다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? 다음 글에 드러난 checkout lady의 심경 변화로 가 장 적절한 것은?
다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? 다음 글에 드러난 checkout lady의 심경 변화로 가 장 적절한 것은?
다음 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? 다음 글에 드러난 checkout lady의 심경 변화로 가 장 적절한 것은?
영어 영역
2 고1
은? *barbarianism: 야만, 미개
Unhappy people tend to share some common **concentration camp: 강제 수용소
habits, including being judgmental, complaining about
People from cultivated backgrounds frequently judge
everything, and always assuming the worst. But as
art with a double standard.
the great American broadcaster Hugh Downs once
said, “A happy person is not a person in a certain The art should advocate for those who challenges
set of circumstances, but rather a person with a the present.
certain set of attitudes.” In other words, the best way Acting honestly should go hand in hand with
to find happiness is to make positive changes in your enjoying art.
own life. If you can learn to substitute your negative One's moral sense and social abilities can be
thoughts and emotions for positive ones and enjoy enhanced through the arts.
the things you have, you can be truly happy. Of
The art is just a cover for cruelty when we are only
course, life isn’t easy, but you have to try to look at
interested in what we read and hear.
the bright side of everything and to laugh and smile
as often as you can. You are the only person with
the power to change your life.
고1 3
6. zb6 ) 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? 7. z b7 ) 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
The fruit of the mango tree has been appreciated While she was alive, Mexican painter Frida Kahlo
by the people of India for about 3,000 years. We was primarily recognized as the wife of Diego Rivera,
know this to be the case because their beliefs about the famous muralist. But ever since her death,
the symbolic meanings of this fruit were recorded in Kahlo’s influence and popularity have increased, and
important ancient texts. Throughout parts of India, today she is quite famous in her own right. She
the mango is considered to represent many positive painted a number of unique self-portraits in the
things, including good luck, fertility, love, and wealth. 1930s and 40s, and these are widely sought by
Its leaves are used for decoration during wedding collectors. In fact, in 1990, Kahlo became the first
ceremonies, as they are said to ensure that new Mexican artist to have a painting sell for more than
couples will have lots of children. Additionally, as a $1 million at an auction. Though her best-known
testament to the fruit’s cultural significance, works revolve around self-exploration, many of
references to the mango can be seen in Indian art, Kahlo’s paintings deal with the political and social
design, poetry, and architecture. history of Mexico as well. Because of this, the
Mexican government listed her work as a national
references to the mango in Indian history
treasure in 1985.
nutritional benefits of eating mango everyday
* muralist: 벽화가
the significance of the mango in Indian culture
the purpose of growing the mango tree in India Famous After Death, Frida Kahlo
reasons for using the mango during ceremonies Surrealism in Kahlo’s Self-portraits
Kahlo’s Personal Life As the Wife of Rivera
How Frida Kahlo Became a Political Scapegoat
Why Mexicans Love Frida Kahlo And Her Paintings
4 고1
고1 5
zb1 0) CYCLING OPEN DAY에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용 11.
z b1 1) Training Romba에 관한 다음 안내문의 내용과 일
과 일치하지 않는 것은? 치하지 않는 것은?
NSW Cycle Club is hosting an open day for cyclists Romba is an interactive dog with multiple sensors,
of all abilities including beginners to learn more on allowing him to behave just like a real pet.
topics essential for improving their cycling
experience. LISTENING MODE
The Open Day will feature the following workshops: 1. Before giving Romba a command, push down on
his head and wait until the ‘?’ icon appears in
* 10:30 am to 11:30 am - First Aid Tips his eyes and stands still.
* 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm - Nutritional Advice
2. If Romba displays an ‘X’ in his eyes, he did not
for Pre and Post Cycle
understand the command, so repeat your
* 2:30 pm to 3:00 pm - How to Fix Wheels
6 고1
Paper money in India comes in several different Let’s be clear about one thing : it’s convenient to
values, from five rupees to 2,000 rupees. Now, keep north consistently at the top of a map: you
however, there is a new bill available: the zero-rupee don’t have to check the compass symbol printed on
note. Although it is not legally currency, this bill the map every time. But north doesn’t have to be
was created in 2007 by a nonprofit organization to given pride of place. In some earlier centuries east
help fight corruption. In India, bribery is got top billing, and our continuing use of terms like
recognized as a pervasive problem. Government “let’s get oriented” reflects that practice. (“Orient”
officials often refuse to provide free services unless refers to east; get east right and everything else falls
they are given money first. Therefore, these bills into place.) One of Mercator’s own maps — of the
were created to be used by people who have been British Isles — has west uppermost. South has often
asked to pay a bribe. The zero rupee notes have been set at the top; that practice is sometimes still
various phrases written on them such as followed by organizations that cater to motorists,
“Eliminate corruption at all levels.” The goal is to including the American and Canadian Automobile
shame government officials who accept bribes and to Associations. So even for drivers heading to Florida,
let them know that there are groups who are south may be “on top.” Some software allows you to
fighting this type of dishonest behavior. print strip maps either “up” or “down” — whatever
“feels” right, based on the direction you are going
* rupee: 루피(인도의 화폐 단위)
in. All of this points to a fundamental fact: what
goes “up” _______________________________.
***cartographic: 지도 제작(상)의
고1 7
zb1 5) 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 17. z b1 7) 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이
적절하지 않은 것은?
A team of researchers asked two groups of
participants to fill out a questionnaire with a pen When it comes time to build a nest, a female eagle
held in their mouth in one of two different positions. often starts with some odd materials, including
The participants holding it in the “lip position” were thorny branches and sharp rocks. But her next step
forced to frown, while people holding it in the “teeth is to line it with softer materials, such as wool,
position” were forced to smile. The researchers did feathers, and fur, in order to create a cushion for
not explain the real purpose of the study, telling the her eggs. After the eggs hatch, the young birds are
participants that they were trying to find out how often reluctant to leave their comfortable nest and
difficult it was for people without the use of their the free meals that come with it. That’s when the
hands to write. In the questionnaire, the participants mother eagle begins stirring up the nest. She uses
were asked to rate how funny a cartoon was, which her claws to pull up the soft layer of material,
was the real objective of the test. As the researchers exposing the sharp rocks and thorny branches. The
expected, the participants in the “teeth position” more she does this, the less unpleasant the nest
group rated the cartoon significantly more amusing becomes for her young. Using this method and
than those in the “lip position” group. With this others, the mother eagle eventually convinces them
experiment, researchers found that __________. to leave the nest to start their own lives.
zb1 6) 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
8 고1
highly dynamic ecological systems. If a species is (B) Sufferers learn to overcome their anxiety and
threatened or endangered, knowing its place of origin phobia by carefully designing the virtual
can help conservationists understand how to protect experience, varying the severity of the stimuli,
and manage the species. Moreover, they emphasize and entraining interventions to reduce
that the organism and group traits that foster rapid sympathetic nervous system activation. Many
diffusion of a species population under those clinical trials have used VR as a simulation,
conditions, and therefore are indicators of a interaction, and distraction tool for patients with
population’s likelihood of becoming ecologically psychiatric illnesses such as PTSD, anxiety,
problematic, are the same for native and nonnative specific phobia.
species. Therefore, they conclude, knowing (C) Computers create experiences that engage a
whether a species is native or nonnative does not user’s psychology and motivate a response. With
provide much, if any, pertinent information about its today’s latest virtual reality technologies, it is
likely future ecological impacts. now possible for designers to create real-world
고1 9
zb2 0) 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 21.
z b2 1) 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가
것은? 장 적절한 곳은?
Parents often feel guilty when they are unable to Yet evolution has no crystal ball.
comfort their children in person. In their eyes,
talking on the phone doesn’t have the same effect.
In studying the attachment between babies and
their parents, John Bowlby took an evolutionary
(A) To test this belief, researchers conducted an perspective. ( ) In his classic treatise of the field,
experiment on some young girls. The girls, whose Bowlby coined the term environment of evolutionary
ages were between 7 and 12, were asked to make adaptedness (EEA). ( ) This concept pertains to
a presentation in front of many strangers, a the environmental conditions that typified the
situation designed to cause stress. ancestors of a species, with the idea that organisms
(B) The researchers then checked their level of a didn’t evolve the features that they have to match
calming hormone called oxytocin. Against their current environments. ( ) All organisms are
expectations, all of the girls who were comforted the products of thousands of generations of selection
by their mothers, whether in person or over the prior to their existence. ( ) So the best that
phone, showed approximately the same levels of selection processes can do is provide an organism
oxytocin. with adaptations that were helpful to its ancestors
under whatever the ecological conditions were then
(C) Afterwards, they were divided into three groups.
— essentially making a probabilistic-based “guess”
The first group was comforted by their mothers
that the environment will be the same. ( ) Of
in person, the second group was comforted over
course, environments change, but with no knowledge
the phone, and the third group was not
of if, how, and when such change will occur,
comforted at all.
preparing organisms for ancestral environments is
(A) – (B) – (C) (A) – (C) – (B)
essentially the best bet.
(B) – (A) – (C) (B) – (C) – (A)
*treatise 저서, 서적 **typify ~의 특징을 나타내다
(C) – (B) – (A)
z b2 2) 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가
장 적절한 곳은?
10 고1
zb2 3) 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈 ※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? When you begin to tell a story again that you have
retold many times, what you retrieve from memory is
Throughout the day, your feelings and thoughts
the index to the story itself. That index can be
about yourself will probably change now and then
embellished in a variety of ways. Over time, even the
depending on your experiences. Your boss’s reaction
embellishments become ⓐ standardized. An old
to your sales report, the treatment you receive from
man’s story that he has told hundreds of times
friends and family, and the daily changes in your
shows little variation, and any variation that does
romantic relationship can all affect how you view
exist becomes part of the story itself, regardless of
yourself at a particular moment in time. However,
its origin. People add details to their stories that may
self-esteem refers to something more basic than
or may not have occurred. They are recalling
these ordinary fluctuations in mood. If you are
indexes and ⓑ reconstructing details. If at some
someone with high self-esteem, then no matter what
point they add a nice detail, not really certain of its
occurs during your day, you will usually maintain a
validity, telling the story with that same detail a few
positive self-image. In contrast, if your self-esteem is
more times will ⓒ ensure its permanent place in the
inherently low, you will be much more susceptible to
story index. In other words, the stories we tell time
the ups and downs of everyday life, and your
and again are ⓓ opposite to the memory we have of
feelings about yourself will likely alternate
the events that the story relates. Stories change over
dramatically between positive and negative.
time because of the process of telling, because of the
* fluctuation: 동요 embellishments added by the teller. The actual events
that gave rise to the story in the first place have
long since been ⓔ forgotten.
The ___(A)___ your self-esteem is the less
___(B)___ you will be to your daily changes. *embellish 윤색하다
(A) (B)
higher calm
z b2 4) 윗글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
higher temperate The More Variation Makes the Better Memory Index.
z b2 5) 윗글의 ⓐ ~ ⓔ 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절
하지 않은 것은?
ⓐ ⓑ
ⓒ ⓓ
고1 11
※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. 27.
z b2 7) 밑줄 친 (a)~(e) 중에서 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷
Over the past few years, a burgeoning interest in 과 다른 것은?
using technology as an educational tool has resulted
ⓐ ⓑ
in the development of several excellent distance
education programs and online courses for advanced ⓒ ⓓ
students. These resources may be especially useful ⓔ
for students who live in remote areas of the U.S.
where the closest resources literally may be too far
away to access; however, students have reported
other valid reasons for utilizing this curricular
z b2 8) 윗글에 관한 내용으로 적절하지 않은 것은?
(B) For example, based on my interactions with the
원격 교육 프로그램과 온라인 강좌는 외딴 지역에 사는 학
immigrant parents of phenomenally ⓐ talented
생들에게 유용하다.
students whose unique academic, social, and
원격 교육 프로그램과 온라인 강좌 덕택에 홈스쿨링을 하
emotional needs require ⓑ them to be homeschooled,
는 부모들은 교사의 역할도 겸해야 한다.
I can attest to how much of a relief it is for them to
know that ⓒ they do not have to be responsible for 홈스쿨링을 하는 학생들 둔 이민자 부모들은 원격 교육 프
teaching their children English. 로그램과 온라인 강좌가 자녀의 영어를 가르쳐주는 것에
대해 위안을 얻는다.
(C) These programs are also invaluable for
원격 교육 프로그램과 온라인 강좌는 학생들이 자신의 속
students who are homeschooled and the parents who
are responsible for homeschooling ⓓ them. Parents 도대로 학습 자료를 진행할 수 있게 고안되어 있다.
who do not feel adequately prepared to teach ⓔ 학업에 재능이 있는 학생들은 시간이 오래 걸리는 수업 및
their children advanced concepts in certain subject 방과 후 활동에 참여하는 경향이 있다.
areas no longer have to carry the burden of
teaching the material. In this respect, the
homeschooling parent’s role has shifted to that of
educational manager/advisor.
zb2 6) 주어진 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한
것으로 가장 적절한 것은?