Step 2: Choose the Spring Boot version 2.2.0 M6 or higher version. Do not choose
the snapshot version.
Step 6: Click on Generate the project button. A zip file will download, extract it
into the hard disk.
Step 7: Now, open the eclipse. Import the created maven project. It takes some time
to download the required files.
Now we will add couple of services in the above project. For this we will have to
follow the following steps:
package com.javatpoint.microservices.limitsservice;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import com.javatpoint.microservices.limitsservice.bean.LimitConfiguration;
public class LimitsConfigurationController
public LimitConfiguration retriveLimitsFromConfigurations()
return new LimitConfiguration(1000, 1);
Step 3: Create a class file with name LimitConfiguration.java in the folder
src/main/java under the package com.javatpoint.microservices.limitservice.bean and
write the following code:
package com.javatpoint.microservices.limitsservice.bean;
public class LimitConfiguration
private int maximum;
private int minimum;
//no-argument constructor
protected LimitConfiguration()
//generating getters
public int getMaximum()
return maximum;
public int getMinimum()
return minimum;
//genetrating constructor using fields
public LimitConfiguration(int maximum, int minimum)
this.maximum = maximum;
this.minimum = minimum;
Type the localhost:8080/limits in the browser and press enter, we get the JSON
response as output.
maximum: 1000,
minimum: 1
Adding services to the application.properties
In the previous program, we will modify the code according to the requirement.
Now we call the limits-service from the application.properties file. In this file,
we are configuring a couple of values.
There is a better approach in Spring Boot to read values from the configuration
using the annotation @ConfigurationProperties.
Step 4: If we are using the Configuration file, we need to generate getters and
package com.javatpoint.microservices.limitsservice;
import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.ConfigurationProperties;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class Configuration
private int maximum;
private int minimum;
public void setMaximum(int maximum)
this.maximum = maximum;
public void setMinimum(int minimum)
this.minimum = minimum;
public int getMaximum()
return maximum;
public int getMinimum()
return minimum;
Step 5: Now move to LimitsConfigurationController.java file and modify the code. In
this we will use Configuration.
package com.javatpoint.microservices.limitsservice;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.GetMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import com.javatpoint.microservices.limitsservice.bean.LimitConfiguration;
public class LimitsConfigurationController
private Configuration configuration;
public LimitConfiguration retriveLimitsFromConfigurations()
//getting values from the properties file
return new LimitConfiguration(configuration.getMaximum(),
Now refresh the browser page. It shows the JSON format of the updated values which
are configured in application .properties file.
maximum: 999,
minimum: 99
Setting up Spring Cloud Config Server
Step 1: Create a Maven project using Spring Initializr https://start.spring.io/
Step 2: Choose the Spring Boot version 2.2.0 M6 or higher version. Do not choose
the snapshot version.
Step 5: Add the Spring Boot DevTools and Config Server dependencies.
Step 6: Click on Generate the project button. A zip file will download, extract it
in the hard disk.
Step 7: Now, open the eclipse. Import the downloaded maven project. It will
download the required files.
In the next step, we will create a simple Git repository and configure the spring
cloud config server to pick up the values from the particular Git repository. We
need to install the local Git.
Step 2: Create a Git repository and store the files that we want to be able to
configure a limits-service. We will try to access them from the spring-cloud-
config-server. Open the Git bash and type the following commands:
git init
It initializes an empty git repository.
Step 3: Now move to the spring-cloud-config-server project and add a link to the
specific folder.
git add -A
Now execute the command to commit the changes in the repository. It records or
snapshots the file permanently in the version history.
We can see that a file is changed with two new instructions. These instructions are
changed in the local repository.
application.properties :
Connect Spring Cloud Config Server to Local Git Repository
name: "limits-service",
-profiles: [
label: null,
state: null,
-propertySources: [
- {
name: C:\Users\Anubhav\git-localconfig-repo\limits-service.properties",
-source: {
limits-service-minimum: "8",
limits-service-maximum: "88"
In this we have establish the connection between SprinCloudConfigServer and the Git
We can see that it displays a set of property and values. It also retrieves the
file name of the property file from where these values (minimum and maximum) are
Again copy the same file and paste it in the same folder. Rename it with limits-
service-qa.properties. Now update the minimum and maximum values.
If we want to pick the default value of the maximum instead of modified value, put
a introduction-to-currency-conversion-and-currency-exchange-service symbol at the
starting of the statement. Now the second statement becomes a comment.
When we execute it, it picks up the maximum value 888 from the default properties
file instead of maximum value 111. Whenever we make the changes in the file, commit
the changes in the local repository
Now open the Git Bash and execute the following commands:
git add -A
Now check the status of the files that have to be committed.
git status
name: "limits-service",
-profiles: [
label: null,
state: null,
-propertySources: [
- {
name: C:\Users\Anubhav\git-localconfig-repo\limits-service-qa.properties",
-source: {
limits-service-minimum: "2",
limits-service-maximum: "222"
name: C:\Users\Anubhav\git-localconfig-repo\limits-service.properties?,
-source: {
limits-service-minimum: "8",
limits-service-maximum: "888"
We can observe that it is retrieving the property sources. These list of property
are in the list of priority. The heights priority is whatever values are configured
in the QA file.
If there is a value that is not present in the QA file, then the value from the
default file will be picked up. So whatever is in the QA file gets the highest
Now open the bootstrap.properties and add the dev profile into it.
spring .profile.active=dev
When we run the limits, it shows the following output:
maximum: 111,
If we look at the limits-service-dev.properties file, the values are fetching from
limits-service-minimum: 1
Now commit the changes by using the following commands:
git add *;
git status
git commit -m "removed configuration for maximum "
Let's see what happens when we change the profile dev to qa. Open
bootstrap.properties and write qa in place of dev. The application will start and
pick up the changes. Now execute the limits.
maximum: 222,
minimum: 2
These are the values that are coming from the qa environment configuration