V-HFM FS3 Cargador Baterias

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© 2011 Enatel Motive Power Ltd. Specifications subject to change without prior notice. Errors exempt.

Pictures may be representative, actual products may differ.

Definition of Serial and Model Numbering

Model Number: eg. FS3-LUV- 532 where FS3 = the frame size, either FS3 or FS9
L = DC output 24 – 65V DC, H = DC output 70 – 120V DC
V = Vforce
5 = Controller MPC35, 7 = MPC37 (high voltage)
3 = MP330 module, 1 = MP130 module
2 = number of modules fitted
Serial Number: eg. 3H143013 where 3H = the frame size (as in the model number)
1 = year of manufacture where 1 = 2011 to 0 = 2020
43 = the week of the year 00 to 52
013 = a sequential number for each week, 001 to 999

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Table Of Contents

Definition of Serial and Model Numbering .................................................................................................................. 2

1. Introduction........................................................................................................................................................... 6
2. Modular Charger Philosophy .............................................................................................................................. 7
3. Hardware Description FS3................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 Housing FS3 .................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.2 AC Input Filter and Voltage Selection........................................................................................................... 10
3.3 DC Output Bus bars....................................................................................................................................... 11
3.4 DC Output Connector .................................................................................................................................... 11
3.5 Power Backplane ........................................................................................................................................... 12
3.6 Air Inlet/Filter.................................................................................................................................................. 12
3.7 MPC35 Controller Module ............................................................................................................................. 13
3.8 MP130/330 Charger Modules ........................................................................................................................ 14
3.9 Blank Panel .................................................................................................................................................... 16
3.10 Mounting Bracket ........................................................................................................................................... 16
3.11 Electrical Interconnection Diagram ................................................................................................................ 17
4. Hardware Configuration .................................................................................................................................... 18
4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 18
4.2 AC Input & Bus Bar Connection .................................................................................................................... 18
4.3 Bus Bar Options............................................................................................................................................. 19
4.4 Field Wiring Connections ............................................................................................................................... 19
4.5 AC Output to Charger Modules ..................................................................................................................... 20
4.6 AC Input Configurations ................................................................................................................................ 20
4.7 Single Phase Current Limiting ....................................................................................................................... 21
5. Software Description ......................................................................................................................................... 23
5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 23
5.2 Software Installation Overview ...................................................................................................................... 23
5.3 Installing .NET Framework ............................................................................................................................ 23
5.4 Installing the USB Driver................................................................................................................................ 24
5.5 Installing the Charger Interface Software ...................................................................................................... 24
5.6 Connecting to the Charger ............................................................................................................................ 25
5.7 Reading the Charger Configuration ............................................................................................................... 26
5.8 Using a Configuration Template .................................................................................................................... 26
5.9 Using the Monitor Function ............................................................................................................................ 28
5.10 Advanced Mode - Reading the Charge Profiles ............................................................................................ 29
5.11 Reading the Charge Log Data ....................................................................................................................... 30
5.12 Reading the Charger Alarm Log Data ........................................................................................................... 31
5.13 Bootloader Tab .............................................................................................................................................. 31
5.14 Controller Settings Tab .................................................................................................................................. 32
5.15 Auto Equalize Settings Tab ........................................................................................................................... 32
6. Application Information ..................................................................................................................................... 34
6.1 Product Suitability – Mechanical.................................................................................................................... 34
6.2 Product Suitability – Electrical ....................................................................................................................... 34
6.3 Installation ...................................................................................................................................................... 34
6.4 Mains Powering Options ................................................................................................................................ 34
6.5 Configuration ................................................................................................................................................. 35
6.6 Expectation from the Users ........................................................................................................................... 35
6.7 Operational Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 35
6.8 Alarm Functions ............................................................................................................................................. 36
6.9 Charger Alarms.............................................................................................................................................. 36
6.10 Charger Related Alarms ................................................................................................................................ 36
6.11 Battery Related Alarms ................................................................................................................................. 37
7. Charge Profiles ................................................................................................................................................... 38
7.1 Standard Pre-configured Charge Profiles...................................................................................................... 38
7.1.1 Flooded.................................................................................................................................................... 38

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7.1.2 GEL ......................................................................................................................................................... 39
7.1.3 AGM ........................................................................................................................................................ 40
7.1.4 Opportunity Profile ................................................................................................................................... 40
7.1.5 HR ........................................................................................................................................................... 41
7.2 Charge Profile Types ..................................................................................................................................... 41
7.2.1 IUIa .......................................................................................................................................................... 41
7.2.2 IUa ........................................................................................................................................................... 43
7.2.3 IUUa ........................................................................................................................................................ 45
7.2.4 Ia.............................................................................................................................................................. 46
7.2.5 De-sulphation (experimental) .................................................................................................................. 46
8. FS3 Self-Test Process........................................................................................................................................ 48
8.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 48
8.2 Test Process .................................................................................................................................................. 48
9. Maintenance, Service and Repair ..................................................................................................................... 49
9.1 Maintenance .................................................................................................................................................. 49
9.2 Blocked Filter ................................................................................................................................................. 49
9.3 Blown DC Fuse .............................................................................................................................................. 49
9.4 Charger Module Fault .................................................................................................................................... 50
9.5 Charger Fault ................................................................................................................................................. 50
9.6 Housing Fault................................................................................................................................................. 50
10. Trouble Shooting ................................................................................................................................................ 51
11. User Instructions ................................................................................................................................................ 52
11.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 52
11.2 Pre-Charge checks ........................................................................................................................................ 52
11.3 Stop/Start rocker switch ................................................................................................................................. 52
11.4 Charge Complete........................................................................................................................................... 52
11.5 Fault Indicators .............................................................................................................................................. 52
11.6 Equalize Next Cycle....................................................................................................................................... 52
11.7 Battery Disconnection .................................................................................................................................... 53
11.8 Exploded View Showing Spare Parts ............................................................................................................ 53
12. Spare Parts.......................................................................................................................................................... 54
13. Interconnection Diagram ................................................................................................................................... 56
14. Charge Profile Default Parameters ................................................................................................................... 57
15. Glossary .............................................................................................................................................................. 59


Figure 1: FS3 Charger............................................................................................................................................ 7

Figure 2: FS3 Exploded View ................................................................................................................................. 8
Figure 3: FS3 Housing Metalwork .......................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 4: FS3 AC Input......................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 5: FS3 DC Bus bars .................................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 6: FS3 Output Connector .......................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 7: FS3 Backplane ...................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 8: FS3 Inlet Filter ....................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 9: MPC35 Controller.................................................................................................................................. 13
Figure 10: MPC35 Display ................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 11: MPC35 Display Overlay ...................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 12: MP130/330 Charger Modules ............................................................................................................. 14
Figure 13: Blank panel ......................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 14: Mounting Bracket ................................................................................................................................ 16
Figure 15: FS3 Interconnection Diagram ............................................................................................................. 17
Figure 16: AC Input Set- Up ................................................................................................................................. 18

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Figure 17: Bus Bar Set-up .................................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 18: AC Filter Board Input .......................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 19: AC Filter Board Output ........................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 20: AC Input Configuration ........................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 21: Input Current Amp Draw ..................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 22: Current Limiting Jumpers .................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 23: MPC35 J119 and J120 Positions For Current Limiting ....................................................................... 22
Figure 24: Charger Interface When First Run ...................................................................................................... 24
Figure 25: Charger Interface With Advanced User Settings Enabled .................................................................. 25
Figure 26: Sub Window For Changing Access Via Password ............................................................................. 25
Figure 27: PC Window (no active connection) ..................................................................................................... 25
Figure 28: Configuration tab after reading the current configuration ................................................................... 26
Figure 29: CSV File Configuration Template ....................................................................................................... 26
Figure 30: Setting the AC Input Configuration ..................................................................................................... 27
Figure 31: Configuration Tab After Using Template Values ................................................................................ 27
Figure 32: Monitoring Tab .................................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 33: Monitoring Tab IUI Profile ................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 34: Charge Profile Tab .............................................................................................................................. 29
Figure 35: Flooded Profile Tab After Reading the Data From the Charger ......................................................... 29
Figure 36: Modifying a Charge Profile.................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 37: Typical Charge Log ............................................................................................................................. 30
Figure 38: Typical Alarm Log ............................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 39: Bootloader Tab.................................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 40: Controller Settings Tab ....................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 41: Set By Profile Auto Equalize ............................................................................................................... 32
Figure 42: Set By Cycle Based Auto Equalize ..................................................................................................... 33
Figure 43: Set By Time Based Auto Equalize ...................................................................................................... 33
Figure 44: Charger Alarms ................................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 45: Charge Profiles ................................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 46: This profile uses an IUIa Charge Profile Type .................................................................................... 38
Figure 47: This profile uses an IUIa Charge Profile Type .................................................................................... 39
Figure 48: This profile uses an IUIa Charge Profile Type .................................................................................... 40
Figure 49: Opportunity Profile .............................................................................................................................. 40
Figure 50: This profile uses an IUa Charge Profile Type ..................................................................................... 41
Figure 51: IUIa Charge Profile Parameters .......................................................................................................... 42
Figure 52: IUa Charge Profile Parameters ........................................................................................................... 43
Figure 53: IUUa Charge Profile Parameters ........................................................................................................ 45
Figure 54: Ia Charge Profile Parameters ............................................................................................................. 46
Figure 55: De-sulphation Charge Profile Parameters .......................................................................................... 46
Figure 56: Exploded view ..................................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 57: Spare Parts ......................................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 58: FS3 Sub Unit Connections.................................................................................................................. 56

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1. Introduction

This manual provides comprehensive technical information about all aspects of the modular charger. It is intended
for use by technically skilled individuals responsible for second level support of the chargers. It contains considerably
more information than required for a first level field service technician.
Distribution of this manual is to be restricted as the information contained is not suitable for individuals who do not
already have some knowledge of the correct method to charge forklift batteries. This information is commercial in
confidence and is not to be distributed to a third party without the express permission of Enatel Motive Power.
An Operator/Installer manual is available for the Modular Charger and is suitable for distribution to a wider audience.
This manual has fifteen sections which are introduced below. It is expected that an individual responsible for the
support of the chargers will need to read and understand the complete manual, however the sections are presented
such that they cover specific areas of interest and to some extent stand on their own.

Section 2 explains the philosophy of the modular charger and the unique benefits of its use.
Section 3 provides a description of the hardware elements that are combined to produce the Frame Size 3 (FS3)
version of the product.
Section 4 describes the hardware configuration and includes the wiring information for the AC mains input for both
high and low voltage sources.
Section 5 covers the software component of the product. To take advantage of the flexibility of the charger it is
necessary to use a PC software tool to configure the charger. When first delivered, the Charger will be configured to
match the specific order requirement. However, if required, it is a straightforward task to reconfigure the same
charger to suit alternative battery types and ratings. Care is required to ensure the software configuration is
performed correctly in order to avoid a mismatch between charger and battery otherwise the results could potentially
damage the equipment. Distribution of the software must be restricted to those with a need as well as the training to
reconfigure chargers.
Section 6 describes the application information necessary for the effective field deployment of the charger such as
• Installation method
• Where it is suitable for use and where it is not
• The range of applications it can cover
• A description of the alarm functions included in the charger
Section 7 describes the IUIa Charge Profile and parameters which is the most commonly used profile for lead acid
traction batteries.
Section 8 describes the self-test process that can be enabled from the front panel of the Charger.
Section 9 covers maintenance, service and repair. The core electronic modules are not field serviceable and must
be returned to the manufacturer for repair. The corrective action for an electronics fault is to field-swap the faulty
module. The modules are fitted with extensive protection functions and apart from mechanical abuse will provide
long reliable service.
Section 10 provides a troubleshooting table listing possible problems, causes and remedies.
Section 11 summarizes the information required by the user of the forklift to properly operate the Charger. The user
operation is extremely simple and the only possible confusion to arise is likely to be configuration related where a
user may try and use a charger with a battery type for which it is not programmed to charge.
Section 12 details the spare parts available including part numbers and identification pictures.
Section 13 provides the interconnection diagram of the main components of the FS3.
Section 14 provides charge profile default parameters.
Section 15 provides a glossary.

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2. Modular Charger Philosophy

The Modular Charger concept represents a fundamentally different approach to the way in which a forklift battery
charger is designed.
Historically the approach has been to design a charger to match a specific battery type and rating. Uncontrolled
chargers need to be very closely matched to the intended battery. Due to the large number of combinations of
voltage, amp-hours, cell type, and recharge times, this results in a wide range of charger models being required.
Type B regulated chargers do have the ability to suit different batteries. The ability to adjust the Chargers output
power is quite limited as the design of the Charger is to optimize its performance for a particular output voltage and
The Modular Charger is based on the deployment of paralleled Charger Modules. These modules are managed by a
controller and are capable of providing very flexible output. The controller is accessed with a PC and configured with
software to set the Charger’s particular rating.
The Modular Charger uses identical high performance Charger Modules that work equally well at nominal battery
voltages of 24V, 36V or 48V. A single power module has a nominal output current rating of 60A when used at 24,
36V and 48V derating to 52A when used at the maximum output voltage of 57.6V. The modules can be paralleled to
a maximum of three and can be powered by a 3 or single phase AC power input.
Using parallel-connected Charger modules also introduces the capability to offer redundancy, which is a very unique
and desirable feature for a forklift battery charger. Redundancy occurs when one module fails to provide output
current, then the other modules will continue to charge the battery albeit at a slower rate. Therefore a single fault
does not affect the ability to complete a charge for the next shift.

Figure 1: FS3 Charger

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3. Hardware Description FS3

The FS3 modular charger can accommodate up to three power modules. It is a versatile design with compact
dimensions and is suitable for floor, table, rack and wall mounting applications. The Charger is light enough to be
easily moved around with the carry handles.
The construction of the Charger is quite simple and comprises the elements shown in figure 2.

Figure 2: FS3 Exploded View

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3.1 Housing FS3

Figure 3: FS3 Housing Metalwork

The FS3 housing is manufactured from sheet metal which provides a robust enclosure to hold the power modules,
controller module and input and output electrical circuits. The metalwork is 1.2 mm electro galvanized steel and is
powder coated to provide corrosion resistance.
The Charger Modules are fitted through the front by removing the two captive retaining screws attached to the air
filter assembly. DC cables to batteries can be connected/disconnected by simply unplugging the SB350 connector at
the front bottom of the housing.
To change the controller module or replace the DC output fuses, it is necessary to remove the top and side covers of
the housing by removing the nine fixing screws. Before the covers are removed the Charger must be unplugged
from both the AC mains and the battery.

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3.2 AC Input Filter and Voltage Selection

Figure 4: FS3 AC Input

The AC input cables are terminated onto the AC filter board mounted in the top of the FS3 via a five way terminal
strip marked A,B and C for phases 1, 2, and 3, D for neutral where applicable and E for earth.
When AC power is applied to the Charger but there is no battery connected, the power modules are held in
shutdown mode waiting to be enabled by the controller. This occurs when the controller detects that a battery with
the correct voltage has been connected and the front panel toggle switch has been turned to the start position.
It is expected that the FS3 charger will mainly be used in 3-phase applications. However it is possible to reconfigure
the charger to operate on single phase supply. The AC filter board provides connections to re-configure without
changing the mains input wiring. The process is covered in the configuration section of this manual.
It should be noted that both the MP130 and MP330 Charger Modules can be used in the FS3. The MP130 operates
on low voltage single and 3 phase supplies whereas the MP330 operates on high voltage 3 phase supplies
irrespective of a neutral. The configuration connections on the AC filter board provide the neutral connection required
for the MP130 when powered from a Delta 3 phase AC input. Details of the two modules are contained in the
Charger Module section of this manual.

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3.3 DC Output Bus bars

Figure 5: FS3 DC Bus bars

The DC output Bus bars are mounted to the side of the power module sub-frame inside the housing. The Bus bars
provide a connection point between the high current cables from the Charger Module backplane and the DC output
battery cabling. The Bus bars also mount the diode and fuses that provide protection for the power modules in the
unlikely event that a reverse polarity battery is connected to the Charger. If this happens, the fuses will blow but no
other damage will be incurred. It is very important that the output fuses are only replaced with the same fast fuses to
ensure reverse protection is maintained. Should incorrect fuses be fitted or the Charger operated without the diode
connected, a reverse polarity battery will blow the output fuses inside the Charger Modules. These internal module
fuses can only be replaced at the manufacturer’s factory with the cost not being covered by warranty.

3.4 DC Output Connector

Figure 6: FS3 Output Connector

Inside the bottom front of the housing is an SB350 grey connector for the DC output cables to the battery. As the
Charger can be configured to suit a range of battery types and ratings the exact type of DC output cable and battery
connector needs to be readily changed without the need to open the housing. Under the charger is an access hole
that allows an optional security screw to be fitted to lock the mating SB350’s together and prevent the user
disconnecting the battery cable from the Charger.

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3.5 Power Backplane

Figure 7: FS3 Backplane

The backplane is a PCB at the rear of the housing that provides the necessary AC input and DC output connections
and the control functions required by the Charger Modules. It has connectors to mate with the Charger Modules
which allow the modules to be easily removed and replaced. The backplane also contains components to generate
the 48V DC Auxiliary supply required to run the MPC35 Control Module as well as the communications link between
the MPC35 and the Charger Modules.

3.6 Air Inlet/Filter

Figure 8: FS3 Inlet Filter

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Each Charger Module is force-cooled by two high-speed axial fans that are located behind the module’s plastic
faceplate. When installed in the Charger, the modules draw ambient air through the front grill and filter and force the
warm exhaust air out the rear. The inlet filter is required as the Charger will be installed in potentially dirty
environments and the rectifiers must be cooled by clean air to ensure long life. The filter is accessible for cleaning
by removing the two thumb screws holding the grill to the Charger. The filter is composed of two layers of filter
element contained in a stainless steel frame. The filter element is an electrostatic media that holds dust particles
due to static attraction as the air passes through. It has excellent capabilities to retain dust without restricting airflow.
However, in particularly dirty environments the filter will require regular inspections and cleaning if necessary. The
entire filter is suitable for washing with water by gently reverse flushing a stream of water through the media. Allow
the filter to air-dry before reinstalling in the Charger.
The filter frame also functions as a clamping frame to ensure the Charger Modules are firmly held in place even if the
housing is mishandled. Should the housing be dropped and the external surfaces get damaged, the Charger
Modules should be protected and the Charger should still operate.

3.7 MPC35 Controller Module

Figure 9: MPC35 Controller

The MPC35 controller module provides the overall intelligence of the Charger. The Charger Modules are always
identical, it is the job of the controller to tell the Charger Modules how to correctly charge a battery. The controller
must be configured to match a certain battery before the Charger can be used.

Figure 10: MPC35 Display

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The controller has a LCD display, indicator LEDs, pushbuttons and a miniature USB socket like the one normally
found on digital cameras.
The USB port allows the PC application to ‘talk’ to the MPC35 and to return stored data to the PC. The PC
application is used to configure the MPC35 and to ‘bootload’ new software/firmware into the MPC35 and Charger
Modules. The use of the PC application is detailed in Section 4 of this manual.

Figure 11: MPC35 Display Overlay

3.8 MP130/330 Charger Modules

Green locking tabs

MP130, MP330, green

yellow/black front panels
front panels

Figure 12: MP130/330 Charger Modules

Charging power is provided by either the MP130 or the MP330 Charger Modules, whose primary function is the
rectifying of AC mains into DC voltage suitable for battery charging. The MP130 or MP330 is a very powerful high
performance switch-mode power unit able to produce up to 3000W of DC power. It is highly efficient, has a very high
AC power factor, and draws very low harmonic currents. It will operate over a broad range of AC input voltage
conditions. The MP130 is designed/intended for operation from a 208 - 240 single or three phase supply, the MP330
is designed/intended for operation from a 380 - 480 three phase supply.
The modules are installed through the front of the housing and slide between steel guides. The top to bottom
orientation of the module in the housing is important as they will only fit one way. The correct orientation is with the
power connector on the back of the module being closer to the top of the housing. If the module is inserted with the
connector closer to the bottom, it will not mate with the backplane connector. It is fairly obvious that the module is not
fitting correctly, applying excessive force to try and get the module fitted can damage the backplane.

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With the module the correct way up, only a small insertion force is required to have the module firmly “click” into
place. Once the module is fully inserted it is important that the green locking tabs at the top and bottom of the
module are slid to the right, using a small screwdriver or similar tool, to lock the modules in place.
To remove a module, first unlatch the green locking tabs by sliding them to the left, and then use the tips of your
fingers at the top and bottom of the faceplate, or needle-nosed pliers carefully inserted into the faceplate grill, to
gently draw the module forward from the housing.
The Charger Modules have three LEDs on their front panel; the function (top to bottom) is as follows:
RED- No output
AMBER – Current Limit
GREEN- Operating

All Charger Modules should always be showing the same indication as follows:
With AC Power OFF and no battery: NO LEDs illuminated
With AC Power ON and no battery connected: NO LEDs illuminated
With AC Power On and a battery connected: RED LEDs illuminated
With AC Power Off and a battery connected: RED LEDs illuminated
During the constant current parts of the charge cycle: GREEN & AMBER LEDs illuminated
During the constant voltage parts of the charge cycle: GREEN LEDs illuminated
During a charge cycle a RED LED on the charger module indicates an issue with the module
Charge complete but the battery still connected: RED LEDs illuminated
NOTE: As soon as the battery is disconnected the Charger resets

The Charger Modules are designed to protect themselves against operating in any condition that could cause
electrical damage. Accordingly faulty Charger Modules should be a rare occurrence. Should a module fail to produce
output power it should be replaced by the local Crown dealer. Do not attempt to open the Charger Module, they are
not user serviceable and without the correct tools will most likely incur further damage if an attempt to open the case
is made.

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3.9 Blank Panel

Unused Charger Module positions should be fitted with a blank panel fixed to the housing metalwork where the front
of the Charger Module would go if fitted. The blank panel is a thin strip of sheet metal that can be fitted into any
unused Charger Module slot to prevent any exhaust air from a module being able to return to the front of the FS3
enclosure and possibly cause the Charger Modules to run at an elevated temperature.

Figure 13: Blank panel

3.10 Mounting Bracket

There is an optional mounting bracket that can be fixed to the base, side and rear panels of the Charger. The bracket
enables the Charger to be screwed or bolted to a bench, wall or floor surface and helps protect the Charger against
physical damage.

Base Mount Side Mount Rear Mount

Figure 14: Mounting Bracket

The Mounting bracket is easily fixed to the relevant Charger surface with 2 x M5x8 hex headed bolts and to the
bench, wall or floor with appropriate fixings to support the weight of the Charger.

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3.11 Electrical Interconnection Diagram

Figure 15: FS3 Interconnection Diagram

The internal electrical interconnections are quite straightforward as shown in the figure 15 above.
Each phase of the AC input supply is connected to a single MP130/330 Charger Module via the AC Filter & Voltage
Selection board, the AC Loom and a connector on the backplane. The Charger Modules are logically numbered 1, 2,
and 3 from right to left looking at the front of the housing. The Charger Modules can be populated in any sequence
although it is recommended that they are installed from right to left in the housing. The auxiliary power supply is
connected via the AC Loom from either J5-240V or J6-480V on the AC Filter & Voltage Select board depending on
the configuration of the Charger.
Hardware configuration of the FS3 is dealt with in Section 4 of this manual.
The individual DC outputs from each Charger Module are connected in parallel via tracks on the backplane PCB and
then connected via three paralleled 9 mm² cables to the output fuses and reverse polarity protection diode at the
output Bus bar assembly. The output Bus bar assembly is fitted with two voltage sensing PCBs that are used by the
Controller to determine when the output fuses are blown. The output fuses are 2 parallel connected 180A fast fuses
that are able to pass the full load current of the charger without excessive temperature rise, but will blow quickly
should a reverse battery be connected, avoiding any damage to the Charger Modules. The final internal connections
to the SB350 grey output connector are via short lengths of 50 mm² cable.
The MPC35 has the necessary connectors to perform the overall control and monitoring functions. The digital signals
to and from the power modules are connected via the RJ45 cable connected at J101 on the MPC35. The auxiliary
power supply, nominally 48VDC, is fed to the MPC35 from the backplane via J102 and J109 and the Charger
Module shutdown control wire is fed via the RJ45 communications cable. The output signals to the large front panel
mounted LEDs are connected to J109 and the input signals to J102 and the RJ45 cable. Data from the PC
application and the front panel buttons is fed to the MPC35 via the USB port and the ribbon cable connection to J103
on the MPC35. To simplify identification of individual connectors, the orientation of the various MPC35 connectors
shown in the interconnection diagram Figure 15 matches the physical layout of the connectors on the actual MPC35
The MPC35 also has six potential free relay contacts to provide switching for external functions such as auto
watering systems. A small Control Loom connects I/O to the MPC35.

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4. Hardware Configuration

4.1 Introduction

The Modular Charger can be configured for different types and voltages of AC Input by configuring the hardware
prior to dispatch to the end-user. The North American market utilizes a variety of mains supply. The most common of
which are dealt with in the following section. The process has been simplified by the inclusion of the AC Filter and
Voltage Selection Assembly removing the need for wiring other than mains input cabling.

4.2 AC Input & Bus Bar Connection

Figure 16: AC Input Set- Up

* In single phase mode the output power will reduce to maintain maximum AC current draw.
** In three phase mode the adding of the third charger module reduces the AC current draw to achieve the same DC
output as for two modules.

From the values in the table of Figure 16, the FS3 hardware can be configured to suit the application in which it is to
be used so that all is required on site is the provision and connection of the appropriate AC mains supply.
The Aux. plug and Bus Bar Selection mechanism are found on the AC Filter and Voltage selection PCB. The Aux.
plug provides AC for the Auxiliary DC Power Supply that powers the MC35 control pcb and its associated display
and indicators.

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4.3 Bus Bar Options

208-240V single phase 208-240V three phase 480V three phase

Figure 17: Bus Bar Set-up

Configuring the Bus Bars on the AC filter board negates the need to rewire the AC inputs to the Charger Modules.
The unused bars are bolted to the inside of the FS3 frame but the configuration should be done at a Distributors
facility prior to delivery once a customer’s AC mains supply has been verified.

4.4 Field Wiring Connections


Figure 18: AC Filter Board Input

A terminal strip on the input of the AC Filter and Voltage Selection pcb allows the connection of Field Wiring to the
unit via either conduit or cable gland. Access into the frame should be gained through one of the 3 access holes
(knockouts) in the rear panel. A minimum of 2.5mm² multi strand cable per connection should be used and cable tied
to the strain relief mount provided. A barrier board is fitted to stop interaction between the field and factory and the
wiring color should conform to standard practice for the region of installation.

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4.5 AC Output to Charger Modules
Phase and Neutral feeds
to the 3 Charger Modules

Headers for aux power supply

Mounting posts for Buss Bars voltage selection. 240V – J5
480V – J6

Figure 19: AC Filter Board Output

AC power is fed to the Charger modules by three groups of four x 2.5mm² cables, red, white and blue for L1,L2,and
L3, black for neutral. The earth connections are grouped together, bolted to the chassis and fed to the charger
modules via the AC loom. Two headers connect either 240 or 480V to the auxiliary power supply transformer and 7
mounts enable the Bus Bar AC input type selection. Set-up of the of the Bus Bars is shown in Figure 17.

4.6 AC Input Configurations

Config No1. – MP130 Config No2. - MP130

208–240V Single Phase 208-240V Single Phase Split Leg

208-240V AC 208-240V AC

Config No3. - MP130 Config No4. - MP330

208-240V Three Phase 480V Three Phase

208-240V AC
480V AC

Figure 20: AC Input Configuration

The diagrams in Figure 20 above show the wire connections to the input terminal strip from the AC Mains supply.
These are the only connections that need to be made at the site where the Charger is to be used and should be
carried out by a qualified electrician. These are the four most common industrial supply types, should connection to
another type be required contact the local distributor before connecting.

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Figure 21: Input Current Amp Draw

Figure 21 shows the current draw on the various AC Input supplies with respect to battery amp hour rating, DC
output current and DC output voltage. The dark highlighted cells represent 2 Charger Modules required to be fitted,
the light highlighted cells indicate that 3 Charger Modules are required.

4.7 Single Phase Current Limiting

With a Charger connected to a single phase supply there is the potential to draw too much current from the AC input
supply. To overcome this two jumpers have been added to the MPC35 control board as a hardware current limiting
mechanism. Software also can be used to limit the current drawn but if a profile that requires more current than the
hardware setting allows the profile will not load.

J119 and J120

current limiting
jumpers on the

Figure 22: Current Limiting Jumpers

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A position combination of jumpers J119 and J120 will limit the input current to 10,15 and 30 amps depending on the
region where the charger is to be used. For a Charger that is to be used on a single phase supply these jumpers
must be set as part of the configuration process prior to dispatch and not changed once installed.

Top pin in header

Default setting

Figure 23: MPC35 J119 and J120 Positions For Current Limiting

In Figure 23 the black rectangle represents the movable jumper and the grey dots the header pins. On the pcb the
headers are mounted vertically, in Figure 23 the left hand dot represents the top pin in each header.

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5. Software Description

5.1 Introduction

To understand the software element of the Modular Charger it should be explained that there are two separate
software components to the Charger. First there is the Firmware (FW) which is embedded code that is loaded into
flash memory in the micro-controller chip in the MPC35 Control Module. FW controls all the functions of the Charger
and without loading the correct FW version the charger will not operate as required. Second is the PC Software that
runs on a host Windows computer and communicates to the MPC35 controller via a USB connection. The PC
software is called “Charger Interface” and provides the necessary interface to be able to load the correct FW,
configure the charge profiles, configure the battery type, rating, etc and allow access to the charge and alarm logs
stored to the MPC35’s memory.
There is no regular need for loading FW as this is done in the factory during final test of the controller. However
should there be the need to adjust the function or add new features to the Charger, the Charger Interface PC
software can be used to “Bootload” new FW into the controller.
The PC Interface software is very easy to use and requires just basic computer skills. Correct use of the software
does however require some technical knowledge of battery charging. The software has some functions disabled
upon first install to prevent a novice user changing something that should not be adjusted. To fully enable the
software requires the use of passwords, which are available from Crown Equipment Corporation, New Bremen,

5.2 Software Installation Overview

There are three parts to the software installation

The Charger Interface has been written to use Microsoft’s .NET Framework which is a library of pre-coded
solutions to common programming issues and is a key Microsoft product intended to be used by most new
applications created for the Windows platform. The .NET Framework must be installed on the PC for the
interface software to run. Most versions of Windows will have .NET Framework installed by default when the OS
is loaded, however if not, it can be installed off the CD that contains the Charger Interface software or can be
downloaded from Microsoft’s Web site http://www.microsoft.com/downloads. The version to download is Version
2.0 Redistributable Package. If you have a 32 bit version of Windows then the (X86) version is required, if the
Windows version is 64 bit then you need the (X64) version. The filename is dotnetfx.exe and installation is just a
matter of following the prompts

A USB driver is required for the communication from PC to the MPC35. The driver supports Windows Vista but
XP is the preferred operating system.

The application is a single executable file that can freely be moved around the computer directories. For correct
operation the text files that the application uses to store the default settings for profiles types, profile templates
and configuration templates must be in the same folder as the main application.

5.3 Installing .NET Framework

Supported Operating Systems for .NET Framework: Windows 2000 Service Pack 3; Windows 98; Windows 98
Second Edition; Windows ME; Windows Server 2003; Windows XP Service Pack 2.
Required Software: Windows Installer 3.0 (except for Windows 98/ME, which require Windows Installer 2.0 or later).
Windows Installer 3.1 or later is recommended.
IE 5.01 or later: You must also be running Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 or later for all installations of the .NET
Disk Space Requirements: 280 MB (x86), 610 MB (x64)

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5.4 Installing the USB Driver

The USB driver is supplied on the CD with the Charger Interface software. The easiest way to install the driver is to
make a USB connection between the PC and the Modular Charger and use the new hardware wizard to install the
driver. When the USB connection is made, the New Hardware Wizard will automatically open and give you the option
to direct the wizard to where the driver is located. The filename of the driver is “MPC31.inf”.

5.5 Installing the Charger Interface Software

The PC interface software is supplied on the CD with installer. Double click on the setup.exe will copy the main
application and all its support files to the PC and add a shortcut to the programs list.
There are three files that contain template data that cannot be renamed and must be in the same directory as the
Charger Interface Software for it to function correctly. They are: “profile_types.txt”; “profile_templates.txt” and
“Crown_Data.csv”. It should be noted that these files included in the installer package may not necessarily be the
latest release. The user should check with an authorized service agent for the latest version particularly the
“Crown_data.csv” which may change as batteries are added or removed to suit changes in lift truck models.

Figure 24: Charger Interface When First Run

When the software is first installed it is “Read Only Access” and some of the control tabs of the software are
disabled. This is designed for use by an end-user so as to be able to see what the Charger has been set-up to do,
monitor progress of a charge cycle and download charge and alarm logs for system analysis if required. The
disabled tabs are: Charge Profile, Monitor, Calibration and Bootloader. These functions are only required for more
advance functions and if not required should be left disabled.
Passwords will be allocated from authorized service agents in accordance with the customer’s requirements to
reconfigure or adjust the Modular Charger. There are two levels of password, one gives unrestricted access to the
charger and are only available to “Expert Users” trained in the use of the Charger and with in-depth battery
The other gives a restricted access to “Advanced Users”, to allow changing configurations using templates but
without the ability to adjust the detailed charge profile settings or make any other adjustments to the Chargers
operation, Figure 25 below.

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Figure 25: Charger Interface With Advanced User Settings Enabled

From the Window shown in Figure 25 above ‘Click’ on “About” in the top left hand tool bar. The sub Window shown
in Figure 26 below will appear, enter the password you been given for either the “Advanced User” or the “Expert
User” mode, ‘Click’ on “Change Access” and then “OK”.

Figure 26: Sub Window For Changing Access Via Password

5.6 Connecting to the Charger

The software is launched like any normal PC application and will start up with a Window similar to the one above in
Figure 25 depending on which tabs have been enabled.

Figure 27: PC Window (no active connection)

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Ensure the USB cable is connected to the charger and ‘click’ on the “Serial Port” button. The correct COM Port
option will show automatically but if several communication ports are available,  the connected one. Note that the
actual COM port connected will depend on the hardware configuration of the computer and to which USB port the
Charger is connected. The COM port number allocated to the Charger connection can be viewed by selecting on the
PC the following,
Start/Control Panels/System/Hardware/device manager/Com Ports

5.7 Reading the Charger Configuration

‘Clicking’ on the “Read Default Configuration” button will obtain the current configuration of the charger as shown in
Figure 28 below. Configuration data refers to the parameters and their values needed to set the charger to suit the
battery to be charged.

Figure 28: Configuration tab after reading the current configuration

5.8 Using a Configuration Template

In the Configuration Tab Clicking on the Configuration template ‘down’ arrow will show a drop down list of battery
and profile types. Scroll down the list, highlight and ‘click’ on the battery required.

Figure 29: CSV File Configuration Template

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‘Click’ on the second ‘down’ arrow in Configuration Template to bring up the available AC Input options, highlight and
‘click’ on the appropriate AC input. Caution The configuration of the of the AC filter board hardware must be set
before attempting to charge a battery. The process is described in the “Hardware Configuration” section of this
manual. Do not charge a battery before completing the hardware configuration.

Figure 30: Setting the AC Input Configuration

“Click” on the ‘Use Values’ button to populate the selected data to the Default Configuration Window. The ‘Write
Default Configuration’ button will now be in red text indicating that there is data ready to be written to the MPC35.
The middle Window on the desktop will also update showing useful data such as module type required, number of
modules required, number of phases to be connected etc. and allows for a configuration label to be printed
identifying the charger characteristics for the end-user.
The ‘Import CSV File’ button is used when first setting up the software application and when new versions of the
CSV file are released.

Figure 31: Configuration Tab After Using Template Values

“Click” on the ‘Verify Configuration’ box, “click” on the red “Write Configuration” button to save the configuration data
into the controller over-writing the previous setup. Before the configuration is actually written to the controller the
number of installed Charger Modules is checked to ensure the Charger can meet the current requirement of the
configuration, if not an error message will be displayed and the configuration will not be written. During the writing the
process the rectifiers will run and a green progress bar will indicate the state of the download.

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5.9 Using the Monitor Function
In the opening screen of all three levels, the ability to monitor the charging process is available. In the opening
screen “click” on View and  Monitoring, this brings up the Sub Window shown in Figure 32 below.

Figure 32: Monitoring Tab

The Monitoring tab displays real time charge profile and battery information, 15 Charger alarms,15 Battery alarms,
Module current output and status (charging = green, current limiting = orange, finished = red) and output to PC to log
data to a File location at a selectable time interval.

Figure 33: Monitoring Tab IUI Profile

For example, Figure 33 above shows a 24V 100Ahr battery being charged at 14 amps. The Charge Profile is in the U
(constant voltage) stage with a Battery voltage of 28.61V, a Cell voltage of 2.384V. The battery was connected to the
Charger for 54 seconds, in bulk charge (the first constant current stage) for 11seconds and finishing charge (in this
case the constant current stage as the charge was stopped before completing the IUI profile) for 43 seconds. No
alarms occurred during the charge time and at the time of capturing the screen shot the modules were load sharing
at 6.6A and 7.0A. The load sharing is constantly changing as the modules try to maintain a balance to within 0.1A.

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5.10 Advanced Mode - Reading the Charge Profiles

To move to a different function Tab click on the tab name, the active tab is highlighted in blue. Clicking on the
“Charge Profile” will display all the details of the current charge profile and all the related settings for voltage, current
and time. When you first click on the “Charge Profiles” tab it may not actually display any profile data, “click” on the
refresh button and the currently available profiles will appear in the left hand box and the highlighted one will
populate the Charge Profile list.

Figure 34: Charge Profile Tab

Figure 35: Flooded Profile Tab After Reading the Data From the Charger

Exact details of all the settings in the profile tab are explained in Section 7. In the majority of cases there should be
no need to make individual adjustments to default settings but if necessary the profile can be customized to suit a
special charging purpose.
Scroll down the ‘Available Charge Profiles’ and “click” on the appropriate profile type that needs to be modified. Once
the required profile is selected, the profile settings will load automatically into the Charge Profile list, make the
change you require for example in Figure 35 above if longer time is required in Bulk Charge due to a deeply
discharged battery, increase the minutes in the Stage 1 Timeout box.

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Figure 36: Modifying a Charge Profile

Highlight the parameter that needs to be modified and type in the change. The text on the ‘Write Profile’ button will
change to red, make any further modifications required. “Click” on the Write Profile button and the modified Profile
will be written to the MPC35. Do not move to another profile before writing a modified Profile or it will revert to the
default settings.

5.11 Reading the Charge Log Data

Comprehensive data on every charge cycle is recorded in the controller’s memory for review and analysis during a
service technician’s site visit or to be emailed back to a service center for analysis. To access the charge log “click”
on the ‘Charge Log’ tab and then “click” on ‘Read’
Up to 2400 charge cycles can be recorded. When this has been exceeded the earliest cycle data is deleted to make
room for the new. The charge cycle number continues to increase until the log is reset. There should be no need to
ever reset the Charge Log unless the charger is redeployed to a different site, which would cause the log data to be
irrelevant. The Charge Log also captures the configuration data of the Charger so a complete record of its
performance history is retained.
Should the Charge Log need to be retained it can be saved to the computer by “clicking” on the ‘Save’ button. The
default file format for saving data is .csv, suitable for reading into Excel but .xml file format for http applications is
also provided.
Analysis of the charge data often requires some thought to interpret and draw conclusions on the possible effect on
the battery performance and life. Some suggestions as to how to go about analyzing the data are provided in the
maintenance, service and repair section of this manual.
Charge log entries can be erased by “clicking” on the ‘Erase’ button. When clearing data it is only the individual
records that are cleared, the summary data of the total number of starts /cycles accumulate for the life of the charger.

Figure 37: Typical Charge Log

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5.12 Reading the Charger Alarm Log Data

Comprehensive data on every alarm is recorded in the controller’s memory for review and analysis during a service
technician’s site visit. To access the alarm log “click” on the “Alarm Log” tab and then “click” on “Read Log”
Up to 200 alarm event cycles are recorded and once 200 has been exceeded the earliest alarm log data is deleted to
make room for the new. There is no need to reset the alarm log unless the charger is redeployed to a different site,
which could cause the alarm data to be irrelevant.
Should the alarm log need to be retained it can be saved to the computer by clicking on the “Save” button. The
default file format for saving data is .csv suitable for reading into Excel but .xml file format for http applications is also
provided. By “clicking” on the erase button the alarm log can be erased, a warning is displayed to avoid accidentally
clearing the data.

Figure 38: Typical Alarm Log

5.13 Bootloader Tab

The Bootloader tab is reserved for making adjustments to the internal Firmware of the controller. Should new
features be added to the Controller there may be the requirement to “up-load” new firmware into the MPC35
processor, a process known as Bootloading. Should this be necessary ensure the instructions provided with the
replacement firmware are carefully followed to avoid unpredictable results. The firmware is effectively the operating
system for the Controller and should it get corrupted then the Controller will need to be returned to the factory for re-
When a controller is bootloaded, all the profile and monitor settings are returned to defaults, so if there are custom
settings added, they will need to be restored following a bootload.
Calibration setting and the User Serial Numbers are restored automatically following a bootload.

Figure 39: Bootloader Tab

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“Click” on ‘Open file’ and select the new firmware file from the PC location where it has been saved, in this case
C:\Documents\SWEN-MPC35-29.hex. “Click” on the ‘Read’ button and ensure that the Checksum area is populated.
“Click” on the ‘Program’ button and wait until the programming process is complete when ‘SUCCESS’ will be
Always follow the instructions supplied with the Replacement Firmware

5.14 Controller Settings Tab

To access the controller settings “click” on the ‘Controller Settings’ tab, “clicking” on the ‘Refresh All’ button will
populate the default or latest modified set of values into the appropriate fields of the Window.

Figure 40: Controller Settings Tab

Although all of the fields can be manually changed the majority should only be changed by a fully trained Technician
with a high level of knowledge of both the Charger and Battery technology. Some of the settings, eg Auto Watering
Enable, may be a customer requirement that needs to be set as part of the configuration process.
Test Mode Enable allows for the charger to be run in to a resistive load, a Battery Status Indicator (BSI) can be
activated, a Relay Alarm Mode can be added and the presentation of the LCD Display can be modified.

5.15 Auto Equalize Settings Tab

Figure 41: Set By Profile Auto Equalize

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In the Configuration Tab and the right hand box headed “Auto Equalize settings” click on the “Set by Profile” button
to active the settings detailed in the “Charge Profiles” tab. These settings have a default condition dictated by the
profile selected but individual values can be changed to suit by ‘clicking’ on the box to be changed and typing in the
new value.

Figure 42: Set By Cycle Based Auto Equalize

By ‘clicking’ on the “Cycle based” button the Auto EQ can be set to occur after a specific number of full charge
cycles. For example if the “Cycles” box contains a 3 then the equalize charge will occur automatically after the 3rd full
standard charge cycle.

Figure 43: Set By Time Based Auto Equalize

‘Clicking’ on the “Time based” button allows a timer based start of the equalize charge. Parameters available are
Hours/Minutes, am/pm, the day of the week and the weekly occurrence. These values have to be written into the
Controller memory, ‘click’ on the “Write” button and then the “Read” button to verify the settings. The application can
be synchronized to a PC by ‘clicking on the “Set to PC button. ‘Clicking’ on the “Read” button will update the data
displayed in real time.

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6. Application Information

6.1 Product Suitability – Mechanical

The Modular Charger is a high performance, high power device that should be handled and installed appropriately. It
must not be exposed to heavy handling, moisture or corrosive substances. Damage caused to the Charger or
Charger Modules due to installation in an inappropriate location is not covered by the product warranty.
When installing the Charger ensure the intended location is protected against the wind, rain and contact with moving
equipment or vehicles.

6.2 Product Suitability – Electrical

The Modular Charger is suitable for a very wide range of battery charging applications. The FS3 product is suitable
for 24, 36 or 48V batteries in the range 200 to 1200Ahr. Charge profiles are provided for the following battery
types/applications; Flooded, GEL , VRLA, HR (Opportunity), AGM-Ch, AGM-M, AGM-R and XFC although all
types/applications may not be available via the CSV file format according to customer requirements.
The Charger is also provided with a test mode where it can function as a high current DC power supply over the
range of 24 to 57.6VDC (65V at reduced output current). Note test mode bypasses a lot of the controller protection
functions and accordingly it needs to be set each time the Charger is connected to the AC supply. A break in AC
power resets the charger to the last configuration loaded.
By utilizing the MP130 and MP330 modules the Charger can be connected to a variety of AC inputs. The most
common ones being 208-240VAC single phase, 208-240VAC single phase split leg, 208-277VAC three phase and
380-480VAC three phase. The maximum DC output per module is 60 Amps and the FS3 will house up to 3 modules
in parallel giving a maximum of 180 Amps at 9 Kilowatts.

6.3 Installation

Installation of the Modular Charger is very straightforward. It is delivered factory fitted with rubber feet to suit sitting
on a rack or floor provided adequate protection from damage by contact with the lift truck is provided. A mounting
bracket that can be attached to the base, rear and side panels and fixed to a bench or wall is available as an option,
see Figure 14. The Charger is provided with two handles on the top for ease of handling. The weight of the Charger
depends on the number of Charger modules fitted, with three modules it weighs approx 46lbs.

6.4 Mains Powering Options

Mains input options differ for the MP130 and MP330 modules. As a boost converter the MP130 is designed to work
with lower mains voltages, both single and three phase, and with a neutral. When connecting the MP130 to a 3
phase supply (208-277VAC) a phase to phase L1-L2-L3 Delta wiring configuration is used internally.
As a Buck converter the MP330 is designed to work with higher mains voltages (380-480VAC) and 3 phase only.
When connecting an MP330 to the mains supply it will function with or without a neutral.
The preferred mains outlet sockets for the FS3 modular charger are a Clipsal 56P520, a PDL 56CV550 or
If a Charger is to be delivered for use on 10A or 15A mains supply it must be internally hardware limited to ensure
that the AC input current is less than 10A or 15A. This is not an end-user selectable function and must be factory set
prior to dispatch, Section 4 refers to hardware configuration.

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6.5 Configuration

Before the Charger is used it must be configured to suit the battery type and rating. Full details of how to configure
the Charger are provided in Sections 4 & 5. Section 4 refers to hardware configuration and Section 5 refers to
software configuration.

6.6 Expectation from the Users

The Charger has been designed for use where there is little electrical or battery charging knowledge and the
expectations from the user are:
1) Do not intentionally modify the charger. Do not install it in inappropriate locations where it could get wet,
exposed to corrosive chemicals, not have adequate space to ventilate and cool properly or get damaged by collision
with a lift truck.
2) Provide the necessary OH&S instructions to the operators to provide the required safe working environment
including the necessary testing and tagging of the Charger prior to use.
3) Report faults or problems. Should the charger or its AC or DC cables get damaged, do not use the Charger
until inspection by an appropriately qualified or experienced person.

6.7 Operational Requirements

Whilst the Charger is functionally configurable, it remains very easy to use. There are no complicated front panel
menus to navigate or button combinations to press. Once the charger is configured using the PC application, it is just
a matter of plugging in the battery and selecting ‘Start’ with the front panel toggle switch.
If the configuration of the Charger does not match the battery the Charger will not start. Should the configuration of
the Charger require more charging current than is available from the installed Charger Modules, the charger will start
but then will shut down and indicate a configuration error.
The key operational requirement is to check that the front panel of the Charger is indicating the voltage, Amp hour
rating and battery type that matches the battery to be plugged in.
The FS3 is provided with two large LED lamps to give a straightforward indication of the Charger’s status
1) No LEDs illuminated, Charger stopped
2) RED illuminated, charging
3) GREEN illuminated, charge complete
4) RED flashing, minor alarm, charge not affected
5) Both RED & GREEN flashing, major alarm, charge is stopped
Before plugging in or unplugging a battery the toggle switch should always be set to STOP
The MPC35 display backlight is controlled to illuminate at specific times to enable the user to read the display
without having to push a button.

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6.8 Alarm Functions

The Charger includes comprehensive protection and alarm monitoring. The current alarm status is indicated in the
Monitoring tab of the PC application. The alarms are graded into urgent and non-urgent alarms. Urgent alarms
indicate a dangerous condition that immediately stops the charge cycle. Non-urgent alarms are indicated on the front
panel and are logged in the alarm log but do not actually stop a charge cycle. Non-urgent alarms can be expected to
occur from time to time mainly due to the varying charge characteristics of batteries, but should the alarms
consistently arise then further investigation is required.
If an urgent alarm occurs mid charge cycle the charger stops, illuminates the small red LED on the front panel
display and causes both large green and red LED lamps to flash.
If a non-urgent alarm occurs mid charge cycle amber LED on the front panel display illuminates and the large red
LED lamp flashes.
In both cases the alarm is logged into the memory of the MPC35 in the form of an alarm log that can be downloaded
at a later date to aid fault diagnosis. In the PC application the relevant alarm name highlight changes from green to

6.9 Charger Alarms

Figure 44: Charger Alarms

6.10 Charger Related Alarms

Main Switch, Urgent, shows the status of the front panel start/stop toggle switch.
Inlet Filter, Non-urgent, can give a warning as to when the inlet filter needs servicing but is not enabled by default.
Low Mains, Non-urgent, gives an indication of variation in the input mains voltage without actually affecting the
ability of the charger to provide rated output. Can also indicate that a Charger Module is being overloaded.
Mains Fail, Urgent, a mains loss situation and the charge cannot proceed.
Non-Urgent Rectifier Fail, Non-urgent, there is a power module that is not providing output but the Charger is still
operating but redundancy has been lost. Reduced power output and longer charge time as a result.
Urgent Rectifier Fail, Urgent, if the number of power modules not providing output equals or exceeds the setting for
urgent module count in the PC application monitor tab then the charger will stop. If the urgent module count is set to
one then the Charger is configured without redundancy and a single fault will stop the charge.
Rectifier Over Temperature, Urgent, normally related to a blocked filter, restricted exhaust air or installation in an
inappropriate location.
Configuration Error, Urgent, the Charger cannot meet the target current required by the controller even with all
fitted power modules operating. The configuration does not meet the limits set for a 10A or 15A mains input
hardware limited charger.
Output Fuse, Urgent, a blown fuse in nearly all cases is caused by connecting a reverse polarity battery to the
Charger. When a fuse is blown check all cells for a reversed cable connection, a common problem with first charge
of shift batteries that have not been previously tested in a lift truck. After replacing a battery or Charger cable always
check the polarity before plugging the battery into the Charger.

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No Output Current, Urgent, the charger is not providing the expected output current. Generally related to a
premature disconnection of the battery, but also could be an incorrectly inserted power module.
Monitor ADC Fail, Urgent, the internal watchdog of the MPC35s micro-controller is indicating a major fault and
potential unpredictable behavior if the Charger is left running.
Note: APC Communication Fail, APC Incorrect Voltage, APC Unknown Charger alarms refer to the Auto Profile
Configuration module currently being developed.

6.11 Battery Related Alarms

Over discharged Battery, Urgent, the battery is still under 1.9Vpc after 30 seconds of charge and indicates a faulty
battery that needs investigation.
Deeply Discharge Battery, Non-urgent, the battery initially is under 1.9Vpc but recovers within 30 seconds of the
charge cycle start, this alarm normally comes up when a battery is unplugged from the lift truck and immediately
plugged into the Charger.
Sulphated Battery, Urgent, the battery fails to complete a de-sulphation profile applied by the Charger correctly and
generally means that the battery requires attention.
Incorrect Battery, Urgent, the battery is inappropriate for the configuration of the charger and cannot be charged
without reconfiguring the charger to suit the battery.
Bulk Charge Timeout, Urgent, the battery has exceeded the maximum time allowed for the initial constant current
bulk charge phase. Could indicate a faulty battery or the charger configuration is not correct for the size of battery to
be charged. May need additional Charger Modules added to the Charger.
Finishing Charge Timeout, Non-urgent, the battery has exceeded the maximum time allowed for the finishing part
of the charge cycle. Generally not a problem and indicates the battery did not quite perform as expected. Not
uncommon with new batteries that are still cycling up to full capacity (allow 10 cycles) however if the alarm is a
regular occurrence it needs investigation and possible adjustment of the charger or service of the battery.
Battery Disconnected, Urgent, the battery has been unplugged before charge cycle has complete. This can
damage the battery connector and increase risks of battery explosions as sparks around batteries at their top of
charge whilst gassing can be very dangerous. If the battery needs to be disconnected mid cycle, the toggle switch
must be first set to STOP. This will stop the charge and log a partial cycle in the charge log but allows safe
disconnection of the battery.
Reversed Battery, Urgent, a battery with it’s plus and minus cables reversed has been connected to the charger.
Generally this will also cause an output fuse alarm and the need to replace the chargers DC output fuse(s). Such a
situation is not covered by warranty as new batteries should always first be checked for correct polarity BEFORE
plugging onto the lift truck or a charger.
Minimum dV/dt, Non-Urgent, details the change in battery voltage over time. The alarm occurs when the change in
voltage exceeds the value set in the profile settings. This alarm also indicates the termination of a successful charge.
Maximum Cell Voltage, Non-Urgent, occurs when the voltage per cell exceeds the value set in the profile settings.
Typically 2.7V per cell for lead acid batteries.
Batt Over Temp – Start, Urgent, occurs when the battery temperature measured before a charge profile starts
exceeds the value set in the controller settings. This alarm will not allow the charge profile to continue.
Batt Over Temp – Charge, Non-Urgent, occurs when the battery temperature measured during a charge profile
exceeds the value set in the controller settings. This alarm will allow the charge profile to complete.
+dI/dt, Urgent, occurs when the measured current in the constant voltage stage is rising instead of falling. This alarm
will terminate the charge profile.
Minimum Current, Non-Urgent, occurs when using a IU profile and the current in the constant voltage stage falls
below the value set in the profile settings. This alarm will not stop a profile and is considered normal for some types
of batteries.
EQ/Refresh Timeout, Non-Urgent, occurs when the time in a given stage of the equalize profile exceeds the value
set for that stage of the profile. This alarm will terminate the equalize charge but is not considered an urgent alarm.

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7. Charge Profiles

The EMP FS series modular charger systems are pre-programmed with 5 different Charge Profiles and can store up
to 16 different customized Charge Profiles. This allows the charger to charge a wide variety of different battery types
and chemistries allowing the charger to be utilized in every traction-charging situation.

Figure 45: Charge Profiles

The Charge Profiles store the “recipe” for how a given battery type is to be charged using one of 5 different Charge
Profile Types (IUIa, IUa, IUUa, Ia, De-sulphation), refer to section 7.2 for further details on the Charge Profile Types,
and all the different parameters that can be modified.

When the charger is configured prior to delivery to installation using the Configuration screen on the supplied
Charger Interface Software, the details (ie voltage and A/hr Capacity) for the actual battery to be charged are
selected and saved to the charger. Alternatively this can also be carried out by using an Auto Profile Configuration
(APC) module connected to each battery. This will then automatically program the charger with the correct charge
profile, and settings for the battery.

The details of the 5 pre-programmed Charge Profiles are shown in the next section.

7.1 Standard Pre-configured Charge Profiles

7.1.1 Flooded

Figure 46: This profile uses an IUIa Charge Profile Type

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The first (Bulk Charge) stage is constant current at 100% of the configured charge current for the battery, until the
cell voltage equals 2.4V/cell. If the cell voltage does not reach this level within 390 minutes of the start of charging,
then the charger will stop and signal an alarm.
The second stage is at a constant voltage of 2.4V/cell and continues until the current drops to 30% of the configured
charge current for the battery.
The third (Gassing Charge) stage is at a constant current of 30% of the configured charge current for the battery,
and continues until any of the following criteria are met:
The cell voltage changes by less than 3mV/cell in 15 minutes
The battery reaches a voltage of 2.7V/cell
The total time for stage 2 and stage 3 has reached 330 minutes.
If an equalizing charge is set to occur (refer to charger configuration settings), it will be for a maximum duration of
180 minutes at 25% of the configured charge current or until the cell voltage reaches 2.7V/cell.

7.1.2 GEL

Figure 47: This profile uses an IUIa Charge Profile Type

The first (Bulk Charge) stage is constant current at 100% of the configured charge current for the battery, until the
cell voltage equals 2.35V/cell. If the cell voltage does not reach this level within 360 minutes of the start of charging,
then the charger will stop and signal an alarm.
The second stage is at a constant voltage of 2.35V/cell and continues until the current drops to 6% of the configured
charge current for the battery. If the charger current does not reach this level within 270 minutes of the start of the
start of stage 2, then the charger will stop and signal an alarm.
The third stage is at a constant current of 6% of the configured charge current for the battery, and continues until any
of the following criteria are met:
The cell voltage changes by less than 3mV/cell in 15 minutes
The battery reaches a voltage of 2.6V/cell
The total time for stage 3 has reached 180 minutes.
If an equalizing charge is set to occur (refer to charger configuration settings), it will be for a maximum duration of
120 minutes at 10% of the configured charge current or until the cell voltage reaches 2.6V/cell.

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7.1.3 AGM

Figure 48: This profile uses an IUIa Charge Profile Type

The first (Bulk Charge) stage is constant current at 100% of the configured charge current for the battery, until the
cell voltage equals 2.37V/cell. If the cell voltage does not reach this level within 390 minutes of the start of charging,
then the charger will stop and signal an alarm.
The second stage is at a constant voltage of 2.37V/cell and continues until the current drops to 19% of the
configured charge current for the battery.
The third stage is at a constant current of 19% of the configured charge current for the battery, and continues until
any of the following criteria are met:
The cell voltage changes by less than 3mV/cell in 15 minutes
The battery reaches a voltage of 2.55V/cell
The total time for stage 2 and stage 3 has reached 210 minutes.
If an equalizing charge is set to occur (refer to charger configuration settings), it will be for a maximum duration of
120 minutes at 10% of the configured charge current or until the cell voltage reaches 2.55V/cell.

7.1.4 Opportunity Profile

Figure 49: Opportunity Profile

This profile uses an IUIa Charge Profile Type, however it will terminate if the battery is left connected after
completion of the first Bulk Charge stage.
The first (Bulk Charge) stage is constant current at 100% of the configured charge current for the battery, until the
cell voltage equals 2.4V/cell. If the cell voltage does not reach this level within 390 minutes of the start of charging,
then the charger will stop and signal an alarm.
With Auto/EQ/Refresh Options set to 2 a normal IUIa profile will stop at the end of stage 1.
If an equalizing charge is set to occur (refer to charger configuration settings) a complete charge cycle will occur with
a finish rate of 20% of the configured charge current and equalize. It will be for a maximum duration of 180 minutes
at 16% of the configured charge current or until the cell voltage reaches 2.7V/cell.

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7.1.5 HR

Figure 50: This profile uses an IUa Charge Profile Type

The first (Bulk Charge) stage is constant current at 100% of the configured charge current for the battery, until the
cell voltage equals 2.37V/cell.
The second stage is at a constant voltage of 2.37V/cell and continues until the current drops to 0% of the configured
charge current for the battery, or the battery has been charging for a total of 240 minutes.
The charger will then wait for 20 hours before commencing a Refresh charge.
The Refresh charge stage will be at a constant current of 20% of the configured charge current for the battery and
continues until any of the following criteria are met:
The cell voltage changes by less than 2mV/cell in 15 minutes
The battery reaches a voltage of 2.7V/cell
The total time for the Refresh has reached 360 minutes.

A more detailed description of the settings used in the Charge Profiles are shown in section 7.2

7.2 Charge Profile Types

7.2.1 IUIa

This profile type is the most common used for charging flooded traction batteries. The bulk charge portion of the IUIa
is also used for Opportunity Charging which can be initiated from the .csv file when configuring the Charger.
The general shape of the IUIa profile is shown in Figure 45 below. The first “I” stage, constant current, is commonly
referred to as “Bulk Charge”, where the bulk of the amp hours are returned to the battery. At the completion of the
bulk stage the amp hours returned will be approx 80% of the total amp hours that will be returned by the completion
of the full charge cycle.
The next “U” and “I” stages are commonly known as the “Finishing Charge” which provides the required overcharge
to return the battery to its full capacity and ensure it is ready for the next discharge cycle, without excessive
temperature rise of the battery. The “U” part of the finishing cycle is constant voltage at or near the voltage when the
battery starts gassing which allows the current to reduce to a point where it is safe for the battery to gas freely. The
final “I” stage, again constant current, allows the battery to gas freely ensuring that the full capacity is restored.

The termination of the charge is determined by monitoring the rate of change of battery voltage over a 15 minute
time frame, dV/dt. Different batteries and different states of charge perform slightly differently during the finishing
charge and monitoring when the voltage stops rising is an accepted way of ensuring an optimal time to stop the

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Figure 51: IUIa Charge Profile Parameters

Stage 1 Current, the percentage of the nominal charger current (set in the configuration) that is used for the bulk
charge stage, normally set to 100%.

Stage 1 Timeout, the maximum time the Charger will stay in bulk charge. If this time is exceeded the charger stops
with a major alarm as it could indicate a faulty battery with short circuit cells. Whilst the setting is in minutes the
timeout is actually calculated based on amp hours returned to the battery rather than just time, allowing a faulty
Charger Module to reduce the charge current available and lengthen the bulk charge time accordingly.
Although a faulty power module should always be replaced, in most situations the Charger will still complete a
charge cycle with one module failed.

Stage 2 Voltage, the setting for the constant voltage stage, set in accordance with the battery technology depending
on when a particular battery type starts to gas.

Stage 3 Current, the percentage of the nominal charger current to which the charge current needs to reduce to in
order to transition to second constant current stage. The setting varies with the capability of the battery technology to
accept current during gassing. This setting is very important for sealed cells where it needs to be quite low to prevent
the battery losing electrolyte and drying out.

Stage 3 Min dV/dt, is the rate of change of battery voltage in mV/15min/cell used to determine the automatic end
point of the charge cycle.

Stage 2 Timeout, is the maximum time the charger will stay in the constant voltage stage of the cycle.

Stage 3 Max Cell Voltage, is the maximum voltage the charger will reach in stage 3. It provides protection against
applying too great a voltage to the battery. The occasional maximum voltage trips are not a major problem and the
charge completes with a minor alarm. Regular maximum voltage trips occurring indicates that the battery needs

Equalize Current, the percentage of the nominal Charger current (set in the configuration) that is used for the
equalization, normally set to quite a low value, typically 25% for a flooded battery, less for GEL or AGM.

Equalization Duration, the duration of the equalization

Equalize Max Cell Voltage, the maximum charger output voltage during the equalize charge. Normally set to the
same as the Stage 3 max cell volts but can also be a little higher to allow more headroom for a full equalize to occur.

Stage 3 Timeout, is the maximum time the Charger will stay in the constant current gassing part of the cycle. This
time can vary when the battery is new. Whilst it is necessary to provide a limit to the time, the occasional finishing
charge timeout is not a major problem resulting in only a minor alarm indication. Should Finishing Timeout errors be
regular then the battery should be investigated. It is not always necessary to have separate stage 2 and stage 3
timeouts. If the stage 3 timeout is set to zero then the stage 2 timeout is used as the combined stage2/3 limit.

Auto Equalize After, is the time that the battery needs to remain connected to the Charger for it to initiate an auto
equalize cycle. Normally set to 30 hours to allow an equalization over a weekend period.

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Equalize Lockout, is the minimum time after the completion of a charge cycle before an equalize can start. This is
sometimes a requirement of battery charger specifications to allow for the battery to cool before applying an equalize
charge. When the lockout is set then this is the minimum time between charge complete and equalize even if the
equalize is manually initiated.

Temperature Compensation Factor, is the factor used to adjust the chargers voltage setting to allow for different
battery temperature. It is in mV/°C/cell and the normal setting for lead acid batteries is -3.0
Auto Equalize options, if set to 1 then auto equalize is enabled. This will result in an equalize charge commencing
automatically every charge cycle provided the battery remains connected for longer than the Auto Equalize After
If set to 0 then the auto equalize function of the charge profile is inhibited. Note it is still possible to manually initiate
an equalize charge via the front panel or by the Cycle and Time based Auto Equalize settings as set in the
Configuration of the Charger.

Opportunity Charge Option, is a selectable profile that utilizes only the bulk charge portion of the IUIa profile.
If the Auto Equalize/Refresh Option is set to 2 then this initiates a stop after the bulk charge stage. This option is
normally used in conjunction with the Auto Equalize Settings allowing the battery to receive a full charge cycle
complete with the Equalization Charge when the Opportunity Charge is not manually terminated and the battery is
left connected to the Charger.

7.2.2 IUa

This Profile type is most often used where there is a high charger output rating relative to the battery capacity where
you want to be able to quickly return Amphrs but not necessarily return the battery to a fully charged state
The IUa profile includes settings to suit a “partial state of charge” application where there is a high rate current used
for Stage 1 and then control over subsequent charge stages to be able to proceed to take the battery to fully charged
state if necessary. Settings for the IUa profile need to be carefully set to suit the actual battery and application. If the
full capability of the IUa profile is used there can actually be up to 5 stages:
Constant Current; Constant Voltage; Wait; Constant Current; Constant Voltage
The settings that controls the Wait stage and the second Constant Current/Constant voltage stages are actually
referred to as “Refresh” to differentiate them from the EQ settings in the IUIa profile, but the basic logic of the setting
is the same. They are called “EQ/Refresh”.

Figure 52: IUa Charge Profile Parameters

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Stage 1 Current, the percentage of the nominal charger current (set in the configuration) that is used for the bulk
charge stage, normally set to 100%.

Stage 1+2 Timeout the maximum total elapsed time in minutes that the charger will deliver charge to the battery. In
an IU profile it is normally required to limit the total time in stage 1&2

Stage 2 Voltage, the setting for the constant voltage stage, set in accordance with the battery technology depending
on when a particular battery type starts to gas. This is an important voltage and should take into account
temperature, ideally with active compensation of the battery voltage with the measured battery temperature.

Stage 2 Timeout, this gives the ability to limit the maximum time the charger will stay in the constant voltage stage
of the cycle. Normally set to 0 with the combined Stage1+2 Timeout being used.

Minimum Current, once the charge current in Stage 2 drops below this value the charge cycle will terminate and the
battery ready light will be illuminated. This gives the ability to promptly terminate the charge should the battery be in
a high state of charge without having to wait for the Stage1+2 timeout before indicating the battery is ready.

EQ/Refresh Current, the percentage of the nominal Charger current (set in the configuration) that is used for the
refresh, second constant current stage, actual setting depends on the battery type and application.

EQ/Refresh Duration, the duration of the Refresh charge, be it only constant current or a combination of constant
current and constant voltage.

Refresh Max Cell Voltage, the maximum charger output voltage during the refresh charge. Can either be a trip or a
second constant voltage stage depending on the setting of EQ/Refresh Constant Voltage.

Stage 1 Timeout, gives the ability to have a separate timeout for Stage1, normally not used.

Auto EQ/Refresh After, is the time that the battery needs to remain connected to the Charger to initiate a Refresh
cycle. The actual setting depends on the battery and the application.

EQ/Refresh Lockout, gives additional protection against a Refresh charge starting without adequate battery cool
down time.

Temperature Compensation Factor, is the factor used to adjust the chargers voltage setting to allow for different
battery temperature in mV/°C/cell. In high rate applications the setting of temperature compensation is quite
important and may need to be adjusted to suit the battery type and application.

Auto EQ/Refresh Enabled, if set to 1 then the Refresh will commence automatically when the battery stays
connected to the charger for the time set in Auto Refresh After.
If set to 0 the refresh part of the cycle is inhibited and the profile is a conventional IUa type
If set to 2 then 2 then this initiates a stop after the bulk charge stage. This option is normally used with an
Opportunity Charge Profile and in conjunction with the Auto Equalize Settings allows the battery to receive a full
charge cycle complete with the Equalization Charge when the Opportunity Charge is not terminated and the battery
is left connected to the Charger.

EQ/Refresh Min dv/dt , is the rate of change of battery voltage in mV/15min/cell used to determine the automatic
end point of the refresh cycle if the refresh voltage does not reach the Refresh Max Cell Voltage.

EQ/Refresh Constant Voltage, if set to 1 then the Refresh Maximum cell Voltage is used as a limit and the refresh
current will reduce to maintain the battery voltage at the Max cell Voltage until the Refresh Duration times out. If set
to 0 then the refresh charge will terminate when the Max Cell Voltage is reached.

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7.2.3 IUUa

This profile is an option for infrequent charging of AGM traction batteries

Figure 53: IUUa Charge Profile Parameters

Stage 1 Current, the percentage of the nominal charger current (set in the configuration) that is used for the bulk
charge stage, normally set to 100%.

Stage 1 Timeout, the maximum time the Charger will stay in bulk charge. If this time is exceeded the charger stops
with a major alarm as it could indicate a faulty battery with short circuit cells. Whilst the setting is in minutes the
timeout is actually calculated based on amp hours returned to the battery rather than just time, allowing a faulty
Charger Module to reduce the charge current available and lengthen the bulk charge time accordingly.
Although a faulty power module should always be replaced, in most situations the Charger will still complete a
charge cycle with one module failed.

Stage 2 Voltage, the setting for the constant voltage stage, set in accordance with the battery technology depending
on when a particular battery type starts to gas.

Stage 3 Current, the percentage of the nominal charger current to which the charge current needs to reduce to in
order to transition to second constant voltage stage.

Stage 2 Timeout, is the maximum time the charger will stay in the first constant voltage stage of the cycle.

Stage 3 Voltage, the setting for the second constant voltage stage.

Stage 3 Max Cell Voltage, is the maximum voltage the charger will reach in stage 3.

Stage 3 Timeout, is the maximum time the Charger will stay in the second constant voltage stage.
Equalize Setting, the Equalize settings are common in function to the IUIa profile but would not generally be used in
conjunction with a battery requiring an IUU profile. Normally would be defaulted off by setting Auto EQ Enabled to 0.

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7.2.4 Ia

This is not a charge profile intended for regular charging of traction batteries, but has been included as a
maintenance tool to be used at a workshop level for carrying out maintenance charge on damaged batteries.

Figure 54: Ia Charge Profile Parameters

Stage 1 Current, the percentage of the nominal charger current (set in the configuration) that is used for the bulk
charge stage, normally set to 100%.

Stage 1 Timeout, the maximum time the Charger will stay in bulk charge. If this time is exceeded the charger stops
with a major alarm as it could indicate a faulty battery with short circuit cells. Whilst the setting is in minutes the
timeout is actually calculated based on amp hours returned to the battery rather than just time, allowing a faulty
Charger Module to reduce the charge current available and lengthen the bulk charge time according. Although a
faulty power module should always be replaced, in most situations the Charger will still complete a charge cycle with
one module failed.

Stage 2 Voltage,(per cell) when the charger output voltage reaches this level the charge is terminated and the green
light is illuminated.

7.2.5 De-sulphation (experimental)

This is also not a regular charge profile but is included as a tool to assist with reviving sulphated batteries. It is
expected that the user will have had some experience with battery de-sulphation and can adjust the parameters as
necessary on a case by case basis to suit the needs of each individual battery that is attempted to revive.
This profile starts by pulsing the battery with current until the pulse current equals the Stage 1 current, and then it
switches to a constant current stage until it reaches a dv/dt limit at which time it then switches to a constant voltage

Figure 55: De-sulphation Charge Profile Parameters

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Pulsing On Time, used in conjunction with the Pulsing OFF time setting to set the duty cycle of the current pulses
used to DeSulphate the battery plates.

Stage 1 Voltage, usually set to a high level to try and force the battery to accept some current and commence the
de-sulphation process.

Stage 1 Current, based on the percentage of the nominal charger current (set in the configuration) the charger
switches over to the constant current phase of the first stage when the current reaches this level.

Stage 1 Min dV/dt, is the rate of change of battery voltage in mV/15min/cell used to determine the automatic end
point of the stage 1 of the DES charge cycle.

Stage 1 Timeout, the maximum time the Charger will stay in the Pulsing or constant current phase during stage 1. If
the charger has not transitioned to stage 2 after this time then the charge cycle is halted and an alarm is raised.

Stage 2 Current, the percentage of the nominal charger current used for the second constant current stage.

Stage 2 Duration, the Maximum time for the stage 2 constant current.

Stage 2 Voltage, is the maximum voltage stage of stage 2 the cycle that can either be a limit or a trip depending on
the setting of EQ/Refresh Constant Voltage.

Pulsing OFF time, used in conjunction with the Pulsing ON time setting to set the duty cycle of the current pulses
used to de-sulphate the battery plates
Transition Delay, is the wait time between Stage 1 and Stage 2.

Temperature Compensation Factor, is the factor used to adjust the chargers voltage setting to allow for different
battery temperature. This is not very relevant to the DES profile that primarily uses constant current

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8. FS3 Self-Test Process

8.1 Introduction
A short self-test process that verifies basic functions of the Charger is accessible from the front panel via the up arrow,
down arrow and ENTER buttons. A combination of button presses allows entry of the Self-test mode, and tests the
ability to store data, the on/off function, the charge status indicators, a buzzer test, the Charger Module start-up, the
real time clock and the internal memory. At least one Charger module needs to be fitted for the tests to complete.

8.2 Test Process

With mains power only applied to the Charger ensure that the LCD displays the start-up screen

Connect Battery
48V 1000AHr
Flooded 100A
Hold down the and buttons simultaneously for 10 seconds and ensure that the display changes to Test
Mode Disabled as below

Test Mode

Press the button to get to the Self-Test Disabled menu, then press the ENTER button to bring up the double
headed arrow.
Self Test Self Test
Disabled Disabled

Press the button to enable Self Test and press the ENTER button. In the Cancel/Store menu press the
button to select Store.
Self Test Cancel Cancel
Enabled Store Store

Press ENTER and in the Switch Test menu Toggle the On/Off switch. Ensure that the Red Charging lamp in
illuminated and the display reads Red Led Test. Press the button to pass the test.

Self Test Self Test

Switch Test Red Led Test
Toggle Switch ON - Push UP
In Green Led Test menu ensure that the Green Ready lamp is illuminated and the display reads Green Led Test.
Press the button to pass the test.

Self Test
Green Led Test
ON - Push UP
In the Buzzer Test menu ensure the buzzer is sounding, press the button to pass the test. The next 3 tests
are automated and require no user intervention.
Self Test Self Test Self Test Self Test
Buzzer Test RTC Test Rectifier Test Memory Test
ON - Push UP
On completion of the test the LCD comes up as shown below, if a fault occurs the test will stop at the point of
failure. Cycling the power returns the Charger to normal operation mode.

Self Test
Test Succeeded

(Enter to Exit)

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9. Maintenance, Service and Repair

9.1 Maintenance

The Charger, provided it is installed correctly in an appropriate location, will require little maintenance. The only
requirement is to monitor the air inlet filter for dirt build up, the Charger Modules have on-board airflow monitoring but
regular visual inspection should be carried out. The Charger Modules require a healthy supply of cooling air during
the charge cycle and a blocked filter will affect the cooling ability, reduced airflow could lead to the Charger
protecting itself by backing off the output power and eventually shutting down. Having the power modules back off
due to over temperature will cause longer charge times and the inability to charge the battery correctly, units
operated with blocked filters for extended periods will result in premature failure of the Charger Module cooling fans.
The recommended service interval is 6 months but this will vary depending on the location of the Charger and the
number of charge cycles performed, the filters may require cleaning on a monthly basis. The fans in the Charger
Modules only run during charging and are speed controlled. If the Charger Module is lightly loaded the fans will be
turning slowly. At full power there is considerable requirement for cooling air and the fans will be working hard. The
intermittent nature of the required fan performance results in the fans having a long service life with no scheduled fan
replacement being required.
The filter material is an electrostatic polypropylene type that is easily cleaned with compressed air or in extreme
situations washed with clean soapy water. Before attempting to clean the filter it is necessary to remove it from the
housing and taken to an appropriate place to be cleaned. If it is washed it must be left to dry fully before being
refitted to the charger, drawing moist or wet air into the Charger Modules could cause failure of the modules.
The electrostatic filters whilst offering a good compromise between filtering and clogging can let through a quantity of
dust that will enter the power modules. A small quantity of dust in the charger Modules will generally not cause
problems however excessive build-up, or where the material is corrosive, conductive or wet, will cause problems.
Accordingly when the filter is inspected, the front air inlet grills of the Charger Modules should be inspected for
excessive signs of dirt build up. Should the Charger modules be covered in dust they should be removed from the
housing for close inspection of any external signs of damage or corrosion. If it is just a build-up of dry dust the
Charger Module should be cleaned out.
To clean out the module take the module to a suitable location and brush the build-up from the front grills without
forcing it down into the fans. Then use a suitable small screw driver that is no longer than 50mm to lock the fan
impeller in place, use a compressed air blower down through the fans to blow the dust through the module and out
the back. Do not use excessive pressure or hold the nozzle too close to the air inlet. A reasonably gentle air flow is
all that is required to clean out the internal area of the module. If the Charger Modules have considerable dust build
up the housing may also need to be blown out.
Under no circumstance attempt to open the Charger Module. If the external inspection shows any signs of damage
then the module will require return to the Distributor for factory repair.

9.2 Blocked Filter

The operating location of the Chargers will result in them being exposed to dirty and dusty environments. Provided
there is some maintenance process in place the filter should not affect the performance of the Charger Modules.
Under extreme conditions if the filter is blocked or the exhaust air impeded, a protection circuit in the Charger
Modules may operate. If this happens the modules emit a very different fan noise indicating the modules are under
stress. The charger may still be successfully charging batteries but it is very important that the modules are not left in
this stressed operating condition for an extended period of time. If the internal temperatures of a module are
consistently allowed to reach the protection level the module will wear out quickly and potentially fail. Modules
damaged by overheating due to lack of filter maintenance will not be covered by warranty.

9.3 Blown DC Fuse

A reverse connected battery in most situations will blow the output fuse(s) in the Charger. A fuse blown alarm will be
indicated on the LCD display and the fuses should be replaced. The fuses are of the high speed type and must not
be replaced with an alternative.

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9.4 Charger Module Fault

If a Charger Module requires service it should be removed from the housing and returned to the Distributor for
factory repair. The Charger Modules do have internal fuses but they are not user serviceable as they will only blow
because of some other fault internal to the module. Never attempt to open a Charger Module, there are no user
serviceable parts and warranty will be void.

9.5 Charger Fault

The controller module is a low power device and in the unlikely event that it requires service it should be removed
from the housing and returned via the Distributor for factory repair. A more normal reason to replace a controller
module may to be reconfigure a Charger without the software application required. A replacement controller can
easily be factory configured, taken to site and fitted.

9.6 Housing Fault

The Charger contains an auxiliary power supply used to power the controller and hold the power modules in
shutdown until a correct voltage battery is connected and the charger started. Should the power supply fail, the
power modules will not be controlled properly and erratic Charger performance will occur.
The auxiliary power supply is connected to the AC Filter Board by a Distributor configurable connector for either
480V or 240V operation. The voltage selection is part of the hardware configuration described in Section 6 of this
manual. The auxiliary power supply is part of the Backplane assembly.
The Backplane is the assembly that connects the AC Input, DC Output and control cabling to the Charger Modules.
Although very robust it can be damaged by overheating should there be any loose joints in the high current DC
Output connections. Charger Module fail alarms can indicate possible backplane problems if the fault cannot be
attributed to a Charger Module. Before replacing a Backplane first move the power modules between positions to
see if the fault stays with the backplane position, or moves with the power module.
As with the Backplane the Bus Bars can only really be damaged by a loose electrical connection. The Modular
Charger is a high powered device and any poor electrical joint can cause considerable damage to the Charger.
When working with high power devices take extra care that all electrical joints are correctly made with bolts tight and
the correct lugs are terminated with the correct crimping tools.
Front panel indicator lights on the FS3 are LED and do not have a bulb to wear out. A failure is more likely to be due
to mechanical damage or a loose wire on the rear of the LED housing.

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10. Trouble Shooting

Problem Possible Cause Remedy

Main Switch Alarm Front panel switch in the STOP position Charge will start when the switch is set to START

Inlet Filter Alarm Air inlet filter blocked Clean the filter

AC mains supply is low or Charger Check configuration of the Charger suits the
Low Mains Alarm
Modules may be overloaded application

Charger Module not providing output,

Non-Urgent Rectifier Fail
there is capacity to charge at a reduced Replace the faulty Charger module(s)

Faulty Charger Modules are affecting the

Urgent Rectifier Fail Alarm Replace the faulty Charger Module(s)
ability of the charger to charge the battery

Rectifier Fan Fail Faulty power module fan Replace Charger Module

Check air inlet filter is not blocked, check the

Rectifier Over Temperature Charger Module is overheating charger is installed without any obstructions to air
inlet and outlet

Check the controller configuration matches the

Charger cannot provide the target output
Configuration Error quantity of Power Modules installed, add Charger
Modules if necessary

Output Fuse Blown output fuse Check battery polarity, replace blown fuse

Check operator has not been unplugging battery

Charger failing to provide the required
No Output Current mid charge cycle or the charge profile has allowed
the battery current to fall below 0.7A

Replace the MPC35 controller module ensuring the

Monitor ADC Fail Faulty MPC35 controller module
replacement is correctly configured

Typically due to the battery being quickly unplugged

from the truck and plugged onto the Charger
Battery is <1.9Vpc at connection but
Over Discharged Battery without allowing the battery to recover. Regular
recovers within 30 seconds of charge
occurrences might need investigation of work

Battery is still <1.9Vpc after 30 seconds

Deeply Discharged Battery Check battery for faults
of charge

Check the configuration matches the battery, check

Battery is not the correct voltage for the
Incorrect Battery the operator is not trying to plug an incorrect battery
type onto the Charger

The bulk charge part of the cycle is Check the charger configuration matches the
Bulk Charge Timeout
longer than expected battery, check the battery for problems

Check that the configuration matches the battery,

The finishing charge part of the cycle is
Finishing Charge Timeout regular timeouts may indicate a problem with the
longer than expected

Remind the operator if there is a need to disconnect

Battery has been disconnected mid
Battery Disconnected the battery mid charge cycle they must first set the
charge cycle
front panel toggle switch to STOP

A reverse polarity battery has been Correct the incorrect battery wiring and replace the
Reversed Battery
connected to the charger blown Charger output fuse(s)

Inability to set a 36V

configuration to greater than Charger is connected to a 10 Amp mains Upgrade the AC input circuit and remove the
46A or a 48V config greater supply hardware AC current limit function
than 35A

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11. User Instructions

11.1 Introduction

The following is a concise summary of the knowledge necessary by the forklift user to correctly operate the charger.
The chargers are supplied with a User Manual which contains similar information in a more detailed format. The
Charger has been designed to require minimal set-up by the end-user but can be re-configured for a different battery
type with the use of a PC application and a trained operator.

11.2 Pre-Charge checks

Before plugging in a battery apply mains power to the Charger, check that it is suitably configured for the battery by
checking the LCD display data and check that the battery and related cabling is in good condition. If there is any
exposed copper showing through the battery cable insulation or the insulation appears overheated or burnt, DO NOT
attempt to charge the battery.

11.3 Stop/Start rocker switch

Connect the battery to the Charger using the supplied cable and set the toggle switch to START, make sure the big
red LED illuminates on the Charger.

11.4 Charge Complete

A completed charge cycle is indicated by the big green LED on the Charger being illuminated.

11.5 Fault Indicators

A flashing big red LED indicates a non-urgent alarm has occurred during the charge cycle. No action is required
unless it happens on every charge cycle. When both the red and green LEDS flash alternately an urgent alarm has
occurred, the Charger has stopped mid cycle, call for service and be aware that the battery may be only partially
charged or not charged at all.

11.6 Equalize Next Cycle

Before a charge is started it is possible to manually set the controller to perform an “Equalize Charge” at the end of a
complete charge cycle. The battery will however need to remain connected following the completion of the normal
charge until the equalize lockout time has expired, normally 4 hours. If the battery is unplugged before the lockout
expires the request for an equalize is cleared.
To enable equalize next cycle perform the following using the buttons on front panel of the Charger.
Push the button twice to select the “Eq. Next Cycle” function
Push ENTER to bring up “Disabled “
Push to select “Enabled “
Push ENTER to accept the change
Push to select “Store”
Push ENTER to store
Push to return to “Connect Battery”

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11.7 Battery Disconnection

Always set the toggle switch on the Charger to STOP before removing the connector and cable from the battery to
avoid damage to the poles of the connector and creating sparks in the vicinity of a gassing battery.

11.8 Exploded View Showing Spare Parts

Carry Handles - 396510

FS3 Lid - 396512

AC Filter & Selection PCB - 396505

FS3 Cabinet - 396003

Rocker Switch - 396520 Upper Gland Plate - 396526

USB Cover Plug - 396509
Lower Gland Plate - 396527

SM31 Large Display - 396502

Green Indicator - 396518
Front Panel Membrane - 396508
MPC35 Controller PCB - 396504

Red Indicator - 396519

396130 Fuses - 396507
Voltage Sensors
Two Piece Filter – 396529 396503
Filter Element - 396530

Mounting Bracket - 396521 DC Output Loom - 396514

DC Plug screw - 396531 FS3 Side Panel - 396513

Figure 56: Exploded view

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12. Spare Parts

Image Part Number Description

396003 FS3 Cabinet

396130 MP130 Module

396330 MP330 Module

396530 Filter Element

396531 DC Output plug retaining screw

396509 USB Hole Plug

396521 Mounting Bracket

396501 3 Across Backplane Assembly

396502 SM31 Large Display Assembly

396503 Voltage Sensor

396504 MPC35 Main Board Assembly

FS3 AC Filter and Voltage Selection


396506 Stud Diode 150A 300V

396507 Fuse HRC180A 150VDC 240VAC

396508 Front Control Panel Membrane

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396510 Carry Handle

396511 Case Foot

396512 FS3 Lid (B)

396532 FS3 Lid (C)

396513 FS3 Side Panel (B)

396533 FS3 Side Panel (C)

(available week 49 of 2011)

396514 DC Output Loom

396515 Blanking Plate Oval

396516 Blanking Plate Conduit

396518 Front Panel Green Indicator

396519 Front Panel Red Indicator

396520 Front Panel Rocker Switch

396526 Upper Gland Plate

396527 Lower Gland Plate

396528 Two Piece Filter Assembly (B)

396529 Two Piece Filter Assembly (C)

(available week 49 of 2011)

396535 Module Slot Blanking Plate

Figure 57: Spare Parts

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13. Interconnection Diagram

Figure 58: FS3 Sub Unit Connections

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14. Charge Profile Default Parameters


Flooded Flooded lead acid Cell Normal flooded traction Batteries
Profile type 1 IUIa Constant current, constant voltage, constant current
Var 0 = 100 Stage 1 Current (%) Allowable range to AS 2548 is 0.12 to 0.3xBattery C5 rating
Var 1 = 390 Stage 1 Time Out (minutes) Calculated on Ahrs to allow for a module being out of service
Var 2 = 2400 Stage 2 Vpc (x1000) 2.4Vpc temp compensated
Var 3 = 25 Stage 3 Current (%) 30% max 20% min, typically 25%
Var 4 = 3 Stage 3 dv/dt (mV/cell/15mins) Setting for the dv/dt termination
Var 5 = 330 Stage 2 Time Out (minutes) 330mins combined stage 2+3 timeout
Var 6 = 2700 Stage 3 Max Vpc (x1000) 2.7Vpc, charge stopped when reached
Var 7 = 12 Equalize Current (%) Typically 12% >20% gives max voltage trips during equalize
Var 8 = 120 Equalize Duration (minutes) Equalize Duration (minutes) 120mins
Var 9 = 2700 Equalize Max Vpc (x1000) 2.7Vpc
Var 10 = 0 Stage 3 Time Out (minutes) Flooded uses a combined timeout for stage2+3
Var 11 = 30 Auto Equalize After (minutes) Auto EQ starts after being connected to the charger for this time
Var 12 = 4 Equalize Lockout (hours) Lockout inhibit after charge complete for a manual equalize cycle
Var 13 = 30 Temp Comp Factor Compensation of -3mV/cell/ºC, Centre Temperature 25degC
Var 14 = 0 Sulphate Detect Sulphate Detect Auto sulphate detect function active 1=yes 0=no
Var 15 = 0 Auto Equalize Auto Equalize Auto equalize function active

GEL GEL cell Suitable for Evolution GEL cell batteries

Profile type 1 IUIa Constant current, constant voltage, constant current
Var 0 = 100 Stage 1 Current (%) Recommended setting is 0.17xBattery C5 rating, Max is 0.2xC5
Var 1 = 360 Stage 1 Time Out (minutes) Calculated on Ahrs to allow for a module being out of service
Var 2 = 2350 Stage 2 Vpc (x1000) 2.35Vpc temp compensated
Var 3 = 6 Stage 3 Current (%) 6%
Var 4 = 3 Stage 3 dv/dt (mV/cell/15mins) Setting for the dv/dt termination
Var 5 = 270 Stage 2 Time Out (minutes) 270mins, 4.5hrs
Var 6 = 2600 Stage 3 Max Vpc (x1000) 2.6Vpc, charge stops if reached
Var 7 = 3 Equalize Current (%) 3%
Var 8 = 120 Equalize Duration (minutes) 120mins, 2hrs
Var 9 = 260 Equalize Max Vpc (x1000) 2.6
Var 10 = 180 Stage 3 Time Out (minutes) 180mins, 3hrs
Var 11 = 30 Auto Equalize After (minutes) Auto Eq starts after being connected to the charger for this time
Var 12 = 4 Equalize Lockout (hours) Lockout inhibit after charge complete for a manual equalize cycle
Var 13 = 30 Temp Comp Factor Compensation of -3mV/cell/ºC, Centre Temperature 25degC
Var 14 = 0 Sulphate Detect Auto sulphate detect function active 1=yes 0=no
Var 15 = 0 Auto Equalize Auto Equalize Auto equalize function active 1=yes 0=no

AGM-Ch Champion Suitable for manufacturer specific motive power batteries

Profile type 1 IUIa Constant current, constant voltage, constant current
Var 0 = 100 Stage 1 Current (%) Typically 0.15xBattery C5 rating, Max 0.2xC5
Var 1 = 390 Stage 1 Time Out (minutes) 390mins, 6.5 hours
Var 2 = 2370 Stage 2 Vpc (x1000) 2.37Vpc temp compensated
Var 3 = 19 Stage 3 Current (%) 19%
Var 4 = 3 Stage 3 dv/dt (mV/cell/15mins) Setting for the dv/dt termination
Var 5 = 210 Stage 2 Time Out (minutes) 210mins, 3.5hrs, safety for a combined stage 2+3
Var 6 = 2550 Stage 3 Max Vpc (x1000) 2.55Vpc, charge stops if reached
Var 7 = 10 Equalize Current (%) 10%
Var 8 = 120 Equalize Duration (minutes) 120mins
Var 9 = 2550 Equalize Max Vpc (x1000) 2.55Vpc
Var 10 = 0 Stage 3 Time Out (minutes) Champion only use a combined timeout for stage2+3
Var 11 = 30 Auto Equalize After (minutes) Auto Eq starts after being connected to the charger for this time
Var 12 = 4 Equalize Lockout (hours) var12=4 Equalize lockout (hours) 4 hours
Var 13 = 30 Temp Comp Factor Compensation of -3mV/cell/ºC, Centre Temperature 25ºC
Var 14 = 0 Sulphate Detect Auto sulphate detect function active 1=yes 0=no
Var 15 = 0 Auto Equalize Auto equalize function active 1=yes 0=no

ConstCurr Constant current charging Commissioning charge of a flooded motive power battery
Profile type 2 Ia Constant current until time or max volts limits are reached
Var 0 = 30 Stage 1 Current (%) Uses 30% of the rated based on nom current set to 0.2xC5
Var 1 = 300 Stage 1 Time Out (minutes) 300mins 5hrs, stops provided it doesn't hit max volts first
Var 2 = 2700 Stage 2 Vpc (x1000) Shutdown limit, Hits max volts and stops
Var 3 = 0 Stage 3 Current (%) Not used in Ia profile
Var 4 = 0 Stage 3 dv/dt (mV/cell/15mins) Not used in Ia profile
Var 5 = 0 Stage 2 Time Out (minutes) Not used in Ia profile
Var 6 = 0 Stage 3 Max Vpc (x1000) Not used in Ia profile
Var 7 = 0 Equalize Current (%) Not used in Ia profile
Var 8 = 0 Equalize Duration (minutes) Not used in Ia profile
Var 9 = 0 Equalize Max Vpc (x1000) Not used in Ia profile
Var 10 = 0 Stage 3 Time Out (minutes) Not used in Ia profile
Var 11 = 0 Auto Equalize After (minutes) Not used in Ia profile
Var 12 = 0 Equalize Lockout (hours) Not used in Ia profile
Var 13 = 0 Temp Comp Factor Not used in Ia profile
Var 14 = 0 Sulphate Detect Not used in Ia profile
Var 15 = 0 Auto Equalize Not used in Ia profile

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AGM-M AGM-M charging For charging AGM motive power batteries
Profile type 3 IUUa Constant current, constant voltage, constant voltage
Var 0 = 100 Stage 1 Current (%) Stage 1 uses the full nominal rating of the charger
Var 1 = 300 Stage 1 Time Out (minutes) Calculated on Ahrs to allow for a module being out of service
Var 2 = 2450 Stage 2 Vpc (x1000) 2.45Vpc
Var 3 = 30 Stage 3 Current (%) Trip point from stage 2 (U) to stage 3 (I)
Var 4 = 0 Stage 3 dv/dt (mV/cell/15mins) Not used in IUUa profile
Var 5 = 60 Stage 2 Time Out (minutes) 60mins, 1hrs
Var 6 = 2300 Stage 3 Max Vpc (x1000) 2.30Vpc constant voltage temp comp until stage 3 time out
Var 7 = 6 Equalize Current (%) 6%
Var 8 = 120 Equalize Duration (minutes) 120mins
Var 9 = 2450 Equalize Max Vpc (x1000) 2.45Vpc
Var 10 = 300 Stage 3 Time Out (minutes) 300mins, 5hrs
Var 11 = 30 Auto Equalize After (minutes) Auto EQ starts after being connected to the charger for this time
Var 12 = 4 Equalize Lockout (hours) 4 hours
Var 13 = 30 Temp Comp Factor Compensation of -3mV/cell/ºC, Centre Temperature 25ºC
Var 14 = 0 Sulphate Detect Auto sulphate detect function active 1=yes 0=no
Var 15 = 0 Auto Equalize Auto equalize function active 1=yes 0=no

AGM-R AGM-R charging Charging reserve batteries or using as a power supply

Profile type 4 IUa Constant voltage current limited profile with a time off function
Var 0 = 100 Stage 1 Current (%) Stage 1 uses the full nominal rating of the charger
Var 1 = 720 Stage 1 Time Out (minutes) 720mins, 12 hours
Var 2 = 2350 Stage 2 Vpc (x1000) 2.35Vpc
Var 3 = 0 Stage 3 Current (%) Not used in IUa profile
Var 4 = 0 Stage 3 dv/dt (mV/cell/15mins) Not used in IUa profile
Var 5 = 0 Stage 2 Time Out (minutes) Not used in IUa profile
Var 6 = 0 Stage 3 Max Vpc (x1000) Not used in IUa profile
Var 7 = 0 Equalize Current (%) Not used in IUa profile
Var 8 = 0 Equalize Duration (minutes) Not used in IUa profile
Var 9 = 0 Equalize Max Vpc (x1000) Not used in IUa profile
Var 10 = 0 Stage 3 Time Out (minutes) Not used in IUa profile
Var 11 = 0 Auto Equalize After (minutes) Not used in IUa profile
Var 12 = 0 Equalize Lockout (hours) Not used in IUa profile
Var 13 = 0 Temp Comp Factor Not used in IUa profile
Var 14 = 0 Sulphate Detect Not used in IUa profile
Var 15 = 0 Auto Equalize Not used in IUa profile

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15. Glossary

ADC Analogue to Digital Converter, internal controller hardware to convert measurements into digital signals for processing
AGM Battery that the electrolyte is held in the separators between the plate, fitted with a pressure relief value so it only vents
under unusual circumstances
AGM-Ch Charge profile suitable for a particular type of AGM battery
AGM-M Charge profile suitable for charging AGM batteries being used in Motive Power Applications
AGM-R Charge profile suitable for charging AGM batteries being used in Reserve Power Applications
Aux TX Auxiliary transformer used to provide power to the MPC35 controller when no battery is connected to the charger
Backplane Printed circuit board with connectors and components to connect the power modules to the charger housing
bootload Setting a microprocessor in a condition where you can load or update its firmware
bulk charge The first stage of a charge cycle where the charging outputting maximum current to recharge to battery as quickly as
possible, must stop when the voltage reaches a certain point which generally equates to 75-80% state of charge
C5 Battery capacity at the 5 hrs rate to 1.7Vpc for a motive power battery
Charger Interface PC software application required to communicate with the MPC35 controller
Charger Module The core module that converts AC power into DC power suitable for charging a battery
configuration Setting the necessary adjustments of the MPC35 Controller to suit the battery and charging application
Data.csv CSV file containing the information for configuring the charger to suit a battery, must be in the same directory as the
MMPC Interface application
din rail Clip on mounting method for fixing electrical components to metalwork
diode Electronic component that only passes current in no direction
DOD Depth of discharge, measure of the battery discharge condition, 100% is totally discharged
dv/dt Rate of change of voltage, slope of the change in voltage against time
efficiency Ratio of output power to input power of an electrical device, the higher the efficiency the less energy is lost as heat
equalize Maintenance function using a low constant current charge to ensure all cells in the battery have similar voltages
equalize lockout Timer to prevent an equalize charge starting after a normal charge until the battery has had time to cool down
finishing charge The stage(s) that follow the bulk charge to return the battery from 80 to 100% state of charge which must be done more
slowly than the bulk charge stage
Firmware Computer code that is embedded in a microprocessor
flash Process where the firmware is written into the microprocessor’s FLASH memory
Flooded Batteries that have liquid electrolyte that can freely vent, also referred to as wet batteries
FS3 FS3 Frame Size 3 Modular Charger that can accommodate up to 3 power modules
fuse Easily replaced device that internally melts during an electrical fault to prevent damage to other components
FW FW Abbreviation for Firmware
GEL Battery that the electrolyte is trapped in a silica gel, fitted with a pressure relief value so it only vents under unusual
harmonics Higher frequency components being multiple of the 50hz AC power that may damage or degrade the performance of
electrical equipment
HF High frequency, a generic term for switch mode battery chargers used in motive power applications
Ia Charge Profile with constant current control and automatic termination
IUa Charge Profile with constant current, then constant voltage control and automatic termination
IUIa Charge Profile with constant current, then constant voltage, then constant current control and automatic termination
IUUa Charge Profile with constant current, then constant voltage, then constant voltage control and automatic termination
LED Light emitting diode, a solid state light source that does not wear out
micro controller Computer in a single chip
MMPC Modular Motive Power Charger
motive Battery application used in moving plant and being regularly used and then recharged by connecting to a battery charger
MP130 – MP330 3kW Motive Charger Modules
MPC35 Motive Power Controller type 35
NET Framework Microsoft Library of pre coded solutions required for the MMPC Interface software to run
neutral The fifth wire in a three phase plug
PCB Printed circuit board used to mount and connect together electronic components
phase Identification of the 3 lines of electrical power that make a 3phase supply, referred to as A,B,C or 1,2,3
Power factor A measure of the effectiveness of an electrical device to convert volt-amperes to watts, PF=1 is best
Charger Module The core module that converts AC power into DC power suitable for charging a battery
profile_template.txt Text file that contains all the profile templates for the different voltage, time etc parameters of the charge profiles
profile_types.txt Text file that contains the default profile types, IUIa, IUUa etc
rectifier Another name for the Charger Module
reserve Battery application where the batteries are generally on float charge, only being discharged during AC power outages
reversed battery Battery/Charger must be connected positive/positive and negative/negative, reversed connection will blow the fuses
RJ45 8 pin modular connector used for the control cabling between the MPC31 controller and the backplane
SB350 350A Anderson Power connector type SB
SOC State of charge, measure of the battery charge condition, 100% is fully charged
software PC application that is installed on a host computer to communicate with the MPC35 controller
sq mm or mm² Measure of the cross sectional area of an electrical cable, large enough to carry the required current without overheating
sulphated Battery plates have built up a hard sulphate layer which prevents the battery charging and discharging properly
switched mode Power conversion process using rapid turning on and off of a regulating device to achieve high efficiency and small size
temp comp Temperature compensation where the charging voltage is adjusted for the ambient temperature operating conditions
termination When the charge cycle completes
timeout Timer used to protect against abnormal conditions
txt text file format
urgent alarm Alarms that stops a charge from completing, battery may not be charged, battery cannot be used
USB driver Universal Serial Bus driver necessary to allow the host computer to communicate with the controller
VD Compensation Compensation of the charging voltage to allow for voltage drop in the cabling from the charger to the battery
Vpc Voltage per cell, total battery voltage divided by the number of cells

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