Botswana International University of Science & Technology
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences
End of Semester Two Examination 2021/2022 : Main Exam
"The following items are provided:
Course or Module Code: MATH 211
Course or Module Title: Applied Calculus
Date of Examination: Monday, 27% June 2022
‘Time of Examination: O90Ghrs to 1130brs (2 Hours 30 minutes)
One Test Paper (4 printed pages in total including the over page)
Aner Bocket(s)
Candidates are permitted to bring into the examination room:
‘A non-programmabe scent cleulator
Pens and Pencils
"The paper consists of eight (8) questions
‘Candidates must answer ALL questions. Total Marks: 100
‘Show all necessary steps for your solutions.
«All answers must be witzn in the answer booklets) provide.
« All ough work must be writen in the answer booklet(s) provided,
‘Aline shouldbe draws throug any rough work to indicate to the exaniner that its mot
part of the work to be grad,
‘Black or blue pon caly must bo used for written answers and pond forall drawings
and sketches,
4 Basure you have the crt aumber of pages on your examination question paper
1Question 4
A radioactive sutstaner produced ftom a smelting factory, settles on Yogtation extn by
livestock that graze in th vilnity of the factory. ‘The nidioctive sulatance securnlats fu
the bloodstccam of tho annals after asimilesion. Let Jy be the initial amount of substance
‘optited on tho vgutason that will be consumed by a single eaisal, and p Ube amount of
radioactive substance In the Lleod afte days. I is noted that psutton the equation
apt Kone, ay A 0,
whee ay and ag are postive constants,
(o} Use the integrating factor method to solve the above direatal equa, (6 mh
(0) If thee is no radioactive substance n the ton initially, show that (4 mks
Lr (gent _ coo
Question 5
‘The hal ife ofa radonctive clement is 2,000 yews, What percentage of is orginal
‘assis eft after 10,000 years? {8 mart]
Question 6
‘Given that forced motion of @ body is describe by the equation
4B hate,
eiceino the yoncral soliton of the ODE, [M0 mrs]