Probability Measures
• A ∩ B is the intersection of the two events (that is, the outcomes that
are in both A and B)
• Ā is the complement of A (that is, the outcomes that are not in A)
Events A and B are incompatible (or “mutually exclusive,” or “disjoint”) if
A ∩ B = ∅, that is, there is no outcome common to both events.
Definition: A (finitely additive) probability measure on X is a function P
that assigns a real number between 0 and 1 to subsets of X (that is, elements
of some field of subsets of X), satisfying the following:
• P (X) = 1
where |A| is the number of elements in A, and |X| is the number of elements
in X.
Bernoulli’s Theorem
P (A ∩ B) = P (A)P (B).
Bayes’ Theorem
P (A) = P (A ∩ B) + P (A ∩ B̄)
= P (A|B)P (B) + P (A|B̄)P (B̄).
Now let H and E be events. Putting all the information together, we have
Bayes’ theorem:
P (H ∩ E)
P (H|E) =
P (E)
P (E|H)P (H)
P (E|H)P (H) + P (E|H̄)P (H̄)
• Let P (H) be your a priori estimate of the probability that the hy-
pothesis is correct (before running an experiment).
• Then P (E|H) is the probability that the experiment would turn out
this way, assuming your hypothesis is correct.
• And P (E|H̄) is the probability that the experiment would turn out
this way, if your hypothesis is incorrect.
Bayes’ theorem then allows you to calculate the probability that the hy-
pothesis is correct, given the evidence you have gathered.
In the discussion on pages 206-210 of TTT, the “hypothesis” is that the
probability of success in each trial of the experiment is somewhere between
a and b, and the “evidence” is the fraction of successes in some large number
of trials. The analysis shows that if the experiment returns a large num-
ber of sucesses and no failures, then the only likely hypothesis is that the
probability of success is very close to 1.