Purebox Rowpu-Fx 2017
Purebox Rowpu-Fx 2017
Purebox Rowpu-Fx 2017
PU-FX offers state-of-the-art membrane technolo- FX. By utilizing high rejection thin film composite
gy to provide treated water of the highest quality. A membrane elements, the ROWPU-FX is capable of
unique ceramic microfilter precedes the RO compo- removing a vast number of contaminants from the
nent of the system to prevent colloidal fouling of the feed water. This includes salinity, heavy metals,
RO membrane. arsenic, organic compounds, not to mention viruses
Dependable — The simple construction coupled and bacteria.
with the high quality components used in the ROW- Disinfection — The ROWPU-FX is equipped with
PU-FX result in a water treatment system that is not an ultraviolet (UV) unit to further disinfect the RO
only effective but also highly dependable, even in permeate.
the most demanding conditions.
PureBoxTM ROWPU-FX Specifications
The RODI Systems PureBoxTM ROWPU-FX sys- Membrane Technology — The PureBoxTM ROWPU-
tems incorporate a number of specifications which FX utilizes ceramic membrane microfiltration fol-
make them a high quality choice for your water pu- lowed by spiral wound, thin film composite RO
rification application. membrane. This allows the ROWPU-FX to operate
from virtually any natural surface water source in-
Container — The system is totally self-contained
cluding highly turbid sources that would quickly
inside a heavy-duty steel frame or seaworthy inter- overwhelm conventional systems. The integrated
modal shipping container. Installation is easy and membrane system results in high quality permeate
consists of unloading the container and making the with only a single pass, low operating pressures,
necessary piping and electrical and a long service life with minimal RO
connections. membrane fouling.
Construction — The PureBoxTM ROW- High Pressure Pump — The PureBoxTM
PUs are constructed of new, industri- ROWPU utilizes Wanner Hydra-Cell
al quality materials. Piping, vessels, pumps. These pumps are chosen for
and other system components are their efficiency, dependability, and com-
supported inside the container with pact size. These pumps are extremely
fiberglass structural members. durable and can even run dry with no
Piping — All low pressure piping is damage to the pump.
Schedule 80 PVC or other non- Electrical — All electrical construction is
metallic materials. High pressure done to recognized standards. Rigid or
piping utilizes 316 stainless steel. flexible PVC conduit and PVC junction
Welded joints are used wherever boxes are used to prevent corrosion.
possible and threaded joints are avoided as much Only NEMA 4X non-metallic enclosures are used.
as possible to prevent leaks. All valves and fittings All electrical systems are thoroughly tested before
are of industrial quality. the treatment system is shipped.
Pressure Vessels — Membrane pressure vessels Documentation — All systems are provided with a
are filament wound using fiberglass roving and complete set of documentation which includes com-
sealed with an epoxy resin. This results in a corro- ponent O&M manuals and wiring diagrams.
sion-proof vessel that will last for years with little or
no maintenance.
Heavy Duty
Steel Frame 4’ 6” x 3’ Six 2.5” x 40”
1,500 @
3.5 gpm Service with Remova- x 4’ 65 ft2 Elements in 4 kW
10 GFD
ble Side Pan- 350 lbs Series
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
Actual capacity may vary with feed water quality and temperature.
PureBoxTM ROWPU Options
The RODI Systems PureBoxTM ROWPU water Trailer Mounting — With this option, the container
treatment systems are available with a number of housing the ROWPU is mounted on a heavy duty
options. This allows clients to customize a system trailer. The trailer is equipped with ISO locks at
to fit their particular water treatment application. each corner to lock the ROWPU container to the
trailer forming an integral mobile treatment system.
Integral Generator —
The system can be Carbon Adsorption Post-treatment —
equipped with an inte- In applications where taste, odor, or
gral diesel genset. This trace organic contaminants might be
option also includes an present, the ROWPU can be
integral fuel tank for equipped with a carbon adsorption
extended operation. polishing filter.
The genset is capable
of operating the entire Climate Control — The container
treatment system in housing the system can be equipped
addition to providing with approximately 2 inches of solid
auxiliary power for other foam insulation covered with rigid
uses related to the site. waterproof plastic. The container may also be
equipped with an electric heater.
Hypochlorite Injection — A chemi-
cal injection system can be provid- Operator Training — Training is available at RODI’s
ed to inject sodium hypochlorite facility for those individuals responsible for operat-
(bleach) into the RO permeate to ing and maintaining the PureBoxTM systems. Train-
insure disinfection of the stored ing and technical support are also available on-site
permeate. The hypochlorite injec- for most locations.
tion system includes an injection Remote Monitoring — This option al-
pump and chemical day tank. lows the system to be monitored re-
motely via the GSM cellular phone
PureBoxTM ROWPU-FX Basic System Diagram
The basic version of the RODI Systems PureBoxTM ROWPU-FX is illustrated in the diagram below. NOTE: This diagram is for general information only.
Certain components on the actual system will vary depending upon system size and selected options. Refer to the system proposal or quotation for spe-
cific information on a given system configuration.
Pressure Tank
UV Unit
Actuated Components
in the System Reject
Filtrate/RO Pump
RO Pressure Vessel
Differential Conductivity
Pressure Switch Sensor Relief Valve
Electrically Actuated
Two-Way Valve Pressure Switch Flow Control Valve