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Risk Assessment

Mining is a hazardous operation and consists of considerable environmental, health and safety risk to
miners. Safety risk assessment is the systematic identification of potential hazards in workplace as a first step to
controlling the possible risk involved. Unsafe conditions in mines lead to a number of accidents and cause loss
and injury to human lives, damage to property, interruption in production etc.

The mining activities, fire, water inundation, electrical shock, natural disasters etc., are the risk
associated with mining operations.

Objectives of risk Assessment –

 Identifying the hazardous activities due to Mining.
 Assessment of intensity of risk level and its severity in different phase of mining operations
 Identification and implementation of control measures
 Formulating monitoring process
 Reduce the impact of disasters of all kinds
 Reduce the characteristic potential for major and minor accidents.
Risk Analysis:
A systematic use of available information to determine how often specified events may occur and the
magnitude of their likely consequences.
Risk Assessment:
The process used to determine risk management priorities by evaluating and comparing the level of risk
against predetermined standards, target risk levels or other criteria.
Risk Treatment:
Selection and implementation of appropriate options for dealing with risk

Types of Hazard Identification And Risk Analysis –

There are three types of hazard identification and risk assessments:
 Baseline Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis;
 Issue-based Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis; and
 Continuous Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis.
They are all inter-related and form an integral part of a management system. A brief description of each of the
three types of Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis is given below:

Baseline Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis –

The purpose of conducting a baseline HIRA is to establish a risk profile or setoff risk profiles. It is used to
prioritize action programmes for issue-based risk assessments.
Issue-based Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis –
The purpose of conducting an issue-based HIRA is to conduct a detailed assessment study that will result in the
development of action plans for the treatment of significant risk.
Continuous Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis –
The purpose of conducting continuous Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis is to:
 Identify Operational health and safety hazards with the purpose of immediately treating significant
 Gather information to feed back to issue-based Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis
 Gather information to feed back to baseline Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis.

Steps of risk assessment procedure are as given below –

Step 1: Identify Step 2: Assess

the Hazard the Risks

Step 3:
Step 5:
Evaluate the
Monitor and

Step 4:
Risk Controls

Accidents in mines and their Analysis –

The major risk due to different mining operations and their prevention and control are as tabulated below:
Table 7.4: Hazards in Different Operations and Precautions
Sl.No. Operations Hazard Control Measures

1. Surveying  Fall from heights. By the use of good properly constructed scaffolds
 Thrown from overturning and reflector jackets which can be easily identified
vehicle. from long distance.
2. Clearance  Struck on the haul roads Can be avoided by using trained workers with
during collection of reflector jackets and PPE.
spillages of mineral and
3. Laying out  Hazard during rehabilitation Roadways on level ground will involve fewer
of existing haul roads. hazards than on inclined terrain.
 Individual struck by Avoid driving at the edge of roadway during
moving vehicle. maintenance period.
Heavy earth moving equipment and vehicle drivers
and those giving signals should be well trained.
4. Drilling  Falling from the edge of a Part of training should include instructions to face
bench. towards the open edge of the bench so any
 Due to high pressure air inadvertent backward step is away from the edge.
hoses may burst. Periodical maintenance and replacement of worn
 Jack hammer rods may get out accessories in the compressor and drilling
broken due to low quality. machines.
 Inhalation of dust created Using branded drill rods and accessories
recommended by the Director General, DGMS
during drilling operation. Use water during the drilling operations.
 Noise Providing a ventilation system on drilling rig with
 Entrapment of being struck dust filter to remove dust.
by a moving and revolving Provision of goggles, ear plugs and ear muff during
part of the drill equipment. drilling as approved director general of Mines
5. Blasting  Poorly designed shots can Safety can be ensured by planning for round of
result in misfires early shots to ensure face properly surveyed, holes
ignition and flying rock. correctly drilled, direction logged, the weight of
 Ground vibration due explosion for good fragmentation.
improper charging of Blast design, charge and fire around of explosives
explosives. should be carried out by trained blasters.
Milli second delay detonators to be used to prevent
vibrations and fly rocks.
6. Face Stability  Rock Fall or Slide Regular examination of face must be done and
remedial measures must be taken to make it safe if
there is any doubt that a collapse could take place.
Working should be advanced in a direction taken
into account the geology such that face and quarry
side remain stable.
7. Loading  Rock falling on the driver. Operator cabin should be of suitable strength
 Machinery toppling over toprotect he driver in event of rock fall.
due to uneven ground. Ensure that loaders are positioned sufficiently
 Failure of hydraulic system. away from face edges.
 Fires Operator shall not operate the machine when
 Fall while gaining access to person & vehicles are in such proximity.
operating cabin. Shall not swing the bucket over the cab and
operator leaves the machine after ensuring the
bucket is on ground.
Shall not allow any unauthorized person to operate
and maintain the excavator.
Induction training specified by the excavators
manufacturers will be provided
8. Transporting  Brake failure Visibility defects can be eliminated by the use of
 Lack of all-around visibility visibility aids such as closed circuit television and
from driver position suitable mirrors.
 Vehicle movements Edge protection is necessary to prevent inadvertent
particularly while reversing movement.
 Rollover Seatbelt to protect driver in event of vehicle
 Vibrations rollover.
 Noise Good maintenance and regular testing necessary to
reduce possibility of brake failure.
 Dust and maintenance
9. Mineral  Dust Use of 2 pound hammers to sort out the minerals.
sorting  Mineral particles into the Provide goggles, gloves and helmets to the workers
eye during sorting during sorting.
 During sorting scratches Personal protective equipment like dust masks, ear
may happen to the hands. plugs and other PPE will be provided to the
 Fall of mineral into head. workers to prevent from other minor injuries
during sorting.

10 Water  Rush of storm water duringSentry will be posted on the periphery of working
inundation heavy rainy season. spots to guards such eventualities
During heavy storm water siren will be given to the
workers to evacuate the work place.
Reworking will be carried out only after the
permission given by the statutory person.
11. Natural  Unexpected mishaps The management of mines is trained of handling
calamities the situation in case of such eventualities.
Source: Onsite monitoring and Proposed by FAE’s & EIA Coordinator
Disaster Management Plan
The main objective of disaster management plan is to restore the normal conditions for early
resumption of mining operation due to unexpected eventualities, which may lead to serious disaster to the man
and machineries working in the mine.

For effective implementation of the disaster management plan, it should be widely circulated and
personnel training through rehearsals/drills. The objective of the disaster management plan is to make use of the
combined resources of the mine and the outside services to achieve the following:

 Effect the rescue and medical treatment of casualties;

 Safeguard other people;
 Minimize damage to property and the environment;
 Initially contain and ultimately bring the incident under control;
 Identify any demise;
 Provide for the needs of relatives;
 Provide authoritative information to the news media;
 Secure the safe rehabilitation of affected area; and
 Preserve relevant records and equipment for the subsequent inquiry into the cause and circumstances of
the emergency.
In effect, it is to optimize operational efficiency to rescue rehabilitation and render medical help and to
restore normalcy


It is recommended to setup an emergency organization. A senior executive (mine manager) who has
control over the affairs of the mine would be heading the emergency organization. He would be designated as
site controller. As per the general organization chart, in the mines, the mines manager would be designated as
the Incident Controller (IC). The incident controller would be reporting to the site controller. Each incident
controller, for him-self, organizes a team responsible for controlling the incidence with the personnel under his
control. Shift In-charge would be the reporting officer, who would bring the incidence to the notice of the
incidence controller and site controller.

Emergency coordinator’s would be appointed who would undertake the responsibilities like
firefighting, rescue, rehabilitation, transport and provide essential and support services. For this purposes,
Security in-charge, personnel department, essential services personnel would be engaged. All these personnel
would be designated as key personnel.

In each shift, electrical supervisor, electrical fitters, pump house in-charge and other maintenance staff
would be drafted for emergency operations. In the event of power or communication system failure, some of
staff members in the mine offices would be drafted and their services would be utilized as messengers for quick
passing of communications. All these personnel would be declared as essential personnel.
Whoever notices an emergency situation such as fire, growth of fire etc. would inform his immediate
superior and Emergency Control Center (ECC). The person on duty in the emergency control center would
appraise the site controller. Site Controller verifies the situation from the incident controller of that area or the
Shift In-charge and takes a decision about an impending on site emergency. This would be communicated to the
entire incident controllers, emergency coordinator’s. Simultaneously, the emergency warning system would be
activated on the instructions of the site controller.

The responsibilities of the key personnel are appended below:
Site Controller –
On receiving information about emergency he would rush to emergency control center and take charge of ECC
and the situations which all are given below:
 Assesses the magnitude of the situation on the advice of incident controller and decides;
 Whether the affected area needs to be evacuated partially or completely;
 Whether personnel who are at assembly points need to be evacuated;
 Declares Emergency and orders for operation of emergency siren;
 Organizes announcement by public address system about location of emergency;
 Assesses which areas are likely to be affected, or need to be evacuated or are to be alerted;
 Maintains a continuous review of possible development and assesses the situation in consultation with
Incident Controller and other Key Personnel as to whether shutting the mine operation required and if
evacuation of persons is required;
 Directs personnel for Rescue, rehabilitation, transport, fire, brigade, medical and other designated
mutual support systems locally available, for meeting emergencies;
 Controls evacuation of affected areas, if the situation is likely to go out of control or effects are likely
to go beyond the mine boundary, informs to the local community, District Emergency Authority,
Police, Hospital and seeks their intervention and help;
 Informs the statutory authorities;
 Providing a public statement in the local media if necessary;
 Keeps record of chronological events and prepares an investigation report and preserves evidence; and
 On completion of On Site Emergency and restoration of normalcy, declares all clear and orders for all
clear warning.
Emergency Coordinator – Rescue, Fire Fighting
 On knowing about emergency, rushes to ECC;
 Helps the incident Controller in containment of the emergency;
 Ensure fire pumps in operating conditions and instructs pump house operator to ready for any
emergency with standby arrangement;
 Guides the firefighting crew i.e. firemen, trained mine personnel and security staff;
 Organizes shifting the firefighting facilities to the emergency site, if required;
 Takes guidance of the Incident Controller for firefighting as well as assesses the requirements of
outside help;
 Arranges to prevent the traffic at the incident area;
 Directs the security staff to the incident site to take part in the emergency operations under his guidance
and supervision;
 Evacuates the people in the mine or in the nearby areas as advised by Site Controller;
 Searches for casualties and arranges proper aid for them;
 Assembles search and evacuation team;
 Arranges for safety equipment for the members of this team;
 Decides which paths the evacuated workers should follow; and
 Maintains law and order in the area, and if necessary seeks the help of police.
During an emergency, it becomes more enhanced and pronounced when an emergency warning is
raised, the workers in-charge, should adopt safe and emergency shut down and attend any prescribed duty as
essential employee. If no such responsibility is assigned, he should adopt a safe course to assembly point and
await instructions. He should not resort to spread panic. On the other hand, he must assist emergency personnel
towards objectives of Disaster Management Plan.

Emergency Control Center (ECC): The Mine Office Block is identified as Emergency Control Center. It would
have external Telephone, Mobiles, internet facility. All the Site Controller/ Incident Controller Officers, Senior
Personnel would be located here. Also, it would be an elevated place.

The following information and equipment are to be provided at the Emergency Control Center (ECC):
 Walkie talkies, mobile phones, internet data cards;
 Safe contained breathing apparatus;
 Fire suit/gas tight goggles/gloves/helmets;
 Evacuation layout site plan;
 Plan indicating locations of hazard inventories, sources of safety equipment, work road plan, assembly
points, rescue location vulnerable zones, escape routes;
 Duties of key personnel;
 Address with telephone and mobile numbers and key personnel, emergency coordinator, essential
employees; and
 Important address and telephone numbers including Government agencies, neighboring industries and
sources of help, outside experts, population details around the Mine.
Assembly Point –
Number of assembly depending upon the mine location would be identified wherein employees who are not
directly connected with the disaster management would be assembled for safety and rescue. Emergency
breathing apparatus, minimum facilities like water etc. would be organized. In view of the size of mine, different
locations should be ear marked as assembly points. Depending upon the location of hazard, the assembly points
are to be used.
Ambulance –
An ambulance with driver availability in all the shifts, emergency shift vehicle would be ensured and maintained
to transport injured or affected persons. Number of persons would be trained in first aid so that, in every shift
first aid personnel would be available.

Mock Drills –
Emergency preparedness is an important aspect of planning in Disaster Management. Personnel would
be trained suitably and prepared mentally and physically in emergency response through carefully planned,
simulated procedures. Similarly, the key personnel and essential personnel should be trained in the operations.

Important Information –
Important information such names and addresses of key personnel, essential employees, medical
personnel, transporters address, address of those connected with Off Site Emergency such as Police, Local
Authorities, Fire Services, District Emergency Authority is as tabulated below.

Table 7.5: Proposed Disaster Management Team

S.No Name Designation Qualification Experience Mobile Address
1 D. Rajakumar, Mines Agent/ A.M.I.E 35 94427 00715 Thathengarpatti (Po),
(Team Leader ) Manager (Mines) (Mining) FMR Karuppur (Via), Omalur TK,
Salem – 636 012
2 Dr.Elangovan, Medical Officer M.B.B.S. 40 94427 00732 Thathengarpatti (Po),
(Medical Head) Karuppur (Via), Omalur TK,
Salem – 636 012
3 M.Madheswaran, Manager B.E(Chemical), 25 94427 00714 Thathengarpatti (Po),
Team Member (Materials)/ FM MBA Karuppur (Via), Omalur TK,
(RKD)/FM(SK)D Salem – 636 012
4 S.Perumal, Asst.Manager Diploma(Minin 25 94427 00721 Thathengarpatti (Po),
Team Member (Mines), g), S.M.R Karuppur (Via), Omalur TK,
Salem – 636 012
5 V.Ramesh Mining Engineer/ B.E. Mining 15 94427 00734 Thathengarpatti (Po),
Team Member Asst Karuppur (Via), Omalur TK,
Manager(Mines) Salem – 636 012
6 P.Manickam Foreman(Mines) 10th with 30 94427 00719 Thathengarpatti (Po),
Team Member Foreman Karuppur (Via), Omalur TK,
Competency Salem – 636 012
issued by
7 K.Balasubramani Security Sergeant 20 94427 00741 Thathengarpatti (Po),
Team Member I/c Karuppur (Via), Omalur TK,
Salem – 636 012
8 Meganathan Electrician I.T.I, Electrician 24 63808 99936 Thathengarpatti (Po),
Team Member Karuppur (Via), Omalur TK,
Salem – 636 012
9 C.Krishnamoorth Junior Foreman Diploma 25 9486407643 Thathengarpatti (Po),
yTeam Member (EME) (Mechanical) Karuppur (Via), Omalur TK,
Salem – 636 012
10 M.Periasamy Mining Mate 10th with Mate 20 94424 85568 Thathengarpatti (Po),
Team Member First aid certificate Competency Karuppur (Via), Omalur TK,
holder certificate Salem – 636 012
issued by
11 C.Subramani Blaster 7th with 25 94425 55381 Thathengarpatti (Po),
Team Member First aid certificate Blaster’s Karuppur (Via), Omalur TK,
holder Competency Salem – 636 012
issued by

12 N.Parisithu Blaster 7th with 26 94429 27097 Thathengarpatti (Po),

Team Member Blaster’s
First aid certificate Karuppur (Via), Omalur TK,
holder Competency Salem – 636 012
issued by
Source: Data provided by Manager Mines, TANMAG

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