Msu - PMR Primer

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Rotation Handout
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Basics
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PM&R) is the medical specialty dedicated to maximizing function and quality of life.
Physiatrists (fizz ee AT trists or Fizz i oh trist ), have advanced training and skill in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of
functional disabilities of all types. They identify and deliver cost-effective care that can help people to live the most active,
independent lives possible. A PM&R physician is trained to recognize and diagnose an impairment in any of the body's organ
systems. The PM&R physician may initiate the most effective treatment of the impairment, often working with surgeons and medical
specialists in other fields.

PM&R physician will lead an interdisciplinary team of healthcare professionals, including physical therapists, counselors, nurses and
others, to help the patient regain optimal function and adjust to disability.

Functional goals may vary: from helping the patient regain self-sufficiency and mobility after a major disabling illness or injury, to
reducing pain caused by neuromuscular disorders.

Impairment: Any loss of psychological, physiological or anatomical structure or function. (or any deficit on physical exam)
It represents a problem at the tissue and organ level.
IE: weakness, limited ROM, Pain, Confusion, amputations

Activity Limitation (old term = Disability): Any restriction resulting from an impairment of normal ability for a human being
IE: Inability to walk, run, or ski

Participation Restriction (old term = Handicap): a disadvantage for a given individual resulting from impairment or disabiltiy.
It limits the fulfillment of normal function of an individual of a given age, gender, society and culture. A problem at the societal level:
IE economic self-sufficiency, ability to negotiate barriers (wheel chair accessibility)

Interdisciplinary Approach distinguishes PM&R from other medical specialties.

Team works to evaluate functional ability and disability In order to:
1) Set therapeutic goals of physical, psychological, social, vocational, avocational educational, that are consistent with physiologic and
anatomic impairment and environmental limitations
2) Determine the most appropriate therapeutic setting.
3) Monitors progress and makes recommendations to team members, patient, family members, care providers, or guardians regarding
patients needs and requirements

The 13 Rehab Diagnoses (the 60% part of the 60:40 rule for inpatient rehab)
1. Stroke
2. Spinal Cord Injury (vertebral compression fxs and pain syndromes – like radiculopathy are NOT
3. Congenital Deformity
4. Major Multiple Trauma
5. Hip Fracture (femur fxs below the lesser trochanter and pelvic fxs other than of the acetabulum are
NOT included)
6. Brain Injury (Alzheimer’s and senility are NOT included)
7. Neurological Disorders
8. Burns (MUST be 3rd degree)
9. Active, Polyarticular RA, Psoriatic Arthritis, or Seronegative Spondyloarthropathy (Infectious
arthritides are NOT included)
10. Amputations (Partical and complete hand or foot amputations are NOT included)
11. Systemic Vasculitis WITH Joint Inflammation (Joint infections are NOT included)
12. Severe Advanced Osteoarthritis (MUST involve ≥ 2 major joints not including any joints with a
prosthesis AND there MUST be evidence that the pt failed out-patient rehabilitation)
13. Lower Limb Total Joint Replacement WITH one of the following: B/L hip replacement, B/L
knee replacement, Age > 85, or BMI > 50
Rehabilitation Team Duties
Rehab Nurse:
1) Provides Nursing to In Patient rehab patients (administration of medications, taking vital signs and neurologic signs, dressing
change, assist with toileting)
2) Documentation of: Ins, Outs, voids, & BM
3) Monitor and document significant events; mental status changes, changes in vital signs, falls
4) Manages the nursing care team and educates non rehab nurses.
5) Instructs patients and families in functional skills
6) Reinforces skills learned in therapies

Physical Therapy:
1) Evaluates and Trains patient in mobility and gross motor skills such as gait and wheel chair skills.
2) Teaches balance and transfers skills
3) Trains the patient to perform exercises to increase ROM, Strengthening, Endurance, Coordination
including H.E.P.
4) Provides symptom treatment Modalities including: heat (superficial and deep), cold, hydrotherapy, Electric Stimulation, and
5) Makes recommendation for orthotics, prosthetics, adaptive equipment especially wheel chairs and gait aides), and home
6) Documents patients progress with all of the above

Occupational Therapy:
1) Evaluates and trains patients in Activities of Daily Living (ADLS): dressing, hygeine, bathing, feeding
2) Training and or retraining of vocational skills
3) Teaches balance and transfer skills
4) Provides Exercises to increase ROM, strength, endurance, coordination, and fine motor skills primarily of the upper extremity and
cervical area
5) Assesses driving skills
6) Makes recommendation for orthotics, prosthetics, and adaptive equipment especially modified utensils, reachers, and home
modifications. (including wheelchairs)
7) Documents patients progress with all of the above

Speech Language Therapy:

1) Evaluates and Treats Pathology of Communication (aphasias )
2) Evaluates and Treats Pathology of Swallowing (dysphagia), makes dietary recommendations
3) Assists with Cognitive evaluation and Treatment (i.e. TBI, impulsivity, attention)
4) Documents patients progress with all of the above

Rehab Social Worker

1) Evaluates patients: living situation, level of supervision and assistance available from friends and family
2) Explores and assists patient in available options when changes in living situation are needed
3) Provides and coordinates support and resources to patients, their family members, and care givers.
4) Serves as a Liaison between patient, family and physicians

Neuro Psychologist
1) Determines areas and severity of cognitive impairment, psychologic impairments, memory function, substance abuse, that effect
participation in rehab and or home safety.
2) Determines level of supervision required for patient safety
3) Determines the ability or lack of ability to make informed medical decision: activation of DPOA or guardianship.

Rehab Unit Coordinator/ Administrator

1) Determines if an inpatient meets criteria for admission to an acute inpatient rehab unit by current interpretation of the interqual
criteria 2) Determine of bed availability, staffing, and patients insurance coverage.
3) Will act as a liaison between the doctor and the insurance companies to assist in determining rehab candidacy and insurance
Stages of Nerve Compression Injury
Physiologic or Metabolic Conduction Block
Local deprivation of O2 based on circulatory arrest , inhibiting impulse transmission in intact nerves. Generally via compression.
Conduction is restored once compression is relieved

Neuropraxia (Seddon) Local conduction block with axon preservation due to compression which causes acute myelin damage at the
nodes of Ranvier. With decompression conduction returns in weeks to months with local remyelination.
Large fibers are more vulnerable and presents as a mixed lesion.
May be Painful

Axonotomesis Loss of continuity of axons with endoneurial sheath intact. Function recovery reflects time for nerves to regrow
(approx one mm per week), unless regrowth is complicated by intraneural scarring or some other process.

Neurotomesis Loss of continuity of axon as wells as elements of nerve trunk including endo neurial tubes, perineurium and
epineurium. Complete severation or complete disorganized by scar tissue. Requires Surgery for functional recovery.
Not Painful

Conduction Block is the Electrodiagnostic finding associated with Neuropraxia,

Important Definitions
Pain: An unpleasant or uncomfortable sensation or perception associated with noxious stimuli, tissue damage, or nerve damage (
either CNS or PNS.)

Parasthesias: abnormal sensations, typically tingling sensation

Dysathesias: uncomfortable abnormal sensations

Allodynia: perception of pain from non-noxious stimuli

Hyperalgesia: increased sensitivity to pain from noxious stimuli

Anesthesia: Lack of sensation, numbness.

Nociception: neurologic transmission of painful stimuli, normally the CNS will interpret this as pain. Can be due to pressure, heat,
chemical stimulation ( as with inflammation).

Neuropathic Pain: Pain caused by damaged nerve cells rather than by nociception, in either CNS (ie Thalamus Damage in CVA
which causes “thalamic Pain” typified by intense burning quality.) or in the PNS (ie As with peripheral neuropathy which also is often
described as either burning or freezing in quality.)

Aphasia: literally the inability to speak, generally it is used in place of dysphasia (see below) to avoid confusion with dysphagia.

Dysphasia: impairment of ability to speak, don’t use this word, it is confused with dysphagia.

Dysphagia: impairment of ability to swallow

Apraxia unable to perform skilled or purposeful movements (...that were previously learned...) despite retention of requisite strength,
motor skills, and comprehension. Commonly from CVA/CNS damage to temporal region.

Anosignosia without knowledge of ones deficits. ie commonly in a Pt. with stroke of non dominant lobe (right side) MCA (parietal
and corical) who is unaware of their deficits. Often accompanied by Left hemiparesis.

Prosopagnosia unable to recognize faces (But patient IS still able to tell when people’s faces are ugly like Casey Chamberlain’s)
Important Grading Systems
Muscle Stretch Reflexes (MSR) NINDS Grading (AKA: Deep Tendon Reflexes (DTR’s) a misnomer)

0 No response

1+ Requires distraction or Gendraisic maneuver to illicit

2+ Lower half of normal

3+ Upper half of normal

4+ Hyper reflexic very brisk (this does not denote the presence of clonus)

Clonus is noted separately, when noting clonus note the number of beats

2-3 beats may be physiologic but greater than 3 beats are pathologic

Manual Muscle Testing (MMT) Grading

Note: does not indicate bulk or tone, these must also be noted on PE

Grade 5: Full range of motion against full resistance

Grade 4: Full range of motion against some resistance (but less than full resistance)

Grade 3: Full range of motion against gravity (perpendicular to the plane of the floor)

Grade 2: Full or partial range of motion with gravity-eliminated (parallel to the plane of the floor)

Grade 1: The muscle/muscles contraction can be palpated without joint movement while the patient is
performing the action in the gravity-eliminated position.

Grade 0: No contractile activity can be felt in the gravity eliminated position


Spasticity: velocity dependant increase in tonic stretch reflex. Hyper-excitibility may be due to decreased activation of antagonistic
alpha motor neurons by means of Upper motor neuron damage, revealing primitive reflexes and spasticity.
Normally muscle stretch reflexes are inhibited by activation of antagonist muscles. This is modified by descending pathways leading
to inhibitory interneurons. If UMN disease, like a CVA, impairs these this inhibition the result is spasticity

Modified Ashworth Scale for Grading Spasticity

Grade Description
0 No increase in muscle tone
1 Slight increase in muscle tone, manifested by a catch and release, or by minimal resistance at the
end of the range of motion when the affected part(s) is moved in flexion or extension
1+ Slight increase in muscle tone, manifested by a catch, followed by minimal resistance throughout
the remainder (< 50%) of the ROM
2 More marked increase in muscle tone through most of ROM (> 50%), but affected part(s) easily
3 Considerable increase in muscle tone, passive movement difficult
4 Affected part(s) rigid in flexion and extension
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Best prognostic indicators are
Glascow Coma Scale best score in 1st 24 hours
Length of coma
Duration of posttraumatic amnesia (PTA)

Glascow Coma Scale (Use this for any pt with suspected head trauma, accident, MVA, or fall)
Patients are scored on: eye responses, verbal response, and motor response to stimuli. Scored 3-15 points
Used to determine level of consciousness and also as a means of rating severity of a traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Additionally it has prognostic utility

1 No eye opening 1 No verbal response 1 No motor response
2 Eye open to noxious stimulation* 2 Incomprehensible ( moan ) 2 Decerebrate (extension) pose to pain
3 Eyes open to command 3 Inappropriate words 3 Decorticate ( flexion) pose to pain
4 Eyes open spontaneously 4 Confused or disoriented 4 Withdraws to pain
5 Oriented 5 Localizes to pain
*noxious stim = sternal rub 6 Obeys commands

Traumatic Brain Injury Severity by GCS Score

≤8 = Severe TBI also defines a Coma. 5-7 = 53% death or Vegetative State
9-12 = Moderate TBI. 8-10 = mod - good recovery in 68%
≥ 13 = Mild TBI 11 = mod – good recovery in 87%
Mild complicated eveidence of brain injury on CT scan
Mild uncomplicated no evidence of brain injury on Ct scan

Rancho Los Amigos Cognitive Scale describes level of function in TBI patients
Level Description
1 No response to pain touch sound or sight, Total A.
2 Generalized reflex to pain. Total A.
3 Localized response. Total A. Blinks to light, turns to or away from sounds, responds to discomfort.
4 Confused & Agitated. Max A. Alert and active, may be aggressive or have bizarre pr non purposeful
5 Confused & Non Agitated, Max A. Pays gross attention to environment, but distractible & requires
a. Becomes agitated with over stimulation
b. May be conversational with inappropriate speech
6 Confused & Appropriate. Mod A. Inconsistent orientation to time and place,
a. Recent memory impaired
b. Begins to recall the past
7 Automatic/ Apropriate. Min A for ADLs. Performs daily routine in familiar environment in non
confused but automatonic fashion, skills deteriorate in unfamiliar environment, lacks realistic
planning for the future
8 Purposeful and Appropriate SBA
9 Purposeful & Appropriate requiring only SBA on request
10 Purposeful & Appropriate with Mod I
Functional K Levels medicare guidlines
K0 = no ability or potential to ambulate or transfer, a prosthesis will not enhance QOL

K1= Houshold Ambulator

potential or ability to transfer or ambulate on level surface at fixed cadence

K2 = Limited Community Ambulator:

potential / ability to transfer or ambulate on low level barriers ( curbs, stairs, uneven surface)

K3 = Community Ambulator
potential / ability to transfer or ambulate with variable cadence Can traverse most enviromental Barriers. May have
vocational barrier

K4 = Active Adult/ Athlete/ Child: potential / ability for ambulation that excedes basic skills. Including high impact, stress,
or energy levels.

DVT 40-50% of CVA pt. 10% get PE!!

Cause: Virchow Triad venous stasis, hypercoagulable state, (endothelial injury – added by Nathan since it is
hard to have a triad with only two causes)
Clinical typically unilateral, hot, swollen, or tender extremities
Clinical Test Homan’s sign (not very sensitive or specific)
Diagnosis: Venous Doppler or arteriogram
Management: Anti coagulation typically with Heparin, LMWH, or Coumadin
Functional Implication can lead to PE and death

DVT Prophylaxis
In general ASA, Ted Hose, Pneumatic Compression Dressings or Sequential Compression Dressings are
beneficial though inadequate for DVT prophylaxis

Prophylaxis & Treatments are per American Heart Association and the journal CHEST supplement, which is
updated periodically; consult this for the most up to date recommendations.

Heparin 5000 units SC BID monitor with PTT goal reverse with protamine sulfate
LMWH 75 mg Lovenox SQ daily or 30mg SQ q 12 hours
Coumadin with INR goal 2-3 unless otherwise noted by specialist.
Note: Coumadin prophylaxis may require concomitant Heparin to bridge prophylaxis until therapeutic INR is
reached ( typically in 3-4 days). Reverse with Vitamin K and or FFP and or Factor 7

Management of Elevated INR

Recomended by 4rth ACCP Consensus Conference on Antithrombotic Therapy
INR Symptoms Reccomendation____________________
Super theraputic and <6 without bleed Withhold Coumadin for next 2 days

6-10 without bleed 1-2 mg Vit. K, recheck in 24 hours, if still

Super-theraputic give 0.5 mg vit. K.

10-20 without bleed 3 mg. Vit. K, INR shoud be reduced in 6

hours and repeat Vit. K as needed.

Above 20 serious bleed Give 10 mg. Vit.K and supplement with

transfusion of fresh frozen plasma ( FFP).

Life threatening bleed Transfuse factor concentrates, factor 7!

Supplement with 10 mg vit. K, by IV.
Repeat as necessary.

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI): Injury resulting in disruption of the spinal cord or in the case of Cauda Equina of
the nerve roots. Often reserved for injury from trauma, but may be from non-traumatic diseases of the spinal
cord such as tumors, MS, and Transverse Myelitis.

Skeletal level of injury versus Neuroloogic Level of Injury

Skeletal level = Level of greatest vertebral damage by radiography
Neurologic Level = Level of injury determined by ASIA – lowest intact motor and sensory level
Motor Level = Lowest level with 5/5 strength OR with 3-4/5 strength with 5/5 strength one level above
Sensory Level = Lowest level with intact (2/2) sensation for BOTH pinprick and light touch

Neurologic Assessment made by precise neurologic examination of motor and sensory function by rules
determined by ASIA; International Standards for neurological and functional Classification of Spinal Cord
ASIA = American Spinal Injury Association

ASIA Impairment Scale is based on 3 criteria:

1) Neurologic level of motor and or sensory injury

Named after the most caudal level without motor or sensory injury.

2) Complete (= no sensory in sacral segment), or Incomplete (Sacral

sensation spared) impairment of the spinal cord below that level
graded: (A-complete), (B, C, D – incomplete) or (E-normal).

3) Notation of Clinical syndromes if applicable

Central Cord: (arms more affected than legs, bladder dysfunction--usually


Anterior Cord: (preservation of dorsal columns – proprioception and light

touch intact, other 2/3’s of cord is affected in variable degrees)

Brown Sequard: (hemisection of cord – Ipsilateral motor & proprioception

deficits and Contralateral pain and temperature sensation deficits)

Conus Medularis: (L1–L2 vertebral level injury – usually normal motor

function, may have absent BCR, usually symmetric findings, saddle
anesthesia, areflexic bowel and/or bladder)

Cauda Equina: (L2–sacrum vertebral level injury– flaccid paralysis of

involved roots, absent BCR, usually asymmetric findings, sensory loss
in root distribution, may have loss of bowel and/or bladder)
Neurologic level of motor and or sensory injury Assessment
Patient Supine
Muscle Strength Graded Bilaterally to 10 key muscle groups (0-5 scale)

Level Action Muscle  Nerve

C5 Elbow Flexors Biceps Brachii  Musculocutaneous
C6 Wrist Extensors Extensor Carpi Radialis  Radial
C7 Elbow Extensors Triceps  Radial
C8 Finger Flexors (distal phalanx of middle finger) Flexor Digitorum Profundus  Median & Ulnar
T1 Finger Abductors Abductor Digiti Minimi (Quinti)  Ulnar
L2 Hip Flexors Iliopsoas  L2-3 ventral rami & Femoral
L3 Knee Extensors Quadriceps  Femoral
L4 Ankle Dorsiflexors Tibialis Anterior Deep Peroneal
L5 Great Toe Extensor Extensor Hallucis Longus  Deep Peroneal
S1 Ankle Plantar Flexors Gastrocnemius & Soleus  Tibial

Sensation graded bilaterally along dermatomes by light touch & pinprick compared to face.
0 = Sensation Absent (for light touch; and unable to feel “sharp” for pinprick)
1 = Diminished sensation (can discern sharp from dull but it’s a different “sharpness” than face)
2 = Intact Sensation (normal: equivocal to face and)

Determine Sacral Sparing of S4, S5 dermatome and myotome: voluntary anal contraction, and or
sensation intact. If EITHER is intact indicate incomplete injury and potential for recovery and return of
bowel & bladder function.
Determine Left and Right Motor and Sensory Levels and Assign Levels
Catagorize injury as Complete or incomplete by impairment Scale:

A= Complete No motor or sensory preservation in sacral segments

B= Sensory Sensory preserved below neurological level (at least in sacral segments
Incomplete or preserved deep anal sensation) No motor ≥ 4 levels below neuro level

C= Motor Motor function is spared ≥ 4 levels below neurologic level

Incomplete More than ½ of KEY muscles below level have a grade ≤ 2/5

D= Motor Motor function is spared below neurologic level

Incomplete At least ½ of KEY muscles below the level are ≥ 3/5

E= Normal Pt that has fully recovered from a prior SCI

*NOTE: Considered “C or D” if 1) BOTH anal sensation and anal tone is preserved or

if 2) there is any motor function ≥ 4 levels below MOTOR level

Calculate Score for motor and sensory

Determine Zone of partial Sparing (only used for complete injuries) = sensory or motor levels caudal
to neurologic level of injury that remain partly intact
• If you are able to draw the brachial plexus it will greatly help you out in the EMG lab
• Also I would STRONGLY recommend memorizing the nerves/nerve root that innervate each of the
muscles listed in the EMG screening exam (see below) prior to going to the EMG lab
• NOTE – The root levels noted below are for Dr. Andary’s lab and other sources may vary

Upper Extr Muscle Root Nerve Lower Extr Muscle Root Nerve
Deltoid C5-C6 Axillary Adductor Longus L3 Obturator
Biceps C5-C6 Musculocutaneous Vastus Medialis L3 Femoral
Pronator Teres C6-7 Median Rectus Femoris L3 Femoral
Exten. Dig. Comm. C7 Radial  PIN Anterior Tibialis L4-5 Deep Fibular
Triceps C7 Radial Posterior Tibialis L5-S1 Tibial
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris C8 Ulnar Biceps Fem (Short) L5-S1 Fibular part of Sciatic
Flexor Carpi Radialis C7 Median Tensor Fascia Lata L5 Superior Gluteal
Abd. Poll. Brevis C8-T1 Median Med Gastroc/Soleus S1 Tibial
First Dorsal Interos. C8-T1 Ulnar Lat Gastroc/Soleus S1 Tibial
Infraspinatus C5-C6 Suprascapular Extensor Hallucis L5 Deep Fibular
Extensor Indicis C7-8 Radial  PIN Peroneus Longus L5-S1 Superficial Fibular
Abd Dig. Minimi C8-T1 Ulnar First Dorsal Int Plant S1-S2 Lateral Plantar, Tibial
Decubitus Ulcer Classification
National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (NPUAP) - For pressure ulcers
The stage of the ulcer is indicated by noting the deepest layer of exposed tissue.

Stage I

Nonblanchable erythema of intact skin

heralding lesion of skin ulceration. In
individuals with darker skin,
discoloration of the skin, warmth,
edema, induration or hardness may
be indicators.

Stage II

Partial thickness skin loss involving

epidermis, dermis, or both. The ulcer
is superficial and presents clinically as
an abrasion, blister, or shallow

Stage III

Full thickness skin loss involving

damage to or necrosis of
subcutaneous tissue that may extend
down to, but not through underlying
fascia. The ulcer presents clinically as
deep crater with or without
undermining of adjacent tissue.

Stage IV

Full thickness skin loss with extensive

destruction, tissue necrosis, or
damage to muscle, bone, or
supporting structures (e.g, tendon,
joint capsule). Undermining and sinus
tracts also may be associated with
Stage IV pressure ulcers.

Reverse Staging
Clinical studies indicate that as deep ulcers heal, the lost muscle, fat and dermis is NOT replaced. Instead,
granulation tissue fills the defect before re-epithelialization. Given this information, it is not appropriate to
reverse stage a healing ulcer. For example, a pressure ulcer stage 3 does not become a stage 2 or a stage
1 in your documentation during healing. You must chart the progress by noting an improvement in the
characteristics (size, depth, amount of necrotic tissue, amount of exudate, etc.). [Taken from the NPUAP
Report Vol.4, No.2, September 1995]
Inpatient Sparrow Note Format
Please make sure you address each of the following (when applicable) for each consult/admission/ and progress
note that you do while on your inpatient time. Also make sure that you comment on if the problem is stable,
improving, worsening, etc.

1) Admitting Diagnosis (i.e. CVA, TBI, multi-trauma, etc.)
2) Impairments (i.e. contractures, weakness, cognition, ulcers, etc.) – Anything you can find on PE
3) Other Rehab Related Issues (prior CVA deficits, MS, Peripheral Neuropathy, Cerebral Palsy)
4) Pain (Identify where the pain is and what type i.e neuropathic, chronic, incisional, etc.)
5) Sleep (How well they are sleeping, any complaints, ? sleeping pill, why is there sleep poor, etc.)
6) GI (Last BM, diarrhea, constipation, what meds/supplements they are taking, etc.)
7) GU (How well they are voiding, what method – Foley/self cath/on own, and PVR’s)
8) Skin (Decub ulcers or incisions, where, what stage, what meds/bed/turning, is wound care on board)
9) Cognitive/Behavioral (Continue with Speech therapy, any meds, etc.)
10) DVT Prophylaxis (i.e. Fragmin, Heparin, Coumadin, PAS, etc)
11) Length of IV Abx (how long will they have a PICC line – will they need it at home)
12) Seizure Prophylaxis (Often used with TBI patients)
13) Nutrition (Are they eating well, ? wt loss, do they need to be on a daily calorie count, etc.)
14) Other Medical issues (HTN, CHF, DM2, etc and state “managed by IM service”)
15) Disposition (Home vs ECF vs assisted living, who do they live with, need outpt PT/OT/ST, etc.)
ALSO address the following for Admission Notes
16) Estimated Length of Stay (ELOS) on the rehab unit
17) Goals (ambulate 200 ft Mod I, T/F’s Supervision, W/C propel Independent, LE dress min A, etc.)

Suggested Reading List

During Sparrow Inpatient
Cuccurullo – Stroke Chapter, Spinal Cord Injury Chapter, and Traumatic Brain Injury Chapter
Easy EMG or EMG Basics – only if interested in EMG’s, otherwise the info in this packet is sufficient
Common Rehab Abbreviations
Rehabilitation & Post Acute Hospitalization Facilities
IPR Inpatient Rehabiliation A separate hospital admission from the acute hospital where patients work
intensely (3 hours/day) with a rehabilitation team including physicians and therapists for a short
duration (days to weeks) in order achieve specific functional goals that will allow the patient to safely
return home. May include training with DME/AE and care giver training. Admission requirements
generally include:
--Need for medical observation
--Ability to participate in & progress with 3 hours of therapy a day in 2 or more disciplines (PT/OT/ST)
--Have a viable discharge plan (patient should be able to return home safely after rehabilitation with
whatever supervision/assistance is available.) – helps to have 24/7 help ALWAYS ask about this!

SAR Sub Acute Rehabilitation Facility; unit within a nursing home, it is design for patients to work with
therapists less intensely than IPR (60-90 minutes/day) for potentially longer periods (weeks to months)
before returning home. Home is the goal.

LTACH Long Term Acute Care Hospital/Facility. For patients that need long term medical care, such as
ventilation, wound care, or IV antibiotics. Rehabilitation services such as PT, OT, & Speech Therapy is
available, though participation and progression is not required.

ECF Extended Care Facility a nursing home facility that provides supervision and assistance, but little
rehabiliataion services. Patient may or may not return home.

AFC Adult Foster Care residents are medically stable and generally don’t require therapies. They require
supervision but minimal to no assistance.

OP Out Patient Therapies: Pt goes to Physical/Occupational/ Speech Therapy facility on an out patient basis.
Does not include physician or physiatrist supervision, but generally requires a prescription from a physician
that includes specific goals, instructions, frequency, duration, and intensity.

FIM Functional Independance Measure; scoring system to evaluate level of ability of ADLs
and AIDLs. Scale is 1-7, 7 being highest level of function and 1 denoting dependance.
FIM Score
7 I Idependant: Pt. able to perform task safely independent of any assistance.
6 Mod I Modified Independance: pt. able to safely perform task with use of an assistive device(AD) or home
modification or modified technique or training.
5 SBA Stand By Assist :caregiver had no contact with Pt. but available if needed
4 CGA Contact Guard Assist: hands on, but no effort needed of care giver.
NOTE: Some interpret CGA as equivocal to Min A, However CGA indicates that patient may not require
rehabilitation and disqualify them from Acute Inpatient Rehabilitation candidacy.
4 Min A Minimum Assistance: care giver provides 0-25% of effort
3 Mod A Moderate Assistance: care giver provides 25-50% of effort
2 Max A Maximum Assistance: care giver provides 50-75% of effort
1 Tot A Total Assistance: care giver provides 75-100% of effort
1 D Dependant: care giver provides 75-100% of effort
S Supervision
A Assistance

Acronym Definition
LOB Loss of Balance
LOC Loss of Consciocness
HOB Head of Bed
EOB Edge of Bed
LOS Length of Stay
ELOS Estimated Length of Stay
ADL Activity of Daily Living
IADL Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
Consult/Admit Sheet
DME Durable Medical Equipment (i.e. tub bench, grab bars, ramp, etc.)
AD Assistive Device (Walker, W/C – wheelchair, cane, etc.)
STE Steps to Enter
DSS Dual Simultaneous Stimulation: sensory deficit seen with neglect (AKA: extinction)
FTN Finger to Nose
HTS Heel to Shin
RAM Rapid Alternating Movements
WN/WD Well Nourished / Well Dressed
NAD No Acute Distress
ROM Range of Motion
UE Upper Extremity
LE Lower Extremity
TTP Tenderness to Palpation
SF Shoulder Flexion
EF Elbow Flexion HF Hip Flexors
EE Elbow Extension KE Knee Extensors
WE Wrist Ex tension DF Dorsiflexors
FDI First Dorsal Interosseous EHL Extensor Hallucis Longus

EDX Electrodiagnostic Studies ; the combination of EMG and NCS
EMG Electromyography needles in muscles to determine if there has been denervation (chronicly or acutely) or
NCS Nerve Conduction Studies zaps of electricity to nerve function, axon loss and or demeylination
PSW Positive Sharp Waves
Fibs Fibrillations

Physical Exam
MMT Manual Muscle Testing
DTR Deep Tendon Reflexes antiquated but common used term, preferred term is Muscle stretch reflex (MSR)
MSR Muscle Stretch Reflex, previously Deep Tendon Reflexes (DTR )
PNS Peripheral Nervous System
CNS Central Nervous System
MAS Modified Ashworth Scale of spasticity
UMN Upper Motor Neuron, refers to lesions of the CNS (Spinal cord or brain) ie CVA, TBI, SCI or Conus
Medullaris Syndrome. Signs include up going plantar reflex’s (Babinski Sign), Positive Hoffman’s Sign,
Spasticity, and clonus ( > 3beats)
LMN Lower Motor Neuron refers to lesions of the PNS ie: Peripheral Neuropathy, radiculopathy,
mononeuropathy (compression neuropathies) and Cauda Equina Syndrome. Signs include Weakness,
Numbness, Paresthsias/ Dysthasthesias
VOR Vestibular Occular Reflex AKA “dolls eyes reflex” test of brainstem function
INO Intra Nuclear Opthalmoplegia
ATNR Asymetric Tonic Neck Reflex AKA “Fencer reflex” Primitive reflex that is extinguished in early child
hood development and becomes un-masked with TBI or CVA. Shoulder abduction causes head to turn to
ipsilateral side and contralateral shoulder is abducted and contralateral elbow is flexed.
GCS Glascow Coma Scale
BCR Bulbocavernous Reflex: The most caudal reflex therefore it is normally the first reflex to return when a
patient comes out of spinal shock

Assistive devices/ Adaptive Equiptment / Durable Medical Equiptment

BSC Bed-Side Commode
ETB Extended Tub Bench
HR Hand Rails
GB Grab Bars
WC Wheel Chair
AD Assistive Device
AE Adaptive Equipment
DME Durable Medical Equipment
RW Rolling walker
FWW Front wheel walker
SW Standard walker
4WW Four wheeled walker
SC Standard Cane
QC Quad Cane
SBQC Small Base Quad Cane
WBQC Wide Based Quad Cane

WB Weight Bearing
PWB Partial Weight Bearing sometimes expressed as a % of body weight
WBAT Weight Bearing As Tolerated
TKA Total Knee Arthroplasty
THA Total Hip Arthroplasty
BKA Below the knee amputation, syn TTA (prefered)
TTA Trans Tibial Amputation syn; BKA (less prefered)
AKA Above the knee amputation syn TFA (prefered)
TFA Trans Femoral Amputation syn; AKA (less prefered)
CTR Carpal Tunnel Release
I&D Incision and Drainage

RRD Removable Rigid Dressing
I-POP Immediate Post Operative Prosthetics
TT TransTibial prosthetics:
PTB Patella Tibial Bearing TT prosthetic syn.; Total Contact Socket
ISNY Icelandic Scandanavian New York TT prosthetic
TF Trans Femoral prosthetics
TR Trans Radial prosthetics
TH Trans Humeral prosthetics
TD Terminal Device: a prosthetic hand or hook
VO Voluntary Opening; body powered opening split hook TD
VC Voluntary Closing; body powered closing split hook TD
SACH Solid Ankle Cushioned Heel; a prosthetic foot
DER Dynamic Elastic Response prosthetic foot; aka “energy storing foot”

AFO Ankle Foot Orthosis
KO Knee Orthosis
KAFO Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis esp. CSO
CSO Craig Scott Orthosis, a specific type of KAFO
HKAFO Hip Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis
SOMI Sternal Ocipital Mandibular Imobilizer
PRAFO Pressure Relief Ankle Foot Orthosis
RHO Resting Hand Orthosis
LSO LumboSacral Orthosis
TLSO Thoraco Lumbo Sacal Othosis

Cranial Nerves
CN1 Olfactory Nerve
CN2 Optic Nerve
CN3 Occulomotor Nerve
CN4 Trochlear
CN5 Trigeminal
CN6 Abducent Nerve
CN7 Facial Nerve
CN8 Vestibulocochlear Nerve
CN9 Glossopharyngeal Nerve
CN10 Vagus Nerve
CN11 Accessory Nerve
CN12 Hypoglossal Nerve
Pathologic Processes and Disease States ( a incomplete list of common processes seen in PM&R patients)
TBI Traumatic Brain Injury
SCI Spinal Cord Injury
GBS Guillain-Barré Syndrome, most common form of AIDP
AIDP Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (or polyreadiculopathy)
CDIP Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (or polyreadiculopathy)
CRPS Complex Regional Pain Syndrome syn RSD
RSD Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy syn CRPS
SD Somatic Dysfunction
MSD Multiple Somatic Dysfunctions
TOS Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
CTS Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
ALS Anterolateral Sclerosis aka Lou Gerhig’s Disease
MS Multiple Sclerosis
LEMS Lambert Eaton Myesthenia Gravis Syndrome presynaptic NMJ syndrome
MG Myasthenia Gravis post synaptic NMJ disease
CP Cerebral Palsy
PSS Paget Schrotter Syndrome or Effort Thrombosis of Upper Extremity
HO Heterotopic Ossification
DISH Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis
MD Muscular Dystrophy
DMD Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
NF Neurofibromatosis
NF-1 Neurofibromatosis type 1
NF-2 Neurofibromatosis type 2
SMA Spinal Muscular Atrophy
HNPP Hereditary Neuropathy with liability to Pressure Palsies
CMT Charcot Marie Tooth type 1 and type 2
CIM Critical Illness Myopathy
CVA Cerebral Vascular Accident aka Stroke Syndromes
ACA Anterior Cerebral Artery
MCA Middle Cerebral Artery
PCA Posterior Cerebral Artery
ACA Anterior Cerebral Artery
BA Basilar Artery
ICA Internal Carotid Artery
ECA External Carotid Artery
TIA Transient Ischemic Attack
PN Peripheral Neuropathy
VTE Venous Thrombo Embolism
CVD Cardiovascular Disease
CAD Coronary Artery Disease
PD Parkinson’s Disease
COPD Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
PVD Peripheral Vascular Disease
DM1 Diabete Melitis type 1
DM2 Diabetes Mellitis type 2
IDDM Insulin Dependant Diabetes Melitis
NIDDM Non Insulin Dependant Diabetes Mellitis
SIADH Syndrome of Inapropriate Anti Diuretic Hormone
DI Diabetes Insipidis

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