Attilll!Vtte [hanteUor: Prol. Ialelapwa Georl!efarauta B.Sc.£4(L"\'\). II ~,·.Agrk fu(t \ \' 'I. 9 'g,ic Ed •. 11 ['n)
"N ADSUC I ',N YawN {"b U,I J GO G <-t. L- I)t[,,;; 15th Nov., 2018
Mahmud Aliyu
1. I am pleased to inform you that the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (J4MB) has
offered you a provisional admission into 100 Level degree programme with effect-from 2chs/:2019
Academic Session as follows:- -
9· Plea~~th~t if at any time after your registration it is discovered that you obtained your
~~;S~ false declaration, you will be expelled from the University and may be
·~"'v .. .
Acc~p~my congratulations
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A J. (Mrs.)
Academic Secretary
For: Re~trar
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