Absenteeism Prediction and Labor Force Optimization in Rail Dispatcher Scheduling
Absenteeism Prediction and Labor Force Optimization in Rail Dispatcher Scheduling
Absenteeism Prediction and Labor Force Optimization in Rail Dispatcher Scheduling
Taylor Jensen
B.S. Construction Management, Brigham Young University, 2008
Qi Sun
B.S. Computer Science and Technology, Qingdao University, 2004
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Absenteeism Prediction and Labor Force Optimization in
Taylor Jensen and Qi Sun
Unplanned employee absences are estimated to account for a loss of 3% of scheduled labor
hours. This can be costly in railroad dispatcher scheduling because every absence must be filled
through overtime or a qualified extra dispatcher. One factor that complicates this problem is the
uncertainty of unplanned employee absences. The ability to predict unplanned absences would
facilitate effective scheduling of extra dispatchers and help reduce overtime costs. This thesis
uses data from a railroad company over a four year period to examine company-wide factors
thought to impact the number of unplanned absences among dispatchers. Using Poisson
regression, we identify several factors that provide statistical evidence of influencing the number
of unplanned absences. These factors are month, snowstorms, shift, and certain holidays.
Despite these findings, the overall predictive capability of our regression model is very weak.
Instead, we model the number of unplanned absences by shift as a -Andom process with a
Negative Binomial distribution and use Monte Carlo simulation to explore the impact on
overtime costs of increasing the number of scheduled extra dispatchers and increasing the
number of positions on which each employee is qualified to work. Our results show that
increasing the number of extra dispatchers has a.greater effect on reducing overtime, but the cost
savings from ledtcing overtime expenses afe not enough to offset the additional labor costs of
having more employees on staff. Our results provide insight regarding the relationship among
extra staff, higher levels of qualification among employees, and the willingness to use overtime
in handling unplanned absences.
Table of Contents
List of Tables........................................................................................................ 5
List of Figures ....................................................................................................... 6
1 Dispatcher Scheduling in the Railroad Industry..................................... 7
1.1 S ch edu ling at R ailC o...................................................................................................................7
3 M ethods ..................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Evaluating Count Data: Introduction ................................................................................ 15
3.1.1 The Binomial Distribution............................................................................................ 15
3.1.2 The Poisson Distribution .............................................................................................. 16
3.1.3 The Negative Binomial Distribution............................................................................ 17
3.1.4 Goodness of Fit Tests ................................................................................................... 18
3.3.1 Goodness of Fit Tests for Generalized Linear Regression Models ........................... 22
4.1.1 M on th ................................................................................................................................. 37
4.1.2 S h ift.....................................................................................................................................3 8
4.1.5 Planned Absences..............................................................................................................41
6 Cu.............................................56
Csion .....................................................
6.1 Other Considerations in Employee Staffing ....................................................................... 57
6.2 Future Research........................................................................................................................60
7 B ibliography .............................................................................................. 61
List of Tables
List of Figures
1 Dispatcher Scheduling in the Railroad Industry
RailCol operates several thousand miles of track across the United States. The department that
directs traffic across this network employs over four hundred dispatchers and operates 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The daily assignment of these four hundred dispatchers
across their unique positions combined with the scheduling of employee vacations requires the
labor of eight full-time employees. These scheduling employees are required to follow strict
scheduling rules that govern how employees are qualified to work in specific positions, when
employees can take vacation time, and how employees are disciplined for being absent from
RailCo has three shifts of approximately ninety positions that must be staffed every day. Each of
these positions is associated with a length of track over which the dispatcher directs railroad
traffic. Before a dispatcher can work on a position he must be trained and receive the
corresponding qualification for that position. The dispatcher that is regularly assigned to a
certain position is called the "incumbent" for that position. Figure 1 shows an example of how
If an incumbent for any position is absent from work, for either planned or unplanned reasons,
his/her position must be staffed by an alternate employee who has been pre-qualified to work in
that position. RailCo maintains a group of extra employees without regular assignments, called
The RailCo dispatcher workforce is unionized and has strict rules that govern their schedules and
work positions. If no extra board employee is available and qualified to staff an incumbent
vacancy, then an incumbent from another position can be moved from his position in what is
called a "slide." The vacancy created by sliding the incumbent can then be filled by an extra
board employee qualified on that position. This process of sliding employees is repeated until all
positions are staffed with qualified employees. If it is not possible or feasible to fill vacancies by
sliding employees, then RailCo can call an employee from home and pay him/her overtime to fill
the position.
Because of union rules, each time an incumbent is moved from his/her regular position in a slide
he/she must be paid time and one half for that day, and each time an employee is called from
home he/she must be paid a full day and one half extra. Because of these union agreements,
RailCo has little flexibility in how they make assignments and schedule their employees without
incurring extra cost. This scheduling problem is further complicated by unplanned employee
1.2 Motivation
The number of unplanned absences on any given day occurs in unpredictable patterns. On
seemingly random days during the year there are an unusually high number of employees that
call in sick. Figure 2 shows the irregularity of unplanned absences by day during 2012.
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Because RailCo cannot predict when these spikes in absenteeism will occur they are forced to
keep a high number of extra board dispatchers on their payroll to cover worst case scenarios.
Extra board dispatchers earn a full-time salary even if they do not have a specific assignment
every day.
If RailCo could predict when days of unusually high absences would occur, they would be able
to make adjustments to planned vacation allotments and training schedules in order to minimize
employee slides and overtime pay. More accurate prediction of employee absences would also
allow management to respond more quickly and accurately to employee requests for days off.
The first part of our research aims to answer the question of what factors influence unplanned
dispatcher absences, and by using these factors is it possible to build a model that will predict
how many absences will occur on any given day and shift. This knowledge will give RailCo the
ability to make better decisions about staffing levels and make allotments for planned vacation
days, and will have a significant impact on the both the profits and employee relations of RailCo.
A further part of our research will apply simulation techniques to help RailCo find the most
appropriate number of extra board employees and the optimal number of qualifications that each
dispatcher on the extra board should have. Both of these factors will affect the total labor costs
for RailCo. The more qualifications that each extra board dispatcher has, the more flexibility
RailCo will have in their scheduling, and the less likely RailCo will be to incur the extra costs
associated with sliding employees between positions or calling in people from home.
2 Literature Review
Most of the research conducted on employee absenteeism focuses on predicting absences based
on the traits of the individual employee, or based on large scale economic factors that affect the
entire population. Our research is somewhat unique in that it focuses on factors that affect
absences on a company-wide scale. This includes factors such as shift, day of the week, month,
holidays, as well as events that are specific to RailCo's geographical region. As RailCo gains the
ability to predict absenteeism based on these factors, they will be able customize the size of their
labor force. As a background to our research, we will now review the literature that has been
done on predicting absenteeism and the methods available for scheduling replacements for
absent employees.
In 2010 it was estimated that the total cost of absenteeism in the United States was $118 billion
(Weaver, 2010). A Mercer study estimated that the total costs of these unplanned absences were
as high as 8.7% of payroll (Carpenter & Wyman, 2010). It has also been estimated that
unplanned absences account for a loss of approximately 3% of scheduled labor hours (Bureau of
Labor Statistics, 2011). The high cost of absenteeism has motivated studies aimed at predicting
In 1998, a twenty year review of studies on absenteeism concluded that in the mid-term and long
term, factors such as gender, age, health, and job satisfaction are all significant predictors of
absenteeism (Harrison & Martocchio, 1998). Data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in
support many of these conclusions; for example, in 2011, women were almost twice as likely to
be absent from work as men, and older employees were found to have slightly higher instances
Other studies have examined more limited predictive factors on absenteeism. One study
(Hausknecht et. al, 2008) found a negative correlation between local unemployment rates and
absenteeism. Another study, of 514 security guards, found that employees that perceive their
employer as being unfair have slightly higher rates of absenteeism (De Boer et. al, 2002). Other
studies show that unplanned absences are higher among union employees than non-union
Several factors cause absences in the short term, the most common being illness. However, as
many as half of unplanned absences can be attributed to factors other than illness, such as doctor
appointments, problematic relationships, and vehicle repairs (Prater & Smith, 2011). Weather is
another cause of absenteeism, although this is generally limited to regions where snow and other
In our research we evaluated some of the factors detailed above, but most of our analysis focused
on macro factors specific to RailCo's work conditions and geography. This is because RailCo's
primary objective was to understand the causes of variation in unplanned absences for the
2.2 Scheduling Replacements: The Assignment Problem
Whenever an incumbent for a position is absent for unplanned reasons, another employee with
the appropriate qualification must be assigned to fill that vacancy. A substantial amount of
literature exists that addresses how to solve this so-called assignment problem.
Kuhn (1955) defined the problem this way: "...personnel-assignment asks for the best
assignment of a set of persons to a set of jobs, where the possible assignments are ranked by the
total scores or ratings of the workers in the jobs to which they are assigned." Kuhn developed
what he called the Hungarian Method, based on work done by D. KOnig (1936) and E. Egerviry
(1931), as a way to solve the assignment problem. In this method, employees and jobs are
arranged in a matrix where the rows of the matrix represent employees, the columns represent
jobs, and each row/column combination contains the corresponding value of that employee being
assigned to that job. An algorithm is then applied to the matrix which produces the optimal
solution based on the value in each cell of the matrix. This optimization method has been used
by many researchers. For example James Munkres (1957) used it to solve transportation
problems, and more recently, Hultberg and Cardoso (1997) employed this method to assign
In our application of the assignment problem to RailCo's scheduling problem, we will create a
matrix where the rows represent employees, the columns represent positions, and each cell
describes the cost of that employee working in that position. Solving the assignment problem
will then produce the minimum cost solution of assigning incumbents, extra board employees,
3 Methods
In our analysis of employee absences we used data from January 1, 2009, to December 31, 2012;
each absence during this four year period had a corresponding date, time, employee number and
reason for the absence. As a precursor to analyzing these absences, we first had to determine the
Because dispatchers start work at different times during the day, shifts were divided into eight
hour blocks based on the earliest start time possible under union rules, which is 5:00 AM. Table
1 shows the start and end times for each shift. All start times between 12:00 AM and 4:59 AM
The next step in our analysis was to determine how RailCo differentiated between planned and
unplanned absences. RailCo uses several description codes in their scheduling operations to
Table 2: Sample absence codes
Generally, an absence was considered "unplanned" if the scheduler was not aware the employee
would not arrive more than 24 hours in advance and as a result would not have the opportunity to
adjust schedules before the work day started. For series of unplanned absences from one
employee lasting longer than one day, absences were counted as "unplanned" for the first five
consecutive days, and then "planned" for any remaining days. This is because after several days
of consecutive unplanned absences the schedulers would presumably be able to adjust their plans
appropriately to account for the previously "unplanned" absence. By categorizing all absences
by day and shift, we created 4 years x 365 days x 3 shifts = 4,383 day/shift combinations. A
15.0% - -
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
The number of absences that occur on any given shift is categorized as count data, which are
defined as values that are both non-negative and integers. There are several models that can be
employed to evaluate count data; we will discuss the three most common, namely, Binomial,
The Binomial distribution is the simplest model used to evaluate count data arising from a series
of independent and identical trials that result in either a success or a failure. The probability
Where n = the number of trials, p = the probability of success of each trial, and k = the number of
successes. As an example of how this would be applied to RailCo, n would represent the number
of employees that are scheduled to work on a given day or shift, p would represent the
probability that each employee would be absent from work, and k would represent the number of
Figure 4 shows sample Binomial distributions based on varying values for n and p.
- n=15, p=.4
-n=15, p=.8
- n=40, p=.4
5.0% 1 62
1 6 11 16 21 26 31
This model is generally used for simple distributions where the probability of success is known.
Because in our research the probability of success is unknown and varies from employee to
employee, this model is not sufficient to analyze the absences that occur at RailCo.
The Poisson distribution is the most common model used to evaluate count data (Winkelmann,
2008). It is derived from the Binomial distribution as the number of trials increases towards
infinity while holding the probability of success constant. The probability mass function of the
P(X = k) = k! (2)
Where X = E(X) = Var(X) and e = the base of the natural logarithm (2.71828...). Example
15% -A=4
10% -A=8
1 4 7 10 13 16 19
The Poisson distribution is most useful if the mean and variance for the data being analyzed are
the same. If the variance of a given set of data is greater than the mean, called over-dispersion,
or smaller than the mean, called under-dispersion, then other models that are more flexible
should be used. The amount of under/over-dispersion is simply the ratio between the variance
and the mean. The distribution of unplanned absences by shift is slightly over-dispersed, so the
Poisson distribution is not the best model for our data, but it will prove useful later in our
The Negative Binomial distribution is a more flexible model than the Poisson distribution and is
a good alternative for modeling count data that is over-dispersed (Winkelmann, 2008) because it
allows the variance to take on a value different from the mean. The probability mass function for
P(X = k) = (krl!(1 - p)rpk (3)
Where k = the number of successes, r = the number of failures, and p = the probability of a
The greater flexibility of the Negative Binomial distribution is illustrated in Figure 6, below,
10% - r=15, p=.3
- r=10, p=.5
4% r=5, p=.7
1 3 5 79 1113151719212325
We will use the Negative Binomial distribution extensively to model the data we evaluated in
our research. The number of unplanned absences by shift, the number of extra board
qualifications by day/shift, and the number of incumbent qualifications by day/shift can all be
Goodness of Fit Tests are used to determine how well a distribution approximates the sample
data in question. A common goodness of fit test for the Poisson and Negative Binomial
distributions is the Pearson Chi Square test, which is given by the equation:
2_ e(-fe)
Xk-P-1= EK f (4)
Where f0 = the observed frequency, fe = the expected frequency, k = the number of categories,
and p = the number of parameters estimated from the data. We will use the Pearson Chi Square
test to evaluate the goodness of fit for our data to both the Poisson and Negative Binomial
Using the mean and variance as parameters, we fit the distribution of absences to the Poisson
distribution and the Negative Binomial distribution, and tested the degree of fit using the Pearson
Chi Square test. A visual comparison of the distribution of absences by shift to the Poisson and
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112
The Pearson Chi Square goodness of fit tests for our sample data are shown in Table 3.
Table 3: Goodness of fit tests for absences by shift
Negative Binomial
Parameter Estimate Lower 95% Upper 95%
Average k 2.67351 2.6228 2.7249
Overdispersion cy 1.1110 1.0653 1.1599
Chi Square Prob<Chi Square
Chi Square 9.33961 0.7468
Parameter Estimate Lower 95% Upper 95%
Average I 2.67351 2.62541 2.7222
Chi Square Prob<Chi Square
Chi Square 43.76981<.0001
As seen in Table 3, the chi square value for the Poisson distribution is 43.77. Given that there
are eleven degrees of freedom in this Chi Square test, the resulting probability value is less than
.0001, from which we conclude the data is not from the Poisson distribution. The Chi Square
value for the Negative Binomial distribution is 9.34, producing a probability value of .74, from
which we conclude the Negative Binomial distribution is appropriate to model the number of
unplanned absences.
Poisson and Negative Binomial allows us to use what are known as Generalized Linear Models
to perform regression analysis. Poisson regression and Negative Binomial regression are both
GLMs. Because Poisson regression is the most common GLM for count data, and because it is
robust to over-dispersion and other variances in the data (Winkelmann, 2008), we conducted our
analysis using Poisson regression. Later we will show that the results of using Poisson
regression on our data set are virtually identical to the results of using Negative Binomial
3.3 Generalized Linear Regression Models
Regression analysis is a common tool used to explain the variance in a dependent variable, y,
using independent variables, x. The most common form of regression analysis, Ordinary Least
Squares, is not appropriate for our model for a number of reasons. First, OLS assumes that the
residuals are normally distributed, which is not true in our case. Second, OLS is not suitable for
count data because count data must take on positive integer values (Winkelmann, 2008). For this
reason, count data is generally evaluated using GLMs with a link function, such as a logarithm,
which forces the variables to be positive. The Poisson Regression Model is an example of a
Where y = the dependent variable, xj= the independent variables, and fli=the effect of the
Poisson Regression
Where A = the dependent variable, xj= the independent variables, fli=the effect of the
independent variables on the dependent variable, and e= the natural log (2.718...).
The Negative Binomial Regression Model is a GLM like the Poisson Regression Model, and also
GLMs are also different from OLS models in that they have no equation to determine the effect
of independent variables on the dependent variable. Instead, they rely on Maximum Likelihood
Estimations, in which parameters for the model are determined so as to maximize the probability
that the observed data was generated by the given model (Winkelmann, 2008). Maximum
software programs.
One final difference between OLS regression and GLM regression is what methods are used to
measure how well the regression equation fits the actual data, or how effectively the independent
variables predict the value of the dependent variable. OLS regression uses R 2 to determine the
level of fit, which is a measure of the percentage of variance in the dependent variable that is
attributable to the variation in the dependent variable. Because GLMs are computed using
Maximum Likelihood Estimators, they do not use the OLS R 2 to determine fit, but instead use
other tools that provide a measure of fit that is similar to what R 2 is to OLS. The most common
measure of fit for GLMs, used for its robustness, is the McFadden R 2 (Veall & Zimmermann,
1996); we will use this measure to assess the fit of our regression models.
One purpose of our research was to help RailCo understand the tradeoffs between the number of
extra board employees, the number of qualifications of each employee, the amount of overtime
required, and total labor costs. To understand the relationships between these variables we used
Monte Carlo Simulation. In Monte Carlo Simulation, a number of inputs that each obeys a
specific probability distribution are defined and used to find a solution deterministically. By
running many iterations of this simulation you can gain an understanding of the best solution to
the overall problem (Metropolis, N.; Ulam, S. 1949). In our case with RailCo, the inputs that
obey a probability distribution are the number of absences on a given shift, the number of
optimization solver that was designed for our type of assignment problem. By changing
qualification levels and the number of extra board employees and running simulation iterations
we were able to investigate the impact of varying the number of extra board employees and
qualifications on costs. We will now explain the specific inputs and the optimization portion of
The first step in building a simulation model was to determine the distribution of qualifications
board employees. To do this, we used three relational database tables provided by RailCo, which
Current Assignments All Qualifications Qualification by Day/Shift
Employee Position Employee Qualification Qualification DOW Shift
1103' 6264
1104 6436 1103 6147 6072 MON I
The Current Assignments table indicates each employee's number and the position for which he
or she is the incumbent, the All Qualifications table lists every position that each employee is
currently qualified to work on, and the Qualifications by Day/Shift table shows the
corresponding day and shift of each qualification. Some qualifications are used during all seven
days of the week, others are used only for five days, and a few are used on only two days.
Using the data in from these tables we created a distribution of employee qualifications for each
day/shift combination. The distributions for extra board employees are shown in Figure 9,
....... ,- - - ....
. ....
1W 52 1UE 3
z 0 t
0 a 10 is
h by 0 as
GraPhs by DOW Ond St
As is evident from Figure 9, each day/shift produces a similar distribution; we fit each of these
tested the degree of fit using the Pearson Chi Square test. The statistics that describe each
day/shift distribution and its level of fit to a Negative Binomial distribution is shown in Table 4.
Table 4: Statistics for distributions of extra board qualifications
We see in Table 4 that the average number of qualifications that each extra board employee has
on Monday first shift is 3.847. The over-dispersion is 1.431, and the Chi Square value for the
Monday first shift distribution is 11.75, which, given sixteen degrees of freedom, produces a p-
value of .896, from which we can conclude that the number of qualifications for extra board
distribution. Indeed, every day/shift combination produces a p-value above .05, and
We repeated this process of creating distributions for each day/shift for incumbent employees
with a few minor variations. Unlike extra board employees, who can fill any position on any day
without incurring extra cost, incumbent employees can only be scheduled on the unique day and
shift to which they are assigned. For this reason, the incumbent's qualifications were only
counted on the days and shift when the incumbent was normally scheduled. The distributions for
Ni MO1 3 SU, 2 1UE.1 wEo, 3
0 10 0 30
FV 3 SAT,2 TUI,)
MOW. 2 IMu
0 10 20 30 t20 30 0 1s 30
have more variation than the distributions of qualifications of extra board employees. We
deducted one from each incumbent employee's count of qualifications and fit the remaining
number to Negative Binomial distributions. We deducted one from every incumbent's count of
qualifications because incumbent employees must have the qualification for the position to
which they are assigned, but we were interested in knowing how many qualifications they had in
addition to their regular assignment. The statistics for incumbent employees and their level of fit
Table 5: Statistics for distributions of incumbent qualifications
Table 5 shows only four out of twenty-one day/shift p-values (Monday first, Monday second,
and Saturday third, and Sunday second) that are below .05 when fit to Negative Binomial
distributions. Friday third shift has the highest p-value of .934. The sum of p-values for Friday
third shift is .934+.968=1.902, which is the highest sum for any day/shift combination; we
selected Friday third shift for our simulation for this reason.
3.5 Optimization
We will now explain the optimization portion of our simulation model. To find a solution that
minimizes cost we used a pre-programmed optimization solver that was designed for assignment
Mm ein
ZN+E+l Z5 Y~='J (5)
=1E+ 1 1
Subject to:
xij 5 ati (8)
a 1, xu E (0,1) (9)
Where cij is the cost of assigning person i to jobj; xij = 1 if person i is assigned to job j at a
certain time and 0 otherwise; aij = 1 if person i is qualified for job j and 0 otherwise. N is both the
number of positions on any given day and shift, and the number of incumbent employees; E is
In solving this problem, we generated two matrices, the first of which is shown in Figure 11.
1 2 3 4... N
S1 1 1 0 0 ... 0
o 2 0 1 0 1 ... 1
E 3 O i 1 0... 0
4 1 0 0 1 ... 0
. N 1 0 1 1 --- 1
Mi N+2
Employee from Home N+E+1
In Figure 11, the 1's represent the qualifications of each employee. The horizontal numbers from
1 to N represent positions and the vertical numbers, going from 1 to N, represent individual
employees. For example, incumbent employee 2 is qualified for position 2 but not qualified for
position 1. The diagonal of the matrix is filled with 1's, which represents the incumbent
Rows from N+1 to N+E represent the extra board employees; the 1's and O's in these rows also
represent qualifications. For example, extra board employee N+2 is qualified on position 3 and 4,
The last row represents the pool of dispatchers that can be called from home and paid overtime
to work in any position. These are all 1's because we are assuming any position on any given day
and shift can be filled by an employee that can be called from home.
1 2 3 4 .... N
03 1 0 0.5 X X -. X
2 X 0 X 0.5 ... 0.5
U.' 3 X X 0 X ... X
4 0.5 X X 0 ... X
Eie N+E
Employee from Home N+E+1
The matrix in Figure 12 has an identical structure to Figure 11; the horizontal numbers from 1 to
N represent positions and the vertical numbers from 1 to N represent employees. Each cell in this
matrix represents the cost of assigning the employee of that row to the position of that column.
An "X" in a cell indicates that employee is not qualified for that position and cannot be assigned
there. For example, if employee 2 is assigned to position 4, the overtime cost will be 0.5, but if
that employee is assigned to position 2, which is her scheduled position, there is no extra cost;
employee 4 cannot be assigned to position 1 or 3, and therefore the corresponding cells are filled
with X's. In the actual simulation program, cells with X's will be assigned a large number that
will force the optimization software not to pick any of those cells.
In Figure 12, the rows from N+1 to N+E represent extra board employees, and according to the
company policy, there is no overtime cost to assign an extra board employee to a position that
he/she is qualified for, and so the cells in these rows will be either X or 0.
The last row in Figure 12 represents the pool of dispatchers that can be called from home and
paid overtime to work in any position. According to RailCo policy, employees that are called
Now that we have established a matrix of qualifications and a matrix of costs, we can use the
solver to find the optimal solution. As the solver is employed it will generate a third matrix that
represents the assignments that lead to a minimum cost. An example of what this will look like
1 2 3 4... N
S1 1 0 0 ... 0
0 2 0 0 0 0 --- 0
4. E 3 0 0 1 0 ... 0
C 4 0 0 0 0 ... 0
. N 0 0... I
i N+2
wU N+E
Employee from Home N+E+1
In this solution matrix, 1's represent the assignment of employees to positions. For example,
positions 1 and 3 are filled by the incumbent employee, position 2 is filled by extra board
employee N+1, and position 4 is filled by an employee called from home. The sum of the values
in each column must be 1, meaning that every position must be filled by exactly one person, and
the sum of each row that represents incumbent employees and extra-board employees must be 1
or 0, indicating that each person can only be assigned to a maximum of one position. The last
row, which represents employees called from home, can have a sum of zero, one, or any number
greater than one up to N, meaning that any number of employees could be called from home to
3.6 Simulation
We will now give a summary of the simulation using all the parameters described above. The
1. Generate a qualification matrix with N+ E+ 1 rows and N columns, each cell having
values of O's or 1's, with 1 representing the corresponding employee qualification and 0
signifying that employee is not qualified on that position. Each incumbent employee has
the qualification for his/her regular position plus some number of qualifications that is
generated using the parameters of the Negative Binomial distribution for any chosen
day/shift that is shown in Table 5. Each extra board employee is assigned some number
distribution for any chosen day/shift shown in Table 4. For both incumbent and extra
board employees, the positions for which they receive qualifications are randomly
distributed, with each position being equally likely. The last row of the assignment
matrix is filled with 1's because any position can be filled by someone called from home.
2. Generate a cost matrix of identical size to the qualification matrix, in which each entry in
the matrix represents the cost associated with that employee working in that position.
3. Generate a certain number of absences based on the parameters of the Negative Binomial
distribution for unplanned absences that is shown in Table 3, and randomly assign those
absences to incumbent and extra board employees, with every employee having an
included a constraint in the matrix, namely, that the sum of the row for an absent
4. Use a linear program solver to make assignments for all positions in a way that
minimizes the total cost that results from the number of slides that occurred and the
5. Run 10,000 iterations of this simulation in which each iteration generates a new
qualification matrix, a new set of absences, a new solution matrix, and a resulting total
cost. This simulation will produce an expected cost given the pre-determined number of
6. Adjust the number of extra-board employees and the average number of the qualifications
This simulation could be used to simulate any combination of day/shift, number of extra board
employees, and average number of qualifications. We chose to model Friday third shift in our
analysis; the corresponding "N" for our model was eighty-five, as seen in Table 6, which shows
the number of regular positions that must be filled for each day and shift.
In our simulations we varied the number of extra board employees from zero to twenty, and used
eight different qualification levels for extra board employees. The average qualification level of
incumbent employees was not varied during our simulations. The average number of
Mean StandardDeviation
Normal Extra Normal Extra
12.101 11.224 10.196 6.636
The average number of qualifications of extra board employees is 11.22, while on each day and
shift their average number of qualifications is 3.6756. Therefore, if every extra board employee
receives an average of one more qualification, the average number of qualifications per shift
increases by 0.327, which is 11.22 divided by 3.6756. In our simulation we will add or deduct a
multiple of 0.327 to increase or decrease of the average level of qualifications per employee.
Table 8 shows the eight qualification levels we used in our simulation and the overall
9.22 2.852
11.22 3.506
13.22 4.160
15.22 4.814
Our analysis aimed to construct a model that would allow RailCo to predict the number of
absences that would occur on any given shift. To test whether such a model was possible, we
identified several factors that might influence the number of absences on a company-wide scale.
We compiled this list of possible factors after considering previous work in the literature and
suggestions by RailCo scheduling management. Table 9 shows the list of factors considered in
Table 9: Possible factors that influence unplanned absences
Football Games
Snow Storms
We evaluated these parameters using backward stepwise regression, in which all the parameters
were included in the model, and then insignificant parameters were eliminated one at a time until
only statistically significant factors remained. The null hypothesis in this case is that the effect of
the parameters is zero, and the alternative hypothesis is that the effect is non-zero. Parameters
with p-values above .05 were not considered to provide enough evidence to reject the null
hypothesis (i.e., they were not considered to contribute significantly to unplanned absences).
These factors included day of the month, day of the week, planned absences, hunting season, and
football games. The parameters that produced p-values less than .05 were assumed to exhibit
evidence sufficient to reject the null hypothesis of non-significance. The parameters considered
significant included shift, month, selected holidays, and snow storms. The next section describes
how we constructed and evaluated the parameters contained in the model. We will conclude our
data analysis by examining two trends that are apparent over the four year period that we
evaluated, which are the number of absences by year and the number of absences attributable to
specific employees.
4.1 Statistically Significant Parameters
The four parameters that produced p-values of less than .05 were month, shift, holidays, and
4.1.1 Month
From our regression analysis it is apparent that month does have an impact on the number of
unplanned absences at RailCo. July has the lowest average of unplanned absences so it was
taken as the base value to which the other months were compared. Table 10 gives a breakdown
Month Coef. Actual Effect Std. Err. z P>z Lower 95% int Upper 95% int
As seen in Table 10, January, February, March, April, October and December all display p-
values below the .05 level, from which we conclude that these months do have a non-zero effect
on unplanned absences. May, June, August, September, and November do not produce values
that are statistically different from July, the lowest month. There may be many factors that
contribute to this difference of absences among months, such as the weather, seasonal variations
in sickness among the workforce, the number of allotted planned absences, or other idiosyncratic
4.1.2 Shift
Shift also has a non-zero effect on the number of unplanned absences that occurred over the four
year period. RailCo can expect a slightly higher number of absences on second and third shifts
as compared to first shifts. These findings are in Table 11. It makes intuitive sense that third
shift would have the highest number of unplanned absences given that it starts sometime between
Shift Coef. Actual Effect Std. Err. z P>z Lower 95% int Upper 95% int
shift2l 0.066634' 01S A X264 0 .4 OQ~ O12~ 0.83
shift3 0.101265 0.270733 0.023696 4.27 <.0001 0.054822 0.147709 A
4.1.3 Holidays
The Holidays we evaluated in our regression model were selected based on a 2010 study
conducted by Worldatwork. This study found that the average number of paid holidays in the
United States is 8.7. This study also presented a list of the most common paid holidays, from
which we took the top nine, which are displayed in Table 12.
Table 12: Nine most common paid Holidays
Labor Day
hIdependence Day
Presidents Day
For New Year's Day we combined the third shift of New Year's Eve because it technically runs
into New Year's Day. In addition to these nine paid holidays, we created one other holiday
parameter called "Federal Holidays," which is a combination of Martin Luther King Jr. Day,
Columbus Day, and Veterans Day. These three days are Federal Holidays but were not included
The results, shown below in Table 13, indicate that the most popular Holidays have the
somewhat surprising effect of lowering the number of absences for any given day. This is true
for New Year's, President's Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and
Christmas. The remaining holidays, Labor Day, Memorial Day, the Friday after Thanksgiving,
Table 13: Regression statistics for Holidays
Holiday Coef. Actual Effect Std. Err. z P>z Lower 95% int U er 95% int
Based on the values in Table 13, RailCo can expect two to three fewer absences on shifts on
popular holidays. While these results may be somewhat counter-intuitive, it seems reasonable
that the stigma of calling in sick on a holiday is great enough to give dispatchers extra motivation
to arrive at work. It may also be that employees are extra-motivated to come to work on
holidays because of the negative effect it has on other employees that are forced to fill in for the
absent employee.
4.1.4 Snowstorms
One final parameter that shows a high degree of significance in contributing to unplanned
absences is snow storms. Twenty shifts included in our model were noted as having had
significant snowstorms; data on snow storm dates and severity was taken from list of snow
events compiled by the National Weather Service for the local area. The effect of snowstorms
on absences is shown in Table 14. According to our analysis, RailCo can expect an extra 2.16
Event Coef. Actual Effect Std. Err. z P>z Lower 95% int Upper 95% int
snow 0.810674 26jS46 0NQ90i67 1 987790
This finding is not particularly helpful in predicting future absences in the long range because it
is difficult to accurately forecast the weather, but it may be helpful for RailCo in their short term
There were three types of planned absences included in this parameter: scheduled vacation, float
vacation, and personal days. These planned absences did not have a significant effect on
unplanned absences by themselves, as seen in Table 15. However, removing them from the
model it has the effect of lowering the statistical significance of other parameters and reducing
the overall predictive capability of the model. This effect of parameters being influenced by
each other is known as co-linearity. For this reason, it is useful to consider planned absences as a
significant factor even though their p-value, at .106, is slightly higher than .05.
There are a number of parameters that do not give us enough evidence to conclude that their
effect on absences is not zero. These include football games, day of the month, and day of the
Hunting season in the local area, begins every year on the first Sunday in November and ends on
the first Sunday in January. For the purposes of our analysis, we assigned the "beginning of
hunting season" parameter to the first two days of hunting season every year, and the "end of
hunting season" parameter to the last two days of hunting season each year. As seen in Table 16,
the beginning of hunting season was found to be insignificant regarding absences, with a p-value
of .493, and the end of hunting season was insignificant with a p-value of .08. The data do not
provide sufficient evidence to conclude that the effect of hunting season in November and
Parameter Coef. Actual Effect Std. Err. z P>z Lower 95%int Upper95% int
Beg Hunt Season -0.0965931 0.0(d0 0L4t805 -069 0493 4372566 .179380
End Hunt Season 0.217245 0.580145 0.124163 1.75 0.080 -0.026110 0.460601
We evaluated two types of football games: the Super Bowl and regular season NFL games. The
"NFL" parameter in Table 17 includes all dates on which NFL games were played, and the
"Super Bowl" parameter includes all shifts of the days on which the Super Bowl was played.
From the p-values of .702 and .284 for NFL and Super Bowl, respectively, there is insufficient
evidence to conclude that NFL football games or the Super Bowl affect unplanned absences.
The data for day of the month is shown in Table 18. The first day of each month was used as the
base number to which all the other days of the month were compared. There are a few days of
the month that would be significant at the .05 level, but given that there are thirty-one days of the
month to be considered, we used a .01 test of probability for this parameter. At this level of
Day of the week also showed no statistical significance when evaluated at the .05 level. Table
19 details the p-values for each day of the week using Monday as the base.
Table 19: Regression statistics for day of the week
Table 20 is a summary of all the parameters that we have discussed that show statistically
significant impact on the number of absences. Any parameters not listed in this table did not
provide enough evidence to indicate significance at the .05 level. As a reminder, the actual
effect of any given parameter will vary from day to day, so the numbers listed here are the
average effect over the range evaluated. For example, in the month of April, RailCo can expect
to have an average of .57 more absences than the base of July on any given shift, and .17 more
Table 20: Summary of actual effects of statistically significant parameters
Parameter Avg. Effect Std. Err. z P>z Lower 95% int Upper 95% int
Even though many parameters are statistically significant in their effects on unplanned absences,
the overall model is not a reliable predictor of the number of absences that will occur on any
given shift. The final model has a McFadden Pseudo R 2 value of only .0179. For perspective,
an OLS model with a value of .0179 would mean that less than 2% of the variance in the
Pseudo R 2 value of .0 179 is not an exact percentage like the OLS R 2 , but it has similarly low
predictive ability. In short, the model is useful to give a general idea of a few factors that
contribute to unplanned absences, but it will not produce accurate predictions for unplanned
absences. Unplanned absences occur in a random pattern and there does not appear to be a
4.5 Goodness of Fit for Negative Binomial Regression
Because the Negative Binomial distribution was a slightly better fit for the distribution of
unplanned absences, we compared the results of Negative Binomial regression to our Poisson
regression results. The list of parameters that were statistically significant was identical, and the
Pseudo R 2 actually decreased when using a Negative Binomial regression. Table 21 compares
the coefficients of the parameters between the Negative Binomial and Poisson regression.
Table 21: Comparison of results from Poisson and Negative Binomial regression
4.6 Other Considerations: Yearly Trends and Absences by Employee
It is important to note that there is a large difference in unplanned absences by year. Year 2012
had a smaller number of absences when compared to every other year, as seen in Figure 14.
3500 3n4
3084 3136
2500 -2244
500 -
2009 2010 2011 2012
According to RailCo, the total number of employees from 2009 to 2012 did not change,
however, there were slight union agreement modifications that may have contributed to this
marked decrease in 2012 unplanned absences. An additional insight is illustrated in Figure 15,
which shows the cumulative absences from 2009 to 2012. The more gradual slope of the 2012
curve indicates not only that there were fewer absences that year but also that there were fewer
2000 - 2009
-- 2011
1,31000 - 2012
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Count of Employees
Our purpose in this section is to investigate the relationship among extra board size, average
qualification level of extra board employees, and labor costs; this will form the basis for
RailCo's hiring and training strategies. In our analysis we made the assumption that RailCo is
able to fill all incumbent planned vacations with extra board employees without sliding
employees or calling employees from home. It should be noted that planned vacation vacancies
vary by day and shift; the average number of planned vacations by day and shift is shown below
in Table 22. Our analysis does not take into account any cost associated with assigning extra
Table 22: Average planned absences
One Key Performance Indicator that RailCo uses in their scheduling management is the percent
overtime. This is calculated as the extra cost divided by the cost of filling each position with an
incumbent employee. For example, if over the course of a year there were 5,000 slides and 500
employees called from home, and we assume 90 positions on each of 3 shifts, 365 days a year,
then the percent overtime would be (.5*5000 + 1.5*500)/365*3*90 = 3.3%. In our discussion of
" "Slide cost" is defined as the total amount paid to slide incumbent employees from their
regularly assigned position. Under union rules, RailCo must pay an additional .5 of
" "Overtime cost" is defined as the cost of calling dispatchers from home to fill a position.
Under union rules RailCo must pay employees called from home 1.5 times his/her normal
daily salary.
" "Extra cost" is the combined total of slide cost and overtime cost.
The section below explains our analysis of each of these costs change based on varying levels of
extra board employees and the average number of qualifications of extra board employees. As
stated earlier in section 3.6, we included extra board size from zero to twenty, and eight different
qualification levels, from three below the current average to four above. We used Friday third
shift in our simulation as explained in section 3.4. From Table 4 we see the current average
number of qualifications of extra board employees for Friday third shift is 3.506.
Figure 16, below, illustrates the change in slide cost with different sizes of extra board and
varying averages of qualifications. The vertical axis represents the cost of the slides, which is
one half the number of slides. The horizontal axis is the number of extra employees above those
used to fill planned vacation days, and each line shows a different level of qualifications.
1.6 Qualification
1.4 Level
- 2.525
--- 2.852
1 -3.179
0.8 - 3.506
- 3.833
- 4.16
- 4.487
- 4.814
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Extra Board Size
We can see when we begin to add people on extra board from 0, the slides cost increase sharply.
This is because the maximum number of slides is limited to the number of extra board
employees. The slide cost reaches its peak when the extra board size is about five for any
qualification level we tested, after which it decreases gradually because the more extra board
employees we have, the more likely it is that we can fill the absence directly with the extra
board. We can also see slide costs are slightly higher when the qualification level is lower. This
is because if employees have more qualifications, they will be more likely to have the
Figure 17, below, shows overtime cost, or the cost of calling employees from home.
4 Qualification
3.5 -2.525
3 - 2.852
2.5 - 3.179
2 -3.506
0 1.5 -3.833
--- 4.16
- 4.487
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Extra Board Size
The total overtime cost drops sharply as we add extra board employees. The fact that all the
lines representing the different qualification levels are close to each other indicates that varying
the number of qualifications does not make a large impact on the number of employees that must
be called from home. (It is important to note that this is based on the assumption that additional
Another illustration of this relationship is shown in Figure 18, below. For lower numbers of
extra board employees, total costs gradually decrease as qualifications increase. As the number
of extra board employees increases, the qualification level does not play an important role in
2.5 -
Board Size
2 -3
1.5 -7
0 -8
E' -9
1 -11
0.5 15
0 19
2.525 2.852 3.179 3.506 3.833 4.16 4.487 4.814 20
Average Number of
Qualifications of Extra Board
Figure 19, below, shows the total extra cost as we add more people to the extra board for each
qualification level.
3.5 Level
- 2.525
-W 3 - 2.852
2.5 - 3.179
U 2 - 3.506
- 3.833
- 4.487
0.5 -4.814
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Extra Board Size
Extra cost always decreases when there are more people on extra board, and the effect is
The relationship between slide cost and overtime cost as the extra board increases is shown in
Figure 20.
0 - Average of Overtime Cost
-Average of Slide Cost
1.5 - Average of Extra Cost
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213 141516171819
Number of Extra Board Employees
We will now evaluate RailCo's current extra board size and number of qualifications. Currently,
RailCo has eighty-five extra board employees and each of them work on five shifts a week. By
summing the data in Table 22 we found that the average number of planned absences in a week
is 208, so the number of shifts that extra board employees work above what is needed to fill
planned absences is 85*5-208=217. Given that there are 21 shifts every week, the average
number of extra board employees per shift after accounting for planned absences is
217/21=10.33. We also know from Table 8 we know that the average number of qualifications
of extra board employees is 11.22. To illustrate the change of costs associated with increasing
extra board employees or qualifications we will use 10 as the number of extra board employees,
and 11 as the average number of qualifications for extra board employees. Figure 21 shows the
4W - Effect of Changing Extra Borad
0 0.8
U Size
0.2 .1
0 i
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Change in Extra Board Size or Qualification Level
In Figure 21, point 0 on the horizontal axis represents the current situation, and moving along the
graph to the right or left shows the cost change from increasing or decreasing the number of
6 Conclusion
The purpose of our research was to determine what factors, if any, could be used to predict
unplanned dispatcher absences. Through Poisson regression analysis, we have shown that there
are several factors that do influence the number of absences that occur on any given shift. The
factors that show statistical evidence of increasing the expected number of absences are
snowstorms, second and third shifts (when compared to first shift), and the months of January,
February, March, April, and December (using July as the base month). The factors that show
statistical evidence of decreasing the number of expected absences are holidays including New
Year's Day, President's Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas.
The factors that do not provide statistical evidence of affecting the number of unplanned
absences are day of the month, day of the week, football games, and hunting season.
Even though we successfully identified factors that influence the number of unplanned absences,
the Mcfadden R 2 value of our final regression model was only .0 174, which suggests that the
combination of all the variables studied do not lead to a satisfactory way to predict expected
absences. However, we have shown that unplanned absences by shift can be effectively modeled
Through Monte Carlo simulation we have shown that extra costs decrease as the number of extra
board employees increases. This decrease is greater when the number of extra board employees
is lower. Overtime costs decrease sharply as the number of extra board employees increases, and
slide costs are highest when there are approximately five extra board employees above the
number needed to fill all planned absences, and then gradually decrease as extra board size
increases. Furthermore, increasing the number of qualifications of each extra board employee
makes a small impact on decreasing slide and overtime costs; this impact becomes almost
While our analysis has focused on slide and overtime costs, RailCo may also consider the total
labor costs associated with increasing extra board employees or the average number of
qualifications. RailCo can decrease slide and overtime costs by hiring extra board employees,
but they must pay each of these employees a full salary even if they do not have an assignment
every day. We can define "total labor cost" as the total cost above what RailCo would pay in an
ideal scenario where every incumbent worked their regular position and there was no need for
extra board employees, slides, or overtime. Figure 22, below, shows total labor cost as the
- 2.525
LI 15
-I - 3.506
I- - 3.833
5- -4.487
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Extra Board Size
Figure 21 shows that regardless of qualification level, it will always cost more overall to increase
the size of the extra board. Figure 23 shows the cost of staffing extra board employees, total
15 - Average of Total Labor
'.041 Cost
- Average of Extra Cost
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10111213141516171819
Extra Board Size
Figure 23: Total labor cost, extra cost, and extra board cost
As seen in Figure 23, adding extra board employees will decrease slide and overtime costs, but
the amount of decrease is much less than the added labor costs from having more employees.
Even though the lowest total labor cost will be achieved when there are just enough extra board
employees to fill planned absences, but not more than that, there are several other factors that
RailCo must take into account in their hiring strategy. For example, a smaller extra board will
make it necessary to call people from home more often, which may have adverse effects on
employee morale and labor union relations. RailCo may also need to consider that if they have a
lower number of employees there may have rare occasions when they cannot fill a position with
6.2 Future Research
Further areas of research for RailCo may include using factors that influence employee absences
on an individual scale, such as age and job satisfaction, to aid them in predicting absences,
although the costs associated with aggregating this kind of data are likely to exceed the benefits.
This thesis was also only concerned with one company in one geographical location, so further
research examining different companies in different locations may not produce similar results
because of cultural, geographic, and demographic differences. RailCo may also explore the
impact of variability in absences on costs, and the impact on costs of one additional absence.
RailCo may also want to investigate the cost associated with training employees, and how that
would change their ideal mix of qualifications and extra board size. RailCo may also investigate
the importance of non-cost factors in their staffing strategy, such as employee morale and union
agreements. Understanding these relationships will allow them to build an optimal staffing
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