Mashatta, Anda Iviana 48-54

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JISO: Journal Of Industrial And Systems Optimization ISSN 2622-898X online

Volume 6, Nomor 1, Juni 2023, 48-54 ISSN 2622-8971 print


Tri Andi Setiawan1, Anda Iviana Juniani1*, Dhika Adhitya Purnomo1, Noorman Rinanto2,
Habib Ngumar Faruq1
*E-mail korespondensi:
1Engineering Design and Manufacture Study Program, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia

and Electronic Engineering Department
Nasional University of science and Technology, Taipe, Taiwan


Dalam industri desain saat ini, konsep desain generatif untuk perancangan dan pengembangan produk
semakin berkembang. Ketika sebuah produk telah berada di pasar dalam jangka waktu yang lama,
kebutuhan redesain produk menjadi hal yang tak terelakkan. Konsep redesain produk memodifikasi produk
yang sudah ada untuk meningkatkan fungsionalitas, kegunaan, atau efisiensi manufaktur. Ini melibatkan
perubahan desain produk, material, dan aspek lain untuk mencapai tujuan dan menyelesaikan masalah
tertentu. Komunikasi antara desainer dan insinyur saat proses redesain produk muncul melalui perbedaan
perangkat lunak. Kesulitan juga terletak pada komunikasi pemikiran desain dan strategi pemesinan.
Autodesk Fusion 360 adalah perangkat lunak CAD/CAM dan CAE yang komprehensif. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk menggunakan Fusion 360 untuk memperkuat simulasi desain ulang produk. Desain ulang
produk yang lengkap mencakup beberapa bidang penting, termasuk desain industri, desain mekanik,
rendering dan animasi, emulasi dengan dibantu komputer (CAE), dan manufaktur yang terintegrasi (CAM).
Fusion 360 menyajikan ikhtisar kolaborasi, mendobrak batasan antara seni dan manufaktur, serta
mengkritisi konsep desain dan proses manufaktur. Dengan menggunakan perangkat Fusion 360 untuk
simulasi, analisis FEA statis dapat divisualisasikan. Untuk studi kasus, diamati bahwa hasil kekuatan,
tegangan berada dalam nilai kekuatan luluh kritis dari masing-masing bahan, dengan kustomisasi massal
dalam analisis struktur. Sebagai hasil dari analisis struktural selama tahap desain, penilaian sepeda motor
kargo roda tiga dalam hal daya tahan dan ketahanan mekanisnya dapat dilakukan tanpa membahayakan

Kata kunci: fusion 360, FEA simulation, optimization, product redesign, structural analysis


In today's design industries, the concept of generative design for product development is progressively evolving.
When a product has been on the market for an extended period of time, redesigning becomes inevitable.
Product redesign refers to modify an existing product to improve functionality, usability, or manufacturing
efficiency. It involves changing the product's design, materials, and other aspects to address specific goals and
problems. The communication between designers and engineers used to go on through different software
products, tool commands, and even industry terms. However, the difficulty also lies in communicating design
thoughts and machining strategies. Autodesk Fusion 360 is a comprehensive CAD/CAM and CAE software tool.
This article proposes to utilize Fusion 360 for reinforcing product redesign simulation. A complete product
redesign covers several significant areas, including industrial design, mechanical design, rendering and
animation, computer-aided emulation (CAE), and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM). Fusion 360 presents
an overview of collaboration, breaks the barriers between art and manufacturing, and blocks between design
and processing. Using Fusion 360 user interface for simulation, the static FEA simulation results can be
visualized. For the case study, it is observed that the results for stress and global displacement are within the
critical yield strength values of the respective material, with mass customization. As a result of structural
analysis during the design stage, the assessment of three-wheeled cargo motorcycle in terms of their durability
and mechanical resistance is possible without putting the user at risk. Based on the obtained results, the
structure strength was compared.

Keywords: Fusion 360, FEA simulation, optimization, product redesign, structural analysis

Tri Andi Setiawan, dkk / JISO, Vol. 6, No.1, Juni 2023, 48-54

INTRODUCTION 2019). The primary objective of product redesign is

to increase customer contentment by enhancing
In product development, including product selected target features. Consequently, identifying
design improvements, it is emphasized that product features that will be improved is an
everything is considered at the initial design stage essential aspect of product redesign research. These
because it significantly affects the later stages of enhanced product features are implemented
product development and throughout the product through product redesign to increase customer
life cycle (Juniani et al., 2022). satisfaction and adapt to changing customer
The relationship between Fusion 360 requirements. In recent years, identifying product
simulation and optimization in product features that should be enhanced or redesigned has
development is intertwined and complementary. become an essential area of study to increase
Fusion 360 offers simulation and optimization tools product quality and decrease manufacturing costs.
that work together to improve the design and
performance of products. Simulation in Fusion 360 Autodesk Fusion 360
involves creating virtual prototypes and subjecting Autodesk Fusion 360 is an all-encompassing
them to various tests and analyses to evaluate their 3D computer-aided design (CAD), computer-aided
behavior under different conditions. This includes engineering (CAE), and computer-aided
structural analysis, thermal analysis, fluid flow manufacturing (CAM) application. It is frequently
analysis, and more. Simulation helps identify used for product development and prototyping by
potential design flaws, optimize performance, and engineers, designers, and manufacturers (Rahman
ensure that the product meets desired et al., 2020; Sholeh et al., 2018). Fusion 360 provides
specifications and requirements. various practical tools and capabilities that facilitate
Structural analysis helps assess the product redesign. Included are:
performance and reliability of the redesigned a. Fusion 360 enables the creation of parametric
product. It allows engineers to analyze how the 3D models. This model indicates that the
product will behave under different loads, stresses, design is readily modifiable by adjusting
and environmental conditions (Rahman et al., 2020; dimensions, angles, and features.
Setiawan et al., 2023). By simulating and analyzing Modifications can be made swiftly and
the structural integrity, engineers can identify weak efficiently, allowing for an efficient product
points, potential failure modes, and optimize the redesign.
design to ensure it meets safety and performance b. Collaboration and Version Control. Fusion 360
requirements. Structural analysis plays a crucial provides cloud-based tools enabling multiple
role in product redesign by providing valuable team members to collaborate on a project
insights into the performance, reliability, and simultaneously. Additionally, it includes
optimization of the redesigned product (Jumandono version control capabilities, enabling users to
& Juniani, 2017; Prabowo et al., 2018). It helps monitor and manage design iterations. This
engineers make informed decisions, optimize facilitates collaboration and streamlines the
materials and designs, reduce costs, ensure product redesign, particularly in a team
compliance, and ultimately deliver high-quality setting.
products to the market. c. Simulation and Analysis. Fusion 360
This article's writing structure is divided into incorporates robust simulation and analysis
four sections. The second section presents a tools that allow engineers to assess the
literature review of research materials and redesigned product's performance, structural
describes the research methodology in depth. The integrity, and behaviour. It can simulate
third section presents the results and the various conditions and forces, allowing for the
discussion. The study's findings are then identification of potential flaws or areas for
summarized in the final section. enhancement prior to production.
d. Fusion 360 provides realistic rendering and
MATERIALS AND METHOD visualization capabilities, enabling designers
to generate high-quality visual representations
This section will discuss the primary of the redesigned product. This helps
literature review supporting this article, as well as stakeholders and clients better comprehend
the research methods. the proposed changes and make informed
decisions regarding the redesign.
Product Redesign e. Manufacturing and CAM Integration: Fusion
Existing products are frequently redesigned 360 supports computer-aided manufacturing
to create new products. Product redesign has (CAM) capabilities, allowing for a smooth
become an evolutionary strategy in product transition from design to production. It
development (Juniani et al, 2022; Zhang et al., contains tools for generating toolpaths,

Tri Andi Setiawan, dkk / JISO, Vol. 6, No.1, Juni 2023, 48-54

simulating machining operations, and RESULT AND DISCUSSION

producing machine code for CNC (Computer
Numerical Control) machinery. This Fusion 360 allows for the import of
integration ensures that the redesigned geometric models created by CAD to perform finite
product can be efficiently produced. element analysis on static structures, dynamic
Overall, Autodesk Fusion 360 offers a robust set of features, etc. DFR analysis will be performed by
tools and features to facilitate the product redesign structural analysis via Fusion 360. The driven
process. It streamlines the entire design-to- optimization feature can generate analysis and
manufacturing workflow, enabling designers and optimization for deterministic designs. A typical
engineers to create, modify, simulate, and visualize analysis feature is the model's size, such as volume,
their redesigned products efficiently. moment of inertia, clearance, etc. Product design
exploration will provide performance analysis for
Research Method design optimization based on the results of the
The research article starts with performing analysis of several parts of the design to find design
a literature review, including a gap to study the variable values.
topic in question. This article’s objectives were
created after research problem defined. Then, the Analysis of Existing Product Design
designing and modeling of three-wheeled cargo The vehicle is one of the means of
motorcycle were performed by utilizing Fusion 360 transportation humans use to meet their needs. As
for design optimization. First, the product redesign a means of transportation, vehicles must provide
is modeled using computer-aided design to create a safety and comfort for motorists. The development
3D model. Moreover, Finite Element Method (FEM) of technology and science, along with the increasing
simulation requires a mesh generation to human need for means of transportation, has made
numerically model the three-wheeled cargo people more selective in choosing vehicles
motorcycle after the data are selected and inputted according to their needs. The development of the
to the solver. At the next stage, the loading and automotive world has been very rapid lately, and
boundary conditions are needed to be defined manufacturers are continuously trying to improve
before the FEM is performed. The obtained results the quality of their products to meet consumer
are verified to ensure the generated results from the desires and compete in the market (Juniani et al.,
FEM method. The overall research flowchart is 2021). Today, many three-wheeled motorcycles are
portrayed in Figure 1. developing by adding an open bed at the rear.
The three-wheeled cargo motorcycle (see
Figure 2) shows that motorcycles as public vehicles
have more functions as a means of transportation.
Design engineering on motorbikes such as three-
wheeled cargo motorcycle has the effect that the
stability of these vehicles is different from
motorbikes in general. Therefore, structural
analysis in redesigned products is essential to
ensure product strength, stability and reliability.

Figure 2. Existing design of three-wheeled cargo

motorcycle with load

The material used in Figure 2 is steel-

standard structural with the following
specifications; the density is 7.8E-06 kg/ mm3, yield
strength is 248.2 MPa, Ultimate Tensile Strentgth is
Figure 1. Research Method 475.7 MPa, Young’s Modulus is 200 Gpa and the
Poisson’s Ratio is 0.26. The loading position is given

Tri Andi Setiawan, dkk / JISO, Vol. 6, No.1, Juni 2023, 48-54

to the entire surface of the body frame, with a load

of 509.8 kg, which is assumed to be the maximum
load that a three-wheeled cargo motorcycle can
generally accept. The loading position and size can
be seen in Figure 2. The support is given to the
steering wheel and the two shock breaker brackets
with a patented fixed type on the X, Y, and Z axes,
which means that the three-wheeled cargo
motorcycle frame cannot move towards the X, Y, and
Z axes. Moreover, the type of pedestal can be seen in
Figure 3.

Figure 5. Stress testing

Figure 3. Existing design of three-wheeled cargo

motorcycle with constraints’ focus

The loading Position in Figure 2 is given to

all faces on the body frame; the load given is 509.8
kg, likened to the maximum load tricycle can Figure 6. Safety Factor
generally accept. The loading position and size can
be seen in Figure 3. The support is given to the
The mesh used is Model-based Size with a
steering wheel and the two shock breaker brackets
with a fixed type which means they are patent with size of 5% to make it easier for the user to conduct
the X, Y, and Z axes, which means that the three- the analysis process (see Figure 4). The analysis
wheeled motorcycle frame cannot move towards results in Figure 6 obtained a 4.9 in safety factor,
the X, Y, and Z axes. The position and type of with the critical point between the body frame and
support can be seen in the Figure 5. the front frame and a maximum stress of 50.4 MPa
in the body frame area. Stress analysis is allowed
using the following equation:
σijin =
(Sf. k)
σijin = (1,25.1) = 198,5 MPa
𝜎𝑖𝑗𝑖𝑛 = Tegangan ijin (Mpa)
σy = Yield Strength (250 Mpa)
Sf = Safety Factor (1.25)
K = Faktor koreksi material (1)

So the stress value from the analysis using the

software is said to be failed or unsafe if the stress
value exceeds 198,5 MPa. The stress for the existing
Figure 4. Mesh specifications product is safe because it has a value of 50,4 MPa,
which is less than the allowable stress testing.

Tri Andi Setiawan, dkk / JISO, Vol. 6, No.1, Juni 2023, 48-54

Utilizing Fusion 360 in Product Redesign

Determining the geometric model is the first
step in product redesign testing. A geometric
representation method designed using a 2D or 3D
approach. In this test, this research used a 3D
approach. Since the body frame structure in the
existing product geometry model had design flaws,
removing the body's bottom frame and altering the
front frame's profile dimensions were the results of
this test (see Figure 7). Figure 9. Load Force of product redesign

Table 1. Mesh Refinement

Average Element Size (% of model size)
Solids 6
Scale Mesh Size Per Part No
Average Element Size (absolute value) -
Element Order Parabolic
Create Curved Mesh Elements Yes
Max. Turn Angle on Curves (Deg.) 60
Max. Adjacent Mesh Size Ratio 1.5
Max. Aspect Ratio 10
Figure 7. Redesign of three-wheeled cargo motorcycle Minimum Element Size (% of average
Number of Refinement Steps 0
Results Convergence Tolerance (%) 20
Portion of Elements to Refine (%) 10
Von Mises
Results for Baseline Accuracy

In this analysis, selecting suitable material is crucial

for accurate and relevant results. The selection of
this material involves considering the
characteristics of the material that are relevant to
Figure 8. Boundary Condition the analysis and then inputting the material data.
The materials and data used in this analysis can be
The geometry model will be divided into seen in the Table 2.
finite elements in the meshing process. Excellent
meshing is very important because it can affect the Table 2. Material Datasheet
accuracy and efficiency of the analysis. In the load Density 7.8E-06 kg / mm^3
and boundary stage, determining the boundary
conditions and describing the restrictions or Young's Modulus 200000 MPa
requirements applied to the boundary points of the Poisson's Ratio 0.26
structure are to be analyzed. Select and identify the
Yield Strength 248.2 MPa
relevant boundary points in the structural model.
Once the boundary conditions have been Ultimate Tensile Strength 475.7 MPa
determined, the values and parameters of the Thermal Conductivity 0.045 W / (mm K)
boundary conditions must be determined. Fixed
restrictions are restrictions on translational, Thermal Expansion Coefficient 1.17E-05 / K
rotational, or both movements. In this analysis, the Specific Heat 480 J / (kg K)
limitations can still be seen in Figure 8 and Figure 9.
All fixed limitations for type of Ux , U𝑦 , and Uz . The analysis results are obtained in the form of
structural response which includes safety factor,

Tri Andi Setiawan, dkk / JISO, Vol. 6, No.1, Juni 2023, 48-54

stress, deformation, and displacement. Following Total displacement refers to the change in
are the results of the analysis of the three-wheeled position or overall deformation of a structure under
cargo motorcycle frame structure. load. Information about the total displacement is
vital in evaluating a structure's stability, durability,
and performance. Excessive or poorly distributed
total displacements may indicate a problem in the
structural design. The analysis results obtained a
total displacement of 0.1419 mm, with a critical
point between the body and front frames as seen in
Figure 12.

This research utilizes Autodesk Fusion 360 to

Figure 10. Safety Factor
strengthen product design simulations. The
argument for using Autodesk Fusion 360 for
The analysis results are obtained through CAD/CAM modelling is that this tool can combine
structural response, including safety factors, stress, engineering and analysis tools on a single platform,
deformation, and displacement. A safety factor is a increasing efficiency and simplicity in collaborative
concept used to evaluate the safety and reliability of product design development. CAE studies were
a structure. The safety factor describes the ratio performed on the bracket using Autodesk Fusion
between the strength or capacity of a structure with 360 to simulate its performance under realistic
the applied load. The analysis results obtained a loading conditions and constraints, enabling the
safety factor 3.99 with a critical point in the engine determination of stresses, displacements, and safety
frame area (Figure 10). factors. Autodesk Inventor is extremely useful for
product design, tooling, mechanical design, and
Using the 3D design model of the frame of a
three-wheeled cargo motorcycle, a size
optimization design was performed to enhance
frame strength, and the following results were
obtained. The loading and boundary conditions for
the frame of a three-wheeled cargo motorcycle took
into account the weight of the driver and cargo, as
well as the motion conditions that may occur during
straight-driving and curve-driving. Structural
Figure 11. Maximum Stress analysis during the design stage results the
assessment of three-wheeled cargo motorcycle in
terms of their durability and mechanical resistance
is possible without putting the user at risk.
Increasing the thickness of the bracket through size
optimization had the greatest impact on enhancing
the longitudinal bending and torsional strength of
the frame of a high-load three-wheeled cargo


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