Importance of Secondary Processes in Heavy Equipment Resource Scheduling Using Hybrid Simulation
Importance of Secondary Processes in Heavy Equipment Resource Scheduling Using Hybrid Simulation
Importance of Secondary Processes in Heavy Equipment Resource Scheduling Using Hybrid Simulation
Abstract - lect the data, (2) analyze the data, and (3) predict the
As part of the Architecture, Engineering, and Con- data. The data collection is done by sensors, divided into
struction (AEC) industry, heavy civil engineering with its vision-, motion-, and audio-based sensors [4]. The data
equipment-intensive processes is a current focus of discussion analysis uses different algorithms of Artificial Intelligence
concerning emission reduction. Adopting Industry 4.0 tech- [4]. The data prediction is possible with the help of sim-
nologies for resource scheduling can significantly increase the ulation. In addition to the definition of Jazzar et al. [5],
savings potential significantly. One of these digital technolo- simulation can be defined as an additional Construction
gies is the Discrete Event Simulation (DES). DES is a proven 4.0 technology. Simulation enables production processes
tool to analyze complex systems in advance but is not widely and material flows on the construction site to be mapped
used in practice. Therefore, the presented work aims at pre- in an abstract manner. In this way, it helps to reduce
senting a three-part hybrid simulation framework. One part complexity in advance and makes it visible to the planner
of the framework, the meso-simulation, has been evaluated so that concrete recommendations/instructions for action
using a case study in the field of pile drilling production. The can be derived from it [6]. Different scenarios help to
work not only captures the drilling process, and therefore plan the optimal use of equipment. The simulation is fed
shows the importance of planning the secondary processes in with input parameters from planning and production, e.g.,
AEC. from as-planned or as-built data from Building Informa-
tion Modeling (BIM) [7] or directly from the data obtained
Keywords - on the construction site, processed as a probability den-
Discrete Event Simulation (DES); Agent Based Modelling sity distribution [8]. The trend is toward an integrated
(ABM); Hybrid simulation; Modeling of manufacturing op- approach of Construction 4.0 technologies for continuous
erations; Production planning and control; Job and activity operable functionality across construction phases [5].
scheduling; Project schedule optimization
Therfore, this paper presents a three-part hybrid simu-
lation framework that allows the integration of input data
depending on the level of detail of the current construc-
1 Introduction tion progress. We begin with a review of the literature
Given the current climate change, the resource-saving in order to analyze different simulation techniques. Next,
scheduling of equipment has become the focus of opti- the underlying three-part conceptual model is presented.
mization methods [1]. In particular, potential is shown Using case-study data from a real pile drilling project, we
by equipment-intensive applications in heavy civil engi- describe the implementation of one of the three simulation
neering, such as pile drilling production. Large-diameter model parts, which is the meso-simulation. Building up
bored piles for the foundation of buildings are produced material supply and disposal, we show the importance of
by heavy rotary drilling rigs. These processes are of high the secondary processes within an alleged one-line pro-
complexity, characterized by a multitude of influencing duction flow of the rotary drilling rig. The results of the
factors and are, therefore, treated as a "one-piece flow line simulation study help to schedule the optimal amount and
on a single machine" [2]. Fischer et al. [2] emphasize that type of equipment.
digital technologies can help optimize the scheduling and
operation of equipment, which is now heavily based on 2 Related Work
the experience of the specialty foundation contractors.
Digital technologies in the context of "Construction 4.0" In addition to common simulation methodology, hybrid
of the European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC) simulation or multi-method modelling is a combination
[3], the counterpart of "Industry 4.0" in the Architecture, of two or more basic simulation methods, such as System
Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry, can be cat- Dynamics (SD), Discrete Event Simulation (DES), and
egorized into three groups: The technologies that (1) col- Agent-Based Modeling (ABM) [9]. The three simulation