Citrullus Lanatus Pulp Fertilizer Methodology

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V (Bicol)
Division of Albay
Saban, Oas, Albay



Sacayan, Ivan L.
Domingo, Elueter Kristoff Gian L.
Rubis, Ahron James R.
Calicdan, Triztan Jake R.
Raquid, Jade S.

Propose to:
Rhialone Caingcoy

Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) is a species in the family Cucurbitaceae, a vine-like

Flowering plant originating in West Africa. It is a highly cultivated fruit worldwide having more

than 1000 varieties watermelon are mostly water about 92% but this refreshing fruit is soaked

with nutrients. Watermelon is a summer vegetable whose plant has extended branches producing

spherical or cylindrical fruits of light green or dark green color, with a red core that is spread by

black seed and white pulp. Watermelon contains large amount of lycopene, and cittruline

addition to ascorbic acid, potassium, flavonoids, and beta carotene. Watermelon is rich in amino

acid called cittruline that may help move blood through your body and can lower your blood

pressure. Your heart also enjoys the perks of all the lycopene watermelon contains. The most

popular part of the watermelon is the pink flesh, but like its cousin, the cucumber, the whole

thing is edible. This includes the green scraps the usually end up in the compost bin. The rind,

which is the green skin that keeps all that water-logged delicious fruit safe is completely edible.

Citrullus lanatus pulp fertilizer can make a significant contribution to rice plant. It can be easier

to grow rice plants for farmers. It is needed because many farmers are using chemical fertilizers

instead of organic Chemical fertilizers are too bad in our environment. It can cause water

pollution, increase air pollution, acidification and mineral depletion of the soil. Watermelon pulp

fertilizer aim to help aims to help the environment especially the plants for a faster growing

development. In this case the study will use rice plant to be tested with the fertilizer Many of its

article a published thesis had already specify about the benefits and nutrients of Watermelon and

have a satisfied reason and purpose about the research.

According to the website Sciencing (2019), watermelon rinds contain citrulline, an amino

acid that, in the human body, removes nitrogen from the blood and helps convert it to urine.

Citrulline assists in creating arginine, a second amino acid that some people are deficient in.

Scientists have studied citrulline and arginine to find out if a treatment can be created for sickle-

cell anemia-related afflictions. It might be possible to make a dietary supplement with

watermelon rind.1

As stated in an article published by the website Faith in Nature in 2016, the benefits of

watermelon for hair and skin include: (1) promotes hair growth; (2) prevents hair loss; (3)

moisturizes hair; (4) hydrates skin; (5) acts as a skin toner; (6) prevents skin from ageing and (7)

prevents oil production in skin.2

According to an article published by the website Ecofi in 2015, the use of organic-based

fertilizers in sustainable agriculture benefits farmers, growers, consumers and the environment in

many ways. As empirically demonstrated, organic-based fertilizers help to boost both nutrient

efficiency and organic matter content in the soil; nurture the soil with organic matter that reduces

dependency on chemical inputs; restore and maintain soil fertility to nurture plant growth;

enhance the biological activity and biodiversity of soils; enhance the quality attributes of produce

as well as yield and improve the efficiency of resource use by incorporating natural raw


In an article published by The Editors of Organic Life (2017), it is stated that many

organic materials serve as both fertilizers and soil conditioners—they feed both soils and plants.

This is one of the most important differences between a chemical approach and an organic

approach toward soil care and fertilizing. Soluble chemical fertilizers contain mineral salts that

plant roots can absorb quickly. However, these salts do not provide a food source for soil
microorganisms and earthworms, and they will even repel earthworms because they acidify the


In an article published by Todays Home Owner in 2018, it is stated that in addition to

releasing nutrients, as organic fertilizers break down, they improve the structure of the soil and

increase its ability to hold water and nutrients.5

According to the Gallup Gardening Survey (2021), less than half of the country’s home

gardeners use any kind of fertilizer on their lawns or gardens. What’s unfortunate about this

statistic is that it means gardeners aren’t getting as many flowers or as much produce as they

should. And they’re probably struggling with disease and insect problems that could be avoided.6

This EDIS publication focuses on the research principles behind determining the

optimum rate of fertilizer, (2013) including experimentation and interpreting research results for

optimum crop production and quality in conjunction with minimal environmental consequences.

We use examples from research with vegetable crops in Florida. How we interpret the results is

as important as how we conducted the research.7

Gardeners understand that plants uptake nutrients from soil as they grow and that those

soil elements must be replenished to avoid depletion over time. (2021) Nature’s method for

maintaining soil health is to allow dead organic matter to decompose and re-enter soils through

the action of soil organisms. For the past hundred plus years, conventional agriculture has

departed from natural practices, relying on synthetic manufactured fertilizers to deliver specific

elements to plants, while in many cases, neglecting soil health. Recently, organic and

regenerative growers have returned to natural soil-building practices and have increased the use

of natural amendments in place of synthetics. Natural fertilizer choices include raw and
processed organic materials, whose source material derives from formerly living plants and

organisms as well as natural minerals.8

According to the editors of encyclopedia Britannica (2021). fertilizer, natural or artificial

substance containing the chemical elements that improve growth and productiveness of plants.

Fertilizers enhance the natural fertility of the soil or replace the chemical elements taken from

the soil by previous crops. The use of manure and composts as fertilizers is probably almost as

old as agriculture. Modern chemical fertilizers include one or more of the three elements that are

most important in plant nutrition: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Of secondary importance

are the elements sulfur, magnesium, and calcium.9

According to the editors of Encyclopedia Britannica (2020). The watermelon plant is an

annual that grows well in hot climates. Its vines grow on the ground and have branched tendrils,

deeply cut leaves, and flowers borne singly in the axil of a leaf (e.g., where the leaf joins the

stem). Each light-yellow flower is either male or female, producing only pollen or fruit,

respectively. The fruit is a type of berry known botanically as a pepo. The sweet juicy flesh may

be reddish, white, or yellow; flesh color, shape of the fruit, and thickness of the rind depend on

the variety. Watermelon weight varies from 1 to 2 kg (2.5 to 5 pounds) to 20 kg (44 pounds) or

more. The number of fruits per vine varies from 2 to 15.10

According to Hoque M. (2013). Watermelon is a warm-season crop and is grown

worldwide, usually in the regions that have a long warm growing season (Snowdon, 1990). The

plants have weak stems and climb by tendrils, which hang from tree as tall as 20 to 60 feet, the

watermelon fruit matures on the ground. The fruits were thoroughly washed with distilled water

to remove dirt, dust, pesticide residues and then rinds were washed with pure ethanol to remove

micro flora on the surface of the fruit prior to juice extraction. All glassware and knives were
autoclaved at 121°C for 45 min and all other equipment was sanitized with hypochlorite prior to

usage. The watermelons were cut into quarters and the flesh was scooped out and cut into small

cubes. The cubes were placed in a laboratory scale juice processor. The extracted juice was then

centrifuged and filtered. The filtered juice was placed in autoclaved screw-top glass bottles.

Results showed that storage period and temperature had significant effect on ascorbic acid

content of different samples. There was a gradual decrease in ascorbic acid of watermelon juice

from 2.360 mg initially to 1.498 mg. The previous study is about the Study on Watermelon

Juice Preserved with Chemical Preservatives at Refrigeration Temperature, while the present

study is about Citrullus Lanatus Pulp Fertilizer in growing rice panicles.11

As maintained by Olaitan, H.I. (2017) Watermelon is a good source of amino acid,

citrulline, vitamin C, Vitamin, potassium and anti-oxidants such as lycopene. Lycopene and

citrulline have been shown to be helpful in preventing chronic diseases. This study was aimed in

reducing waste in the country and give people a good and healthy quality of cookies. The

watermelon fruits were split and the pulp separated from the rind. The rind was cleansed and

sliced rinds into smaller size for easy drying. The sliced rinds were sun dried miller using at

trition mill and sieved into flour using 0.5 mm per sieve that the water absorbtion capacity and

reconstitution index have very high concentration. The ability of flour to absorb and retain water

suggests better performance in texture and baked product as reported by. The previous study is

focused about the use of watermelon as a wheat-based cookies, while the present study was all

about Citrullus Lanatus Pulp Fertilizer in Growing Rice Panicles.12

In the opinion of Radzun K. (2017). The release of effluents containing dyes by various

industries is a serious environmental issue due to their detrimental impacts upon aquatic

organisms and human beings. These discharged dyes are considered source of non-aesthetic
pollution and eutrophication, toxic and potentially carcinogenic due to their complex aromatic

structures and synthetic nature. The WMR was obtained from a local fresh juice shop in Penang,

Malaysia. The WMR was obtained from a local fresh juice shop in Penang, Malaysia.WMR was

firstly washed with water and then dried at 105°C in the oven for 24 h to remove the moisture

contents. The dried WMR was subsequently ground and sieved to the size of 1–2 mm. The

outcome of the ultimate elemental analysis of WMR indicates that oxygen (51.50 wt.%) and

carbon (41.50 wt.%) are the major constituents of WMR along with the quantifiable amount of

hydrogen (6.12 wt.%) and nitrogen (0.88 wt.%). The pattern of adsorption onto biomass

materials is highly associated with the availability of the active functional groups and bonds of

the WMR surface. The previous study focusing on Utilization of watermelon (Citrullus Lanatus)

rinds as a natural low-cost bio sorbent for adsorption of methylene blue: kinetic, equilibrium and

thermodynamic while the present study focuses on Citrullus Lanatus Pulp Fertilizer in Growing

Rice Panicles.13

In the opinion of Gupta A. (2018). Watermelon (Citrullus Lanatus) a fruit crop, is

herbaceous creeping plant belong to the family cucurbitaceae. It is mainly propagated by seeds

and thrives best in warm areas. It is a tropical plant and requires a lot of sunshine and high

temperature of over 25°C for optimum growth. Watermelon thrives best in a drained fertile soil

of fairly acidic nature. It can be grown along the coastal areas of Ghana, the forest zone and

especially along river beds in the Northern Savannah areas. The flat brown seeds have a nice

nutty taste and have a good food value then the flesh. They are rich source of vitamin C, mineral

and fat. They can be eaten as such or in roasted form and can be used in flour mix. In a study it is

shown that the seeds pulp is used as a thickener into soups. This study showed that water melon

seeds are a good source of many nutrients like vitamin, minerals which are essential for our body
weight and is also a good source of water which can leave cooling effect in our body. The

previous study is all about Watermelon as Medicinal Seeds, while the present study focuses

about Citrullus Lanatus Pulp Fertilizer in Growing Rice Panicles.14

In the opinion of Yadla Arana Kumari. (2013). The study was undertaken to assess the

suitability of edible waste of watermelon fruit in the preparation of fruit butter. Watermelon rinds

are edible taste good and healthy too. Watermelon rinds are the good source of vitamin A, C, B6,

MG and K. The study was aimed to help people to be healthy and help people who have heart

disease. Apples and watermelon rinds are first washed and cut into pieces and then in equal

amount of water to softer the pulp. Finally add citric acid and spice mix and fill hot in sterilized

bottles. Watermelon rind showed significantly high acceptability when compared to control

apple butter. Utilization of watermelon rind in preparation of fruit butter can serve as healthy

product for heart patients as it contains an amino acid called citrulline. The previous study is

focusing about the comparison of watermelon rind and apple butter, while in the present study

focuses on Citrullus Lanatus Pulp Fertilizer in Growing Rice Panicles. 15

According to Moshed (2013) Watermelon is a warm-season crop and is grown

worldwide, usually in the regions that have a long warm growing season (Snowdon, 1990). The

plants have weak stems and climb by tendrils, which hang from tree as tall as 20 to 60 feet, the

watermelon fruit matures on the ground. Fresh mature watermelon was purchased from local

market in Sylhet with uniform in color and size and stored at 250 C. The fruits were thoroughly

washed with distilled water to remove dirt, dust, pesticide residues and then rinds were washed

with pure ethanol to remove micro flora on the surface of the fruit prior to juice extraction. All

glassware and knives were autoclaved at 121°C for 45 min and all other equipment was sanitized

with hypochlorite prior to usage. The watermelons were cut into quarters and the flesh was
scooped out and cut into small cubes. The cubes were placed in a laboratory scale juice

processor. The extracted juice was then centrifuged and filtered. The filtered juice was placed in

autoclaved screw-top glass bottles. The filtered watermelon juice, in screw-top glass bottles, was

pasteurized in a covered water bath with high temperature short time (72oC for 15s)The

treatments were made as pasteurized watermelon juice {Treatment one, T1 (control)},

pasteurized watermelon juice +20% sucrose, pasteurized watermelon juice +0.1% sodium

benzoate, pasteurized watermelon juice +20% sucrose +0.1% sodium benzoate pasteurized

+0.1% potassium sorbate,pasteurized watermelon juice +20% sucrose+0.1% potassium

sorbate,pasteurized watermelon juice +0.05% sodium benzoate +0.05% Potassium

Sorbate,pasteurized watermelon juice +20% sucrose +0.05% sodium benzoate +0.05%

potassium sorbate ,pasteurized watermelon juice +0.1% sodium benzoate +0.1% potassium

sorbate pasteurized watermelon juice +20% sucrose +0.1% sodium benzoate +0.1% potassium

sorbate and stored at refrigeration temperature (4-15°C) for a period of three months. Results

showed that storage period and temperature had significant effect on ascorbic acid content of

different samples. There was a gradual decrease in ascorbic acid of watermelon juice from 2.360

mg initially to 1.498 mg. Results show that minimum percentage decrease in ascorbic acid

content was recorded in sample T10 (23.85%) and maximumT1 (51.85%) and percentage of

decrease of ascorbic acid is the most difficult vitamin to be preserved during pasteurization. As it

is the least stable vitamin, it decreases in the product during storage. The previous study is

focuses on watermelon juice preserved with chemical preservatives at refrigeration temperature,

while the present study focuses on Citrullus Lanatus Pulp Fertilizer in Growing Rice Panicles. 16

As stated of Mohammed El-Wasif teal. (2014). This study was aimed to throw the light

on the nutritional quality of watermelon rind powder with regards its content of dietary fiber
nutritional mineral and antioxidants compounds. More ever to incorporation, the watermelon

rind powder as a cheap source in a manufacture of pan bread partially instead of wheat flour.

This study is conduct by Food Science and Technology Department, Faulty of Agriculture Al-

azhar University in Cairo, Egypt. The watermelon rind was separated from washed fresh

watermelon fruits and cut into small pieces by a sharp knife. For watery removing by spread in

trays at air dryer, and dried till its moisture content reach to 11% and then the dehydrated pieces

were group in a laboratory disc mill to file powder. There is an increasing grower and consumer

demand for high quality, healthful food and food products. Food and Agriculture organization

recommended an increased intake of low glycemic index foods, with emphasis on diabetes and

subject with unpaired glucose to herance. The previous study focusing to the Effect of addition

watermelon rind powder on the Rheological Psychochemical and Terrory quality attributes at

pan bread while the present study is all about Citrullus Lanatus Pulp Fertilizer in Growing Rice


According to Gladvin G. (2017). Mineral and Vitamin Compositions Contents in

Watermelon Peel (Rind). The aim of this research work is to determine some functional

properties of the rind and chemical properties of the dried power extract with a view of

harnessing it for consumption and possible industrial usage. Watermelon fruits were bought from

market. The watermelon was thoroughly washed to remove sand particles after which it was

sliced using a home choice knife. The pulp was carefully scraped off to obtain the rind which

was chopped into pieces with a chipping machine. The rind chips were weighed. The rind (wet

weight = 200 g) and sundried to obtain the corresponding dry weight for the rind (100 g).

Generally, Minerals and vitamins are essential, but in small amounts, for the regulation of

normal metabolism and as an antioxidant. The previous study focused on Mineral and Vitamin
Compositions Contents in Watermelon Peel (Rind), while in the present study is focuses in

Citrullus Lanatus Pulp Fertilizer in Growing Rice Panicles.18

In the authority of Mamaril Cesar P. (2013). This study was conduct in a Lipa day loam

soil at Los Banos Laguna Philippines during 2012 and 2013 wet cropping season to compare the

growth and yield performances of upland rice varieties, under organic and organic fertilization.

The treatment was arranged in split plot fitted into a randomized complete black design with four

replications. The plot size was 6m×4. Dry seed were hand drilled in furvous. The commercial

organic fertilizer is used during 2012 while organic fertilizer id used in 2013. Wet reason 2012 –

inipot-had comparable plants height at 126.3cm. at a 117.3 cm. in terms of fertilizer management

inorganic plots gam significantly taller compared with NSRC at 115.8 cm and 98.1 cm. The

previous study was focused on organic viability in upland rice production while the present study

focuses about Citrullus Lanatus Pulp Fertilizer in Growing Rice Panicles.19

According to Si Ho Han (2015). Soil nutrient is necessary to maintain the constant

productivity of nursery systems as well as good quality soil. This study investigated the effect of

organic manure and chemical fertilizer Treatment on growth performance. This study was

performed in the forest practices Research center of Korea Forest research institute. Which

located in Po Cheon Province. Two-year-old yellow poplar seedlings were treated by organic

manure (mixture of poultry manure, cattle manure, swine manure and sawdust) Nitrogen

Phosphorus-Potassium (NPK) Chemical fertilizer. The result of this study was in agreement with

the result of several stops that have shown organic manure. Treatment increase the soil ph, But

chemical fertilizer treatments. The previous study Focusing on the growth and Nutrient

concentration of yellow poplar while the present study focuses on Citrullus Lanatus Pulp

Fertilizer in Growing Rice Panicles.20

Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this study is to use Citrullus Lanatus Pulp Fertilizer in Growing

Rice Panicles.


1. What are the properties of Citrullus Lanatus Pulp to be considered as a good fertilizer

in growing rice panicles?

2. What are the effects of Citrullus Lanatus Pulp Fertilizers in the rice crop that

commercial fertilizer?

3. How effective is Citrullus Lanatus Pulp Fertilizer in the rice crop than commercial


HO: There is no significant difference in growing rice plant with Citrullus Lanatus Pulp

Fertilizer compare to commercial fertilizer.

HA: There is significant difference in growing Rice Plant with Citrullus Lanatus Pulp

Fertilizer compare to commercial fertilizer.


The researcher will compare the commercial fertilizer in the organic fertilizer. Meter

stick will be using to get the data and the measurement of the rice plant in the summer season.


Applied watermelon pulp fertilizer

-The researcher would like to know if watermelon pulp fertilizer can be alternative to any

kind of fertilizer in rice panicles


Growth of rice panicles

-The researchers would like to measure the growth of rice panicles that has given

watermelon pulp fertilizer


Water that the plant gets

-The researcher needs to know how much water can the plant gets in order to survive.

Sunlight that the plant gets

-The researcher will need to count if how many hours of sunlight that the plants get

Variety of plant

-The researcher chose different variety of rice plants to know what will be their changes

when the researcher applied Citrullus Lanatus Pulp Fertilizer


The findings of the study could address the effectiveness or make significant contribution

to agriculture. It makes give help in growing rice panicles that can give higher crop yields in

Rice Farmers. Rice farmers can benefit from Citrullus Lanatus Pulp Fertilizer if it is effective.

The researchers will test if Citrullus Lanatus pulp fertilizer is capable in growing rice panicles.

Environment. The product main material is watermelon which is cheap, as well as the

environment uses the more waste can be reduce which can make the community more


Laborers. The significance of the study is to help those laborers to have more

opportunities in the field of agriculture. Agricultural sustainability rests on the principle that we
must meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to

meet their own needs.

Economy. The study can provide natural and organic fertilizer that can expand globally

which can make our economy better.

Future researchers. This study can bring insights to those whose interested in studies

about Fertilizer or watermelon pulp. This may serve as they guide in building their own research


Farmers. The effectiveness of our product can help the farmers grow panicles in their

rice plant. They can produce more rice which can help them sustain their agricultural business.


The researchers will employ Two-way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) to evaluate the

effectiveness of “Citrullus Lanatus pulp fertilizer” and “Commercial fertilizer” in a rice plant in

order to clarify the study’s findings. Citrullus Lanatus Pulp Fertilizer will investigate if the

independent variables (applied watermelon pulp fertilizer) influence the dependent variable

(growth of rice panicles).

Mathematical Expressions

The F statistic depends on the term in the test for Factor A (Citrullus Lanatus Pulp

Fertilizer), the F-statistic is as follows.

MS ( A )
F(A) =

For Factor B (Commercial Fertilizer), the F Statistics is as follows.

MS ( B )
F(B) =


A – Rice plant applied with Citrullus Lanatus Pulp Fertilizer.

B – Rice plant applied with Commercial Fertilizer

MS – Mean Square

Materials and Methods

Four kilograms of fresh mature watermelon, uniform in color and size, were purchased

from a local market in Polangui and stored at 30 degrees Celsius.

The fruits were thoroughly washed with water to remove dirt, dust, and pesticides. The

pulp was scooped and squeezed to separate the juice from the pulp. The seeds were discarded

from the watermelon pulp and were stored in a sealed plastic bag at a room temperature of 30

degrees Celsius to 38 degrees Celsius for 28 days. One teaspoon of vinegar was added every

week. Two rice crops were planted in different pots. The rice crops receive the same amount of
treatment (water, sunlight, etc.). The rice plants were measured with a meter stick 28 days after

planting. (The rice plant must be at the same height to proceed in the experiment.)Chemical

fertilizer and watermelon pulp fertilizer were applied to the rice plant 2 to 3 times a week.

The rice plants were properly cared for on a fairly regular basis for a period of 2 to 3

months or until the rice panicle was well grown.

Table 1.1 Comparison of the height of the Rice Plant applied with Citrullus Lanatus Pulp
Fertilizer and Commercial Fertilizer.

Rice plant applied Week 1 Week 2 Week 3


Citrullus Lanatus Pulp


Commercial Fertilizer

Table 1.2 Comparison of the size of the Rice Panicles applied with Citrullus Lanatus
Pulp Fertilizer and Commercial Fertilizer.

Rice plant applied Week 4 Week 5 Week 6


Citrullus Lanatus Pulp


Commercial Fertilizer


The large fruit of a plant of the gourd family, with smooth green skin, red pulp, and

watery juice. Watermelon was widely cultivated African plant that yield.


A substance such as manure or a chemical mixture used to make soil fertile.


To prepare or prepare and use for the raising of crops.


An amino acid found in watermelon.


A compound that gives vivid yellow, orange, and red coloring to vegetables.


A diverse group of phytonutrients found in almost all fruits and vegetables.


By means of observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic.

Excessive richness of nutrients in a lake or other body of water, frequently due to runoff

from the land, which causes a dense growth of plant life and death of animal life from lack of



The total mass of organism in a given area or volume.


A state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced.


The branch of physical science that deals with the relations between heat and other forms

of energy and by extension of the relationship between all forms of energy.


Subjected to a process of partial sterilization, especially one involving heat treatment or I

irradiation, to make the product safe for consumption and improve its keeping quality.


Any of various chemical compounds whose primary effect is the alteration of the normal

state of consciousness.


To control something, usually in order to use it power.


Benes, J (2019).The uses of watermelon Rind. Retrieved from:


Demosea(2019).7 Benefits of watermelon for skin and hair. Retrieved from:

Ecofi(2015).European organic-based fertilizer. Retrieved from:

Today’s Homeowner(2018).The debate over Organic Vs. Chemical fertilizer. Retrieved from:

Rodale,Organic life(2017).Everything you need to know about organic fertilizer. Retrieved


Kathy LaLiberte,(2021).Fertilizer Basics.

George Hochmuth,(2013). Fertilizer Experimentation, Data Analysis, and Interpretation for

Developing Fertilization recommendations Examples with Vegetable Crop Research

8Ralph Morini,(2021),A Fertilization Primer: Plant Needs, Fertilizer Choices and Application


Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopedia. “fertilizer”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 25 Jul. 2021, Accessed 29 October 2021.

Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopedia. “watermelon”. Encyclopedia Britannica, 26 Jun.

2020, Accessed 29 October 2021.

Hoque M. et al.(2013). Study on Watermelon Juice preserved with Chemical Preservatives at

Refrigeration Temperature.

Olaitan, as a wheat based cookies.

Radzun, of Watermelon rind as a natural low-cost bio sorbent for

adsorption of methylene blue;Kinetic,equilibrium and thermodynamic studies.

Gupta, medicinal seeds.

Yadla, of watermelon rind incorporated fruit butter.

Morshed, study on Watermelon Juice preserved with chemical preservatives at

refrigeration temperature.

El Waseif, of addition Watermelon Rind powder on the Rheological,

physiochemical and sensory quality attributes of pan bread.

Gladvin G. and Vitamin Compositions Contents in Watermelon Peel (Rind).

Mamaril,C.(2013).Organic Viability in upland rice production in Los


Han,S.H.(2015).The effect of organic manure and chemical fertilizer application levels on the

growth and nutrient concentration of yellow poplar seedlings Po Cheon province in Korea.

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