Replacing A Lost, Stolen or Damaged Licence - SAAQ
Replacing A Lost, Stolen or Damaged Licence - SAAQ
Replacing A Lost, Stolen or Damaged Licence - SAAQ
Here is the procedure to replace a lost, stolen or damaged driver's licence and the steps to take
if you are a victim of identity theft.
1 Your answers
You are outside Québec and your licence was lost, stolen or damaged
2 You are outside Québec and your licence was lost, stolen or damaged
If you believe you have been the victim of identity theft, you must file a police report and notify the
SAAQ as soon as possible. To find out the steps to follow in the event of identity theft, go to the To
Reach Us (/en/reach-us) web page and click on "Identity theft".
• The photo and the signature in your file must meet certain criteria in order to be reused for
your new licence. Otherwise, you will not be able to use this online service and will have to
apply for a replacement licence by mail or fax.
• You will have to print a copy of your provisional licence and keep it with you until you receive
your official licence in the mail.
By mail or by fax
If payment is not enclosed with your request, we will open an account to which we will charge the
required licence replacement fees (/en/saaq/rates-fines/drivers-licence/fees-issuing).
By mail
Service aux particuliers Division du traitement des avis, du permis de conduire et de
l’immatriculation Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec Case postale 19600, succursale
Terminus Québec (Québec) G1K 8J6
By fax
• Québec area: 418-644-1497
• Elsewhere (Québec, Canada, United States), toll-free: 1-855-465-7227
If you are eligible, you will receive a licence bearing the photo and signature found in your file. This
licence will remain valid until your plastic licence (the actual card) has to be replaced.
If you are not eligible, you will receive a licence without a photo or signature that will be valid for up
to 12 months, that is, until your next licence renewal. A licence without photo or signature is a
special measure that allows you to drive until you return to Québec. When you return to Québec,
you will have to replace this licence.
Go to one of our service outlets (/en/find-service-outlet) to obtain a driver's licence with photo and