Animal Clinical Research Module - 1
Animal Clinical Research Module - 1
Animal Clinical Research Module - 1
Clinical research protocol: A complete written description of, and scientific rationale for, a
research activity involving human subjects
Eligibility criteria
Clinical Assessment
Protocol violations
Reference/ Appendices
1) Introduction
Study Subject / hypothesis should be clearly identified and briefly described in introduction
2) Abstract
3) Objectives
Primary objective: the primary objective is to assess the clinical efficacy as measured by the in
pulmonary function over the six months treatment period.
4) Background
5) Study rationale: Describe why it makes sense to study this product in this patient population
or in the event of an observational study, why the information is needed.
6) Risk / benefit assessment – how the specific risks of the product will be mitigated in the
study and why the potential benefits outweigh the risks should be clearly mentioned
7) Eligibility criteria
Subjects with a diagnosis of the specific disease intended to take in the study, who meet the
inclusion and exclusion criteria will be eligible for participation in this study.
8) Study design
The study design section of the protocol should contain a stepwise description of all procedures
required by the study.
Initial evaluations
Screening tests
Required lab tests
Details of treatment and supplementary procedures
Agent information or device specifications
Dose scheduling and modification
Observational study, Interventional study, Descriptive study, Analytical study, Cross sectional
study and Cohort study
Study characteristics, type of study design to be used. The way in which study will be conducted
1. Single center
2. Double blind
3. Placebo control
4. Randomized / non randomized
5. Methodology
o Sampling
o Collection of data
o Statistical analysis
9) Subject selection
Inclusion and exclusion criteria are the conditions that must be met in order to participate in a
clinical trial. The most important criteria used to determine appropriates for clinical trial
participation include age, sex, the type and stage of a disease, treatment history, and other
medical conditions.
9.1) Inclusion criteria (example): 22 years of age or older. Able to undergo the informed
consent/assent process. Medically stable in the judgment of the principal investigator. Greater
than 1 year since initial injury. Willing to attend all scheduled appointments
9.2) Exclusion criteria (example): All the mentally retarded and unconscious patients. Drugs
addicts. Patients unable to comply.
1. Concurrent Medication
2. Formulation of Test and control products
3. Packaging and labeling
4. Dose/Dosage regimen
5. Dispensing
6. Administration
7. Supply/Storage
All subjects should be maintained on the same medications throughout the entire study period, as
medically feasible, with no introduction of new chronic therapies.
Standard therapy for specific disease is allowed except for treatments noted in the exclusion
Identify the test and control product, manufacturer, specify the formulation of the test article. If
drug must be reconstituted or otherwise prepared indicate in this section
Information of
Route of administration
Dosing schedule
Optimal timing between doses
Adjustments for weight, age, meals and other pertinent information and
Treatment periods
Administration instructions
Supply of drug at the site
Study drug accountability
Measures of treatment compliance
1. Inform who will have access to the data and how the data will be used.
2. Address all study related monitoring, audits and regulatory inspections
13) Data collection plan
1. Define the types of the data collection instrument that will be used and list all the
2. Specify if computerized database will be used
3. Identify what software will be used
4. Explain precautionary steps taken to secure the data
15) Institutional review board (IRB) and independent ethics committee (IEC)
1. The protocol, consent form and protocol amendments should be reviewed and
approved by the IRB/IEC.
2. Serious adverse experiences regardless of causality should be reported to the IRB/IEC
Informed consent should be prepared in accordance with the declaration of Helsinki, ICH GCP
(International council for harmonization good clinical practices), FDA (Food and Drug
Administration, USA), health insurance portability and accountability act (HIPAA) and local
A proper executed, written, informed consent will be obtained from each subject prior to entering
the subject into the trial. Information should be given in both oral and written form in their native
language to subjects/ or their legal representatives about the study.