Design and Fabrication of 3-Axis CNC Milling Machine: Abstract
Design and Fabrication of 3-Axis CNC Milling Machine: Abstract
Design and Fabrication of 3-Axis CNC Milling Machine: Abstract
ISSN 2091-2730
Abstract— Nowadays with a digital control it’s became more and more useful to use such a machine tools with a coded software. This
paper will present the design and fabrication of 3-axis milling machine. computer numerically-controlled (CNC) machine which
comprise the use of Arduino micro controller to produce pulse-width modulation (PWM) outputs in order to run the stepper motors
that will be used in this work. A milling 3-axis CNC is previously used precisely surfaced designed for snapping of wood, plastic sheet
and thin sheet of metal alloy by using a rotating drill bit which its accuracy is much lesser than using a lesser cutter technique this
machine tool is portable and it’s controlled by computer (PC). Design and Fabrication of CNC with precision Stepper motors that
contacted with the lead screw moment along 3 -axis.
Keywords— Stepper motor, spindle motor, leadscrew, ball bearings, flexible coupling, and control system by Arduino micro
controller in Easel software.
Computer Numerical Control or CNC machine is a conventionally machine where an operator decides and adjusts various machines
parameters like feed, depth of cut etc. depending on type of job, and controls the slide movements by hand. It also is a specialized and
versatile form of a Soft Automation and its applications cover many kinds, although it was initially developed to control the motion and
operation of machine tools. A CNC machine takes codes from a computer and converts the code using software into electrical signals. The
signals from the computer are then used to control motors. Since the motors can turn very small amounts the machine is able to move in
highly precise movements over and over again. The 3-axis CNC machine; these machines nowadays have range size in the open market
Over decades, industrial technology has transformed many aspects of daily life. Several studies have been carried out for the development
of such a (CNC) machine on smaller thinner, lighter weighted and budget cost. From the related journal and research, the main idea in
carrying out this work of CNC development. As the technology of CNC machine characterized by accessible price and technology so rip
that even individuals can design and construct CNC controlled machine [2]. Advanced facility and precision of control of CNC tools, if it’s
compare with usual machine, has had a significant influence on the development of function components, frame body, stepper motors, and
control circuits. Construction and evaluation of Low-cost table CNC milling machine by using low-price milling cutter for the main spindle
due to a low voltage supply of the main cutting forces it is possible to use the tools of smaller dimension to machine materials like wood,
aluminum and plastic materials. Design and Implementation of Three-Dimensional CNC Machine [3] where it discusses the design of low
cost three dimensional CNC. The main function is a microcontroller-based CNC machine and its communication between personal
computer (PC) and CNC machine by Software sub system that gets a set of commands and fetch it to the mechanical sub system in order
to be control the 3-axis. Software sub system that is a PC that provides easy to use interface for user to program commands in such a
language that microcontroller accepts.
The first step in the operation of CNC machine was calibrating the tool, it was aimed to know whether the stepper motor and any other
system were working according to the program that has been configured. Followed by setting the starting position of the spindle drill
on the CNC machine using Universal G-code Sender software both automatically and manually by hand spinning. Spindle drill speed
can be set up to a maximum speed of 12000 rpm (rotation per minute). After the CNC machine is calibrated, the design with the
*G-code extension format was uploaded using Universal G- code Sender to Arduino Uno with serial communication. The
microcontroller will read the data as a command and provide logic to the A4988 motor driver. The data received by the motor driver
was used to drive 4 Nema 23 X, Y and Z axis stepper motors, so that a pattern will be formed on the object.
The idea behind fabrication of low cost CNC Milling Machine is to full fill the demand of CNC machines from small scale to large scale
industries with optimized low cost. A major new development in computer technology is the availability of low-cost open source
hardware, such as the Arduino microcontroller. An advantage of open source hardware is that a wide variety of ready-to-use software is
International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 6, Issue 4, July-August, 2018
ISSN 2091-2730
available for them on the Web; therefore, the prototyping and development times are drastically reduced. Moreover, a wide range of
low-cost interfaces and accessories such as Arduino shields are also available. However, for the development of low-cost models of
CNC machines, such tools may be quite adequate from the viewpoint of machine control. In this project, the development of a prototype
3-axis CNC Milling Machine using Arduino-based control system is presented with the following specification.
• Low cost
• Easily operable
• Easy interface
• Flexible
• Low power consumption
The structural design of the machine including to wiring connection and the software adopted to generate codes and C+
language. Finally, but not last is Development the base of the design that has been achieved.
A. Structure Design
The machine structure is the vital part of the machining tool. It merges all machine components into a single complete system.
The machine structure is vital to the efficiency of the machine since it’s directly affecting the total dynamic stiffness and also affecting
the damping response. Perfectly designed structure can afford high stiffness, which leads to precise operation. Mini scaled machine tool
required more precise stiffness than the regular large-scale machine tool as shown in Fig. 2
The initial design will be drafting or sketching then when the design satisfied. The next level will be deciding the criteria required which
is firstly the length travel. The length travel is the length of the X, Y and Z axis that travels from one point to another. The X axis move
left & right, Y axis move front & back, Z axis moves Up and Down. Travel length that is to be designed is X axis 3.5 foot and Y axis
2.5 foot and Z axis will be 0.984 foot. This structure comes with less materials hence it’s very less expensive to build which it’s designed
to cut wood plastic and aluminum.
B. Components
Stepper motor & Accessories: It’s a combination of stepper motor drive connected with pillow bearing with lead screw that is
mechanical linear bar and linear bearings that drives rotational motion into liner motion with minimum friction. The stepper motor as
represented in Fig. 5 have 1/30 step angle and the speed is directly proportional to the pulse frequency where it stands of the higher the
output voltage from the easy driver the more level of torque drive. Microcontroller Board: Uno it’s an Arduino Board it’s selected to
be the control unit in this project, which it’s used as a motion control board. The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based as shown
in Fig. 6. It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator, a
USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply
connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with an AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started.
International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 6, Issue 4, July-August, 2018
ISSN 2091-2730
. Power Supply: 12V SMPS (Switch mode Power Supply) is used for stepper motor driver. 2V SMPS is used to power the microcontroller
board (Arduino Uno3). The microcontroller is flashed with GCODE interpreter firmware written in optimized ‘C’ language.
C. Software development
The CNC machine uses easel software for motion control of the axis. Easel converts any design given or G-code, where certain
commands are used that stepper motor driver will easily understand.
In order to begin programming it’s required for IDE Arduino software to make it easier and friendlier to generate G-code the best way
is to use “Easel” combined with laser engraver plug-in which is an open source graphical editor. There are three easy drivers in this
International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 6, Issue 4, July-August, 2018
ISSN 2091-2730
project electronic circuit each driver is connected individually to the Arduino PWM output on terminal number 3,5,6 which according
to Arduino Uno datasheet and is shown in Fig. 9. Stepper motor that is used in X, Y and Z axis in this project uses with 4 wire connections
that is each stepper motor are connecter to one easy driver respectively as shown in Fig. 10.
The successful completion of any work will be incomplete without complementing those who made it possible and whose
encouragement made my effort successful. At the very outset, Firstly I would like to be highly grateful towards the college, M S
Engineering College, Bangalore, for providing us with all the necessary help and grooming up in to being Bachelor of Engineering.
I express my sincere gratitude to Dr. K S Badarinarayan, Principal, MSEC, and Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Bangalore, for providing the required facility.
I express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Vijendra Kumar, HOD, MSEC, and Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Bangalore, for providing the required facility.
I also extend my sincere thanks to our Guide NAVEEN KUMAR D, assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering, MSEC, Bangalore,
for his encouragement and support throughout the project.
Last but not least I extend, my thanks to the entire Teaching and Non-teaching faculty members of Department of Mechanical
Engineering, MSEC Bangalore, who has encouraged us directly and indirectly throughout the course of my Bachelor Degree. Finally I
thank my parents and friends for their continuous encouragement and support.
From this project, we learned the principle of CNC machine. We gained better understanding in the modes of operation of CNC machine.
There is various type of modern CNC machines use in industry. Automatic generation of different preparatory (G codes) and
miscellaneous function (M codes) is used in CNC part programming for completing a successful CNC program. Specifically, CNC
milling machine works with a computer numerical control that writes and read G-code instructions to drive machine tool to fabricate
components with a proper material removal rate. G-codes are commands for CNC machines to follow so that they can operate on their
own without human control. Zero set up is very important step to obtain an accurate geometry of the work piece.
From this project, we would conclude that it gives an idea for the beginners to understand on how the CNC machines work virtually.
1. Sundar pandain et al (2014), demonstrated an open source G-code interpreter i.e. GRBL controller which acts as an inspiration to
work on the production system with low cost [1].
2. Dr.J.B. Jayachandraiah et al (2014) provide the idea to develop the low-cost Router system which is capable of 3 Axis simultaneous
interpolated [2].
3. Torjus spilling (2014), presented his master’s thesis on self-improving CNC machine [3].
International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 6, Issue 4, July-August, 2018
ISSN 2091-2730
4. Alian Albert (2011) has studied history of CNC machines, information regarding CAD/CAM software’s and suggested for various
components used in a router [4].
5. Rajendra rajput et al (2016), demonstrated the comparison of CNC controller viz., Fanuc 21M 840D, Heidenhain TNC426. Kajal
Madekar et al (2016) [5].
6. Ahmed A.D Sarhan in this paper, an initial CNC gantry milling machine structure with the potential to produce the high surface finish
has been designed and analysed 2015 [6].