Magus Expanded v4.2.1

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The Magus Expanded

The Magus
Class: Expanded
The Magus is a master of spell and sword in equal balance. Heavyweight Fighting
Mechanically, they are an Intelligence-based half-caster that
serves as the arcane counterpart to the Paladin and Ranger You can use your weight, and the weight of your weapon,
classes. Provided here are additional options for the Magus: to land devastating blows. While you are wielding a heavy
Additional Fighting Styles. The Fighting Styles here are weapon, you gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls and you have
more exotic or specific than those in the Magus class. advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks made to Shove.
Spellsword Feats. The Feats included here let all player Mounted Warrior
characters to share in the abilities of the Magus class. While you are riding a controlled mount, both you and your
Additional Esoteric Orders. Included here are six more mount gain a +1 bonus to your Armor Class, and you can use
Esoteric Orders for a Magus to choose from at 3rd level. a bonus action on each of your turns to command the mount
to take one action from its stat block or another action.
Fighting Styles
The additional Fighting Styles listed here are available to the
Magus class, along with those included in the base class:
Spellsword Feats
The Feats here allow characters to share in the abilities of
Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can switch your the Magus class. If you use the optional rule for Feats, they
Fighting Style for another Fighting Style of your choice. can be selected instead of an Ability Score Improvement:
Brawler Alternate Mage Slayer
Your unarmed strikes deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 Updated version of the Mage Slayer Feat
+ your Strength modifier on hit. If you have two free hands You have trained extensively to counter sinister spellcasters
and use your action to make only unarmed strikes you can and foil their arcane abilities. You gain the following benefits:
make a single unarmed strike as a bonus action on that turn.
When you can see or hear a creature within the reach of a
Featherweight Fighting melee weapon you are wielding cast a spell, you can make
While you are unarmed or wielding only light weapons, and an opportunity attack against it. On hit, the creature must
are not wearing medium or heavy armor, your walking speed succeed on a Constitution saving throw as if it were doing
increases by 10 feet, and you gain a +1 bonus to your damage so to maintain concentration. On a failure, its spell fails to
rolls with light melee weapons and unarmed strikes. take effect, and its slot or use of that ability is wasted.
If you damage a creature concentrating on a spell, it has
Great Weapon Fighting disadvantage on its Constitution saving throw to maintain
When you make a two-handed melee attack with a heavy its concentration. This does not stack with the first bullet.
weapon as part of your Attack action, you treat a total roll You have advantage on saving throws against spells cast
of 5 or lower on the weapon's damage dice as a 6. by creatures you can see or hear within 5 feet of you.
Alternate War Caster
Updated version of the War Caster Feat
Prerequisite: the ability to cast at least one spell
You have practiced casting spells in the midst of combat,
learning techniques that grant you the following benefits:
When you make a Constitution saving throw to maintain
concentration on a spell, you can use a reaction to add
your Spellcasting modifier (minimum of +0) to your roll.
You can perform the somatic components of spells even
when you have weapons or shields in one or both hands.
When you make an opportunity attack, you can cast a
spell instead. It must have a casting time of 1 action or
1 attack, and this spell can only target that creature.
When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack,
you can cast a spell with a casting time of On Hit.
Spellsword Adept
Prerequisite: proficiency with a martial weapon
You have trained to combine your minor magics with
weapon attacks. You gain the benefits listed below:
Increase your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution
score by 1, up to a maximum of 20.
You learn two Cantrips of your choice from the Magus
spell list, choosing Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma
as your spellcasting ability for these Magus Cantrips.
At least one of these Cantrips must deal damage.
Once on each of your turns when you make a melee
weapon attack, you can imbue the magic of a Cantrip
you know into your attack. On hit, you do not deal the
normal damage of the Cantrip along with the damage of
your weapon attack. Instead, your weapon attack deals the
damage type dealt by the Cantrip, and it applies the
additional effects of the Cantrip on hit. Armorer Spells
3rd-level Order of Armorers feature
Additional Orders When you gain a level in this class, you can replace one spell
At 3rd level, the Magus gains the Esoteric Order feature. The from this feature with a conjuration or evocation spell of the
following additional Esoteric Orders are available to Magi, same level from either the Paladin or the Ranger spell list.
along with those presented with the base Magus Class: Magus Level Spells

Order of Armorers Order of Shades 3rd compelled duel, hail of thorns LL

Order of Conduits Order of Spellblades 5th cloud of daggers, heat metal

Order of Hexblades Order of Travelers 9th conjure volley LL, haste

13th fabricate XGE, freedom of movement
Order of Armorers 17th steel wind strike LL, vorpal blade LL
Magi of the Order of Armorers claim to be the students of the
original Magus, the creator of the enchantment which would Awakened Armory
become the Arcane Armory. While every Order now shares in 3rd-level Order of Armorers feature
the knowledge of this enchantment, only Armorers can use it As a bonus action, you can summon any number of the one-
to its fullest potential. These warriors learn to summon their handed melee weapons within your Arcane Armory, causing
Arcane Armory as deadly projectiles for use in battle. them to levitate around you in your space. This requires your
concentration. If it ends, the weapons return to your Armory.
Arcane Armorer While levitating, these weapons have the Thrown (20/60)
3rd-level Order of Armorers feature property, you use your Intelligence, in place of your Strength
You have studied metallurgy and smithing along with the arts or Dexterity for their attack and damage rolls, and you are
common to every Magi; spellcasting and martial combat. You considered to be wielding the weapons one-handed. You can
gain proficiency in smith's tools and with heavy armor. only attack with each levitating blade once per turn.
Moreover, whenever you make an ability check that makes Whenever you can normally make an attack, you can make
use of your smith's tools, you gain a bonus to your roll equal an attack with one of these levitating blades, then it instantly
to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of +1). returns to levitate in your space regardless of a hit or miss.
Armorer's Focus Conduit Spells
7th-level Order of Armorers feature 3rd-level Order of Conduits feature
You are able to concentrate on one Magus spell while you are When you gain a level in this class, you can replace one spell
concentrating on your Awakened Armory. If you are forced to from this feature with an abjuration or evocation spell of the
make a Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration, same level from either the Magus or the Paladin spell list.
you make one saving throw for both effects. Magus Level Spells
Whirlwind of Steel 3rd expeditious retreat, thunderous smite LL
7th-level Order of Armorers feature 5th blur, branding smite LL
You can strike with all of your levitating weapons at once. As
an action, you can force a number of creatures within 20 feet 9th blinding smite LL, haste
equal to your number of levitating blades to make a Dexterity 13th dimension door, staggering smite LL
saving throw against your Spell save DC. Targets take 2d10
damage on a failure, and half that on a success. This damage 17th banishing smite LL, skill empowerment
matches the damage dealt by the levitating blade you used to
force each creature to make this saving throw. Arcane Ascetic
The damage dealt by this feature increases to 3d10 at 14th 3rd-level Order of Conduits feature
level and increases again to 4d10 when you reach 20th level. You have honed your physical form, denying yourself worldly
pleasures and infusing yourself with arcane power. So long
Conjured Defense as you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield or a heavy
15th-level Order of Armorers feature weapon, your Armor Class is equal to 10 + your Intelligence
As a bonus action, you can place one of your levitating blades modifier + your Dexterity modifier.
in a defensive posture, and add your Intelligence modifier to You also learn the Brawler Fighting Style. If you already
your Armor Class until the start of your next turn. You cannot know this Fighting Style, you instead learn another Fighting
make attacks with this levitating blade for the duration. Style of your choice from those available to the Magus class.
Death Strike Arcane Conduit
20th-level Order of Armorers feature 3rd-level Order of Conduits feature
You can unleash the wondrous power of your Arcane Armory You have learned the secrets of your Order and can channel
against your foes. Once per turn when you hit a creature with arcane power through your fists. Your unarmed strikes count
an Arcane Armory weapon, you can end your Arcane Armory as Arcane Armory weapons for the purposes of Magus class
enchantment for that weapon, causing it to explode outward features. They also fulfill the material components of spells
in a wondrous explosion of magical force. Creatures of your that require a weapon worth at least 1 sp.
choice within 20 feet of it must succeed a on Dexterity saving Also, you can choose for your
throw against your Spell save DC, taking 8d6 force damage unarmed strikes to deal
of a failed save, and half as much damage on a success. the damage type of
a Magus spell
Order of Conduits you know.
Strange and esoteric, even for Magi, the Order of Conduits is
a sect of warriors who combine the arcane techniques of the
Magi with martial arts. By mastering their physical body, they
learn to infuse themselves with arcane power, channeling the
wondrous magic of the Magi directly through their physical
form. Where other Magi must rely on their Arcane Armory,
those known as Conduits rely on nothing but
their fists and inner arcane power to
overcome their foes.
Ethereal Arts Hexblade Spells
7th-level Order of Conduits feature 3rd-level Order of Hexblades feature
You incorporate ethereal magics into your signature style of Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one
martial arts. When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, spell from this feature with a necromancy or illusion spell of
you can knock your target back 5 feet in a line (so long as it is the same level from either the Magus or Warlock spell list.
equal to you in size or smaller), or you instantly teleport to an Magus Level Spells
unoccupied space you can see within 5 feet of your target.
Also, your unarmed strikes now deal 1d8 damage on hit. 3rd hex, wrathful smite LL
5th blindness/deafness, blur
Enchanted Physique
15th-level Order of Conduits feature 9th bestow curse, spirit shroud (necrotic) TCE
The magic of your Order has completely suffused your body, 13th phantasmal killer, shadow of moil XGE
enhancing your physical abilities. You gain resistance to all
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. 17th antilife shell, destructive wave (necrotic)
Moreover, when you start your turn and are concentrating
on a spell that you cast on yourself (such as haste), you gain Malevolent Hex
temporary hit points equal to twice the level of that spell. 3rd-level Order of Hexblades feature
You use the sinister magic of your Order to place fell curses
Ascended Conduit on your foes. You cannot replace hex with another spell when
20th-level Order of Conduits feature you gain a Magus level, but, you gain the following additional
As a bonus action, you can overcharge your body with arcane benefits against hostile creatures under the effects of hex:
power, unlocking the true power of your Order. When you do Your weapon and spell attack rolls against the creature
so, you gain the benefits listed below for the next minute: score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20 on the d20.
When you take the attack action and make only unarmed Once per turn when you deal necrotic damage to it, you
strikes, you can make two additional unarmed strikes as can use a free hand to siphon its life-essence and gain
part of that attack action (for a total of four attacks). temporary hit points equal to half the necrotic damage
Whenever you cast a Magus spell you gain temporary hit dealt. This has no effect on Constructs or Undead.
points equal to twice the level of the spell slot expended. When you cast hex, your concentration cannot be broken
Whenever you teleport with a Magus feature or spell, you unless you willingly end it. Finally, once between each short
can touch a creature equal to you in size (or smaller) and or long rest, you can cast hex at 1st-level, without expending
teleport it with you. This includes grappled creatures. a spell slot.
Once you overcharge your body with this feature, you must
finish a long rest before you can use it again. If you have no
uses left you can expend a 5th-level spell slot to use it again.
Order of Hexblades
Often arising around powerful sentient weapons, the Magi
known as Hexblades augment their considerable skill in
combat with sinister curses. Wielding the dark powers
of the Shadowfell, these warriors wander the world
siphoning the life-essence from worthy foes and
deadly monsters in order to bring their own
sentient weapon into being. For this occult
quest, a Hexblade will stop at nothing to
meet another skilled warrior in battle.
Hex Warrior
3rd-level Hexblade Order feature
You have learned to infuse your
willpower through your weapon.
You can use your Intelligence, in
place of Strength or Dexterity,
for the attack and damage rolls
with Arcane Armory weapons.
You also learn the chill touch
cantrip. It doesn't count against
your Cantrips Known, and you
can Spellstrike with chill touch
whenever you make an Arcane
Armory weapon attack.
Accursed Armory
7th-level Order of Hexblades feature
You can store the life-essence of your foes in your
Arcane Armory. When you drain life-essence from a
creature with your Malevolent Hex, you can store that
life-essence, equal to the temporary hit points that you
would have gained, within your Arcane Armory in place
of gaining those temporary hit points yourself.
Your Arcane Armory can hold an amount of life-essence
equal to ten times your Intelligence modifier (minimum of
10 life-essence), which is used to fuel the features below:
Dire Ward. When the creature under the effects of your
hex spell forces you to make a saving throw, you can draw
10 life-essence from your Arcane Armory, expending it to
gain advantage on your saving throw. You must choose to
use this feature before you roll the d20.
Sinister Spellcasting. Whenever you cast a Hexblade
Spell, you can expend life-essence from your Armory in
place of expending spell slot. When you do, you expend
10 life-essence per level of the slot used to cast the spell.
Sentient Bond
15th-level Order of Hexblades feature
During the course of a long rest, you can perform a sinister
1-hour ritual to infuse one melee weapon within your Arcane
Armory with 10 life-essence, granting it limited sentience
until the end of your next long rest. For the duration, that
weapon gains the benefits listed below:
Sentience. The weapon gains an Intelligence, Wisdom,
and Charisma score of 10. It also gains an alignment and
personality which reflect the Magus who created it.
Telepathy. The weapon can speak and understand one
language of your choice. It can telepathically speak with its
wielder, and its wielder can respond telepathically in kind.
Mental Bond. While you hold the weapon in your hand,
it lends you its mental abilities. You can concentrate on hex
and another spell of your choice (other than hex). If you do
so, your concentration on hex still cannot be broken.
Awakened Hexblade
20th-level Order of Hexblades feature
You have reached the apex of your Order and are able to
enchant your own Hexblade. Once you have used Sentient
Bond to infuse a melee Arcane Armory weapon with a total
of 100 life-essence (which can be done over the course of
multiple rituals), the effects of the ritual become permanent,
awakening that weapon as one of the Hexblades of myth.
Once you create your Hexblade, that weapon becomes a
permanent part of your Arcane Armory for as long as you live,
and you cannot perform the Sentient Bond ritual on another
weapon. The Hexblade's Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma
scores all increase to 16, and the Hexblade can telepathically
communicate with and hear creatures within 120 feet of it. Sentient Weapon Personalities
Your Hexblade also grants you the following benefits:
While most Hexblades are evil in their alignment
Attack rolls with the Hexblade against any creature under and personality, this is not always the case. Being
the effects of your hex spell are made with advantage. fueled by life-essence taken from living creatures
Your attacks with the Hexblade treat a target's damage will always manifest in a Hexblade's personality.
immunities as resistances and ignore damage resistance. When deciding on your Hexblade's personality,
When you Spellstrike with the Hexblade, you can cause talk with your DM about your Magus' journey and
the damage of the weapon and spell attack to be necrotic. how would manifests in the sentience you create.
You have advantage on saving throws against spells.
Order of Shades From the Shadows
7th-level Order of Shades feature
The secretive Order of infiltrators, assassins, and spies, these You are adept at bringing down foes when they are unaware.
Magi use their clandestine abilities to end conflict before they When you hit a creature that is surprised with a Spellstrike
begin. Known as Shades, these warriors specialize in illusion attack, it automatically fails its saving throw against the spell.
magic and thrive under the cover of shadow. Shade Magi will Moreover, if you use Ethereal Jaunt while you are in dim
only strike when they know their success is assured. light or darkness, the distance you can teleport is doubled.
Shade Spells Improved Shroud
3rd-level Order of Shades feature 7th-level Order of Shades feature
Whenever you gain a Magus level, you can replace one spell Your magic conceals you from creatures of shadow. If your
from this feature with a divination or an illusion spell of your Shroud of Darkness is active while you are in darkness, you
choice of the same level from the Magus or Wizard spell list. are invisible to anything that relies on darkvision to see you.
Magus Level Spells
Cloud the Mind
3rd disguise self, sleep 15th-level Order of Shades feature
5th pass without trace LL, shadow blade XGE You can penetrate the minds of your foes with your potent
hypnotic pattern LL, nondetection
illusion magic. As an action, you can force one creature you
can see within 30 feet to make an Intelligence saving throw
13th divination, greater invisibility against your Magus Spell save DC. On a failed save, it can't
17th mislead, modify memory see, hear, smell, or sense you in any way for 1 minute. On a
success, it is immune to this effect for 24 hours. This effect
Shroud of Darkness immediately ends if you attack, touch, or force the creature
3rd-level Order of Shades feature to make an ability check or saving throw.
As an action, you can envelop yourself in a Shroud of illusion You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
magic, which lasts for 1 hour. While this Shroud is active, you Intelligence modifier (minimum of once), and you regain all
can use a bonus action to turn invisible if you are in an area uses when you finish a long rest. When you have no uses left,
of dim light or darkness. This invisibility lasts for the duration you can expend a spell slot to use this feature again.
of your Shroud, but it ends early if you attack, touch, or force One with the Darkness
a creature to make an ability check or saving throw. 20th-level Order of Shades feature
Once you conjure your Shroud you must complete a short You have ascended to the apex of your Order and can become
or long rest before you can use your Shroud again. When you one with the darkness itself. You can conjure your Shroud of
have no uses remaining, you can spend a spell slot of 1st-level Darkness at will, and at the start of each turn that your
or higher to conjure your Shroud of Darkness again. Shroud is active you gain the benefits of invisibility
Umbral Sight and pass without trace, without concentration.
3rd-level Order of Shades feature Finally, you can use a bonus action on
You have trained to fight in the dark. You gain darkvision to a each of your turns to teleport up to 60
range of 60 feet. If you have darkvision from another feature, feet to a space you can see that is in
the range of your darkvision increases by 30 feet. an area of dim light or darkness.
Order of Spellswords Ethereal Warrior
15th-level Order of Spellswords feature
Exceptionally rare, even among Magi, members of the Order Rather than develop new magics, Spellswords are masters of
of Spellswords master both advanced swordplay and magic. the signature magics of the Magi. Immediately before or after
They dedicate their life to the pursuit of excellence in combat each weapon attack you make on your turn, you can use your
and little else. Combining the secret magic of their Order and Ethereal Jaunt feature to teleport to an unoccupied space you
advanced martial techniques, there are few warriors that can can see within 10 feet of you.
match the enchanted blade of a Spellsword in direct combat. In addition, your martial skill makes your Magi techniques
Martial Exploits more accurate. Whenever you make a weapon attack as part
3rd-level Order of Spellswords feature of your Spellsunder feature, you can expend an Exploit Die,
You have studied various martial exploits to augment your roll it, and add the result to your Spellsunder attack roll. You
Order's magical abilities. You gain the following features: must choose to do so before you make your attack roll.
Exploit Dice. The Spellsword Exploits table shows how
many Exploit Dice you have to use your Exploits. To use an
Exploit, you expend an Exploit Die, and you regain all your Multiclassing & Exploits
expended Exploit Dice when you finish a short or long rest. Your martial skill depends partly on your combined
High Degree. Your Magus level limits the technicality of levels in classes with Exploits, and partly on levels
Exploits you are able to learn and use. This limit is reflected in each class. If you learn Exploits from more than
in the High Degree column of the Spellsword Exploits table. one class, reference Alternate Martial Multiclassing.
Exploits. You learn two Martial Exploits of your choice
from those available to the Alternate Fighter. You can only
use one Exploit per ability check, attack, or saving throw.
When you gain a Magus level, you can replace one Exploit
you know with another Martial Exploit of your choice.
Saving Throws. If an Exploit requires a creature to
make a saving throw, its DC is calculated as follows:
Exploit save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice).
Spellsword's Armory
3rd-level Order of Spellswords feature
You have learned to store knowledge of combat styles within
your Arcane Armory. You learn one additional Fighting Style
of your choice from those available to the Magus class, but
your knowledge of that Fighting Style is stored within your
Arcane Armory, much like a weapon or set of armor.
When you use a bonus action to conjure objects from your
Arcane Armory, you can draw knowledge of that Fighting
Style into your mind, shunting knowledge of your current
Fighting Style into your Arcane Armory.
You learn an additional Magus Fighting Style of
your choice, and store your knowledge of it in
your Armory in the same way at 7th, 15th
and finally at 20th level in this class.
You can only have one Fighting Style
from the Magus class active at a
time. However, this limit has no
effect on Fighting Styles you learn
from other features, feats, or class levels.
Mystic Precision
7th-level Order of Spellswords feature
The magic you channel through your weapon attacks
supernaturally increases your accuracy. Whenever you
make a Spellstrike attack, you can add the level of the
spell slot you expend (0 for Cantrips) to all attack rolls
you make with that weapon until the end of your turn.
In addition, when you gain the Spellsunder feature
at 9th level, you also gain a bonus to any weapon attack
(minimum of 0) you make as part of Spellsunder equal
to the level of the spell slot expend (minimum of +1).
Spellsword Exploits
Magus Exploits Exploit Exploit High
Level Known Die Dice Degree
3rd 2 d4 2 1st
4th 2 d4 2 1st
5th 3 d4 2 1st
6th 3 d4 2 1st
7th 4 d6 3 2nd
8th 4 d6 3 2nd
9th 4 d6 3 2nd
10th 4 d6 3 2nd
11th 5 d6 3 2nd
12th 5 d6 3 2nd
13th 5 d6 3 2nd
14th 5 d6 3 2nd
15th 6 d8 4 3rd
16th 6 d8 4 3rd
17th 6 d8 4 3rd
18th 6 d8 4 3rd
19th 7 d8 4 3rd
20th 7 d8 4 3rd

Arcane Blademaster
20th-level Order of Spellswords feature
You stand with the great warriors of legend, a true master
of both spell and sword. As a bonus action, you can enter a
trance that enhances your combat skills to legendary levels, Traveler Spells
granting you the benefits listed below for 1 minute:
3rd-level Order of Travelers feature
You gain the knowledge and benefits of all the Fighting Whenever you gain a level in this class, you can replace one
Styles you learned through your Spellsword's Armory. spell from this feature with a conjuration or an enchantment
You can use Spellstrike as part of every attack you make. spell of the same level from the Magus or Wizard spell list.
Once per turn, you can use a Martial Exploit you know
without expending an Exploit Die, or cast a Magus spell Magus Level Spells
of 2nd-level or lower without expending a spell slot. 2nd expeditious retreat, featherfall
The distance of your Ethereal Jaunt is doubled. 5th hold person, misty step
This trance ends early if you use a bonus action to end it 9th haste, slow
or you are incapacitated. Once you use this trance, you must
finish a long rest before you can use it again. If you have no 13th banishment, dimension door
uses left you can expend a 5th-level spell slot to use it again. 17th hold monster, modify memory
Order of Travelers Temporal Shift
Practitioners of what many consider a forbidden ninth school 3rd-level Order of Travelers feature
of magic, Magi of the Order of Travelers augment their skills You can alter the passage of time to undo any mistakes and
with Chronomancy magic, the magic of time. As they grow in missteps you may make. Whenever you fail an ability check,
their understanding of these secret magic, Travelers become miss an attack roll, or fail a saving throw, you can use your
increasingly detached from their place in time, and turning to reaction to re-roll your d20. You must use this new result.
become strange wanderers who safeguard the flow of time. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Legends speak of Travelers so skillful in their use of time Intelligence modifier (a minimum of once), and you regain all
magic who can conjure future versions of themselves to aid of your expended uses when you finish a long rest. If you have
in combat and offer cryptic knowledge from the future. How no uses of this feature remaining, you can expend a spell slot
will your Traveler Magus safeguard the flow of time? of 1st-level or higher to use this feature again.
Visions of the Past Conjure Self
3rd-level Order of Travelers feature 15th-level Order of Travelers feature
You have learned to see echoes of past events in the present. You have become so adept at the manipulation of time that
You gain proficiency in History, and whenever you make an you can conjure versions of yourself from the future to aid
Intelligence (History) check while in the location where the you. As an action, you can expend a spell slot of 3rd-level or
subject of your Intelligence (History) check took place, you higher to conjure a version of yourself from the future.
can add double your proficiency bonus to your roll. Your Future Self shares your initiative in combat and acts
Chronological Drift immediately after you. They act independently and will aid
7th-level Order of Travelers feature you to the best of their abilities. Your Future Self has a total
Your use of time magic has caused your physical form to be number of hit points equal to your maximum hit points and
detached from the normal flow of time. Your age cannot be they use your ability scores. They share features from your
changed by spells or magical effects, and for every 10 years race, class, and other sources, including independent uses
that pass, your physical body only ages 1 year. of Temporal Shift. However, you share your spell slots.
At 15th level, you only age 1 year for every 100 years that You can ask your Future Self one question concerning the
pass, and at 20th level, your body stops aging completely. future, and they answer you using the guidelines provided in
the commune spell. Their knowledge is limited to things that
Greater Shift you may know in the future as determined by the DM.
7th-level Order of Travelers feature The time your Future Self remains depends on the spell
Your knowledge of Chronomancy magic allows you to adjust slot you expended: 3rd-level (1 minute), 4th-level (1 hour), or
the effects of time for the creatures around you. You can use 5th-level (8 hours). They return to their time at the end of the
Temporal Shift whenever a creature that you can see within duration, or sooner if they are reduced to 0 hit points.
30 feet fails an ability check, misses an attack roll, or fails a There can only ever be one version of your Future Self in
saving throw. It must use the new result of its d20 roll. your current time at once. Conjuring a second Future Self
Also, at the beginning of each round of initiative in combat, causes any others to instantly return to their time.
so long as you are not incapacitated or surprised, you can use Untethered Traveler
your reaction to roll initiative again, using the new result. 20th-level Order of Travelers feature
Your use of Chronomancy has caused you to become adrift in
the flow of time, seeing and experiencing it radically different
Chronomancy: The Magic of Time from those around you. As an action, you can cast a modified
Introducing time travel to any story, especially one version of the time stop spell where you and your Future Self
in a game where outcomes are determined by dice can both act, but you each only get one additional turn.
rolls, can be risky. Before playing a Traveler Magus, Once you use this feature you must finish a long rest before
talk with your DM about the implications of these
features, especially how they will run Conjure Self.
you can cast this modified version of time stop again. If you
have no uses of this feature left, you can expend a 5th-level
spell slot to cast this modified version of time stop again
The Magus
A multitude of additional options for the Magus
class! Includes five Fighting Styles, three new
and alternate Feats, and six Esoteric Orders!

Version 4.2.1 - Created by /u/laserllama

Last Updated: May 22nd, 2024

Artist Credits:
Covers - Paul Scott Canavan - Royal Scions
Page 1 - Joshua Raphael - Inquisitive Prodigy
Page 2 - Aurore Folny - Ayesha Tanaka, Armorer
Page 3 - F. Setiawan - Kellan's Lightblades
Page 4 - Darren Tan - Mishra, Tamer of Mak Fawa
Page 5 - Eric Deschamps - Sorin, Grim Nemesis
Page 6 - Daarken - Ihsan's Shade
Page 7 - Billy Christian - Arcane Blademaster
Page 8 - Alexandr Leskinen - Stonesplitter Bolt
Page 9 - Brian Valeza - Sword of Hours

The original Magus Class can be found Here

Additional laserllama Homebrew content

can be found for free on GM Binder.

Support me on Patreon for access to the

exclusive vampiric Order of Crimson Knights
& mystical Order of the Aurora

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