Restoration of Whole Body Movement
Restoration of Whole Body Movement
Restoration of Whole Body Movement
of Whole Body
Toward a Noninvasive
Interface System
his article highlights recent advances in the design of National Limb Loss Information Center. At least 1,600 of them
noninvasive neural interfaces based on the scalp elec- are U.S. veterans wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan, and their
troencephalogram (EEG). The simplest of physical tasks, rehabilitation is a priority of the Defense Advanced Research
such as turning the page to read this article, requires an Projects Agency (DARPA), the military’s research and develop-
intense burst of brain activity. It happens in milliseconds ment entity.
and requires little conscious thought. But for amputees Our team is in the preliminary stages of pairing EEG-based
and stroke victims with diminished motor-sensory skills, this findings with the ongoing research at APL in Laurel, Mary-
process can be difficult or impossible. land. Here, a team of engineers and medical experts are work-
Our team at the University of Maryland, in conjunction ing on the DARPA-funded modular prosthetics limb (MPL),
with the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) and the next-generation robotic arm that functions like a normal
the University of Maryland School of Medicine, hopes to offer limb. The APL team is building the arm, while our group is
these people newfound mobility and dexterity. In separate re- working on one of the options for the control system using
search thrusts, we’re using data gleaned from scalp EEG to de- our EEG-based decoders. Our team members come from back-
velop reliable brain–machine interface (BMI) systems that could grounds in bioengineering, electrical engineering, neurosci-
soon control modern devices such as prosthetic limbs or powered ence, kinesiology, as well as the university’s program in neu-
robotic exoskeletons. roscience and cognitive science.
EEG externally measures electrical ac- To design the neural interfaces, we
tivity generated by large neural networks use EEG to acquire brain signals that will
in the brain, and research in our labo- be fed to neural decoders (filters) that
ratory was the first to demonstrate the translate them into control signals for
feasibility of inferring voluntary natural driving the dexterous finger movements
movement from EEG signals, essentially of the robotic arm. The filters are de-
decoding human brain activity used for signed based on the data collected during
physical movement (Figure 1). While a short calibration period that involves
similar but invasive neural interface tech- imagined and observed movement.
nology under development allows users to Though EEG monitoring is safer
think commands that are sent to sophisti- than other approaches, many in the
cated upper- or lower-limb prosthetics or scientific community had deemed it
used to control computer cursors, we re- unreliable for a brain–computer in-
cently reported the first EEG-based neu- terface, mainly because they believed
ral interface (needing only a single train- that the human skull blocks much of
ing session before subjects can operate the detailed brain activity needed for
it) that employs continuous decoding of precision-controlled prosthetics. An
imagined, continuous hand movements. article we published in Journal of Neu-
roscience [1] questioned that premise,
FIGURE 1 A noninvasive EEG-based neu-
Noninvasive Neural Decoding ral interface is easier to repair or replace, showing that we could capture and de-
of Movement if needed, and the technology is very code three-dimensional hand motions
user friendly requiring only a fabric cap from the amplitude modulations of the
Decoding of Upper-Limb Movements and the slight inconvenience of some smoothed EEG signals in the lower fre-
goo on a person’s head where the sen-
There are more than 1.8 million ampu- sors are attached. (Photograph by John quency delta band (<4 Hz) emanating
tees in the United States according to the T. Consoli, University of Maryland.) from the scalp. Our method produces