Tp2 e 185 Planit Y5 Spelling Term 2b Overview
Tp2 e 185 Planit Y5 Spelling Term 2b Overview
Tp2 e 185 Planit Y5 Spelling Term 2b Overview
Objectives that are in pink are a Y5/Y6 statutory requirement and individual words highlighted pink are from the Y5/Y6 statutory spelling list. The additional sets either: revise
previously visited spelling rules from lower year groups; practise a spelling rule linked to a Y5/Y6 statutory spelling word or relate to a word, sentence or punctuation objective
from the English Appendix 2 of the NC 2014
forty pause pollinate criticise amplify blacken Within this review week,
use the provided Year 5
Term 2B Dictation
scorch cause captivate advertise solidify brighten Passages and the Spot
the Mistake with Mr
Whoops self- correction
absorb sauce activate capitalise signify flatten activities to assess
pupil’s progress against
the objectives that have
decorate fraud motivate finalise falsify lengthen been covered within this