Revision Control
Revision Date Revision Details
DRAFT 23/07/2018 Clarification of framework Hendrik Tait
Rev A 03/08/2018 Concept for internal comment Hendrik Tait
Rev B 08/08/2018 Update Executive Summary & Roles & Responsibilities Hendrik Tait
Rev C 15/08/2018 Refine Contents List & update document Hendrik Tait
Rev D 20/08/2018 Update comments received Hendrik Tait
Rev 0 29/08/2018 Issue for TEG Review and Comment Hendrik Tait
Rev 01 15/10/2018 Issue for TEG Review and Approval Hendrik Tait
Rev 02 01/11/2018 Issue for QUU use Ken Vaheesan
Document Consultation
Revision Name Position / Function Date
DRAFT Alan White Project Manager Y 23/07/2018
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................. 5
1.1 Purpose ............................................................................................. 5
1.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations ......................................................... 5
1.3 Reference Documents ..................................................................... 7
1.4 Applicable Standards & Regulations.............................................. 8
1.4.1 Australian Standards ........................................................................ 8
1.4.2 Acts, Regulations and Codes of Practice ...................................... 9
1.4.3 Codes of Practice (Queensland).................................................... 9
1.5 Definitions ....................................................................................... 10
1.6 The Safety in Design Methodology ............................................... 13
1.6.1 The QUU Safety in Design Framework .......................................... 13
1.6.2 Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................. 15
1.7 Hazard Studies / Safety in Design Tools........................................ 18
1.7.1 Pre-requisites .................................................................................. 19
1.7.2 The HAZID Process.......................................................................... 20
1.7.3 The HAZOP Process ........................................................................ 21
1.7.4 The CHAZOP Process ..................................................................... 23
1.7.5 The CHAIR Process ......................................................................... 25
2. PROJECT RISK ASSESSMENTS ...................................................................... 27
2.1 The Purpose .................................................................................... 27
2.2 Timing ........................................................................................... 27
2.3 Typical Input Documents............................................................... 27
2.4 Team ........................................................................................... 27
2.5 Methodology .................................................................................. 28
3. SAFETY IN DESIGN REPORT REQUIREMENTS ............................................... 29
Table of Contents ....................................................................................... 29
Executive Summary ................................................................................... 29
3.1 Introduction .................................................................................... 29
3.1.1 Purpose of the Report .................................................................... 29
3.1.2 Assumptions ................................................................................... 29
3.1.3 Amendment of Report ................................................................... 29
3.1.4 Reference Document List .............................................................. 30
3.1.5 Standards and Regulation ............................................................. 30
3.1.6 Abbreviations List ........................................................................... 30
3.2 Hazard Studies conducted............................................................ 30
3.2.1 QUU Milestone 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 – Outstanding Issues ................... 30
3.2.2 Risk reduction to ALARP ................................................................. 30
3.2.3 Residual risks to be escalated ...................................................... 30
Appendices ........................................................................................... 30
APPENDICES ........................................................................................................... 31
Appendix A Safety in Design Functional Flowchart ............................ 31
Appendix B Resources Map for Hazard Study and Risk Assessment
Workshops ......................................................................... 32
Appendix C Consequence Descriptors (normalised for SID) ............. 33
1.1 Purpose
This Procedure outlines the framework pertaining to SID principles and techniques applied
during the delivery phases of all QUU projects.
This Procedure has been developed to assist Contractors and internal QUU persons with the
continuous improvement of all SID processes, by:
A more integrative approach to SID, as depicted in figure 1 below. For guidance on
implementation of early hazard prevention strategies for design, i.e. finally towards
more efficient SID delivery.
To meet the minimum regulatory obligations relating to safe design, in terms of the
given QUU WUC requirements. For guidance on the selection of appropriate design
review techniques, towards more effective SID delivery.
NOTE that this Procedure reflects the minimum QUU expectations and that any additional
SID processes, that may be required by local legislation or practice, must also be complied
AS Australian Standard
Construction Hazard Assessment Implication Review
CHAIR1 - is performed at the conceptual stage of a design, which is the
best opportunity to make fundamental change, even though much of the
design is still to be determined.
CHAIR2 - focuses on construction and demolition issues and is performed
just prior to construction, when the full detailed design is known.
CHAIR3 - focuses on maintenance and repair issues and is performed at
the same time as the CHAIR 2 study.
CHAZOP Control/Computer HAZOP studies
C&I Control and Instrumentation
CIP Capital Investment Plan
CMP Construction Management Plan
D&C Design and Construct
EI&C Electrical, Instrumentation & Control Systems
FR Feasibility Report
FS Functional Specification
GA General Arrangement drawing (equipment)
HAZID Hazard Identification
HAZOP Hazard and Operability Studies
MCPS Minor Capital Project submission
OR&ES Operational Renewals and Enhancement submission
Operational Risk Register – QUU template TEM190 or equivalent,
Sewage Treatment Risk Management Register (STRMR), or
Network Management Risk Register, Safety (NMRRS)
P&ID Piping and Instrumentation Diagram
PCBU Person conducting a Business or Undertaking
PCN Process Control Narrative
PFD Process Flow Diagram
PM Project Manager
PRR Project Risk Register represented by the TEM183 template
QLD Queensland
QUU Queensland Urban Utilities
RA Risk Assessment
SDR Supplier Data Register – Refer Section 1.5 (this Procedure) for definition
SDS Safety Datasheet (chemical) formerly Material Safety Datasheet (MSDS)
So far as is reasonably practicable – Refer Section 1.5 (this Procedure) for
SID Safety in Design
SDRL Supplier Data Requirements List – Refer PRO395 Appendix C
SLD Single line diagram
SMP Safety Management Plan
SOW Scope of work
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
STEP Site Access, Tenure, Environment and Planning
STP Sewage Treatment Plant
WHS Workplace Health & Safety
WUC Work under the contract
SID processes employed, must fulfil the requirements of statutory Local, State and
Commonwealth Authorities and current applicable Australian Standards. Alternatively,
where no Australian Standard exists, work must conform to the most current and applicable
International Standard. Where conflict exists between different Codes, Standards or
Regulations, the most onerous conditions of specification must apply unless accepted
otherwise in writing by QUU.
The Contractor must not deviate from the provisions of the relevant standard without first
obtaining agreement in writing from QUU. Particular standards and regulations relevant to
the work include but are not necessarily limited to the following:
Item Description
AS 31000 Risk Management - Principles and Guidelines
AS 4024 Safety of Machinery
AS 4801 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems
AS 61508 Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable
electronic safety-related systems
AS IEC 61511 Functional safety - safety instrumented systems for the process
industry sector
AS IEC 61882 Hazards and Operability (HAZOP) studies
The current Acts, Regulations and statutory requirements of the State of Queensland,
Australia, must be complied with, including:
• Queensland Building Act 1975
• Queensland Building Fire Safety Regulation 2008
• Queensland Electrical Safety Act 2002
• Queensland Electrical Safety Regulation 2013
• Queensland Environmental Protection Regulation 2008
o Environmental Protection (Air) Policy 2008
o Environmental Protection (Noise) Policy 2008
o Environmental Protection (Water) Policy 2008
• Queensland Fire Emergency Act 1990
• Queensland Registered Professional Engineers Act 2002
• Queensland Work Health and Safety Act 2011
• Queensland Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011
1.5 Definitions
In this Procedure the following definitions apply, so as to provide a common basis for
understanding of the overall intent of the QUU SID framework.
Item Description
ALARP The ALARP principle is that the existing controls have reduced
the residual risk as low as reasonably practicable, to
demonstrate ALARP the cost/effort involved in reducing the risk
further would be grossly disproportionate to the benefit/risk
reduction gained.
PRO84, QUU Risk and Opportunity Management Procedure,
Code of Practice A code of practice provides practical guidance for people who
have work health and safety duties. These codes give guidance
how to achieve the standards required under the Act
effective ways to identify and manage risks.
NOTE that from 1 July 2018 persons conducting a business or
undertaking are required to comply with an approved code of
practice under the QLD Work Health and Safety Act 2011.
Alternatively, duty holders can follow another method, such as
a technical or an industry standard, to manage hazards and
risks, as long as it provides an equivalent or higher standard of
work health and safety to the standard required in the code.
Contractor / Principal The entity bound (including sub-Contractors appointed by the
Contractor Contractor) to execute the work having responsibility for
design, manufacture and supply, delivery, documentation and
other functions as further defined in the documents related to
the work.
PRO395 Addendum – Queensland Urban Utilities Addendum to
SEQ Water Supply and Sewerage Design & Construction Code
Gateway Processes Gateway decision processes are generally applied to QUU
programs or projects at key decision points. The processes
describe a series of decision gates through which a proposed
project must proceed. In terms of this guideline, SID advice is
provided to decision makers from both internal and
independent third parties, as required, to support the decision-
makers at the various gates.
Gate 1 Project Creation
Gate 2 Project Justification
Gate 3 Pre-market Submission
Gate 4 Post-market Submission
Gate 5 Project Closure and Review
Gate 6 Benefits Realisation
QUU PRO370, Gateway Decision Process for Capital Works
Project Documentation Governing technical documents for the specific items(s) for the
specific works included or referenced in the Contract
Currently, the SID process is left until the design is almost complete, before conducting the
review session (so-called HAZOP etc.) resulting in many things to belatedly require fixing in
the design. The purpose of this procedure is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of
the SID practice.
PRO521, the SID standard operating procedure, and related PRO125, General Risk
Assessment procedure, emphasises
EARLY INTERVENTION: The aim of SID is to ensure the health and safety of persons
who may have interactions with the infrastructure being designed by considering
hazards as early as possible in the planning and design approach.
ALL AFFECTED PARTIES: SID practices take into consideration the safety of all persons
who may interact with the infrastructure being designed. This includes those who
construct, operate, clean, maintain and demolish the infrastructure.
LIFECYCLE: SID involves successfully balancing a wide set of design objectives (i.e.
practicality, aesthetics, cost, functionality), without compromising the health and
safety of those persons potentially affected by the infrastructure over its life.
The SID functional flowchart, depicted in Appendix A of this Procedure, outlines the extent
and boundaries of the SID application at QUU, highlighting the overall workflow pertaining
to; Requirements
QUU, in conjunction with any likely outsourced planning function(s), starting the process off
with a well-structured internal scoping of the prospective project – making sure to identify
and highlight critical hazards and potential flaws that may have a major design impact on a
project, giving due consideration to the QUU Gateway Decision Process for Capital Works, by
Gate 1 – Project Creation: Permission for the project to be created and enter the CIP
Stakeholder identification and engagement pertaining to download the associated ORR and
establish the initial PRR to inform amongst other, the Safety in Design requirements.
Gate 2 – Project Justification: Permission for the project to proceed from planning
and solution identification to detailed design and delivery
i. Review initial PRR ex Gate 1
ii. Assess/options evaluation – identify risks with each option
iii. Identify project Scope that can be delivered with minimal risk – Lock in
preferred options, include risk assessment.
NOTE whilst every endeavour has been made to refer to critical Safety in Design tools, this
procedure should not restrict the Facilitator from engaging another appropriate Safety in
Design tool.
Gate 3 – Pre-market submission: Permission to approach the market with an agreed
procurement and delivery strategy
Handover project / program to Infrastructure Delivery.
Hazards raised during planning and recorded in the project risk register template, TEM183 is
communicated in Project Documentation
Gate 4 – Post Market Submission: approval of contracts to engage the preferred
SID track record of Contractor
Gate 5 – Project Closure and Review
QUU PM making sure residual project risks i.e. Admin Controls and outstanding Medium or
higher risks are uploaded to the pertinent ORR. Integrated Design
Safety consideration during design development – NOTE that, in the process of designing
projects, it will not always be possible to clearly delineate who has responsibility, and in
which circumstances, for the elimination or minimisation of hazards associated with the
project. The duties may be concurrent and overlapping.
In practical terms, success in the delivery of SID, strongly depends on whether
it forms a key part of the Contractor’s SMP for the project.
is integrated with all the Contractor’s design processes (including outsourced 3rd
party and/or vendor design activities)
is fully implemented on the project, with identified risk prevention actions
satisfactorily addressed and reported on in the final report – Refer Section 3 of this
Procedure. Due-diligence
The emphasis is on the corporate governance responsibilities. Designers must show that
they have taken reasonable steps to address all the credible hazards associated with the
The tab colours legend for the hazard studies template/spreadsheet Doc Numbers. TEM579
to 582 respectively, are:
Red - Introductory pages, which must be filled out by the Contractor in collaboration
with the designer, prior to the SID workshop and not altered during the workshop
Green - Working pages or node sheets, which are to be used during the workshop.
Blue - Closure pages, which are to be used by the Contractor, after the workshop,
once agreed actions have been implemented and closed.
Grey - Template sheets. These sheets are not to be altered at any time (with the
exception of the guidewords set to be adjusted only if necessary prior to the
workshop) as the overall spreadsheet functionality is dependent on these. Reporting
The outcomes from the SID (Hazard studies) sessions conducted are recorded in the
relevant QUU electronic template, respectively – HAZID template TEM579, HAZOP template
TEM580, CHAZOP template TEM581 and the CHAIR template TEM582 respectively. Section 3
of this Procedure describes the specific format and typical topics that the Contractor must
cover in the SID Report to be submitted to QUU, for acceptance at the specified project
milestones, as nominated in the project documentation.
The outcomes of the associated project risk workshops are recorded in the designated
project risk register (PRR, template TEM183), provided with the tender documents, which
1. QUU Planning Group is responsible for pre-populating the register with project
specific risks, nominated at Gates 1 & 2.
2. The Contractor must schedule and conduct project risk workshop(s) as required
during Gates 3 & 4. The up to date PRR must be submitted to QUU on request.
3. The QUU PM is finally responsible for uploading of the residual risk items into the
pertinent ORR, at Gate 5.
Roles and responsibilities, from a SID perspective, can be complex and it should be noted
that “some design tasks, although related, may be controlled by different parties due to the
contractual arrangements. In a design and construct or collaborative project delivery model,
the primary collaboration will be between the QUU PM and the Contractor PM, with
participation of the Designer subject to the terms of their engagement”, as depicted in Figure
2 below.
The following table highlights the key roles engaged and corresponding responsibilities for
safe design outcomes from the delivery of QUU projects.
The Table, depicted in Appendix B of this Procedure, defines the minimum expertise
required for conducting SID workshops.
1.7 Hazard Studies / Safety in Design Tools
The overall intent of SID is to systematically and comprehensively identify and assess
hazards and associated risks to Health, Safety, Environment and Financial Performance and
examine whether actual and potential negative impacts can be avoided, or their magnitude
reduced, during design.
The purpose of this section is then to highlight the practical execution of SID, by the
assessment and elimination or control of hazards, associated with QUU projects, using
recognised technical hazard studies and SID tools, to make sure that –
a rigorous process has been conducted to identify and analyse all possible hazards
/ adverse events that may arise
all such adverse events / hazards are reduced to ALARP – Hierarchy of Controls
o PM, Designer and Contractor are responsible until they formally pass the
prevention of the risk to QUU
o Presence and effectiveness of engineered risk preventions must be
referenced in the PRR
o The pertinent ORR must contain references to the documents and systems
which show how the residual risk is controlled
1.7.1 Pre-requisites
The pre-requisites for planning and execution of the hazard study workshops, entail
The Contractor must appoint the Facilitator and Scribe – in accordance with
Section 1.6.2 of this Procedure. QUU will nominate the facilitator if the
Contractor’s proposed candidate is not accepted by the QUU PM.
The Contractor must schedule and issue workshop invitations timely (i.e. minimum
notice period is 10 business days before workshop is held).
The Contractor must compile, in conjunction with the Facilitator and Scribe, the
i. Agenda and
ii. Design documentation pack for review. The Contractor must issue design
documents, a minimum of 10 days prior to the workshop for preview by all
nominated attendees.
NOTE: QUU review period is 10 business days, unless specified otherwise in the project
documentation. QUU stakeholder review comments must be returned to the Contractor
and the SID studies based on QUU review comments being incorporated into the design.
The project schedule must make adequate allowance for design documentation review
period, followed by SID workshops.
The Contractor must pre-populate associated register(s), done in conjunction with
the Facilitator, for presentation at the workshop session (preliminary input
o The Hazard studies templates – TEM579, TEM580, TEM581 & TEM582, and,
o The project risk register – TEM183
QUU will make available and monitor key resources required for each workshop
session. Where QUU does not provide the independent faculty engineer(s), the
Contractor must provide independent engineers, acceptable to the QUU PM.
NOTE every nominated team member must delegate a suitable responsible person with
decision making authority to attend in place thereof.
Note that QUU review comments to the design documentation must be returned
to the Contractor before the SID workshop is held. The SID workshop must be
based on the QUU review comments being actioned or addressed in the design
Where 3D model is specified for the Project, the model must be reviewed and
accepted by the stakeholders. Methodology
Practically, it is a guideword driven process, similar to HAZOP, to review preliminary hazards
associated with a project, which amounts to in brief:
Confirm session is duly represented (establish a quorum – Attendance register
“Breakdown Structure” defined in the AGENDA – Refer TEM579 for electronic
template details
Outline design intent and allow time for clarification questions.
o Where 3D model is specified for the Project – walk thru the model to
familiarise stakeholders
o Where 3D model is not specified for the Project – provide photos of existing
site and equipment.
Review previous actions and update any progress to date (as applicable)
Apply custom HAZID guidewords, embedded in template TEM579, to stimulate
discussions regarding potential hazardous events and their associated
consequences. Refer list of HAZID guidewords in TEM579.
The Scribe records significant hazard outcomes in the HAZID record, TEM579, for
Contractor distribution to all involved parties. Post workshop activities
The actioned parties undertake appropriate risk prevention activities before final closure
and sign-off of actions noted. Done by Contractor in collaboration with QUU persons at the
So-called NODES defined in the AGENDA and highlighted on master P&ID’s – The
detailed “Node by Node” study commences at this point. Apply HAZOP guidewords,
embedded in template TEM580, to stimulate discussions regarding deviations from
the design intent for adequate understanding of potential causes/consequences and
associated safeguards provided in the design.
If, in the opinion of the team, the combination of the consequences and the
likelihood of occurrence are sufficient to warrant action, as the existing safeguards
are not deemed adequate, then additional risk prevention action(s) is required.
The Scribe, as instructed by the Facilitator, must record significant hazard outcomes
in the HAZOP record TEM580 and reach consensus on matters arising. Post workshop activities
The actioned parties undertake appropriate risk prevention activities before final closure
and sign-off of actions noted. Note that for major risk areas, a situation may require more
quantitative assessment – to be done off-line by the Contractor Purpose
The importance of electrical, electronic and programmable electronic systems in safety
related applications, is steadily growing. If the control system is sufficiently complex for the
facility, it may be useful to consider this system in a separate HAZOP (sometimes referred as
a CHAZOP; the ‘C’ prefix used to indicate computer based – both control and protective) or
as a discrete component of a more general HAZOP.
CHAZOP must be looked at as three distinctly different, but consecutively run Gates. Each
Gate involves a systematic and critical review using guidewords similar to those used in
Sequence CHAZOP
All projects with control systems components must have a CHAZOP unless specified
otherwise in the Project Documentation. Timing
Starting the CHAZOP typically requires that the control system design meets the
requirements set out in the control system functional specification and that
(i) the HAZID is completed and
(ii) a design review and process HAZOP has been completed and all outstanding items
are actioned.
The System CHAZOP is undertaken prior to ordering the Automation / Control /
Protection system equipment.
The Loop CHAZOP is undertaken when any critical instrument loops have been
configured and certainly before all loops design are completed. This will identify the
requirements for the entire system and set standards for further design.
The sequence CHAZOP is undertaken, similar to Loops, once any sequences within a
system have been documented in the functional specification. This will identify
particular requirements of the system and set standards for further design.
The Project Documentation will define milestone when CHAZOP must be done. Typical Input Documents for CHAZOP
Piping & Instrumentation Diagram (P&ID) – mandatory
Process Control Narrative (PCN) – mandatory
Functional Specification (FS) – mandatory
Instrument loop diagrams – mandatory
Single line diagrams (SLD) – optional
Commissioning plans and procedures – mandatory
The Contractor pre-populates the electronic CHAZOP template for validation and
update during the CHAZOP workshop – Refer TEM581 for standard CHAZOP
template. Team
The team composition must be agreed between the QUU PM and Contractor PM and must
include the following resources:
Independent Facilitator supported by the Scribe
Project Manager(s) – QUU and Contractor
Designer (e.g. process and controls & instrument engineers)
Note: electrical engineers only required during electrical protection system review,
unless specified otherwise by QUU
Independent technical specialist, as required (e.g. process and controls & instrument
QUU Operations representation (site)
QUU Control System maintenance representation
Refer Appendix B - Resources Map for Hazards and Risk Assessment workshops. Methodology
Considered where the process demands a control system with high reliability and
complexity. All QUU projects with Control and Instrumentation scope require a CHAZOP. In
such cases, a CHAZOP study entail, in brief:
Confirm session is duly represented (establish a quorum – Attendance register
The “breakdown structure” must be defined in the AGENDA – Refer TEM581 for
electronic template details.
Outline applicable Gate of the design System/Loop/Sequence and allow time for
clarification questions
Review previous actions from SID workshops and update any progress to date with
required control system, process control functionality
The detailed study commences at this point. Apply applicable CHAZOP guidewords,
embedded in template TEM581, to stimulate discussions regarding deviations from
the design intent for adequate understanding of potential causes/consequences and
associated safeguards provided in the design.
If, in the opinion of the team, the combination of the consequences and the
likelihood of occurrence are sufficient to warrant action, as the existing safeguards
are not deemed adequate, then additional risk prevention action(s) is
The Scribe, as instructed by the Facilitator, must record significant hazard outcomes
in the CHAZOP record and refer to TEM581 and reach consensus on matters arising. Post workshop activities
The actioned parties undertake appropriate risk prevention activities before final closure
and sign-off of actions noted. Note that for major risk areas, a situation may require more
quantitative assessment – to be done off-line by the Contractor.
design under review. The team composition must be agreed with the QUU PM. It normally,
as a minimum, must include:
Independent Facilitator supported by a Scribe
Project Manager(s) – (QUU and Contractor)
Designers (e.g. electrical, mechanical, civil/structural engineers)
Note: process and C&I engineers are optional
Site construction Contractor and representatives
Commissioning representation (QUU Manager and Contractor engineer)
Operations representation (site)
Maintenance representation (site)
A competent 3D model operator (if 3D model is applicable)
Refer Appendix B - Resources Map for Hazards and Risk Assessment workshops. Methodology
A CHAIR provides a structured forum to ensure there is opportunity to foresee construction,
maintenance, repair and demolition hazards, so the hazards can be eliminated or reduced to
ALARP, as part of the design process.
Confirm session is duly represented (establish a quorum – Attendance register
Outline the construction process and partition CHAIR into logical blocks of
appropriate size, in the AGENDA – Refer TEM582 for electronic template details.
Review previous actions from SID workshops and update any progress to date (as
Walk through the 3D model, where 3D model is specified in the Project
The detailed study commences at this point. For each logical block, use various
guidewords, embedded in template TEM582, to assist with the identification of
safety aspects/issues. Assess whether the proposed risk controls (i.e. expected
safeguards, etc.) are appropriate and conform the risk SFAIRP.
The Contractor must record significant constructability outcomes in the electronic
record, TEM582 and reach consensus on matters arising.
The Scribe records significant hazard outcomes in the CHAIR record on display, for
Contractor distribution to all involved parties at completion of the workshops. Post workshop activities
The Contractor undertakes appropriate risk prevention activities before 100% design
documentation is issued for review.
2.5 Methodology
Gates 1, 2 & 3: Infrastructure Services (Planning) and Portfolio Investment (Planning)
must collate all existing ORR entries pertinent to scoping of a project. An internal risk
assessment must be conducted and ensure important project specific risks are
incorporated into the project SOW.
Gates 4 and 5: The Contractor must schedule and conduct project risk workshop(s)
as required, which must assess Consequence Category, as a minimum: Health,
Safety, Environment, Financial Performance, using the Consequence Descriptors
(normalised for SID), cited in Appendix C of this Procedure. Minutes of these risk
workshops and the PRR must be maintained and updated regularly, by QUU PM, as
required throughout the phases of project delivery. This up to date PRR must be
submitted on request by the Contractor, at any stage of the Project delivery.
The QUU PM updates the PRR items at Gate 6 to the pertinent ORR. Only items that
need to be managed by Operations get uploaded to the ORR. Note that all identified
risks get recorded in the PRR, including validating preventions and precautions for
risk reduction, to ALARP.
Note that only Medium and above risks are uploaded to the pertinent ORR.
Table of Contents
This section must list all the sub section numbers and page numbers in the SID Report.
Executive Summary
Summary of SID processes to date. The summary must highlight (i) level of hazard reduction
by design and (ii) any higher than LOW risks recorded in the PRR that are likely to require
significant scope changes or control measures with significant associated costs.
3.1 Introduction
The purpose of the report is to provide a record of the hazard identification activities
undertaken and findings. The intent of the hazard studies is to provide the evidence that the
appropriate reliable hazard identification activities have been carried out in accordance with
the relevant process standard.
3.1.2 Assumptions
This section lists and discusses all assumptions made in undertaking the SID delivery on the
The SID report must be written by the Contractor, for final review by the Facilitator, before
being issued to QUU.
The Contractor must provide QUU with an approved management of change (MOC)
methodology pertaining to any amendment to SID workshop reports and/or any design
modifications and/or additions resulting.
This section contains a table listing all documents by QUU number and revision number that
are referred to in compiling the SID Report. Where no QUU document number(s) exist, the
Contractor must consult QUU to generate new document numbers.
All Australian and International standards (where relevant) to the report must be listed in a
table in this section. The version and title must be indicated. All documents such as hazard
study registers are included in the Appendix of the SID report, for future reference.
This section contains a table indicating all abbreviations and acronyms used throughout the
report – Refer Table in Section 1.2 of this Procedure.
3.2 Hazard Studies conducted
This section highlights the HAZID, HAZOP, CHAZOP, CHAIR workshop outcome report(s), with
particular reference to design evidence pertaining to Action Closure and Sign-off records.
This SID report must be prepared and maintained as a live document during the design and
construction phase of the project. Separate section required for each workshop.
The PRR contains notes and references that support Close Out of risk items - highlight any
outstanding issues.
This section details risks that have been reduced, but still need to be managed by the
Contractor during construction and by the Operations Manager according to a documented
Details risks that were neither eliminated or able to be reduced to LOW risk, by changes to
the design, as per QUU risk criteria, cited in Appendix C of this procedure.
List the project SDR by Doc No and Title
Appendix B Resources Map for Hazard Study and Risk Assessment Workshops
SID Workshop
Team Member Project Risk
Project Manager – QUU and Contractor M M M M M
Facilitator M M M M M
Scribe M M M M M
Designer – faculty list below
Civil/Structural M NR NR M TBA
Mechanical M M NR M TBA
Electrical M TBA TBA M TBA
Instrumentation and Control System TBA M M TBA TBA
Independent Technical Specialists
Civil/Structural M NR NR M TBA
Mechanical M M NR M TBA
Electrical M TBA TBA M TBA
Instrumentation and Control System TBA M M TBA TBA
Operations representative (QUU) M M M M M
Maintenance representative (electrical / mechanical) M M TBA M M
Health & Safety representative (QUU) M TBA TBA TBA TBA
Site supervisor (Contractor) NR NR NR M TBA
Commissioning engineers (QUU & Contractor) TBA TBA TBA M TBA
Environmental representative (QUU) TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA
M mandatory attendance at SID workshop
TBA to be advised by QUU PM, depending on Project Scope
NR not required