Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System: Author... ..............................................

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Real time tuned mass damper simulation system


Nimisha Rao

B.E., Civil and Environmental Engineering

R.KN.E.C. Nagpur, India, 2002

Submitted to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in partial

fulfillment for the degree of


at the


June 2003

@ 2003 Nimisha Rao.

All Rights Reserved.

The authorhereby grants to MIT permission to reproduceand distributepublicly paper and electronic
copies of this thesis document in whole and in part.

Author... ...............................................
Departncgt of Civil and Environmental Engineering
May 9, 2003

Certified by.......
/ Professor Jerome J. Connor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Thesis Supervisor

Accepted by
Jral Buyukozturk
Chairman, Departnent of Committee on Graduate Students


JUN 0 2 2003

Real time tuned mass damper simulation system


Nimisha Rao

Submitted to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering on May 9, 2003, in

partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering in Civil
and Environmental Engineering


The major concern in the construction industry in constructing tall structures is

vibration due to wind and earthquake. Tuned mass dampers are an effective and practical
ways to reduce the effect of vibration in structures.

This thesis presents a tool, which simulates the effect of tuned mass dampers on
the structure. This tool has been proposed to form a part of the website,
Java applets have been used to represent the working of the tuned mass damper,

This would provide a better understanding for the students, so that they can design
tuned mass damper effectively and use it appropriately. Strong dynamic figurers and
graphs are used to convey the concept and the idea.

Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Jerome J. Connor

Title: Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System -2 -


I would like to thank my advisor, J.J.Connor, for his constant guidance, advice

and encouragement through out my stay at MIT. His support, suggestion and comment

have been very vital for the completion of this thesis. It is my great privilege and honor to

have had the opportunity of working with him for the past one year.

I would also like to thank Paul Kassabian, for his constant help and support. His

valuable guidance and advice was helpful throughout the writing of my thesis.

Finally, I am grateful to all the faculties, students and administrative staffs at the

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering for making my education a valuable

learning experience.

I would like to thanks my parents, brotherand my friend, Sakshi,for their never

ending love, patience and support. Without you, I would not be the woman I am today

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Table Of Contents

A bstract ............................................................................................................................ 2
A cknow ledgem ents ...................................................................................................... 3
List of Figures and Tables........................................................................................... 5
C hapter 1: Introduction ............................................................................................... 6
C hapter 2:Tuned m ass damper .................................................................................. 10
2.1 INTRODUCTION TO TUNED M ASS DAMPERS: ........................................................ 10
2.1.1 Working: ......................................................................................................... 11
2.1.2 Performance [11] ...................................................................................... 12
2.1.3 Safety issues [11]:....................................................................................... 12
2.2.1. TranslationalTuned Mass Damper: ........................................................... 13
2.2.2 Pendulum Tuned Mass Damper.................................................................. 17
2.3 TYPES OF TUNED MASS DAMPERS......................................................................... 19
Tuned mass damper theory'for SD OF system ...................................................... 19
Tuned mass damper/brMDOF system ................................................................ 22
Chapter 3:M oment.m ...................................................................................... 23
3.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 23
3.2 INTERACTIVE LEARNING MODULE: ....................................................................... 24
Static Module:.......................................................................................................... 24
Dynam ic Module:................................................................................................. 27
C hapter 4:The problem and the proposed solution .................................................... 32
4.1 BACKGROUND: ..................................................................................................... 32
4.2 THE PREVIOUS D ESIGN: ...................................................................................... 33
4.3 THE PROPOSED DESIGN: ...................................................................................... 40

C hapter 5:Conclusion: ............................................................................................... 44

References ...................................................................................................................... 46
A ppendices ..................................................................................................................... 47

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List of Figures and Tables

Figure 1: W ithout Damper [11] ..................................................................................... 6

Figure 2: W ith Damper [11]..........................................................................................6
Figure 3: Effect of TMD [11]........................................................................................ 7
Figure 4:Tuned Mass [12]...............................................................................................7
Figure 5: Translational tuned mass damper [9].............................................................13
Figure 6: Tuned mass damper for Chiba-Port Tower [9]............................................. 16
Figure 7: TMD-Huis Ten Bosch Tower, Nagasaki [9]................................................ 17
Figure 8:An active tuned mass damper configuration [9]........................................... 17
Figure 9:A simple pendulum tuned mass damper [9]................................................. 18
Figure 10:Simple Pendulum [II]....................................................................................18
Figure 11:Multi-Stage Pendulum [11].......................................................................... 19
Figure 12: Undamped structure: Undamped TMD [9]..................................................20
Figure 13: Undamped Structure: Damped TMD[9]...................................................... 21
Figure 14: Damped Structure: Damped TMD [9]........................................................ 21
Figure 15: Tuned mass damper for MDOF system [9].................................................... 22
Figure 16: Interactive Learning Module on stability of a Single Body [14]................ 24
Figure 17: Simply Supported Beam with 2 Point Loads: [14]...................................... 25
Figure 18: Beam Control [14].......................................................................................... 26
Figure 19: Load Paths [14] .......................................................................................... 26
Figure 20: Tuned Mass Damper [14].......................................................................... 27
Figure 21: Ground Excitation of a Single Degree of Freedom Building [14]...............28
Figure 22: Mass Shaker on the Same Building [14] ................................................... 29
Figure 23: Structural Analysis tool for Trusses [14].................................................... 29
Figure 24: Motion Lab for Undergrads [14].................................................................30
Figure 25: Sakuta's Exercises [14]............................................................................... 30
Figure 26: Previous Design [13]................................................................................. 35
Figure 27: Original Model [13].................................................................................... 35
Figure 28: Previous Design [13]................................................................................. 36
Figure 29: Previous Design [13]................................................................................. 37
Figure 30: Previous Design [13]................................................................................... 37
Figure 31: Previous Design [13]................................................................................. 38
Figure 32: Previous Design [13]................................................................................. 39
Figure 33: New Design................................................................................................. 40
Figure 34: New Design................................................................................................. 41
Figure 35: New Design................................................................................................. 41
Figure 36: New Design................................................................................................. 41
Figure 37: New Design.................................................................................................42
Figure 38: New Design................................................................................................. 42
Figure 39: New Design................................................................................................. 43
Figure 40: New Design.................................................................................................44

Table 1:Scrollbar Range for graph............................................................................... 34

Table 2: Scrollbar Range for the model........................................................................36

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Chapter 1: Introduction

The major concern in the construction industry in constructing tall structures is

vibration due to wind and earthquake. Wide span structures like bridges; observer stands;

stairway; stadium roofs and slender tall structures tend to be easily excited to high

amplitudes in one of their basic mode shapes. [10]

The natural frequency is low for such buildings due to their dimensions. In any

kind of similar construction, the major concern is the amount of lateral displacement. In

many cases, lateral motion may interfere with normal services and communication

facilities in the buildings. With Tuned Mass Dampers (TMD), these vibrations can be

reduced very effectively. [10]

Figure 1: Without Damper [11]

Figure 2: With Damper [11]

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 6-

Without Damper With Damper

Figure 3: Effect of TMD [11]

Tuned mass dampers are effective and practical ways to reduce the effect of

vibration in structures. TMD is composed of a spring, mass, and dashpot. A TMD is a

single degree-of-freedom system, which adds a mode of vibration to the base structure.


-- Tuned

I Base Structure

Figure 4:Tuned Mass [12]

The stiffness k and mass m [Figure 4] of the TMD are chosen such that it puts the

TMD natural frequency just below the required frequency of the base structure. The

target mode, which is the required frequency is replaced by two modes, one slightly

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 7-

above and one slightly below the original frequency. Both of these modes are damped by

the dashpot of the TMD. As a result, when the building sways the damper moves in the

opposite direction and absorbs the motion. [12] In addition, it has sensors, which detect

the sway of the building and computers, which controls the positioning of the dampers in

order to make the best utilization of the TMDs natural tendency to absorb motion. [11]

The primary limitation of a TMD is that it is a narrow-band device. It will add

high damping only to modes with frequencies close to its own. This means that multiple

TMDs may be needed to obtain high damping of modes. Thus, it is very important to

understand the working of the TMD. It is more important to understand the behavior of

the TMD under different condition of mass ratio, frequency ratio and damping rather than

analysis of the TMD. [12]

In order to provide a better understanding for the students, so that they can design

a TMD effectively and use it appropriately, a new paradigm has emerged in engineering

education, which emphasizes in teaching behavior and synthesis rather than teaching

analysis. It encourages learning by discovery and provides real world application to these

learning. [8]

As part of this new paradigm, this thesis offers a better approach for building

effective environments to improve learning of concepts of tuned mass dampers. This

thesis is organized as follows: Chapter 2 discusses the Tuned mass dampers in detail. It

elaborates on the working as well as types of TMD. In addition, it also provides some

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 8-

case studies and existing examples of buildings using TMD. Chapter 3, provides an

overview of the website (, which contains an interactive environments to

improve learning of concepts of structural engineering. Chapter 4 describes in detail the

existing interactive environment for TMD, its limitations, and the new improved

methodology used to provide better understanding of the TMD. Chapter 5 contains the


Modified java applets have been adapted as the tool to enhance the learning

experience. An interactive model and graphs are used to convey the concept and the idea

effectively. This thesis proposes a better solution to encourage conceptual understanding

through effective and interactive computer aided learning tools.

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System -9 -

Chapter 2:Tuned mass damper

2.1 Introduction to Tuned Mass Dampers:

TMD is a modular device composed of a spring, mass, and damper [Figure 4].

This assembly is attached to the structure to reduce the dynamic response of the structure.

Tuned mass dampers are an effective means of reducing vibration in structures.

The frequency of the damper is tuned to the frequency of the structure to which it is

attached, so that when that frequency is excited, the damper will resonate out of phase

with the structural motion. [9]

"Frahmfirst appliedthe TMD concept in 1909 (Frahm, 1909) to reduce the

rolling motion of ships as well as ship hull vibrations. Ormondroydand Den Hartog

(1928) laterpresented a theoryfor TMD. This were followed by a detaileddiscussion on

optimal tuning and dampingparametersin Den Hartog's book on mechanical vibrations

(1940). The initial theory was applicablefbran undamped SDOF system subjected to a

sinusoidalforce excitation. Extension of the theory to damped SDOF system has been

investigatedby numerous researchers.Significantcontributionswere made by Randall et

al. (1981), Warburton (1981,1982), Warburton andAyorinde (1980), and Tsai andLin

(1993)". [9]

A TMD is a single degree-of-freedom system. It adds a mode of vibration to the

base structure. The stiffness k and mass m of the TMD [Figure 4] are used such that the

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 10 -

natural frequency of the TMD is just below the frequency of the structure to which it is

attached. This causes a strong dynamic interaction between the TMD and the structure.

The structural mode is replaced by two modes, one slightly above and one slightly below

the original frequency. The damper of the TMD will damp both of the modes. [12]

Advantages of using the TMDs are [12] and [11]:

- They are compact, space saving, modular devices that can have a simple

connection to the base structure.

- Its natural period can be easily adjusted.

- They can be added to a structure that is already designed or built.

" A well-designed TMD can add high damping with minimum weight.

- Weight of damper is not on the system so there is little resistance and friction.

- The TMD does not affect the static strength or stiffness of the base structure.

- For designing the TMD, it is often possible to test the structure by inexpensive

test or analysis.

" It is totally fire proof.

2.!.) Working:

When the building sways the damper moves in the opposite direction and absorbs

the motion. In addition, it has sensors, which detect the sway of the building and

computers, which controls the positioning of the dampers in order to make the best

utilization of the TMDs natural tendency to absorb motion. [11]

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System -II -

2.1.2 Performance [Ill:

- It is capable of damping twist motions also.

- It control system facilitates by reducing 50% of the weight of damper with

improvement in performance.

- It is economical in terms of energy consumption

2.1.3 Safety issues [11]:

- A built-in sensor quickly detects any malfunction and prevents any motion, which

would increase the sway.

- Failure of the system results in the cut-off of power from the motors.

- Abnormal displacement of the damper results in power cut-off or the application

of a brake.

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 12 -

2.2 Case Studies: Example of existing tuned mass damper system

Two kinds of tuned mass dampers are used in practice. They are:

" Translational tuned mass damper

* Pendulum tuned mass damper

2.2.1. Translational Tuned Mass Damper:

The figure below shows the typical design of a Translational tuned mass damper.

It is unidirectional. The mass rests on the bearings, which works as rollers. This allows

the mass to translate sideways in relation to the floor. The mass and the adjacent vertical

support members flank springs and dampers. This transmits the lateral force, in the

opposite direction, to floor level and then into the structural frame. [9]

DireCioiR of motion

Figure 5: Translational tuned mass damper [91

John Hancock Tower:(Engineeringnews Record, Oct, 1975)

Two dampers were added to the 60 stories John Hancock Tower in Boston to

reduce the response to wind gust loading. The Dampers are added to the opposite ends of

the 48th storey, 67 m apart, and move to work against sway as well as twisting due to the

sway of the structure. Both dampers weigh 2700 KN. It consist of a lead filled steel box

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 13 -

about 5.2 m square, I m deep and 9 meter long steel plate. The lead filled plate is

laterally controlled by stiff strings and anchored to the interior columns of the building.

Servo hydraulic cylinders also control it, which slides back and forth on a hydrostatic

bearing consisting of a thin layer of oil forced through the holes in the steel plate.

Whenever the horizontal acceleration exceeds 0.003g for two consecutive cycles, the

system without human involvement is activated. [9]

Citicorp Center (EngineeringNews Record,Aug. 1975, McNamara 1 977,Petersen1980)

The Citicorp (Manhattan) building is 279 m high and has a fundamental period of

around 6.5 s with an inbuilt damping ratio of I % along each axis. The Citicorp TMD

located at the 6 3 rd floor of the structure has a mass of 366vMg,about 2% of the effective

modal mass of the first mode and was 250 times larger than any existing tuned mass

damper at the time of installation. Intended to be biaxial resonant on the structure with a

variable operating period of 6.25 s +/- 20%, adjustable linear damping from 8 to 14%.

And a peak relative displacement of +/-1.4 m, the damper is expected to reduce the

building sway amplitude by 50%. The drop corresponds to increasing the basic structural

damping by 4%. During operation, the bearings supplied oil from a separate hydraulic

pump, which is capable of raising its mass block by 2 cm to its operating position in 3

minutes. The damper system is activated automatically shut itself down when the

building acceleration does not exceed 0.00075g. [9]

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Canadian National Tower: 9 Engineering News Record, 1976)

The 102 m steel antenna mast on top of the Canadian National Tower in Toronto

(553 m high including the antenna) required two lead dampers to prevent the antenna

from deflecting excessively when subjected to wind excitation. The damper system

consist of two doughnut-shaped steel rings, 35 cm wide, 30 cm deep and 2.4 m and 3 m

in diameter. Both ring holds about 9 metric tons of lead and is supported by three steel

beams attached to the sides of the antenna mast. Four bearing universal joints that pivot

in all directions connect the rings of the beams. In addition four separate hydraulically

activated fluid dampers mounted on the side of the mast and attached to the center of

each universal joint dissipate energy. As the lead weighted rings move back and forth, the

hydraulic damper system dissipates the input energy and reduces the towers response.

The damper are tuned to the second and fourth modes of vibration in order to minimize

antenna bending loads; the first and third modes have the same characteristics as the

prestressed concrete structure supporting the antenna and did not require additional

damping. [9]

Chiba port Tower (kitamuraet al., 1988)

Chiba port Tower (completed in 1986) was the first tower in Japan to be outfitted

with TMD. Chiba Port Tower is a steel structure 125 m high weighing 1950 metric tons

and having a parallelogram shape plan with a side length of 15 m. The first and second

mode periods are 2.25 s and 0.51 s, respectively for the x direction and 2.7 s and 0.57 s

for the y direction. Damping for the fundamental mode is estimated at 0.5%. Damping

ratio proportional to frequencies was assumed for the higher modes of analysis. The

reason of the TMD is to increase the damping of the first mode for both x and y

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 15 -

directions. The damper has mass ratio with respect to the modal mass of the first mass of

about 1/120 in the x direction and 1/180 in the y direction; periods in the x and the y

directions of 2.24 s and 2.72 s respectively; and a damping damper ratio of 15%. The

maximum relative displacement of the damper with respect to the tower is about +/- 1 m

in each direction. Reduction of around of 30 to 40% in the displacement of the top floor

and 30% in the peak bending moments are expected. [9]

Figure 6: Tuned mass damper for Chiba-Port Tower [9]

The former version of the TMDs use complex mechanisms for the bearing and damping

elements, have comparatively large masses, occupy significant space, and are pretty

costly. Current versions have been intended to minimize these restrictions. It employs a

multiassemblage of elastomeric rubber bearing which function as shear springs, and

bitumen rubber compound (BRC) elements, which provide viscoelastic-damping

capacity. The device is compact in size, requires simple controls, is multidirectional and

is easily assembled and modified. [9]

The efficiency of the tuned mass damper can be increased by auxiliary mass and

an actuator to the tuned mass and driving the auxiliary mass with the actuator such that its

response is in the opposite direction with the response to the tuned mass. The effect of

driving the auxiliary mass is to produce an added force that complements the force

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 16-

generated by the tuned mass and therefore increases the equivalent damping of the TMD.

Since the actuator requires an external energy source, this system is referred to as an

active tuned mass damper. [9]

Figure 7: TMD-Huis Ten Bosch Tower, Nagasaki [91

Auxiliary mass


Floor beam
1)) ()
( )
t )

Direction of motion

Figure 8:An active tuned mass damper configuration [9]

2.2.2 Pendulum Tuned Mass Damper:

Supporting the mass with cables, which allow the system to behave as a

pendulum, can eliminate the problem associated with the bearings. The movement of the

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 17 -

floor excites the pendulum. As a result, this causes a horizontal force that opposes the

floor motion.

The simple pendulum tuned mass damper has a limitation. Since the time period

depends on the length of the pendulum, the required length for large natural period of the

pendulum may be greater than the typical height of the building. Resorting to the scheme

shown in the figure can eliminate this limitation. The interior rigid link magnifies the

support motion for the pendulum. The rigid links moves in phase with the damper and

has the same displacement amplitude. Each additional link increases the effective length

by a length L. [9]

U +"'

(a) Actual system (b) qiaeo ylr

Figure 9:A simple pendulum tuned mass damper [9]

Figure 10:Simple Pendulum [11]

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 18 -
Figure 11 :Multi-Stage Pendulum [1]

Crystal Tower (Nagaseand Hisatoku, 1990)

The tower is located in Osaka, Japan. It is 157 m high and 28 m by 67 m in plan.

It weighs 44000 metric tons and has a fundamental period of 4s (in the north-south

direction) and 3s (in the east-west direction). The pendulum tuned mass damper is used to

reduce the motion in the tower due to wind. It reduced to wind induced motion by 50%.

Six of the nine air cooling and heating ice thermal storage tank (each weighing 90 tons)

are hung from the top of the roof girders and used as the pendulum mass. Four of the

tanks are 4m long and slide in the north-south direction whereas two of the tanks are 3m

long and slides in the east-west direction. Oil dampers attached to the pendulums

dissipate the pendulum energy. The cost of the tuned mass damper was around $350,000,

which is less than 0.2% of the construction cost. [11]

2.3 Types of tuned mass dampers

Tuned mass damper theory for SDOF system.

There are various cases varying from fully undamped to fully damped condition.

1. Undamped structure: Undamped TMD

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 19 -

0- UK ~~U +U U'

Figure 12: Undamped structure: Undamped TMD [91

The figure shows a SDOF system having primary mass m and stiffness k, subjected to

external force and ground motion. A tuned mass damper of mass md and stiffness kd is

attached to the primary mass. The various displacement measures are u, the absolute

ground motion; and u, the relative motion between the primary mass and the ground; and

ud ,the relative displacement between the damper and the primary mass. The governing

equations are [9]:

m Id+ii]+kd Ud =-mdag

mu + ku - kdud = -mag +P


a,= Absolute ground acceleration;

p Loading applied to the primary mass.

Once the mass damper property is defined, we can determine the response for different

forcing frequencies. The primary mass would move under ground motion excitation in

this case. [9]

2. Undamped Structure: Damped TMD

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System -20-

_______________________________________- ~ ~ ~ -. ~ -~

U +14

,-.-em.- U~
1 -' d +4.-4 + U

Figure 13: Undamped Structure: Damped TMD[91

In this case damping is included in the mass damper, as shown in the figure. The

equations for this case are:

mdud + Cd d + kdud + d = mdag


mii+ku -c d ud -kdud= -mag+ p

The inclusion of the damping in the system produces a phase shift between the periodic

excitation and the response. [9]

3. Damped Structure: Damped TMD

U + I4r Jmm~ad U+ U+ a's

Figure 14: Damped Structure: Damped TMD [91

All real systems contain some damping. An absorber is attached only to a lightly

damped structure. The main system in the figure consists of a mass m, stiffness kd and a

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 21 -

viscous damper cd. Subjecting the system to both external and internal forcing and

ground excitation, the equations of motion are [9]:

mdud + cud + kud + mdu = -mdag

mu + ct + ku - cAdu -kdud = -mag + P

Tuned mass damper for MDOF system.


kI kd


US U1 + md8 U2 + ISl A2 + ti +U

Figure 15: Tuned mass damper for MDOF system [9]

The theory of the SDOF system discussed earlier is extended to deal with a

MDOF system having a number of tuned mass dampers located throughout the structure.

The governing equations of the system are [9]:

m~ii2 +c 2 ( ,+kIU -k 2 (u 2 -u) -C2(02 -0)I= P - miu

m2ii2 + c2 02- -5,)+ k, (U2-u)-kdUd -c Cd4 - P2 - mzu,

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 22 -


3.1 Introduction is a new archetype, which provides an effective and interactive

learning of structural behaviors. Structural analyses are the most important tool of a

structural is an excellent computer aided learning tool for

structures. It is a well-structured conceptual design for active learning of structural


The purpose of this tool is to develop a fully integrated and interactive learning

environment for Structural Behavior and Engineering. It allows students to view the

bigger picture and obtain a deeper conceptual understanding. It has been designed such

that it motivates, interests and helps in faster learning of the analytical aspects. This helps

to understand more complex concepts such as Dynamics and Earthquake engineering

Some of its advantages are [8]:

* Student can learn on his/her own with out the need of a tutor.

* It ensures proper progress of the student as well as provides room for


* Provides practical applications to the problems.

* Provides appropriate feedback for better understanding of the student.

* Students can closely relate it to the classroom material for better understanding.

There are various similar tools available but they lack a well-annotated and guided

context and correct emphasis on behavior. This provides a better tool as it contains

images, text and examples for better understanding of the concept. Unlike others

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 23 -

interactive tools, it provides an interactive environment, which allows information and

ideas to be exchanged between the computer and the user. It also provides an

environment for active learning by forcing the students to engage in conversation. In

addition, it is an adaptive learning. It adapts to the level of understanding the student

demonstrates. [8]

3.2 Interactive learning module:

A range of Learning Modules and Simulators using Java applets have been

developed to simulate Structural Engineering and Dynamics concepts.

Interactive learning has been subdivided under the headings: static module, dynamic


Static Module:

1) InteractiveLearning Module on stability of a Single Body. This has been

developed as a part of Emma Shepherdson's thesis. This module provides an

engaging experience on stabilizing a single body and connection types. It uses

Shockwave. [14]

Figure 16: Interactive Learning Module on stability of a Single Body [14]

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 24 -

2) Simply Supported Beam with 2 Point Loads: This is a complete exercise with an

excellent interface. It consist of a simply supported beam with two point loads

that can have their magnitude and position adjusted with the scrollbars. By

moving the scrollbars we can see how the interactive beam works. Diagrams for

Shear, Moment, Rotation and Displacement are simulated for each load in their

respective color. The total response due to the two loads is shown in red. It also

provides lessons to go through to identify the key features of the beam's

behaviors. [14]


position X1 0.4


Figure 17: Simply Supported Beam with 2 Point Loads: [141

3) Beam Control- demonstrates the principle of deflection and moment control by

the use of adaptive applied end moments. [14]

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 25 -

Figure 18: Beam Control [141

4) Load Paths - this module was developed as a part of a proof of concept

development of the learning environment. Email and Chat capabilities are

provided and user results were collected and submitted to a database. It also uses

Shockwave. [14]

Figure 19: Load Paths [141

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 26 -

Dynamic Module:

1) MotionLAB: Spectra and Shearbeam.This contain a set of GUI programs. They

are used in solving problem sets in the structure courses like 1.561(Motion Based

Designed) and 1.57 1(Structural Analysis and Control). In addition they are

included in the textbook "Introduction of structural motion control". Both are

created in MATLAB and compiled to C. [14]

2) Tuned Mass Damper: The performance of the Tuned Mass Damper (TMD)

system, due to the change in mass ratio, frequency and damping ratio of the

system, has been outlined and demonstrated graphically. A Java applet has been

used as the tool to represent the performance of the TMD graphically. In addition

it uses a model to show the practical application of the TMD. [14]

Ba1 .2


Figure 20: Tuned Mass Damper [14]

3) Ground Excitation of a Single Degree of Freedom Building: This simulation

demonstrates the behavior of buildings under earthquake excitation. It shows how

the building reacts as the frequency of the ground motion varies. The magnitude

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 27 -

and the frequency at which the ground shakes are varied using the scroll bars.

Also, a scrollbar is included to vary the building's damping ratio. [14]

Figure 21: Ground Excitation of a Single Degree of Freedom Building [14]

4) Simulation to Create Response Spectrum.

5) Mass Shaker on the Same Building: This simulation demonstrates the behavior of

a building subjected to sinusoidal loading. The forcing on the building is caused

by the inertia of the vibrating mass stationed on top of the building. . It

demonstrates how the building reacts as the frequency of the mass shaker varies.

The magnitude and the frequency at which the mass vibrates are varied using the

scroll bars. Also, a scrollbar is included to control the building's damping ratio.


Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 28 -

Figure 22: Mass Shaker on the Same Building [14]

6) Structural Analysis tool for Trusses -It uses finite element methods. [14]

Figure 23: Structural Analysis tool for Trusses [141

7) The Motion Lab: It is a program that allows a multiple degree of freedom

system to be modeled and various loads, etc to be applied. [14]

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 29 -

8) Motion Lab for Undergrads:This Motion Lab simulator is simplified with a

more generic, simpler interface, more appropriate for conceptual learning at

the undergraduate level. [14]

Figure 24: Motion Lab for Undergrads [141

9) Sakuta's Exercises: This is an exercise programmed by Prof Sakuta who was a

visiting professor from Japan. He began the development of the graphical and

mathematical java classes. [14]

Syatenm Attnrbute

V I a so inpu~t Ime d40greala effroadom, to start No rflorN. of UOF

MriuieWtOF Attr tute

Initial Value Prablem

IDitp icen

General Forces


Figure 25: Sakuta's Exercises [14]

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 30 -

10) Single Degree ofFreedom NonlinearAnalysis Tool: This program was developed

by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. It is a very impressive and a

useful tool.[14]

Basically, the emphasis is to maintain user's interest to enable learning through the

best tool as well as providing proper knowledge. It is simple and easy to understand.


Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 31 -

Chapter 4:The problem and the proposed solution

This chapter presents the motivation for developing a new approach for the

conceptual learning for tuned mass damper.

4.1 Background:

As mentioned before provides a range of learning modules and

simulators using Java applets. One of them is regarding the Tuned Mass Damper (TMD).

As mentioned in the second chapter, TMD is a modular device composed of a spring,

mass, and damper. This assembly is attached to the structure to reduce the dynamic

response of the structure.

Java applets have been used to represent the working of the TMD graphically. It

represents a case where the structure is undamped and the Tuned mass damper is

damped. The structure is idealized as a single degree of freedom system. The purpose of

adding the mass damper is to limit the motion of the structure when it is subjected to a

particular excitation. The design of the mass damper involve mass md, stiffness kd and

damping coefficient cd. The near optimal approximation of the frequency of the damper

o = cod


o= natural frequency of the structure

od= frequency of the structure

is used to design the optimal TMD [9].

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 32 -

Thus, for the optimal behavior of the TMD the maximum amplitude must be

minimized. In order to minimize the maximum amplitude, the Rho values of the HI or

H3 must be made equal. Thus, by increasing the dampness, the peak amplitude can be

reduced. This would represent the state of optimal performance of the TMD. Further

increase in the value of the dampness can cause the peaks to merge. As a result, the

amplitude increases beyond the optimal value. Rho values of the HI or H3 can be made

equal by the following equations [9]:

1-p 1 (1+h-) =- p I2 (1I+ i)

The effect of the damper is to limit the motion in a frequency range centered on

the natural frequency of the primary mass and extending about 0.15o.Outside this range

the motion is not significantly influenced by the damper [9].

4.2 The Previous Design:

The working of the TMD is graphically represented. The graph is plotted for the

values of H 1, H3 and Rho. Both H I and H3 have been plotted in the same graph. The

user can change the graph by changing mass ratio, frequency and (Xi). Three scroll

bars, for mass ratio, frequency and , have been provided. The graph also shows the peak

values of Rho.

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 33 -

Title of the scrollbar Range of the scrollbar

Mb (mass ratio) 0 to 0.099

F (frequency ratio) 0.8 to 1.0

Xi (dampness ratio) 0 to 0.2

Table 1:Scrollbar Range for graph

Based on the value of the scrollbars, Rho is calculated and then H 1 and H2 are calculated

using the formulae given below [13]:

W-1 + 4d?
H 1 ai.+ 4a


H+ p
Hi a 1 +4(ja
-al 2

a2= pf

2 2
a_= (1 - p2 I2 _ p ) _ f2

a =pf[1 - p 2 (1 + ji)]


a terms are function of p, f and m.

f-- frequency ratio= wd/o

p= Dimensionless frequency ratio

m = Mass ratio= md/m

= Damping

The graphical representation of the TMD is as shown below:

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 34 -

77~7 -~ -- -- - - __

Figure 26: Previous Design [131

The graph changes depending upon the calculation. This helps us in determining

the value of mass ratio, frequency and dampness required for optimal condition of the


It also has a model, which shows the effect on the structure when a TMD is attached to it.

Figure 27: Original Model [131

The value of mass ratio, frequency and dampness for the model is fixed to the

values shown in the table below.

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System -35-
Title of the scrollbar Fixed value of the scrollbar for the model

mb (mass ratio) 0.05

f (frequency ratio) 0.9

Xi (dampness ratio) 0.1

Table 2: Scrollbar Range for the model

In addition, it also shows a corresponding graph for the model.

Although the site gives all the information, it lacks few important aspects. Some of the

features that it lacks are listed below:

1) It lacks sensitivity.

2) Both HI and H3 have been shown in the same graph. It makes it congested and it

is not user friendly. If the same were shown using two graphs (side by side) it

would be make it easy to understand and moreover the user would be able to

compare the two cases.

Figure 28: Previous Design [13]

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 36 -

3) The range of the graph is not large enough to show all the cases when the value of

the scrollbars is changed. Thus, beyond a certain range of value the graph is

unable to show the plot.

Figure 29: Previous Design [131

4) The scroll bar makes more user friendly and it look better. But the range of the

scroll bars for the mass ratio is insufficient .Its present range is 0 to 0.099 but it

would be better to have a larger range ranging from 0 to 0.8. The range of the

scrollbars for frequency and dampness is sufficient.

Mb 4

Figure 30: Previous Design [13]

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 37 -

5) It does not show the extreme cases of the Xi; i.e. Xi = 0 and Xi= 1. If the a graph

is plotted showing the extreme cases of the Xi values, with dotted lines, it would

make it easier for the user to compare. In addition, it would make it easy for the

user to understand how the TMD works. TMD is said to have an optimal state for

a specific range lying between the two extreme values of the Xi. So, it is

important for the user to know the extreme values.

6) It has a nice model but it is difficult to relate it to the graph, as it is not shown

next to the graph. It is shown in a different page. Thus, if the model were shown

just next to the graph it would make it more users friendly.

Figure 31: Previous Design [13]

7) Moreover, the model does not work according to the different values of the mass

ratio, frequency and dampness of the scrollbar as entered by the user. It has a set

value of mass ratio (0.05), frequency (0.9) and dampness (0.1). Thus, it shows the

working of the TMD for a fixed value. It does not change with the change in

value of the scrollbar.

8) It does not give any written matter, explaining the graph and the model. As a

result, it makes it difficult for new students to understand.

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 38 -

Figure 32: Previous Design [13]

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 39 -

4.3 The proposed design:

The new java code is an extension of the previous work. The similar java applets and the

unchanged base classes have been used. The new, improved design is shown below.



T.8 D.A
~28 1.0 1 1 1 .2 e.8 0.9 1.0 1 1.2
R ho llitlaW Cdnatoebhio Or, of

damp'nes; ratio art omp vx-es as the value of the

ku Scoasra" g 1 modtl demon&*ats it

FigO0:l:Snge-Degree-of Freedom system

Mass Ratio (mb) Dampness Ratio (Xi)

0.056 0.1
Frequency ( Omega
-1I 0.9 1,154

Figure 33: New Design

Features of the new design:

1) It has made the scrollbars, graph and the model more sensitive.

2) HI and H3 have been shown as two separate graphs on the same page. This

makes it easy to read and understand.

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 40 -



O.8 D.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.8 0.9 1.0 L. 1.2

Rho Rho

Figure 34: New Design

3) The range of the scrollbar for the mass ratio has been changed from the range 0 to

0.099 to the range 0 to 0.396. This gives more sensitivity to the graph.

Mass Ratio (mb) Dampness Ratio (Xi)

0396 0.1
Frequency () Omega
019 128

Figure 35: New Design

4) The plot when the Xi = 0 and when Xi = 1, has been shown in both the graph in

different colors. This helps to understand the concept of TMD better.


i~4J C).

- 4,44

./ .~ -\

t A
e .8 D.9 1.0 1.1A 1.2 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
Rho Rho
Figure 36: New Design

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 41 -

5) The model has been reinstalled beside the graph so that the user is able to see the

changes in the model as the values of the scrollbar changes.

-f 4 -o

.o 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 9.8 0.9 1 0 11 1.2

Pho Rho

FigOl: Sing&e-Degree-
of-Freedom system

Figure 37: New Design

6) The model has been designed such that it would show the change in the model as

the values of the scrollbar is changed. Moreover, an additional scrollbar has been

provided for Omega (for the range of 0.2 to 2.0). This would help in showing the

change in model due to change in Omega.

Mass Ratio (mb) Dampness Ratio (Xi)

0.396 0.1
Frequency() Omega
0.9 1.28

Figure 38: New Design

7) The new design would include some text so that a new user can understand the

working of the graph and the model.

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System -42 -


Ce.8 0.9 1 .0 1.1 1.2

k kd scrollbas art,
effect on the b

P Yelow hme i

Cd u Red Lme in th

FigUOl:Single-Degree-of-Freedom system

Figure 39: New Design

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 43 -

Chapter 5:Conclusion:

The improved design of the TMD is intended to attract the civil engineering

students. Structural engineer can use their creativity to design the tuned mass damper.

For this creativity to become a structure that can be build, there may be a means for

evaluating its performance before construction. The technical challenges involved in

designing of TMD can be evaluated with the help of an evaluating tools proposed in this

thesis. This simple tool might determine whether to take the design beyond the

conceptual stage into actual construction or not.

The focus of this work was on achieving better conceptual learning through

computer-aided interactive tutorial experience. It exploits I.T.'s possibilities to produce

cutting edge learning tools. This effort led to fine-tuning of the methodology for

understanding the conceptual design of the TMD.

The new design would help students in understanding the working of the tuned

mass damper when the mass ratio, frequency or dampness changes. This change is

graphically represented in two graphs: one Hi against Rho and second H3 against Rho.

This change is also shown with the help of an interactive model. The model is as shown


Fiaure 40: New Desian

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 44 -

This model does not provide a clear understanding of the application the TMD in the real

world. The model can be modified such that a student can easily relate it to the real world


The thesis indicates that the proposed conceptual design is adequate. However, greater

efficiency may be achieved through further changing the model.

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 45 -


[1] Frahm,H.(1909).Device for Damping Vibrations of Bodies,U.S. Patent #989958.

[2] Ormondroyd, J., and den Hartog, J. P. (1982). The Theory of the Dynamics Vibration
Absorber. Trans. ASME, APM, 50,7, pp. 9-22.

[3] Den Harton, J. P.(1940). Mechanical Vibrations, 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill, New York.

[4] Randall, S.E., Halsted, D. M., and Taylor, D.L. (1981). Optimum Vibration Absorbers
for Linear Dmaped System Trans. ASME, 103,pp 908-913.

[5] Warburton, G. B. (1981). Optimum Absorber Parameters for Minimizing Vibration

Response.Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 9,pp. 251-262.

[6] Warburton, G. B.(1982). Optimum Absorber Parameters for Various Combinations of

Response and Excitation Parameters. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics,

[7] Tsai,K. C., and Lin, G. C.(1993). Optimum Tuned-Mass Dampers for Minimizing
Steady State Response of Support-Excited and Damped Systems. Earthquake and
Structural Dynamics, 22,pp. 957-973.

[8] Emma Shepherdson. Teaching concepts utilizing active learning computer

environments. PhD thesis.

[9] Connor, Jerome J. (2003). Structural Motion Control, pp 217-270.

[10] GERB Vibration Control system. "Tuned mass damper".


[11] "Tuned active damper for high rise building".


[12] CSA Engineering Inc."Tuned mass damper for Vibration control"


[13] Tuned mass damper. < >

[14] "Interactive learning modules." <>

Real Time Tuned Mass Damper Simulation System - 46 -

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3 import java.applet.*;
4 import java.awt.*;
8 public class Fig019 extends Engineer implements Runnable
10 {
12 Scrollbar mb number; Label mb title;
13 Scrollbar f -number; Label f tfitle;
14 Scrollbar X1 number; Label XI title;
15 Scrollbar nHumber; Label n Eitle;
19 Thread animator;
20 boolean pleasestop;
21 Image offscreen;
22 int imagewidth,imageheight;
23 double Timestep=0.;
24 double dTimestep;
27 public void init()
30 setLayout( null );
32 mb title = new Label( "Mass Ratio (mb)" );
33 mb title.reshape( 50, 520, 120, 20 );
34 add( mb title );
35 mb number = new Scrollbar( Scrollbar. HORIZONTAL, 50, 0, 0, 100 );
36 mb number. setPagelncrement( 2 ) ;
37 mb number.reshape( 50, 540, 150, 20 );
38 add( mb number );
40 f title = new Label( "Frequency (f)" );
41 f-title.reshape( 50, 560, 120, 20 );
42 add( f title );
43 f number = new Scrollbar( Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 50, 0, 0, 100 );
44 f-number. setPageIncrement( 2 );
45 f-number.reshape( 50, 580, 150, 20 );
46 aad( fnumber );
48 Xi title = new Label( "Damping (Xi)" );
49 Xi-title.reshape( 350, 520, 120, 20 );
50 adcf( Xi title );
51 Xi number = new Scrollbar( Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 50, 0, 0, 100 );
52 Xi number. setPagelncrement( 2 ) ;
53 Xi number.reshape( 350, 540, 150, 20 );
54 add( Xi number );
58 n title = new Label( "Omega" );
59 n title.reshape( 350,560, 120, 20 );
60 a-d( n title );
61 n number = new Scrollbar( Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 50, 0, 0, 100 );
62 n-number.setPageIncrement( 2 );
63 n~number. reshape( 350, 580, 150, 20 );
64 aad( n number );
65 }
68 public FigOl9()
Page 1
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70 {
71 super(500,500,30.,-5.,-5.5,0,0,300,400);
72 }
76 public void start ()
79 if (animator == null)
80 {
81 animator = new Thread(this);
82 animator.start();
83 }
87 public void stop()
90 if (animator != null)
92 animator. stop ();
93 animator = null;
100 public boolean handleEvent( Event event
103 if ( == Event.SCROLL ABSOLUTE
105 == Event.SCROLL LINE UP~|1
107 == Event.SCROLLPAGEUP)
108 {
109 repaint (;
110 return true;
112 return super. handleEvent ( event );
115 public void paint( Graphics g
118 double
119 Rho[]=new double[110],
120 H1[]=new double[110],
121 H3I[=new double[110],
122 H1XiO[]=new double[110],
123 H1Xil[]=new double[110],
124 H3XiO[]=new double[110],
125 H3Xil[]=new double[110];
127 double mb = mb number.getValue(*.004;
128 double f = f -iumber.getValue0*.002+.8;
129 double Xi = XT number.getValue(*.002;
134 double Hlpeak, Rhopeak;
135 double Rhopeakl, H3peak;
Page 2
Printing at 5/14/03 10:33 AM
138 double Xaxis=20.0,Yaxis=18.;
141 double Xmax=1.2,Xmin=0.8,Ymax=30.0,Ymin=0.;
142 int Maxp=101;
143 double dx= (Xmax-Xmin)/ (Maxp-1);
146 g.setColor(Color.white);
147 f rect(g,0.,10.,Xaxis,Yaxis+10);
150 f rect(g,30.,10.,Xaxis+30,Yaxis+10);
152 g.setColor(Color.lightGray);
153 lattice(g,0.,10.,Xaxis,Yaxis+10,Xaxis/16.,Yaxis/30.);
156 lattice(g,30.,10.,Xaxis+30,Yaxis+10,Xaxis/16.,Yaxis/30.);
158 g.setColor(Color.gray);
159 lattice(g,0.,10.,Xaxis,Yaxis+10,Xaxis/4.,Yaxis/3.);
162 lattice(g,30.,10.,Xaxis+30,Yaxis+10,Xaxis/4.,Yaxis/3.);
164 g.setColor(;
167 for(int i=0;i<Maxp;i++)
169 Rho[i]=dx*i+Xmin;
170 double RhoSQ=Rho[i]*Rho[i];
171 double a1=f*f-RhoSQ;
172 double a2=Rho[i]*f;
173 double a3=(1.-RhoSQ)* (f*f-RhoSQ)-
174 mb*RhoSQ*f* f;
175 double a4=Rho[i]*f*(1.-RhoSQ*(1.+mb));
177 H1[i]=Math.sqrt((al*al+4.*Xi*Xi*a2*a2)/
178 (a3*a3+4.*Xi*Xi*a4*a4));
179 H3 [i]=Math. sqrt (Rho [i] /
180 (a3*a3+4.*Xi*Xi*a4*a4));
182 double XOi = 0.;
183 H1XiO[i]=Math.sqrt((al*al+4.*XOi*XOi*a2*a2)/
184 (a3*a3+4.*XOi*XOi*a4*a4));
185 H3XiO[i]=Math.sqrt(Rho[i]/
186 (a3*a3+4.*XOi*XOi*a4*a4));
188 double X1i = 1.;
189 H1Xil[i]=Math.sqrt((al*al+4.*Xli*Xli*a2*a2)/
190 (a3*a3+4.*Xli*Xli*a4*a4));
191 H3Xi1[i]=Math.sqrt(Rho[iI/
192 (a3*a3+4.*Xli*Xli*a4*a4));
194 if(H1[i]>Ymax)H1[i]=Ymax;
195 if(H3[i]>Ymax)H3[i]=Ymax;
196 if(H1XiO[i]>Ymax)H1XiO[i]=Ymax;
197 if(H1Xil[i]>Ymax)H1Xil[i]=Ymax;
198 if(H3XiO[i]>Ymax)H3XiO[i]=Ymax;
199 if(H3Xi1[i]>Ymax)H3Xi1[i]=Ymax;
200 }
203 Rho[Maxp+]=Xmin;Rho[Maxp+2]=(Xmax-Xmin)/Xaxis;
204 Hi[Maxp+1]=Ymin; H1[Maxp+2]=(Ymax-Ymin) /Yaxis;
Page 3
Printing at 5/14/03 10:33 AM
205 H3[Maxp+l]=Ymin; H3[Maxp+2]=(Ymax-Ymin)/Yaxis;
206 H1XiO[Maxp+1]=Ymin; H1XiO[Maxp+2]=(Ymax-Ymin)/Yaxis;
207 H3XiO[Maxp+1]=Ymin; H3XiO[Maxp+2]=(Ymax-Ymin)/Yaxis;
208 H1Xil[Maxp+1]=Ymin; HiXil[Maxp+2]=(Ymax-Ymin)/Yaxis;
209 H3Xi1[Maxp+1]=Ymin; H3Xil[Maxp+2]=(Ymax-Ymin)/Yaxis;
212 g.setColor(;
213 double Xpeak,Ypeak;
214 Hlpeak=H1[0];Rhopeak=Rho[0];
215 for(int i=1;i<Maxp;i++)
217 if(H1[i]>Hlpeak)
219 Rhopeak=Rho[i];H1peak=H1[i];
221 else break;
223 Xpeak=(Rhopeak-Rho[Maxp+1])/Rho[Maxp+2]+0.;
224 Ypeak= (Hlpeak-Hi [Maxp+1] ) /H1 [Maxp+2]+0.;
225 number(g,Xpeak,Ypeak+10,Rhopeak,2);
226 symbol(g,Xpeak+2.,Ypeak+10,",");
227 number(g,Xpeak+2.5,Ypeak+10,Hlpeak,2);
229 marker(g,Xpeak,Ypeak+10,2);
232 Hlpeak=H1[Maxp];Rhopeak=Rho[Maxp];
233 for(int i=Maxp-1;i>0;i--)
235 if(H1[i]>H1peak)
237 Rhopeak=Rho[i];H1peak=H1[i];
239 else break;
241 Xpeak=(Rhopeak-Rho[Maxp+1])/Rho[Maxp+2]+0.;
242 Ypeak=(Hlpeak-Hi[Maxp+i])/H1[Maxp+2]+0.;
243 number(g,Xpeak,Ypeak+10,Rhopeak,2);
244 symbol(g,Xpeak+2.,Ypeak+10,",");
245 number(g,Xpeak+3.5,Ypeak+10,Hlpeak,2);
246 marker(g,Xpeak,Ypeak+10,2);
247 double n = (n number.getValueO*.018+0.2);
249 dTimestep = n*Hlpeak;
253 g.setColor(;
254 double Xpeakl,Ypeakl;
255 H3peak=H3[0];Rhopeak1=Rho[0];
256 for(int i=1;i<Maxp;i++)
258 if(H3[i]>H3peak)
259 {
260 Rhopeakl=Rho[i];H3peak=H3[i];
261 }
262 else break;
264 Xpeakl=(Rhopeakl-Rho[Maxp+1])/Rho[Maxp+2]+0.;
265 Ypeakl=(H3peak-H3[Maxp+1])/H3[Maxp+2]+0.;
266 number(g,Xpeakl+30,Ypeakl+10,Rhopeakl,2);
267 symbol (g,Xpeakl+32.,Ypeakl+10,",");
268 number(g,Xpeakl+33.5,Ypeakl+10,H3peak,2);
269 marker(g,Xpeakl+30,Ypeakl+10,2);
272 H3peak=H3[Maxp];Rhopeakl=Rho[Maxp];
Page 4
Printing at 5/14/03 10:33 AM
273 for(int i=Maxp-1;i>0;i--)
275 if(H3[i]>H3peak)
277 Rhopeakl=Rho[i];H3peak=H3[i];
279 else break;
280 }
281 Xpeakl=(Rhopeaki-Rho[Maxp+1J)/Rho(Maxp+2]+0.;
282 Ypeakl=(H3peak-H3[Maxp+1])/H3[Maxp+2]+0.;
283 number(g,Xpeakl+30,Ypeakl+10,Rhopeakl,2);
284 symbol (g,Xpeakl+32.,Ypeakl+10,",");
285 number(g,Xpeakl+32.5,Ypeakl+10,H3peak,2);
286 marker(g,Xpeakl+30,Ypeakl+10,2);
291 g.setColor(;
292 lline(g,0.,10.,Rho,H1,Maxp,0);
294 g.setColor(;
295 lline(g,30.,10.,Rho,H3,Maxp,0);
297 g.setColor(;
298 lline(g,0.,10.,Rho,H1XiO,Maxp,0);
299 lline(g,30.,10.,Rho,H3XiO,Maxp,0);
301 g.setColor((Color.yellow).darker());
302 lline(g,0.,10.,Rho,H1Xil,Maxp,0);
303 lline(g,30.,10.,Rho,H3Xil,Maxp,0);
305 g.setColor(;
306 u rect(g,0.,10.,Xaxis,Yaxis+10);
308 u rect(g,30.,10.,Xaxis+30,Yaxis+10);
310 u rect(g,0.,-12.,Xaxis,Yaxis-12);
313 axis(g,0.,10., Xaxis/16.,Xaxis, 0.,"Rho",3,1,4,Xmin,.1);
314 axis(g,0.,10.,-Yaxis/30.,Yaxis,90.,"H1" ,2,1,10,Ymin,10.);
316 axis(g,30.,10., Xaxis/16.,Xaxis, O.,"Rho",3,1,4,Xmin,.1);
317 axis(g,30.,10.,-Yaxis/30.,Yaxis,90., "H3" ,2,1,10,Ymin,10.);
320 g.setColor(;
322 number(g,Xaxis*+0.8,-21,mb,4);
323 number(g,Xaxis*+0.8,-25,f,4);
324 number(g,Xaxis*+2.3,-21,Xi,4);
325 number(g,Xaxis*+2.3,-25,n,4);
328 drawFig(g);
330 }
333 public void run()
337 while(!pleasestop)
339 Dimension d=this.size(;
340 if((offscreen!=null) |
Page 5
Printing at 5/14/03 10:33 AM
341 ((imagewidth!=d.width)lI(imageheight!=d.
343 offscreen=this. createImage(d.width,d.height);
344 imagewidth=d.width;
345 imageheight=d.height;
346 }
349 Graphics g=offscreen.getGraphicso;
350 paint(g);
351 g=this. getGraphics (;
352 g. drawImage (offscreen,0,0, this);
354 try
355 {
356 Thread. sleep (00) ;
357 }
359 catch(InterruptedException e){};
360 I
361 animator=null;
363 }
366 publ ic void dashpot( Graphics g ,double xO,double yO,
367 double xl,double yl)
369 {
370 Vector2D XO=new Vector2D(xO,yO),
371 DX=new Vector2D(xl-xO,y1-yO),
372 DY=new Vector2D(DX.Rot(90.));
374 u plot(g,XO,3);
375 tiplot (g,XO.Plus(DX.Mult (.45)) ,2) ;
376 u plot(g, (XO.Plus(DX.Mult(.45) )) .Plus(DY.Mult(0.075)),2);
377 L plot(g, (XO. Plus (DX.Mult (.45) )).Minus(DY.Mult(0.075)),2);
378 u plot(g,XO.Plus(DX),3);
379 uHplot(g,X0.Plus(DX.Mult(.55)) ,2);
380 u~plot(g, (XO.Plus(DX.Mult(.55) )).Plus(DY.Mult(O.09)),2);
381 ifplot(g, (X0.Plus(DX.Mult(.4))
383 u plot (g,X0. Plus (DX.Mult (.55) ),3) ;
384 uiplot (g, (XO. Plus (DX.Mult (.55) ) ).Minus (DY.Mult (0.09) ),2);
385 u plot (g, (XO. Plus (DX.Mult (.4) )) .Minus (DY.Mult (0.09) ),2) ;
386 }
388 public void spring( Graphics g ,double xO,double yO,
389 double xl,double yl)
391 {
392 Vector2D XO=new Vector2D(xO,yO),
393 DX=new Vector2D(xl-xO,y1-yO),
394 DY=new Vector2D(DX.Rot(90.));
395 uplot(gXO,3);
396 u plot(g,XO.Plus(DX.Mult(.1)),2);
397 far(double a=.1;a<.8;a+=.1)
399 uplot (g, (XO.Plus (DX.Mult (a+.025) )).Plus (DY.Mult (0.1)),
2) ;
400 u_plot (g, (XO.Plus (DX.Mult (a+.075))) .Minus (DY.Mult
(0.1)) ,2);
402 uplot(g,XO.Plus(DX.Mult(.9) ),2);
403 uplot (g,X0. Plus (DX),2) ;
405 }
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409 public void drawFig( Graphics g
413 double phase=Timestep*Math.PI/8;
414 double xm=6.+Math.cos(phase);
415 double xmd=18.+Math.sin (phase);
416 double graphxO=0. ,graphy0=12. ,graphxl=30. ,graphyl=30.;
417 double
418 X[]=new double[110],
419 YO[]=new double[110],
420 Y1[]=new double[110];
423 double Xaxis=20,Yaxis=18;
424 double Xmax=2.*Math.PI, Xmin=0. ,Ymax=1.O,Ymin=-1.;
425 int Maxp=101;
426 double dx=(Xmax-Xmin)/(Maxp-1);
429 g.setColor(Color.white);
430 f rect(g,0.,-12,Xaxis,Yaxis-12);
431 g.setColor(Color.lightGray);
432 lattice(g,0.,-12,Xaxis,Yaxis-12,Xaxis/20.,Yaxis/20.);
433 g.setColor(Color.gray);
434 lattice(g,0., -12,XaxisYaxis-12,Xaxis/4.,Yaxis/2.);
435 g.setColor(;
438 for(int i=0;i<Maxp;i++)
440 X[i]=dx*i+Xmin;
441 YO[i]=Math.sin(X[i]+Timestep);
442 Y1[i]=Math.cos(X[i]+Timestep);
446 X[Maxp+1]=Xmin;X[Maxp+2]=(Xmax-Xmin) /Xaxis;
447 YO[Maxp+1]=Ymin; YO[Maxp+2]=(Ymax-Ymin)/Yaxis;
448 Y1[Maxp+1]=Ymin; Y1[Maxp+2]=(Ymax-Ymin)/Yaxis;
451 g.setColor(;
452 lline(g,0.,-12,X,YO,Maxp,0);
453 g.setColor(;
454 lline(g,0.,-12,X,Y1,Maxp,0);
457 g.setColor(;
458 u rect(g,0.,-12,Xaxis,Yaxis-12);
464 g.setColor((Color.yellow).darker());
465 f rect(g,30,-12,31,Yaxis-12);
467 g.setColor((;
468 f rect(g,30+xm,-8.,xm+34.,Yaxis-15);
470 f rect(g, 30+xmd,-8, xmd+34.,Yaxis-15);
473 g.setColor(;
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474 dashpot(g,xm+34.,-7,xmd+30,-7);
477 spring(g,31.,Yaxis-20,30+xm,Yaxis-20);
478 spring(g,xm+34.,Yaxis-19,30+xmd,Yaxis-19);
480 g.setColor(;
481 uplot (g, xm+32., Yaxis-15, 3);
482 u plot(g,xm+32.,Yaxis-14,2);
483 arrow(g,xm+32.,Yaxis-14,xm+37.,Yaxis-14,2);
485 g.setColor(;
489 u plot(g,xm+34.,-10,3);
490 t.~plot(g,xm+34.,-12.,2);
491 arrow(g,xm+34.,-11.,xm+39.,-11.,2);
492 u plot(g,xmd+34.,-10,3);
493 u plo t (g,xmd+34 .,-12, 2) ;
494 aTrow(g,xmd+34.,-11.,xmd+39.,-11.,2);
496 g.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman", Font. BOLD Font. ITALIC, 18));
498 symbol (g, 33., -1, "k");
499 symbol(g,44.,0.,"kd");
500 symbol (g,43., -5,"cd" ) ;
501 symbol (g, 42., -10, "u") ;
502 symbol(g,37.5,-5.,"m");
503 symbol (g,4 9., -5.,"md") ;
504 symbol(g,40.,5,"P") ;
505 symbol(g,53.,-10,"ud");
506 g.setFont(new Font ("TimesRoman", Font. BOLD Font. PLAIN, 14));
508 g.setColor(;
509 symbol (g,30.,-15., "FigOO1:Single-Degree-of-Freedom system");
511 Timestep+=dTimestep;
512 }
519 }

Page 8

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