VAST2024 - MC2 Data Description
VAST2024 - MC2 Data Description
VAST2024 - MC2 Data Description
Graph Description:
TA2 is a composite of graphs from several sources. Each source provides nodes and edges of different
types (described below). There is overlap in entities and types between the sources, forming one
connected graph.
Vessel Movements: Oceanus is outfitted with a transponder/ping system named the Oceanus Vessel
Locator System (OVLS). Vessels are outfitted with a transponder and periodic 'pings' from base-stations
results in a report of vessel locations at any time. The raw ping granularity is at the minute-level but
post-processing has converted it into visit/dwell times. OVLS is generally reliable, though vessel records
may be missing for a variety of reasons.
Harbor Reports: Harbor masters regularly report the vessels found in their purview anytime during the
day. This data is derived from a different system than OVLS (see "Vessel Movements"), though the data
overlaps. Harbor Reports are provided on a different schedule from different harbors. Since no harbor
reports every day, this data has lower temporal granularity than vessel movement data. Additionally, the
Harbor Master is also responsible for proximate navigational beacon(s), so this data has lower spatial
granularity as well. However, the list of vessels observed is considered canonical.
Harbor Import Records: Vessels deliver cargo to the ports, and that cargo is brought into Oceanus.
These records reflect the goods that *leave* the harbor to go to businesses in Oceanus or to be
exported. It was filtered pre-ingest to focus on the delivery of raw fish. Because it is raw, fish leave the
port quickly (generally one day after delivery). Due to clerical error, the records purchased by FishEye do
not include the vessel that delivered the cargo.
Note: There are many different sub-types in this data. Some subtypes have different properties. The
property lists below do not distinguish the subtypes. If a field is not present on a node/edge, it may not
apply to that subtype.
Node types:
Edge Types:
Metadata attributes: Nodes and edges from all data sources may also have these metadata fields related
to information handling at FishEye.
type – Indicates the node/edge type (as described above)
_last_edited_by – The name of the user who last modified this node/edge
_last_edited_date – The last time this node/edge was modified
_date_added – The day on which this node/edge was first added to the graph
_raw_source – The source from which the information was originally obtained
_algorithm – The method in which the information was obtained (for this mini-challenge, either
automatically imported from pre-existing databases or manually updated by FishEye analysts)