Sri Lank A Guardian Doc Vasanthi Arasaratnam
Sri Lank A Guardian Doc Vasanthi Arasaratnam
Sri Lank A Guardian Doc Vasanthi Arasaratnam
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<L~M mil 6lIrrmrr ?DbZ5)Q)~ in C!!)11f)U{/J ~ar.KmCci>Cb61nD
Vice Chancellor,
University of Jaffna.
At a test audit examination of paid documents and other relevant books and
records pertaining to this procurement of Network Ihc ilities to the Medical faculty
of Jaffna, the followingdeficiencies were ohscrverl. I
a) The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine had deviated the procurement procedure and
ordered ~1IS Delven Computer (Pvt) Ltd. to supply computer network facilities to
be installed at a total cost of Rs. whereas the arnouru/va lue of
procurement had been limited to a Dean 01';1 Faculty to Rs. lOOJ)O() only. When
tile availability of grants was Rs. 9()~,OOO order was placed for Rs. 3,000,000.
b) No tender! quotation had been called for this procurement through news pnper
advertisement foran open competition in order to obtain lowest and efficient hid!
c) It appears that the Dean had not consulted the Vice Chancellor and Technical
Officer of the University regarding the above procurement.
d) A sum of Rs.722,550 had been paid to the above cOlllpany lor sllpplit;s or certain
equiprnents in connection with above net work from \Vorlc! Health Organization
§.~A 1 ..
e) The above payment had been made without any supporting documents such as
Invoices, Bills, Technical Officers certificate. work completion ccr! ific.ue.
inventory certificate ere .. F i:\
t) 'According to the information made ;l\';lil:1hle the pn...:e quoted bv the above
company had been reduced to hall' of the o!i~inal prices alter negoti.uion made \'iCl' Ch
subsequently. It shows 'that the price kid been quoted by' this comp:llly ;lrhit r:lrily,
g) To ractify the above deficiencies a formal TenderBoard had been appointed and the
Technical Evaluation Committee appointcd hy th~Tender Board had mentioned in \\ is 0\'
m~ te~
its minute that they are unable to decide the reasonability of the prices quoted hy
this company due to the following reason,
f\ !,;\.l\
i) Therefore the entire expenditure incurred on the above procurement or Net work
facilities could be considered as irregular. unaulhorizcd ;lJld fruitless expenditure t:
I shall be zlad to have your comments and let me know the action vou nronoxe to
- • .,; 0' & J.
(S, Sivaguru)
Asst. Auditor General
for Auditor General.