Adeoye Journal 2.
Adeoye Journal 2.
Adeoye Journal 2.
Received Date: July 24, 2023 Published Date: August 18, 2023
A router containing a tool component that
can be controlled by a computer numerical The creation of useful machines
control is referred to as a computer numerical heralded a turning point in the replacement of
control (CNC) router. It is a machine that people throughout human history. Computer
employs computer control to execute activities numerical control, or CNC, is the automation of
on varied materials, including drilling, machine tools that are operated by computer-
cutting, and milling. The mechatronics design controlled software to achieve a specified
of a condensed CNC router that can execute product shape. It is a computer-controlled
simultaneous three-axis interpolation machine that can cut numerous hard materials,
operations is demonstrated in this paper. The such as foams, composites, aluminum, steel, and
mechanical structure, electronics, stepper wood [1]. It is one of numerous tool types that
motors, G code sender software, stepper may be adjusted using CNC. It's a technique that
motor driver, coupler nut, threaded rod, and employs microcomputers to develop, analyze,
power functional components that make up and carry out the sequential control that
the CNC router's architecture are covered. determines the actions of the end effector. This
The USB port acts as the interface between
technology is presently being applied for
the devices' control and software. The
numerous activities in addition to turning,
success of this idea will promote interest in
drilling, and milling [2]. Because it contains a
Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
among engineers, technicians, and computer, a machine, and a switch to switch
engineering students. The machine was between the two, it is known as CNC.
intended to suit a workpiece whose tool could Characters, signs, and numerals are utilized to
move it up to a maximum of 16.03, 13.47, and arrange the activities of managing these
5.77 cm in the X, Y, and Z-axes, respectively. obligations [3]. A router, a networking device,
The stepper motors utilized had a capacity of routes data packets on computer networks.
4.8 to 70 watts and a torque of more than 3.2 Routers are liable for steering Internet
kg/cm. Focusing on performance assessment traffic. The essential building pieces of
of upgraded CNC router designs with information transferred through the internet,
sophisticated regression methods to develop such as a web page or email, are known as data
the best prediction model should be the future packets. A packet is commonly transmitted from
trend. one router to another over the networks that
make up an internetwork (like the Internet) to
Keywords- Computer numerical control (CNC), reach its target node [4-7]. Two or more data
Design, Integrated, Mechano-Electrical, Router, connections emerging from multiple IP networks
Software Technology are present on a router. The router confirms the
network address information in the packet
header to determine the eventual destination products whose complexity is too great to be
when a data packet arrives on one of the lines. handled by conventional processes owing to
Using information from its routing database or machines with six or more axes [9]. CNC routers
routing policy, it then sends the packet to the may be highly handy for conducting the same,
next network on the route. repetitive tasks. A CNC router generally
The CNC router is operated by a enhances manufacturing efficiency and provides
computer. Coordinates are uploaded to the trustworthy, high-quality work. The usage of a
machine controller via a different program. CNC CNC router may minimize waste, the likelihood
routers utilize two software programs: one called of mistakes, and the time required to sell the
CAD produces designs, and the other called final product. Using a CNC router offers
CAM translates those drawings into a set of increased production flexibility [10]. Furniture,
machine instructions. CNC routers can be musical instruments, door carvings, interior and
manually programmed to work, but CAD/CAM exterior decorations, wood panels, sign boards,
enables more contouring options, speeds the frames, and moldings are just a few examples of
programming process, and, in some situations, the various products that may be manufactured
develops programs that would be impossible or from them. The trimming procedure is
extremely tough to interpret and apply with mechanized by the CNC router, which also
manual programming. CNC routers may be makes thermoforming polymers simpler. CNC
highly handy for conducting the same, repetitive routers assist to maintain component and
tasks. A CNC router generally enhances industrial production repeatability.
manufacturing efficiency and provides This paperwork concentrates on a well-
trustworthy, high-quality work. Cutting, cutting, simplified and more home-level of CNC
and drilling are just a few of the operations that machine design. This material outlines how to
this CNC router machine can execute on diverse make a tiny CNC machine that is economical,
materials. For varied techniques, many rotary easy to maintain, and completely functioning.
tool types may be applied [8]. The mechanical structure, electronics, stepper
The machine removes material from a motors, G code sender software, stepper motor
driver, coupler nut, threaded rod, and power
workpiece, and the time it takes to produce a
functional components are some of the design
piece relies on the complexity of the completed
features of the CNC router that are covered (Fig.
product as well as the volume difference
between the workpiece's initial and final
volumes. Thanks to machines with six or more
axes, it is now viable to make goods whose
complexity is too enormous to be handled by
traditional procedures. CNC routers could be
highly beneficial for carrying out recurring
operations. The usage of a CNC router typically
boosts production efficiency and results in
dependable, high-quality work. Utilizing a CNC
router may decrease the time it takes to sell the
final product, eliminate waste, and boost
precision. Drilling, carving, and cutting are just a
few of the operations that this CNC router
machine can carry out on a variety of materials.
Different rotary tool types may be employed for
diverse procedures [8].
The machine operates by removing Figure 1: Diagram of a CNC machine [11].
material from a workpiece; the length of time
required to finish the piece relies on the intricacy CNC CONCEPT
of the completed item as well as the difference
between the workpiece's original and final There are three main components that
volumes. These days, it is feasible to make may be used to characterize a CNC system (Fig.
Fig. 5 demonstrates and summarizes the safety feature is helpful. At the junction of the
usual operation of a CAM system. The sequence positive ends of the axle movement zones, the
of the definition might be varied in various zero is placed. The most critical of them is to
CAM systems, but the definition of the specified locate the reference point of the occupied or zero
data is essential in every instance for suitable programs. The programmer then works to
work. The most significant use of the CAM incorporate more critical information that was
systems is the milling technology; hence, left blank by the programmer after the software
hereafter I concentrate on this application. is placed into the MCU Origin for the Zero-
Machine Homepage (CNC Machining
Machine Control and Operation Fundamentals 2014 Autodesk, Inc. copyright).
For CNC operation:
The linear sliding and rotating Ensure a proper working environment.
movements of the CNC machine tool apparatus Make sure that machine feeding is adequate
are employed to carry out operations. The maker and safe.
of the machine established some characteristic Choose cutting tools that can have their
movements, which differ from machine to length changed to fit the machine.
machine. Because the machine automatically Choose the metal that will be utilized.
learns how to move in reaction to a move The way the device works.
command on an axis, it will move in the reverse Download the work that will be made. The
direction (-X, -Y) in response to the axis moving CAM program is written in the machine-
signal (cutting tool) along the X + or Y + axis of friendly language.
the table. It doesn't need to be aware of whether Duplicate the program to the machine
the machine's axis or table is moving. The only
thing that counts is that, by the program, the
Modify the zero widget.
cutting tool axis or cutting tool reaches the
Choose the suitable settings.
appropriate place. Unless the return to zero is
carried out, all control systems are deployed to Run the file.
prevent the automation of the machine. This Controlling work.
Cutting Depth 2 mm
Necessary amount of motor power is calculated Pa = Motor power during acceleration (W)JL =
by regarding the general structure of the system Total inertia (kg-m2)
and axes weight (Kuilu, 2006). Using equation Tt = Total moment while cutting (Nm)
(1) as given by Kuilu, (2006). ta = Time of acceleration (sec)
Pa= (2π Nm / 60)2 (JL / ta) (1) Nm = Motor speed (rpm)
P = (2π Nm Tt) / 60 (2) As a consequence of calculations, discoveries
Where; concerning motor power needs are indicated in
P = Motor power while cutting (W) Table 2.
axis when the control signal from the electronics each axis. The regulated motion on each axis is
circuit is applied. Each stepper motor is linked to immediately achieved by adjusting the stepper
the screw rod that holds the nut using a coupling motor's spin. By directly manipulating the
bush. The screw rod and nut assembly turns the stepper motor's speed with the required control
spinning action of the stepper motor into linear signals, the speed of each axis of motion may
motion. The linear bearing and guide rod system, also be modified. By regulating the tool path of
which is connected to each axis, enables smooth the spindle attached to the end effector in each
linear motion of each axis. This arrangement can axis, this permits smooth carving or cutting of
support weights and provides linear motion in the work piece (Fig. 8).
Linear rods, one of the mechanical components uno microcontroller board. Flash memory on the
that support linear motion, are strong, resilient microcontroller board contains the G-code
steel shafts that can carry a weight without interpreter code written in C. The control board
compromising the motion. The linear bearing generates the signal that the computer sends to
spreads the load throughout the linear rod and the stepper motors, which in turn controls the
produces low-friction slides. tool path's motion directly. The functioning of
the Arduino pins as exploited by GRBL is
Electronics represented in the image below. Stepper motors
are powered by the driver known as simple
As the controlling part in this project, an driver (Fig. 9). It receives the microcontroller's
Arduino uno r3 may be employed. The step signal and turns it into electrical voltage
ATmega328 processor is utilized in the Arduino signals that run the motor.
200 steps per rotation and 1.8 degrees full-, half-, quarter-, eighth-, and sixteenth-step
Operating temperature ranges from -10 to modes for bipolar stepper motor control (Fig.
40 °C. 11).
Unipolar Holding Torque: 22.2 oz-in
P= 1.2 x4 = 4.8 W
Rated voltage: 12 volts direct current
Current: 1.2a at 4v
Step angle is 1.8 degrees.
Phases: 4, Motor Length: 1.54 Inches
8-inch lead, 4 wires
The control box (Fig. 17), which is movement indicators, X, Y, and Z manual
composed of the system's electrical parts, allows movement controls, as well as an on/off switch,
the user to regulate and alter system operations. are all located on the machine's front panel. A
A power supply, a driver, and other electronic motor and a few switch connections are
equipment are contained inside the box. A positioned on the back panel.
spindle switch, emergency stop button, axis
Interfaces and Control Pulses are generated and supplied to the L6203
MOSFET driver in accordance with the signals
The router system has open loop control received. The driving motor performs the
as its control type. The L297 stepper motor necessary actions with the help of the driver.
driver gets the number of steps after a Fig. 18 depicts the system's block diagram.
microcontroller conducts important calculations.
Figure 18: Block diagram of driving motor with the aid of driver [9].
We have already examined the system's the USB. Therefore, the system may be utilized
mechanical, electrical, and programming by any computer that has a USB port. Data
interface components. Here is a breakdown of processing for the user-input G and M codes
the system's functioning. To send data, exploit takes place in the first step (Fig. 19, 20).
Figure 19: Isometric view of the router designed with autodesk inventor.
Figure 20: Autographic view of the router designed with autodesk inventor.