Phylum Ciliophora
Phylum Ciliophora
Phylum Ciliophora
Phylum Ciliophora is a phylum of protoctista containing ciliated protozoa- ciliates- that possess
two types of nuclei, a micronucleus and macronucleus.The micronucleus contain the full
genome, and a larger nucleus play an active role
in cellular regulation. The larger nucleus is
regenerated from the smaller nucleus through
the process of gene amplification and gene
Phylum Ciliophora is divided into two subphylums.These Sub-phylums have several classes.
1. Subphylum posticiliodesmata (2 classes)
2. Subphylum Intramacronucleata (9 classes)
Subphylum Postciliodesmata
General Characteristics:
● Almost all karyorelictean species, except Loxodes, have been described from the marine
interstitial habitat, where they live in the pore-water spaces between sediment grains.
Animals from such habitats are known as meiofauna.
● karyorelicteans have many morphological similarities to meiofaunal animals despite
being protists.
● Most karyorelicteans are relatively large (1 mm or more in length).
● Have a worm-like (vermiform) body shape with an elongated tail.
● Exhibit thigmotactic behavior.
● The macronucleus is divided by internal microtubules
● Most karyorelicteans feed on bacteria or algae, and prefer microaerobic conditions.
● However, one genus, Kentrophoros, lacks an oral apparatus and feeds instead on
symbiotic sulfur-oxidizing bacteria that are attached to one side of the cell.
General Characteristics:
● They typically have a prominent adoral zone of membranelles circling the mouth, used in
locomotion and feeding.
● Have shorter cilia on the rest of the body.
● The cilia on the body are in dikinetids, in which either the anterior one or both
kinetosomes may be ciliated, and which are associated with fibers composed of
overlapping postciliary microtubules, called postciliodesmata and found only in this
● The macronucleus is divided by external microtubules
● Many species are highly contractile, and are typically compressed or conical in form.
Subphylum Intramacronucleata
● They have large horseshoe shaped macronucleus that encircle a smaller micronucleus.
● They have several contractile vacuoles.
● Cytopyge found at the posterior end.
● These include a paroral membrane to the right of the mouth and membranelles.
● Body cilia generally arise from monokinetids, with dikinetids occurring in limited
distribution over part of the body.
● In most groups the body cilia are uniform and often dense, while the oral cilia are
inconspicuous and sometimes reduced, but among the peritrichs almost the opposite is
the case.
● Most are microphagous, grazing on smaller organisms swept into the mouth by the cilia,
but various other feeding habits occur.