PC Troubleshooting I Syllabus
PC Troubleshooting I Syllabus
PC Troubleshooting I Syllabus
Course Description: The course covers topics related to personal computer components, its functions and characteristics, occupational health and safety policies and procedures, the basics of installing, configuring and working with personal computer components, preventive maintenance on personal computers, and networking fundamentals .
Course Objectives: - General - This course will develop essential troubleshooting and problem diagnosis skills for common personal computer systems. Course work will focus on configuration, installation, upgrade and preventative maintenance of personal computer systems. - Specific
- Master basic terminologies, concepts and functions of personal computer system components. - Explore computer hardware technology. - Identify the characteristics of ports and cables. - Identify the purpose and characteristics of cooling systems. - Apply the occupational health and safety policies and procedures. - Assemble, disassemble and reassemble computer system components such as system board, RAM, processor, storage devices and power supply. - Add and/or remove replaceable computer system components - Install and configure operating systems (Windows 98, Windows 2000, and Windows XP). - Install device drivers, anti-virus and MS Office applications. - Understand the networking principles, install and configure networks.
Course Topics
I. Overview
C. The Complete PC
A. Motherboard
B. Microprocessor
C. Memory
D. Storage Devices
E. Power Supplies
F. Display Devices
G. Input Devices
H. Adapter Cards
J. Cooling Systems
A. Installing and Upgrading Operating Systems (Windows 98, Windows 2000 & Windows XP)
B. Network Topologies
C. LAN Essentials
G. Troubleshooting Networks
Course Requirements: - Cognitive Domain - Seatwork, Quizzes and Assignments - 20% - Major Exams (Midterm & Final) - 20% - Psychomotor Domain - Participation (Hands-on, Oral Presentation, other written activities) - 20% - Project/Case Study - 20% - Affective Domain - Attitude/Behavior/Values Formation - 20%
Grading System:
1.00 = 98-100 A+
1.25 = 95-97 A
1.50 = 92-94 A-
1.75 = 89-91 B+
2.00 = 86-88 B
2.25 = 83-85 B-
2.50 = 80-82 C+
2.75 = 77-79 C
3.00 = 75-76 C-
5.00 = Failure
INC - Incomplete
D - Dropped