History Opt. PYQ Vikas Ahlawat
History Opt. PYQ Vikas Ahlawat
History Opt. PYQ Vikas Ahlawat
Archaeological Sources:
Explora on, excava on, epigraphy, numisma cs, monuments.
Literary sources:
Indigenous: Primary and secondary; poetry, scien fic literature, literature, literature in regional
languages, religious literature.
Foreign account: Greek, Chinese and Arab writers
Distribu on of pastoral and farming cultures outside the Indus, Development of community life,
Se lements, Development of agriculture, Cra s, Po ery, and Iron industry.
Forma on of States (Mahajanapada): Republics and monarchies; Rise of urban centres; Trade routes;
Economic growth; Introduc on of coinage; Spread of Jainism and Buddism; Rise of Magadha and Nandas.
Iranian and Mecedonian invasions and their impact.
Founda on of the Mauryan Empire, Chandragupta, Kau lya and Arthashastra; Ashoka; Concept of
Dharma; Edicts; Polity, Administra on, Economy; Art, architecture and sculpture; External contacts;
Religion; Spread of religion; Literature. Disintegra on of the empire; Sungas and Kanvas.
Kharavela, The Satavahanas, Tamil States of the Sangam Age; Administra on, Economy, land grants,
coinage, trade guilds and urban centres; Buddhist centres; Sangam literature and culture; Art and
Archaeological Sources:
Explora on, excava on, epigraphy, numisma cs, monuments.
Literary sources:
Indigenous: Primary and secondary; poetry, scien fic literature, literature, literature in regional
languages, religious literature.
Foreign account: Greek, Chinese and Arab writers
1. How did early Indian historical tradi on, as reflected in I hasa-Purana, emerge? What are the dis nc ve
features of this genre? [2018, 20 Marks]
2. Discuss the changing approaches to the study of early Indian history. [2006, 60m]
3. “Ancient Indians had no taste for historiography; their scholars cared
more for religious, spiritual and philosophical studies. Indian
historiography is essen ally an Islamic heritage.” Comment upon this
statement with special reference to the contemporary writers and their
works which help us in the reconstruc on of history of the early medieval
period of Indian history. [1996, 60m]
Archaeological Sources
4. Do you agree that archaeological evidence o en helps in the be er understanding of literary sources?
Comment. [2019, 15 Marks]
5. Art and culture are reflected to a far greater extent than poli cal history in
the epigraphic sources. Comment. [2017, 15 Marks]
6. "Reconstruc on of Early Indian history is hardly possible without the help
of inscrip ons and coins." Discuss. [2007, 60m]
7. Assess the pa ern of se lement, economy, social organiza on and religion of India during 2000 to 500 BC
from archaeological evidences. [2003, 60m]
Literary Sources
8. How far can the ancient Indian Sru literature be used as historical sources? [2015, 15m]
9. Evaluate the contribu on of the Puranas in dissemina ng secular
knowledge among the masses in ancient India. [2013, 15m]
Foreign Accounts
10. Foreign accounts as a source of ancient Indian history may have some
advantages but also have a few shortcomings. Ci ng appropriate examples,
examine the statements. [2022, 15 marks]
11. “While using the accounts of foreign writers, historians must dis nguish
between statements based on hearsay and those grounded in percep ve
observa ons.” Elaborate with examples. [2014, 15m]
12. In what ways are the accounts of the Graeco Romans and the Chinese helpful in
reconstruc ng the social history of India? How far is their informa on
corroborated by other Contemporary sources? [2009, 60m]
13. Cri cally evaluate the theory and prac se of land revenue system in ancient India. [2016, 20 Marks]
14. “The copious references to the preserva on of Varnashrama system
by the kings eulogized in inscrip ons are mere reflec on of the Smri
tradi on." Discuss. [2016, 15 Marks]
15. On the basis of contemporary sources assess the nature of banking
and usury in ancient India. [2013, 15m]
16. Evaluate the ownership of land in ancient India on the basis of literary
and epigraphic sources. [2013, 15m]
17. Discuss the types of lands and the Science of agriculture men oned in the literature and epigraphs of
ancient India. [2011, 20m]
18. What light do early inscrip ons and literature throw on the status of women in poli co socio-economic
spheres? [2010, 60m]
19. Assess the status of women in India from c. 4th century BC to c. 6th century AD. [2005, 60m]
Neolithic Period
Chalcolithic Period
3. The emergence of Non-Harappan Chalcolithic cultures in Central India and the Deccan mark a change not
only in the subsistence pa ern of people but an overall transi on from pre to proto historic period. Cri cally
analyse. [2017, 15 Marks]
4. In the absence of a wri en script Chalcolithic po ery gives us a
fascina ng insight into the culture and life styles of the people of those
mes. Comment cri cally. [2013, 15m]
5. Describe the dis nguishing features of important archaeological
cultures of the Indian subcon nent datable between c. 2000 B.C. and c.
500 B.C. [1995, 60m]
2. Do you agree that ecological factors influenced the flow and ebb of the Harappan civiliza on? Comment.
[2021,20 Marks]
3. The decline of Harappan civiliza on was caused by ecological
degrada on rather than external invasion. Discuss. [2015, 15m]
4. "The con nuity of the Indus Civiliza on into later ages was not
confined to the religious and spiritual fields alone." Analyse the
statement. [1997, 60m]
5. “The Indus Civiliza on had an abrupt end.” Discuss the statement and
explain how the Indus Civiliza on could influence Indian culture in its
later history. [1988, 60m]
6. “On circumstan al evidence Indra stands convicted.” Explain, and discuss briefly different views about a
sudden end of the Indus Valley civiliza on. How would you explain the presence of those elements in Indian
culture and civiliza on which are found to have existed in the Indus Valley period? [1986, 60m]
Urban Features
7. The urban character of the Harappan Civiliza on was a result neither of any outside influence nor a sudden
act but a gradual evolu on of regional socio-economic factor. Comment. [2022, 20 marks]
8. Did the mastery over agriculture act as a leverage for the rise of Harappan towns and ci es? Discuss. [2019, 15 Marks]
9. "Archaeological evidence does not give direct access to the possible
social and poli cal dimensions of the decline of the Harappan
civiliza on. What it does indicate very clearly is that the Harappan
culture underwent a gradual process of de-urbaniza on"? [2018, 15
10. Explain why the majority of the known Harappan se lements are located
in the semi-arid areas with saline groundwater. [2016, 20 Marks]
11. Discuss the water management and its conserva on planning in the Harappan (Indus-Saraswa ) ci es.
[2013, 20m]
11. Trace the development of urbaniza on from the third millennium B.C.E. to 6th century B.C.E. [2011, 60m]
12. Analyse the elements of urban civiliza on in the Harappan Culture.
What factors were responsible for its decline? [2002, 60m]
13. Discuss salient features of the Indus Valley Civiliza on. Men on
important places from where relics of civiliza on have been
recovered so far. Examine causes of its decline. [1999, 60m]
14. How do you account for the decline of the major ci es of the Indus
Valley Civiliza on? [1984, 20m]
15. Was India civilized before the advent of the Aryans? State briefly the extent and striking features of the
earlier civiliza on, if any. [1982, 20m]
16. Give an appraisal of town planning of the Indus ci es and evaluate the various reasons for their decline.
[1979, 60m]
17. Do you think the Harappan civiliza on had a diversity of subsistence base? [2014, 15m]
18. Evaluate the significance of seals and sealings in the
reconstruc on of socioeconomic and religious life of the
Harappan people. [2012, 30m]
19. Discuss the pa ern of trade during the Indus Valley civiliza on.
How far did it affect the nature of contemporary se lements in
the Indian sub-con nent? [1994, 60m]
20. Write a short essay on: “External trade of the Harappans.” [1991,
21. Discuss the trade, cultural contacts and the extents of the Indus
Civiliza on within and outside India and describe in detail any one
of the Indus sites within India. [1980, 60m]
22. Write a short essay on: “The Religion of the Indus Civiliza on.”
[1996, 20m]
23. Write a brief essay on: “The burial customs in the Indus
Civiliza on.” [1993, 20m]
24. There is no literary sources for the Harappan culture and no archaeological evidence for the Vedic period.
Explain the phenomenon. [2019, 20 Marks]
25. Cri cally examine various views regarding the Vedic Harappan rela onship in
light of the latest discoveries. [2017, 15 Marks]
26. Analyse the differences and similari es between Indus Valley and Vedic
Cultures. [1992, 60m]
27. Discuss briefly the development of religious ideas and rituals in the Vedic age.
Do they show any parallelism with the religion of the Indus Civiliza on?
[1989, 60m]
28. Compare the economic, social and religious life of the Indus Valley (Harappan) people with that of the early
Vedic people and discuss the rela ve chronology of the Indus and the early Vedic cultures. [1987, 60m]
Distribu on of pastoral and farming cultures outside the Indus, Development of community life,
Se lements, Development of agriculture, Cra s, Po ery, and Iron industry.
1. Will it be proper to consider the megaliths to represent a single homogenous or contemporaneous culture?
What kind of material life and culture system is revealed in the cc? [2021,15 marks]
2. In what ways can the Megalithic culture be considered a
founda onal phase of the history of peninsular India? [2014,
3. Discuss the extent, se lement pa erns and subsistence
economy of the megalithic cultures. [2012, 30m]
4. Discuss the distribu on and significance of farming cultures
outside the Indus system. [2008, 60m]
4. Do you consider that the Upanishadic principles embody the high point of Vedic religious thought?
Comment. [2021,15 marks]
5. Throw light on the nature of religion and classifica on of gods men oned in the Rigveda. [2020, 20 marks]
6. Puranas were the innova ve genre of literature to popularize and revive Vedic religion. Elaborate with
examples. [2020, 15 marks]
7. “The Upanishadic principles embody the epitome of the Vedic
thought.” Discuss. [2014, 15m]
8. Evaluate the conceptual basis of the Vedic dei es. [2011, 30m]
9. Evaluate the various approaches to the understanding of Vedic
religion. [2009,30m]
10. Write a short essay on: “Vedic rituals” [1997, 20m]
11. Write a short essay on: “Vedic literature” [1995, 20m]
12. Write a brief essay on: “The Vedic Gods of the terrestrial region.” [1993, 20m]
13. Discuss briefly the development of religious ideas and rituals in the Vedic age. Do they show any parallelism
with the religion of the Indus Civiliza on? [1989, 60m]
14. What was the posi on of Varuna in the Vedic system of Gods? [1984, 20m]
21. “Archaeology knows of no Aryans; only literature knows of Aryans.” Examine cri cally. [2015, 10m]
22. Examine the view that sacrifice was a ritual and a form of social
exchange in Vedic India. [2010, 30m]
23. Give a brief account of the social and economic condi ons of the
Later Vedic Aryans. [1998, 60m]
24. Write a short essay on: “The formula on of social system in the
later Vedic period.” [1990, 20m]
25. Write a short essay on: “Posi on of women in the Rig Vedic society” [1988, 20m]
26. Discuss the poli cal pa ern and the major religious ideas and rituals of the Vedic age. [1980, 60m]
27. Examine the contribu on of Vedic culture in the sphere of social ins tu ons and religion. Was there any
con nuity between the Indus and the Vedic cultures in this respect? [1983, 60m]
Forma on of States (Mahajanapada): Republics and monarchies; Rise of urban centres; Trade routes;
Economic growth; Introduc on of coinage; Spread of Jainism and Buddism; Rise of Magadha and Nandas.
Iranian and Mecedonian invasions and their impact.
1. Give an account of gana-sanghas (non-monarchical state systems)? Why did they decline? [2018, 15 Marks]
2. Examine the rela onship among economic growth, urbaniza on and State forma on from c. 7th century to
3rd century BCE. [2016, 15 Marks]
3. Give an account of the republics in the pre-Maurya period. Discuss the factors which contributed to their
decline. [1992, 60m]
15. Buddha's teachings to a large extent could be helpful in understanding and resolving the problems of
today's society. Analyse cri cally. [2014, 15m]
16. Assess the importance of Jain tenets and their relevance to
humanity. [2011, 30m]
17. Write what you know of the rise and spread of Buddhism before
the first century A.D. [2007, 60m]
18. “The Sixth century B.C. was a period of religious and economic
unrest in India.” Comment. [2003, 60m]
19. Write a short essay on: “Essence of early Jainism” [1995, 20m]
20. Write a short essay on: “The intellectual revolu on in the Sixth Century B.C.” [1988, 20m]
21. Discuss the social & economic factors for the rise of Buddhism. How far was it influenced by Upnisadic
thought? [1987, 60m]
22. What were the causes of the origin of the heterodox sects in the sixth century BC? [1984, 20m]
23. Analyse the causes of the success of the Magadhan imperialism upto the reign of Ashoka
the Great. [2001, 60m]
24. Trace the rise of Magadhan imperialism up to the mes of the Nandas with par cular
reference to its policy towards the non-monarchical state. Discuss the factors that
contributed to its success. [1990, 60m]
25. Anumber of scholars considered as ' The Great' , although long term impacts of Alexander's invasion on
India needs to be re-evaluated. Comment. [2020, 15 marks]
Founda on of the Mauryan Empire, Chandragupta, Kau lya and Arthashastra; Ashoka; Concept of
Dharma; Edicts; Polity, Administra on, Economy; Art, architecture and sculpture; External contacts;
Religion; Spread of religion; Literature. Disintegra on of the empire; Sungas and Kanvas.
2. How would you characterize the nature of the Mauryan State on the basis of Kau lya's Arthashastra?
[2021,20 marks]
3. Social norms for women in the Dharmasastra and Arthasastra tradi on
were framed in accordance with the Varnashrama tradi on. Evaluate
cri cally. [2013, 20m]
4. Determine the veracity of Megasthenes' descrip ons of Indian society
and economy with the help of other contemporary evidences. [1994,
5. Discuss the compara ve merit of the Arthasastra, the Indica and Ashokan Inscrip ons as sources for the
administra on, socio-economic condi ons and religious life in the Mauryan period. [1989, 60m]
6. Discuss cri cally the rela ve importance of the different source for the history of the Mauryan period.
[1986, 60m]
7. Cri cally examine the sources for the study of Mauryan dynasty. How are they useful in understanding the
Mauryan administra on? [1980, 60m]
13. Write a short essay on: “Contents of Asoka's dhamma and reasons for Asoka's keenness to propagate
dhamma.” [1991, 20m]
14. Analyze Ashoka's policy of Dhamma and account for its failure. [1983, 60m]
15. Bring out the elements of change and con nuity in the domes c and foreign policies of Ashoka. [1981, 60m]
16. Discuss the nature of Ashoka's Dhamma. Was it responsible for the downfall of his empire? [1979, 60m]
17. Examine sources of informa on for Mauryan dynasty. Throw light on historical significance of Ashoka's
inscrip ons. [1999, 60m]
18. Write a short essay on: “Inscrip ons of Ashoka” [1995, 20m]
19. Examine the importance of Ashoka's Rock Edit XIII for determining the extent of the Maurya Empire. Did
Ashoka's policies and reforms contribute to the fall of the empire? [1993, 60m]
Polity, Administration
20. Do you agree with the popular view that Mauryas established a unitary and highly centralized if not
monolithic state system? [2018, 20 Marks]
21. Examine the role of adhyaksha in the Mauryan administra on. [2012, 30m]
22. Examine the nature of the Mauryan State. Bring out the features of their
administra ve system. [2002, 60m]
23. How did Ashoka contribute to the moral and administra ve welfare of his
people? [2000, 60m]
24. Write a short essay on: “Mauryan municipal administra on.” [1996, 20m]
25. Examine the administra ve system of the Mauryas and discuss briefly the causes of disintegra on of the
Mauryan Empire. [1984, 60m]
26. Write a short essay on: “The Maurya policy of regula ng and controlling economic ac vi es.” [1990, 20m]
27. Write a short essay on: “The architectural and ar s c features of the great stupa at Sanchi” [1997, 20m]
28. Write a brief essay on: “Similari es and differences between the Maurya columns and Achaemenian
pillars.” [1993, 20m]
29. Write a short essay on: “Mauryan court art as an alien graing” [1988, 20m]
External Contacts
30. Delineate the nature and impact of India's contact with Western Asia and the Mediterranean world during
the Mauryan period. [2015, 15m]
31. Do you think that the economic factors were alone responsible for the disintegraon of the Mauryan Empire?
[1982, 20m]
32. The development of art and architecture during the Sunga period belies the belief that they were an -
Buddhist. Discuss. [2019, 15 Marks]
4. What was the impact of trans-regional and trans-connental trade in the post Mauryan period on social and
cultural life of India? [2018, 20 Marks]
5. How does numisma c evidence of the period reflect the poli cal
and economic outlook of the Kushanas and the Satavahanas? [2016,
15 Marks]
6. Write a short essay on “Indian par cipa on in the silk trade through
Central Asia.” [1990, 20m]
12. Examine the significance of the dei es depicted on coins of the Kushanas. [2010, 30m]
13. Furnish a cri cal and compara ve account of various schools of art in the Post -Mauryan period (c. 200 B.C. -
c. 300 A.D.) [1998, 60m]
14. “The centuries between c. 200 B.C. and c. A.D. 300 constute a
landmark in the socio-religious history of India.” Analyses the
proposi on. [1995, 60m]
15. Write a brief essay on: “Buddhist wring in Sanskrit in the post-
Maurya period.” [1993, 20m]
16. Write a short essay on: “Origins, chronology, characteriscs and
geographical spread of Gandhara art.” [1991, 20m]
17. Brief out the salient features of the religious development in the Post-Maurya period. How was
contemporary art influenced by it? [1988, 60m]
Kharavela, The Satavahanas, Tamil States of the Sangam Age; Administra on, Economy, land grants,
coinage, trade guilds and urban centres; Buddhist centres; Sangam literature and culture; Art and
Buddhist Centres
9. Explain the social aspects of Buddhism and account for its decline in India. [2004, 60m]
10. The accurate picture of the complex socio-cultural milieu of Peninsular India is presented in the early
Sangam literature. Delineate. [2017, 15 Marks]
11. “Not only does ancient Tamil literature furnish an accurate picture of widely disparate classes; it also
describes the social condion of Tamil country as it was.” Discuss. [2015, 10m]
12. How do recent archaeological findings and Sangam literary texts enlighten us about the early state and
society in South India? [2008, 60m]
16. Throw light on the condi on of common man in the Gupta period. [2007, 60m]
17. Assess the status of women in India from c. 4th century BC to c. 6th century AD. [2005, 60m]
18. Write a short essay on: “Origins and meaning of the samanta system.” [1991, 20m]
19. Write a short essay on “The economic prosperity in the Gupta period.” [1990, 20m]
20. Discuss the condi ons of economic life in the age of the Guptas. [1982, 60m]
21. How far do the coins of the Gupta's provide clues regarding trends in economy, polity, religion and arts?
Discuss them in the light of corrobora ng evidence from archaeology and literature. [1981, 60m]
33. “Harshvardhan was himself great, but he has been made greater by Ban and Yuan Chiang.” Cri cally
examine the statement. [1999, 60m]
34. “Of all the events that had a singular being on the history of India, Harsha's death in 647 A.D. is significant.”
Why? Explain. [1996, 60m]
35. Give an account of the Society in Northern and Central India since the death of Harsha to the Muslim
conquest of North India. [1996, 60m]
36. Discuss cri cally the role Harsha played in the history of his mes. [1989, 60m]
37. Write a short essay on “The Maukharis paving the way for the glory of Harshavardhana” [1988, 20m]
38. “Harsha owes his greatness largely not to any real achievements but to formulate descrip ons by two
famous men.” Discuss. [1987, 60m]
39. Harsha is described as 'the lord of the whole of north India'. Determine the
extent of his empire and discuss his poli cal rela ons with Sasanka,
Bhaskaravarman and Pulakesin II. [1985, 60m]
40. Cri cally examine the sources of informa on for the study of Harshavardhan
and discuss his religious policy. [1984, 60m]
14. Make a compara ve study of the administra ve system and development of art under the Pallavas of
Kanchi and the Chalukyas of Vatapi. [1990, 60m]
15. Evaluate the importance of the contribu ons of the Pallavas in the
history of the development of art and administra on in South India.
[1988, 60m]
16. Write a short essay on: “The contribu ons of the Pallavas to Indian
architecture.” [1986, 20m]
17. What was the contribu on of the Chalukyas of Badami to Indian
architecture? [1984, 20m]
18. Who were the Pallavas? Review briefly their contribu on to art and administra on [1983, 60m]
19. Trace the origin and development of the poli cal authority of the Chalukyas of Badami and discuss their
contribu on to religion and architecture. [1982, 60m]
20. Discuss the contribu on of the Pallavas to South Indian art. Was this art wholly indigenous? [1979, 60m]
21. Describe the evolu on and development of regional temple architecture of South India with special
reference to Pallavas. [2020, 20 Marks]
22. Trace the origin and development of temple architecture in India
with reference to regional styles and varia ons. [2017, 20 Marks]
23. How did the temples of South India, as financial ins tu ons, have
deep impact on the social ins tu ons of early medieval period?
Cri cally examine. [2016, 15 Marks]
24. Kailasa Temple built at Ellora marks the culminaon of rock-cut
architecture in India. Elucidate. [2015, 15m]
25. Analyse the vibrant cultural ac vi es in peninsular India during 550-750 CE. Compare and contrast it with
the situa on in contemporary North India. [2012, 30m]
26. Assess Ellora as a unique art centre of the different cultural streams. [2011, 20m]
27. Bring out the regional varia ons in the early South Indian Temple's architectural styles. [2009, 60m]
31. “Utpanna dravide bhakh, Karnate vriddhimagata I Sthita kinchit maharashtre gurjare jirnatamgata
II”Padmapurana. Account for the emergence of bhak in Dravidadesa. [2018, 15 Marks]
32. Write a short essay on: “Historical significance of the advent of the Arabs in India” [1995, 20m]
The Fi eenth and Early Sixteenth Century- Poli cal Developments And Economy
Ÿ Rise of Provincial Dynas es: Bengal, Kashmir (Zainul Abedin), Gujarat
Ÿ Malwa, Bahmanids
Ÿ The Vijayanagra Empire
Ÿ Lodis
6 Ÿ Mughal Empire, First phase: Babur and Humayun
Ÿ The Sur Empire: Sher Shah's administra on
Ÿ Portuguese Colonial enterprise
Ÿ Bhak and Sufi
Ÿ Conquests and consolida on of the Empire
Ÿ Establishment of Jagir and Mansab systems
8 Ÿ Rajput policy
Ÿ Evolu on of religious and social outlook, Theory of Sulh-i-kul and religious policy
Ÿ Court patronage of art and technology
11 Ÿ Mughal pain ng
Ÿ Provincial architecture and pain ng
Ÿ Classical music
Ÿ Science and technology
Polity: Major poli cal Developments in Northern India and the Peninsula, origin and the
rise of Rajputs
1. “The inferior cavalry of the Rajputs was not the only cause of their
defeat at the hands of Turko-Afghans and Mughal.” Comment. [2001,
60 marks]
2. “Achieving dominance in the south of the Vindhyas did not sa sfy the
ambi ons of the Rashtrakutas, they also wanted to achieve
dominance over the Gange c Plains." Elaborate and comment. [1997,
60 marks]
3. Bring out the salient features of the polity & social structure of the
Rajputs. To what extent were they responsible for the weakness of the Rajputs to the foreign invaders?
[1988, 60 marks]
15. Discuss the contribu on of Rajaraja I and Rajendra I for the expansion of the
Chola Empire. Analyse the causes and impact of the naval expedi ons of the
Cholas. [1993, 60 marks]
16. Write a short essay on: “Local self-government under the Cholas.” [1992,
20 marks]
17. Cri cally assess the period of the Cholas in the history of South India. [1991,
60 marks]
18. What were the salient features of the bureaucra c machinery of the
Cholas? [1985, 20 marks]
19. Describe the development of Chola power under Rajaraja and Rajendra I.
Form an es mate of their cultural contribu ons. [1980, 60 marks]
20. Describe the village administra on of the Chola period as known from the
U aramerur inscrip ons. [1979, 60 marks]
Indian Feudalism
21. What were ‘Brahmadeya’ grants? How do you account for the large number of such grants in the early medieval
period? [2022, 10 marks]
22. Discuss different stages of Indian feudalism and analyse its impact on the
Indian poli cal system. [ 2021, 10 marks]
23. Explain the ingredients of the transitory nature of the early medieval India.
[2016, 15 Marks]
24. What kind of changes were visualized by historians on Indian feudalism?
Examine cri cally. [2012, 30 marks]
25. Write a short essay on: “Applicability of the term 'Indian Feudalism' to early Medieval Society.” [2009, 20 marks]
26. Write a short essay on: “The Samanta System” [2006, 20 marks]
32. To what extent 'monetary anaemia' afflicted the erstwhile commercial economy during the early medieval
period? [2010, 30 makrs]
Society: the status of the Brahman and the new social order; Condi on of women
33. Cri cally analyze the changing nature of caste and gender rela ons
during the early medieval period. [2018, 15 marks]
34. Write a short essay on: “Social structure of the Rajputs.” [1998, 20
35. Give an account of the society in Northern and Central India since
the death of Harsha to the Muslim conquest of North India. [1996,
60 marks]
Religion: Forms and features of religion, Tamil devo onal cult, Islam and its arrival in India
12. Kalhana’s Rajatarangini is the best example of history wri ng tradi on in early India. Discuss. [2022, 10
13. Do you consider the Rajatarangini of Kalhana to be a reliable source of the poli cal history of Kashmir?
Why? [2017, 10 marks]
14. Comment on the veracity of Alberuni's account of the Indian society.
[2016, 10 marks]
15. Evaluate the 'Kitab al-Hind' of Alberuni as a source of history of India.
[2014, 15 marks]
16. Evaluate Rajtarangini as a source of history. [2012, 10 marks]
17. Assess Kalhana's views on History. [2009, 20 marks]
18. Write a short essay on: “Alberuni on science in India” [2007, 20 marks]
19. A empt a cri cal essay of the Indian Science and Civiliza on in the light of Alberuni's wri ngs. What merits
and drawbacks, do you find in his account? [2003, 60 marks]
20. Write a short essay on: “Kalhan as a historian” [2003, 20 marks]
21. Write a short essay on: “AI- Biruni's India” [1998, 20 marks]
22. Discuss the salient features of Indian society on the eve of the campaigns of Mahmud of Ghazni, with
par cular reference to the observa ons made by Al-Biruni. [1989, 60 marks]
Establishment of the Delhi Sultanate: The Ghurian invasions - factors behind Ghurian success
1. Assess the causes of the defeat of Northern Indian States against the
Turkish invasion. [2020, 20 marks]
2. Internal strife and conflict beset with personal ambi ons was
enough of an invita on for the Ghurids to invade India. Discuss.
[2019, 15 marks]
3. "The ba les of Tarain and Chandawar laid the founda ons of Turkish
rule in India". Elaborate. [2018, 10 marks]
4. Discuss the salient features of Indian society on the eve of the
campaigns of Mahmud of Ghazni, with par cular reference to the observa ons made by Al-Biruni. [1989, 60
5. To what extent was the Caliphate the source and sanc on to the legal authority of the Sultans of Delhi?
[2017, 15 marks]
6. What measures were ini ated by the Sultans for the consolida on of the Delhi Sultanate? Discuss. [2016, 20
7. Much of the poli cal instability a er the death of Iltutmish was was the doing of
Chahalgan. Elucidate. [2022, 10 marks]
8. Discuss the importance of the Iqta system. How did it help in centralisa on of
administra on of the Delhi Sultanate? [ 2021, 15 marks ]
9. Do you consider Sultan Iltutmish to be the real founder of the Delhi Sultanate?
Discuss. [2021, 10 marks]
10. Cri cally examine the 'blood and iron' policy of Balban. [2017, 10 marks]
11. What measures did Balban adopt to combat the Mongol menace? [2015, 10 marks]
12. Analyze the steps taken by Razia Sultan to strengthen her posi on as an
independent ruler despite various obstacles. [2013, 10 marks]
13. How did the Mongol invasions affect the Delhi Sultanate and the north-western
fron er policy of the Delhi Sultans? [2012, 30 marks]
14. Assess the contribu on of Iltutmish for the expansion and consolida on of the
Delhi Sultanate. [2011, 20 marks]
15. Write a short essay on: “The 'Corps of Forty' and its rela ons with the Sultan.” [2008, 20 marks]
16. Bring out the main features of the administra on system under
Delhi Sultanate during TurkoAfghan Period. [2006, 60 marks]
17. Write a short essay on: “The 'Corps of Forty' and its rela ons with
the Sultans.” [2004, 20 marks]
18. Give an es mate of Ghiasuddin Balban. [1996, 60 marks]
19. Comment on “Balban's theory of kingship.” [1995, 20 marks]
20. Write a short note on: “Main sources of informa on for the history
of the 13th century.” [1987, 20 marks]
21. What were the problems Balban faced? How far did he succeed in
solving them? Was he a trendse er in his theory of kingship?
[1985, 60 marks]
1. Why is the reign of Khaljis known as 'Khalji Revolu on'? [ 2021, 15 marks]
2. Write a short essay on: “The Khalji Revolu on” [2006, 20 marks]
3. Evalua ng the theory of kingship of the Sultanate, discuss the devia ons seen in the reigns of different
Sultans. [2014, 20 marks]
4. Discuss the implica ons of Khilji imperialism with reference to administra on and economic regula ons on
the State and peopIe of India. [1997, 60 marks]
Alauddin Khalji: Conquests and territorial expansion, agrarian and economic measures
5. The marget regula ons of Ala-ud-din Khilji were useful for the
Sultan’s military might but harmful for the economy of the
Sultanate. Comment. [2022, 15 marks]
6. Elaborate upon the agrarian reforms of Alauddin Khilji. [2020, 20 marks]
7. The economic measures of Alauddin Khalji were aimed at greater
poli cal control. Discuss. [2019, 10 marks]
8. Analyse the ordinances men oned by Barani which Alauddin Khalji
promulgated for market control. [2014, 10 marks]
9. Examine cri cally the agrarian and economic reforms of Alauddin
Khalji. How did it strengthen the Sultanate? [2011, 20 marks]
10. Discuss Balban's concept of kingship. How was it modified by
Alauddin Khalji? [2002, 60 marks]
11. Assess the impact of the market reforms of Alauddin Khilji on
contemporary economy and society. [2001, 60 marks]
12. Write a short essay on: “Alauddin Khilji was a typical despot” [1999, 20
13. Examine the significance of Alauddin Khalji's administra ve reforms. Was he really successful in implemen ng
these measures? [1993, 60 marks]
14. What, in your opinion, was the significance of the extensive military expedi ons undertaken during the
me of Alauddin Khalji? Do you think his reign is considered significant in terms of such expedi ons alone?
[1991, 60 marks]
15. Write a short essay on: “The significance of Alauddin Khilji economic regula ons for his imperialism.” [1989,
20 marks]
16. Cri cally examine the price control measures of Alauddin Khilji. What was the main objec ve behind them
and how for was he able to put them into effecter? [1987, 60 marks]
17. Cri cally examine the economic regula ons of Ala-uddin Khalji. [1983, 60 marks]
18. Cri cally examine the views of Balban, Ala-ud-din Khalji and the Tughluq
on the nature of Kingship under the Delhi Sultanate. [1982, 60 marks]
19. What were the aims of Alauddin Khalji behind his market
regula ons, and how far were they achieved? [1981, 60 marks]
20. Bring out the essen al features of the administra on of Ala-ud-din
Khalji. [1979, 60 marks]
Firuz Tughluq: Agrarian measures, achievements in civil engineering and public works,
decline of the Sultanate
29. Form an es mate of the personality of Firoz Shah Tughlaq with special reference to his religious policy and
public works. [2000, 60 marks]
30. “Firuz Tughluq has been overshadowed by Muhammad Tughluq.” In the light of this statement evaluate the
significance of the policies and ac ons of Firuz Tughluq. [1990, 60 marks]
31. Examine the responsibility of Firuz Tughluq for the fall of his dynasty. [1985, 20 marks]
32. Why was Firuz Tughluq regarded as an ideal Muslim king of medieval mes? [1983, 20 marks]
33. Discuss evidence of slavery provided by Ibn Batuta with special reference to female slaves. [2018, 10 marks]
34. What is your assessment of Ibn Batutah's Rehla as an important source of Indian history. [2011, 20 marks]
1. Cri cally evaluate the Muslim Nobility during the period of Tughlaq dynasty. [2020, 10 marks]
2. Analyse the social composi on and the role of nobility under the successors of Iltutmish. How did it affect the
contemporary poli cs? [2012, 30 marks]
3. Describe the new architecture features added by successive Sultans in the construc on of Tombs in India.
[2018, 20 marks]
4. Do you think that the economic measures introduced by the Sultanate rulers were beneficial to the common
people as well? Illustrate with examples. [2016, 20 marks]
5. Trace the technological and stylis c development in the architecture
of the Sultanate period. [2014, 15 marks]
6. Cri cally evaluate the educa onal development during Sultanate
period. [2013, 15 marks]
7. Comment on: “Growth of regional languages and literature during
the medieval period.” [1995, 20 marks]
8. Write a short essay on: “Indo-Islamic architecture during the Khalji
and Tughluq period.” [1992, 20 marks]
9. “The period of Delhi Sultans witnessed the emergence of Indo-Persian culture.” Discuss the statement with
reference to developments in the fields of language. [1986, 60 marks]
10. Where, when and how did Urdu originate? [1985, 20 marks]
11. Some new cra s produc ons were introduced by the Turks.
Comment. [2020, 15 marks]
12. How did interna onal trade support urbanisa on in North India
during the 13-14th century CE. [2020, 10 marks]
13. Delineate the state of agriculture during Sultanate period. [2019,
15 marks]
14. Discuss the advancement made in Tex le Technology under the
Delhi Sultans. [2018, 10 Marks]
15. Delineate non—agricultural produc on and urban economy in the 13th and 14th centuries C.E. [2017, 20
16. Discuss in brief the land-revenue system and judicial administra on of the Delhi Sultanate. [2015, 15 marks]
17. Evaluate cri cally the condi ons of labour from 1200 to 1500 CE on the basis of historical sources. [2013, 15
18. Evaluate the condi ons of industries in India from 1200 to 1500 CE. [2013, 20 marks]
19. Examine the increasing importance of mari me trade of India during thirteenth to fi eenth centuries.
[2010, 30 marks]
20. Iden fy the main factors that sustained the expansion of urban economy in the Delhi Sultanate. [2009,30
21. Throw light on the Land Revenue System of Sultanate period. [1998, 60 marks]
22. Make a compara ve review of the agrarian reforms of Alau-ud-Din Khalji and Sher Shah Suri. [1995,60
Persian Literature
23. Iden fy the different categories of Persian Literature which emerged during Delhi Sultanate.[ 2021, 10
24. Evaluate the contents of the Tabaqat-i-Nasiri as a source of
medieval history. [2016, 10 marks]
25. Give a cri cal assessment of the contribu ons of Amir Khusarau
and Barani to Indo – Persian Literature. [2009, 30 marks]
26. Write a short essay on: “Amir Khusrau was an eminent poet not a
historian.” [2000, 20 marks]
27. Write a short essay on: “Ziauddin Barani as a historian.” [1994, 20 marks]
Ÿ Rise of Provincial Dynas es: Bengal, Kashmir (Zainul Abedin), Gujarat.
Ÿ Malwa, Bahmanids
Ÿ The Vijayanagra Empire
Ÿ Lodis
Ÿ Mughal Empire, First phase: Babur and Humayun
Ÿ The Sur Empire: Sher Shah's administra on
Ÿ Portuguese Colonial enterprise
Ÿ Bhak and Sufi
Malwa, Bahmanids
13. Evaluate the accounts of foreign travellers about the Vijayanagar Empire. [2017, 10 marks]
14. Men on the salient features of the polity of Vijayanagara Empire under Krishnadevaraya. [2015, 10 marks]
15. To what extent is 'Segmentary State' model relevant for defining the Vijayanagar State? Cri cally examine.
[2014, 20 marks]
16. On the basis of contemporary sources evaluate the system of
agriculture and irriga on of the Vijayanagar kingdom. [2013, 15
17. Discuss the social dynamics in the Vijayanagara Empire. [2010, 20
18. What light do inscrip ons and accounts of European travelers
throw on the antecedents and legacy of the administra ve
structure of the Vijayanagar Empire? [1994, 60 marks]
19. Do you think that the reign of Krishnadevaraya inaugurated a new epoch in the history of Vijayanagar?
[1983, 20 marks]
20. Discuss the origin of the Vijayanagara Kingdom. Do you agree with the view that Krishnadevaraya was an
ideal ruler of this dynasty? [1980, 60 marks]
21. Give an account of the polity and society of Vijayanagara empire under Krishnadevaraya. [1979, 60 marks]
22. Give your assessment of Bahlul Lodi's rela on with his nobility. [2021, 15 marks]
23. Examine the causes of Babur's success against Ibrahim Lodi in the First Ba le of Panipat. [ 2021, 10 marks]
24. Comment on the Turko-Mongol theory of sovereignty. To what extent was it adopted by Babur and
Humayun? [2010, 30 marks]
25. Write a short essay on: “The empire-builder in North India of the sixteenth century.” [1989, 20 marks]
26. Evaluate the contribu on of Sher Shah towards trade and commerce,
administra on and agricultural reforms. [2020, 15 marks]
27. Write a short essay on: “Sher Shah combined in himself quali es of lion and fox.”
[1999, 20 marks]
28. Make a compara ve review of the agrarian reforms of Alauud-Din Khalji and
Sher Shah Suri.[1995,60 marks]
29. How was cartaz system used by the Portuguese to maintain their
control over the oceanic trade? [2014, 10 marks]
30. Write a short essay on: “Significance of the arrival of the
Portuguese in India.” [2008, 20 marks]
31. Write a short essay on: “Portuguese control of the Indian Ocean
and its impact.” [1992, 20 marks]
5. Make an es mate of Rana Kumbha as a patron of literature and art. [2015, 15 marks]
Ÿ Conquests and consolida on of the Empire
Ÿ Establishment of Jagir and Mansab systems
Ÿ Rajput policy
Ÿ Evolu on of religious and social outlook, Theory of Sulh-i-kul and religious policy
Ÿ Court patronage of art and technology
1. Analyze how the poli cal processes of state forma on of Mewar, from 10th-15th century CE was challenged
in the 16th century CE by the imperialist policy of Akbar. [2013, 15 marks]
2. Write a short essay on: “Hemu Vikramaditya” [2001, 20 marks]
3. Examine the nature of the Mansabdari system during the reign of Akbar. [2022, 15 marks]
4. Cri cally analyse whether the success of the Mughals is to be
credited to their robust Jagirdari and Mansabdari system. [2019, 15
5. How was lqta system of the Sultans different from the Jagir system
under the Mughals? [2014, 15 marks]
6. Examine the Mansab and Jagir system by Akbar and its subsequent
failure in the 18th century. [2011, 30 marks]
7. Write a short essay on: “Mansabdari System” [2002, 20 marks]
8. Analyse the merits and demerits of the Mansabdari System. How did
it work under Akbar's successors? [1993, 60 marks]
9. Bring out the main features of the Mansab and Jagir systems with special reference to the reign of Akbar.
[1987, 60 marks]
Rajput Policy
10. Discuss the relevant illustra ons of the rela ons between Akbar and the
Rajput States. [ 2021, 15 marks]
11. Do you think that Akbar's Rajput policy was a conscious aempt to incorporate
the Indian ruling elite with the Mughal Imperial System? [2017, 15 marks]
12. Describe the Rajput policy of the Mughal emperors. Do you agree with the view
that the reversal of Akbar's Rajput policy by Aurangzeb was responsible for the
disintegra on of the Mughal Empire? [2000, 60 marks]
13. Akbar built the Mughal Empire by enlis ng the support of the Rajputs;
Aurangzeb destroyed it by aliena ng the Rajputs."Discuss cri cally.[2007,60
14. “Akbar built the Mughal Empire by enlis ng the support Rajputs.”Do you
agree?[2003,60 marks]
15. Write a short essay on: “Rana Pratap's patrio sm was his only offence.” [1999, 20 marks]
Evolu on of religious and social outlook, theory of Sulh-i-kul and religious policy
16. "Akbar wished to assert his strong belief in God, but his concept of the way God is to be worshipped was
independent of either orthodox Islam or Hindustan." Comment.
[2018, 10 marks]
17. Write a short Essay on: “Implica ons of Akbar's no on of Sulh-i-
kul.” [2009, 20 marks]
18. “In medieval Indian history Akbar was unique for his religio-
poli cal ideas and policies.” Analyse this statement. [2015, 15
19. Write a short essay on: “Religious tolerance of Akbar.” [2006, 20
20. Was Din-i-Ilahi 'a monument of Akbar's folly'? [2004, 20 marks]
21. Trace the evolu on of the religious views of Akbar. Write a note on
his policy of Sulh-i kul. [2002, 60 marks]
22. Highlight the catholicity of Akbar's regime with suitable examples.
[1997, 60 marks]
23. “In medieval Indian history Akbar is unique for his religio-poli cal ideas and policies.” Discuss the statement
and compare Akbar with Sher Shah in regard to their administra ve policies and revenue administra on.
[1990, 60 marks]
24. What mo vated Akbar to enunciate Din-i-Ilahi? How far did he succeed in spreading it? [1983, 20 marks]
1. The late seventeenth century Mughal India is considered to be a period of Jagirdari crisis.Discuss. [2021,20
2. On the basis of the accounts of Europeans bring out the agrarian
crisis of the 17th century CE India. [2013, 20 marks]
3. “The major cause of revolts against the Mughal Empire during the
laer half of the 17th century was economic, rather than religious.”
Discuss. [2009, 30 marks]
4. Analyze the cause of the agrarian crisis of the Mughal Empire and
briefly discuss the agrarian aspects of the peasant revolt against the Empire. [1982, 60 marks]
5. Give a brief account of resistance offered by Ahom State against the Mughal rule. [2014, 10 marks]
6. Write a short essay on: “The Ahom Kingdom” [2008, 20 marks]
7. Account for the rise of the Maratha power in the eighteenth century. [2022, 10 marks]
8. Examine the sources of the history of Chhatrapa Shivaji with special
reference to Shivabharat and Sabhasad Bakhar. [2020, 10 marks]
9. Shivaji was not merely a military conqueror but also was an enlightened ruler.
Discuss. [2019, 15 marks]
10. Give social background to the rice of the Maratha movement during the
seventeenth century. [2012, 10 marks]
11. How did Shivaji organize his administra on and finances to
consolidate his power? [2010, 30 marks]
12. Were the Marathas restricted by their geopoli cal limita ons from
becoming the paramount power of India? [2001, 60 marks]
13. Examine circumstances leading to rise of Shivaji. Throw light on his legacy. [1999, 60 marks ]
14. Shivaji's rise to power cannot be treated as an isolated phenomenon in Maratha history. It was as much the
result of his personal daring and heroism as of the peculiar geographical situa on of the Deccan country
and the unifying religious influences that were anima ng the people with new hopes and aspira ons in the
15th and 16th centuries. Explain. [1996, 60 marks]
15. Write a short essay on: “Meaning and features of the Maharshtra
Dharma.” [1994, 20 marks]
16. Shivaji was a great organizer and builder of civil ins tu ons, examine
this statement in the light of the difficul es of administra on and the
extent of success achieved by him. [1992, 60m]
17. Account for the rise of the Marathas as a poli cal power. How did they
influence the course of history? [1986, 60 marks]
18. Was Shivaji a na onalist leader? [1985, 20 marks]
19. Review the efforts made by Shivaji in consolida ng his power in the Deccan in the seventeenth century.
[1982, 60 marks]
20. Trace the development of Maratha power under Shivaji. [1980, 60 marks]
21. Aurangzeb’s Deccan policy was a major factor in Mughal decline. Discuss. [2022, 15, marks]
22. Discuss the working of Zamindari System under the Mughal rulers.
Also describe the role played by the Zamindars in the agrarian
economy of Mughal Indian. [2018, 20 marks]
23. Iden fy the broad contours of the Mughal foreign policy and their
impacts on the Mughal empire. [2016, 15 marks]
24. Write a short essay on: “Dara Shikoh” [2006, 20 marks]
25. In what ways were Aurangzeb's Rajput and religious policies
different from those of his predecessors? What were the
consequences of the changes made by him? [2004, 60 marks]
26. Write a short essay on: “Spanish ulcer ruined Napoleon Bonaparte,
the Deccan ulcer ruined Aurangzeb.” [1999, 20 marks]
27. Write a short essay on: “Nurjahan” [1998, 20 marks]
28. Changes in the composi on of nobility from Akbar to Aurangzeb.
Comment. [1995, 20 marks]
29. “Aurangzeb is a much maligned monarch.” Argue the case for and against the proposi on. [1994, 60 marks]
30. Write a short essay on: “Mughals and the Bri sh East India
Company.” [1994, 20 marks]
31. What were the major features of the administra ve system of the
Mughal State? To what extent did other Indian powers model their
administra on on this system in the late medieval period? [1991,
60 marks]
32. Analyze the religious policy of the Mughal emperors from Akbar to
Aurangzeb. How did it affect the stability of the Mughal Empire?
[1985, 60 marks]
1. "An important feature of agriculture in Mughal India has been the large number of crops raised by the
peasants". Illustrate by giving examples. [2018, 15 marks]
2. Will it be correct to say that the rural economy in Mughal India was
rela vely self-sufficient? [2015, 10 marks]
3. State the structure of medieval village society in Northern India.
What were the passive forms of resistance of the peasants in the
medieval period? [2012, 30 marks]
4. Discuss the different types of Karkhanas in Mughal India. How was
the produc on organized in the different Karkhanas? [2010, 30
5. Write a short essay on: “Es mates of popula on of Mughal India.”
[2009, 20 marks]
6. Delineate the striking features of agricultural and cra produc on during the sixteenth and seventeenth
centuries in India. How did they impact the social fabric of the country? [2008, 60 marks]
7. Do you agree with the view that the advent of the Turks and the Mughals in India heralded many changes in
the means of produc on? Give reasons in support of your answer. [1995, 60 marks]
8. Analyse the dis nguishing features of the land revenue system under the Mughals and point out its influence
on the strength of the Mughal State. [1989, 60 marks]
9. Review briefly the methods of land-revenue assessment adopted by the Mughals. [1983, 60 marks]
10. Discuss the pa erns of land revenue system developed in Medieval India and examine their significant
features. [1980, 60 marks]
11. Examine the economic condi on of the rural agricultural classes and of the urban ar sans and traders
during the Mughal period. [1979, 60 marks]
Towns, commerce with Europe through Dutch, English and French companies: a trade
revolu on. Indian mercan le classes, banking, insurance and credit systems
12. Trade and commerce in the Mughal Empire brought about the integra on of the Indian subcon nent into a
single market. Comment. [2022, 15 marks]
13. The emergence of early capitalism in the Mughal period was primarily due to urbanisa on and
commercialisa on. Comment. [2019, 20 marks]
14. Analyse the Mughal monetary system and examine their policy of min ng of coins. [2014, 20 marks]
15. “India had been for hundreds of years the Lancashire of the Eastern world.” Cri cally examine this view.
[2014, 15 marks]
16. Give a sketch of Indian trade with Europe during the Mughal
period. [2013, 10 marks]
17. Medieval Indian towns were merely as extension of villages.
Comment. [2012, 10 marks]
18. Cri cally evaluate various approaches to study medieval Indian
towns. [2010, 20 marks]
19. Give your opinion on the urban development in India during the
Mughal mes. [2005, 60 marks]
20. Write a short essay on: “The Mughals and the European trading companies.” [1989, 20 marks]
21. Which were the major European Powers engaged in trade with India in the medieval period? How did they
organise their trade and what were the chief items of trade? [1984, 60 marks]
22. Examine the factors which were responsible for opening and development of European trade in India
during the 16th and 17th centuries. [1981, 60 marks]
23. Assess the condi on of peasantry during 13th to 17th centuries CE. [2017, 15 marks]
Mughal Architecture
1. Trace the development of art and architecture under the Mughals and point out mingling of Hindu elements
in them. [1998, 60 marks]
2. Write a short essay on: “The emergence of composite culture during the period 16th to 18th centuries.”
[1989, 20 marks]
3. Evaluate the aim and impact of the transla on of Sanskrit scriptures into Persian language during Mughal
period. [2020, 10 marks]
4. Examine the status of Sanskrit in Mughal India. [2019, 10 marks]
5. How does Tuzuk-i-Babri tes fy that Babar had been a cultures man?
[2015, 10 marks]
6. Provide a compara ve analysis of the development of Arabic and
Persian historiography. [2010, 20 marks]
7. Write a short essay on: “Babarnama as a source of history.” [2002, 20
8. Write a short essay on: “Mughal official histories and auto-biographical works.” [1992, 20 marks]
9. What was the contribu on of the Mughals to the development of educa on and literature? [1984, 60 marks]
Mughal Architecture
13. Examine the basic features of Mughal tomb architecture with special reference to the Taj Mahal. [2021, 20
14. The Mughals built like Titans and embellished like jewellers.
Comment. [2019, 15 marks]
15. "The art of building was carried to highest degree of perfec on under
Shahjahan". Illustrate by giving architecture details of two of his most
celebrated buildings. [2018, 15 marks]
16. Explain the principal features of architecture during Akbar's rule.
What changes were made in them by Shahjahan? [2002, 60 marks]
17. Write a short essay on: “The zenith of Mughal architecture under Shahjehan” [2001, 20 marks]
Mughal Pain ng
18. The Rajput school of pain ng was Mughal in style and Rajput in its content. Comment. [2022, 10 marks]
19. Make an es mate of the development of pain ngs under Mughal rulers with special reference to colours,
technique, themes and influences on them. [2020, 15 marks]
20. Examine the European impact on Mughal pain ngs. [2019, 10 marks]
21. “Mughal pain ngs reflect social harmony in contemporary society.”
Discuss. [2017, 15 marks]
22. Delineate the development of the Mughal pain ng during the reign of
Jahangir. [2016, 10 marks]
23. Mughal pain ngs reflect the contemporary socio-poli cal
condi ons.Discuss. [2011, 30 marks]
24. Write a short Essay on: “Mughal pain ng” [2007, 20 marks]
25. Write a short Essay on: “Mughal pain ng” [2005, 20 marks]
26. Write a short essay on: “During the reign of Jahangir Mughal pain ng
reached its zenith.” [2000, 20 marks]
27. Write a short essay on: “Narra ve pain ngs under Jahangir and Akbar.” [1994, 20 marks]
Classical Music
28. The various Gharanas of Hindustani classical music were outcomes of patronage by regional princely
courts, rather than central imperial ones. Discuss. [2022, 15 marks]
29. Assess the development of Science and Technology in the Mughal period. [2013, 20 marks]
30. What was the Indian response to European Technology? [2010,30marks]
31. Write a short essay on: “Sawai Jai Singh, the astronomer” [2001,20 marks]
1. What are the dis nguishing components of the debate on “The Eighteenth Century”? [2008, 60 marks]
2. How would you like to characterize the eighteenth century in Indian history? [2005, 60 marks]
3. It was as much the court intrigues as also the defiance of the provincial powers that hastened the decline of
the Mughals in the 15th century. Comment. [2019, 20 marks]
4. "The Afghan invasions in the Eighteenth Century not only signified the
military irrelevance of the Mughal Empire but also hastened its
decline". Explain. [2018, 15 marks]
5. Do you think that the agrarian crisis of the 17th century led to the
disintegra on of the Mughal empire? Discuss. [2016, 20 marks]
6. “The expansion of Mughal Empire in Deccan brought about its
decline.” Discuss. [1988, 60 marks]
7. Explain with illustra ve detail the part played by the following factors in the disintegra on of the Mughal
Empire: [1981, 60 marks]
a. Aurangzeb's alleged departure from the policies of his predecessors, [1981, 20 marks]
b. Inherent defects of the Mansab and Jagir system. [1981, 20 marks]
c. Growth of new poli cal forces in the provinces. [1981, 20 marks]
8. In which respects did the policies of Aurangzeb contribute to the disintegra on of the Mughal Empire?
[1979, 60 marks]
9. How far is it jus fied to consider the states like Bengal, Awadh and Hyderabad as 'successor states' of the
Mughal State? [ 2021, 20 marks]
10. Was it the weakening of the Mughal empire or the rise of regional powers that led to the Bri sh conquest of
India? Discuss. [2016, 15 marks]
11. Discuss the causes of the rise and growth of regional kingdoms with special reference to Deccan in the 18th
century. [2011, 30 marks ]
12. How will you view the Maratha policy of expansion? Delineate. [2017, 20 marks]
13. Is it true that the court intrigues and weak revenue system led to the collapse of the Maratha empire?
Comment. [2016, 15 marks]
14. Compare the Peshwas' bureaucra c management with that of the
Imperial Mughal administra on. [2015, 10 marks]
15. Write a short answer on: “Structure and role of the Maratha
Confederacy.” [1987, 20 marks]
16. How far did Peshwa Bajirao I succeed in establishing Maratha
supremacy in the Deccan and poli cal hegemony in the North?
[1983, 60 marks]
17. Why did the Marathas fail in establishing a las ng empire in India? [1981, 20 marks]
18. Write a short answer on: “Chauth and Sardeshmukhi of the Maratha rulers.” [2007, 20 marks]
19. Write a short essay on: “The system of the collec on of Chauth and Sardeshmukhi by the Maratha rulers.”
[2004, 20 marks]
20. Write a short essay on: “Chauth and Sardeshmukhi” [2003, 20 marks]
21. How was the Afghan nobility responsible for the decline of the Afghan Empire? Discuss. [2012, 30 marks]
22. Write a short essay on: “Consequences of the Third Ba le of Panipat.” [2002, 20 marks]
23. Write a short essay on: “Third Ba le of Panipat” [1998, 20 marks]
State of poli cs, culture and economy on the eve of the Bri sh conquest
24. Cri cally evaluate history of the Eighteenth century India with reference to culture and economy. [2020, 20
1. The Virashaiva Movement of Southern Deccan in the Twel h century was essen ally an a empt at social
reform. Discuss. [2022, 15 marks]
2. The Vaishnava Bhak tradi on of the fi eenth century contributed
to the Flourishing of provincial literature. Discuss with appropriate
examples. [2022, 20 marks]
3. Discuss the a itude of Chis saints towards the state. How were the
Shuharawardi saints different in their aitude towards government? [
2021, 10 marks]
4. The mission of Kabir was to preach a religion of love which would unite all castes and creeds. Explain. [2020,
20 marks]
5. Sufi and Bhak thoughts ennobled Indian psyche amidst the
vagaries of me. Elucidate. [2019, 15 marks]
6. What was the role of Sufi Folk literature in the diffusion of Islam in
India in general and Deccan in par cular. [2018, 15 marks]
7.“Bhak and Sufi movements served the same social purpose.”
Discuss. [2017, 15 marks]
8. Why should the sixteenth century be regarded as the period of
Indian Renaissance? [2015, 15m]
9. “Sufis and medieval mys c saints failed to modify either the
religious ideas and prac ces or the outward structure of
Islamic/Hindu socie es to any appreciable extent.” Comment for/against. [2015, 10 marks]
10. Evaluate the contribu on of Vaishnava saints to the growth of medieval Bhak literature. [2014, 10 marks]
11. Bhak and mys cism of Lal Ded emerged as a social force in
Kashmir. Comment. [2013, 10m]
12. Evaluate the Malfuzat texts sources of medieval history. [2013, 10
13. Discuss and evaluate cri cally various trends in the historiography
of Bhak . [2013, 15 marks]
14. Assess the contribu on of the Acharyas in the development of the
ideological basis of Bhak . [2012, 10 marks]
15. "The tenets of Hindu and Muslim mys cs were similar enough that
the ground was ripe for syncre c movements involving adherents
of both religious." Elucidate. [2007, 60 marks]
16. Write a short essay on: “Sufism in North India” [2006, 20 marks]
17. Write a short essay on: “Chaitanyadeva and Vaishnavism” [2005, 20 marks]
18. "The tenets of Hindu and Muslim mys cs were similar enough that the ground was ripe for syncre c
movements involving adherents of both religious." Elucidate. [2005, 60 marks]
19. Discuss the growth of the Niguna School of Bhak Movement emphasising the contribu on of Kabir and
Nanak to it. [2004, 60 marks]
20. Write a short essay on: “Sufi Movements” [2003, 20 marks]
21. What impact did Kabir and Nanak leave on Indian Society and Culture? [2003, 60 marks]
22. Write a short essay on: “Origin of the Bhak Movement” [2002, 20
23. Evaluate the impact of the Sufi and Bhak Movements on
vernacular languages and life and thought of the common people.
[2001, 60 marks]
24. Write a short essay on: “The Sufi Movement and its role in
promo ng communal harmony.” [2000, 20 marks]
25. Write a short essay on: “Significance of the Bhak Movement.”
[1987, 20 marks]
26. Discuss briefly the causes that contributed to the religious movements of the fi eenth and sixteenth
centuries. Analyze their approach to the reali es of contemporary life. [1985, 60 marks]
27. What was the most significant contribu on of Kabir and Guru Nanakdev to Bhak movement? [1983, 20
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
Cons tu onal Developments in the Colonial India between 1858 and 1935
Poli cs of Separa sm; the Muslim League; the Hindu Mahasabha; Communalism and the poli cs of par on;
Transfer of power; Independence.
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
Consolida on as a Na on; Nehru's Foreign Policy; India and her neighbours (1947-1964); The linguis c
reorganisa on of States (1935-1947); Regionalism and regional inequality; Integra on of Princely States;
Princes in electoral poli cs; the Ques on of Na onal Language.
Caste and Ethnicity a er 1947; Backward Castes and Tribes in post-colonial electoral poli cs; Dalit movements.
Economic development and poli cal change; Land reforms; the poli cs of planning and rural reconstruc on;
Ecology and environmental policy in postcolonial India; Progress of Science.
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
The English and the French East India Companies; Their Struggle for Supremacy; Carna c Wars
1. "It was Dupleix who had first showed the way the way of intervening in disputes of the Indian rulers and
thereby acquiring poli cal control over vast territories- a technique which was later perfected by the English
East India Company." Elaborate. [2020, 20 marks]
2. Do you subscribe to the view that Anglo-French tussle in Carna c
demonstrated the internal decay of the provincial chie ains of
South India? [2019, 10 marks]
3. Comment on the French ambi on of building a territorial empire
in India. [2016, 10 marks]
4. “Dupleix made a cardinal blunder in looking for the key of India in
Madras: Clive sought and found it in Bengal.” Cri cally examine.
[2013, 10 marks]
5. “Compared to their English counterpart, the French East India Company enjoyed li le discre onary power
and had to always look up to Paris for all major decisions. This partly explains the failure of the French in
India.” Evaluate Cri cally. [2012, 10 marks]
6.“Neither Alexander the Great nor Napoleon could have won the empire of India by star ng from Pondicherry as a
base and contending with a power which held Bengal and command of the Sea.” Comment. [2006, 20 marks]
Bengal - The Conflict Between the English and the Nawabs of Bengal; Siraj and the English; The
Ba le of Plassey; Significance of Plassey
7. ‘The Ba le of Plassey (1757) was a skirmish while the Ba le of Buxar (1764) was a real war’. [2022, 10 marks]
8. "The Ba le of Plassey (1757) thus marked the beginning of poli cal supremacy of the English East India
Company in India." Cri cally examine. [2018, 10 marks]
9. A er the Ba le of Plassey, how did India transit from the medieval to the modern age? [2016, 10 marks]
10. “Plassey did not complete the Bri sh conquest of India. Had the English been convincingly defeated in any
subsequent ba le in India, then (the ba le of) Plassey would have remained as a minor episode in the
history of India.” Cri cally examine. [2014, 10 marks]
11. “The forces of free trade and the Bri sh determina on to create a poli cal and administra ve environment
conduc ve to trade and investment had shaped the Bri sh policy towards India in the first half of the
nineteenth century”. Elucidate. [2012, 10 marks]
12. Discuss the causes that led to the 'economic drain' in Bengal following the Ba le of Plassey. [2004, 60 marks]
13. The ba le of Plassey was "not a great ba le but a great betrayal." Comment. [2000, 20 marks]
14. A er 1757 there grew up a State of Bengal which was a “sponsored state” as well as a "plundered state".
Comment. [1999, 20 marks]
15. How did the Bri sh conquer Bengal in the 18th century? What circumstances helped them? [1998, 60 marks]
16. “On 23 June 1757, the middle ages of India ended and her modern age began.” Comment. [1992, 20 marks]
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Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
25. ‘The Treaty of Amritsar (1809) was significant for its immediate as well as poten al effects’. [2022, 10 marks]
26. "Maharaja Ranjit Singh died in 1839. His death was the signal for an outburst of
anarchy all over the Punjab." Cri cally examine. [2020, 10 marks]
27. Underline the major considera ons of the Bri sh imperial power that led to the
annexa on of Punjab. [2017, 10 marks]
28. “Annexa on of Punjab was part of a broad north-west fron er policy set in
mo on a er the exit of Maharaja Ranjit Singh.” Cri cally examine [2015, 10
29. "Punjab's fate a er Ranjit Singh was foredoomed as the impulse of neo-Victorian
Imperialism was bound to overwhelm it". Elucidate [2010, 20 marks]
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
30. Sir Charles Napier said, "We have no right to seize Sind, yet we shall
do so, and a very advantageous, useful, humane piece of rascality it
will be.'' Comment. [2000, 20 marks]
31. “The Bri sh conquest of Sind was both a poli cal and moral sequel
to the first Afghan war.” Comment. [1995, 60 marks]
32. “We have no right to seize Sind, yet we shall do so, and a very
advantageous, useful and human piece of rascality it will be.”
Comment. [1990, 20 marks]
33. “We have no right to seize Sind, yet we shall do so and a very
advantageous, useful, humane piece of rascality it will be.”
Comment. [1984, 20 marks]
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
The Regula ng Act (1773); The Pi 's India Act (1784); The Charter Act (1833);
5. “The need to impose greater parliamentary control over the Company's affairs increased during the decades
(1773 – 1853) a er Plassey.” Elucidate. [2016, 20 marks]
6. “The Regula ng Act (1773), the Pi 's India Act (1784) and eventually the Charter Act of 1833 le the East
India Company as a mere shadow of its earlier poli cal and economic power in India.” Cri cally examine.
[2015, 10 marks]
7. "The Charter Act of 1833 rung down the curtain on the company's trade and introduced a new concept of
government in India." Substan ate. [2011, 20 marks]
8. “The object of the Act (Regula ng) was good,but system that it established was imperfect.” Comment. [2004, 20 marks]
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
Permanent Se lement
1. Explain how the Permanent Se lement ini ated a rule of property in Bengal and what were its consequences
? [2022, 20 marks]
2. "The passing of the land from the hands of the peasant proprietors into the hands
of noncul va ng landlords brought about increasing polariza on of classes in
agrarian areas." [2018, 10 marks]
3. “Though the Permanent Se lement had serious defects, it gave tranquility to the
countryside and stability to the government.” Comment. [2009, 20 marks]
4. “Permanent Se lement disappointed many expecta ons and introduced
there results that were not an cipated.” Comment. [2004, 20 marks]
5. “Absentee landlordism was a consequen al feature of Bengal's Permanent
land se lement.” Comment. [2003, 20 marks]
6. “The Permanent se lement was a bold, brave and wise measures.” Comment. [1997, 20 marks]
7. “The permanent system of Bengal though ini ated with best of best of inten ons, was a sadly blundering
affair.” Comment. [1993, 20 marks]
8. Show how Bri sh rule led to the spread of landlordism in certain parts of India, and how the peasant was
progressively impoverished under this rule. [1985, 60 marks]
9. “The Permanent Se lement of land revenue in Bengal was a‚ bold, brave and wise measure.” Comment.
[1983, 20 marks]
10. Trace the circumstances that led to the introduc on of the Permanent Se lement in Bengal. Discuss its
impact on landlords, peasants and the Government. [1981, 60 marks]
Ryotwari Se lement
11. “Ryotwari falls into three stages – early, middle and late, and the only
descrip on common to all is that it is a mode of se lement with small farmers,
so small, indeed, that their average holding is, on recent figures, only about 6 ½
acres,” Cri cally examine. [2013, 10 marks]
12. Discuss the main features of the 'Raiyatwari Se lement' in South India. Did it
sa sfy the aspira ons of the peasantry? [2001, 60 marks]
13. Explain the essen al features of the Ryotwari system of land revenue with
special reference to Thomas Munro's contribu on to its evolu on. [1984, 60
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
17. What role did economic ideas play in the early phase of the Bri sh rule in the shaping of land tenure policy?
[2010, 30 marks]
Commercializa on of Agriculture
18. To what extent did the process of commercializa on of
agriculture affect the rural scene in India? [2010, 30 marks]
19. . What do you mean by commercializa on of Indian
Agriculture? Discuss its result. [2006, 60 marks]
20. Bring out the pa ern of commercializa on of agriculture in
the 19th century. Was it a forced process for the vast majority
of poorer peasants? [1986, 60 marks]
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
Disloca on of Tradi onal Trade and Commerce; Deindustrializa on; Decline of Tradi onal Cra s
28. India had been the world leader in the field of hand spun and
hand woven yarn and cloth for many centuries. Many
na onalists and Marxists cri cs considered that the Bri sh
dominion deliberately sha ered the tradi onal and world
famous handicra s of India. Comment. [ 2021,20 marks]
29. Cri cally examine the causes responsible for the phenomenon
called 'deindustrializa on' in India during the nineteenth
century. [2016, 20 marks]
30. “Under the forceful thrust of Bri sh colonialism, Indian
economy was transformed into a colonial one, the structure of
which was determined by the requirements of Britain's fast
developing industrial economy.” Examine. [2015, 20 marks]
31. “Weaving”, says R.C. Du , “was the na onal industry of the
people and spinning was the pursuit of millions of women.”
Indian tex les went to England and other parts of Europe, to
China and Japan and Burma and Arabia and Persia and parts of
Africa. Elucidate. [2013, 25 marks]
32. “Instead of serving as the catalyst of an industrial revolu on as in Western Europe and the USA, acted in
India as 'the catalyst of complete coloniza on.” Examine. [2012, 10 marks]
33. “The Bri sh industrial policy in the nineteenth century ruined the Indian handicra s.” Comment. [2001, 20
34. Discuss the view that the Bri sh rule brought about economic changes in India to serve the needs of the
imperial economy and establish a dependent form of underdevelopment in this country. [2000, 60 marks]
35. “The Bri sh Raj had a deeply racist aspect and it ul mately
existed to protect colonial exploita on.” Comment. [1994, 20
36. “The role of the East India Company proved disastrous to the
handicra industry in India for a number of reasons.” Comment.
[1991, 20 marks]
37. “The hey-day of the Bri sh power in India was also the high noon
of laissez faire' economic doctrine.” Comment. [1990, 20 marks]
38. Trace the gradual decline of the Indian town handicra s
between 1757 and 1880. In what way did it contribute to the
economic unifica on of India? [1987, 60 marks]
39. Give a brief account of the industrial and agricultural policy of the Government of India between 1858 and
1914. How far is it correct to say that it was more in the interest of Bri sh capital than the Indian people?
[1981, 60 marks]
40. Write a cri cal note on: “Consequences of the ruin of handicra industries under the rule of the East India
Company.” [1981, 20 marks]
41. Assess cri cally the economic impact of the Bri sh rule in India ll the end of the nineteenth century. [1979,
60 marks]
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
Drain of Wealth
42. How far was the drain theory a focal point of na onalist cri que of colonialism?
[2019, 20 marks]
43. "The need for a unilateral transfer of funds to Britain was constant factor and, in
fact, progressively increased over me." Cri cally evaluate. [2011, 20 marks]
44. Write a cri que on the impact of the Drain Theory of Dadabhai Naoroji in the
growth of economic na onalism. [2008, 60 marks]
45. “Our system acts very much like a sponge, drawing up all the good things from
the banks of the Ganges, and squeezing them down on the banks of the
Thames.” Comment. [1985, 20 marks]
46. Trace the course and explain the consequences of the drain of wealth from
Bengal in the eighteenth century. [1982, 60 marks]
Economic Transforma on of India, Railroad and Communica on Network Including Telegraph and
Postal Services
47. Economic changes in India from the late 1920s influenced the
course of the country's poli cs. Elucidate. [1995, 60 marks]
48. How do you account for the rise and growth of the Business
enterprise in India during the first half of the 20th century? [1994,
60 marks]
49. Iden fy the dis nct stages of colonialism in India. How did these
stages affect the Indian economy? [1991, 60 marks
50. Iden fy the main features of industrial development in India from
1914 to 1947 with special reference to the emergence of a class of
factory laborers. [1989, 60 marks]
51. Trace the industrial growth of Bri sh India a er the First World War.
How did the Government's tariff policy influence the growth? [1983, 60 marks]
52. "Not un l independence, when economic development
became a conscious and pursued policy, did the Railways
begin to realize their poten al for assis ng in the
transforma on of the Indian economy." Cri cally examine.
[2019, 10 marks]
53. "The Bri sh railway construc on policy in India benefited
Bri sh economy in the nineteenth century." Cri cally
examine. [2017, 10 marks]
54. “The railways, instead of serving as the catalyst of an
industrial revolu on as in Western Europe and the USA,
acted in India as 'the catalyst of complete coloniza on'.”-
Examine. [2012, 20 marks]
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
55. “Railway development in India provides an interes ng instance of private enterprise at public risk.”
Comment. [2010, 20 marks]
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
The State of Indigenous Educa on, Its Disloca on; Orientalist-Anglicist Controversy, The
Introduc on of Western Educa on In India
1. Was the Western educa on a harbinger of cultural awakening or an
instrument of colonial hegemony ? Discuss. [2022, 20 marks]
2. The introduc on of Western educa on transformed Indians in
unforeseen ways. Cri cally Examine. [2021,10 marks]
3. What was the significance of OrientalistAnglicist controversy in
nineteenth century India? Analyze. [2018, 10 marks]
4. Orientalism produced a knowledge of the ast to service the needs of
the Colonial States." Elucidate. [2011, 20 marks]
5. "The educated middle class in the 19th century o en found the domain of reason to be oppressive, as it implied the
historical necessity of 'civilizing' colonial rule." Comment. [2010, 20 marks]
6. What was the Anglicisit-Orientalist controversy about? How was it resolved and with what results? [1990, 60 marks]
7. Review the educa onal policy of the English East India Company. To what extent did it serve the imperial
interests of Great Britain? [1988, 60 marks]
The Rise of Press, Literature and Public Opinion; The Rise of Modern Vernacular Literature
8. The Vernacular Press Act of 1878 was designed for be er control of the Vernacular press and to empower
the government with more effec ve means of punishing and repressing sedi ous wri ngs. Cri cally
Examine. [2021,10 marks]
9. Assess the role of press in arousing awareness on important social issues in the second half of the nineteenth century.
[2017, 20 marks]
10. Do you agree with the view that the growth of vernacular literature in the 19th and the 20th centuries
paved the way for social reform and cultural revival in India? [2016, 10 marks]
11. "The vernacular press in nineteenth century India served not just as newspapers but more importantly as
views-papers." Comment. [2011, 20 marks]
12. “The vernacular press in the nineteenth century was both newspaper as well as 'views papers' that
enlightened the dormant masses.” Comment. [2008, 20 marks]
Progress of Science
13. ‘Within a limited scope the Indian Scien sts could pursue original scien fic research in colonial India’. [2022,
10 marks]
Chris an missionary ac vi es in India
14. Examine the forces at work for the introduc on of western educa on in India. Analyse the thrust given to it
by the Chris an Missionaries. [2019, 20 marks]
15. The Chris an Missionary propaganda from 1813 onwards was "o en insensi ve and wounding.” Comment.
[1999, 20 marks]
16. “Nowhere was the influence of the missionaries felt more than in rela on to the women's
movement.”Comment.[1989, 20 marks]
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
Ram Mohan Roy, The Brahmo Movement, Devendranath Tagore, Iswarchandra Vidyasagar
1. "The chief value of Raja's (Raja Rammohan Roy) labours seems to
lie in his fight against the forces of medievalism in India." Cri cally
examine. [2017, 10 marks]
2. “The contact of the new Indian middle class with the West proved
to be a catalyst. The social and religious movements launched by
Ram Mohan or Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar have to be understood
in this context.” – Elucidate. [2012, 10 marks]
3. “Ram Mohan thus presents a most instruc ve and inspiring study
for the New India of which he is the type and pioneer.” Comment.
[1986, 20 marks]
4. “Ram Mohan Roy presents a most instruc ve and inspiring study
for the New India of which he is the type and pioneer.” Comment.
[1982, 20 marks]
The Young Bengal Movement
5. “Young Bengal le li le dis nc ve or permanent impression on the plane of religion and philosophy."
Cri cally evaluate. [2011, 30 marks]
Dayanand Saraswa
6. "The Arya Samaj may quite logically be pronounced as the outcome
of condi ons imported into India from the West." Cri cally
examine. [2017, 10 marks]
7. “Swami Dayanand's philosophy represents both elements of
extremism and social radicalism.” Substan ate. [2015, 20marks]
8. “The Arya Samaj may quite logically be pronounced as the
outcomes of condi ons imported into India by the west.”
Comment. [2009, 20 marks]
9. The Arya Samaj "did not; however, succeed in capturing the
imagina on of modern India as a whole." Comment. [1998, 20
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
The Social Reform Movements In India Including Sa , Widow Remarriage, Child Marriage Etc.
10. How far was the widow remarriage movement effec ve in
arousing social concern for Indian women? [2019,10marks]
11. How did social legisla on in the nineteenth century improve the
condi on of women in India? [2009, 30 marks]
12. “Of the evils which corroded Indian society in the nineteenth
century were probably those which stunted its womanhood.”
Comment. [2007, 20 marks]
13. “Of the evils which corroded Indian society in the nineteenth
century were probably those which stunted its womanhood.”
Comment. [2007, 20 marks]
14. “Widow Remarriage Act was, in many ways, a logical sequel to the aboli on of Sa .” Comment. [1994, 20 marks]
15. To what extent did the socio-religious movements contribute to the emancipa on of women in the 19th
century? [1993, 60 marks]
16. Review the main trends in the Social Movements in India from 1900 to 1947 with par cular reference to the
changing posi on of women in the country. [1984, 60 marks]
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
25. “The religious reform movements of the 19th century were endeavours to recast the old religion (Hinduism)
into a new form suited to meet the needs of the new society.” Comment. [1996, 20 marks]
26. “These religion-reform movements were na onal in content but religious in form. It was in the later stages
of our na onal existence, that na onalism found exclusively or predominantly secular forms.” Comment.
[1985, 20 marks]
27. Examine the main trends in social reform and social change in India between 1829 and 1929. [1979, 60 marks]
Caste Movements
28. "Sri Narayana guru's was a major interven on in the social
reform movement from a subaltern perspec ve." Cri cally
examine. [2017, 10 marks]
29. How did Dr. B.R. Ambedkar try to seek a poli cal solu on to
the problem of caste in India? [2016, 10 marks]
30. Trace the course and comment on the character of caste
movements in south India in the 20th century. How far was
their object achieved? [1995, 60 marks]
31. Analyses the main contours of Non-Brahmin Movements in
Western and South India in the nineteenth and first half of
the twen eth century. [1991, 60 marks]
32. What led to the Caste Movements in Western and Southern
India? How did they affect the local socio-poli cal life? [1989,
60 marks]
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
Peasant Movements and Tribal Uprisings in the 18th and 19th Centuries
1. How far is it correct to say that the 19th century tribal uprisings are a part of
subaltern na onalism? [2016, 20 marks]
2. “Tribals revolted more o en and far more violently than any other
community including peasants in India." Elaborate [2011, 30 marks]
3. “The tribal and peasant rebellion laid the founda on of the revolt of 1857.”
Comment. [2001, 20 marks]
4. Tribal movements should be viewed as‚ 'History from below‛. Discuss the
objects and nature of the movements in 19th century India. [1997, 60
5. Discuss the origins and character of major peasant and tribal uprisings in
the late 18th and 19th centuries were these protest movements
backwards-looking? [1992, 60 marks]
6. Discuss briefly the tribal revolts in Eastern India from 1817 to 1857. Were
they directed against landlordism and colonialism? [1988, 60 marks]
7. “Tribal revolts were a reac on to an alien, unfeeling administra on.”
Elucidate with reference to the Bri sh tribal policy in Eastern India in the nineteenth century. [1982, 60 marks]
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
The Great Revolt of 1857, - Origin, Character, Causes of Failure, The Consequences
17. The Bri sh rule had differen al impact on the Indian Society. Describe in what way, the Indians responded to
the revolt of 1857. [2022, 20 marks]
18. For long, the Revolt of 1857, has been mistaken to be a mere mu ny of the Indian sepoys in the Bengal army.
However, its causes need to be searched for not only in the dissa sfac on of the army, but in a long drawn
process of fundamental social and economic change that upset the peasant communi es. Discuss. [2020,
20 marks]
19. “The Mu ny of 1857 was much more than a Mu ny of Sepoys and much less than a Na onal Rebellion.”
Comment. [2016, 10 marks]
20. “The military, feudal and tradi onal overtones of the Revolt
of 1857 were overshadowed by its na onalist or proto-
na onalist character.” Cri cally examine. [2014, 10 marks]
21. “In 1857, the rebel sepoys showed a remarkable centripetal
tendency to congregate at Delhi."Do you agree?
Substan ate. [2011, 30 marks]
22. “The annexa on of Awadh shook the loyalty of these Sepoys,
as it was for them an ul mate proof of untrustworthiness of
the Bri sh.” Comment. [2009, 20 marks]
23. “The Revolt of 1857 seemed to call the very presence of the
Bri sh into ques on. What it did not do was reverse these
changes.” Comment. [2007, 20 marks]
24. “Whatever might have been its original character, it
(Rebellion of 1857) soon became a symbol of challenge to the
mighty Bri sh power in India.” Comment. [2005, 20 marks]
25. Do you believe that the uprising in 1857 was na onalist in nature? If not, what was its character? [1999, 60
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Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
26. Examine the nature of the Revolt of 1857 and indicate the
manifold changes in Bri sh civil and military administra on
of India a er 1857. [1998, 60 marks]
27. “The new a tude of cau on and conserva sm can be
detected in almost every sphere of Bri sh ac vity in India
a er the Revolt of 1857.” Comment. [1994, 20 marks]
28. “Whatever might have been its original character, it
(Rebellion of 1857) soon became a symbol of challenge to the
mighty Bri sh power in India.” Comment. [1988, 20 marks]
29. “On the whole, it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that the
so-called First Na onal War of Independence was neither First, nor Na onal, nor a war of Independence.”
Comment. [1985, 20 marks]
30. “The Mu ny was not inevitable in 1857, but it was inherent in the cons tu on of the Empire.” Comment.
[1983, 20 marks]
31. Cri cally examine the nature of the Revolt of 1857. How did it affect the Bri sh policy in India a er 1858?
[1980, 60 marks]
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Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
Poli cs of Associa on; The Founda on of The Indian Na onal Congress; The Safety-valve
Thesis Rela ng to the Birth of the Congress;
8. Discuss the policies and programmes of the early na onalists
(moderates). To what extent they were able to fulfil the aspira ons of the
people ? [2022, 20 marks]
9. In its poli cal behaviour the Indian Na onal Congress in its early career
was never a radical organisa on, besides the founders of the Congress
involved A.O. Hume in their project. Do these facts verify that the
Congress was founded as a 'Safety valve'? Explain. [2020, 20 Marks]
10. “The 'safety-valve thesis' does not adequately explain the birth of the
Indian Na onal Congress in 1885.” Cri cally examine. [2014, 10 marks]
11. To what extent was the emergence of the Congress in 1885 the
culmina on of a process of poli cal awakening that had its beginning in
the 1870s? [2000, 60 marks]
12. Discuss 'the safety valve' theory. Does it sa sfactorily explain the
founda on of the Indian Na onal Congress? [1991, 60 marks]
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Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
Programme and Objec ves of Early Congress; The Social Composi on of Early Congress
Leadership; The Moderates and Extremists
13. Can method and poli cs of the moderates be referred to as
'poli cal mendicancy’? [2018, 10 marks]
14. “At the dawn of the twen eth century Lord Curzon, the viceroy of
India, was full of hos lity towards the Indian Na onal Congress and
he confiden ally reported to the secretary of state in November
1900: My own belief is that the congress is to ering to its fall, and
one of my greatest ambi ons while in India is to assist it to a
peaceful demise.” Examine. [2013, 25 marks]
15. “Poli cs remained for the bulk of the Moderates very much a part-
me affair. The Congress was not a poli cal party, but an annual
three-day show…” Elucidate. [2014, 20 marks]
16. Analyze the social composi on of the early Congress leadership. [2009, 30 marks]
17. Trace the factors which led to a split in the Indian na onal Congress in 1907. What was its impact on the
course of the na onalist movement? [2003, 60 marks]
18. Describe briefly the ideals and programme of the Indian Na onal Congress between 1885 and 1905 and
assess official response to it. [1980, 60 marks]
The Par on of Bengal (1905); The Swadeshi Movement In Bengal; The Economic and Poli cal
Aspects of Swadeshi Movement;
19. How would you explain the major trends of the Swadeshi Movement in Bengal? [2019, 20 marks]
20. Explain “Construc ve Swadeshi” Characterised by atmashak (self-reliance), which propelled the Swadeshi
Movement in Bengal. [2016, 10 marks]
21. “The An -Par on Agita on (1905) had an economic character in Bengal unlike the Extremist Agita on in
Maharashtra which had a religious character.” Examine. [2014, 20marks]
22. “India a er 1905 had new interests and objec ves and compelled new lines of policy.” Comment. [1996, 20 marks]
23. Write a cri cal note on: Significance of the Swadeshi Movement 1905-07 in the freedom struggle. [1981, 20 marks]
George Curzon
24. “Curzon's par on of Bengal gave the unwi ng ini a ve to events of
magnitude and returned many years later to port with the cargo of
freedom.” Comment. [1997, 20 marks]
25. “The tragedy of Curzon lay in that, with such abundance of trained talent;
he was denied the crowning quali es. He was never an administrator of
the first rank.” Comment. [1991, 20 marks]
26. “Curzon was an unconscious catalyst who did not understand, let alone
desire, what the new century was about to bring forth, but who helped it
to be born.” Comment. [1989, 20 marks]
27. “Curzon's poli cal obtusely created a breach between government and
people which was never wholly closed in the remaining forty-two years of
Bri sh rule.” Comment. [1984, 20 marks]
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
Na onal Poli cs From The End of the Non-coopera on Movement to the Beginning of the Civil
Disobedience Movement; Simon Commission; The Nehru Report; The Round Table
Conferences; The Two Phases of the Civil Disobedience Movement;
15. Do you agree with the fact that the virtual failure of the Non-
Coopera on Movement and the gloom that descended on the
na onalis c scene, created condi ons for the revolu onary
ac vi es? Discuss. [2020, 20 marks]
16. “Gandhi's body is in jail, but his soul is with you, India's pres ge is
in your hands, you must not use any violence under any
circumstances. You will be beaten but you must not resist, you
must not raise a hand to ward off blows.” Cri cally examine.
[2013, 10 marks]
17. “At Karachi in 1931, the congress defined what Swaraj would
mean for the masses.” Comment. [2007, 20 marks]
18. Analyse the factors responsible for the Civil Disobedience movement (1930-31). How far were its aims
realised in the Government of India Act of 1935? [2005, 60 marks]
19. Show how the Civil Disobedience was marked by much sca ered poten ally radical manifesta ons. Was the
Karachi Congress an indica on of certain basic weakness of the en re movement? [1992, 60 marks]
20. Iden fy the main strands in the Civil Disobedience Movement with par cular reference to the changing role
of 'business pressures' in the country [1985, 60 marks]
Na onalism and The Peasant Movements; Na onalism and Working Class Movements
21. “The na onalist poli cal movements for libera on such as the non-coopera on and civil disobedience
movements and their leadership depended heavily on the peasantry.” Comment. [1993, 20 marks]
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Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
27. “To characterize the Quit India Movement as 'Spontaneous Revolu on' would be par al interpreta on, so
also would be to look up at it as the culmina on of Gandhian Satyagraha movements.” Elucidate. [2015, 20
28. Do you think that Quit India movement was a Spontaneous Revolu on? [2009, 30 marks]
29. “In the summer of 1942 Gandhi was in a strange and uniquely militant mood.” Comment. [2003, 20 marks]
33. What were the various ways in which na onalism manifested itself in India during colonial rule? [ 2021, 20
34. Explain why the efforts at finding solu on to India's cons tu onal impasse failed during 1942-1946. [2017,
20 marks]
35. “The Royal Indian Navy Revolt was seen as an event which marked the end of the Bri sh rule almost as
finally as Independence Day.” Explain. [2015, 10 marks]
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
Cons tu onal Developments in the Colonial India between 1858 and 1935
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Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
18. Discuss the major cons tu onal developments in India a er 1858 and their impact on society and polity.
[2021,20 marks]
19. Explain the a tude of the Indian Na onal Congress towards the cons tu onal changes of 1909, 1919 and
1935. [1998, 60 marks]
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
The Revolu onaries: Bengal, the Punjab, Maharashtra, U.P, the Madras Presidency, Outside India
1. Analyse how the revolu onaries taught people self confidence and
widened the social base of the freedom movement. [2022, 10 marks]
2. In the first decade of the 20th century, the atmosphere was ripe for
the emergence of revolu onary groups to fill up the vacant space in
the poli cal map of the country. Cri cally Examine [ 2021, 10 marks]
3. Trace the origin of the Ghadar movement and discuss its impact on
the revolu onaries in India. [2017, 20 marks]
4. “The very idea of the bomb and the secret society, and of
propaganda through ac on and sacrifice were import from the West.” Cri cally examine. [2015, 10 marks]
5. Describe the changing nature of revolu onary ac vi es in India between 1905 - 1946. [2008, 60 marks]
6. Examine the causes of the rise and progress of revolu onary movements in India from 1905 to 1931. [2003,
60 marks]
7. Discuss the nature, methods and ac vi es of the Terrorist Revolu onary Movement and assess its place in
India's Freedom Struggle. [1979, 60 marks]
The Le ; The Le Within The Congress: Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose, The Congress
Socialist Party; The Communist Party of India, Other Le Par es.
8. . The rise of the Communist Movement in India in the 1920s lent a militant
and revolu onary content to the Trade Union Movement. Cri cally
Examine. [ 2021, 10 marks]
9. "The Trade Union Movement in India not only supported the call for
na onal struggle at cri cal junctures, but also impacted its course and
character in several ways." Cri cally examine. [2020, 10 marks]
10..Assess the role of Subhash Chandra Bose in India's struggle for
independence. [2019, 20 Marks]
11. Underline the growth of various forms of Socialist ideologies in the
Indian Na onal Movement between World War I and II. [2018, 20 marks]
12. A powerful le -wing group developed in India in the late 1920s and
1930s, contribu ng to the radicaliza on of na onal movement.” Cri cally Examine. [2015, 10 marks]
13. The emergence of le -wing group in the congress radicalized its social economic agenda." Cri cally
evaluate. [2011, 20 marks]
14. Account for the emergence of the le -wing within the congress. How far did it influence the programme and
policy of the congress? [2006, 60 marks]
15. “The ideology of Subhash Chandra Bose was a combina on of na onalism, fascism and communism.”
Comment. [2002, 20 marks]
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
16. Discuss the nature of the leadership and programme of the Congress
Socialist party. [2002, 60 marks]
17. Account for the rise and growth of le ism in the Congress movement.
What impact did it have on contemporary Indian poli cs? [1997, 60
18. The Na onal Movement has shown concern for problems other than
the cons tu onal one.' Discuss the factors that helped the rise of a le
wing in the Indian Na onal Congress. [1990, 60 marks]
19. Account for the rise and growth of Le -wing within the Congress. Did
Jawaharlal Nehru believe in a socialis c approach to Indian and world
problems and if so why? [1986, 60 marks]
20. Assess the role of the Le Wing within the Indian Na onal Congress
between 1920 and 1947. [1981, 60 marks]
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
Poli cs of Separa sm; the Muslim League; the Hindu Mahasabha; Communalism and the poli cs of par on;
Transfer of power; Independence.
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
15. Examine the main aspects of Muslim League poli cs from 1937 to
1947. Was the par on of the country unavoidable? [1989, 60 marks]
16. Write a cri cal note on: “Gandhiji's role in solving the communal
problem.” [1981, 20marks]
17. Analyze the circumstances, between 1942 and 1947, that led to
freedom and par on of India. [1979, 60 marks]
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
Consolida on as a Na on; Nehru's Foreign Policy; India and her neighbours (1947-1964); The linguis c
reorganisa on of States (1935-1947); Regionalism and regional inequality; Integra on of Princely States;
Princes in electoral poli cs; the Ques on of Na onal Language.
The Linguis c Re-Organisa on of States (1935- 1947); Regionalism and Regional Inequality
8. "The Reorganisa on of the states on the basis of language was major aspects of na onal consolida on and
integra on." Comment. [2020, 10 marks]
9. "States's reorganiza on did not, of course, resolve all the problems rela ng to linguis c conflicts." Cri cally
examine. [2018, 10 marks]
10. “The reorganiza on resulted in ra onalizing the poli cal map of India without seriously weakening its unity.
If anything, its result has been func onal, in as much as it removed what had been a major source of discord,
and created homogeneous poli cal units which could be administered through a medium that vast majority
of the popula on understood. Indeed, it can be said with the benefit of hindsight that language, rather than
being a force for division has proved a cemen ng and integra ng influence.” Examine. [2013, 25 marks]
Integra on of Princely States
11. How were the Princely States integrated in the Indian Union a er the
par on? What role did Sardar Patel play in it? [2021,10 marks]
12. Throw light on the nature of 'Instrument of Accession' and 'Stands ll
Agreement' signed by the Princely States with the Indian Union. [2017, 10
13. “Sardar Patel accomplished a silent revolu on by ensuring the absorp on
and assimila on of a mul tude principali es without shedding even a drop
of blood.” Elucidate. [2014, 10 marks]
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Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
14. "With great skill and masterful diplomacy and using both persuasion and pressure, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
succeeded in integra ng the hundreds of princely states with the Indian Union." Discuss. [2007, 60 marks]
15. “India's need for a federal system was more an impera ve than a poli cal choice.” Do you agree? [2016, 10
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
Caste and Ethnicity a er 1947; Backward Castes and Tribes in post-colonial electoral poli cs; Dalit movements.
Dalit Movements
2. Discuss the changing nature of Dalit asser on in India in the twen eth century. [2021,20 marks]
3. Analyse various trends in Dalit Movements in various parts of post-
independent India. [2018, 20 marks]
4. “Dalit Movements for empowerment in independent India have
essen ally been for carving out poli cal space through electoral
poli cs.” Discuss. [2014, 10 marks]
5. “In exercising its exclusive power, the Parliament addi onally enacted
the Untouchability (Offences) Act in 1955.” Comment. [2008, 20
6. Discuss the factors that led to the growth of Dalit consciousness and men on the major movements aimed at
their empowerment. [2010, 30 marks]
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MODERN INDIA : Previous Year Questions
Under the Guidance by Vikas Ahlawat Sir
Economic development and poli cal change; Land reforms; the poli cs of planning and rural reconstruc on;
Ecology and environmental policy in postcolonial India; Progress of Science.
Progress of science
11. How far the developments in science and technology in post-Independence period put India on the path of
modernity. [2017, 20 marks]
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Under the Guidance of VIKAS AHLAWAT SIR
Industrializa on
i) English industrial Revolu on: Causes and Impact on Society
ii) Industrializa on in other countries: USA, Germany, Russia, Japan
iii) Industrializa on and Globaliza on
Na on-State System
i) Rise of Na onalism in 19th century
ii) Na onalism: State building in Germany and Italy
iii) Disintegra on of Empires through the emergence of na onali es
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Under the Guidance of VIKAS AHLAWAT SIR
World Wars
i) 1st and 2nd World Wars as Total Wars: Societal implica ons
ii) World War I: Causes and consequences
iii) World War II: Causes and consequences
Unifica on of Europe
I) Post War Founda ons: NATO and European Community
ii) Consolida on and Expansion of European Community
iii) European Union
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Under the Guidance of VIKAS AHLAWAT SIR
6. ‘Rousseau kindled a hope which become the spirit of the Enlightenment’. [2022,
10 marks]
7. Explain the major ideas of Enlightenment. Discuss the contribu on of
Rousseau in Enlightenment. [2018, 20 marks]
8. “Rousseau strove to reconcile the liberty of the individual and the ins tu on
of Government through a new vision of the Contract-Theory of
Government.” Cri cally examine. [2014, 10 marks]
9. “The promp ngs of the heart are more to be trusted than the logic of the
mind.” — Rousseau. Cri cally evaluate. [2011, 20 marks]
10.“Rousseau's poli cal philosophy contains the seeds of Socialism,
Absolu sm and Democracy.” Comment. [2004, 20 marks]
11. "Kant's redefini on of reason and his rehabilita on of conscience marked
a high point in the intellectual reac on against dominant ra onalism of
the Enlightenment." Cri cally examine. [2017, 10 marks]
12. “For Kant, enlightenment is mankind's final coming of age, the
emancipa on of the human consciousness from an immature state of
ignorance and error.” Cri cally examine. [2013, 20 marks]
13. “…he (Voltaire) was living in the Age of Enlightenment …. The age itself
was not enlightened.” — E. Kant. Cri cally evaluate. [2010, 20 marks]
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Under the Guidance of VIKAS AHLAWAT SIR
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Under the Guidance of VIKAS AHLAWAT SIR
1. Account for the emergence of the na onal monarchies in Europe in the sixteenth century. Did the monarchs
build the na onal states less by design than by chance? [1987, 60 marks]
American Revolu on
American Cons tu on
11. Explain the main features of the US Federal Cons tu on. [2016, 10 marks]
12. How far is it correct to say that every feature of the American Cons tu on was ul mately of English Origin?
[2010, 20 marks]
13. What were the factors that worked in the dra ing of the American Cons tu on? Do you agree with Beard's
view of the Cons tu on being an Economic Document? [2005, 60 marks]
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Under the Guidance of VIKAS AHLAWAT SIR
American Civil War with reference to Abraham Lincoln and the aboli on of slavery
14. In the American Civil war, the victory of the North had many
consequences. Some of them were direct and obvious. However, its
indirect effects on American development were perhaps even more
important. Comment. [2021,20 marks]
15. "Lincoln's main thesis was that the Slavery issue had to be decided one
way or the other and could no longer be evaded by compromise."
Comment in the light of his role in the American Civil War. [2020, 20
16. “A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government
cannot endure permanently, half slave and half free” Explain Abraham
Lincoln's perspec ve. [2016, 20 marks]
17. “Six hundred thousand men had died. The union was preserved, the slaves freed. A na on 'conceived in
liberty and dedicated to the proposi on that all men are created equal' had survived its most terrible
ordeal.” Cri cally examine. [2013, 10 marks]
18. Examine the issues involved in the American Civil War. Was it
a contest between two separate na ons? [1991, 60 marks]
19. “If I could save the Union without freeing any slave, I would do
it; and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves, I would do it;
and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone,
I would also do that.”. Comment. [1986, 20 marks]
20. "The causes of the French Revolu on of 1789 included both long term
and structural factors, as well as more immediate events." Cri cally
examine. [2020, 10 marks]
21. Cri cally examine the statement that the French Revolu on was not
caused by the French philosophers but by the condi ons of na onal life and
by the mistakes of the government. [2016, 20 marks]
22. “The mul ple contradic ons that quickly undermined the new edifice
had been expressed even before the mee ng of the Estate General in
France. The internal conflict among Estates had manifested itself.”
Cri cally examine. [2015, 10 marks]
23. “The Declara on of Rights was the death-warrant of the system of
privilege, and so of the ancient regime … Yet in the history of ideas it belonged rather to the past than to the
future.” Examine. [2014, 20 marks]
24. “The connec on between the philosophers' ideas and the outbreak of the French Revolu on (1789) is
somewhat remote and indirect.” Cri cally evaluate. [2012, 10 marks]
25. “No event as encompassing as the French Revolu on occurs in an intellectual vacuum.” Comment. [2007, 20 marks]
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Under the Guidance of VIKAS AHLAWAT SIR
26. “The wri ngs of the philosophers had a tremendous influence on the minds of the people and created a
revolu onary awakening in their minds and formed the
intellectual creed of the French Revolu on.” Comment. [2005, 20
27. “The French Revolu on a acked privileges and not property.”
Comment. [2003, 20 marks]
28. “If monarchical misrule ignited the French Revolu on, lo y ideas
both inspired and sustained it.” Comment. [2002, 20 marks]
29. “To some extent, the American War of Independence inspired the
French Revolu on.” Comment. [1999, 20 marks]
30. “If monarchical misrule ignited the French revolu on, lo y ideas
both inspired and sustained it.” Comment. [1997, 20 marks]
31. The French Revolu on (1789) sought to remove both “the religious and secular props of the exis ng social
order.” Elucidate. [1996, 20 marks]
32. “French poli cal writers of the eighteenth century were influenced by Locke and also by the curious
contrasts which they perceived between the government of his country and their own.” Comment. [1991,
20 marks]
33. The French Revolu on (1789) really achieved far less than what it intended to effect. Do you agree? [1989,
20 marks]
34. “What ma ered in 1789 - and what made men revolu onary almost in spite of themselves - was the whole
'revolu onary situa on'; and in producing that situa on the work of the philosophers played no very
important role.” Comment. [1985, 20 marks]
35. “The wri ngs of the philosophers had a tremendous influence on the minds of the people and created a
revolu onary awakening in their minds and formed the intellectual creed of the French Revolu on.”
Comment. [1983, 20 marks]
36. What were the ideals of the French Revolu on of 1789? How far is it correct to say that it overthrew
mercan lism and the surviving relics of feudalism and contributed to the poli cal supremacy of the middle
class? [1979, 60 marks]
Napoleon Bonaparte
37. ‘The codifica on of French Law was perhaps the most enduring of
Napoleon’s achievements’. [2022, 10 marks]
38. Napoleon's Con nental System may be reckoned as the greatest blunder
and may be described as a "monument of misdirected energy”. Cri cally
Examine. [2021,10 marks]
39. "Napoleon was not a revolu onary but he solidified many of the
revolu onary changes of 1789-1791 and he himself supported most of
the ideas and proposals of Enlightenment philosophers." Substan ate.
[2020, 20 marks]
40. How far did the Napoleonic preferen al stance to help out the French economy
result in embroiling France in con nental conflict? [2019, 10 marks]
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41. "The spirit behind the great reforms of Napoleon's Consulate at home was the transference of the methods
of Bonaparte the general to the task of Bonaparte the statesman." Cri cally examine. [2017, 10 marks]
42. “The Con nental Blockade was a misconceived idea of economically defea ng Great Britain.” Cri cally
examine. [2015, 10 marks]
43. How did Napoleon fuse the French of the ancient regime with
the France of the Post Revolu onary era? [2012, 30 marks]
44. To what extent did Napoleon's economic war with England
become his undoing? [2010, 20 marks]
Bri sh Democra c Poli cs, 1815-1850; Parliamentary Reformers, Free Traders, Char sts
45. ‘The first Reforma on Act (1832) occupies a significant place in the cons tu onal development of Britain’.
[2022, 10 marks]
46. ““… the passing of the 'Reform Act' marked the real beginning of modern
party organisa on in England… In a real sense, the present poli cal
system of England dates from 1832.” Cri cally examine. [2014, 10 marks]
47. “Change in Britain came compara vely peacefully through democra c
process in the first half of the nineteenth century and a model of a
func oning democracy through ballot box was successfully put in place.”
Elaborate. [2013, 25 marks]
48. “Though reform was inevitable, the Act (1832) by which it was accomplished was open to grave cri cism.”
Comment. [2005, 20 marks]
49. Account for the growth of Liberalism in Britain in the nineteenth century. How far did it influence the
contemporary social and economic issues in the country? [1984, 60 marks]
50. Write a cri cal note on: Effect of Bri sh liberalism on the social or economic life of the people of England.
[1981, 20 marks]
Free Traders
51. “The arguments of the free traders were a curious mixture of economic hard-headedness, social
benevolence, cosmopolitan idealism and class prejudice.” Cri cally examine. [2019, 10 marks]
Char sts
52. Napoleon's Con nental System may be reckoned as the greatest blunder and may be described as a
"monument of misdirected energy". Cri cally Examine. [2021,10 marks]
53. "The roots of the Char st movement in Great Britain were partly poli cal and partly economic." Cri cally
examine. [2017, 10 marks]
54. “The roots of Char sm are partly poli cal and partly economic.” Elaborate. [2011, 20 marks]
55. Review the background of the Char st Movement. Despite its failure how had their demands been met in
the succeeding years? [2004, 60 marks]
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Industrializa on
i) English industrial Revolu on: Causes and Impact on Society
ii) Industrializa on in other countries: USA, Germany, Russia, Japan
iii) Industrializa on and Globaliza on
1. Do you agree that the economic effects of the Industrial Revolu on were to add enormously to wealth and
capital on the one hand and degrade the masses to permanent poverty as the other? Elucidate. [2022, 20m]
2. There were many reasons why the industrial revolu on first happened in England. Cri cally Examine.
[2021,10 marks]
3. "Industrial Revolu on had far reaching social and poli cal
consequences with the advent of assembly line factories,
urbaniza on and rise of the urban working class." Cri cally
examine. [2020, 10 marks]
4. How did the policies of governments facilitate the process of
industrialisa on in Europe? [2019, 20 marks]
5. Discuss how Japan industrialised a er the Meiji Restora ons. What
were the consequences for its neighbours? [2018, 20 marks]
6. "The Industrial Revolu on put mobility in the place of stability." Cri cally examine. [2018, 10 marks]
7. Explain why England became the harbinger of Industrial Revolu on. Also throw light on its social
consequences. [2017, 20 marks]
8. “The oppressive exploita on of the working class in the wake of Industrial Revolu on had jolted the social
conscience of England.” Elucidate. [2015, 10 marks]
9. The process of industrialisa on in some other countries of Europe was different from that in England.” [2012,
20 marks]
10. “Whoever says Industrial Revolu on, says co on.” Comment. [2011, 20 marks]
11. What was the extent of industrialisa on in Western Europe by the end of
the nineteenth century? [2009, 30 marks]
12. The Industrial Revolu on brought about great changes in the social and
economic life of Europe. Explain. [1998, 60 marks]
13. The Industrial Revolu on “Changed England in character and culture.”
Comment. [1996, 20 marks]
14. “Protestan sm contributed substan ally to the rise of capitalism.”
Comment. [1994, 20 marks]
15. “The Industrial Revolu on put mobility in the place of stability.”
Comment. [1990, 20 marks]
16. Trace the growth of capitalism in Britain in the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries. Why was France, as compared to Britain, late in developing the capitalist spirit and
the ins tu onal framework of capitalism? [1985, 60 marks]
17. Trace the growth of Capitalism in England in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. How did it affect the
Wage System in the country? [1982, 60 marks]
18. Give a cri cal account of the progress of mercantalism in the 17th century. How far is it correct to say that it
paved the way for the Industrial Revolu on? [1981, 60 marks]
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Na on-State System
i) Rise of Na onalism in 19th century
ii) Na onalism: State building in Germany and Italy
iii) Disintegra on of Empires through the emergence of na onali es
1. Do you subscribe to the view that the Greek War of Independence was mired in contrasts of the best and the
worst episodes? How did it affect the Concert of Europe? [2019, 20 Marks]
2. The years 1853-1894 witnessed the transforma on of Japan. Explain. [1998, 60 marks]
3. Lord Beaconsfield a er his return from the Congress of Berlin (1878) boasted: “I have brought peace with
honour.” Comment. [1998, 20 marks]
4. “Asian Na onalism is just a product of Western impact on the Asian
intelligentsia in the last decades of the nineteenth century.”
Comment. [1994, 20 marks]
5. “…. the European na ons in emphasizing their solidarity, their
solidarity, their Europeanness in dealing with Asian countries
inevitably gave rise to a feeling of Asianness.” Comment. [1988, 20
6. “The Crimean War was the most useless war ever waged.”
Comment. [2000, 20 marks]
7. “The characteris c mo ve of this period (1830-1871) was not so
much Liberalism as Na onalism.” Comment. [1982, 20 marks]
8. How did Japan develop between 1868 and 1894? Did the 'Restora on of Meiji' mark a sharp break with the
past? [1987, 60 marks]
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13. What were the obstacles to Italian unifica on ll 1852? How and with what methods was the unifica on of
Italy achieved? [1993, 60 marks]
14. “They have stopped me from making Italy by diplomacy from the North; I will make it by revolu on from the
South.” Comment. [1985, 20 marks]
15. Trace the course of the movement for Italian Unifica on from 1848 with special reference to the
contribu on of Mazzini. [1983, 60 marks]
16. Trace the various stages that led to the Unifica on of Italy between 1848 and 1870. [1980, 60 marks]
17. "From Bismarck's 'Blood and Iron' speech and his forceful ac ons to achieve German unifica on, Bismarck
came to be known as the Iron Chancellor." Cri cally examine.
[2020, 20 marks]
18. Examine the role of Bismarck in state building in Germany. [2018,
20 marks]
19. At the end of the Ba le of Sedan (1870), "Europe lost a mistress
and gained a master". Cri cally examine. [2018, 10 marks]
20. "18 January 1871 had been a day of triumph for the strength and
pride of Germany and 28 June 1919 was the day of chas sement."
Cri cally examine. [2017, 10 marks]
21. What determinant factors, along with diploma c, shaped the
process of German Unifica on? [2017, 20 marks]
22. “The language of narrow na onalism held at Frankfurt destroyed
the German Revolu on; as the fatal idea of aggrandizement of the
House of Savoy destroyed the Italian Revolu on.” Discuss. [2014,
20 marks]
23. Was German unifica on achieved more by 'coal and iron' than by
'blood and iron'? [2012, 30 marks]
24. “To Bismarck the conclusion of the Treaty of May 20, 1882, was the culmina on of his system.” Comment.
[2004, 20 marks]
25. Bismarck united Germany not by majority of votes and speeches
but by a policy of “Blood and Iron”. In the light of this statement
assess the contribu on of Bismarck to the unifica on of Germany.
[2003, 60 marks]
26. “Napoleon kindled the na onal sen ment, but German unity was
achieved by Bismarck.” Discuss. [2002, 60 marks]
27. “Bismarck created a new Germany with the policy of 'blood and
iron'.” Comment. [2001, 20 marks]
28. “The poli cal unifica on of Germany was accomplished solely by
Bismarck.” Comment. [1999, 20 marks]
29. Isola on of France cons tuted the keystone of Bismarck's foreign policy. Elucidate. [1997, 60 marks]
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30. “At the end of the ba le of Sedan (1870)‚ Europe lost a mistress and gained a master.” Comment. [1995, 20
31. “The Unifica on of Germany was the one thing Bismarck was determined to prevent.” Comment. [1987, 20
32. “It is one of the ironies of history that Napoleon was the creator of modern Germany.” Comment. [1984, 20
33. “Napoleon kindled the na onal sen ment, but German unity was achieved by Bismarck.” Discuss. [1981, 60
34. The unifica on of Italy and that of Germany cons tuted a contrast in
respect of the ways they were affected and impact they le on later
interna onal poli cs. Elucidate. [1995, 60 marks]
35. “Comparison of the fascist regime in Italy with the Na onal Socialist
regime of Germany is almost inevitable. The similari es are obvious,
but there is one point of difference which is worth men oning.”
Comment. [1991, 20 marks]
36. “The comparison between Cavour's and Bismarck's achievements
reveals striking points of resemblance and no less striking points of
dissimilarity.” Comment. [1990, 20 marks]
37. The rise of na onalism across na ons sha ered the chains which held
together the empire of modern Europe. Discuss. [2021,20 marks]
38. “The Eastern Ques on has always been an interna onal ques on”.
Elucidate. [2010, 30 marks]
39. Turkish renaissance guided by Kemal Pasha revolu onized the Turkish
life at many levels. Amplify. [1996, 60 marks]
40. “Nominally the new Turkey was republican and democra c.” Comment.
[1992, 20 marks]
41. “The Eastern Ques on has always been an interna onal ques on.”
Comment. [1989, 20 marks]
42. “Under Mustafa Kemal's dictatorship; Turkey was rapidly na onalized.”
Comment. [1986, 20 marks]
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Under the Guidance of VIKAS AHLAWAT SIR
5. What do you understand by imperialism? State briefly its unique features in the case of Africa? [2010, 20
6. “In all the long annals of Imperialism, the par on of Africa is a remarkable freak.” Comment. [2009, 20 marks]
7. Discuss the emergence of neo-imperialism in the late nineteenth century. [2009, 30 marks]
8. “New imperialism was a na onalis c, not an economic phenomenon.” Comment. [2007, 20 marks]
9. Trace the various stages of European imperialism in Africa in the nineteenth century. [2001, 60 marks]
10. “The simultaneous expansion of European powers overseas during the last quarter of the 19th century
brought them into frequent collisions at a remote point all over Africa and Asia.” Comment. [2000, 20
11. Trace the stages in the par on of Africa a er 1870. How did it
affect interna onal rela ons? [1996, 60 marks]
12. Write a cri que on the par on of Africa from 1870 to 1914, with
par cular reference to Germany's imperial designs in the
Con nent. [1989, 60 marks]
13. Write a cri cal note on: Theory of 'The New imperialism' a er
1870. [1981, 20 marks]
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Under the Guidance of VIKAS AHLAWAT SIR
14. To what extent did the Western powers bring China under their
domina on without annexa on? [2000, 60 marks]
15. Divided into spheres of influence by foreign powers, China in the
19th century presented a sorry spectacle. How did China react to
it? [1995, 60 marks]
16. Why is the period from 1842 to 1900 considered as half a century of
humilia ons in the history of China? What was the reac on of
China? [1988, 60 marks]
17. “By 1861, China may be said to have been fully though grudgingly opened to the Westerner.” Comment.
[1987, 20 marks]
18. “The Treaty of Nanking is the basic act in the imposing but unstable structure of interna onal rela ons
which governed China for a hundred years.” Comment. [1984, 20 marks]
19. How did the Treaty Port System in China develop between 1840 and 1860? What was its inference on
Chinese a tude to foreigners? [1982, 60 marks]
20. Write a cri cal note on: Importance of the Opium War in the history of China. [1981, 20 marks]
21. The years 1840 to 1860 confronted the Ching dynasty and the people of China with unprecedented crises
due to imperialist designs of western powers. Discuss cri cally. [1980, 60 marks]
22. Which factors would you a ribute to the Bri sh colonial interven on in Malaya in the 19th century? How
did Malays react to Bri sh colonial rule? [2019, 20 marks]
23. Examine the nature of Dutch imperialism in Indonesia. [2017, 10 marks]
24. Explain how American imperialism in Philippines differed with
European imperialism in Indonesia and Indo-China. [2011, 30
25. Cri cally examine the Dutch colonial policy in Indonesia. [2010, 30
26. Cri cally examine the culture system in the Dutch East Indies
(Indonesia) during the nineteenth century. Why was it dismantled?
[1985, 60 marks]
27. What was the culture system in the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia) during the 19th century? Why was it
dismantled? [1981, 60 marks]
28. “Holland was engaged in a systema c exploita on of Indonesia in the nineteenth century.” Elucidate.
[1979, 60 marks]
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Under the Guidance of VIKAS AHLAWAT SIR
South Africa
29. Trace the growth of Bri sh imperialism in South Africa from 1800 to 1907. [2016, 10 marks]
30. “The Russo-Japanese War helped in the rise of Japan as a great power.”
[2014, 10 marks]
31. “The Anglo-Japanese Treaty (1902) marks a milestone in the development
of Japan as an Asia c power.” Comment. [1988, 20 marks]
32. Discuss the nature of American overseas expansion in Asia and explain the consequences. [2014, 10 marks]
33. Cri cally examine the socio-cultural and economic impact of
migra on in Europe and Asia in the 18th and 19th centuries. [2014,
20 marks]
34. “Colonialism not only deprives a society of its freedom and its
wealth, but of its very character, leaving its people intellectually and
morally disoriented.” Cri cally examine. [2013, 10 marks]
35. “Colonies are like fruits which cling to the tree only ll they ripen.”
Comment. [2006, 10 marks]
36. “The sponsors of the overseas expansion of Europe were na onal monarchies.” Comment. [1992, 20
37. “If imperialism is viewed as a phase of the struggle for power between States, its result must be judged in
terms of its role in power poli cs.” Comment. [1984, 20 marks]
38. “Imperialism and Colonialism have long employed as instruments of na onal policy.” Comment. [1982, 20
39. What do you understand by Imperialism? How did it affect the people of Asia in the nineteenth century?
[1979, 60 marks]
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Under the Guidance of VIKAS AHLAWAT SIR
1. What were the causes and consequences of the revolu onary upsurge of the 1840s in Europe? [2021,20
2. "The 1848 revolu ons frightened the crowned heads of Europe and caused several to abdicate. Those who
remained were cognizant of the threats posed by liberalism,
na onalism and socialism." Comment. [2020, 10 marks]
3. Discuss how agrarian crisis accompanied by severe industrial
depression triggered the Revolu ons of 1848. [2017, 10 marks]
4. What is Me ernich system? Assess its impact on Europe. [2016, 10
5. “The whole episode that is known as the July Revolu on (1830) was
fought and won not for the establishment of an extreme democracy
but to get rid of the aristocra c and clericalist a tude of the restored Bourbons.” Cri cally examine. [2015,
10 marks]
6. “Most of the European Revolu ons of 1848 were na onalist as well as popular insurrec ons against foreign
rule and repressive policy of Me ernich.” Comment. [2008, 20 marks]
7. “For a red and mid genera on Me ernich was the necessary man.” Comment. [1993, 20 marks]
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Under the Guidance of VIKAS AHLAWAT SIR
12. “The impact of the French Revolu on (1789) was ini ally confined the Europe, but, that of the Russia
Revolu on (1917) was global.” – Cri cally review. [2012, 30 marks]
13. Account for the overthrow of the Tsarist regime in Russia. [2009, 30 marks]
14. “The Russian Revolu on (1917) was an economic explosion
hastened by the stupidi es of the autocra c Government”.
Comment. [2005, 20 marks]
15. Examine the causes of the Russian Revolu on of 1917 and indicate
its significance in world history. [2003, 60 marks]
16. In Russia, Lenin was “the father of socialism, organizer of the
revolu on and the founder of the new Russian society.” Examine
the statement. [1998, 60 marks]
17. The Russian Revolu on of 1917 was a single revolu on which
developed two phases. Elucidate. [1992, 60 marks]
18. Analyze the causes of the Russian Revolu ons of 1917. Why was the second Revolu on Significant in more
than one way? [1985, 60 marks]
19. “The bold knight, Lenin, having rescued the fair maiden of the Revolu on from the evil sorcerer, Kerensky,
everyone lived happily herea er.” Comment. [1983, 20 marks]
20. Write a cri cal note on: Lenin's role in the Russian Revolu on of 1917. [1981, 20 marks]
21. What were the causes for the success of Bolshevik Revolu on of 1917? Discuss its significance in the
history of the world. [1980, 60 marks]
25. Examine the circumstances which led to the overthrow of democracy
and the establishment of Fascist dictatorship in Italy. [2017, 20 marks]
26. Discuss the main characteris cs of Fascism. [2007, 60 marks]
27. “The roots of the rise of Fascism lay in Peace Trea es.” Comment.
[2003, 20 marks]
28. Corporate State' was Mussolini's answer to sociopoli cal problems of
his country. Elucidate. [1995, 60 marks]
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29. How did the policy of appeasement escalate the problem of Nazi aggrandizement? [2011, 30 marks]
30. What were the weaknesses and difficul es of the Weimer Republic? How did Hitler succeed in establishing
his dictatorship? [2004, 60 marks]
31. “There was an element of system in Hitler's foreign policy…. His
outlook was con nental.” Comment. [1995, 20 marks]
32. Hitler was “a creature flung to the top by the des of revolu onary
change, or the embodiment of the collec ve unconsciousness of a
people obsessed with violence and death.” Comment. [1984, 20
33. Cri cally examine the main features of the foreign policy of Nazi
Germany. [1982, 60 marks]
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Under the Guidance of VIKAS AHLAWAT SIR
45. Review the poli cal circumstances in China in the years 1945-49 leading to the establishment of the
Communist rule in the land. How did the United States seek to resolve the conflict between the Na onalists
and the communists in the period? [1984, 60 marks]
46. Discuss the internal problem of China a er the First World War and account for the establishment of
Communist rule in the China in 1949. [1979, 60 marks]
47. Revolu ons, whether in Russia (1917) or in China (1949), are a disastrous way of transforming a country.
Comment. [2021,10 marks]
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Under the Guidance of VIKAS AHLAWAT SIR
World Wars
i) 1st and 2nd World Wars as Total Wars: Societal implica ons
ii) World War I: Causes and consequences
iii) World War II: Causes and consequences
World War I
7. "18 January, 1871 had been a day of triumph for the strength and
pride of Germany and 28 June, 1919 was the day of chas sement."
Cri cally examine. [2017, 10 marks]
8. Do you agree with the view that the Treaty of Versailles was a bad
compromise between a treaty based upon force and a treaty
based on ideas? [2016, 20 marks]
9. “The peace of Versailles lacked moral validity from the start.”
Cri cally evaluate. [2011, 20 marks]
10. “There was not only a difference of principles at Paris (Peace
Conference) but a clash of personali es.” Comment. [2001, 20 marks]
11. “A clever conquer will always impose his demands on the conquered by installments.” Comment. [2006, 10
12. “Treaty of Versailles contained the seeds of future conflicts.” Comment. [2006, 10 Marks]
13. “The most important single factor … in the year following 1919 was the French demand for security.”
Comment. [2004, 10 marks]
14. Analyze the provisions of the Treaty of Versailles of 1919 and examine the validity of Germany's objec ons
to the Treaty. [2000, 60 marks]
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Under the Guidance of VIKAS AHLAWAT SIR
15. “The Treaty of Versailles was merely an armis ce for twenty years.” Comment. [1993, 20 marks]
16. The trea es made at the Paris Peace conference in 1919-20 were replete with unstable compromises,
reflec ng more materialism than idealism. Elucidate. [1990, 60 marks]
17. “The interna onal situa on that confronted the peacemakers in Paris was in the brutal reali es of history,
the result of a temporary redistribu on of the balance of power in the world.” Comment. [1987, 60 marks]
League of Na ons
23. ‘Roaring Twen es’ in Europe and America had many posi ve points. It helped women to upli themselves
in the region. [2022, 10 marks]
24. Europe was at war with itself in the first half of the twen eth
century with a long cease-fire. Comment.
25. “In the long run, the Locarno Treaty (December 1925) was
destruc ve both of the Treaty of Versailles and of the Covenant.”
Comment. [2008, 20 marks]
26. “The War's (First World War's) most permanent contribu on to
the spirit or the post War years was disillusion.” Comment. [2007,
60 marks]
27. The Great Depression (1928 – 34) was “a ended by momentous
consequences in the economic as well as in the poli cal sphere.” Comment. [2002, 20 marks]
28. Trace the rise and growth of the New European Society in the inter-war period. [1999, 60 marks]
29. Trace the growth of militarism in Japan in the inter-war years. What interna onal reac on did it provoke?
[1997, 60 marks]
30. President Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal “had the wit to start the poli cal economy in a fresh, more
promising direc on.” Do you agree? [1997, 60 marks]
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Under the Guidance of VIKAS AHLAWAT SIR
31. The Great Depression (1928 – 34) was “a ended by momentous consequences in the economic as well as
in the poli cal sphere.” Comment. [1996, 20 marks]
32. Show how the presence of a weak and helpless China next door
brought about the rise of militarism and collapse of democracy in
Japan. [1994, 60 marks]
33. “The countries in the Middle East became, a er 1919, the scene of
constant effervescence and some striking changes.” Comment.
[1994, 20 marks]
34. “The perpetua on of the economic malaise was the main cause of
the poli cal instability of Europe during the next two decades
(1919-1939).” Explain. [1994, 60 marks]
35. Show how the Spanish Civil War was a prelude to World War II. [1991, 60 marks]
36. Cri cally examine the New Deal of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Did he want to introduce a sort of socialism?
[1987, 60 marks]
37. What led to the forma on of the Berlin-Rome Tokyo axis? Indicate its impact on interna onal poli cs.
[1986, 60 marks]
38. “Japanese policy in rela on to Manchuria reacted back upon Japan affec ng her both economically and
poli cally.” Comment. [1982, 20 marks]
39. Account for the rise of militarism in Japan between the two World Wars. How did it affect the peace of the
world? [1979, 60 marks]
World War II
40. Do you agree with the statement that the Second World War was history's most destruc ve war?
Elaborate. [2020, 20 marks]
41. Was Czechoslovakia served on a dish to Hitler at Munich? What
were its implica ons? [2019, 20 marks]
42. "Un l December 1941, the ba lefield of the Second World War was
exclusively European and Atlan c; therea er it became also Asia c
and Pacific." Cri cally examine. [2018, 10 marks]
43. “Hitler did not really want a World War. His inten on was only a
short war with Poland.” (A. J. P. Taylor). Comment. [2009, 20 marks]
44. One of the most important consequences of the Second World War
was “division of Europe”, eastern and western. Comment. [2002, 20
45. “Un l December 1941 the ba lefield of the Second World War was exclusively European and Atlan c;
therea er it became also Asia c and Pacific.” Comment. [2000, 20 marks]
46. One of the most important impacts of the Second World War was the “division of Europe”, eastern and
western. Comment. [1998, 20 marks]
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Under the Guidance of VIKAS AHLAWAT SIR
1. Outline the circumstances leading to the adop on of Marshall Plan. [2018, 10 marks]
2. Outline the circumstances leading to détente. [2016, 10 marks]
3. “The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan were considered by
Russian Bloc as a weapon against Russia in order to restrict her
influence.” Cri cally examine. [2015, 20 marks]
4. Discuss the circumstances leading to the Suez Crisis of 1956 and examine
its repercussions on global poli cs. [2014, 10 marks]
5. “A er World War II, the strategy of the West towards Soviet bloc
crystallized as a 'policy of containment'.” Comment. [2008, 20 marks]
6. Cri cally examine the various dimensions and phases of the cold war
between 1947 and 1962. [2005, 60 marks]
7. “Stalinist Russia was a despo c regime.” Cri cally examine this view.
[1999, 60 marks]
8. In the post -Second World War scenario friends in war did not remain friends in peace. Examine the truth of
this view in the period of your study. [1999, 60 marks]
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Under the Guidance of VIKAS AHLAWAT SIR
16. Do you think that the United Na ons Organisa on has played a significant role in resolving interna onal
disputes and ensuring peace in the world? [2021,10 marks]
17. Discuss how far the United Na ons has been successful in
resolving global disputes from year 1946 to 1991. [2018, 20 marks]
18. “The UNO was created in the light of the experience of the 'League
of Na ons', but in spite of the mandate contained in the UNO
cons tu on, its effec ve role in maintaining world peace had
lacked cohesiveness and collec ve approach.” Examine. [2015, 20
19. “In spite of the careful framing of the charter, the role of UNO as
Peacekeeper and interna onal mediator has been somewhat
lackluster and muted and that con nues to be so even a er the end of cold war.” Elucidate. [2013, 25
20. Examine the peace keeping efforts of the United Na ons Organiza on. [2009, 30 marks]
21. “The Security Council is the heart of the United Na ons.” Comment. [2003, 10 marks]
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Under the Guidance of VIKAS AHLAWAT SIR
La n America- Bolivar
1. Explain why Bolivar's efforts failed to fruc fy in bringing about united stand of the La n Americans. [2017,
10 marks]
Arab World
2. The Arab countries looked up to Nasser as a leader who could withstand the pressure exerted by western
countries on Egypt to make peace with Israel. Cri cally Examine. [2021,10 marks]
3. Discuss the circumstances leading to the French exist from Algeria in
1962. [2020, 10 marks]
4. "The Bri sh were slated to withdraw from Pales ne in May 1948,
and both sides prepared for that day. Violence between Arabs and
Jews, already endemic, escalated." Cri cally examine. [2020, 10
5. Analyze the role of Egypt a er the Second World War in bringing
about Arab unity. [2019, 20 marks]
6. Trace the growth of Arab na onalism a er the First World War. How
far was it a reac on to Oil Imperialism? [2016, 20 marks]
7. The Arab na onalism had a peculiar character. It stood for na on
independence for separate Arab States as well as for the unity of all Arabs irrespec ve of their state
boundaries.” – Examine. [2012, 30 marks]
8. “Arab na onalism and oil – these were the principal Factors in complica ng the rela ons of Middle Eastern
countries with the outside world.” Comment. [2009, 30 marks]
9. Discuss the aims of the establishment of the Arab League and assess it role in safeguarding the interests of
the Arab na ons. [2001, 60 marks]
10. Arab Na onalism and Oil- these were the principal factors complica ng the rela ons of the West Asian
countries with the outside world. Do you agree? [1993, 60 marks]
11. Trace the growth of Arab na onalism a er the First World War. How far was it a reac on to oil imperialism?
[1989, 60 marks]
12. “One of the last Strongholds – of oil imperialism and European colonialism it (Middle East) cul vates a fiery
na onalism as a weapon against foreign oppression.” Comment. [1987, 20 marks]
13. “Mohammad Ali combined ambi on with perspicacity to a greater degree than any other Oriental ruler of
the nineteenth century.” Comment. [1985, 20 marks]
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Under the Guidance of VIKAS AHLAWAT SIR
14. Iden fy the main strands in the Egyp an na onalist movement in the first half of the present century and
explain the role played in it by Zaghlul Pasha. [1983, 60 marks]
15. “Mehmet Ali, half an illiterate barbarian, half a consummate statesman, was wholly a genius.” Comment.
[1982, 20 marks]
16. “The period 1919 to 1945 is important in the history of Egypt for the exploita on of its resources by Great
Britain and rise of strong na onalism.” Discuss. [1980, 60 marks]
17. Why was the apartheid policy introduced in South Africa? What were its main features? [2022, 20marks]
18. The white-minority government of South Africa treated the
na ves very badly by denying them fundamental rights and made
Apartheid as official policy. How were the people able to end
Apartheid policy and establish a transi onal rule? [2021,10
19. Explain the features of Apartheid in South Africa. [2018, 10 marks]
20. “There must be an end to white monopoly on poli cal power, and
a fundamental restructuring of our poli cal and economic
systems to ensure that the inequali es of apartheid are addressed, and our society thoroughly
democra zed.” Discuss. [2013, 25 marks]
21. Give a brief account of the struggle against 'Apartheid' in South Africa. [2006, 60 marks]
South-East Asia
22. Do you feel that the Vietnamese fought the 20th century’s longest
and bloodiest war for their libera on and integra on of their
country? Analyse. [2022, 10 marks]
23. What happened to Malaya a er it was liberated from Japanese
occupa on in 1945? Discuss. [2022, 10 marks]
24. Trace the significant role played by Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam's
struggle for freedom. [2016, 10 marks]
25. Why did Vietnam go through thirty years of war a er the Second
World War? [2009, 30 marks]
26. How did the Japanese occupa on of South-East Asian countries during the Second World War give a boost
to na onalism in the regions? Explain with examples. [1990, 60 marks]
27. Iden fy the main strands in the Na onalist Movement in Indonesia between the two World Wars. How did
Japanese occupa on of land influence the course of the Movement? [1984, 60 marks]
28. “…. nascent na onalism in Indo-China developed within both an Asian and a European context with but
scanty reference in either case to tradi onalist considera ons.” Comment. [1982, 20 marks]
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Under the Guidance of VIKAS AHLAWAT SIR
La n America- Bolivar
1. How far did La n American countries overcome centuries of subjuga on and foreign interven on? [2022,
10 marks]
2. Cri cally examine whether it was true that a er a century of
dependency on Europeans, Africans were ill prepared for the task
of na on-building. [2020, 10 marks]
3. Explain why La n America was beset with chronic poli cal
instability and endemic military conflicts throughout most of the
19th century. [2019, 20 marks]
4. Discuss the factors constraining development of Africa a er
decoloniza on. [2018, 20 marks]
5. “Decoloniza on has finished. It definitely belongs to the past. Yet somehow it has refused to become
history.” Cri cally examine. [2013, 10 marks]
6. “The Capitalism which gave the European empires their apparent solidarity and permanence also
hastened their downfall.” Comment. [2009, 20 marks]
7. “The decoloniza on led to the break-up of empires.” Comment. [2001, 20 marks]
8. Write a cri cal note on the process of decoloniza on accelerated by the Second World War. [1988, 60
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Under the Guidance of VIKAS AHLAWAT SIR
Unifica on of Europe
I) Post War Founda ons: NATO and European Community
ii) Consolida on and Expansion of European Community
iii) European Union
1. Do you agree with the view that the forma on of NATO marked a revolu on in American a tude to the
world problems? [2019, 10 marks]
2. “Europe faced peace in 1945 poli cally disorganized and
economically crippled.” Elaborate. [2010, 30 marks]
3. “NATO in many ways symbolized the key role that the United
States had come to play in Europe.” Comment. [2007, 20 marks]
4. “The Brussels Treaty of 17 March 1948 paved the way for the
forma on of NATO.” Comment. [2003, 20 marks]
5. "The collapse of Berlin Wall on 9 November 1989 brought new meaning to the idea of coopera on in
Europe." Cri cally examine. [2017, 10 marks]
European Union
6. “The European Union, a diploma c marvel, con nues to grapple with intermi ent fissures arising out of
economic conten ous issues that pose a challenge to an effec ve integra on of the Union.” Cri cally
examine. [2015, 20 marks]
7. “Europe was eclipsed through European folly due to the two world
wars.” Elucidate. [2014, 20 Marks]
8. “The European union is the new sick man of Europe.” cri cally
evaluate. [2013, 25 marks]
9. Examine the challenges confronted by the proponents of
European unity a er the collapse of Soviet Empire in Eastern
Europe. [2011, 30 marks]
10. “The collapse of Berlin Wall in 1989 brought new ideas of co-opera on in Europe.” Cri cally evaluate.
[2011, 10 marks]
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Under the Guidance of VIKAS AHLAWAT SIR
1. Discuss, how the policies adopted by Mikhail Gorbachev were responsible for the disintegra on of the
USSR? [2022, 20 marks]
2. The impact of the end of the Cold War and the emergence of the
US as the lone superpower has been both good and bad. Discuss.
[2021,20 marks]
3. A new configura on of power emerged in world poli cs a er the
end of the cold war. Analyse how USA managed to become the sole
superpower. [2020, 20 marks]
4. Review the policy of Glasnost adopted by Gorbachev. [2018, 10
5. What factors contributed to the emergence of a unipolar world? [2016, 10 marks]
6. "By 1980s, the Communist System of Soviet Union was incapable of maintaining the country's role as a
Superpower." Substan ate. [2017, 20 marks]
7. In what way did the poli cal changes in Soviet Union influence the events in Eastern Europe during the
closing decades of the 20th Century? [2016, 20 marks]
8. “By the 1980s, the communist system of the Soviet Union was incapable of maintaining the country's role
as a superpower.” Elucidate. [2013, 25 marks]
9. “With the Cold War over and the Soviet Union gone, the face of
interna onal diplomacy has undergone a metamorphosis.”
Cri cally examine. [2012, 10 marks]
10. “The essence of Prestroika is for people to feel they are country's
master.” —Gorbachev. Cri cally evaluate. [2010, 10 marks]
11. Account for the factors that brought about the end of the Cold War.
[2008, 60 marks]
12. “By the 1980s, the Communist system of the Soviet Union was
incapable of maintaining the country's role as a Superpower.”
Explain this statement. [2007, 60 marks]
13. Analyse the factors for the collapse of Soviet Communism and Soviet Union during 1985-1991. [2004, 60
14. Analyze the factors leading to the end of the Cold war and account for the U.S. ascendancy in the world.
[2003, 60 marks]
15. Discuss the main factors leading to the collapse of the Soviet Union. [2002, 60 marks]
16. Assess the significance of the poli cal developments that took place in Eastern Europe during 1989- 2001.
[2008, 60 marks]
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