3.05 Fall Protection Plan
3.05 Fall Protection Plan
3.05 Fall Protection Plan
PROCEDURE REV 01 / 15-07-24
1. Each contract to review the fall protection plan and to amend the plan according to the 7. Safety Belts (chain or rope) are only used to prevent workers from going near
requirements on the contract. drop off edges and are not recognised as a fall arrest system.
2. Each contract to indicate whether the SITE ACTIVITY is relevant to that contract or 8. A Safety Harness must have a double lanyard with a shock absorber attached.
not ( tick YES or NO block). 9. Fall protection PPE must be attached to a secure structure, if this is not
3. A fall protection supervisor is to be appointed on each project (refer to duties on the possible then a secured lifeline is to be installed.
appointment form). 10. All fall protection PPE must be inspected monthly onto a register by the
4. The fall protection plan must be implemented and must be made available to inspectors appointed person.
on request. 11. All workers issued with fall protection PPE must undergo training in the
5. All workers working in elevated positions must be medically and psychologically fit to correct use of such PPE.
work. 12. Workers receiving PPE must sign for the equipment along with signing
6. Workers will not be allowed to work in any elevated positions during inclement acknowledgement of the training and risk assessments.
weather conditions. 13. Contractors conducting work in elevated positions must provide a suitable
fall protection plan, risk assessment and proof of training of their workers.
YES NO EXCAVATIONS General open 1. Demarcation with wire and danger tape (zigzag). 1. Area work supervisor. 1. Items to be covered
<1m excavations found 2. General warning signs to be placed in prominent 2. Area work supervisor. in general induction
on site which areas. with all employees.
may result in 3. Excavations in public areas must have a physical 3. Area work supervisor.
workers or the barrier of 1m high, warning signs and warning
public falling into. lights at night.
4. Excavations to be inspected daily onto a register 4. Area work supervisor.
by appointed supervisor.
YES NO EXCAVATIONS Deep open 1. Demarcation with wire and danger tape (zigzag). 1. Area work supervisor. 1. Items to be covered
>1m excavations found 2. General warning signs to be placed in prominent in general induction.
on site which areas. 2. Area work supervisor. 2. Items contained in
may result in 3. Excavations in public areas must have a physical the risk assessment
workers or the barrier of 1m high, warning signs and warning 3. Area work supervisor. to be addressed with
public falling into. lights at night. relevant workers.
4. Excavations to be inspected daily onto a register 4. Area work supervisor.
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by appointed supervisor.
5. Risk assessment on deep excavations to be 5. Area work supervisor.
adhered too.
YES NO WORK AREAS Possible tripping 1. Maintain good housekeeping principles at all 1. Area work supervisor. 1. Items to be covered
and falling onto times. in general induction.
the same level in 2. Stacking of material to be controlled in 2. Area work supervisor.
work areas. demarcated areas.
3. Excess material on site to be continually 3. Area work supervisor.
4. Building rubble to be continually removed. 4. Area work supervisor.
5. Housekeeping along with stacking to be 5. Area work supervisor.
monitored daily by all area supervisors.
YES NO OPEN HOLES Open manholes, 1. Demarcation with wire and danger tape (zigzag). 1. Area work supervisor. 1. Items to be covered
duct openings and 2. General warning signs to be placed in prominent 2. Area work supervisor. in general induction
other open holes areas. with all employees.
where workers 3. Open holes in public areas must have a physical 3. Area work supervisor.
may fall through. barrier of 1m high, warning signs and warning
lights at night.
4. Where barricades are not possible then open 4. Area work supervisor.
holes must be covered with a cover plate or
board which must be secured and able to take the
weight of 200kg.
YES NO STAIRCASES This refers to 1. Staircases with 3 or more landings must have 1. Area work supervisor. 1. Items to be covered
temporary and handrails on both sides. in general induction
permanent 2. Staircases must have secure and safe landings 2. Area work supervisor. with all employees.
staircases found where workers can rest.
on site where 3. Temporary staircases must be erected according 3. Area work supervisor.
workers may trip to manufacturing specifications and must be
and fall. suitable for the task at hand.
4. Workers may not carry material up or down 4. Area work supervisor.
single route temporary staircases (only small
5. The sides of temporary staircases must be 5. Area work supervisor.
sufficiently closed off to prevent workers and
material falling though.
YES NO LIFT SHAFTS Lift shafts remain 1. All lift shaft openings must be have a physical 1. Area work supervisor. 2. Items to be covered
open during the barrier across the opening and at two levels – in general induction
construction 500mm and 1000mm (not danger tape alone) with all employees.
phase posing 2. Barriers across the openings must be sufficiently 2. Area work supervisor.
various risks of secured and strong enough to prevent a person
falls of both falling through.
workers and 3. Contractors working in the shafts must be 3. Area work supervisor.
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YES NO ACCESS Access 1. Working areas to be fully boarded creating a safe 1. Area work supervisor. 1. Items to be covered
SCAFFOLDING scaffolding platform which is secured to the scaffold in general induction.
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YES NO SUSPENDED Work carried out 1. Suspended scaffold must comply to legal 1. Area work supervisor. 1. Items to be covered
PLATFORMS in platforms requirements. in general induction.
suspended from 2. Suspended scaffold must be erected and 2. Area work supervisor. 2. Items contained in
roofing sections dismantled according to manufactures and legal the risk assessment
or lifting requirements. to be addressed with
machinery. 3. Suspended scaffold must only be utilised by 3. Area work supervisor. relevant workers.
trained workers. 3. Workers to be
4. Suspended scaffold must be utilised in 4. Area work supervisor. trained in the safe
accordance with the manufacturers specification. use of the system
5. Workers must have a full body harness (double 5. Area work supervisor. along with the
lanyard with shock absorber) attached to the emergency plan.
platform structure.
6. Workers may not climb out of the platform 6. Area work supervisor.
unless there is a safe structure to exit onto.
7. Suspended scaffold to be inspected daily onto a 7. Area work supervisor.
register by the appointed person.
YES NO RAISED Work carried out 1. Raised platforms must comply to legal 1. Area work supervisor. 1. Items to be covered
PLATFORMS in platforms requirements. in general induction.
which are raised 2. Raised platforms must be erected and dismantled 2. Area work supervisor. 2. Items contained in
mechanically. according to manufactures and legal the risk assessment
requirements. to be addressed with
3. Raised platforms must only be utilised by trained 3. Area work supervisor. relevant workers.
workers. 3. Workers to be
4. Raised platforms must be utilised in accordance 4. Area work supervisor. trained in the safe
with the manufacturers specification. use of the system
5. Workers may not climb out of the platform 5. Area work supervisor. along with the
unless there is a safe structure to exit onto. emergency plan.
6. Raised platform to be inspected daily onto a 6. Area work supervisor.
register by the appointed person.
YES NO PLANT Plant items such 1. All walkways must be full boarded to ensure no 1. Area work supervisor. 1. Items to be covered
STRUCTURES as concrete openings. in general induction.
batching plants, 2. All walkways and working areas must have 2. Area work supervisor. 2. Items contained in
silos, tower cranes secured handrails all around. the risk assessment
and large 3. Staircases must have handrails on both sides. 3. Area work supervisor. to be addressed with
earthmoving 4. Fixed ladders longer than 5m must have a cage 4. Area work supervisor. relevant workers.
machinery. all around.
5. Extensive fixed ladders must have resting 5. Area work supervisor.
platforms for operators with handrails around.
6. When maintenance is required outside safe 6. Area work supervisor.
platforms then workers must have a full body
harness (double lanyard with shock absorber)
attached to a secure structure or system, to
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S.H.E SECT 3.05
PROCEDURE REV 01 / 15-07-24