Vocabulary List Chart
Vocabulary List Chart
Vocabulary List Chart
form bonds Verb Noun (bond To create Connect, unite, The team
formation) strong link members
connections. quickly formed
bonds during
the retreat.
hybrid Noun Adjective A thing made Mixture, blend, The car is a
(hybrid) by combining combination hybrid of
two different electric and
elements. gasoline power.
in decline Phrase - Becoming less Decreasing, The population
in number, dwindling, of the species is
quality, or waning in decline.
intentionally Adverb Adjective Done on Deliberately, He intentionally
(intentional) purpose; purposefully, left the door
deliberate. willfully open.
isolated Adjective Verb (to isolate) Far away from Remote, The village was
other places, secluded, solitary isolated from
buildings, or the rest of the
people; country.
mingle Verb Noun (mingling) To mix or Mix, blend, The guests
cause to mix socialize mingled at the
together. cocktail party.
neutral Adjective Noun Not supporting Impartial, The country
(neutrality), or helping unbiased, remained
Verb (to either side in a objective neutral during
neutralize) conflict. the conflict.
nomadic Adjective Noun (nomad) Living the life Roaming, The tribe is
of a nomad; wandering, traditionally
wandering. itinerant nomadic,
moving with the
pop up Verb Noun (pop-up) To appear or Appear, emerge, Unexpected
occur arise issues can pop
suddenly. up at any time.
specialized Adjective Verb (to Requiring or Expert, skilled, She is
specialize) involving proficient specialized in
detailed and pediatric
specific medicine.
knowledge or