the pixel space and provide the rough struc-
procedure of N EURO I MAGEN, which integrates the coarse- ture information. Subsequently, we define the sample-level
grained and fine-grained semantics with a pretrained latent semantics as Ms (x) ∈ RL×Ds , to provide coarse-grained
diffusion model to reconstruct the observed visual stimuli information such as image category or text caption.
from EEG signals. To fully utilize the two-level semantics, the high-quality
image reconstructing module F is a latent diffusion model.
Problem Statement It begins with the saliency map Mp (x) as the initial
In this section, we formulate the problem and give image and utilizes the sample-level semantics Ms (x) to
an overview of N EURO I MAGEN. Let the paired polish the saliency map and finally reconstruct ŷ =
{(EEG, image)} dataset as Ω = {(xi , yi )}i=1 , where F (Mp (x), Ms (x)).
yi ∈ RH×W ×3 is the visual stimuli image to evoke the Pixel-level Semantics Extraction
brain activities and xi ∈ RC×T represents the recorded
corresponding EEG signals. Here, C is the channel number In this section, we describe how we decode the pixel-level
of EEG sensors and T is the temporal length of a sequence semantics, i.e. the saliency map of silhouette information.
associated with the observed image. The general objective The intuition of this pixel-level semantics extraction is to
of this research is to reconstruct an image y using the capture the color, position, and shape information of the ob-
corresponding EEG signals x, with a focus on achieving a served visual stimuli, which is fine-grained and extremely
high degree of similarity to the observed visual stimuli. difficult to reconstruct from the noisy EEG signal. However,
as is shown in Figure 3, despite the low image resolution and
Multi-level Semantics Extraction Framework limited semantic accuracy, such a saliency map successfully
captures the rough structure information of visual stimuli
Figure 1 illustrates the architecture of N EURO I MAGEN. from the noisy EEG signals. Specifically, our pixel-level se-
In our approach, we extract multi-level semantics, repre- mantics extractor Mp consists of two components: (1) con-
sented as {M1 (x), M2 (x), · · · , Mn (x)}, which capture var- trastive feature learning to obtain discriminative features of
ious granularity ranges from coarse-grained to fine-grained EEG signals and (2) the estimation of the saliency map of
information from EEG signals corresponding to visual stim- silhouette information based on the learned EEG features.
uli. The coarse-grained semantics serves as a high-level
overview, facilitating a quick understanding of primary at- Contrastive Feature Learning We use contrastive learn-
tributes and categories of the visual stimuli. On the other ing techniques to bring together the embeddings of EEG
hand, fine-grained semantics offers more detailed informa- signals when people get similar visual stimulus, i.e. see-
tion, such as localized features, subtle variations, and small- ing images of the same class. The triplet loss (Schroff,
scale patterns. The multi-level semantics are then fed into a Kalenichenko, and Philbin 2015) is utilized as
high-quality image reconstructing module F to reconstruct Ltriplet = max(0, β+∥fθ (xa ) − fθ (xp )∥22
the visual stimuli ŷ = F [M1 (x), M2 (x), · · · , Mn (x)]. (1)
Specifically, we give two-level semantics as follows. Let Mp −∥fθ (xa ) − fθ (xn )∥22 ),
and Ms be the pixel-level semantic extractor and sample- where fθ is the feature extraction function (Kavasidis et al.
level semantic extractor, respectively. Pixel-level semantics 2017) that maps EEG signals to a feature space. xa , xp , xn
are the sampled anchor, positive, and negative EEG signal Sample-level Semantics Extraction
segments, respectively. The objective of eq. (1) is to mini- As aforementioned, the EEG signals are notorious for their
mize the distance between xa and xp with the same labels inherent noise, making it challenging to extract both pre-
(the class of viewed visual stimuli) while maximizing the cise and fine-grained information. Therefore, besides fine-
distance between xa and xn with different labels. To avoid grained pixel-level semantics, we also involve sample-level
the compression of data representations into a small cluster semantic extraction methods to derive some coarse-grained
by the feature extraction network, a margin term β is incor- information such as the category of the main objects of the
porated into the triplet loss. image content. These features have a relatively lower rank
and are easier to be aligned. Despite being less detailed,
Estimation of Saliency Map After we obtain the feature
these features can still provide accurate coarse-grained in-
of EEG signal fθ (x), we can now generate the saliency map
formation, which is meaningful to reconstruct the observed
of silhouette information from it and a random sampled la-
visual stimuli.
tent z ∼ N (0, 1), i.e.,
Specifically, the process Ms will try to align the infor-
Mp (x) = G(z, fθ (x)). mation decoded from the input EEG signals to some gen-
erated image captions, which are generated by some other
G denotes for the saliency map generator. In this paper, additional annotation model such as Contrastive Language-
we use the generator from the Generative Adversarial Net- Image Pretraining (CLIP) model (Radford et al. 2021). Be-
work(GAN) (Goodfellow et al. 2020) framework to generate low we detail the processes of image caption ground-truth
the saliency map and the adversarial loss is defined as fol- generation and semantic decoding with alignment.
GT images Label captions BLIP captions
adv = max(0, 1 − D(A(y), fθ (x)))+
An image of An elephant
max(0, 1 + D(A(Mp (x))), fθ (x))), (2)
african elephant standing next to a
adv = − D(A(Mp (x)), fθ (x)). (3) large rock

In GAN, besides the generator G, a discriminator D is in-

troduced to distinguish between images from the generator
and ground truth images x. It is optimized by minimizing the An image of A person flying
hinge loss (Lim and Ye 2017) defined in Equation (2). A is parachute a parachute in
the differentiable augmentation function (Zhao et al. 2020). the air with a
To stabilize the adversarial training process and alleviate the banner
problem of mode collapse, we add the mode seeking regu-
larization (Mao et al. 2019): An image A red and white
of daisy flower with
yellow center
dx (G (z1 , fθ (x)) , G (z2 , fθ (x)))
Lms = − , (4)
dz (z1 , z2 )

where d∗ (·) denotes the distance metric in image space x or An image of A man riding a
latent space z and z1 , z2 ∼ N (0, 1) are two different sam- mountain bike mountain bike down
pled latent vectors. a trail in the woods
To enforce the accuracy of the generated saliency map
from the visual stimuli, we use the observed image as super-
vision and incorporate the Structural Similarity Index Mea-
sure (SSIM) as well:
Figure 2: Examples of ground-truth images, label captions,
and BLIP captions, respectively.
2µx µMp (x) + C1 2σx σMp (x) + C2
LSSIM = 1 −   ,
µ2x + µ2Mp (x) + C1 σx2 + σM 2
p (x)
+ C2
(5) Generation of Image Captions We propose two methods
where µx , µMp (x) , σx , and σMp (x) represent the mean and to generate the caption for each image to help supervise the
standard values of the ground truth images and reconstructed decoding procedure of semantic information from EEG sig-
saliency maps of the generator. C1 and C2 are constants to nals. Since the observed images are from ImageNet dataset
stabilize the calculation. containing the class of the image, we define a straightfor-
The final loss for the generator is the weighted sum of the ward and heuristic method of label caption, which utilizes
losses: the class name of each image as the caption, as illustrated in
the middle column of Figure 2. The second method is that
LG = α1 · LG
adv + α2 · Lms + α3 · LSSIM , (6) we use an image caption model BLIP (Li et al. 2023), which
is a generic and computation-efficient vision-language pre-
and αi∈{1,2,3} are hyperparameters to balance the loss terms. training (VLP) model utilizing the pretrained vision model
and large language models. We opt for the default parameter and 20 seconds). The EEG-image dataset encompasses a
configuration of the BLIP model to caption our images. The diverse range of image classes, including animals (such as
examples are demonstrated in the right column of Figure 2. pandas), and objects (such as airlines).
As can be seen, the label captions tend to focus predomi- Following the common data split strategy (Kavasidis et al.
nantly on class-level information, and the BLIP-derived cap- 2017), we divide the pre-processed raw EEG signals and
tions introduce further details on a per-image level. their corresponding images into training, validation, and
testing sets, with corresponding proportions of 80% (1,600
Predict the Text CLIP Embedding After the generation
images), 10% (200 images), and 10% (200 images) and
of the image caption ground-truth, the goal of the semantic
build one model for all subjects. The dataset is split by im-
decoding is to extract the information from the EEG signals
ages, ensuring the EEG signals of all subjects in response to
to align the caption information. Note that, this procedure is
a single image are not spread over splits.
conducted in the latent space, where the latent embeddings
have been processed from the CLIP model from the above Evaluation Metrics
generated captions. Specifically, We extracted the CLIP em-
N -way Top-k Classification Accuracy (ACC) Following
beddings ĥclip∗ from the generated captions and align the
(Chen et al. 2023), we evaluate the semantic correctness of
output hclip of EEG sample-level encoder with the loss func-
our reconstructed images by employing the N -way top-k
tion as
classification accuracy. Specifically, the ground truth image
Lclip = ||hclip − ĥclip∗ ||22 , (7)
y and reconstructed image ŷ are fed into a pretrained Im-
where ∗ ∈ {B, L} denotes the BLIP caption embedding or ageNet1k classifier (Dosovitskiy et al. 2020), which deter-
label caption embedding. mines whether y and ŷ belong to the same class. Then we
check for the reconstructed image if the top-k classification
Combining Multi-level EEG Semantics with in N selected classes matches the class of ground-truth im-
Diffusion Model age. Importantly, this evaluation metric eliminates the need
In this section, we present a comprehensive explanation for pre-defined labels for the images and serves as an indi-
of how multi-level semantics can be effectively integrated cator of the semantic consistency between the ground truth
into a diffusion model for visual stimulus reconstruction. and reconstructed images. In this paper, we select 50-way
We utilize both pixel-level semantics, denoted as Mp (x) top-1 accuracy as the evaluation metric.
(obtained using G(z, fθ (x))), and sample-level semantics, Inception Score (IS) IS, introduced by (Salimans et al.
represented as Ms (x) (obtained using hclip ), to exert vari- 2016), is commonly employed to evaluate the quality and
ous granularity control over the image reconstruction pro- diversity of reconstructed images in generative models.
cess. The reconstructed visual stimuli are defined as ŷ = To compute the IS, a pretrained Inception-v3 classifier
F (Mp (x), Ms (x)) = F (G(fθ (x), hclip )). (Szegedy et al. 2016) is utilized to calculate the class prob-
Specifically, we used the latent diffusion model to per- abilities for the reconstructed images. We use IS to give a
form image-to-image reconstructing with the guidance of quantitative comparison between our method and baselines.
conditional text prompt embeddings: (1) First, we recon-
struct the pixel-level semantics G(fθ (x)) from EEG sig- Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM) SSIM of-
nals and resize it to the resolution of observed visual stimuli fers a comprehensive and perceptually relevant metric for
(2) G(fθ (x)) is then processed by the encoder Eldm of au- image quality evaluation. SSIM is computed over multiple
toencoder from the latent diffusion model and added noise windows of the ground truth image and the corresponding
through the diffusion process. (3) Then, we integrate the reconstructed image in luminance, contrast, and structure
sample-level semantics hclip as the cross-attention input of components, respectively.
the U-Net to guide the denoising process. (4) We project the
output of the denoising process to image space with Dldm Results
and finally reconstruct the high-quality image ŷ. Experiment Results on the ImageNet Dataset
Experiments The main results are illustrated in Figure 3. The images
positioned on the left with red boxes represent the ground
Dataset truth images. The second images from the left represent the
The effectiveness of our proposed methodology is validated saliency map reconstructed from EEG signals. The three im-
using the EEG-image dataset (Spampinato et al. 2017). This ages on the right exhibit the three sampling results for the
dataset is publicly accessible and consists of EEG data gath- given pixel-level saliency map with the guidance of sample-
ered from six subjects. The data was collected by present- level semantics of EEG signals. Upon comparison with the
ing visual stimuli to the subjects, incorporating 50 images ground truth images and the reconstructed saliency maps,
from 40 distinct categories within the ImageNet dataset we validate that our pixel-level semantics extraction from
(Krizhevsky, Sutskever, and Hinton 2012). Each set of stim- EEG signals successfully captures the color, positional, and
uli was displayed in 25-second intervals, separated by a 10- shape information of viewed images, despite limited seman-
second blackout period intended to reset the visual pathway. tic accuracy. Comparing the GT images and three recon-
This process resulted in totally 2000 images, with each ex- structed samples, it is demonstrated that the latent diffu-
periment lasting 1,400 seconds (approximately 23 minutes sion model successfully polishes the decoded saliency map
GT images Saliency Map Sample1 Sample2 Sample3 GT images Saliency Map Sample1 Sample2 Sample3

Figure 3: The main results of our N EURO I MAGEN. The images positioned on the left with red boxes represent the ground truth
images. The second images from the left represent the pixel-level saliency map reconstructed from EEG signals. The three
images on the right exhibit the three sampling results for the given saliency map under the guidance of sample-level semantics.

with coarse-grained but accurate guidance of sample-level Subject ACC (%) IS SSIM
semantics from EEG signals. The high-quality reconstructed subj 01 83.84 32.64 0.254
images purely from brain signals are perceptually and se- subj 02 84.26 32.33 0.247
mantically similar to the viewed images. subj 03 86.66 32.93 0.251
subj 04 86.48 32.40 0.244
Model ACC (%) IS SSIM subj 05 87.62 32.97 0.250
Brain2Image 5.01 subj 06 85.25 31.76 0.245
NeuroVision 5.23
N EURO I MAGEN 85.6 33.50 0.249 Table 2: The quantitative results of different subjects.

Table 1: The quantitative results of our N EURO I MAGEN,

Brain2Image (Kavasidis et al. 2017) and NeuroVision Generation Consistency in Different Subjects
(Khare et al. 2022) on EEG-image dataset. Since EEG signals are subject-specific cognitive processes
that differ significantly in different subjects. In this section,
we validate the robustness and feasibility of N EURO I MA -
Comparison with Baselines GEN across different individuals. As is illustrated in Fig-
The quantitative results of N EURO I MAGEN and baselines ure 5. The quantitative metric of different subjects are stable,
are listed in Table 1. We have introduced the IS reported which proves the generalization ability of N EURO I MAGEN.
in the relevant literature, to exemplify the quality of the The qualitative results are shown in Figure 5. It can be seen
reconstructed images. The IS is calculated by encompass- the sampling from different subjects are semantically similar
ing all images reconstructed across all subjects and all to the ground truth images.
classes within the test set. As is demonstrated in Table 1,
the IS of our N EURO I MAGEN is significantly higher than Ablation Study
Brain2Image and NeuroVision. Furthermore, inspired by We further conduct experiments on the EEG-image dataset
(Bai et al. 2023), we provide a qualitative comparison with to analyze the effectiveness of each module of our N EU -
the baselines in Figure 4. As can be seen, the quality of the RO I MAGEN . We define B and L as the sample-level seman-
images reconstructed by our N EURO I MAGEN is markedly tics from EEG signals using BLIP caption as supervision or
higher than those reconstructed by the Brain2Image. This label caption as supervision. We define I as the pixel seman-
observed enhancement serves to validate the effectiveness tics from EEG signals. The effectiveness of different meth-
and superiority of our proposed methodology. ods is verified by employing ACC, IS, and SSIM.

Airliner Panda Jack-o’-Lantern

Figure 4: Comparison baseline Brain2Image (Kavasidis et al. 2017) and our proposed N EURO I MAGEN in three classes, namely
’Airliner’, ’Panda’, and ’Jack-o’-Lantern’. The first and second row depicts the results of Brain2Image and our N EURO I MAGEN,

Model B L I ACC(%) IS SSIM ing the denoising process. Models 1, 4, and 5 represent
1 % % ! 4.5 16.31 0.234 the experimental results only using the saliency, both the
saliency map and sample-level semantics with the supervi-
2 % ! % 85.9 34.12 0.180
sion of BLIP caption, and both the saliency map and sample-
3 ! % % 74.1 29.87 0.157 level semantics with the supervision of label caption, respec-
4 ! % ! 65.3 25.86 0.235 tively. By comparing 1 with 4 and 1 with 5, the experimen-
5 % ! ! 85.6 33.50 0.249 tal results demonstrate that the use of sample-level seman-
tics significantly increases the semantic accuracy of recon-
Table 3: Quantitative results of ablation studies. B and L structed images.
represent the semantic decoding using BLIP caption and la- BLIP Captions vs Label Captions We also compare the
bel caption from EEG signals, respectively. I represents the two caption supervision methods with models 2 with 3 and
perceptual information decoding from EEG signals. 4 with 5. The experimental results of the label caption in all
metrics are superior to using BLIP caption. We impute these
results to that the EEG signals may only capture the class-
Pixel-level Semantics To demonstrate the effectiveness of level information. So the prediction of BLIP latent is inaccu-
the pixel-level semantics from EEG signals, we conduct val- rate, which decreases the performance of diffusion models.
idation on models 2, 3, 4, and 5. By comparing 2 with 5 and
3 with 4, we find that using the pixel-level semantics, i.e. the Conclusion
saliency map, can significantly increase the structure simi-
larity of the reconstructed images and ground truth images. In this paper, we explore to understand the visually-evoked
brain activity. Specifically, We proposed a framework,
Sample-level Semantics We investigate the module of named N EURO I MAGEN, to reconstruct images of visual
sample-level semantics decoding from EEG signals on guid- perceptions from EEG signals. The N EURO I MAGEN first
Anemone fish
Electric guitar
Canoe GT images Subj 01 Subj 02 Subj 03 Subj 04 Subj 05 Subj 06

Figure 5: Comparison of reconstructed images on different subjects. The images on the left with red boxes represent the ground
truth images. The other six images represent the reconstructed images of different subjects. The shown classes include fish,
pizza, guitar, and canoe.

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