Preprints202309 1206 v1
Preprints202309 1206 v1
Preprints202309 1206 v1
Involvement in Enhancing
Chaterina Agusta Paulus , Akhmad Fauzi , Damianus Adar
doi: 10.20944/preprints202309.1206.v1
Keywords: savu sea; sustainable management of marine conservation area; Qualitative Comparative
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The Significance of Community Involvement in
Enhancing Resilience to Environmental Risks in the
Savu Sea National Marine Park, East Nusa Tenggara,
Chaterina Agusta Paulus 1,*, Akhmad Fauzi 2 and Damianus Adar 3
1 Aquatic Resource Management, Nusa Cendana University, Kupang 85001, Indonesia;
2 Regional and Rural Development Planning, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor 16680, Indonesia;
3 Faculty of Agribusiness, Nusa Cendana University, Kupang 85001, Indonesia;
* Correspondence:
Abstract: The Savu Sea holds significant importance as a conservation area in Indonesia, providing sustenance
and livelihoods for local communities. It is situated within the Coral Triangle, a critical hotspot for marine
biodiversity worldwide. However, the Savu Sea is currently facing various threats, including overfishing,
pollution, and the impacts of climate change. Effective management of this conservation area relies heavily on
the active participation of local communities. Therefore, this study aims to address this issue by analyzing how
factors within these communities, such as the socio-economic condition of coastal households, environmental
awareness, the existence of community-based conservation areas, attitudes towards activities within the
conservation area, and participation in multistakeholder institutions, contribute to a positive perception of the
benefits provided by the Savu conservation area. To determine the complex causal conditions that influence
the outcome of perception, the study employs the Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) method,
specifically using crisp set QCA (csQCA). A survey was conducted among 22 coastal villages surrounding the
Savu Sea, resulting in the identification of 14 different combinations of pathways that contribute to varying
levels of perception regarding conservation. Valuable lessons can be drawn from this study to enhance the
design of policies aimed at effectively managing the Savu conservation area.
1. Introduction
The Savu Sea is an important ecosystem and livelihood resource for the people of Indonesia and
in the eastern part provinces of Indonesia. It provides a home for a variety of marine life, including
fish, coral reefs, and mangroves. These ecosystems support a wide range of economic activities, such
as fishing, tourism, and coastal agriculture. The Savu Sea is also important for the environment. It
helps to regulate the climate, protect coastal communities from storms, and provide a habitat for
endangered species. However, the Savu Sea is facing a number of threats, including pollution,
overfishing, and climate change. These threats could have a devastating impact on the livelihoods
and environment of the region. To address this issue, Indonesian government established The Savu
Sea National Marine Park in 2009 to protect the rich marine life and ecosystems of the Savu Sea. The
park covers an area of 3.5 million hectares and includes a variety of habitats, such as coral reefs,
mangroves, and seagrass beds.
The Savu Sea is an important ecosystem and livelihood resource. The effectiveness of the
National Marine Park (NMP) in protecting this resource depends on stakeholder engagement.
However, no study has yet been conducted on the impact of stakeholder engagement on the NMP's
ability to mitigate risks to the community, prevent pollution, and protect ecosystems. As a result, the
current management of the NMP may not be effective, and these risks may continue to pose a threat
to the Savu Sea.
In the Savu Sea, the sustainability of shallow marine ecosystems, particularly mangroves and
coral reefs, is being threatened by increasing pressure and destructive practices. Studies have shown
that the average damage to these coastal ecosystems reaches 70% [1]. The complexity of coastal and
marine activities contributes to the degradation and pollution of these areas. As a result, community
participation in the management of coastal and marine areas, especially in the preservation of marine
conservation areas, becomes crucial.
The success of conservation efforts often relies on local support, which is influenced by the
perceptions of the impacts experienced by local communities, as well as opinions on management
and governance [2]. Ecosystem services are derived from intricate interactions between physical,
ecological, and human factors. Furthermore, human valuation of ecosystems is driven by various
social, cultural, and economic factors that differ across different regions. The ocean not only serves
as a transportation route for goods and people but also plays a vital role in ensuring the well-being
of society. However, the utilization of marine resources can lead to environmental damage that
directly impacts the utilization itself. Therefore, it is essential for resource users in Marine Protected
Areas (MPAs) to understand the environmental risks associated with their activities. This is why
MPAs are crucial in mitigating these risks.
The risks that arise in the absence of marine conservation measures include the degradation of
natural resources, pollution, and the absence of spillover effects from MPAs. All of these risks can
disrupt the livelihoods and welfare of coastal communities. To avoid these risks, it is necessary to
increase community awareness about the importance of maintaining coastal ecosystems, including
conservation areas. This research aims to explore how community perceptions can increase
awareness of environmental damage resulting from the existence of marine protected areas as a
means of risk mitigation.
The survey conducted in the coastal villages surrounding the Savu Sea in East Nusa Tenggara
Province aimed to determine the factors that influence community perceptions regarding the
significance of maintaining marine protected areas as a means of mitigating environmental and
natural resource risks, as well as sustaining their livelihoods and the overall ecosystem's social and
economic sustainability. The assessment of this perception is necessary because the mere presence of
spillover effects and increased community ownership rights does not guarantee the effective
management and long-term sustainability of marine protected areas. The potential benefits of
spillover will not be realized without active community participation, which can be achieved through
raising awareness about the environmental risks faced by the Savu Sea's marine protected area.
Administratively, Savu Sea NMP is located in Kupang Regency, Rote Ndao Regency, South Central
Timor Regency, Sabu Raijua Regency, Manggarai Regency, West Manggarai Regency, East Sumba
Regency, Central Sumba Regency, West Sumba Regency, and Southwest Sumba Regency. Getting to
Savu Sea NMP can be done by land, sea, and air. All of these routes are centered in Kupang the capital
of East Nusa Tenggara Province and are directly connected to 10 regencies in the Savu Sea NMP area.
The establishment of the Savu Sea as a national marine protected area (Savu Sea NMP) was
implemented with the aim of realizing the preservation of fish resources and ecosystems as part of
the ecological region of the Lesser Sunda Marine Eco-Region, protecting and managing marine
ecosystems Savu Sea and its surroundings, as a frame of reference for regional development in the
field of fisheries, tourism, coastal communities, shipping, science and conservation, as well as
improving the welfare of coastal communities through sustainable livelihoods.
Sea urchins in Savu Sea NMP have a fairly wide distribution and are found in almost all areas
with a presence percentage value of 93.3%. Based on data from benthos monitoring of Savu Sea NMP
in 2019, 382 benthos individuals were found consisting of 8 species and included in 3 family groups,
namely Echinodermata (Acanthaster planci, Diadema sp, Linkia laevigata, and Cucumber), Crustacea
(Lobster), and Mollusca (Drupella, Tridacna, and Trochus). The number of occurrences of benthos
individuals varied in each observation area with the highest percentage of individuals being
Diadema sp. (Sea urchin) at 46%. The average abundance of benthos in Savu Sea NMP is 0.18 Ind/m2.
Seagrass beds in the Savu Sea NMP area are most commonly found in the waters of East Sumba
Regency, Sabu Raijua Regency, and Rote Ndao Regency, which are included in 10 species out of a
total of 13 species in Indonesia. included in 10 species from a total of 13 species in Indonesia. The total
area of Savu Sea NMP is 5320.62 hectares. The results of seagrass monitoring in the Savu Sea NMP
from 2015-2019 showed a variety of seagrass cover values with the highest seagrass cover value in
2018 at 70%. The decrease in seagrass cover from 2018 to 2019 is thought to be due to the transitional
effect of the western season to the eastern season, water characteristics, and community activities.
Mangrove forests in ENT Province consist of approximately 9 families divided into 15 species.
Based on the results of satellite image analysis, the area of mangrove forests in the Savu Sea NMP
area is 5019.53 hectares with the areas that have the largest mangrove area being in East Sumba
Regency and in Rote Ndao Regency. Mangrove tree density varies between 900 - 2,367 ind/ha with a
percentage of canopy cover in the tight category (>75%).
The Savu Sea NMP are home to 6 species of sea turtles in Indonesia. They can be found
throughout the Savu Sea NMP region. The 6 types of sea turtles include the Green Turtle (Chelonia
mydas), Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), Olive Ridley Sea Turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea),
Leatherback Sea Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea), Flatback Sea Turtle (Natator depressus), and loggerhead
turtle (Caretta caretta).
water, food, and materials [5]. The Savu Sea can be an effective tool for protecting biodiversity and
ensuring the sustainability of fisheries that can also have far-reaching social, economic, cultural and
political impacts on local communities. Most communities are highly dependent on the Savu Sea.
More than 65% of the province's potential fish resources are contributed by the Savu Sea [6].
Figure 1. Map of Conservation Area and Zoning Division of Savu Sea NMP and its surroundings in
East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia [7].
To assess the factors or conditions related to the perception of protected areas as a means of
mitigating environmental risk, this study proposes five conditions:
1. The socio-economic condition of coastal households around the Savu Sea (social),
2. Environmental awareness (awarenes),
3. The existence of a conservation area for the community (existence),
4. Attitudes towards activities (permitted or not permitted) in the conservation area (activity),
5. Participation in multistakeholder institutions (participation).
A total of 22 coastal villages were evaluated in terms of their perception of the nine conditions
mentioned earlier and their perception of the protected area. The raw data for csQCA analysis can be
found in Table 1, where Column 2 to Column 6 represent the nine conditions (X variables) described
above, and the last column represents the outcome (Y variable) for csQCA.
The raw data were analysed using Tosmana (Tool for Small N analysis) Software version 16.
developed by [17].
Among these pathways, Setar Ruwuk, Terong, Setar Lenda, and Buraen are coastal villages that
have a perception outcome of zero, indicating a very low belief in the benefits of the conservation
area for mitigating environmental risks. Out of the 14 pathways, ten of them show conditions that
lead to a positive outcome (Perception = 1), indicating a stronger perception of the conservation area's
The pathway demonstrating the presence of all conditions (Social = 1, Awarenes = 1, existence =
1, activity = 1, and participation = 1) and a positive outcome (perception = 1) is observed in three
coastal villages: Benteng Dewa, Nanga Lili, and Tablolong. Similarly, Nanga Bere, Londa Lusi, and
Lenang also exhibit a positive outcome, except for the absence of the activity condition (activity = 0).
Loborai and Nemnanu Selatan show a positive perception of marine conservation, indicated by the
presence of the awareness, existence, and activity conditions (awareness = 1, existence = 1, and activity
= 1). Mebba and Raemedia demonstrate that the presence of awareness, existence, and activity is
sufficient to generate a positive outcome in perception. On the other hand, Nuca Molas and Lokori
require the presence of social economic status (social = 1) and participation in multi-stakeholder
institutions to achieve a positive perception.
Each coastal village with a positive outcome has a unique pathway. For example, Ndaonuse requires
the presence of social condition, awareness, and activity for a positive outcome, while Sulamu
necessitates the presence of social status, existence, and activity for a positive perception.
Figure 2 depicts a Venn diagram illustrating the combination of conditions and outcomes, as
well as the coastal villages that align with the truth table analysis. In the diagram, each box is divided
into two areas: zero and one. The horizontal axis represents the social condition, with zero (low social
status) on the left side of the box and one (social = 1) on the right side. The vertical axis represents the
awareness condition, with zero in the upper part and one in the lower part. The other four boxes can
be interpreted in a similar manner, with each box displaying a combination of five digits representing
the presence (1) or absence (0) of the five conditions.
The green-colored areas indicate an outcome of one (perception = 1). For instance, Letekonda
exhibits a strong perception of Savu conservation supported by the presence of social status, activity,
and participation, while the other two conditions are absent (indicated by the digit combination
10011). All other green areas represent combinations of causal conditions as outlined in the truth table
analysis. The pink-colored areas indicate a zero outcome (low perception or perception = 0), while
the white areas indicate a remainder (R), signifying the possibility of causal combinations among the
five conditions, but these cases were not found in the study.
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Benteng Dewa, Nangalili, and Tablolong have excellent and similar pathways for positive
outcomes. The social conditions of the community are primarily fishermen, farmers and traders who
depend on coastal and marine resources for their livelihoods. In terms of educational background,
most respondents have primary school education, followed by junior high school and then senior
high school. In terms of information sources, the most widely used media are radio and television.
Campaigns for sustainable management of coastal and marine resources through the media in the
community play an important role as an awareness effort. Awareness efforts on the importance of
coastal and marine resource management in the Savu Sea have been carried out by NGOs and local
governments and can be accessed through several media (print and electronic) and verbally.
Community awareness of coastal and marine environmental conservation regulations is very high,
which can be assessed from several factors such as: the existence of the term and definition of marine
protected areas in the community, community responses to the layout of villages in marine protected
areas, community responses to the types of fishing gear allowed, community perceptions of activities
allowed in coastal areas, and community attitudes towards receiving sanctions.
More than 70% of the community are aware of the term and definition of marine protected areas.
Not only are they aware of the existence of conservation areas, but they have also applied the
activities that are allowed/not allowed in conservation areas, such as being allowed to plant seaweed
and not allowed to take corals or cut mangrove wood. The community also participates or takes on
the role of a Supervisory Community Group, some are actively involved in the activities of local
environmental organizations in their respective areas.
The level of dependence on the environment shapes the perception of conservation inherent in
their daily lifestyle. The community's perception of knowledge and attitude towards the importance
of local wisdom in conservation areas is very high. The community stated that the principle of living
in harmony with nature is still practiced in daily life; the coast and sea in my village are maintained
by customary rules; I will feel guilty if I do not take good care of nature; I believe conservation efforts
will provide natural resource reserves for the future; I believe what I do will have an impact on the
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marine biota, seaweed cultivation, salt processing, and beach tourism. Although limited, the
community still applies customary traditions in the utilization of coastal and marine resources, for
example the tradition of "Pili Nyale" (catching sea worms) which is carried out only once a year in
February-March, precisely the day before the implementation of the Pasola tradition. The utilization
of marine resources by local communities in the coastal areas of the study villages is generally not
optimal due to the limited production assets and technical skills possessed by the communities. This
condition causes utilization activities to be concentrated in the coastal and coral reef areas.
Sulamu. The people of Sulamu Village make their main livelihoods as fishermen, farmers and
traders. Most of the community relies heavily on coastal and marine resources as fishermen and
seaweed farmers. Education levels in Sulamu are low, with the average graduating only from
primary school and junior high school. However, access to information sources from households that
control/own communication tools in Sulamu Village in 2020 was quite high and reached more than
61% of households in Sulamu Regency. Communication tools used as sources of information include
radio/tape, television, satellite dishes and mobile phones. The existence of natural disaster
anticipation/mitigation facilities/efforts such as an early warning system for natural
disasters/specifically Tsunami, safety equipment, as well as signs and disaster evacuation routes
already exist and function well compared to the other 6 villages that do not have these disaster
mitigation facilities/efforts at all in Sulamu Regency.
The existence of the Savu Sea NMP is realized by the Sulamu Village community as a marine
area that needs to be preserved to ensure the sustainability of coastal and marine resources. Protection
efforts that have been carried out by the Sulamu Village community are conducting waste cleanup
activities on the coast as well as community-based waste management discussions. Efforts to build
public awareness in terms of waste disposal behavior to the willingness to manage waste together
more responsibly and provide benefits are carried out with stakeholders who observe the coastal and
marine environment.
This has a positive impact on the perception of the Sulamu Village community on the importance
of the existence of the Savu Sea NMP. Community perceptions are built starting from campaigns and
discussions of community-based coastal and marine management. With the presence of commitment
as a positive outcome towards the perception and existence of the Savu Sea NMP, this village has
proclaimed itself as “Kampung Bahari Nusantara” (or maritime village of the archipelago). The
existence of this Kampung Bahari Nusantara, invites various parties to come and carry out various
pro-coastal and marine environmental activities that can improve the standard of living of the people
in this village.
Community activities in efforts to conserve coastal and marine resources in conservation areas
are active participation through several programs such as: strengthening the mentoring of tolerance
attitudes towards seaweed farming community groups through the existence of seaweed, and
community empowerment based on fishermen partnerships with the district government. Other
supporting activities that are routinely carried out by the Sulamu community such as beach cleaning,
training to improve the quality of seafood products, and other activities in order to increase
community capacity in sustainable coastal and marine resource management.
NuseVillage. Nuse Island is one of Indonesia's outermost small islands located in Ndao Nuse
Subdistrict, Rote Ndao Regency. Nuse Island has coral reef and fish ecosystems and white sandy
beaches that can be found in almost all parts of the island. More than 93% of villagers in Nuse Island,
Ndao Nuse subdistrict make a living as fishermen and depend on the sea for their livelihood. Most
of the Nuse people have only completed primary school.
The southern waters of Nuse Island, around 631.41 hectares, are included in the utilization zone
of the Savu Sea National Park, supporting the activities of the fishing community. The small pelagic
fisheries sector is the mainstay of the community. The fishery commodity comes from small pelagic
fish with the leading commodity Squid (Loligo sp.). Simple fishing gear used by fishermen is
environmentally friendly fishing gear, such as fishing rods and gill nets. The fishing fleet used by
Nuse fishermen is dominated by Jukung (also known as cadik is a small wooden Indonesian
outrigger canoe) and outboard motor boats.
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Perception is one of the factors that form an awareness in a person. The level of awareness of the
Nuse community on the importance of conservation can be seen from how the Hoholok/Papadak
wisdom is perceived towards the perceived object, in this case coastal and marine resources. If
associated with the results of the study, the perception of conservation leads to a positive outcome.
The perception of conservation is very high because one of the local wisdoms that exists in Rote
Ndao Regency and is still implemented until now is Hoholok/Papadak, which is a customary
agreement/local wisdom that applies on land and at sea in an area that has natural resources that
according to the owner/government can be useful for many people and steps, so it needs to be
protected by customary events. The application of Hoholok/Papadak wisdom in coastal and marine
areas in Rote Ndao Regency, which is first implemented on land and has an effect on resource
sustainability, is deemed necessary to be adopted and applied in coastal and marine areas, especially
to support the management and supervision of the Savu Sea NMP. To date, there are 3 nusak
(customary areas) that are used as pilots for the application of Hoholok/Papadak in coastal and
marine areas. However, the perception of the importance of protecting coastal and marine resources
in the wisdom of Hoholok/Papadak and the existence of villages in the Savu Sea NMP conservation
area is known to most Rote people so that the preservation of coastal and marine resources can be
maintained in Nuse Village.
Nangabere, Londa Lusi, and Lenang. The communities in these three villages are mostly
fishermen, farmers, and breeders. As a fishing community, they do not only earn income from
catching fish, but also from obtaining fish, shellfish, shrimp, seaweed, at times when the sea is
receding, or what is commonly known by the local term makameting. Community activities in
utilizing coastal resources in addition to fishing, also a small portion of seaweed cultivation and salt-
making business.
Public awareness of the importance of preserving the coastal and marine areas of the national
marine park is shown in several coastal environmental conservation activities such as mangrove
cultivation; protection of marine biota such as Olive Ridley turtles and the use of environmentally
friendly fishing gear (passive, traditional fishing gear) such as Bubu often called traps and guiding
barriers; these tools are often called fishing pots or fishing baskets. In order to prepare excellent
fishermen as the backbone of the maritime economy, several fishermen capacity building trainings
such as fishermen capacity building training in fisheries business management based on coastal
ecosystem conservation have been conducted.
The existence of the Savu Sea NMP conservation area gives a special meaning to these three
villages. With high awareness and always actively participating in efforts to conserve coastal and
marine resources, several community-based environmental organizations such as the conservation
youth association and the monitoring community group.
Participation in conservation efforts is very high in these three Villages, one example of
community participation in turtle conservation activities such as the release of hatchlings released
from five semi-natural nests and the Olive Ridley turtle species. People who are members of the
Nanga Bere Village community group until 2021 to 2022 have released 1,800 sea turtles to the Savu
Sea NMP. This activity aims to increase public awareness, especially the people of Nanga Bere
Village, of the importance of preserving the environment, protecting protected biota and the function
of conservation areas. Other participation took the form of mangrove plantation.
The perception of the community of Londa Lusi village in Rote Ndao Regency is influenced by
the local wisdom of Hoholok/Papadak; while the perception of the community of Nangabere Village
in West Manggarai Regency that conservation of coastal and marine resources is a must is expressed
in a commitment that Nanga Bere Village becomes a pilot area for sea turtle conservation in mainland
Flores and Indonesia; for the community of Lenang Village in Central Sumba Regency, coastal
resources are a kind of economic support and at the same time to fulfill nutrition for people living in
coastal areas.
Mebba dan Raemadia. The awareness of the people of Mebba Village and Raemadia Village in
West Sabu Subdistrict, Sabu Raijua Regency has similarities in the perception of the existence of the
Savu Sea NMP as a sustainable provider of coastal and marine resources. Making a living as
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fishermen, the community is very dependent on the availability of resources from coastal and marine
ecosystems. In the coastal area, the community is aware of the importance of mangrove ecosystems
as a habitat for existing marine biota and the importance of coastal environmental health in the pond
area for salt production. In the marine area, the community realizes the importance of using
environmentally friendly fishing gear.
The existence of conservation areas is an important part of local government policy as stipulated
in the local regulation of Sabu Raijua Regency number 3 of 2011 concerning the regional spatial plan
of Sabu Raijua Regency Year 2011-2031 which has well regulated nature conservation areas for the
Savu Sea national waters conservation area; fisheries allotment areas for capture fisheries,
aquaculture (including mariculture, seaweed, salt ponds) and industrial fish processing; local
protection areas such as coastal border areas; as well as provisions for zoning regulations as well as
the rights, obligations and roles of the community in spatial planning. The existence of this regional
regulation assists sustainable coastal and marine resource management plans and supports all
resource utilization activities.
The local government's focus on developing the area is also demonstrated by the government's
commitment to propose the entire island of Sabu Raijua to become a national geopark area. Geoparks
are the basis for geotourism development [18]. Geoparks can encourage this area not to have high-
value geological heritage and geological diversity, but including biodiversity and culture that are
integrated in it, and developed with three main pillars, namely conservation, education, and local
economic development [19,20,21]. Thus, the development in these two villages has a clear pathway
towards a conservation-based area.
In addition to the commitment of the local government, the community is also taking part in
efforts to conserve and protect resources. This can be seen from the utilization activities of coastal
areas such as salt ponds in Mebba Village producing quality salt according to Indonesian national
standards; while resource utilization in marine areas is the activity of catching small pelagic fisheries,
demersal fish and reef fish using fishing gear that is very environmentally friendly based on the Code
of Conduct Responsible for Fisheries (CCRF) [22]. These two resource utilization activities determine
the high rate of community perception and participation in protecting coastal and marine resources
Community perception in the use of environmentally friendly fishing gear is very well shown
by the use of gill net, troll line, casting net, purse seine, and long line. The highest scores for CCRF
criteria assessment [24] are high selectivity of fishing gear, not damaging habitats and breeding
grounds for fish or other organisms, and not damaging marine biodiversity.
Community participation in both villages in maintaining the health of marine ecosystems can
be seen from the high participation rate of fishermen, almost all of whom use very environmentally
friendly fishing gear. In addition, the community actively participates in several conservation
activities of the Savu Sea such as routine monitoring and review of management plans and zoning of
the Savu Sea NMP, community capacity building activities, and active in carrying out marine
monitoring functions as a community supervisory group.
Loborai and South Netemnanu. Loborai Village in Sabu Raijua Regency and South Netemnanu
Village in Kupang Regency have the same perception or perspective on the existence of the Savu Sea
NMP as a coastal and marine area that can provide a future for the community. The uniqueness of
the resources and the existence of the two areas which are the core zone and utilization zone of the
Savu Sea NMP, make these two locations have the same pathways and produce positive cluster
The importance of the existence of the Savu Sea NMP conservation area is a shared responsibility
and requires cooperation from all parties. Conservation activities such as mangrove plantation are
carried out with the concept of pentahelix [25,26] or multi-stakeholders involving elements of
government, academics, agencies or businesses, communities or communities and the media [27]. In
the case of Loborai Village, the existence of coastal and marine areas and resources cannot be
separated from the attention of the local government. In the seaweed farming sector, there is a
seaweed factory in this area; the tourism sector, such as the existence of Raemea Beach, which is one
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of the unique and amazing tourist attractions with white sand and giant golden-red cliffs; and the
existence of Biu Port (the longest port dock in ENT Province) for sea transportation services between
regions in ENT Province. The presence of coastal and marine resources as well as port facilities has
fostered a very high public awareness of the importance of protecting and preserving the
environment [28]. This is evident from several community activities in efforts to protect coastal
marine areas and resources such as participating in various opportunities such as the mangrove
planting movement in Loborai Village, as well as community participation in several existing
conservation programs.
Regarding South Netemnanu Village, the existence of Batek Island covering an area of 946.02
hectares as a core zone in the Savu Sea NMP area plays an important role in maintaining the
boundaries between countries. Batek Island is Indonesia's frontier island bordering the Democratic
Republic of Timor Leste, the beach is a green turtle nesting site, there are coral reefs, migration
corridors for cetaceans, whales and dolphins. In this core zone, there is an Indonesian National Army
guard post on the island. With the existence of this core zone, community awareness has increased
in terms of national defense and security, and community activities are limited in this area with the
core zone.
Namodale and Tesabela. Public awareness of the abundance of marine life and the good
condition of coral reefs with a percentage of live coral cover of up to 80% greatly supports underwater
tourism activities. This healthy water condition supports tourism activities in Tesabela Village and
Namodale Village. Having beach tourism and marine tourism capital makes these two villages in
the same pathway cluster with positive outcomes.
The existence of the Savu Sea NMP is of particular concern to the people of Namodale Village
and Tesabela Village. There is concern from the provincial government such as launching Namodale
Village as Kampung Tangguh Nusantara in 2021 as an effort to increase public awareness to maintain
health protocols in the context of national economic recovery from the impact of covid-19 and various
other efforts such as revitalizing inclusive tourism villages and increasing the capacity of multi-
parties to support tourism.
Community participation in these two regions is very high, especially in active participation in
several environmental programs in coastal and marine areas such as mangrove tree planting
activities as a concern for the environment, especially in efforts to prevent coastal abrasion, as well
as several monitoring activities for the use of marine resources of the Savu Sea MNP which are routine
activities of the BKKPN. The perception of the community in Namodale Village and Tesabela Village
on marine conservation is very high because one of the local wisdoms [29-31] in Rote Ndao Regency
that is still implemented today is Hoholok/Papadak.
5. Conclusions
Stakeholder engagement plays a crucial role in achieving successful and sustainable
management of marine conservation areas, particularly in the case of the Savu Sea marine
conservation area. The active participation of stakeholders and their strong perception regarding the
significance of marine conservation as a means to mitigate environmental risks are essential for
ensuring the sustainable livelihoods of the coastal communities surrounding the Savu Sea. This study
identifies the complex causal conditions that contribute to strong participation in the sustainable
management of the marine conservation program in the Savu Sea. It highlights that awareness of
environmental issues and participation in multistakeholder institutions form a robust combination
of conditions that lead to a positive perception. Additionally, social status partially supports the
strong perception of the conservation area.
The findings of this study offer valuable insights for policymakers, emphasizing the importance
of fostering strong positive perceptions to harness the benefits of the marine conservation area.
Encouraging community involvement in the protection, utilization, and enforcement of sustainable
marine conservation in the Savu Sea is crucial. Such efforts would enhance resilience to
environmental risks stemming from the unsustainable use of marine resources. Moreover, a strong
perception among coastal communities would foster a sense of ownership and belonging to the
Preprints ( | NOT PEER-REVIEWED | Posted: 19 September 2023 doi:10.20944/preprints202309.1206.v1
conservation area, challenging the common perception that conservation areas are solely top-down
management schemes designed by the government for conservation purposes.
At its current stage, this study relies on primary data in the form of crisp set data (binary).
Further research could be developed, such as using fuzzy set QCA to incorporate more complex
causal conditions. Additionally, combining secondary data on the ecosystem services provided by
the conservation area would provide a more comprehensive understanding of the role of the
conservation area for coastal communities. Furthermore, exploring the resilience aspect by
combining social resilience and ecosystem resilience to mitigate risks driven by socio-economic and
environmental factors could be another avenue for future studies.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, C.A.P. and A.F.; methodology, A.F.; software, A.F.; validation,
C.A.P., A.F. and D.A.; formal analysis, A.F.; investigation, C.A.P. and D.A.; data curation, C.A.P.; writing—
original draft preparation, C.A.P.; writing—review and editing, A.F.; visualization, A.F. All authors have read
and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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